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Sophie's Engagement - Part 3

"Newly engaged girlfriend seduces fiance's brother - continued"

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"I'll see you in the morning, bro."

Josh smiled, and said good night, not knowing just how different things would be in the morning. But then, neither did Billy and Sophie.

Watching Sophie smile, and walk past towards the hall door, Billy's eyes immediately went straight to the hot fiancée's tight ass, watching intently as she swayed in her tightish jeans out into the hallway.

When the door to the lounge closed behind them both, Billy had to fight within himself the urge to just rip his brother's fiancées clothes off and fuck her right there, but he knew he had to play it cool and make her want him; if she was in control then she wouldn't cheat on Josh.

Slowly, the horny pair walked up the stairs in silence, turning right at the top of the flight, and walking past the bathroom opposite Josh and Sophie's bedroom, and towards the front of the house, which obviously held the spare bedroom.

As Sophie took a hold of the doorknob, Billy's heart raced even faster, but he managed to keep a calm appearance.

This was it; he was going to fuck his brother's gorgeous fiancée, even if she didn't know it yet.

"Here you are," Sophie said, as she walked in before him, turning to face him and smile as he followed her in, and gently closed the door behind him.

This was it.


Josh smiled at the backs of his gorgeous fiancée and brother as they left the room, gently closing the hall door behind them. He leaned back on the leather sofa and let out a contented sigh as he smiled at the remains of the wine left in the bottle. There was no point in letting it go to waste, and he knew what Sophie would be wanting when he got upstairs, and the waiting would make her hornier.

So, Josh took his time in drinking his wine, as he sat and listened to the gentle tracks that had now come on the CD, drinking his wine, and feeling perfectly content.

Little did he know the lustful thoughts that both his brother and his fiancée were having as they walked up the stairs towards the spare bedroom; Billy trying to stay calm and find a way to fuck Sophie tonight, and Sophie desperately trying to convince herself that all she was going to do was show Billy the bedroom, flirt a little, then screw Josh.

But as the horny couple entered the spare room above where Josh sat in the lounge, the beautiful 22-year-old, blonde fiancée was about to be pushed passed any limit she had previously encountered.


"So, what do you think?" Sophie said, as she twisted slightly with her arms open wide, indicating the not huge, but still largish bedroom.

Billy took a moment to look around, and Sophie smiled as she looked at him. He was hot, and by the look of the bulge in his pants, very horny, but he kept himself so calm and cool, which somehow managed to turn her on even more. She loved a challenge, and she loved the erotic risk that came from this being Josh's younger brother.

She watched as Billy took in the double bed, with its wooden headboard and its pink covers. That made her smile, Billy lying in pink bed covers, but he didn't seem to pay any attention. The bed faced the door with the large front windows on its left, opposite the wardrobes, mirror, and bedside tables.

The room was simple, designed as a guest room for when anyone wanted to stay over, and it was only seconds before Billy's eyes returned to the true attraction of the room; her.

"As I said before, the scenery here is very nice," Billy said, as he smiled that charming smile at her.

"I'm glad you like it," Sophie replied, gently biting her lower lip as she did when horny, "You like pink?" she asked as she gestured towards the bed covers.

"I don't mind, it won't be the covers I'll be looking at," he replied, sending shivers through Sophie.

"Is that so?" she teased back.

Billy just smiled and moved closer to her, standing so close to her that her big tits almost touched his uniform covered chest.

"Your beautiful face as we fuck each other," Billy said, that charming grin never faltering as he spoke dirty to his brother's fiancée.

Sophie's stomach turned somersaults as the words came from Josh's brother's mouth, and she shuddered visibly, trying desperately to stay in control of herself.

She wouldn't cheat on Josh again! She wouldn't!

"It seems that you like that idea," Billy said, his eyes locked on hers as he took her hands and placed her arms around his neck.

His own hands slipping slowly around her slim waist, encircling her and pulling her gently closer until they both stood in the middle of the spare bedroom, at the foot of the double bed, bodies lightly pressed against each other, and their lips only two inches apart.

"Do you like the sound of that?" Billy asked, his breath caressing Sophie as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

She wanted to moan so badly. She wanted to fuck him so badly. But she couldn't, she wouldn't! At least she tried to make herself believe it.

Standing there, so close to Josh's brother, knowing that if his lips touched hers, she would do anything he wanted, Sophie fought within herself. She desperately wanted to nod, but she knew that he would fuck her then, and she wanted to stop this right now, but that was so hard; she wanted this so badly.

Billy slowly began to move his face closer to Sophie's, his lips about to touch hers, when she pulled back, and reluctantly removed his arms from around her.

"We can't," she said, the words tearing at her. She wanted this so badly. She needed this so badly. But she was engaged now, she couldn't.

Slowly, she moved around Billy and walked towards the door, her body crying and yearning for her to go back, to just turn around and give in.

Then suddenly she felt Billy's hand grasp her wrist and spin her around, before pushing her hard against the wooden door. Sophie felt a rush of excitement and lust shoot through her as her eyes came to rest on Billy's face, and he pressed his body hard against her, pushing her hard against the door.

Her breathing deepened as she saw the lust filling his eyes, knowing that they must be a mirror image of her own. His hands held her wrists against the door above her head, the rock-hard bulge in his uniform pants pressing hard against her.

"I want you so much," Billy said lustfully, not smiling charmingly anymore. The only thing Sophie could see in him was the same passion that was coursing through her.

She could feel her big tits pressing harder against his solid chest as her breathing deepened and her heart raced.

"I won't make you do anything you don't want me to, Soph, I won't force you," Billy said, that same heat intensifying in his eyes, but Sophie knew that what he said was true.

The feel of his dick pressed against her hard, the feel of the door she was pressed against, the knowledge that this was Josh's younger brother, and that Josh was downstairs and would come up anytime soon, that she had just gotten engaged that very night, and that she was hornier than she could ever remember being, warred against her desperate attempts to convince herself to stay faithful to Josh, that she was going to be married to him in three weeks.

It seemed like hours that she was staring into her fiancé’s brother’s eyes, but it was only a couple of seconds before the war was won within her and she finally gave in, and quickly mashed her soft pink lips against his, accepting his tongue deep into her mouth and passionately kissing her fiancée’s younger brother.

"Mmph," she moaned into Billy's mouth, as lust took her completely, and her tongue danced franticly with his.

Suddenly Sophie's arms wrapped tightly around Billy's neck, pulling him closer as they continued their passionate embrace. She didn't know whether Billy had let her wrists go or whether she had forced her hands out in passion, but neither did she care.

Sophie continued to kiss her future brother-in-law madly, her lips mashing harshly against his while her tongue forcefully danced inside his mouth, and his in hers. There was no love in this kiss, only pure lust-filled passion.

As she continued to moan into Billy's mouth, Billy reached behind her, pulling her away from the door long enough to grab hold of her tight denim-covered ass and lift her up, before pressing her hard against the door again. Sophie's long legs instantly wrapped around Josh's brother's waist, trying desperately to pull him closer.

"Ohmph," Sophie moaned into Billy's mouth, as she felt that solid bulge press her harder against the door.  If she would've been naked Billy's dick would be inside her right then. That thought made her moan again as they kissed.

Suddenly, he loosed one of his hands from her ass, holding her with one hand, Billy then reached up to once again begin squeezing her large ripe melons through the pink sweater.

Sophie continued to moan and kiss as hard and as passionately as she could, trying to tighten her legs and pull Billy closer to her. She needed to be fucked, and there was no doubt inside her now that Josh's younger brother and her were going to do just that. There had never really been any doubt, after everything that had happened lately, Sophie knew she was a slut, and that she would be forever now, but she had tried to stay faithful. She really had tried.

That's what she would have thought, if she could've thought of anything other than how she wanted Billy to fuck her, as he held her, his brother’s new fiancée, against the bedroom door, her legs wrapped around his waist, his hand groping furiously at her big tits, and their tongues dancing madly in each other’s mouths. All this as Josh sat happily downstairs.

Just then, with their tongues still entwined happily, Billy's hand left her attention-seeking tits, and once again grabbed a tight hold on her ass, and with Sophie's arms and legs tightly wrapped around him, he pulled her away from the door, turned around, walked a few steps and fell forward onto the soft mattress of the double bed.

"Mmph," Sophie moaned as she felt Billy's body press down on her against the soft mattress. She couldn't believe how turned on she was. She was definitely going to fuck him now, and she was going to break his balls for making her this hot.

Billy's hand returned quickly to mauling her tits now he didn't have to support her, but only for a brief time, as he suddenly broke the kiss, and once again stared down at her with eyes so filled with lust, Sophie was surprised they weren't actually glowing.

"I told you I wouldn't notice the sheets," Billy said, his charming smile seeming to return now he knew they would have sex.

Sophie laughed gently; her legs still wrapped around Billy's waist.

"You're not fucking me yet," she replied with a playful smile.

Billy's grin became playful as well.

"I'm glad to hear you say ‘yet’," he said sounding satisfied.

"How am I going to explain to Josh why his new fiancée is spending so much time in the spare bedroom with his brother?" she asked, as she ran her fingers lightly down Billy's neck. His bulge was still pressed solidly against her wanton pussy.

"Just tell him I'm upset about no women wanting me, and that you're comforting me," Billy answered with a cheeky smile, before gently kissing her again.

"I'm sure he'd believe that with the luck you have with women," Sophie stated when he stopped kissing her, and Billy smiled obviously catching on that she was meaning the current situation of him having his brother's new fiancée underneath him on a bed, discussing how they were going to hide the fact that they were going to have sex from Josh, "And anyway, why would you talk to me?"

"Tell him that I didn't want to talk to him about it because I respect his opinion of me too much, and that I wouldn't want him to think any less of me," he replied, taking his time to lightly kiss down Sophie's slim neck.

"Mmm," Sophie moaned lightly at the feel of his lips on her soft flesh.

"Just make it up, I'm sure you can do it," he finished saying, as he once again lay looking down into her beautiful face.

Sophie just smiled up at him, biting her lower lip gently. This felt so hot.

"Now, where was I before my brother interrupted? Ah, yes, I was about to fuck his hot fiancée," Billy said, as he pushed himself up so that he could unbutton and unzip his pants.

But before he could pull his uniform pants down, Sophie spoke, and stopped him dead in his tracks.

"If you start fucking me right now, then I'm going to start moaning and groaning and screaming and stuff," Sophie began, as she used her legs to pull Billy back down on top of her, which once again drove his solid bulge hard against her, making her eyes open slightly and a grunt escape her soft, full, pink lips, "And don't you think Josh will get suspicious if he hears a woman moaning and screaming in your room when I'm the only woman in the house?"

Billy's face took on a look of worry. Sophie could hardly stop herself from giggling at him. He was so horny for her that the thought of something postponing the sex had him worried.

Instead, she just bit her lower lip again and smiled playfully.

"So, what do you want to do?" Billy asked, before desperately adding, "I'm going to fuck you tonight, you know."

Sophie smiled at the lack of a question in that statement, before rolling over on top of Josh's younger brother, her face still only inches from his.

"Calm down, Billy Bull, we'll fuck tonight, don't worry," She said, as electricity shot through her from those few words, "But I was thinking I would keep you entertained, just until Josh has gone into the en-suite to have his bath, then we can fuck."

She couldn't believe how easy it was to think about cheating on her loving fiancé now, and how hot it made her feel.

Billy's face relaxed as he heard Sophie's plan, and once again he smiled charmingly at her.

"So, what are we going to do until Josh comes upstairs, it could be ages," Billy said, curiosity and worry coming back into his eyes. "How about we just fuck quietly."

Sophie slowly sat upright, her pussy still on top of Billy's hard bulge, and looked down at Josh's younger brother.

"If we're going to do this, then we're doing it properly," she said seriously, and then a playful smile crept across her face, and she slowly lowered her face to only inches from his, "I was thinking…" she began, and slowly began to move backwards, moving down Billy's body and smiling teasingly, "…That perhaps you'd like your brother’s new fiancée to give you a mind-blowing blowjob?" she finished, as her beautiful blonde haired face hovered slightly over the large bulge in Billy's uniform pants as he lay on the bed.

Billy's face instantly transformed from that worrying look to charming and satisfied again.

"Fuck, yeah!" Billy answered, "Now, be a good girl and get that dick in your mouth, Sophie, I want to make sure that you're good enough for my brother."

Sophie smiled up at him, shuddering as she always did at the mention of Josh, before turning her attention to the large bulge that had filled her mind all night. It would soon fill her hot mouth, and then, her wanton pussy.

Slowly Sophie took a hold of the top of Billy's pants and boxers and began to move further towards the end of the bed, freeing his hard cock from its confines, and throwing the now pointless clothes across the room. She had always found clothes scattered across the room hot, probably because it was done in hot, passionate sex, rather than slow lovemaking. She liked to make love, but she absolutely loved to fuck.

As she turned from throwing her fiancé's brother's pants across the room, she got her first look at not only another man’s dick now she was engaged, but the lust inspiring hard nine-inch dick of her fiancé's younger brother.

She knew how big it was now, because she had gotten used to seeing other guy's dicks up close and personal, and Billy wasn't the biggest dick she had had fuck her, but it had been five days since Charles Riley had pounded her with his eleven-inch monster, and with how much sex Sophie needed nowadays, it felt like months.

It had been even longer since Tyler, who had the biggest dick in the world to Sophie, had fucked her senseless downstairs, and she was now finding it hard to remember what a big dick was like, all she knew was that it was so very good.

Josh had a great dick, but Billy was still bigger and thicker than Josh, and not only that, he was Josh's brother, and that made all the difference.

"Are you just going to stare at it, or are you going to actually suck my dick then, Soph?" Her fiancée's brother asked her in a teasingly satisfied way.

Obviously, he thought she had never seen a dick this big, and although she had seen bigger, after so long, she felt like this was the biggest she had ever seen.

Sophie playfully smiled back at him as she moved closer to the hard pole of her new fiancé's brother. Closer and closer to once again being an unfaithful fiancée. The eroticness of the situation, knowing that Josh would be coming upstairs, and walking passed the room to his bath, as his hot fiancée was sucking his brother’s dick, made her want to just forget the blowjob and fuck Billy right then.

But slowly she inched closer to that orgasm-giving rod, and with her soft, pink lips hovering only an inch over Billy's cock, she stopped to look up into his eyes as he rested on his elbows to watch her intently.

"Open wide," he said with a smile.

Sophie smiled back at him, as she slowly parted her full lips, opened her hot and wet mouth, and slowly lowered her mouth onto Billy's dick.

She slowly continued to lower her face down the entire length of Josh's brothers nine-inch cock, feeling its hot hardness, touch the sides of her wet and warm mouth and slowly push into her tight, hot throat.

She only stopped once her soft, pink lips had reached the base of Billy's cock, the entire rod in her mouth and down her throat, her eyes locked on his, before slowly starting to move back up again.

The lustful feelings of knowing that she had her fiancé's brothers dick buried in her mouth, and that she was going to fuck him on the very day she had agreed to marry Josh, almost blew her away.

Sophie moaned, as she slowly moved her head back up Billy's cock, flicking her tongue along the entire shaft as she moved.

This was going to be the beginning of a very long night for the new bride-to-be.


Josh sat back on the sofa after tipping the last remnants of the bottle into his now full glass. He relaxed into the softness of the leather sofa, listening to the calming music playing from the CD in the stereo, and anticipating the hot sex he would have with his sweet and loving fiancée later on.

He didn't know, of course, that his sweet and loving fiancée was now bobbing her head up and down his brother’s long, hard shaft, sucking hard on his dick, slashing back and forth with her tongue, as she waited for him to go and take his bath so she could show his brother just how loving she could be.

Josh, completely ignorant to the hot, erotic blowjob that was taking place upstairs between his sexy blonde fiancée and his beloved brother, continued to just enjoy the evening, and continuing to look forward to the rest of the night.

And Sophie continued to give his brother more than friendly hospitality.


Billy found it hard to stay leaning on his elbows to look at his brother's hot, blonde fiancée sucking hard on his rock-solid dick. Her eyes stayed glued to his as she continuously bobbed that beautiful face up and down his hard cock. Her long, blonde hair, still in its ponytail, fell over her right shoulder seductively as she continued to take very good care of his hard on.

He had known that she would be a champion cocksucker when he first saw her full, pink lips, they were just made to be wrapped around a dick, but he had never thought that she would be the best at blowjobs ever. He had been around the world and had so many women he couldn't remember them all, but he knew for a fact that Sophie was by far the best ever.

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She had started so slowly, so painfully slowly. Lowering her mouth over his dick, slowly allowing each inch to slide painfully slowly into her hot, wet mouth, and even down her tight, hot throat. Then, slowly, she had raised her head, not sucking, just moving, and lightly flicked her tongue over every inch of his dick, before once again, slowly moving back down like she was teasing him.

And then, she had slowly started to speed up, until she was bobbing her head up and down in a faster rhythm, slashing and swirling her tongue around his hard shaft, her smooth, soft cheeks moving in and out hotly as she sucked harder and harder, but never once did her eyes leave his.

Josh’s last girlfriend was nowhere near as good as Sophie, and if she was this good at sucking dick, how good would she be at fucking. Billy couldn't wait to find out.

"Ah, fuck, Soph, you suck dick the best, baby," Billy moaned breathlessly between his teeth, still trying as hard as he could to keep the strength up to keep watching her bob up and down. It was like she was trying to suck every little bit of strength out of him through his dick.

Happily slurping, Sophie continued to suck and lick his dick, never letting it out of her hot mouth for a second.

Billy wished that he could see her on her knees sucking him, instead of on her knees in a curled-up position on the bed. He wanted to see that hot body as she fucked her mouth repeatedly on his dick.

"Josh is sure going to be a lucky guy," Billy groaned out between his teeth as the hot blonde continued her work on him.

"Mmph," Sophie moaned as he mentioned his brother's name, and began to suck harder on his dick, her head bobbing a little faster.

"Fuck, girl, you sure know how to drain a guy’s balls," he exclaimed as the pleasure intensified, and Sophie pushed her face harder down on his dick until it rammed hard into her throat.

Suddenly, with a loud pop, Sophie pulled her mouth off his dick and lightly began to run her tongue all around the large head, before stopping to smile at him.

"You like this, Billy?" she said teasingly, "You like your brother’s fiancée giving you a blowjob? Does it make you want to cum knowing his hot fiancée is sucking your dick?"

"Fuck!" he exclaimed and tried to pull her back down on to him.

Sophie only smiled and kissed the tip of his big cock a few times, her eyes still intent on his, lust filling them completely.

"Mm, it's so big, and so tasty," she said, running her tongue all the way down the hard nine-inch shaft and back up to envelop the head in her mouth quickly, "I love the way it feels in my mouth and my throat. Do you, baby?"

"Fuck, Sophie, yes, now come on and suck my dick," he answered desperately; she was just teasing him now and enjoying every second of it.

Once again, she wrapped her lips just around the head of his dick and began sucking as if she was sucking on an ice-lolly.

"Mmm," she moaned loudly, her eyes teasing his, before pulling her mouth away again and smiling playfully, "Now, let's see if you really do deserve the name, 'Bull’," she said with a smile, before, for the first time, breaking her eye contact with him and slamming her face hard down on his dick.

"Oh, fuck me!" Billy groaned as his full nine inches disappeared between Sophie's soft pink lips, entering her throat with such force that if Billy could've thought about anything, he would have been surprised she hadn't gagged.

Faster and faster Josh's blonde fiancée slammed her mouth up and down Billy's dick. Harder and harder until all Billy could make out was her long, blonde ponytail moving and almost a blur as he began to see stars in front of his eyes.

It was too much to handle, and after a minute or so his arms gave way and he lay back on the bed as if he was in a daze.

Sophie continued to feed his hard cock in and out of her mouth hard and fast, slamming her gorgeous face back and forth on his hard pole. Billy didn't know how much more he could take, and he was now definitely seeing stars, as the warm cavern of his brother's fiancée's mouth and throat continued to swallow, massage, and suck on his lust-filled rod. Right then he truly believed that Sophie meant to literally suck the cum right out of him.

"Oh, fuck, Soph, yeah," Billy groaned as she continued her assault on his dick,

"Keep sucking me like that, baby, keep fucking your face on my dick! My brother would be so proud, baby!"

"Mmph," the hot blonde moaned as he mentioned her boyfriend again, and with increased vigour, sucked him harder.

"Swallow my dick, baby! Yeah, ram it down your hot throat," he continued to growl at her.

"Mmph," Sophie moaned as she sucked hard and fast.




The sounds of the illicit blowjob his brother’s fiancée was giving him filled the room, the slurping, the sounds of Sophie's lips gliding quickly over his hardness, and the sound of her moaning, mixed with his own, made Billy groan loudly.

He wished he knew what his brother was doing now, what he was thinking. He would bet any money that he hadn't got a clue that his hot fiancée was sucking his brother off.

Now he understood completely why his dad had fucked Josh's girlfriend before, and he would understand properly when he pushed his dick deep into Sophie.

With those thoughts in his mind, and the image of Sophie's beautiful face having his hard cock rammed into it fresh in his mind, Billy knew that he would cum soon. That in itself was a surprise, as no girl had ever made him cum so quick. He could last for hours, but Sophie had only been blowing him for about ten minutes.

As the moans escaped his lips, and the thoughts of how hot Sophie was going to look as he fucked her, her big tits free and bouncing at last as he fed her his dick hard and fast, Billy knew he was about to cum.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum!" Billy groaned, but to his surprise and agony, Sophie quickly pulled her mouth from his dick.

Panic set in to Billy and he quickly pushed himself up to look down into her big, blue eyes.

"What the fuck...!?" he managed to stammer out before Sophie cut him off.

"Shh," she said with a playful smile.

"Don't shh me, Soph, you can't suck me till I'm about to cum then stop," Billy said, the agony of almost cumming consuming him.

"Don't worry, 'Big Bull', you can cum in my mouth, but I've got something hot for you," she said playfully, and gently wrapped her right hand around his shaft.

"Follow me," she all but growled in lust as she began pulling him gently by his dick towards the end of the bed.

Billy had no choice but to follow and watch as Sophie moved from the bed to kneel on the floor and pulled him to a standing position. Then letting her right hand brush her ponytail over her shoulder and down her back, she replaced it with her left hand.

Billy couldn't believe the sight, and now he understood what she had meant by 'something hot' for him. Sophie's diamond engagement ring, that his brother had given her that very night, was on the third finger of her left hand, which was now tightly wrapped around Billy's dick.

He looked from the ring to Sophie's now teasing smile on her gorgeous face.

"I thought you might like it," she said teasingly.

Billy smiled in return, desperate for her mouth again.

"And I thought you might be like your brother and enjoy watching my long, blonde ponytail bob around as I suck your dick," she said, a glint in her eye appeared when she mentioned Josh.

Billy couldn't believe it, had she read his mind earlier? But Sophie wasn't done yet.

"Oh, and one more thing," she said, her eyes glowing with a teasing light now, "I wanted you to have this image in your mind as I walk down the aisle in three weeks. The image of your brother's fiancée, down on her knees, with her hand wrapped tightly around your dick, her new diamond engagement ring shining in the light, ready to suck your dick for all she's worth. I want you to remember me sucking you off, of you cumming in my mouth, as your brother, my husband-to-be, sits downstairs."

"Fuck, Sophie, you are one kinky bitch," Billy growled down at her, in awe at the sight he was confronted with.

His brother's fiancée was down on her knees, her pink sweater moulded around her more than ample tits, framing her slim waist. Her long, blonde hair in a ponytail down her back. Her engagement ring glinting in the light as her hand was wrapped around his dick, and Sophie's beautiful, big, blue eyes staring lust at him as she was about to suck his dick again and let him cum in her mouth.

This was just too hot.


Sophie smiled up at him again, her eyes locking once again on his as she began to pump her hand up and down his dick, the new ring becoming a blur of light, and she lowered her hot mouth once more onto his waiting hard-on.

Sophie would have smiled up at Josh's brother if her mouth wasn't stuffed full of cockmeat. She knew that she had turned him on more than ever, and she also knew that she was still in control of the situation, like she always liked to be. She loved to be commanded sometimes, but she also loved to have control, and this was hot.

Saying all those things had not only turned Billy on to the point where Sophie knew he was going to cum very soon, it had turned her on completely. She was feeling almost delirious. She had cheated on Josh lots of times so far, but none had been as hot and kinky as this. She was actually down on her knees, sucking his brother's dick. She couldn't help but moan at the thought.

"Mmph," she moaned, as her left hand pumped up and down Billy's hard dick and the glint of her new diamond engagement ring shone in her eye.

"Fuck me, Sophie, suck my dick! Jack me until I cum in that hot little mouth of yours! Let me see Josh's engagement ring as you suck me!" Billy growled down at her, and Sophie groaned loudly.

Although Billy's dick wasn't the biggest she'd ever sucked, and certainly not recently, it felt like forever since she had had a dick bigger than Josh's in her mouth, and now it felt huge.

She loved the way it felt as it slid through her tightly pressed lips, through into her mouth. She loved the way the hot rod felt as she slashed at its invading presence with her tongue. But she especially loved how it felt as the large head pressed against the back of her throat and pushed its way down into her tight throat.

She loved the thought that this was Josh's brother, and not just one of his friends or his boss, that she had only just accepted his proposal that very night, and that right then he was probably walking up the stairs for his bath. Knowing that she was going down on Billy when Josh could walk in at any moment sent fireworks off in her belly.

"I love seeing you feed my dick into your mouth, Sophie, it's so hot," Billy continued to growl, but now it was from between clenched teeth as he neared orgasm, "I love how it feels, you have a hot mouth."

"Mmph," Sophie moaned, continuing to pump his dick furiously as she sucked harder and harder, her cheeks moving in and out.

"I love the way it looks seeing my dick slide between those hot lips. Seeing your hand jack me, seeing your tits jiggle, and watching your ponytail bob and bounce around as you fuck your face on my hard cock!" Billy continued.

Sophie knew he was getting close now, his breathing had quickened, and his words were becoming more growling than speaking.

She continued to ram his cock in and out of her mouth, sucking with all her might, slashing her tongue faster and faster. Her blonde ponytail bouncing around down her back as her lips and mouth worked the magic that so many had given into lately.

"Fuck!" Billy exclaimed, "I can't wait for you to be my sister-in-law, I'm going to come and stay with you more often."

Sophie groaned and moaned again as she sucked, knowing that that would no doubt be happening now. She also knew that if she couldn't stay faithful now, that she wouldn't when she was married either, she just wondered who would be the first she would fuck after getting married.

"If you like sucking your fiancé's brother's dick, imagine how good it'll be.....when...I fuck you!" he managed to stammer out as Sophie sucked even harder. All he could do now was groan.

Sophie jacked Billy's dick as hard as she could and sucked in complete unison. Harder and harder, faster and faster, she sucked. Her beautiful blonde head bobbing up and down rapidly as her long blonde ponytail bounced and swished as Josh's brother continued to feed her his dick.

And then Billy took a rough hold of her hair and pulled her to him. His dick rammed deep into Sophie's mouth, stopping just before her throat, as her left hand was still rapidly jacking up and down Billy's dick.

And then she heard those familiar words.

"Oh, fuck, I'm cumming!" Billy growled loudly, as he went rigid, and the head of his dick suddenly expanded.

Sophie's fist continued to pump up and down rapidly as Billy grunted and groaned, but she kept her head perfectly still as Billy's dick expanded and began blasting large shots of cum deep into her mouth. This time however, Sophie had decided that she wasn't going to swallow the cum she had worked so hard for, at least not yet, and to her surprise, Billy just kept on cumming.

Sophie's eyes grew wider and wider as her hot, wet, mouth quickly filled with her fiancé's brother's sticky white cum, and soon it began to dribble out of the sides of her mouth and down her chin. And still Billy's dick continued to blast her mouth full of his cum.

She couldn't believe it, her hand had now stopped moving, and both of them were holding onto Billy's hard rod as if holding on for life, and she just watched with amazement as Billy came for what must have been five minutes.

His cum, now completely filling her mouth, dribbled out from around Billy's cock, down her chin and neck, while some fell in globs down onto her tight jeans, or onto her pink sweater covered large tits, and even onto the floor, and by the time Billy finally collapsed back to lie down on the bed, his dick pulling free of her tightly held lips, there were large globs of cum all over the floor, her jeans, and her sweater, not to mention down her chin and neck. And her mouth was still completely full of his white seed.

She just couldn't believe it. Nobody had ever cum like that that she had seen. She knew Billy hadn't had sex in a while, but she still couldn't believe it.

She sat there, her clothes covered in cum, her face and neck covered in cum, and waited for Billy to look at her, still holding a mouthful of his sticky white seed.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, he sat up shakily, and noticed her with her mouth full.

Billy smiled before he spoke, and even his voice was unsteady.

"Is this what you wanted me to remember?" he asked in a teasing and satisfied tone.

Sophie just replied by leaning her head back slightly and opening her mouth to show him all of the cum she held there. Some more of it ran down over her full lips and down her cheek, but she kept her eyes lustfully on his as she took several large gulps and began swallowing all of his cum.

"Fuck, I'll remember this forever!" Billy exclaimed in almost a whisper of amazement.

Sophie just smiled as she swallowed the last of her fiancée's brother's cum, before licking her lips and scooping the sticky white liquid from her chin and neck and sucking it off her slim fingers. Noticing the thick white goo covering her brand-new diamond engagement ring, Sophie gently placed her finger into her mouth and sucked and swallowed it all off.

Billy's eyes were just glowing with lust and passion, but for the first time ever after one of her blowjobs, his dick wasn't hard. But then, she wasn't surprised after he had cum like that.

"Can you get me a few tissues?" she asked sweetly and innocently, as if she had just spilled something down her, rather than been covered in her fiancé's brothers cum after sucking him off.

"Sure," Billy replied with a happy, satisfied smile, and reached over for the tissues, "That was the best fucking blowjob I've ever had, and I've never cum so much in my life."

Sophie smiled up at him as she knelt on the floor and took the tissues and started cleaning the cum from her clothes.

"You really needed that, didn't you?" she replied with a smile.

He just smiled in response.

"That's nothing, I usually cum twice as much when I fuck than when a girl blows me," Billy said proudly, and Sophie's eyes widened in amazement, "So, just think how much cum I'm going to pump into you later."

"You're just going to fill me up completely, aren't you," Sophie said in amazement, and inside her stomach fluttered. How would it feel to be filled with so much cum? "I better not get pregnant."

Billy just smiled charmingly.

"How hot would that be, knocking my brother's bride-to-be up three weeks before their wedding," he said smugly.

"Calm down, big boy, isn't it hot enough that you're fucking his bride-to-be three weeks before the wedding?" she said, not panicking at all. After all, she had been filled with so much cum lately, and she hadn't gotten pregnant, that she knew it would be ok.

"It is hot, so how about we get to it then?" Billy said as Sophie finished off cleaning his cum from her clothes.

"Now, now, Billy, I've got to go and speak to Josh, so he doesn't wonder where I am and come wondering in here while we're screwing," Sophie said, as she wrapped the tissue up and stood up. She had used most of the tissues out of the box cleaning herself up, and she no doubt had to do something with these clothes too, as they may be clean, but they wouldn't smell like it, "And besides, you don't look like you're able to at the minute."

Sophie could have laughed as Billy, half-naked, looked down and saw that he wasn't hard. But that wasn't going to stop him.

"I'll be up and able when you start taking your clothes off," he said charmingly.

Sophie smiled at him again before throwing the tissue box at him.

"I'll be right back, 'Bull Boy', and then you can fuck me all you like," she said playfully, "But first, finish cleaning up the floor, because I don't want to be lying on anything."

That instantly put a smile on Josh's brother's face, and Sophie turned to walk out of the room, but before she opened the door, Billy spoke.

"Say goodnight to Josh while you're at it," he began, "'Because I'm going to keep you busy all night."

Sophie returned the playful smile he gave her.

"I hope that's a promise," she said, equally as playful.

"You'll see," he replied, before bending to clean the floor.

Sophie smiled as she turned and opened the door. This day was getting better and better. First, she had gotten engaged, now she had just swallowed pints of cum from her new fiancée's brother, and now, she had a night of hot sex to come.

If only she knew how much would cum.


Josh gently put his empty wineglass on the coffee table next to the empty bottle of wine, and slowly stood up and stretched. And turning the stereo off he walked out of the lounge and headed upstairs.

Little did the newly engaged fiancé know that as he was heading up to take his bath, his new fiancée was down on her knees in front of his brother, sucking his cock for all she was worth, and about to have her mouth filled with his hot, white cum.

As Josh reached the top of the stairs, and turned towards his and Sophie's bedroom, his beautiful blonde girlfriend was rapidly shoving his brothers cock repeatedly in and out of her mouth, jacking furiously with the hand he had placed her engagement ring on that night.

And as Josh entered the en-suite, closed the door and began running the bath, his loving brother was holding tightly to his fiancée's head, shooting glob after glob of his seed into her mouth, as she continued to jack his dick hard.

Then as Josh began to take his clothes off, Sophie was looking into Billy's eyes as she gulped and swallowed every drop of his cum that was pumped into her mouth.

Written by The_Shadow_Rising
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