Megan shook her head in a futile attempt to erase the thoughts and desires that had come unbidden into her mind. It didn’t work. In a further attempt to return to normalcy, she got up left her office, and walked into the bathroom. She was alone in there with her thoughts.
Staring into the mirror, she saw a good-looking forty-one-year-old honey blonde looking back at her. A confident, successful woman, with what most would say, a great body. She had a great management job, two wonderful children, and a great husband. They had money. They had a good sex life. They took nice vacations. So why, with all that going for her, did she have this insane, illogical craving?
It was a craving for sex with another man. A strange man, if you will. But not just any man—it was for sex with Chuck. A man twenty-three years her senior. Old enough to be her father, if the truth be told. Megan wondered if that was a factor in her desire.
Chuck had been her manager two years ago. At a business conference, she had willingly allowed him to seduce her. He was confident, good-looking, fit, and successful. He was also an incorrigible flirt, and Megan was well aware that he had bedded a couple of the women in the office. She had overheard one girl telling another that Chuck was amazing in bed. She listened to the twenty-something girls giggle and then moved on before she could get caught eavesdropping. Still, the thought of his above-average sexuality stuck in her mind. And when they were both out of town at the business conference, the seed of that thought grew and bloomed.
She could say she was bored. After all, she had been having sex with the same man for seventeen years now. And that was a part of it, but not all. Some of it was a desire to compete with those girls in the office who were still in their prime twenties. Was her almost-forty body still as desirable as that of a younger woman? Could she make another man go insane with lust for her as she had done with not only her husband, but other men, when she was younger? Egotistically, she wanted to know. And not from her husband either. He was pretty much obligated to tell her what she wanted to hear. But Chuck wasn’t. He was a connoisseur of sex. A playbody. In some way, Megan wanted to show those young girls she still had it. Even though they would never know.
And then there was the excitement. It had started with minor flirting and sexual innuendos at work. Then the conference and more of the same. At the cocktail party that night, she became even more flirty the more she drank. So when he, reading the signs, steered her to a private corner, then proceeded to get very touchy-feely with her, she didn’t object. Nor did she object to the kiss.
After that, it was only an elevator ride to his room where she was having her cocktail dress removed by the slick sixty-two-year-old thrice-divorced stud she had flirted with. Before you knew it, they were naked and going at it with wild abandon.
It continued for a while until she transferred to a bigger position. After that, she told herself that she had had her middle-age-crisis fling and that was that. At least until they crossed paths again when she had to do some work with his department.
The old feelings quickly surfaced. Megan thought to deflect them by suggesting to Chuck that he take her mom out on a date. After all, she had been nagging her mother to start dating. It had been two years since her dad had passed. And Chuck was close to her mom in age.
Chuck had accepted, of course. Megan knew he was a ladies' man, and when he saw the pics of her mom on her phone, she could tell he was interested. She suppressed the idea that he would have sex with her mom. After all, that wasn’t her mom’s thing, was it?
When they met that night at her mother’s house for introductions, the old fire for him was rekindled. The look he gave her. The casual, but telling touches, all combined to let her know that he still wanted her. She took the bait. Megan soon told him that she might be interested in a roll in the hay with him, just for old-time's sake.
The encounter relit the old excitement of cheating. Her mom had no clue that the two of them had enjoyed sex with each other.
The look Chuck gave her said, in essence, “I’m taking out your mom, but it's you I want.”
At least that is how Megan read it.
After she saw her mom and Chuck off, she was on pins and needles the rest of the night.
When she talked to her mom on Sunday, Susan told her that she had fun and that he was a fun guy. She told Megan where they went and what they did. When Megan asked if he kissed her goodnight, her mom told her that there might have been “a little passion”. In reality, that was the understatement of the year! Megan translated this into meaning a hug and a long kiss.
However, later, when she thought about the kind of man Chuck was, she began to wonder. Did Chuck and her mom have sex? That would be crazy—her mom fucking the same guy she had! Megan quickly dismissed this from her mind. Mom would never be the kind of woman who would have sex on the first date with a stranger.
Which brought Megan back to her desires as she stood alone in front of the mirror. Did she want to start her affair back up with Chuck? Her pussy said yes. Her practical mind said no. Her pussy was winning. Slowly Megan unbuttoned the top buttons of her silky white blouse. She stared critically at her cleavage, turning this way and that to see how much showed. She ended up leaving it unbuttoned one button too many.
Looking at her watch, Megan saw it was time to return to her office. Time for her meeting with Chuck. One on one.
He was already at the door when she arrived. She opened the door and bid him to come in.
Typically, the first thing Chuck said was, “You like nice. Very nice. Love your blouse.”
Her tits were the first thing Chuck noticed, Megan thought, as she smiled a wry grin. How typical of him. But, on the other hand, hadn’t she left an extra button undone just for him to notice?
“You do remember those, don’t you?” Megan said.
“How can I forget those lovelies!” Chuck said with a smile.
“You always did like ‘em,” she replied.
“That, and your butterfly tattoo too. You still have the butterfly, I presume. Or has it been joined by something else?” Chuck said with a grin.
Blushing, Megan said, “Nope, still just the butterfly. No more tattoos so far.”
“Mmm…I love that butterfly. And the flower it sits by,” the older man said with a leer.
“I know you do. Now, are we here for a meeting—or to discuss our past?” Megan answered, struggling to maintain control.
Chuck said with a confident smirk, “I think we should discuss certain pleasurable…ah…things between us first.
Megan didn’t know if she was blushing, but she felt herself get hot. All of the excitement she felt when she had committed adultery with him was returning. The secret trysts in parked cars, unused office space, and his house. She remembered how she had come home after “working late” full of his cum. And how her husband mistook her horny and flushed state as lust for him and fucked her, adding his cum to Chuck’s. She remembered their sexting and how often she had masturbated herself to a shuddering climax.
Megan’s brain made one last feeble attempt to stave off his sexual attention, “How did the date with my mom go? I never heard from you. Did you two have fun?”
“Your mom was wonderful! Very much like her daughter. We had a great time out on the town. Still, she isn’t you, but I bet when she was your age, she looked just like you,” Chuck informed Megan.
“Are you going to go out with her again?” Megan inquired.
“I’d like to. It's up to your mom, really,” was his reply.
“And me?” Megan asked.
“No doubt about you. I’d like to, let’s just say, take up from where we left off. I’ve been missing you,” Chuck asserted.
Megan’s breathing became faster and more shallow. Her eyes seemed to sparkle and her pupils dilated. She felt flushed and aroused. She crossed and uncrossed her lovely bare legs in full view of him, showing plenty of thigh in her skirt. Kicking off her mules, she ran her foot up to Chuck’s crotch.
He smiled in return, saying, “That’s the Megan I know.”
She replied with a deep, sexy voice, “Better than my mom?”
Teasingly, Chuck told the blonde, “I don’t know. It’s been a while. I’ll have to see.”
Catching on to the tease, Megan said in a mock, low, serious voice, “You fucking bastard! You damn well know I’m better than my mom. What can you tell from just kissing her?”
Chuck was quick to catch the fact that Susan must have told her daughter that they just kissed. Not that you would ever tell your daughter that you had fucked your date. That was Chuck's (and Susan’s) delicious little secret.
“Well…who says I just kissed her? I can tell you this for sure: I think she has a nice body. You never know. Maybe I could end up being your new daddy. Your mom really knows how to…” Chuck continued the tease, being cut off before he finished.
“You’re full of shit! Stop teasing me about my mother or you’ll never get a chance,” Megan told the older man.
“A chance to what, Megan?” he quickly shot back.
“You fucking damn well know what, you bastard!” Megan replied, blushing red.
“I think we had better arrange for you to work late tonight then. Just like the olden days,” Chuck suggested.
Megan got up and looked into the main office through the interior window before coming over to stand behind Chuck and rub her shoulders, pushing her tits against his neck.
Then she leaned down and nibbled on his ear and whispered, “Good idea.”
As she walked away to sit down, Chuck copped a feel of her ass, exclaiming, “Is there anything about you that isn’t prime? Your ass sure is.”
“No, there isn’t, you dirty old man. That is why you can’t wait to fuck me,” Megan said assertively.
They spent the next two hours on actual business and then made arrangements for Megan to meet him at his house. Megan made the necessary call to her husband and then turned off the Location Services on her phone. No way she wanted to get tracked by her hubby.
As she started her car, Chuck texted her, asking if she was coming. Feeling a bit wild, Megan selected a nude photo of her from a hidden album that her husband had taken. It showed Megan in the shower/bath with her leg propped up on the side of the tub, taken from a low angle. Her bald pussy and 34-C tits were highlighted by a slight tan line. Her hair was wet and slicked back and she had a wry smile. Then she texted it to Chuck with the line: “I hope you can handle this”.
By the time she was driving to Chuck’s house, she was quivering with excitement. It was a heady feeling—a real high. As much as she loved her hubby, she loved the thrill that adultery gave her more.
Chuck lived in a nice older neighborhood and his house (and any car parked in the drive) was set back and hidden by trees and shrubbery for the most part. Megan smiled and thought that this setup was ideal for women who were getting something on the side. Nice and anonymous. For that matter, she could see Chuck throwing wild sex parties there as well. That was certainly his style.
Laughing at the absurdity of her situation she said to herself as she pulled in, “And I’m going out with this playboy?”
Obviously, she was. And willingly too. Not only that, she had fed her mom to this pussy-chasing shark as well. Again the thought that her mom might have had sex with Chuck niggled at her mind. And once again, she shook off the idea that her mom had slept with him on their first date. A part of her wanted to know, but she quickly realized that Chuck would either tell her what he thought she wanted to hear, or tease her by admitting he did—probably with great embellishment, knowing him.
Chuck opened the door as soon as she came to it. He had been watching. She slipped into his living room. It felt so surreptitious. He took her fully into his strong arms and kissed her on the lips.
“Glad you made it, baby. Daddy’s hungry tonight,” he said in a low, sexy voice.
Taking some control, Megan retorted in a similarly low voice, “Daddy is always hungry, but this girl needs a drink first.”
“Oh, Megan! You aren’t the same starry-eyed girl I once knew. So in charge now, aren’t you?” Chuck said with a chuckle.
“You bet your fucking ass I am. I know your tricks. Don’t worry, we’re going to fuck, but not until I’m damned good and ready. So get me my drink. You know what I like,” Megan said with a blaze in her eyes that softened into a twinkle.
As the older man went to fix her a drink, Megan took in her surroundings. It was a mid-century home, probably built in the 1960s. It had been remodeled to an open concept and sported modern furniture. Some elements of the mid-century had been retained. Megan ascribed the remodel and style to his last wife. It left a very large area for entertaining and there were plenty of seats for guests. Her mind wandered to possible parties held there—a continuation of the thoughts she had outside.
“Mmm, I can only imagine the sex parties you’ve had here,” she said, taking a stab in the dark with the comment.
Chuck smiled a Cheshire cat grin, “Oh my, you aren’t the naive Megan I used to know. What would you like to know?”
His charming openness took Megan off-guard, “Uh…so I guess that is a yes? Wow! So are you still doing it and what kind of parties are they?”
Motioning Megan to sit down, he sat beside her and put his free arm around her shoulders before saying, “We had some great parties when I was still married to my ex. You know, the one with the big boobs. Anyway, it was a small circle of friends and we would swap partners and stuff. There are plenty of unused bedrooms in this place. And yeah, sometimes all of us wouldn’t split up. It was a regular orgy. This room has been full of naked women and men if you can imagine that. Very erotic, I might add, though most of them are around my age.”
“Quite the party it sounds like,” Megan replied, unsure of what to say.
“Oh, they were. My ex was quite into the lifestyle. The men loved her big tits. You’d be quite the hit yourself with that body of yours. For that matter, your husband would be very popular with the older ladies in that crowd. But I digress. Anyway, after she left me, there haven’t been any parties here. A shame, really. So much fun,” Chuck reminisced.
Sweeping her hand over the room before taking a sip, Megan inquired, “What happened?”
“The divorce changed things. People moved on. My ex was a gold-digger and moved on to an anesthesiologist after cleaning out a good portion of my bank account. Now she styles herself as an Influencer for older women and shows racy pics of herself on social media under an assumed name with positive commentary attached. And of course, those links to Only Fans where you can pay to see her nude. I’ve got to admit, I pay the fee to see her there. Just keeping up with what is going on with her I guess,” Chuck told Megan.
“And now you are here alone with me,” Megan said with a provocative smile.
“That’s right. And there is nobody I’d rather be here with,” Chuck said, laying on the charm.
It probably was a line that Chuck fed all of his conquests, but Megan felt special anyway. After all, she was using him for sex as much as he was using her. A fling with him was romantic, but it wasn’t a romance, as it were. It was lust coupled with excitement. And now it was time to see if this playboy could perform as well as he used to.
Surreptously, Megan undid two more buttons on her silky blouse as Chuck talked about something inconsequential like how he thought her mother’s house was nice.
Chuck probably thought he was being friendly and making her comfortable, but Megan wasn’t here for that. It wasn’t the good old days with Chuck. She was no longer as naive and she knew what she was here for. Perhaps Chuck was slipping? He didn’t beat around the bush like this two years ago.
The truth was that Chuck found Megan’s sexual confidence slightly unsettling, though he didn’t show it. She wasn’t a Submissive anymore, she was an equal. And what she did next took him by complete surprise. Megan swung herself around and sat on Chuck’s lap, facing him. It was then that he noticed her blouse was halfway undone and gaping open to reveal her cleavage and tan bra. The tigress had pounced, and Chuck was speechless.
“I bet my mother didn’t do this to you, did she?” Megan said with a sneer.
“Uh…no. No, she didn’t,” he replied, taken by surprise.
“I didn’t think so. So shut about about her and let me show you what I can do. Take me to the bedroom. Let’s get this overtime meeting underway. I don’t have all night,” she said in a low, throaty voice intended to arouse.
Megan virtually led him by the hand to the master bedroom. He hadn’t lied. Susan hadn’t gone after him so aggressively. He had fucked her though. But he knew he’d better keep his trap shut.
Once in the bedroom, Megan looked around with a critical eye, then gazed at the large King-size bed, pulled down the bedspread, and said, “Let’s do this.”
Chuck was slowly regaining his composure and had to smile at her matter-of-factness. She had become a female version of him. A real vixen. Accordingly, he got behind her and put his arms around her, fondling her breast, then undoing the rest of the buttons. The blouse then slipped off her arms as she arched her back.
Next, he unhooked her bra. It was a plebian one, nude in color. Megan hadn’t planned on a rendevous, so she just wore her plain panties and bra and no sexy, lacy undergarments, to work. As horny as Chuck was for her body, it didn’t seem to matter.
Megan shucked off her bra slowly and sexily as she slowly turned around, enticing Chuck with the view of her mature mammaries. Chuck’s jaw almost dropped. He had forgotten just how hot she looked topless in person. Like any sane man, he wasted no time in putting his hands on her globes and feeling them up.
“Remember those? I bet they make your cock hard! Let me see,” Megan commanded.
Obediently, and with a smile, her older co-worker undid his pants and dropped them, followed by his briefs. His cock stood hard at attention, with its curve pointing towards his belly.
Megan smiled a carnivorous smile and said, “Now that is what I came here for tonight.”
“It's ready for your mouth, baby,” Chuck intoned.
“Think again, stud. Before my mouth goes over your dick, my pussy needs some attention. And you know just what I’m talking about,” the sexy blonde MILF countered.
To emphasize the point, Megan shucked out of her skirt and then raised one leg, and then the other, and removed her panties slowly. Again, Chuck was surprised by what a hot tigress Megan had become. Middle age suited her well. It was also obvious that she and her mom were not very different when it came to liking sex. What would Susan be like if she became more familiar and comfortable with him like Megan had?
Rolling onto the bed Megan made herself comfortable against the headboard and pillows and spread her legs. With her nice breasts and bald pussy before him, Chuck climbed on and stalked up to her snatch on all four, like a predator. Then he slowly lowered his head between her naked thighs and spread her lips with his fingers.
“You like that, don’t you?” Megan cooed.
“You know I love your fucking pussy,” Chuck growled.
“That is what I wanted to hear. Now eat me!” she commanded.
The butterfly tattoo was there in all its glory, right next to her cunt. Once again, Chuck thought that the tattoo artist must have loved his work on her! Her pussy lips were becoming engorged as she became wetter and wetter. Chuck’s tongue danced in her honey hole, relying on years of experience. As Megan moaned, he knew that the magic was working.

As Megan’s body reached ever greater heights of euphoria, emanating from her clit, she thought to herself that there was no better way to unwind after a hard day at the office than getting your pussy eaten. Instead of going to a bar, there should be a place she could go and get her twat tongued to paradise! Of course, the drink was hitting her too, making a wonderful combination that was unwinding her completely.
And it wasn’t just that alone. The way she had turned the tables on Chuck was very satisfying. She realized she wasn’t the same woman who naively flirted with Chuck at the business conference and let him call all the shots. Whatever the case, the pleasure she felt now was exquisite!
“Oh god! Oh god, Oh fuck! Oh fuck I’m cumming…Oh god!” she blurted out, pulling her knees up high and squeezing her thighs on his head.
Chuck wasn’t surprised. He had experimented with her clit, licking it just right as he curled his fingers inside her to hit her G spot. His free hand had twisted her nipple just so. It all combined to light the fireworks inside her very attractive body. During this, he was forcibly reminded of how her mother went off in much the same manner.
“How was that, baby? Just like the old days eating your twat. Now it's your turn to suck your daddy,” Chuck said in a pleased voice.
“You’d like to be my daddy, wouldn’t you?” Megan shot back provocatively.
As he did so, Chuck moved up Megan’s MILF body and began to suck her tits and hard nipples while a free hand fondled her other tit. They might not be the biggest tits, but they were still a very nice C size and so suckable. He couldn’t wait to see them bouncing as he fucked her.
After satisfying his oral craving, he told Megan to flip over on top of him. She did so, with her mature jugs hanging down erotically while she grabbed his penis and positioned her mouth over it. Then she began to lick his balls and shaft, and finally the head. At this point, she craved nothing more than his prick inside her, fucking her cunt. The cunnilingus had been enough foreplay. But she owed him oral and wanted to show off her skills once more. To make herself unforgettable to him. To make him wish he’d never stopped seeing her. So she plied her mouth on his hard shaft, taking his prick deep into her mouth, in and out.
“Oh fuck, baby, suck it! Suck Daddy’s dick!” Chuck commanded in a gruff voice.
At the moment, Chuck had a very arousing fantasy going. That he had married Susan, thus making Megan his daughter by marriage. Hence the obscene “daddy” talk, even though she would in no way ever be his daughter. But the very fact that he had fucked Megan’s mom just a couple of nights previous, supercharged his perverted thoughts.
Once again he moaned, “Daddy loves the way you suck his dick, Meg.”
Megan’s eyes looked up from her work as she bobbed up and down on Chuck’s curved member, taking in the delight that danced in his eyes. He had never called her by the familiar “Meg” before, and there was this “daddy” talk. The blonde took it as a sign she was getting into his head. Mischievously, she decided to push it.
Stopping momentarily while her hands fondled his balls, she said, “You like this, do you? Just like when my Mommy sucked your cock, isn’t it?”
Chuck was momentarily stunned. And thrilled. Such filthy, taboo talk! Did she know what he had done with Susan?
He decided to run with it, “Yeah, baby. Just like when your mother sucked my cock. You suck dick just like your pretty mom.”
At this point, Megan wasn’t sure if he was just playing with her, or if he was confessing. The look in his eyes and the sound of his voice made her think it might be the truth. Strangely, the thought that this might be true, that her mom, Susan, had sucked his dick, made her wet.
“I’m better than my mom,” Megan said matter-of-factly, though she had no idea if that was true.
“Stick your finger in my ass. Then it will be better than your mom,” Chuck avered.
Again, the way Chuck said it made Megan believe that her mom had sucked his prick! Maybe her mom was a lot dirtier and hornier than she had given her credit for! Somehow, once again, it didn’t phase her but just added to the kinkiness of the moment.
Having this man tell her to stick a finger up his butt did shock Megan. She was surprised that he actually liked that. But, again, Megan wasn’t one to show him her prudishness. She wet her finger on his pre-cum and her saliva and duly inserted it slowly into his anus.
She was rewarded immediately by his gasping, “Oh fuck yes! Oh god, fuck me with it while you suck me!”
As bizarre as it seemed to her, it was obvious that the sensation was putting Chuck over the edge. She redoubled her cocksucking efforts.
Soon enough, Chuck put his hand on her head, stopping her, calling out, “Oh shit! No more! I need to fuck you now!”
Megan didn’t hesitate at the invitation. There would be plenty of opportunity to suck his balls dry and fill her mouth with his jizz later. Right now, she, like him, needed to fuck. So she quickly and athletically positioned her slut slit over his fuck stick and lowered herself on him, guiding it in with one hand.
It felt so amazing, she let out a gasp as he entered her love canal. Why, she thought, was his dick any different than her husband's? It wasn’t but somehow the sensation of a strange cock going inside her was so much more exciting to her nerves.
Chuck’s eyes were big and his smile was almost a grimace as he positioned himself below her and thrust up into her with his hips, meeting her downward motion. His cock went in so deep into the warm wet depths of her forty-one-year-old experienced vagina that they both let out involuntary, animal-like moans. This is what sex was all about. And it mattered little who’s cock or who’s cunt it was as they mated. It just felt fantastic!
“Fuck yeah! Ride me, baby! Ride my cock with your hot body like a cowgirl!” Chuck gasped.
Twerking her ass to rub her clit with maximum effect against Chuck’s cock as she bounced up and down on him at the same time, Megan seemed to glow. Her eyes were aflame with desire, and her bouncing breasts seemed to have noticeably enlarged. Her long nipples stood out like little fingers from the surrounding aureoles, beckoning to his mouth. If he had ever had a sexier, more beautiful woman fuck him, Chuck couldn’t recall it.
That is except for her mother. As they fucked, Megan reminded him of a younger Susan more than ever. He wondered what it would be like to have sex with both at the same time. And decided it would be incredible! He would need the Viagra for sure if that ever happened!
“Oh god, I forgot how good your cock feels in me!” Megan moaned as she rode his pleasure shaft, tits bouncing.
The only thing a wide-eyed Chuck could say was, “Your cunt feels so good too, baby!”
“Are you calling me a Cunt, Chuck?” Megan said, not slacking her cock bouncing in the least.
“Fuck yeah, you’re a Cunt. A hot fucking Cunt. And my cock loves fucking hot fucking cunts!” Chuck growled.
“Ah…ah…uh…I’m all cunt now for you, you dirty bastard! Oh fuck yeah! …Um yes…Oh, my cunt…my cock fucking cunt…feels so good!” Megan gasped disjointedly in her ecstasy.
By now, Chuck was slapping and spanking Megan’s perfect ass with his hand. Like her mother, Megan loved being spanked when she fucked. It combined nicely with the electric thrill emanating from her beaver to the rest of her body.
With real desire in her voice, Megan commanded, “Oh fuck, spank it! Spank it harder! Spank my ass…I’m such a bad girl!”
Chuck gladly redoubled his efforts until the sound of his hand smacking her fleshy bottom echoed in the room.
“Fuck your daddy, baby! Show him what a bad girl you are, cheating with Daddy!” the older man said in a deep voice.
Yet again, Megan had the feeling of the world turning upside down as her licentious body and hungry pussy milked every bit of thrill from Chuck’s rigid prick. She pictured her mom and Chuck together like husband and wife, and her seducing her step-daddy. Again she surprised herself with the depth of her depraved, filthy thoughts!
“Oh god…Oh fuck yeah…don’t tell Mommy I’m fucking your daddy cock! My mom can’t know I’m fucking you like this!” she admitted, knowing it was the truth.
“Don’t worry about your mom, baby, just screw me with your hot cunt and Daddy will take care of everything,” Chuck assured her.
“Shut up and screw me, you dirty bastard!” was all Megan could gasp as her euphoria wound up to a fever pitch.
And screw her, he did, bucking his hips to thrust his prick deep into her twat. It was hot, sweaty sex now, with a sheen of sweat forming on Megan’s forehead. Her makeup was shot and her well-coifed hair escaped its confines to hang wildly on each side of her face, causing her to shake her head to get it out of her face as she worked his dick.
Her athletic efforts paid off as Megan felt the orgasm roll over her body. It was as intense as she had ever felt. Well worth cheating to get.
“Oh, oh, oh fuck! Oh fuck…Oh fuck, Chuck... Chuuuck!” the blonde MILF with the hot body cried out as she shook, consumed by the orgasm.
“Fuck it, baby! Fuck it!” Chuck cried out loudly in return, ecstatic to see Meg cum so hard.
Megan paused for just a moment with a wild look in her eyes, then ground her pussy back onto Chuck's prick, releasing yet another orgasm on top of the first.
“That’s it, Meg, FUCK IT!” Chuck commanded in a wild growl.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh, OH, OH!” Megan gasped again.
Megan’s mind and body were in nirvana, but Chuck had needs that still needed filling. So he flipped the orgasmic forty-one-year-old sex goddess onto her back and shoved his cock back into her soaking wet cunt.
“Daddy isn’t done fucking you, baby!” the older man growled.
Breathless, but still eager, Megan spread her legs wide, indicating her compliance. Chuck mounted her and stuck his rigid member into her soaking-wet taco. It slipped past her engorged fuck flaps and into her vagina easily, well-lubed by her creamy excretions. Getting himself situated correctly, Chuck began to thrust his dick into her twat.
Once he had ascertained that he had the right leverage and position, he started fucking the sexy blonde faster and faster. In no time, he had Megan moaning her string of “uhs”.
“That's it, Meg, you love Daddy’s cock don’t you?” he spit out, in a voice of control.
The attractive, put-together managerial MILF threw all control to the wayside and submitted gladly to his physicality and dirty talk.
“Oh god! I do! I do! Don’t stop! Don’t ever stop!” She whimpered, almost speechless in her ecstasy.
You could hear the squishy sound of his penis slipping past her swollen lips loudly in the room. It was a noisy, physical fuck. And the rough physicality was shown in the way Meg’s tits bounced up and down in rhythm with his cock thrusts. Megan was truly getting fucked with a capital “F”.
At last, Chuck’s face screwed up into what Megan remembered as his orgasm face. She knew he was close to cumming. Serendipitously, so was she.
“Oh fuck me, baby! Oh fuck!” Meg’s sexagenarian lover cried out as he stiffened and shoved his prick in deep and held it.
Megan could feel the spasms of his cock as it flooded her womb with its seed. The intensity of the orgasm that she had caused was indescribable.
Chuck was forcibly reminded that Megan was as hot as they came when it came to fucking. But then again, so was her mother, Susan. It was like Chuck had hit the lottery with the pair.
At that moment, Megan was hitting the lottery herself. The big one!
“Oh god! Chuck…Chuck…oh fuck, CHUCK! Ooooeeaaahh!” the blonde cried out as her body exploded in incandescent pleasure.
Like the previous climax, she shook with the intensity of the moment, mouth agape, eyes shut, then wide open again.
At last, she went limp, her hair splayed out on the pillow, lank and damp from her perspiration. Her makeup was ruined and her cunt lips dripped a whitish combination of cum and pussy juice, soaking the sheets. Chuck was sorely tempted to lick up that heady brew of fuck milk but settled for kissing Megan gently on the cheek and lips. There would be other times to indulge his love of male and female cum oozing from her. If not combined from inside her, then from others, separately.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe what you do to me!” Megan said when she had recovered.
“Listen, Meg, I’ll do that to you all you want. That is what I’m here for,” Chuck asserted.
Megan, flushed from the sex and toying with Chuck’s cock sent out a probe, “That is when you’re not too busy doing my mom, right?”
Exasperated by her constant probing as to the nature of the relationship between him and Susan, Chuck simply said, “Your mom has needs too. And I need to think of her needs as well as yours. So don’t concern yourself about your mom and me.”
“So I guess you did fuck my mom,” Megan probed further, as she contemplated the cum now oozing from her cooter.
Chuck was quick to reply with a wry grin, “I never kiss and tell.”
“Cut the bullshit, Chuck. You pretty much admitted to me that she sucked your cock and that you fucked her with all your funny little sex-play remarks. If it makes you feel any better, knowing that you did won’t change my relationship with you. I’ll still fuck you anyway. So tell me the truth. Did you seduce my mother?” Megan said forcefully as she rolled almost on top of his nude body.
“I don’t want you saying anything to her, and you’re not going to like it, but yes, I did. We did. It was mutual on our part,” Chuck admitted while reaching up to fondle Megan’s sexy ass cheek.
“I can’t believe that I set you up with my Mom, who is still recovering from losing her husband, and you take advantage of that and screw her!” Megan said in a huff, though making no move to stop enjoying the feel of his naked body against hers.
Chuck retorted, “Now who is bullshitting whom? If anybody knows exactly the kind of man I am, you do. You know I love women, and that I am going to do my best to get one as good-looking and sexy as your mom into bed. You knew that when you went to great lengths to line me up with her—which was entirely your idea, as I recall. You also knew there was nothing at all between us when you did. At least until that night at your mom’s house when you not only introduced us but suggested to me that you wanted to have another roll in the hay with me, right before your mother walked in on us.
Chuck had Megan’s rapt attention now. Her eyes flared and then softened as he laid out his case. But he wasn’t done yet.
Adding to his arguement, Chuck told the voluptuous blonde, “So don’t tell me that you didn’t know that I would do everything I could to get a sexy woman like Susan in bed. You knew I was going to fuck her from day one, yet you continued to push us together. You wanted me to fuck her. And, I can tell you this, she wanted to fuck me as well. She needed it. It didn’t take much to get her in bed. She is so much like you in so many ways. And that is a good thing. So don’t judge her for having the same sexual desires as you have.”
Then he finished by telling Megan, “I think you just couldn’t wait to find out if I had fucked your mother. You have been dropping little hints and asking me things like if you were better than your mom or when you said: …’ Just like my Mommy sucked your cock?’… And it went on and on. You just had to know if I had boned your mom just like I was boning you. You wanted it to be true. Maybe it is just to tell yourself that if it is okay for your mom to fuck me, it is okay that you are cheating on your husband with me. And the bottom line is, yes, it is. It is okay that both of you have been fucked by me. It is what you both wanted. And another thing, I think your mother has guessed that you have fucked me before.”
Megan was momentarily speechless. The power she had over Chuck most of the night had vanished. It was Chuck who saw things clearly as they were. Not her. And the maddening thing was, he was right. The lies she had told herself were exposed. It was humbling.
At last, she spoke, her voice more humble and submissive this time, “So…are you going to continue to fuck my mom?”
“Well, if we go out on another date, I probably will. She texted me on Saturday to say she had a good time. And then again on Sunday, but we didn’t set anything up. But, yeah, I’ll go out with her again. And I’m sure both she and I will both want to fuck if we do. So you are going to have to just deal with the idea that I’m fucking your dear Mommy and you, both. Because I love fucking you both. I never knew how much I missed you until I saw you again. I knew right then, I’d do anything to have you again—even when I was fucking your mom. And believe it or not, I like your mom, too. Susan is fantastic. It must run in the family,” Chuck confessed.
For once, Megan realized that Chuck was being truthful. It wasn’t just a line to have sex with her. He did love her in his weird way. And for some reason, he had taken a liking to her mother too. The fact that he was fucking them both was hard to process, but somehow, when he said it like he did, it seemed normal and almost wholesome!
The biggest shock in his statement was that Chuck thought her mother knew about their adultery, so she queried him on that further, “So why do you think my mom knows about our…uh…past?”
“Well, because of the look she gave us when you introduced me to her. I think she sensed there was something between us. And when I left, she asked if I’d be seeing you soon. I told her I was and she gave me this look and said, ‘I bet you will’. At that moment, I was pretty sure she had guessed our relationship. And that it might be ongoing,” the older man told Megan.
“So what do we do?” Megan asked, unsure about her mother knowing, or at least guessing, about her unfaithfulness.
“Nothing. We don’t do anything. We just act like normal work colleagues. You probably should continue to ask her about dating me and encourage that. It will seem less like you want me for yourself. I’ll do my part too. But you’ll have to deal with the fact that I’m fucking her along with you. Or else you’ll blow it,” Chuck wisely counseled.
Then Megan brought up the elephant in the room, “But what if you two get…”
“…Married? Well, I don’t see that happening. At least not very soon. But, should that happen, you’ll just have to deal with the idea that you are fucking your stepfather. It might add a little spice, if you know what I mean,” Chuck answered, cutting Megan off, midsentence.
“You mean you’d keep fucking us both?” an incredulous Megan asked.
“Yes, I would. And it would be fine. And if your husband wanted to join in to make four, that would be fine with me too, Meg dear,” Chuck asserted.
“Oh my god!” Megan gasped, as she got out of bed.
Though shocked by the idea, the businesswoman in Megan did a quick cost/benefit analysis. What were the benefits she accrued having a fling with Chuck, versus the costs of him also fucking her mother? She decided they were worth it. Despite the fact that it labeled her as totally debauched.
She also decided she needed to check out Chuck’s ex on social media and Only Fans. Her curiosity about that woman had been piqued and she wanted to check out the erstwhile competition, as it were. Especially what she looked like nude. And try to figure out what a swinger woman like her was like if only to keep up with the competition, she told herself.
Going into the bathroom, she saw what a mess she was. Sweaty, with sex hair and makeup shot to hell. She needed a shower but couldn’t risk going home too fresh with damp hair. Megan ended up washing up the worst parts with a washrag—what her grandma once called “A whore’s bath”. She smiled with irony as she thought this. After all, it was appropriate in this situation!
This was all part of the thrill of cheating. Trying to make everything seem normal to your spouse when it wasn’t. Hiding the thrilling infidelity and having a double life. Coming home and letting your hubby fuck you in the place where another man’s cock had so recently been. It made her feel so clever and alive!
Coming out of the bathroom and dressing in front of a still-nude Chuck, Megan asked, “Okay, Mister Stud, when can we meet up again? I think my husband is going out of town next Monday night.”
Chuck simply smiled, and said, “That’s my Megan! I’ll plan on it.”