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Seducing Sarah

"A chance encounter leads to a torrid affair"

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I wanted to write this down while the details are still fresh in my mind. This happened last night, and it's a memory I'm going to treasure until my dying day.

I've known Sarah for over ten years and she's my wife's best friend. Sarah and her partner Mike have been on vacation with us, enjoyed music festivals with us, and are often at each other's homes. The girls met first, not long after we first moved to town from down south. Our youngest child is the same age as Sarah's oldest. She started at the same school as Sarah's oldest, and the simple act of mums chatting outside the school gates was the spark that quickly lead to a firm friendship. Mike and I met a few weeks later, dragged out to dinner with our respective spouses. Neither of us was very enthusiastic initially if I recall correctly, but we ended up getting on well and I came to enjoy our nights out as a foursome.

Sarah and Mike are thirty-four and thirty-six, while Nikki and I are a few years older at forty and forty-three respectively. Age didn't really factor though; with similar upbringings, backgrounds, and interests, it felt like we'd been friends since primary school.

I've always found Sarah incredibly attractive – her bubbly personality, witty sense of humor, and adorable smile were definitely a big part of that – but I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice her curves. That firm round ass teased me every time she walked away, and her curves didn't stop there. I'm not usually one for big breasts, but hers were amazing. A generous two or three cup sizes above my own wife, perfectly shaped, and often displayed with a stylish top that gave a glimpse of just enough cleavage to draw my gaze.

But despite my attraction, I'm a married man. I never went further than looking. Even my glances were intended to be discreet, I thought she never noticed. My wife and I had been married for nearly two decades, and she was my best friend. Despite our dead bedroom issues due to her low libido, I was trying to make the most of it and had never considered cheating, especially with her best friend. Besides, I'm no catch myself, just your average dad. Five foot ten inches tall, brown hair with a touch of salt and pepper, a couple of extra pounds. I don't think I'm bad-looking but I definitely am not Brad Pitt.

Yesterday, I came home from work a little early and found the girls in our sitting room, curled up on opposite sides of our three-seater grey Chesterfield sofa, sipping coffee and deep in conversation. Nikki was in ripped jeans and a light cream sweater, looking cute without even trying, with her hair loose and only minimal makeup. Sarah was wearing tight black workout leggings and a purple gym top half unzipped, showing the sports bra underneath. Blonde hair in a ponytail and just a hint of eyeliner, she looked naturally alluring. It was an outfit that did nothing to hide her curves. She was far from dressed up, but I don't think she realised just how stunning she looked.

This kind of thing wasn't unusual for a Friday afternoon. They spent many hours at each other's homes chatting, working on projects for the school parents' council, and engaging in all sorts of girl talk that I always found amusing. I'd heard them discussing the latest scandals in the town, raunchy TV shows, celebrity crushes, and occasionally more personal sex talk too. I knew Nikki talked about me and our sex life, as limited as it was, and I wasn't upset about it. That's just what girls do.

This day was different though. Sarah wasn't her normal bubbly and cheerful self; in fact, she looked flushed and a little upset. After a brief greeting, I made my excuses and moved upstairs to my small home office. It was decorated tastefully by my wife's design with a dark blue paneled feature wall, but filled with all the toys and gadgets that are essential for a real man cave. I wanted to leave them to talk freely, and it looked like it might be serious.

I was also distracted by my latest DIY project. I'd been installing a home security system over the past few days and wanted to finish testing it out. Pulling up the app on my laptop, I logged in and started scrolling through the cameras. Most were outdoors, but three faced the inside of the main living areas of the house, and the one in the sitting room had a clear view of the couch where Nikki and Sarah were talking. The internal cameras also recorded sound, and curiosity got the better of me. I put the video on full-screen and grabbed my headphones.

"Not since January," were the first words out of Sarah's mouth. "Not once - I've tried everything. He's just not interested," I could see tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"That really is terrible," Nikki responded. "Nearly four months without sex? Anyone who neglects their partner's needs like that doesn't deserve someone as amazing as you."

This sentence caught my attention immediately as I understood what the conversation - and the cause for Sarah's upset - were focused on. More than that though. My wife, who rejects my advances nineteen times out of twenty, preaching how a partner's needs should be met? That immediately stirred deep anger and resentment that I thought I had put behind me.

We'd had the talk again only recently. She was well aware of how my needs were being ignored and how her constant rejections made me feel. But also, how could Sarah be in the same position as me? She's the full package, beautiful, funny, and smart. I knew Mike wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, but I didn't think he was stupid enough to do this.

"I don't think he loves me anymore - he barely looks at me. It's not even just the sex; it's the connection too. He just doesn't care," she sighed, looking down at her coffee, "I am so crazy horny all the time and I keep telling him I need him. I NEED some passionate sex, hard and fast. I need to ride a thick cock and feel it cumming inside me. I just need to get absolutely thoroughly fucked."

Both girls giggled at that, and in my office, my cock twitched in response. I understood that feeling well. Four months was longer than I'd usually have to wait, so it must be even worse for Sarah than for me.

"I think you should go for it," said Nikki, hinting at the start of the conversation I'd missed, "If he's into that kind of thing, and you think it might tease him enough to break the dry spell, then don't delay. Tomorrow night out for dinner would be perfect."

"It is definitely his thing," replied Sarah, "he loves it when I tease that way. Well, he used to, at least. And I won't deny that I enjoy it too. There is something naughty about going commando in a short skirt, right? It does make me very horny."

I could see Nikki blush as she mumbled a response. She would never go commando, not even at home. Her idea of teasing me was hinting vaguely at some kinky action and then falling asleep before I got to bed. I felt my cock grow at the thought of the dinner we had planned for the next night. Sarah across the table from me, in a short skirt and no underwear? I was going to have trouble concentrating on the food!

Their discussion continued, and I eagerly listened in, transfixed by every detail. Outfits were discussed, and a trip to the beauticians to be waxed was hastily booked for later that evening. Jewelry and makeup were considered. A trip to the hairdresser was planned for Saturday morning. They settled on a short green and white sundress with cute pumps. Shoes have never interested me; I only had a vague idea of what they meant. The sundress was described as being tailored and supportive. I was ecstatic to learn this meant no bra would be worn either. It wasn't for my benefit, but it still felt like Christmas and my birthday had both come together.

The conversation finished abruptly as a glance at the clock revealed Sarah would be late for her waxing if she didn't leave straight away. She looked reinvigorated as she hurried out the door. I made my way downstairs a few minutes later and asked Nikki how her day had been. I didn't probe deeply, but no details of the girls' plan were even hinted at. I knew I'd have to wait until tomorrow to find out more.

Horny from the day's events, I tried to tempt Nikki into some bedroom activity, but as usual, my advances were unconditionally rejected. I slept fitfully, thoughts of Sarah running through my mind.


Saturday arrived with the promise of an early summer. The sun was shining in a clear blue sky, and the temperature was unseasonably warm. It was the perfect day for alfresco dining and to enjoy the company of friends on the patio of our favorite Italian restaurant.

The morning felt like an eternity. I forced myself to repaint the garden shed in an attempt to distract myself and make the hours go a little faster, but I'm not sure it was very effective.

Finally, 5 pm rolled around, and it was time to go. Nikki looked great in leather-look black leggings and a long off-the-shoulder green jumper. I'd made an effort, too, in some smart new jeans and a grey long-sleeved dress shirt.

The drive to the restaurant was short, only about ten minutes, and traffic was light, so we arrived a little early. Nikki asked for a table off to one side of the patio, a little out of the way, out of sight of the bulk of the other tables, but still with a great view across the city. She caught my hand as I placed my jacket on the chair across from her.

"Sit next to me tonight," she said, "Sarah wants Mike next to her, not across the table. Just for a change."

She gave no hint of the reason, but the thought of Mike's hands wandering under the table flashed through my mind before she finished speaking, and a sense of jealousy rose. Why could Nikki never do something like that for me?

I swallowed that thought down quickly, eager not to allow a sour mood to ruin the evening. As I moved around to the other chair, I saw Mike's car pull into a parking space just across the street.

We greeted them in the customary way, with Mike and me sharing a firm handshake and everyone else a hug. I will admit I hugged Sarah just a fraction longer than usual. I definitely noticed the softness of breasts unconstrained by a bra. Mike looked like he'd come straight from work in black slacks and a plain white shirt. Perfectly presentable, but no special effort. Sarah, on the other hand - who usually looked stunning - looked even sexier than I had ever seen her before.

Her hair was freshly styled with those cute little curls that screamed she had come out of the hair salon only moments before. Her makeup was minimal but radiant, with a sultry smoky-eye look that was different from her usual vibe. And then there was the dress.

The dress is hard to describe. Men don't pay attention enough to know the right words, but I'll do my best. Almost a cross between a sundress and a tea dress, light and flowing, reaching down to mid-thigh. White fabric with small green polka dots. Sleeveless and with a plunging neckline where the fabric seemed to wrap around, hinting that the neckline could go lower with a slight tug or if Sarah leaned forward a little.

I shouldn't obsess about the details. It was the overall effect that left me speechless. She looked perfect - almost effortlessly so. The smile on her face just gave me butterflies. Knowing that one single item of clothing was all she wore definitely improved the effect in my mind too!

The meal started well, a bottle of the house red and starters were already gone, and the conversation flowed. Sarah was obviously making a massive effort with Mike, paying him lots of attention and giving compliments. She was touching him at every opportunity and laughing at his jokes. Any ordinary man would be in heaven, but Mike spent more time looking at his phone than Sarah.

The main courses arrived, and just as the waiter walked away, I saw Sarah lean over and whisper in Mike's ear with a devilish grin. She was obviously letting him in on the secret of what was missing from her outfit.

Mike's face changed, but not in the way I'd expected. He just looked annoyed, angry even. He didn't respond and returned to his meal, refusing to meet Sarah's eyes. Her smile faded. That amazing smile that brightens up the whole room was suddenly absent. She looked dejectedly at her plate, picking slowly at her meal, all enthusiasm draining from her face.

From that moment, the atmosphere changed, and the conversation died. I wasn't supposed to know what was going on, but even if I were oblivious, this would feel awkward. Nikki and Sarah exchanged a few glances, and Mike briefly returned to his phone before getting up for a cigarette.

I don't smoke myself, but I couldn't let the evening continue like this, so I made an excuse to follow him and try to figure out what was wrong. I strolled up beside him, leaned back on the old stone wall, and squinted into the low sun.

"What's the story, bud - you seem a little off today. Are you doing OK?" I asked.

Mike shot me a glance that was less than friendly. "She just needs to fucking stop. I've had enough of that bitch," he said with a growl. An unexpected amount of anger in his voice. I'd never heard him speak about Sarah in this way before. "You can keep your fucking nose out of it, too," he continued before taking a deep drag on the cigarette.

"Hey. Mike. I don't know what is going on, and I don't want to get into anyone else's business. I'm just checking in on a friend, that's all," Mike paused, sighed, and visibly relaxed a little, but he still wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Sorry," he said gruffly, "I didn't mean to let loose at you. I'm just stressed, and her constant nagging only makes it worse. I'm not in the form for this shit tonight. I'm going to sit in the car - tell herself there is no need to hurry."

Mike took off towards the car at a marching pace. Thankfully, he sat in the passenger seat as he'd already had a few big glasses of wine and slammed the door. I stood there a moment in shock. This was so out of character for him. I turned and walked back to the girls waiting at our table, where I found Sarah halfway down a fresh bottle of wine with hints of recent tears in her eyes. Nikki looked up at me questioningly.

"He's gone to sit in the car. He's not coming back," I reported. "I tried to find out what was wrong, but he refused to talk to me. I couldn't get anything out of him."

"That prick can fuck right off," Sarah said with a sniff. "Do you mind if I crash at your place tonight, Nikki?"

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"Of course you can, babe," was the instant response, accompanied by a warning glance at me that said I better not disagree. Sarah sniffed again and took a long drink from her glass. It was at that moment I saw the logistical issue.

"Nikki - babe - Sarah is drinking. She was supposed to drive Mike home. How are we going to work that one out? You're the only one sober now," We all knew it was notoriously hard to get a taxi around here.

"Fuck," she muttered under her breath, "I'm going to have to drop him home, aren't I?" She glanced at Sarah, "Why did you have to move so far away?"

She rummaged under the table, grabbed her bag and car keys, and then looked up at me. "You look after her properly now; she needs a bit of attention - and get the bill when you're done. I'll be back in half an hour or so, I reckon. I'll try to talk some sense into the prick on the drive." And she reluctantly slipped away from the table, leaving Sarah and me behind.

"Take that bottle away," Sarah said, passing the wine across the table, "If I get drunk, I'll get sad, and I'm sad enough already."

"Don't be like that, Sarah. I don't know what's going on, but I've known you and Mike for years. You're good together - you'll work this out and be grand in a day or two. He just needs to cop himself on."

"I know," she replied softly, "I'm pretty sure we'll work it out in the end, but right now, I am so frustrated I could scream."

"What has that idiot done to get you so frustrated?" I asked. Already aware of the reason, but keeping up the pretense.

"It's what he hasn't done," Sarah replied, her lip quivering and fresh wetness in her eyes. A single tear rolled down her cheek, and the sight broke my heart.

"You look like you need a hug," I said, motioning to the bench seat on my side of the table. "Come here and tell me all about it."

Sarah stepped up and around the table. She moved to sit next to me but stumbled slightly on the uneven cobbles of the patio. I put out my arms and stopped the fall, but she ended up in my lap with my arms around her. Unfazed, she returned the embrace and laid her head on my shoulder. Then things got a little awkward.

As is known by any warm-blooded man who has held a beautiful woman in their arms, especially sans underwear, things can quickly start to move that are beyond your control. I couldn't shift position to hide it; that would have just made it more obvious. Thinking of roadkill or retirees on nude beaches couldn't even tame this hardon. It was coming, and I could do nothing to stop it.

Sarah raised her head, arms still around my neck and those full red lips tantalizingly close to mine. She glanced down, then shifted her position on my lap. Eyes meeting mine, she grinned. "So maybe it's not me that is the issue after all?"

Embarrassed, I was rapidly turning beet red, but I'm not a teenager anymore. I could handle this like a grown-up.

"Er - yeah - sorry about that. Can't help it - but please take it as a compliment - and never ever tell Nikki," I mumbled, obviously flustered.

Sarah smiled disarmingly and hugged me a little tighter. "I'll take it as a massive compliment," she grinned, "exactly the compliment I needed, actually. And don't you worry about a thing. I can keep a secret when I want to, and this," she pointed knowingly to my lap, "this is just between you and me until the day I die."

"Literally between you and me," I quipped, and Sarah laughed out loud at my corny response. The result was my cock growing even more, and it didn't go unnoticed.

"Oh my," breathed Sarah, her voice changing tone, "Nikki obviously didn't tell me everything about you!"

"I'm not sure she even knows what it looks like herself, if I'm absolutely honest. I think I have a similar issue to you - not as bad, but she's never been interested much in sex. It's been five weeks since, well, you know, any kind of action."

Sarah's eyebrows raised at that, and she looked down again. "That is something I didn't know and will never understand. Sex is a basic human need, the passion, the connection. I feel like I'm going crazy without it."

She looked me in the eyes again, her lips tantalizingly close, and her left hand unwrapped itself from around my neck, moving to my chest, then sliding lower, past her thigh and into my lap, resting on my bulge.

"This is something that should never be neglected," she whispered, "If only you knew how bad I want it right now." She bit her lip.

I glanced around, suddenly nervous that we could be seen, but our spot in the corner of the patio kept us hidden from the other diners. I slid my right hand, which had been holding her in an embrace, around to cup a breast. If she could touch me, I should also be able to touch her.

Sarah gasped in pleasure as my thumb grazed her nipple through the thin fabric.

She leaned forward, speaking softly into my ear, "You know, I'm really, REALLY good at keeping secrets. Are you good at keeping secrets too?"

I nodded breathlessly, in such a daze that I couldn't form words. Sarah grinned, glanced around, and stood up as the waiter was passing. "I have a little wardrobe emergency, but we'll be right back. Please don't clear the table." As he walked away, she reached for my hand.

"I reckon we have twenty minutes safely, twenty-five at a push. Let's not waste a second. Come with me," She pulled me up, and I grabbed my jacket as I stood, holding it in front of me to hide my hard-on.

Sarah led me through the crowded restaurant and up the stairs toward the bathrooms, turning in the door marked "disabled" next to the kitchen entrance. She saw me hesitate at that.

"It's OK. I know the owner here. The lift is out of order. No one who needs this bathroom can get up here." She grabbed me by the shirt collar, pulled me inside, and quickly locked the door behind us.

Before I could even get my bearings, her lips were on mine—a deep, hard, passionate kiss filled with need and desire. My hands wrapped around her, one quickly dropping lower to discover a firm, round ass that felt amazing under that thin fabric.

"Fuuuccckkk," I moaned as she came up for air, "You are so fucking hot!"

"You really think so?" I nodded without hesitation, and her smile grew wider. Pulling me close, she spoke softly in my ear, "I'm not wearing any underwear. None at all."

I groaned in response, driven wild by desire. My hands grasped the light fabric of her dress and lifted it up, fingers exploring lower. Her mouth opened soundlessly as my thumb found her clit, and my lips moved to meet hers again as she pulled furiously at my belt. She finally got the clasp open, and the button on my jeans was open seconds later. The sound of a zipper signaled my jeans falling to the floor.

I couldn't wait a moment longer. I bent forward a little and grasped the skirt of her dress in both hands, lifting it up, and pulled it over her head.

Time slowed. In the middle of this intense passion, my eyes struggled to take in the scene before me. I'd always admired Sarah and thought her beautiful, but my imagination had not prepared me for the reality of her incredible body.

Most magazines and media portray the perfect woman as a size zero anorexic blonde with a photoshopped smile and a makeup team on standby, but they are so wrong. Fake perfection can never compare to natural beauty, and Sarah had that unfathomable quality in bucketloads.

Pale, soft skin, incredible natural curves. Shapely breasts swayed as she reached for my boxers, with dark areola and nipples like bullets. But more than that. Her stance, her confidence, her smile. The deep passion and desire in her eyes. I was the luckiest man in the world. I wouldn't take a moment of this for granted.

My eyes dropped to her freshly waxed pussy. "I NEED to taste you," I softly growled in her ear, dropping down to my knees.

It took a few moments to find a position - one leg up on the toilet and leaning back on the wash basin - but Sarah opened her legs wide to give my tongue access to her heavenly pussy. She tasted amazing, and my tongue worked deep. She shivered and squirmed as her arousal grew, grabbing my hair and pressing me tighter to her.

Her groans grew louder, and I saw her raise one hand to her mouth, attempting to block the noise.

Her hand pushed back my head. She looked down. "That is amazing, but time is limited. I NEED you inside me NOW. Don't worry. I'm on the pill." She turned around, placing both hands on the wash basin, spread her stance, and bent forward.

Looking behind, she grinned. "Fuck me hard, big boy," she giggled playfully, shaking her ass. Who was I to deny her?

I kicked away the jeans and boxers tangled around my feet and stepped forward, my cock harder than it had ever been. Briefly, I rubbed the head up and down her slit, teasing her, finding the right position before sinking into her tight hole in a single, slow thrust.

There is a sound that some women make at that moment, a kind of mix between a gasp and an exhale. It's a clear and gratifying indication that you've hit the right spot, and fuck is it hot. Sarah made that noise as I bottomed out inside her. I held it there for just a moment enjoying the exquisite pleasure of her warmth.

She swayed in front of me, urging me on, and I started to build a rhythm, grabbing her hips for purchase. Long, slow, deep strokes at first, gradually building the tempo and intensity in response to her moans. And moan she did. The hottest sound ever. It drove me wild! She looked back at me, cheeks glowing and hunger in her eyes.

"That feels so good. Keep going. Oh yes! That's it. Fuck me harder. Ooohhh yes!"

I felt her already tight pussy grip me harder as I increased my pace. Her body started to shiver. She wasn't about to cum already, was she?

Sarah let out a muffled squeal and shuddered deeply, evidently reaching her first climax well ahead of me. "Keep going - don't stop. Yes - oh yes - I need this so bad."

Simply being desired by a beautiful woman is something I'm not used to. Nikki tolerates me but never displays any desire or passion even remotely close to this. To say it was an ego boost is a vast understatement. I was flying high and in true ecstasy.

As I'm someone who gets off on his partner's pleasure, Sarah was definitely driving me wild. I was getting close to cumming myself, but I didn't want to cut this encounter short, and I definitely wanted to make Sarah cum again. I slowed my pace a little, trying to delay the inevitable.

"No - no, you don't," Sarah said, meeting my eyes mischievously in the mirror above that sink. "Pound me. HARD. I need to feel your cum in me. Fill me with your cum, and don't hold back. I'm close again. Just fuck me."

The passion in her voice flipped a switch inside of me. I renewed my pace harder, slapping against her ass with each thrust. I leaned forward and grabbed her hair, pulling it together and wrapping it around my hand, forming a fist and pulling her head back.

At this moment, I realized the massive bonus of bathroom sex. With her head raised, the mirror above the sink was perfectly positioned to give me the most fantastic view of Sarah's perfect breasts hanging down and bouncing hard with every thrust. The expression of pure joy and deep pleasure on her face was unmistakable. I could tell without a doubt that she would be a lot louder in a less public setting. I watched as she moved a hand down to her clit, teasing herself as I pounded faster. Again, I felt her start to quiver, and as her pussy spasmed around my cock it drove me past the point of no return.

I exploded inside of her. Five weeks of pent-up frustration would make a large load on its own. This incredible woman doubled my release, maybe more. Rope after rope of thick salty cum filled her womb, and my whole body trembled with the release.

I usually cum for a long time. I like to hold myself deep inside until every drop is drained, but Sarah had other ideas. What felt way too soon, she shifted forward, pulled away from me, stood up, and turned around. "It's my turn to taste you. I hope you saved some for me," she said, dropping to her knees.

As her mouth engulfed my cock, she cupped my balls, sending another spasm through me and a small squirt of cum into her mouth. She smiled up at me, locking eyes. I could see her determination to drain every last drop.

She was incredible with her mouth and teased a couple more squirts out of me before my orgasm completely subsided. Then she grabbed my ass with both hands and proceeded to give me the most indescribable deepthroat experience of my life. Slowly she moved forward, taking every inch, keeping her eyes locked with mine. No gagging, just smooth, deep movements, not stopping until my balls were touching her chin. I was in heaven, and I knew another five minutes of this, and I'd be cumming again.

Just at that moment, her smartwatch beeped as the time hit 9 pm. She glanced at the screen and swore. "Fuck it, that's the fastest twenty minutes of my life. We've gotta move. She'll be back any minute."

She stood reluctantly, still holding my cock, then moved towards me and gave me a deep, passionate, loving kiss as I held her in my arms.

"Our secret, right?" she whispered. "I regret nothing. I needed that, and it was AMAZING. But it will never happen again, and we will never speak of it again."

I nodded solemnly. "You have my word. But yes, zero regrets. I don't feel guilty. This was just perfect, and it needed to happen."

Sarah relaxed a little at that and smiled. "Get your clothes on quickly, then. It's going to take me a little longer to get cleaned up, so you go ahead. Grab me a latte when you get down there." She smacked my ass playfully as I bent to retrieve my clothes, then reached over to grab her dress that was neatly draped over the towel rail.

I fixed the last button on my shirt and pulled her into me. "One last kiss?" I asked, "A proper goodbye?"

She melted into my arms, and the kiss felt like a joining of souls. I don't know if it lasted two minutes or twenty, but nothing in my life had ever felt so right.

The embrace finally broke. My hands, which had been on her ass, moved up to cup her face, brushing purposefully against her perfect breasts on the way. I gave her one final peck on the lips. "I'll see you downstairs shortly," I said as I unlocked the door and stepped out, hearing it lock again behind me as I walked away.

Written by corkguy40
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