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Take me, Take Me, Now! Chapter 3: Compliance

"Marie has arrived at the hotel to meet her lover and is immediately challenged to give up control."

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All the way to the Hilton Marie found her mind wandering. She was concentrating so much on shifting her weight, due to the pressure of "junior" in her ass, that she was startled by the Long Island drivers cutting in front of her distracted eyes. Even after a near collision, she quickly found herself again day-dreaming. Marie was focused on the visual picture Jim had painted for her. She wet her lips thinking of his swollen cock waiting to please her.

His last words to her had begun with, "I'm here naked at the hotel waiting for you."

Not caring if she sounded too willing Marie had quickly replied. "Baby, I want you. I want you so fucking much!"

She could still hear his deep radio voice calling out to her.

"Please, hurry to me. My cock is so swollen that you could not get your tiny hand around it. When I squeeze it the throbbing is sending pre-cum out of my pee hole. I want you to lick the pre-cum off my shaft all the way down to my smooth balls."

Marie recalled how she had licked her lips with desire during their first cam session. She had sat mesmerized by Jim stroking and squeezing his very thick cock. Lost in her world of long suppressed lust, Marie would fuck herself with her glass toy and dream it was Jim pressing deep inside of her. Jim would tease her by focusing the camera on the pulsating head of his circumcised dick. The purple head and bulging vein pulsated as his climax neared. As her own climax began to build she would watch intently for his swollen vein to twitch. Marie would explode in her own climax as thick globs of hot cum began to shoot towards the camera.

Jim roared his climax with, "Oh fuck, babe… I want you so much!"

Marie felt a tingle as she remembered the first time his massive load had splashed deep inside of her. His hot fluids joined with hers and had come gushing from her pussy. The sensation of the explosion of his liquid lust was felt deep inside her. It had combined with the stroking pressure on her G-spot, from his expertly directed cock, to send her over the edge. To receive more of him Marie had spread her legs wide and lifted them above his shoulders. She grabbed the backs of her shaking legs and held them above her chest. Pinned to the bed she surrendered to pounding that soon set off her second, then a third, climax. With each deep thrust the fruit of their lust escaped her thick pussy lips to coat his balls, the insides of her legs, and her ass.

That first rush of pleasure was quickly followed by his deep kisses and thrusting tongue. She wanted to feel a part of him. She released her legs and wrapped her arms around him. Listing herself off the bead she clutched his hairy chest against her heaving breasts. As the satisfying cum dripped out of her Marie enjoyed how her legs continued to move with aftershocks. She knew she would never again be satisfied by David's clumsy foreplay. She also knew she could no longer bear David’s slight penetration from his unremarkable thin dick. Marie had vowed that night she would no longer accept her pleasure being limited by his unsatisfying quick cum, usually on the inside of her leg, as he withdrew from her after only a few thrusts.

Marie shook herself from the lingering daydream and hurried to head out the door to her car. She paused long enough in the hall way for a brief text, "I'm dressed and on my way."

Before he hung up Jim had gave her some last minute instructions. "Marie, please use Valet parking. We do not want to waste any time."

"Is there anything else?" Marie asked almost absent-mindedly as she adjusted her bustier once last time before getting into the car.

To her surprise instead of a reply text, the phone rang. "Yes!" Jim said. Then, after an effective long pause to get her attention he continued in a slow, deep, sexy tone, "You must say 'Yes' to the first three things asked of you when you arrive. Do you understand?"

"Yes, anything!” Then remembering his previous instruction she quickly added, “I forgot again... Yes, Please, Take me, Take me, Now!"

It was just past noon when Marie pulled into the valet check-in lane. Pulling the car slowly forward she was a little taken back by the large number of bellmen gathered at the front door. They all looked in her direction as if they were expecting her. So close to home she had hoped to slip in and out of the hotel unnoticed. As she put the car in park, and reached for her shoes, all of them smiled at her. The youngest of the group quickly caught her door.

"Welcome to Hilton, Miss Marie." He smiled broadly, as if they had just shared a great joke together.

"Thank you," Marie replied as she put on her first shoe and prepared to exit the car.

"May I park your car for you?” The young man offered her his hand. While holding the door he openly admired the view of Marie's extended leg while stealing a glance down the top of her bustier.

"It is complimentary for you!" He added while blushing slightly as Marie caught the focus of his gaze upon her breasts.

"Ah, I guess it would be ok." Marie replied hesitantly.

"Say," Marie continued after taking notice of his name tag "Jimmy, how did you know my name?"

Taking the offered car keys from her hand, young Jimmy continued to hold her arm. He stared openly at her shapely ass as she inserted her bright red toes into the other come-fuck-me shoe.

As Marie stood unsteadily from the car Jimmy replied, "He, the older gentleman, told us to expect you."

The older of the bellman then stepped forward. He smiled broadly as he patted Jimmy's tip pocket. "Jimmy is supposed to 'Take good care of the lady' and I’m to make certain she is not delayed."

Taking the keys from Jimmy the older bellman nodded towards the revolving entrance. "You two better get going!"

"Yes sir," Jimmy replied.

Taking her arm in his the young man moved quickly towards the main entrance doorway. Before Marie had an opportunity to protest he urged her forward. Fortunately, his firm grip helped her walk with a steady gait. Marie found that crossing her footsteps helped to steady her walk, and had the added benefit of holding junior tight. She held tightly onto Jimmy's arm and concentrated on not falling. She was very aware that the way she walked was rolling her hips and sending her ass back and forth. The exaggerated movement was as if to wave "Good bye, boys" to the remaining bellmen.

Marie walked arm in arm with the young bellman. She felt her breasts trapped neatly against the young man's warm arm. She doubted that this contact and slight tease was by accident. Crossing the threshold into the hotel she drew more unwanted attention. Her unsteady legs sent her spiked heels hitting loudly against the marble flooring. A loud "Click, Click, Click" noise radiated from her, across the lobby.

"Am I being escorted, or delivered?" Marie wondered to herself. "I'm sure I'm not making the quite, unnoticed, entrance that I had planned."

As Jimmy whisked her past the front-desk check-in clerks who smiled at her and nodded. Marie nervously returned their smiles with a slight nod. As she moved her head away, to see where Jimmy was taking her, a petite young clerk with jet black hair picked up the phone. The clerk continued to watch them with clear interest, as the pair crossed the lobby to the elevators. Had Marie turned back towards the clerk she would have noticed that the young woman had licked her own red lips. She was taking in both Marie and the young bellman. He gaze swept across his tight ass and from Marie’s head down to her down to her come-fuck-me shoes. 

Bending her head towards his, in a moment of conspiracy, Marie asked of Jimmy in a soft voice, "Where are we going?" 

"Nothing but the best for Marie," he answered and then added, "Penthouse suite."

Marie watched as he used his free hand to insert the floor override key into the polished brass panel.

After he pressed "Executive Floor" the doors closed and the elevator began its swift assent. Although they were no longer walking Jimmy continued to hold her arm so that she remained close to him. After a few floors sped by she became aware that Jimmy was looking intently at her reflection in the polished brass doors. She also realized that although the car was very large he had remained so close that their hips were in contact. His gaze was locked on the edge of her red bustier plainly visible under her dress. She also realized that the back of the elevator was all glass. Marie wondered about the view she was giving the people in the lobby below. Could they see the outline of her red thong and the slight bulge that announced the location of junior?

The anticipation, coupled with the tease of a young man's attention, heighted Marie's desire to get to her destination. She desperately wanted to remove junior and get into her lovers arms. However, it had been a long time since a young stud had even noticed her let alone stood so close to her. Marie wickedly enjoyed some fleeting thoughts of the lad suckling on her breasts. She had an eyes-open day dream of him dropping down between her legs to begin licking her smooth pussy.

As they approached the half way point in their climb Jimmy reached forward and inserted a second key in a slot marked "Override". Tightening his grip on Marie's arm he turned the key to the right and the elevator motion stopped suddenly. Marie was surprised that no alarm sounded when the doors did not open.

Instinctively Marie tried to pull away. "Let me go," she demanded. "What are you doing?"

"Please," Jimmy begged of her, his free hand motioning for her to remain calm. "May I see it?"

"See what?" Marie asked, again trying to pull free of his tight grasp.

"Junior," he replied with the most anxious blue eyes Marie had ever seen. "May I see and hold junior?"

"Oh, my, God!" Marie exclaimed while giving up on her efforts to pull away.

She then remembered Jim's final words to her. "You must say YES to the first three things asked of you when you arrive." She thought Valet parking the car was what he had intended.

"Here, in the elevator?" Marie pleaded, "Where everyone can see me?"

Jimmy did not have to say a word.

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She knew from the young man's broad grin and open palm that her protest would be in vain.

"You have to learn to give up control," Jim had admonished her.

"Ok, turn around and block the view from below," Marie said with resignation in her voice. She was thinking she could quickly retrieve the plug and be done with this.

"No!" The young man replied firmly. "You bend over, and I'll get it."

"No!" Marie exclaimed as she backed towards the glass wall. "You are not touching my ass. No, fucking way!"

As Jimmy stood stoic, their eyes locked in a silent struggle. Marie noticed the bulge in his pants and the small stain starting to bleed through. She immediately knew this was something he had been thinking of, probably for hours.

Marie offered what she thought was a more satisfying alternate in an attempt to negotiate. "How about if rub that hard young dick of yours, instead?"

"No!" Jimmy replied and then added softly, "He said you would try that."

"Damn you, Jim," Marie said aloud and then to Jimmy, "So, what happens if I refuse?"

Jimmy replied smoothly, as if he had been drilled on this question a hundred times.
"I'm to take you back down to lobby, get your car, give you the keys, and send you home."

"Just like that?" Marie inquired nervously.

"Just like that," Jimmy said flatly. He quickly added, "I won't hurt you, I promise."

Marie directed her mental attention to junior and realized the mandated hour was about up. Laughing she thought aloud "That son-of-a-bitch, he had this planned out all along."

"Yes," Jimmy agreed smiling. "That son-of-a-bitch told me he has had this planned for a long, long time."

Marie turned away from the lad and said with resolution, "Well, I have come this far and I'm NOT going home now, not after all this."

Marie turned towards the glass side of the elevator car she gripped the brass hand rail. Rising up on her toes, to stretch her cramping legs, Marie began to slowly bend forward. If she was to put on a public show then she was going to enjoy it. Turning her head so she could watch the young man's stare she began walking herself back towards him as she slowly bent over. With each step Marie continued to lean forward further, pushing her ass higher into the air. She realized that holding the brass hand rail, with her breast bursting to be free, she was acting as if she was in one of Jim's stories. When she had reached the limit of her arms she reached behind to pull her yellow dress up over her ass.

"Ok, baby boy," she spoke with a seductive growl, "Junior wants to come out and play".

Jimmy remained frozen. The tease had been called and he was woefully unprepared to really act. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever expect to see such a beautiful “Mother I'd Love to Fuck” bent over in front of him. His youthful virgin lust was hammering him with hormonal desires as he looked at her reflection in the mirror, then her face, and then back to the inviting ass.

Sensing his trepidation, Marie stood back up.

"Look," Marie began in her mother scolding tone, "If you are going to tell a woman to bend over you had better be prepared to do something about it."

Marie reached out to take his hand in hers. In a softer tone she continued, "Jimmy, listen to me, I have not been fucked in months. Your finger, on that GO button, is standing between me and my lover. Make a choice, go for it, or let me go!"

"Bend over!" Jimmy demanded, all hesitation cleared from his voice.

"That's better," Marie replied as she once again began her slow decent towards exposing herself to the lad and the people below.

Holding herself steady with one hand, she again lifted her dress hem above her waist. Marie was very aware of the lustful hunger in the young man's eyes. Jimmy moved forward and threw her dress back almost over her head. He then slowly slid his hands softly over her ass cheeks as if they were priceless ivory.

"Oh, damn, these feel so fucking HOT," Jimmy exclaimed.

"I'm glad you approve," Marie cooed at the boy as she bent one leg, then the other, to accentuate her firm ass.

As the lad began to run his fingers down the inside of her legs Marie clamped her legs together.

"Stop!" Marie demanded.

"Why?" The lad looked at her with a mixture of lust and confusion.

"Drop your pants!" Marie demanded. "I'm not going to be the only one exposed up here.”

Without hesitation Jimmy undid his uniform pants and let them fall to the floor. Swiftly he then pulled down his black silk shorts, visibly stained with the pre cum that had been leaking.

"Were you expecting company?" Marie teased as she eyed the young man's long thin cock and trimmed blond pubic hairs.

Not waiting for his reply Marie pulled her thong aside to expose the end of junior. She then spread her legs three steps wide, bent as far as she could, and arched her ass to the limit of her toes.

"This is it, baby boy." Marie bounced her ass in invitation knowing that the young man was now beyond hearing.

Jimmy ran his hands up inside Marie's legs. He had never felt, or seen, a shaved pussy before. The heated scent was over powering as he gently touched her slit and traced the thong up over her ass. The base of junior was clearly visible, but, he did not want to rush things.

"How do I get it out?" Jimmy asked, more as a delaying tactic than for any need of real information.

"You have to use your teeth," Marie lied with a most evil chuckle.

"You want me to put my mouth, on your ass?" It was now Jimmy's turn to act incredulous.

"That's how Jim first got it in there," Marie lied adding, "That's the only way I know he has approved for you to take it out".

Marie could see the options Jimmy was exploring as they played across his worried brow.

“Look," Marie began to again straighten, "Do you want the damn thing or not? Just open your mouth wide, clamp your lips around it and pull it out. How hard is that?”

Marie laughed inside. She reached up to help by pulling the thong further aside. The red velvet material caressed her clit, and she was thankful for the touch. As Jimmy leaned forward Marie could see his young cock bobbing in the air and his pre-cum glistening. As the young man brought his mouth close to her exposed ass Marie was teased by his hot breath upon her ass cheeks and moist pussy lips. As he began to get his teeth on the base Marie felt him spread her ass cheeks wider. Suddenly, the pressure in her ass said he was pushing it in further, not pulling it out.

Impatient with his foolishness Marie pressed her ass back against his face, jamming junior into his gaping mouth. Marie stood while squeezing inside to eject junior herself.

A loud "plop" accompanied a great release of pressure, and a most un-lady like fart, confirmed junior had finally been released.

As Marie stood to face him she laughed at the wide eyed young man still holding the base of junior in his mouth.

Adjusting her thong and smoothing her dress back down Marie set her sights on the joyful young man before her. Jimmy dropped junior into his cupped hands.

"Your turn," she announced taking junior out of his hands. "You saw it; you held it; now bend over!"

"I don't understand,” the young man protested as he took his turn backing against the glass wall of the elevator, almost tripping over the pants still wrapped around his ankles.

"I said it is your turn, now bend over!" Without waiting for any more argument Marie firmly took hold of Jimmy's young cock and pulled it towards the floor like a window curtain.

As Jimmy bent forward and looked down to lobby below he grabbed the brass rail to steady himself to keep from falling to the floor. He could see Mary the check-in clerk from the front desk. Even from four floors up Jimmy could clearly see she was looking back up at him. The expression on her face was intense.

"Oh shit." Jimmy struggled to right himself.

"Not yet," Marie demanded. She then caressed the young man's ass, wetted her fingers in her mouth and deftly inserted them into the young man's tight ass, while squeezing his young cock.

"Oh, shit!" He yelled, trying to stand and eject the intruders in his bum.

Marie, following Jim's expert ministrations on her ass, spread her fingers wide and thrust them twice into the boys ass, up to the 2nd knuckle. Before he could react she quickly pulled them out, trailing a wet tease across the back of his nut sack.

"I think you are ready," was Marie's only words to him as she bent to the task at hand.

"I almost exploded," announced the relieved boy staring down at his secret love. He was lost in thought wondering if all was now lost as she saw him so dominated by this MILF.

"Really?" Marie laughed as junior, still wet and warm from exiting her ass, was then quickly pressed into the lads virgin bum.

"Ouch!" He screamed while trying to straighten himself. He was, however, held in place by her firm grip on his cock.

Jimmy was lost in the new pain in his ass, the pleasure of Marie firmly holding his cock while rubbing his balls, and the embarrassment of Mary looking up at him. The pressure of the plug, now firmly in his ass, competed with the boiling seed in his nut sack.

Marie now knew Jim had intended for her to live out this fantasy, to have and teach a young lover. As she pulled once, twice and then a final time, she let the nails of her free hand scrape across the sweet spot below his balls. Marie smiled as she could feel the eruption, sending the boy over the edge. She continued to milk his cock, with hard short strokes, sending the young lads spunk flying in massive squirts onto the enclosed elevator floor, and glass wall.

"Oh... Damn!" Jimmy groaned as his legs buckled with the intensity of his climax and he fell against the rail.

Reaching up under her dress Marie wiped the wet cum from her hand onto the thin material covering her shaved pussy.

"Jim will want to smell the evidence," she spoke aloud.

"Now," Marie firmly directed her next remarks to the spent lad, "are you ready to take me to my lover?"

Written by diamondjim
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