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Summer Heat

"Allen reclaims Paige as his kitten."

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Author's Notes

"This will be the first story of more episodes to come. Summer Heat is a clear picture of how two people cannot resist each other."

As I sped down the interstate, I adjusted the air conditioning vents in my car so they blew refreshingly cool air directly on me. It was a sweltering ninety-eight degrees outside with no end to the summer heat in sight.

It was Friday afternoon and the work week was finally over. As I sped down the highway, I loosened my tie and pulled it from around my neck before tossing it onto the passenger seat next to me. I was invited to a party later tonight, which I really didn't want to attend, but I decided I would go because I was certain "she" would be there. It was for that reason, and that reason alone, that I decided to attend.

Paige was irresistibly beautiful; she was young, tall, and slender from years of yoga. She was also voluptuous and loved showing off her young, tight, body. Men, and occasionally some women, would catcall her out in public which she always loved. 

Paige had a boyfriend of several years, but she was once also my kitten. Her insatiableness could never be satisfied by her boyfriend Jimmy, or any one man. When we first met, there was instant chemistry between us. We made arrangements to meet whenever we could, often meeting each other in coffee shops to talk. There was no denying there was a spark between us, and once that spark ignited, both of our lives changed forever. 

Paige didn't crave me just to be with me, she craved me because of how I handled her. While Jimmy was gentle with her and kissed her softly, I pinned her against the wall and kissed her hard and deep until her knees buckled. Jimmy undresses her slowly, in their bedroom, with the lights off before they make love. I tear her clothes off of her body anywhere I want so I can fuck her like how she needs to be fucked. Jimmy makes love to her in their bed with the lights off. I fuck her how she craves to be fucked, anywhere and at any time. He makes her cum. I allow her to cum, only after she asks permission and if I allow her to. 

We were an item for a couple of years, and then for whatever reason, we drifted apart. Just one week ago, out of chance, we ran into each other at a party. Once she realized I was there, we couldn't be stopped. She made up an excuse to leave Jimmy's side to seduce me on the way to the ladies' room, knowing full well I would follow her inside. Once I entered the ladies' room and locked the door, all of that unbridled passion resurfaced. After a much-needed kiss, I turned Paige to face the mirror above the sink, bent her over at the waist, yanked her panties down, and fucked her to an intense orgasm, causing her knees to buckle. Once again, I claimed her as my kitten. 

I pulled off of the interstate and made my way to the park on the coast so I could get some fresh air, albeit hot air. I parked my car under a tree so I was out of the sun. As I sat there looking out at the ocean, I thought back to last weekend. That passion, that intensity, that need, was so strong. I asked myself, why did we drift apart these past six months? 

Reaching down, I quickly pulled my shoes and socks off so I could walk on the beach. The temperature of the sand and the boardwalk would be too hot to walk on with bare feet so I turned around hoping I had my flip-flops with me. I reached into the back seat and found them partially hidden on the floor under the passenger seat. Quickly, I slipped my flip-flops on and I was ready to go. 

I stepped out of my car and walked down the boardwalk until I reached the beach. Beads of sweat were already forming on my forehead as I unbuttoned my shirt. The ocean air smelled refreshing as the waves crashed upon the shore.

 As I walked closer to the water, I could feel a bit of relief, as cooler air blew in off of the ocean. As the waves washed ashore, the salty water rushed over my feet, only cooling them slightly, as the water was quite warm. I trudged along the shoreline until I came to an outcropping of rocks. 

I left the edge of the water and walked toward the large rock formation. With each step I took away from the water, the temperature grew hotter. As I approached the rocks, I came upon a small alcove, hidden from the main view of the beach. 

This could be a romantic place for lovebirds, I thought to myself as I walked over to a small fire pit made out of rocks. The fire pit was filled with charred remnants and there were several pieces of firewood stacked neatly nearby. Looking around, the area was secluded, and nobody on the beach would know you were in there unless they came in and saw you. Slowly, I made my way out of the secluded area and continued walking down the beach.

As I walked across the hot sand, the sun felt even hotter now than it did when I first arrived. The crashing of the waves and the warm breeze felt comforting as I continued to walk. There were several other people on the beach but they were mostly wading in the water as it was too hot and the sun was just too intense to lay on a towel. 

Soon, I came across a large piece of driftwood. It looked like the tree trunk of a very large tree that had been in the ocean for a long time. The way it was positioned on the beach, it looked like it beached itself when the tide was high. I sat down on the oversized tree trunk and peered out into the ocean. As I stared out at the vast ocean, memories of Paige began to flood my mind. 

Last weekend truly showed me just how much she means to me. Even now as I sit here thinking about her, I feel my heart beating faster, and I feel my member swelling in the confines of my pants. Paige always had that effect on me. All I needed to do was simply talk to her and I would get an erection. Even thinking about her would arouse me. Reaching down, I adjusted my package so I could be a bit more comfortable as I sat and stared out at the waves. 

Flashbacks from all of my liaisons with her flooded my mind. I felt myself growing even harder as I thought about last weekend and the intense passion that we shared. There was so much about her that I adored. Looking around, there were now a few more people scattered around on the beach and in the water. The more I thought about her the more worked up I became. I was irritated that there were more people around because all I wanted to do was ease my cock out of my pants and masturbate to visions of my kitten Paige. 

I squeezed my package again, this time I felt precum ooze out of the tip of my manhood and into my underwear. I took a deep breath as a young couple slowly walked past, holding hands, and leaning against each other. I was a bit jealous because I wished that it was me and Paige walking like that. My bulge was throbbing in my pants as I continued thinking about the one girl that aroused me more than any girl I ever knew. My feelings for her were intense and I could see us together living in a lovely house in the suburbs, but it was complicated. 

I decided to jump off of the driftwood that I was sitting on and slowly walked along the edge of the water. The white cotton undershirt that I was wearing under my dress shirt was now disgustingly wet from sweat. Beads of perspiration occasionally ran from my forehead and down my face as I walked. I was in need of a good hot shower to wash the day and the sweat away, and air conditioning to cool down before the party tonight.

As I walked, my mind drifted back to Paige once again. Thoughts of her walking with me right now, holding my hand, felt both intense and real. I stopped for a moment as a vision of us embracing and kissing filled my mind. My eyes were closed and I swear I could feel her. Our arms around each other, the water rushing over our feet, our bodies pressed together and our tongues entwined, as we enjoyed an amazing kiss. I could even feel her ass, as every time I kiss her I squeeze her butt and make her moan softly. I felt myself lose my balance a bit as a larger wave came higher up my leg. My eyes opened as I looked around at the other beachgoers. 

Slowly I continued walking, going even farther away from my car. The beach was never ending as I continued walking until I came to a narrower section of the beach. As I walked along the edge of the water the beach grew narrower as the trees grew closer. The water was shallow and crystal clear as you could see right through it to the sand below. I seemed to be alone now as I looked around and saw nobody else. I wondered if I happened to enter private property, so I decided to stop and head back toward my car. As I stood there looking, it was a very beautiful section of the beach. I knew one day I would have to come back and continue exploring.

Slowly I began to walk back in the direction I came from. As a sheen of sweat covered my entire body, I was now asking myself why I walked so far. I was probably two miles from my car as I continued walking at the edge of the water. Sweat ran down my face as I was walking in the direction of the sun. A cold bottle of water sounded good right now but unfortunately, there were no vending machines nearby. I finally made my way back to the large tree trunk I sat on earlier, so I knew I was getting closer to my car. I was dripping with sweat and I was incredibly thirsty. 

Checking my cell phone it was getting late. I noticed on my phone that the temperature increased to ninety-nine degrees. As I walked, I began breathing heavier, as I increased my pace so I could get back to my air-conditioned vehicle. A short time later I finally made it back to the rock outcropping and the cozy alcove. I quickly walked back into the alcove so I could sit down against the rocks where there was shade. I didn't care that I now had sand stuck to my sweaty body, it just felt good to be out of the sun for a few minutes. As my thirst grew, so did my hunger as it was now after six and the last time I ate or drank anything was at lunch, six hours ago. Even though the shade was a big relief, I pulled myself back up to my feet and continued walking. 

After several more minutes, I could see the parking lot where I parked. It seemed to take an eternity before I finally reached the parking lot and my car. My heavy breathing and lack of water made me feel weak and tired. I opened my door and sat down and immediately started my car. 

Slowly I put the car in drive and took off. The cool air-conditioned air felt wonderful as I was drenched in sweat. After about twenty minutes of driving, I finally arrived at home. I grabbed my tie, shoes and socks and went inside. Instantly I got the chills as my house was air-conditioned and quite cool. I chugged a cold bottle of water before walking to the shower and stripping naked. It was a relief to remove my nasty sweaty clothes. I adjusted the water so it was cool, and then I stepped into the shower. I just stood under the shower head, letting it rain down on me. As I stood under the water, I thought about Paige. Instantly, my member began to swell and grow. Thoughts of her being right here in the shower with me made my cock swell even more. I slowly stroked my hardness, imagining her on her knees, pleasuring me with her mouth. Paige was very skilled at giving oral pleasure as she loved making me cum in her mouth. Her oral skills were amazing because she simply loved pleasuring men with her mouth. She genuinely loved doing it. 

Not wanting to cum, I released my cock from my grip and soaped up instead. Over the next twenty minutes, I finished showering and freshened up before I went and collapsed naked on my bed. It felt incredible to relax and lay down, especially in the air conditioning. Somehow as I lay there relaxing, I fell asleep. 

When I woke up it was already after eight-thirty. I jumped up and went to the kitchen to make something to eat for dinner. I ended up eating leftovers from yesterday and washed dinner down with a lot of ice water. After I finished eating, I returned to the restroom to finish getting ready for the party. I dressed casually, wearing a pair of nice Hagar pants, and a white button shirt. I stepped into a pair of matching dress shoes before returning to the mirror to make sure everything was adjusted properly. 

I grinned as I looked at my fifty-eight-year-old frame in the mirror. I envisioned my twenty-three-year-old kitten hanging on her boyfriend's arm wearing a sexy mini dress and sexy stilettos as she sips on a glass of wine. I was hoping she would wear this really short white dress tonight that she has worn in the past, as it really accents every amazing curve of her body.  

I thought about a tie, but I quickly dismissed that idea. I smiled in the mirror before grabbing my keys and walking out the door. I sat in my car for a few moments thinking about that romantic alcove hidden in the rocks at the beach, wondering if anyone would be there tonight. I smiled slightly as I thought about how nice it would be to spend the evening there with Paige. 

My smile intensified as I started my car and backed out of the driveway. As I drove to the party, I drove right past the beach where I was just at. It was significantly cooler now, almost comfortable, because of the sea breeze, as I sped along the inner coastal highway. As I continued driving, I watched the sun sink into the ocean.

The sky turned a beautiful shade of salmon as the sun sank further behind the horizon. I quickly exited the freeway as I sped down the exit ramp. Thoughts of Paige possibly being at the party caused my pulse to quicken. Moments later, I pulled into the elegant estate and parked my car.

There were already a lot of cars parked not only in the drive, but in the lawn as well. Slowly, I exited my car and softly closed the door. As I looked around, the scent of pine was in the air as the estate was completely ringed by tall narrow conifers. After clearing my throat I made sure my car was locked and walked toward the mansion. After climbing the concrete stairs, one of the staff opened the big wooden door for me.

Once inside, I was greeted by the butler who introduced himself as Mr. Benson. He held out his arm and told me the other guests were in the West Ballroom.  I thanked him before turning and walking down the long dimly lit hallway toward the ballroom.

As I arrived at the end of the corridor, I could hear other guests that were having a good time. I walked into the ballroom and stared in amazement. The room was huge, with a vaulted ceiling. The lighting was elegant and romantic, as couples congregated in small groups throughout the room. 

"A cocktail, Sir?" I was asked as I turned and looked at a very beautiful cocktail waitress.

"Sure," I said as I reached up and took one from her tray.

Before I could thank her, she turned and walked over to another couple, offering them each a drink. I couldn't help but stare at her. Her dress was skin tight, the bottoms of her ass cheeks were slightly visible, and she wore towering stilettos.  

"Like what you see?" I heard as I spun around, embarrassed because I was caught staring at a beautiful girl.

I raised my glass and toasted Mr. Thompson as I smiled and our glasses clicked together. We both took a sip and laughed.

"Very nice party," I said as I looked around at all of the well-dressed guests. 

"Thank you," Mr. Thompson said before we engaged in small talk, mostly about business.

As we talked, I continually scanned the room, looking for Paige. The number of guests seemed to have doubled in a relatively short amount of time. I vaguely remember what Mr. Thompson was talking about as my mind was on my kitten. I heard his voice as I simply nodded my head in agreement with what he was saying.

After a short period, the host of the party left to go mingle with others in the crowd while I walked over to a different cocktail waitress for another drink. Slowly, I circled the room along the outside, looking for any sign of Paige, or her boyfriend. 

I leaned up against the wall, sipping my drink as I admired all of the beautiful ladies. I recognized a few of the guests because we worked in the same industry. As I finished my second drink, I realized that everyone was paired up. I also realized that there were very few single people in attendance. 

As I wandered around the ballroom, I kept my eyes on the entrance for Paige. I made small talk with several guests that I met at one time or another during my career, as I occasionally glanced around for her. 

As we stood there chatting, a waitress stopped by with horderves.  We each took a piece of bacon-wrapped salmon and resumed talking. Just as I finished my horderve, everything around me seemed to fade away. 

I felt my breathing getting heavier. I felt flush as my cock began to throb in my pants. She was here now, and she looked amazing. One of the guests I was talking to asked me a question but I never heard him. Looking at the small group I excused myself, telling them I needed to use the restroom.

The room was fairly crowded. I walked through the ballroom, weaving between small groups of people, trying to not let Paige out of my site. Finally, I was closer and she looked amazing.

Her beautiful brown hair was up, styled so elegantly with two thin strands of hair that hung down at the sides of her face. She wasn't wearing the white dress that I hoped for, but she was wearing a very tight burgundy colored dress that exuded class and sexiness. Her long legs led to a very sexy pair of strappy stilettos that showcased her beautiful feet.

As I watched from a distance, she held the arm of her boyfriend. I didn't hate him, or despise him, I was actually quite jealous of him. He was much younger than me, but closer to her age. He had a career and made decent money which wasn't what I was jealous about. I was simply jealous because she was his girlfriend and not mine. 

They each had a drink and began to mingle. Paige walked in my direction, while her boyfriend went the other way. After several minutes of talking with a group of socialites, she noticed me. Glancing over at her boyfriend who was preoccupied with someone, Paige walked over to me and said hello.

"I didn't know you would be here tonight," Paige said as she glanced over at her boyfriend.

"I had a feeling you would be here. That's the only reason I came," I said as I watched her eyes widened and a faint smile appear on her face.

We stood there making small talk for several minutes. The only thing on my mind was what happened a week ago with her. I was also fairly certain that was what was on her mind as well.

Reaching out, I placed my hand on the small of her back and led her over to a secluded area away from the other guests. Once we were out of sight, I pulled her close and kissed her. There was no resistance, instead, our mouths opened and our tongues danced together as I reached down and squeezed her ass through her dress.

"Allen, we can't, we have to be careful," Paige said as she broke our kiss.

"I need you tonight," I said as Paige stepped back with a look of lust and desire in her eyes.

Looking over to my right was a restroom door. I looked back at Paige and grinned as she glanced over at the door too. Slowly she shook her head "no."

"Not that way Allen. I need more than a quickie in the restroom," she said as I realized that her nipples were now visible through her dress.

"Ditch your boyfriend later. Meet me at the Oceanfront Park at midnight," I said as a guest walked past and entered the restroom.

"I will try Allen. I don't know if I will be able to get away. If my boyfriend keeps drinking like he has been, he will be passed out by then," Paige said with a grin as she glanced around for him.

Moments later, the guest that entered the restroom now walked back out. We both were silent until he was out of earshot. Looking at each other we both giggled as she took a step back to go rejoin her boyfriend.

Just then, I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back. Pushing her against the wall, I reached up and gripped her throat.

I could see the excitement in her eyes as my other hand reached under her dress and cupped her panty-covered mound.

"Allen," she moaned loudly with a surprised and shocked look on her face.

I reached higher under her dress as my grip tightened slightly on her throat. Our eyes remained glued together as I hooked my finger around her panty and yanked it down. 

"Oh my God," Paige blurted out as my grip tightened around her throat. 

Leaning down, I pulled her thong down her legs and then quickly off of her feet. Looking into her eyes, my lips grazed hers, sending bolts of electricity racing through both of our bodies. 

Slowly, I released my grip as Paige adjusted her hair. I could tell by her heavy breathing and by the look in her eyes that she was more than turned on. Just as I took a step back, another guest walked past us and into the restroom.

"Allen, my boyfriend just bought that thong for me today, give it to me," Paige whispered as she reached for her panties, only to have me pull my hand away. 

"Not so fast," I whispered back as the bathroom door opened and the guest walked past us.

Lifting her panties to my nose, I inhaled, smelling my beautiful kitten's scent of arousal. I could feel her thong was slightly damp as I balled it up and shoved it into my pocket. 

"Allen, give it to me," she pleaded as I began walking back toward the congregating guests.

Paige quickly caught up and walked at my side as we approached the guests. A waitress approached us and offered us each a drink. We took the glasses as Paige gave me a rather stern glare. Just then, Paige noticed her boyfriend approaching. 

"Tonight at the park you can have your panties back," I said as I turned and walked through the crowd of people. 

Certain that she would meet me later, I walked out of the party and left. I felt ecstatic and excited because I knew tonight would be special. I walked to my car and left. 

Looking at my watch it was still early but I needed as much time as possible. I quickly made my way onto the freeway and sped down the coast as I pulled Paige's thong out of my pocket. Again, I lifted it to my face and inhaled sharply, smelling my divine kitten. Finally, I reached the exit that I wanted and I pulled off of the freeway. 

The department store that I was looking for was across the street, so I turned and pulled into the parking lot. As I walked into the store, I realized how much cooler it was now. 

I spent the better part of an hour shopping for what I wanted. I pushed my shopping cart up to the register and checked out. After paying the cashier, I pushed the shopping cart out to my car, loaded everything into the trunk, and then left.  

Again, I drove onto the coastal freeway only this time back in the direction I came from. Looking at my watch, it was nearly ten o'clock, which gave me just over two hours to prepare.  Again I lifted her thong to my face and inhaled. Instantly, my cock stiffened in my pants as I pulled off the exit that led to the park. 

There were hardly any other vehicles in the parking lot except for those that were probably night fishing. I parked my car and opened the trunk. I wanted tonight to be a surprise for Paige so I began putting the items that I just purchased into a backpack and small cooler that I kept stored in my car. Once I had everything packed, I took my shoes off and put my flip-flops on before locking my car.

With my backpack on my back, I was able to carry the cooler. I walked onto the beach and enjoyed the crisp cool ocean breeze. Hard to believe it was so hot earlier and now there was a refreshing chill in the air. As I walked, I passed up a couple of others who were hanging out on the beach. The sounds of the waves crashing drowned out any possibility of overhearing what they were talking about. After several minutes I reached that secluded romantic alcove that was nestled in the rock outcropping. 

Luckily, there was nobody in this romantic little alcove. Setting the cooler down, I took the backpack off and began decorating the area. I spent over an hour preparing the area exactly how I wanted it before I finally was finished. Reaching into the cooler I took out a bottle of ice cold water and sat down. 

As I relaxed, once again I lifted Paige's thong to my face, as visions of Paige filled my mind. How and why we drifted apart was a complete mystery. One thing I did know was now I was back and I wanted my kitten back. 

Thinking back to when we first met, she was such a shy and innocent girl. She was very inexperienced and clumsy. Even though we were completely opposite from each other, there was an attraction between us that was unstoppable. Even though I was thirty-four years older than her, I mentored her and turned her into the kitten that she is today. I was the one that released her inner slut. 

Looking at my phone, it was almost midnight. I took my now empty water bottle and walked out of the alcove and back across the beach to the parking lot. This time there were no guests on the beach and I was all alone. I loved the sound of the waves crashing into the shore as it made the darkness even more romantic. After several minutes of walking through the sand, I reached the parking lot. 

I tossed my empty water bottle into the trash can that was near my car. Looking around there were no other cars. After opening my car I sat down and waited.  I parked facing the entrance so I could watch for her. My excitement grew as it was now midnight. I watched for any sign of headlights pulling into the park but there were none. 

Twelve fifteen came and went as did twelve thirty. Disappointment set in as it looked as though she wasn't going to show up. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back and that was when the headlights of a car caught my attention. 

Looking at the car cautiously approaching, I wasn't sure it was her because it was so dark. Slowly the car pulled next to me and that's when my heart started racing. Paige was now here.

Quickly, Paige jumped out of her car and into mine. There was only a momentary hesitation before we embraced and kissed. She felt so good in my arms as we shared a very long, lingering kiss. 

"I'm sorry I was so late, babe," Paige whispered as she leaned her head against my chest.

I smiled. "What's important is that you are here now," I said as I kissed the top of her head.

"He will be asleep all night. Not only did he drink a lot, he also took an Ambien. He will be asleep until after noon tomorrow," she said as she looked up into my eyes. 

Leaning down, I kissed her softly once again as she placed her hand on my thigh and squeezed softly. 

"It's a bit creepy here Allen," she said as she looked around at the dark vacant parking lot. "Are we going somewhere else?"

"Nope, I actually have a surprise for you," I said as I smiled and pushed my door open.

Paige looked at me strangely as I got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. Pulling the door open, I knelt down.

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"What are you doing, Allen?" She asked as she glanced around at the dark, vacant, parking lot once again.

"Give me your feet," I said over the sound of the waves crashing.

Paige swung her feet out the door out of curiosity. Immediately,  I began to remove her sexy stilettos. I tossed them into the back seat before reaching for a new pair of flip-flops. Quickly I slipped the flip-flops on her feet and helped her out of the car.

We both giggled a bit as we embraced in the dark parking lot and kissed. I shut the door as we once again kissed. 

"I need you, Allen," Paige said as she pulled herself tightly against my body. 

As I held her, I cupped and squeezed her ass through her tight dress, causing her to moan and purr. I took her soft little hand into mine and started to walk toward the beach.

"Allen, where are we going, it's so dark out here," she said as we began walking across the sand. 

Occasionally we would pause for a moment and fully embrace. We kissed with unbridled passion as my hands once again squeezed her ass. After several deep soul-searching kisses we began walking again, this time with our arms around each other.

"This is so romantic," I said as we paused and looked out over the ocean.

Leaning her head against my shoulder I couldn't help but to lean down and kiss her. She kissed me back with intensity as she moved in front of me.

Staring up into my eyes, Paige slid her hand down my chest until her fingers squeezed my cock through my pants. As our eyes remained connected, she slowly sank to her knees until her face was in front of my cock.

"No Paige, not yet," I said as I took her hands and helped her back up to her feet.

"Baby, ever since you put your hand around my neck, pinned me up against the wall, and yanked my panties off, I have been wanting to fuck you," she said over the sound of the ocean as I took her hand and started to walk again. 

I could see the entrance of the secluded alcove and walked toward it. Paige leaned against me as we walked toward the opening in the rocks. The sound of the ocean, the feel of her body against mine, and the privacy of this small hidden area sent shockwaves through my body.

"I have a surprise for you, Paige," I said as we stopped right before entering the romantic alcove.

"I am a bit intrigued," Paige said as she stood up on her tippy toes and kissed me. "What is your surprise?"

I held her hand and took a few more steps. We walked into the alcove and Paige stopped and gasped. Her hands covered her mouth as she looked around in amazement.

"Oh my God, Allen, you did this?" Paige asked as she looked around as she covered her open mouth.

A tear dripped down her cheek as she looked at the two large blankets and pillows that were spread open on the ground. Surrounding the blankets were fifteen tall glowing candles, similar to those you would find in a church, which cast a beautiful romantic glow over the blankets. There was also a small fire that was now reduced to a pile of glowing embers because it was started a while ago. Looking up at me I could see both of her cheeks were wet with tears. 

"Oh Allen, this is so beautiful. I can't believe you did all of this for me," she said as she hugged me tightly.

"What is this?" she asked as we walked to the edge of the blankets.

"It's a surprise," I said as I kicked my flip-flops off and crawled onto the blanket.

Paige quickly slipped her flip-flops off of her beautiful feet and crawled onto the blanket, giggling as she lay next to me in her tight-fitting burgundy dress.

Our hands came together as we looked up at the stars. We both rolled onto our sides and embraced as we shared several long, lingering, deep kisses. After we kissed several times we both giggled again. 

"Allen, this is so beautiful. Nobody has ever done anything like this for me," she said softly as she rolled onto her back and pulled the hem of her dress back down.

Reaching behind me, I opened the top of the cooler and pulled out two wine glasses. I handed them to her as she leaned up onto her elbows. Next, I reached into the cooler and pulled out a bottle of wine. I could see the smile and excitement on her face as I also pulled a corkscrew out of the cooler. After a few moments, I managed to pop the cork and fill our glasses. I set the rest of the bottle on top of the cooler and turned my attention back to my kitten.

"To us," I said as our glasses clicked and we each took a sip, never taking our eyes off of each other. 

Paige leaned closer, placed her soft lips on mine, and kissed me softly. We both slowly opened our eyes as we felt how connected we were. We spent several minutes talking as we each finished our wine only for me to refill our glasses.

I set the empty bottle next to the cooler and reached back inside and pulled out a package of cheese and grapes. I set the package down on the blanket before picking up a grape and offering it to her.

Her lips felt incredibly soft on my fingers as she took the grape from me. She grinned as she picked up a grape and placed it before my lips. Just as I was about to take it, she pulled her hand back.

"Not like that babe," she said as she placed the grape between her teeth and looked at me seductively.

Leaning closer, I placed my lips on hers and carefully took the grape with my teeth. We both smiled at each other and giggled. We spent the next twenty minutes or so feeding each other as we gazed up at the stars. It was a moment in time that neither of us wanted to end as we felt completely connected, like we belonged together.

"Thank you, Allen," Paige said as she rolled onto her side next to me, positioning herself on her elbow so she could look into my eyes.

As I gazed into her eyes, her face moved closer. Slowly, our eyes closed and our lips pressed together. Our tongues touched and her kiss tasted so good. Reaching around her I pulled her onto me until she was laying on top of me.

The sound of the waves crashing, the effects of the alcohol, and the romantic setting all had me completely aroused. But, it was Paige who lit my fire like nobody else ever had. As we continued to kiss, my hands slid down her back and squeezed her ass.

"Mmmmmm," she moaned as I squeezed her ass through her dress several times. 

Our breathing grew heavier as our tongues continued to dart in and out of each other's mouth. As I squeezed her ass, my fingertips felt the hem of her dress. Using my fingers, I pulled her dress up, completely exposing her naked ass.

"Oh, Sir," she moaned as my hands cupped her bare ass, spreading her cheeks apart.

Paige began kissing me feverishly, from my lips to my neck, then down my shirt. Slowly she scooted down a bit as she grabbed the bottom of my shirt and began pulling it up. I leaned up a bit to assist her and before I knew it, my shirt was pulled completely off of me.

I moaned softly as Paige began kissing my bare chest. Her lips and tongue felt incredible as she kissed lower and lower. My breathing grew heavy and my cock was bulging in my pants. As my kitten kissed lower down my stomach, the look in her eyes told me just how needy she was.

Lifting her head, she grinned at me as she began to unbuckle my pants. The flickering candlelight and the sound of the crashing waves created an incredibly erotic yet romantic setting. I moaned softly as I watched my kitten's fingers pull my zipper down. There was a bit of relief with my zipper pulled down, but what I really wanted was my kitten to pull my pants off.

"I need you so bad Sir," she moaned as she pulled my pants open. 

I gasped as she lowered her head and kissed my bulging cock through my underwear before pulling my waistband down. My cock sprang free, smacking her in the face, causing her to smile at me and moan. She looked so beautiful as she pushed her hair back, stared into my eyes, and lowered her warm, soft, mouth over the head of my cock. 

"Oh God, baby," I gasped as I laid back and stared up at the stars. 

I don't know why we drifted apart like we did because I completely missed this feeling. Paige turned me on like no other, and my cock was always hard for her. As she slid her tongue up and down my shaft, I was so hard I was afraid my cock would split in half.

"Mmmmmm, Sir, I have missed your amazing cock," she moaned softly as she stroked my cock up and down before going back down on me.

The feeling of her mouth and her hands sent shivers down my spine.  I missed her so much, words couldn't describe it. Looking down, I watched in amazement as she pressed her nose against me as she took my cock into her throat. Seconds later, she gasped and coughed a bit as she lifted her head, only to once again take me back into her throat. 

I enjoyed several more minutes of my kitten enjoying my member when I reached down and grabbed her hand. I pulled my kitten up, causing her to straddle my body with her dress up around her waist. I pulled her farther until her knees were up under my armpits.

"Oh, my God, Sir" Paige moaned out as I placed my hands on her soft bare ass and pulled her pussy down to my waiting mouth.

"Ahhhhhh," she moaned out as I licked her very wet slit up and down, tasting her sweetness that I craved and missed so much.

Her pussy tasted so sweet. She was so aroused and needy, she was dripping onto my face. As I held her ass and ate her pussy, I watched her in the flickering candlelight pull her dress up and over her head. 

"Oh, Sir," she cried out as she reached down and cradled my head in her hands. 

Suddenly, I could feel my kitten breathing very heavily. She began grinding her cunt on my mouth as she pulled my head up, pressing my mouth and tongue against her wet opening firmly. I continued licking her sweet nectar as her heavy breathing turned into gasps, and then moans. I could feel her juices running out of her and across my mouth and face as she ground against me even harder. I squeezed her ass as she began to cry out in pleasure when I suddenly began to suck on her clit.

"Oh God, Sir, may I please cum?" My kitten begged as I smacked her ass as a sign of approval.

My cock was rock hard and I could feel pre-cum dribbling down my shaft as Paige suddenly began to tremble and cum on my face. I held her ass firmly as her hips began to buck wildly and forcefully. No matter how wildly her hips thrashed while she came, my mouth remained plastered to her cunt. Her body trembled and shook as her breathing was completely erratic. After several minutes of intense orgasm, she pulled her pussy from my mouth and slid down, until she was once again laying on top of me. 

Our mouths pressed together and our tongues became one as she tasted herself on me. As we kissed, I caressed her back and squeezed her ass. I loved the feeling of her bare breasts pressed against me as my cock was pressed against her cunt. Sensing her need, I lifted her ass up a bit and eased the head of my cock into her cunt.

"Ahhhhhhhh, Sir," Paige cried out as she kissed me hard yet again.

Slowly, she began to ride my cock. I slapped her ass causing her to moan before squeezing her cheeks. It didn't take long before I was pushing her down hard, driving my cock in as far as I could go.

Paige broke our kiss and placed her soft little hands on my chest as she lifted herself up. She stared down into my eyes as she continued working her cunt up and down my cock. Seeing her tits jiggling in the flickering candlelight made this all seem surreal. What was happening right now was incredibly real, as my kitten and I were becoming one.

"Oh, Sir, I needed you so bad," she moaned as she tossed her head and her hair back as she continued to ride my cock. 

After several more minutes of intense fucking, I lifted her up a bit and pulled out of her. She lowered her head and kissed me deeply as I turned and positioned her on her side.

"Turn and face away," I said as she turned away from me while getting into a spooning position. 

Reaching over her, I squeezed her breasts as she turned her head and kissed me. My hand slid down her very toned tummy until my fingers found her pussy. As we continued to kiss, I rubbed her pussy in circles. Our moans turned into gasps as I lifted her one leg a bit and pushed a finger deep inside of her.

"Fuck, Sir," Paige cried out into the darkness as I finger-fucked her soaked pussy.

She lifted her leg higher as I pulled my finger from her warm, wet, sticky depths. I grabbed my rock hard cock and began spanking her splayed labia with it, causing her to moan loudly into the darkness of our romantic hidden alcove. Just then, I pushed the head of my cock into her pussy until I was in balls deep. 

"Oh God, Sir, fuck me," she moaned loudly as she held her leg up high while repositioning her upper body next to me so we could kiss.

As our lips pressed together, my cock began to thrust in and out. We both were breathing quite heavily as we moaned into each other's mouth. I moved my hand from her tits to her pussy and began to rub tiny circles on her clit.

"Oh, dear God," Paige moaned loudly as her body began to tremble.

"Go on, cum for me," I whispered into her ear as her pussy began to clinch my thrusting member.

Just then, I shoved my cock in deep and held it there. As I continued rubbing her clit in circles with my finger, I sent her over the edge and she began to cum.

"Oh God, oh God, "OH GOD," she screamed into the darkness as she came very hard on my cock.

I held her in my arms as her body twitched uncontrollably. Her pussy was squeezing my cock in what felt like a never-ending orgasm. The entire time she came. We never lost eye contact.

Finally, her orgasm subsided as we kissed deeply and passionately. I knew my kitten was nowhere near finished so I remained motionless inside her as I began to caress her breasts. As we kissed, she began to moan softly as I began to lightly pull and twist her long, hard nipples. Slowly, I began to thrust my cock again as my kitten still needed more.

Slowly, I began fucking her a little harder as I continued twisting, pinching, and pulling her nipples. She pressed her lips against mine once again and kissed me deeply. Sensing her need, I moved my hand from her tits back down to her pussy. 

"Mmmmmmmm," she moaned as my fingers once again began to rub her clit.

This time, it was different. I felt my body begin to tingle as we fucked each other. As we kissed, I could tell my kitten was already growing close to cumming yet again. We both were breathing heavily as I rubbed her clit in circles. My toes tingled, along with my arms and legs. My balls however were on fire and I wasn't going to be able to hold back much longer.

Moments later, I felt her begin to tremble. Her moans and cries of passion turned to incoherent babble as her body tensed up in orgasm once again. She was panting heavily and her voice grew dry. Her pussy milked my cock until I couldn't hold back any longer. I pulled out of her pussy and began to shoot ropes of heavy thick cum up on her stomach and breasts. I was panting so hard, I felt like I was going to pass out. Once my last contraction ended, I pushed my still-hard cum covered cock back into her pussy.

We both lay motionless as we were a bit tired while we caught our breath. Paige grinned at me and kissed me as we both giggled. Even though I came, like Paige, I still needed more.

I crawled down a bit and began kissing her tummy, causing her to moan. Using my tongue, I began to clean up some of my cum that was on her tummy. Leaning up, I looked into her eyes as I lowered my face to hers, kissed her, and fed her some of my love juice.

She sucked wildly on my tongue as she always did love the taste of my cum. As we looked into each other's eyes, we could still see that burning desire and need. Slowly, she rolled over and placed her head on my chest as she also placed her soft, toned leg over mine. We remained motionless, holding each other as we both relaxed.

"This was incredible, Sir. I can't believe you took the time to do all of this for me," she said as she looked around at the candlelit area. 

"You deserve all of this, and more," I said softly as we lay naked under the stars.

We just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company. Reaching behind me I reached into the cooler and pulled two cold bottles of water. As we relaxed, we rehydrated, because we did manage to work up a bit of a sweat from fucking.

"I love how you thought of everything," Paige said as she finished her bottle of water.

"I wanted tonight to be perfect," I said as I rolled over and stood up.

Holding out my hand, I looked down at Paige. Not certain what I was doing she took my hand and I helped her to her feet. Once she was standing I walked toward the entrance through the rock outcropping.

"Allen, where are we going?" She asked as we walked from within the safe confines of the romantic alcove out onto the beach.

"Allen, we're naked," Paige gasped as we continued walking toward the ocean.

"It's probably three in the morning, there won't be anyone out here I said as we stopped at the edge of the water and embraced. 

We came together and kissed as the water rushed across our feet. It was a bit brighter on the beach because the full moon was out over the ocean. Just then, I took her hand and led her out into the ocean.

"This feels so wonderful," she said as we both sank down into the water up to our heads.

Again we embraced and kissed. This time, she began to stroke my cock which rapidly began to stiffen. The harder my cock became, the more passionately we kissed. 

Holding me by the neck, she pulled herself up and wrapped her legs around my waist. Reaching under, I put my arms under her legs and cupped her ass. Our lips were pressed together and our tongues darted back and forth. With my kitten securely holding on, I began walking back toward the beach.

Once we were most of the way out of the water, I lowered her down until the head of my now hard cock pressed against her spread-open pussy. As I lowered her further, she let out a long loud gasp. 

As I stood in the moonlight on the public beach, I began lifting and lowering Paige on my cock. It didn't take long for her to begin to moan loudly as she kissed my neck. 

This was her favorite position, but it wasn't necessarily about the sex. What turned Paige on was that I gave her no choice but to fuck me. I was basically using her cunt for my satisfaction. 

Paige threw her head back as she was growing close to the edge. At this moment, neither of us cared if there were other people watching. I could feel fatigue setting in, so with one last surge, I lifted her up and off of me.

Quickly I dropped to my knees as I pushed her down onto the sand. I turned her to face the moon as I moved into position behind her. As I grabbed a fistful of hair with one hand, I began slapping her ass with my cock.

"Oh my God, Allen," Paige cried out as I began rubbing her cunt with the head of my cock.

Using her hair, I pulled back firmly causing her to impale herself on my cock. Her moans, her gasps, and the gurgling sounds she made told me she was close.

"Look at the moon, baby, focus on that moon. Pretend the moon is your boyfriend's face watching us right now," I said in a stern voice causing her to moan loudly as my cock throbbed inside of her. 

"Oh Allen, I don't care if he knows I'm your little slut," she gasped as I slapped her ass firmly.

"Go on, Paige, I want you to fuck me. Fuck me as you stare at the moon," I said as Paige started thrusting back at me.

I remained still as my kitten fucked me, pushing back until her ass pressed against my hips. Her ass continuously crashed against my hips, making a slapping sound, as she slid her pussy back and forth on my cock. 

Letting go of her hair, I placed my hand on her back between her shoulders and forced her head and shoulders down. Her face was nearly in the water as she was now face down and ass up. Quickly, I grabbed her hips firmly and began pulling her back against my thrusts.

"Oh fuck, Allen," she squealed as I fucked her hard and deep. 

I began to grunt as I slammed into her cunt. The soft waves washed back and forth under us as we fucked like two wild animals in heat. Paige was beyond able to speak, her only communication with me right now was that she was cumming nonstop on my piston-like cock. I held her up by her hips as she lost the ability to hold herself up as I fucked her harder and deeper. She struggled to hold her head above the surface of the ocean as her arms were like rubber bands. Occasionally, she would muster up the strength to lift her head to gasp for air,  only to have her arms give out on her again. 

Suddenly, I began to see stars as my orgasm neared. I was panting and grunting as I fucked her harder than I ever fucked anyone else in my life. Just then, I thrust in as far as I could go and stopped. 

"Ughhhhhhhh," I grunted as waves of orgasmic bliss washed over me as I unloaded deep inside of her.

"Ohhhhhh fuckkkkkk," Paige moaned as she felt my cum flooding her pussy.

After several moments I collapsed into the shallow water as did Paige. We both lay in shallow water, staring at each other while we caught our breath. Finally, I was able to pull myself to my feet as I regained my composure. As I looked down at my kitten, she looked so beautiful as she was sprawled out in the shallow water. 

Leaning down, I reached under her and scooped her up into my arms. I just stood there, naked, on the beach, looking out at the moon over the ocean as I held Paige in my arms. She held me around my neck as she pulled her tired eyes away from the moon to look into mine.

We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity before our eyes slowly closed. Our lips pressed together as we shared one tender kiss. No words were needed as we both knew what that one tender kiss meant.

We stood there for a few moments looking out over the ocean at the moon. Her head rested on my chest as I continued holding her in my arms. Neither of us wanted this moment to end, but finally, I turned and walked back to our love nest, carrying her in my arms.

As we entered the alcove, the sounds of the crashing waves diminished as did the cool breeze. The candles glowed romantically around the blankets where we previously made love. Carefully, I lowered Paige to the blanket who was now very tired. I laid down on the blanket, completely exhausted, as I pulled a blanket over our naked bodies. 

Paige lay against me. Her head was on my chest, her leg was over mine, as her thigh rested against my now flaccid member, and her hand was in mine. She slipped her soft, slender fingers between mine and we both squeezed. 

"Oh, Allen, nobody ever did anything like this for me before," she said softly as we began rubbing our thumbs against each other.

"You deserve this Paige, and so much more," I replied as I squeezed her sexy naked ass with my other hand.

"I don't want tonight to end, Allen. This is like a fairytale and I never want it to end," she said softly, her voice trailing off as she fell asleep. 

Holding her in my arms, I admitted to myself too, I didn't want tonight to end either. Paige was special to me and I loved everything about her. As we lay there as one on the beach, my eyes grew heavy. The feeling of her in my arms, and hearing her breathing as she slept on me, caused my eyes to become very heavy. Within moments I fell asleep.

A couple hours later I woke up, noticing the first hint of light in the sky. Paige was still sleeping in the same position as I held her in my arms. I kissed her forehead softly causing her breathing to stop momentarily as her eyes slowly opened.

"Good morning beautiful," I said softly as I leaned down farther and kissed her lips softly.

She smiled as she kissed me back. After our kiss, she noticed the sky getting lighter too.

"Fuck Allen, what time is it?" she asked as she pulled herself up to a sitting position while I reached for my phone.

"Six fifty-two," I said as she quickly jumped to her feet.

"We have to go, Allen," Paige said as she held out her hand.

"What?" I asked as I looked at her like she wanted me to pay her or something.

"My panty," she said as she grinned while still holding her hand out.

I smiled and chuckled softly as I reached for my pants. I dug into the pocket and pulled out her balled-up thong. 

"Give it to me," she said as she reached for it, only to have me pull it back from her.

"Not like that," I said softly as I repositioned myself on my knees before her. 

"I took it off, so I will put it back on," I said as I opened the soft waistband for her to step into it.

Once she stepped both feet inside the waistband, I slowly pulled her thong up. As I lifted it past her knees, it was clearly evident that she was just thoroughly fucked. Her pussy was swollen, her labia were parted, and my cum was running down her inner thighs. Before I pulled her thong up over her pussy, I gave her cunt one last kiss, causing her to gasp. As I positioned her thong perfectly, I knew that one last soft kiss on her pussy set the stage for our next encounter. 

Next, I stood up and lifted her dress over her head. Before I lowered her dress, I quickly kissed each of her beautiful breasts. Her nipples stiffened quickly against my lips as I kissed both of them before lowering her dress.

"Oh, Sir, nobody treats me like you do," Paige said as she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. 

We stood there embraced for several moments, enjoying each other. The sky was rapidly growing lighter and we both knew we had to go. Quickly I picked everything up, shoving blankets, pillows, and burned-out candle glasses into my backpack. 

Paige giggled as she watched me throw my backpack on my back and pick up the cooler. She held onto my arm as we walked out of the romantic alcove and across the beach. It was still quite early and there were only a handful of people on the beach. Not a word was spoken as we walked back to our cars. Words didn't need to be spoken, because we both knew what we meant to each other.

Finally, we reached the parking lot and I threw the backpack and cooler into the trunk of my car. We shared one final embrace, kissing softly as we gazed into each other's eyes.

"Thank you for the best night of my life," Paige said softly without breaking eye contact.

"You are welcome," I said as our lips pressed together for one last kiss.

Paige opened her car door and sat down before starting the engine. Looking up at me, she blew one final kiss to me as she mouthed the words "I love you" before driving away. 

Written by MrSlutResort
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