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Sophie's Late Night Phone Call - Part 1

"She does his boss while on the phone to him"

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"Call now for instant relief, you'll just lo…."

The rest of the advert was cut off as Sophie switched the TV off.

Leaning her head back on the sofa, she sighed softly. Glancing at the clock on the wall, she noted that Josh was an hour late.

He had gone on a business trip, an urgent contract. One that could make them rich, supposedly. She had not wanted to go, business trips were not her style. He had been gone a week already and aside from missing him terribly, she was as horny as fuck. She hadn't gotten laid in a week. She had tried using her vibrator but it didn't seem to satisfy her need anymore. She needed hot, erotic action.

It had been two weeks since her illicit fuck with Ben. She would have called him to help her out but he was on holiday in Europe and he wouldn't be back till the end of the month, two more weeks away!

Josh had phoned after the meeting had finished early in the afternoon and told her he had secured the contract and had told her to get all dressed up so that they could go out tonight, but of course, Josh wasn't back yet.

This was why Sophie Harper was all dressed up. She was wearing a short black cocktail dress, which clung to her curves, emphasising her very ample chest, which was held by two thin straps over the shoulders. She wore black high heels, to further enhance her sexual presence. Finished off underneath by matching black lace bra and panties. The bra pushed her tits together to form a formidable sight of cleavage.

She looked a knockout as always. Her long straight blonde hair hung down her back, her long white legs were shown off perfectly by the mid-thigh length of the dress. Her blue eyes looked even bigger than normal, emphasised by the mix of black and blonde.

She had been so horny lately that she had thought of seducing the next man who came by, even the paperboy.

Just as she was thinking of a way she could find someone to fuck tonight, the doorbell rang.

Jumping up, her 36C breasts bounced with the full life they had. Soft and firm.

She ran towards the door, smoothing her dress when she got there. She calmly opened the front door.

Opening the front door, expecting to see Josh, Sophie had a bit of a shock, she hadn't expected to see the man staring back at her.

Charles Riley was Josh's boss. A nice guy from all that she had heard about him. He gave money to charities and even ran homeless shelters around the city. A respected man and well-liked in the community. He wasn't one of these rich people who stuck their noses in the air or only mingled with other rich people. Charles Riley was as much at home with the homeless people as with the rich and famous. Everybody liked him, except Sophie.

At the work party almost a year ago he had pinched her ass and had tried to dance with her a little informally. Now Sophie wasn't one to mind flirting with people, but Mr Charles Riley was not the man of her dreams.

Charles Riley was fifty-six, grey hair on his balding head, a large nose, and was short and overweight. His suit looked ready to burst at the seams. And he stood there with a large smile on his face, obviously ogling at her body.

"Mr Riley! What can I do for you?" Sophie said, trying to hide the surprise in her voice.

"Sophie. Looking good as always," he said with that stupid smile on his face. Sophie moved a little more behind the door. "Josh phoned me after the meeting this afternoon and told me he had got the contract, I was happy for him of course and asked him to come over for a drink, but he insisted that I come over here. Is he in?"

"No, he isn't back yet. He should have been an hour ago but he's not and he hasn't phoned yet." Sophie answered.

"Ahh, he said he might not be back, what with planes being as they are. He said if he wasn't to just wait for him, that you would take care of me." His smile deepened at the last words.

"He never told me," Sophie said. "I suppose you had better come in."

Sophie moved behind the door and let the old man in. There was no way she was going walk in front of this guy and give him an excuse to view her ass.

When he had entered, she shut the door behind her and followed him into the lounge. Riley sat down on the sofa opposite the chair. The table in between, the TV to the left and the other sofa opposite that.

Sophie held her dress as she sat on the chair. "Dirty old bastard!" she thought, "I'm old enough to be his daughter."

They sat there for a couple of minutes in silence. Sophie looked everywhere else while Riley openly ogled her.

"Fancy a drink?" Sophie asked, anything to get her out of there.

"Yeah, sure," Riley replied.

Sophie stood up and berated herself mentally for bending a little too far forward, then quickly walked into the kitchen.

She opened the fridge and took out a beer. Popped the top off and brought it back through to the lounge, handing it to her boyfriend’s boss. Riley held onto her hand as she handed him the bottle. Sophie pulled her hand away from his and moved back a little. Riley took a swig of the brew and placed it on the table in front of him. When he stood up, he was a little shorter than Sophie.

Walking over to her slowly, she did not back away. "Damn it, this is my house. I won't let him beat me in my house," she thought.

Riley stopped and offered his hand out to her.

"May I have one dance, please, Sophie?" He asked all gentlemanly.

"" Sophie stammered incredulously.

"Yes, just one dance," Riley replied smiling.

Sophie was a little confused. Maybe he wasn't a sleazy guy after all.

"Just one," Sophie replied sternly.

Riley took the young lady's hand. Damn, she looked so hot today. Every time he had seen her, she looked amazing, but in that figure-hugging dress, she looked radiant, and so unbelievably fuckable.

He gently pulled her to him. His plan might work, he thought to himself. He had planned to ask her to dance, accidentally fall onto the sofa and cop a feel as he did. It might just work.

Placing his hand on her thin waist, he held her other hand tightly and pressed himself lightly against her. Her large tits brushed lightly against his chest, and he wanted to pull her tightly to him, put her on the floor and fuck her senseless. But he knew she wouldn't go for him. No, a feel of her tits, which can be innocently covered up as a fall, would suffice.

They danced a few steps, then a few more, a little turn, then some more. She was a good dancer, she must be good at everything, Riley thought. He turned her around, so her back was to him as they danced a little more; she was getting into this. Then he could feel the sofa he had been sitting on behind his foot and made his knee give way. He fell backwards onto the sofa, pulling the hot blonde on top of him. This was not how he had intended to fall.

Sophie fell backwards onto the sofa with Riley, landing on him as he sat down in his fall. She landed with a little force straight onto his lap, sitting down on him. As she landed square on his lap, Sophie felt something hard drive right against her pussy. With the shock of the fall, Sophie just sat there while her mind cleared a little. When she calmed down a little, she noticed that Riley still held her by the waist, that she was sitting on his lap and that something hard was digging up against her pussy.

"His cock!" shard-onhe thought, "I'm sitting on his hard cock through his trousers!"

Indeed, she was, the fact that the hot blonde had landed on his lap and had sat down had given Charles Riley an instant hard-on.

"I've got to get up!" Sophie thought. But she didn't move at all. The feel of a hard cock pressing against her pussy was too good, especially as she hadn't had sex for a week.

Charles Riley couldn't believe how that fall had worked out. He had fallen wrong, but this was so much better than he had expected, and what was even better was that she was not moving. She must be able to feel my dick, he thought to himself, and she must be liking it.

Sophie thought of moving again, she wouldn't mind sitting on someone else's cock, but this was Charles Riley! But it felt too good to move.

She moved her ass a little so she could feel the hard object rub against her pussy. This seemed to turn the old man on more and his dick grew even harder.

"Oh!" Sophie couldn't help letting out a little moan as the feel of a hard cock against her stimulated her. "It's been so long," she thought.

Riley's hands tightened on her waist and held her directly over his cock.

"Hmmm, now this seating arrangement is so much better, wouldn't you agree, Miss Harper?" he asked.

"Yeah," she gasped before she could think.

Totally in the clutches of lust, Sophie had completely forgotten that this was a guy she hated. All that she knew was that this was a hard cock, and it was rubbing her very horny pussy.

Riley slowly bounced his knees so that Sophie gently bounced on his hard pole, pushing it against her made her moan lightly and turned her on even more. Feeling that dick trying to penetrate her made her lose control.

"You like my little game?" Riley asked her.

"Uh-uh." She nodded.

"You like the feel of my hard dick against you?" His hands clenched on her waist. She was bouncing a little faster.

"Mmm, yeah!" she managed to moan. What was she doing, she hated this guy, and he didn't turn her on at all.

Riley's hands let go of her waist and slowly moved up to cup her large tits from behind.

He held them for a moment, thinking about how it must look, Sophie lightly bouncing on his lap while he cupped those large firm tits from behind. The thought made him hornier than before, and he bounced her a little faster. Her large breasts bounced up and down beneath her thin dress, with his hands gripping them. He squeezed them and Sophie moaned. She was hot and hornier than him, judging by the look of things.

Then he stopped bouncing her as the phone rang.

Sophie was extremely horny now. Riley was squeezing her tits from behind and the monster pressing against her pussy continuously grew and put more and more pressure against her pussy.

Then the phone started to ring, and Riley stopped bouncing her on his lap. In one way, she was glad but in another, she wanted him to carry on. She was so incredibly horny.

She stayed sitting on Riley's lap as she reached for the phone by the side of the sofa. It was a cordless phone and had a little LCD screen, which showed the caller's ID. The little screen read, JOSH, which meant he was phoning from his mobile.

Still feeling the pressure of the hard cock under her, and her boyfriend's boss’s hands cupping her tits she answered the phone.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hey honey, it's me," Josh replied.

"Hey baby," Sophie said and Riley started to squeeze her big tits again. She stifled a little moan.

"Honey, the plane has landed, but I'm still waiting for a taxi. They say there has been some kind of accident on the roads somewhere, and traffic is really bad. I don't know when I'll get home, could be in about half an hour or it could be a couple of hours," Josh explained.

"Oh baby, I miss you. I can't wait for you to come back," Sophie told Josh as Charles Riley pulled her back to lie against him with her tits. He fondled and squeezed her more as he bent his head to kiss her neck gently. "Oh!" She moaned lightly.

"You ok, baby?" Josh asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine sweetie. I just sat on something hard that's all."

Sophie's eyes were now closed. Her head turned towards her boyfriend's boss and they locked lips with each other. Tongues probing each other as they exchanged a passionate kiss. Riley continued his assault on Sophie's tits. She held the phone to her ear.

"Sweetie, I forgot to tell you that my boss is coming over for a drink, so he should be there soon. Can you keep him entertained till I get back?" Josh asked nervously. He knew that Sophie didn't like his boss.

Sophie broke the kiss. "Yeah, I will, baby," she replied.

Riley continued mauling her breasts. Sophie looked down at the pudgy hands covering and squeezing her melons over her black cocktail dress. "I'm entertaining him right now; he seems to be enjoying himself," she told Josh.

"Good, I'm glad things are going okay. I'll be back there soon, sweetheart," Josh said.

"I can't wait to see you, baby," Sophie cooed down the phone. All the pleasure she was feeling was starting to get to her. She needed cock, and she needed it now. And there was one right under her at that moment. Then a wicked idea came to her, and she almost came from just the thought. "Baby, I have missed you so much this last week, will you stay on the phone with me for a while?" Sophie asked in her best pouty voice.

"Sure baby. I have missed you loads too," Josh replied after a short laugh.

"YAY!" she said down the phone. "I'll pass you on to your boss so you can speak to him for a while. I'm just gonna have a snack, I'll be back later."

"Ok, then, baby," Josh told her.

Sophie turned around on her boss's lap, making him release his hold on her firm tits. Smiling at him, she handed him the phone, but as she gave him the phone with her boyfriend on the other end, Sophie whispered into the old man’s other ear.

"I am going to suck you dry while you’re on the phone to my boyfriend!"

And with that teasing smile she had perfected she gave him the phone.

Sliding off his lap, Sophie felt unhappy she had to leave that nice dick; it had felt so good against her. But she would have it in her mouth soon, she thought.

As she went to her knees in front of Charles Riley and began undoing the belt and buttons on his trousers, she could hear him talking to Josh about "how his girlfriend was entertaining him" and that "she was very kind" and "was really looking after him."

Sophie pulled the old man's pants and boxers down and was shocked by what she saw. The large cock in front of her could not belong to this short, pudgy man. It must have been 11 inches at least. He was even bigger than Ben was.

Sophie looked up at the old man, who just smiled back at her, then she returned to looking at the monster cock in front of her face.

Reaching for it, she wrapped one of her small, slim hands around its length and was surprised when her fingers didn't meet. The man was a monster.

Slowly, Sophie started to rub her hand up and down the shaft. Looking up at Riley, she said, "Do you like that?"

"It's very nice," he replied whilst looking at her. "Oh, Sophie is just showing me a picture of hers," Riley told Josh.

Sophie smiled. As much for herself as for Riley. This was so kinky.

Suddenly, Riley said, "Yeah, I'll put you on to her for a second." And with a smile for her, he handed the phone to her.

She took it with her free hand, but she jacked at the old man's cock faster now as she spoke.

"Hey baby, what's up," she asked her boyfriend of three years.

"What picture is this he was talking about? You don't paint," Josh replied normally.

Sophie had bowed her head after she finished speaking and had licked the head of the monster cock.

"You remember that old one I did of the boat years ago?" she replied to his question. Then, as he spoke, she went back to licking the head of Riley's cock. Then she slid her tongue down its entire length and all the way back up, to circle the head again with her sweet wet tongue.

While she was doing this, her boyfriend said, "Oh yeah, now I remember, I thought you had thrown that away a while ago. I told you; you should never have stopped painting."

"I know, maybe I'll take it up again," Sophie said, still with the taste of Riley's cock on her tongue. "Honey, I'll put you back on to Mr Riley, I think my food is just about ready."

She had been jacking at Riley's cock fast and the look on the old man's face said he couldn't take much more of it. His eyes were closed, and his hands tensed on the seat of the sofa.

She handed the phone back to Riley, who immediately said to Josh, "Your girl is really hand-y, with a paintbrush."

Sophie smiled at Riley and kept her eyes on his as she lowered her mouth over the head of the large cock. Sucking it into her mouth slowly. Lowering her head painfully slowly, whilst never taking her eyes off her boyfriend’s boss. Riley had his eyes closed now and was mouthing the words "Oh fuck", while trying to stop himself from moaning down the phone.

Sophie was more turned on then ever now. She was going down on her boyfriend's boss while he was on the phone to him. Her pussy tingled with the excitement. She continued to slowly lower her head down the length of the thick cock. Her jaw was stretched as wide as it would go, but she knew she could take it all in one go, because she had had the practice with Ben on how to suck a big cock.

Keeping her eyes on her boyfriend’s boss’s now, she felt the thick cock enter her throat and sucked the last bit into her mouth. Her head hit the base of his cock and she well and truly was impaled on it. Looking at the shock on her boyfriend’s boss’s eyes, she knew no one had ever been able to go this far down on him. But she knew how good at sucking cock she was, and she intended to bring him off.

Placing her soft hands on to the wide man’s hips; Sophie started to raise her head off the monster pole. Sucking all the way up. Once she reached the head, she slowly lowered her head back down, still never taking her eyes off his. Up and down, Sophie slowly lowered and raised her head along that thick length, using her tongue to flick across the shaft of the cock as she continued sucking up and down.

The feel of the long hard dick in her mouth made her moan and she closed her eyes as she really started to get into the illicit action. Faster and faster, she bobbed her head up and down the hard pole. Sucking harder and harder.

"Mmph!" She moaned around the cock shaft.

"Oh, you're…girlfriend…is..really looking...after me, Josh," the fat boss tried to say without moaning.

Sophie bobbed her head up and down with increased vigour when she heard Riley say Josh's name. The thought of sucking off Josh's boss while on the phone to him drove her crazy.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm!" She moaned around the hard shaft. Sucking it and tasting it. Feeling the large member slide wetly from her mouth then slide easily into her mouth and down her throat.

Sophie began to pick up speed, sucking the man for all she was worth. She was enjoying this so much. She would never have guessed that Charles Riley would have a fantastic cock like this. If she would have known, she would have let him dance how he wanted and fucked him that night too. He may be old and fat, but his cock was young and virile and he must have stamina like a bull to be still hard after she had played with his dick this long.

She bobbed up and down faster and faster. Holding on to his hips for support. She wanted to squeal with the pleasure but the cock in her mouth wouldn't let her, all that escaped was a muffled moan.

Sucking him harder and harder she was determined to make him cum down her throat.

As she sucked more and more, faster and faster, bobbing that pretty little head of hers up and down that long hard cock, Riley placed his free hand on her head, no pressure, at least not yet. She smiled to herself; he was going to cum soon. How could he not. He had wanted to feel her up at that work party, and now he was getting more than his dreams, she was down on her knees sucking him off.

The hand on her head, the dick in her mouth and the thought of what she was doing made her moan.

Charles Riley his hand on the young blonde’s hair as she bobbed her head up and down his raging hard dick.

He had never even dreamt that this would be happening. He thought that he might be able to cop a feel, which he did in a big way, but never had he thought that this young beautiful blonde he had wanted for so long, would be down on her knees sucking him off, and while he was on the phone to her boyfriend.

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That small black cocktail dress made the image even hotter. He could see down the top of the dress as she bobbed her head up and down furiously on his dick. Her large breasts were shaking a little at the pace and the force with which she bobbed her head. Her soft hands held tightly on his hips and her eyes were tightly shut. She was now constantly moaning around his thick shaft.

As the young girlfriend sucked up and down on his dick, he spoke to Josh, "Yeah, she seems to be really enjoying that food. She must be quite a cook." He managed to keep his voice steady as the beauty on her knees in front of him continued her work of sucking his dick. She was so good at this. Her mouth was velvet soft and her throat almost made him cum every time his hard cock pushed down it. She was a pro if he had ever met one. She had managed to take all his dick in one go! He had never met another woman who could do that, and he had met a few.

"Yeah, she is. What's she been making?" the unknowing boyfriend asked.

"Something with sausage in it. It's warm and wet but it must taste good, because she not only looks like she is enjoying it, but she sounds like it too," the old boss answered.

"Mmmph!" Sophie moaned as he described her blowjob to her boyfriend. Riley smiled at this. So that was what was turning her on so much, the risk of her boyfriend finding out and the eroticness of giving his boss a blowjob while he was on the phone to him. Now he had a plan to make her his.

"Yeah, she seems to like sausage dishes," Josh laughed, "She always wants them lately. Must be a phase or something."

"Yeah, she is really enjoying this. This must be the best she has ever had," Riley said, "Here, listen to her eat it."

Sophie almost came when Riley placed the phone by her ear. Josh could certainly hear her slurping and moaning now.

"Mmm, mmm!" She moaned in between slurping up and down that cock.

She took her mouth from it and quickly spoke to Josh, "Oh baby, it's so good! I think I really have surpassed myself this time."

Then she put her mouth back over the thick cock as Josh spoke to her. She carried on moaning and slurping as he spoke, bobbing her head up and down.

This was so good! She bobbed her head faster now and looked into Riley's eyes.

Josh heard his beautiful girlfriend slurping down the phone as she obviously enjoyed what she was eating. He told her that he knew she was a good cook, and he smiled. She really was. Little did he know that his beautiful 22-year-old girlfriend was on her knees in their lounge sucking his boss so hard, with the phone near her so he could hear her illicit oral session.

Riley took the phone back from Sophie as she looked back up to him and continued to bob her head faster and faster. Her eyes were glazed over with pure lust.

He couldn't take this anymore. The sight of this gorgeous blonde girlfriend sucking him off was going to make him cum any minute.

"Josh……Tell me how the…..contract meeting…went," Riley managed to stammer out. The girl’s cheeks moved in and out as she sucked his cock and bobbed her head up and down his hard dick. He knew it was time, the sight was just too much staring into those lust-filled eyes above a mouth stuffed with his hard cockmeat while he spoke to her boyfriend.

He pressed the mute button on the handset.

"I'm going to cum in your mouth, Miss Sophie Harper," he told the blonde as he grabbed her hair.

She just sucked even harder and bobbed her head even faster.

"Then I'm going to fuck you while you talk to your boyfriend on the phone," he growled at her

"Mmmph!" Sophie moaned and rolled her eyes.

Then with her eyes fixed on his, Charles Riley pulled her head all the way down on his long dick and thrust upwards at the same time, making Sophie gag on all the cockmeat down her throat.

Eyes on his and her boyfriend talking about how the meeting had gone, Riley's cock burst.

He shot load after load after load of his hot, sticky cum, straight down the throat of this hot blonde girl.

With his dick shoved all the way down her throat, she just gulped all of his cum down into her stomach. Not even spilling a drop out of that beautiful pink-lipped mouth still wrapped around his thick cock.

"OH!" He groaned as his balls emptied down the blonde girlfriend's throat.

"Mmmph!" Sophie moaned around the thick shaft. Visibly gulping down his seed, her eyes were still fixed on his.

"Fuck, you're the best cocksucker I have ever met," Riley told her as he let go of her head.

Slowly, almost regretfully, Sophie slid her mouth from over the thick cockmeat. Smiling up at Mr Charles Riley, who still had that phone to his ear. Josh was still talking to his boss with no idea that he had just cum down her throat, after an amazing blowjob. He had no idea that his hot twenty-two-year-old girlfriend had gulped down his boss's cum and was about to fuck him while on the phone to him. She had already noted Riley's still hard cock and now just thought that every guy she sucks off behind her boyfriend's back. Still, it was a shock.

"So, are you going to just sit there or are you going to fuck me?" She asked in an impatient tone.

"Yeah, lie down," he said after his eyes bulged in disbelief that she had just come out and said that.

"No. Actually, I have changed my mind," Sophie said and then stood up. Seeing the disappointment on his face made her smile, she really was a tease.

Reaching under her dress, she slid her black lace panties down and kicked them off her feet. They landed on the other sofa.

"I don't want you to fuck me, not yet anyway," she said. His gaze never left her face. "I'm going to fuck you."

She moved forward and knelt with either knee on the side of his legs, straddling him if she wasn't kneeling over him. Her breasts were almost in his face. She looked down at him, smiling teasingly.

"I'm going to fuck you while I'm on the phone to my boyfriend," she said with that lustful look in her eyes.

Taking the phone off him, she pressed the mute button and heard Josh say, "That was about it, really."

Still staring at Riley in the eyes, her pussy hovering over his large monster dick which now had her hand around the thick shaft guiding it towards her soft entrance, she spoke to her boyfriend.

"Hey honey, I've finished my food now. I'm just going to sit down then we can carry on talking," And with that she slammed herself down on Riley's hard cock.

She dropped the phone when she did and cried out loudly, "OH!" Her eyes now tightly shut as the pain and pleasure of such a big dick entering her at such a force began to subside.

Riley had a look on his face as if he had died and gone to heaven. She couldn't believe the feeling of the dick inside her. She felt stuffed, as if the hard rod was going to come through her mouth. She was completely impaled on the old boss's hard dick.

"OH!" she moaned again.

Then she realised that she had dropped the phone. Still impaled on the monster cock, Sophie reached down and picked up the receiver.

"SOPHIE? SOPHIE, ARE YOU OK?" came Josh's voice down from the other end.

"YES! Yes…I'm... great," she told her boyfriend, once again relishing in the feel of that hard cock buried to the hilt deep within her.

"What happened? I thought I heard you scream!" Josh asked worriedly.

"I'm good, sweetie. Very good! I just landed on something hard again as I sat down. It's ok now though, I feel a lot better. In fact, I'm not even hurt," she said, smiling. Riley still had his eyes closed, relishing in the feel of her tight pussy, and his dream of fucking her, she thought.

"You'll have to be more careful, babe," he told her, the worry fading now he thought he knew what had happened.

"I will, baby, thank you for caring. Aww, you’re so sweet, I love you, baby," Sophie said as she was impaled on his boss’s long, hard cock. "Hold on one sec."

She looked at Riley, who now had his eyes open and his hands resting on her thighs under her dress. Placing the receiver against her shoulder, she looked at Riley and said, "I'm going to ride you so hard, Mr Riley. Maybe you could give Josh a promotion now," she said with a smile. She had always found those stories so erotic, about women who fuck their guy's boss to get a promotion or for him to keep his job. "I'm going to make you cum in me, all in my pussy while I speak to my boyfriend."

She smiled at the old guy again. He was just sitting there, mesmerised by the events. She laughed as she started to move her hips back and forth.

The long cock within her started to pull out and she moved her hips the other way and felt it slide back in her welcoming pussy hole.

Slowly, she moved her hips, very slowly, although she wanted to hump as fast as she could, and kept her eyes on Riley’s, Hearing him moan and groan, "Fuck yeah," under his breath, Sophie lifted the receiver to her ear, then quickly had to put it back to her shoulder as she moaned loudly.

"Ooh! Ohh! Mmm!" she moaned. The feeling that the large dick sliding in and out of her and the idea of speaking to her boyfriend while she fucked his boss had made her moan. Establishing a slow rhythm of her hips rocking forward and back and his cock gently thrusting up a little, she raised the phone back to her ear.

"Hey, honey," Sophie said down the phone, the lovers' eyes still fixed on each other's.

"Hey baby, what's up?" Josh asked.

"Oh, I just had some…thing I had to do, that's all," she replied.

The leather sofa softly creaked as Sophie gently rode the big dick. The boss's hands were caressing her thighs now.

"What are you up to?" she asked him.

"I'm still at the airport," he answered.

"Oh!" she moaned lightly as the cock entered her with a little more force. Riley had thrust a little harder that time. "Really," she said.

"Yeah. Sucks," he replied.

Sophie ran a hand from her mouth down onto her large breasts and cupped one of them, squeezing. Then trailed her hand down her stomach, back onto her thigh.

"I thought you were going to fuck me hard?" Riley whispered to her.

"Mmm!" Sophie moaned quietly, "Are you horny for me?" she asked quietly but sweetly. She then started to speed up. Moving her hips with faster harder moves as Riley thrust up into her harder and faster, matching her rhythm. "Mmm, yeah!" she moaned lightly.

"What'd you say, babe?" Josh asked.

"I said, Mmm yeah! That sucks," Sophie replied as she slammed herself down on the hard pole.

"You know, these tax……." Sophie couldn't hear the rest of what Josh had to say as she placed the receiver against her shoulder again.

"Mmm, Ohh, Yeaah!" She moaned loudly.

"Oh, Sophie, you’re so hot," Riley groaned.

"Umm, oh yeah! Oh yeah! Uhh!" Sophie moaned in reply.

"Ride my cock whore while you talk to your boyfriend," Riley growled at her.

"OHH!" She moaned loudly, then lifted the phone back to her ear. "Babyyy, caan youu come backk soon." She tried to keep her voice steady as the thick pole slid back into her pussy.

"As soon as I can, baby," Josh replied, "What's that noise?"

"Ooo, Whatt noisse?" Sophie asked, hoping Josh would take the moan for her being confused.

"That creaking sound?" Josh asked.

Smiling, Sophie realised what Josh could hear. She was riding hard now and fast, fucking up and down that thick hard pole that was being driven into her pussy, and the leather sofa was creaking, marking the illicit fuck that was taking place. Sophie had a wicked idea and pumped herself harder on Riley's dick because of it.

"I'm in the bedroom baby. I jusst had to when I got on thee phonne with youu," Sophie said.

"You’re fingering yourself while Riley is in the lounge?" Josh said with a little laugh, he knew she loved risk.

"He….is…buusy at thhe moment. He wass siting in the loounge when I last saw him," she answered.

"And you want to talk dirty to me?" Josh asked whilst smiling.

"Yeeaahh!" Sophie moaned.

"Just for a few minutes though, you can't leave Riley on his own all night, it might look bad on me," Josh said.

"I woonn't," she promised, "Umm! I can just feel that cock slamming right into me now," Sophie groaned, slamming her pussy down hard on Riley's cock. He was fucking back up at her now ferociously and the sofa was creaking louder and louder, faster and faster in unison with their fucking.

Riley couldn't believe how tonight had turned out. He had come here to cop a feel if he could and now, he had the hot blonde beauty riding his dick while telling her boyfriend how good it was, after the blowjob of the year. He was ready to cum at that thought, but he wanted to savour this feeling as long as he could.

Sophie was moaning down the phone openly now, her boyfriend seemed to think she was having phone sex with him.

"Oh, um, yeah! It feels so good!" Sophie moaned loudly down the phone, "Harder! Harder! Oh yeah, like that! Oh, you fuck me so good."

His hard pole was fucking into the twenty-two-year-old as she bounced harder and faster on his dick, with increasing moans and groans. Her luscious large tits were bouncing around in her tight low-cut cocktail dress, almost spilling out of it. They looked ready to burst out of the thin material as Sophie arched her back to fuck at him harder.

"Oh yeah, Sophie!" He moaned quietly. He didn't want to break the idea of him not being there because it was too erotic watching her bounce around wildly on his cock, moaning loudly and groaning while on the phone to her boyfriend.

"Um, yeah! I love riding your dick! Oh, so hard! So good! Um, you're so thick!" Sophie moaned.

CREAK CREAK CREAK, moaned the leather sofa.

"Oh yeah!" moaned Sophie


"Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh!" Groaned the big-titted blonde as his dick drove in and out of her and she slammed up and down on him with her eyes tightly closed shut.


"OH YEAH! UH UH UH! Um, so fucking good" She groaned loudly. "I better go honey or you will make me cum. I'll take you back to Mr Riley," she said to the receiver.

Hearing her call him Mr Riley made his cock even harder. She was close!

Holding the phone to her shoulder Sophie rode Riley's dick fast and hard, slamming herself down on him. She was so close now. Moaning down the phone to her boyfriend while she rode his boss's dick had almost brought her off. But she could barely hold the phone anymore.

"Oh, yeah! Um! This is so good!" She moaned loudly.

"You're soo tight," Riley groaned.

"Going to make you cum, Mr Riley," she groaned.

Then she handed him the phone. He answered it and told Josh that everything was fine and that he was having a great night.

"Don't worry, Josh, get back as soon as you can," the balding boss told him.

Riding the fat boss, Sophie groaned and moaned as quietly as she could. All she could seem to think of was the hard dick in her though. It was so kinky screwing her boyfriend's boss.

"OH!" She moaned louder; the thought always made her moan.

Wrapped in the ecstasy that was flowing through her she leaned forward and put her hands on the top of the sofa, bracing herself. Her smooth thighs clamped to either side of Charles Riley's lap and her grip on the back of the leather sofa made her knuckles turn white.

"So much pleasure," she thought, "So good! So very good!"

Braced as she was now, Sophie began to ride the old fat boss for all she was worth. Her large breasts swung back and forth as she thrust herself back on the love pole harder and faster than ever before. They were almost pressed into Riley's face, even now they kept on rubbing against him. His free hand now held her ass as he thrust his cock so hard into Sophie that she thought she might break, he was hammering into her so fast that she was surprised she didn't feel sore, but all she felt was so good!!!

Ramming that thick cock into her pussy time and time again, Sophie could feel her climax approaching, it would be amazing.

Gripping the leather so hard it almost ripped, the sofa creaked so loud and fast now that it just sounded like one long creaking noise. Panting too much to even moan now, with just her orgasm in mind, she fucked furiously on that thick pleasure-giving pole.

So close. So close.

Then suddenly, Riley grabbed her ass and stood up, holding onto her. Then even more astonishingly, he pulled his dick out of her and stood her on the ground. Sophie couldn't believe it! He had been so close.

Setting the young blonde down on her feet, Charles Riley smiled at the look of shock and frustration on her face. He knew how she felt, he wanted nothing more than to put his dick back in her and fuck till he couldn't move, but he wanted to fuck her, he wanted to come in her, just as he said he would.

"What are you doing!?!" Sophie demanded outraged.

He pressed the mute button.

"Come here," he said, while Josh was talking about how the plane ride went. That kid would talk about anything.

Sophie walked over to him, anger and frustration on her face, arms folded under those magnificent large breasts.

He kicked his pants off and threw his shirt onto the sofa behind him.

"On your knees," he commanded.

She looked like she might say no, but he knew she was too horny to refuse. She sank to her knees in front of him and wrapped one of those sweet little hands around his dick.

"I don't want you to suck me, turn around," he told her.

Sophie turned around, facing the TV with the small low coffee table in front of her. Riley knelt behind her and while still listening to Josh, pushed his girlfriend down so her hands rested on the table. He loved doggie style.

He moved up behind the young blonde, on her knees, bent over the coffee table in that sexy little black dress, with those high heels still on. She was the image of lust. Her hair was a little messed up, but that made her look more animalistic. She had turned her head around and was looking at him, all fury gone now. He could see their reflection in the TV, and he could see straight down her dress, at those milky white knockers that she was blessed with. He pressed the mute button as Sophie spoke.

"Are you going to just kneel there or are you going to fuck me then?" she asked him, teasingly but still with a hint of frustration.

Josh was still talking, the noise in the background had increased, he must be outside waiting for a taxi, he hadn't heard.

Riley smiled at the blonde beauty and thrust into her, impaling her on the first stroke.

"OH!" Sophie groaned loudly.

It felt so good to be back in that ass. But he didn't move yet, he had one more idea left to try. As Sophie turned to ask him if he was going to fuck her or not, Riley took the receiver from his ear and pressed the little button that said, ‘Loud Speaker’, and placed it on the chair to the right of him, opposite the table.

The noise from the other end was loud due to the traffic, he could make out Josh's voice just, but he doubted that Josh would hear much of this fuck fest.

"OOO!" Sophie cooed looking at him, "Kinky."

And with that, he pulled out and slammed back into her.

"OH! UM! YEAH! SO FULL!" Sophie groaned loudly, "FUCK ME!"

So, Riley complied. He held those fine hips firmly as he began his final assault on Sophie's wanton pussy. She needed a good fucking, and he would give her a good fucking.

He moved his hands to her waist, that beautifully thin waist that he had longed to hold since he met her, and fucked her so hard, the coffee table started to jolt forward after each of his thrusts.

Sophie was meeting every one of his hard thrusts with equal fervour, she slammed her ass back impaling herself with so much force that he was glad he was holding her by the waist, or else she may have knocked him away from her.

Written by The_Shadow_Rising
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