Another week and I’m heading from Sydney to Perth for business. It’s a flight that normally bores me because it takes so long; I’d prefer to be doing anything other than be stuck on a plane. Working my way slowly through security, I get a sixth sense that someone is looking at me. Naturally, I look at the security staff expecting it to be one of them, but it isn’t. I scan behind me in the line and make eye contact with a gorgeous woman standing and gazing in my direction... I give her a wry smile and she reciprocates with a smile back at me from her beautiful shiny lips. She has chocolate brown hair hanging down just past her shoulders and I can see from the way she is dressed professionally that she too is heading away on business. A very classy, sexy looking woman that stirs a certain movement from within.
I grab my laptop bag from the security conveyor and head off in the general direction of the gate, stopping along the way to buy a bottle of water. Whilst purchasing, I see the woman I had seen at security walking past on her way to her gate. Now I can fully see her. She is wearing a figure-hugging black pin style skirt that covers to the knee, semi see-through white blouse and high heels that highlight her calves and ankles, she looks gorgeous, has a sexy body that she obviously takes care of and walks with a confidence that turns me on and gives a little tingle..... this is a woman I would like to know more about. I divert my eyes away, not wanting her to see me staring at her. I start to head to the gate wondering which gate she may be at and where she is heading off to.
New week and more travel plans for work. This week is seeing me fly across the country from Sydney to Perth for site audits. I thought I was going to be running late due to some traffic delays so it’s when I’m first going through security, still trying to catch my breath, that I catch sight of a guy who just ticks my boxes - not to mention rocks my box!
Being tall myself, I always find myself checking out the lads who I find myself looking up to. But it’s not just his height that draws my attention. He’s got hair on his head I’d love to run my fingers through; a beard I’d love to feel between my legs; a presence that just tells me he’d be happy to take charge while bending and twisting me all over a bed, not to mention probably around the whole room.
Quite unlike me, while waiting for the line in front to move through the checkpoint, I find myself staring into space in his general direction. Imagining all those wicked thoughts and images… only to realise I’ve been caught when he looks up and stares straight at me. Ok, let’s add a gorgeous set of bluey/green eyes and a cheeky smile to that list! I can’t help the blush that clearly takes over my face as I realise I’ve truly been caught checking him out.
I see him head off through security and I return to getting myself through security and to the gate with no issues. Though I can’t help but wonder where he could be headed and what naughty fun could be had if we had been headed in the same direction.
As I get to the gate lounge, all of the chairs are full so I stand off to the side waiting for boarding to be called. Off to the other side of the lounge, I see my mystery woman, she is obviously heading to Perth for business as well and whilst she has her pretty face buried in her phone doing work, my heart skips a beat as I check her out a little more from a distance on the sly, thinking how good it would be to see her naked.
Boarding is called and the slow procession onto the plane starts, but I lose sight of her during the process. As I make my way through the plane and to my seat, I am pleasantly surprised to see the mysterious sexy woman sitting in the seat next to mine. I move to sit down in the aisle seat while she is seated next to the window; as I do we exchange knowing smiles with each other. She has a wonderful welcoming smile and the glow I witnessed in the security line returns to her cheeks - she is wearing an intoxicating perfume which makes her smell delicious.
Before long the plane is taxiing and heading for the runway and as it does the woman beside me is staring out the window. This gives me the perfect opportunity to look at her up close and I am not disappointed; under her sheer white blouse, I can see the outline of a white lace bra that covers her well-proportioned breasts beautifully. I feel a tingle and a tightness in my pants as my cock slowly starts to spring to life. Looking at this woman and smelling her gorgeous perfume has my head spinning and I hope she doesn't catch me perving and staring at her in such detail.
My flight gets called and keeping with my normal routine, I’m one of the first down the aerobridge, onto the plane, and into my seat. I enjoy getting on the plane and settled in my window seat; I do hate having to climb past - or worst yet, over - other passengers. If I’m cheeky, being on the plane early also gives me an opportunity to do a little people watching and check out the other passengers as they get on.
So, imagine my surprise today when I look up and see the tall spunky man from security walking down the aisle. He’s busy looking at his ticket giving me quite the chance to check him out. In my absolute wildest dreams, I’d find him sitting down beside me, but I highly doubt... well look at this! Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as he places his bag in the locker above (gosh he’s tall!) and then takes a seat in the aisle next to the seat I’m in, giving me a smile that I just can’t help but return with pink cheeks.
We go back into our own worlds of travel as the plane finishes boarding, pushes back and then taxi’s down the runway and takes off into the air. My eyes are glued outside the windows - I still get the same rush of adrenalin as the plane lifts off, as I did when I was a little kid!
Once we are in the air and the seatbelt light is switched off, she opens her laptop bag. She was fumbling for something in her bag and as she did some papers fell out and onto the floor. I promptly reached down and picked them up and in doing so, this gave me the opportunity to admire and gently brush against her sexy smooth bare ankle and leg with the back of my hand as I brought the papers up. I wondered if she noticed that I had done this on purpose or whether she had written it off as due to the cramped conditions. As I handed her the papers I asked, "Have you got a big week planned in Perth with work?" to which she thanked me for handing her the papers and introduced herself.
"Yes, I do. Hi, I'm Ali" and gave me a beautiful smile again.
I introduced myself, "Pleased to meet you, I'm Damien" and with that, she packed her work away and we started talking. As we did, I noticed her wedding ring on her left hand and I'm guessing she noticed mine as well. We discussed many things from business to private life. One thing Ali kept doing as we talked, was to put her right hand on my left forearm as she spoke; she did it in a subtle way and only to fit in with what she was saying, but every time she touched me, my cock would spring to life. Due to our conversations, this was by far the best flight I had been on to Perth; the normal five and a bit hours of travel flew by and we were at our destination before we knew it… albeit I wished it would last longer as I was really enjoying our interaction and everything just flowed.
We continued to talk as we disembarked the plane. I was wishing that this wasn't going to end as Ali was everything I liked in a woman. Once in the terminal, we exchanged numbers as Ali suggested we meet up for a drink at the end of the day so we both had company. My heart just about leapt out of my chest at the thought... I wasn't sure if she just meant a drink or a drink and more as I got the impression she was flirting a little with her smile and fluttering her gorgeous hazel eyes at me. We both got our bags from the carousel and promised we would contact each other that afternoon. With that, we both headed off to separate car hire companies to pick up cars and head to our respective workplaces for the day.
Deep breaths Ali… of all the people who could have been seated beside me, it’s the tall cutey from the security line. I try and act cool as the seatbelt light is turned off thinking I’ll knock over some work. The nerves clearly getting to me, I drop a number of papers across the floor at our feet. Before I have a chance to grab them, the spunky man has lent down and grabbed them… and as he sits back up his hand rubs up my leg from my ankle to almost my knee. Far out!! I’m hoping I’ve held it in because that absolutely sent a shiver down my spine! All I’ve got running through my head now is one of the chats I had with my husband before I left home… could I be that daring?
We introduce ourselves and before I know it, my work has been completely pushed to the side as we chat about work, holiday plans and even what’s the best flavour chocolate – thank goodness he’s not a Turkish Delight fan. As the hours go by, the chat continues to flow, and I get a little cheeky with reaching out to touch Damien’s arm every now and then as I emphasise certain things I’m saying.
The flight time has flown by and for the entire time we’re landing, taxing and then walking through the terminal we’re still chatting, but I’ve also still got my husband’s words in my head. Thinking how I need to take the lead I ask if Damien would like to swap numbers and suggest that if he’s not busy tonight, it’d be great to have a drink with each other instead of alone. With a very big grin, Damien happily swaps numbers and then off we go in our own directions for the day.
As I drive away from the airport, I immediately dial my husband. “Hey hon, how was your flight?” he asks me in his casual way.
My reply of “Ummmm, so remember that hot wife challenge you gave me about picking up a guy in the bar tonight?” seems to instantly have his attention.
“Yeeesssssss?” he replies in a drawn-out, very intrigued voice.
“Well, I may have had a spunky man beside me on the plane, and I’ve already asked if he’d like to have a drink with me tonight” I tell him.
The phone line fills with laughter as he says, “But the challenge was to meet a guy at the bar… not a guy on the plane!” I proceed to spend my drive telling him about my embarrassment at security, through to having him seated beside me on the plane. We end the call with my husband daringly saying “Well, you haven’t quite started the challenge as set, but let’s see if you can fulfill the other part of the challenge as we discussed, shall we?”
Throughout the day I couldn't believe the amount of time I was thinking about Ali… thinking to myself, ‘what are you doing man, you're a married man and she is a married woman’. Every now and then I could smell her beautiful perfume, it must have transferred onto me and it was like an aphrodisiac. That along with visions of her in my mind, I was continually aroused and I could tell that my briefs were getting wet from pre-cum.
I was thinking about sending her a message to arrange our drinks and to catch up when suddenly a text message came through from Ali, "Hi Spunky, do you want to meet at 6 pm for a drink? I'm staying at the Crown Metropol and we could meet there..."
I nearly dropped my phone in the hurry to reply, “I’d love to... I am staying there also and will meet you in the bar at 6 pm”. Now I had something to really look forward to and get me through the day. The only thing I was trying to work out was if she felt the same way about me as I did about her; whether or not she was flirting or this was her normal disposition… and if she did feel the same way about me, could I or would I act upon it?
Before long I was able to depart work and head for the hotel, my head somewhat spinning at all the thoughts running through it thinking of Ali. I left the car with the valet and checked in at the desk. Looking at the time, it had only just gone 5.30 so I had time to head to my room, drop my bag off, unpack and take a quick shower to freshen up.
I decided to go somewhat casual and dressed in a linen button-up shirt, chino pants, and boat shoes. I'm ready... So I head down to the bar and restaurant on the ground floor after it just turned six. As I walk in, I scan the room looking for Ali, she is nowhere to be seen so I grab a stool at the bar area and order myself a beer. As I'm being served, Ali walks in and greets me with a kiss on the cheek. I stand up to greet her and she apologises for being late; she had obviously checked in and had a shower as well. She was now wearing a summery navy blue floral dress that showed off and hugged her figure magnificently with some casual dressy sandals which highlighted her vibrant red painted toenails...she had also re-applied makeup, lip gloss and perfume which once again had me melting with the intoxicating fragrance. She looked the absolute picture of beauty and once again my cock was springing to life as I found this woman to be incredibly sexy. Ali ordered herself a wine and we clinked our glasses together in recognition of meeting new friends in a city far away from home.
Work absolutely flies by and before I know it, it’s almost four. Taking the lead, I text Damien about that drink catch up this evening. I offer to meet in the bar at the hotel I’m in, so I can either have a quick getaway… or perhaps an offer of something a little more in line with what my husband has challenged me for. Surprisingly, there’s not much time between my message and receiving a reply from Damien. The tingle I get when I read his message certainly has me excited – and definitely says there could be some fun to be had tonight.
I head to the hotel soon after that and take my time having a long, hot, bubble bath with a cheeky glass of wine. Absolute bliss! I choose a long dress that hugs in all the right places, before reapplying my makeup, making sure I get downstairs to continue my cheeky streak. When I’d entered the hotel earlier, I’d checked out the lobby to see if there were any seats where I could watch both the lift and the entrance to the bar; and there was a perfect spot in between a few lampshades and plants. Thankfully no one else was in the seat I’d picked out, so I settled in to watch… and it wasn’t long until I saw the spunky tall man exit the lift, and wander into the bar. He didn’t look in my direction once, as his eyes were all over the bar, looking to see if I’d beaten him in there. I spent a few minutes watching as he checked the place over, before heading to the bar, taking a seat and ordering his drink.
I casually walk into the bar and straight up to Damien’s bar stool. Like the gentleman I imagined he would be, he stands up as I approach – though I don’t miss the way his eyes roam over me with a glint – before he leans in to kiss me on the cheek reminding me of just how tall he is compared with myself.
We move from the bar to a small table opting to sit in the comfy booth beside each other, which provides plenty of opportunity for our hands to touch each other, our legs to meet and I may have been guilty of rubbing my toes against Damien’s ankle – oops – not to mention some wandering hands! There’s clear intent from both of us that we’d like to take this a little further but conscious of our current place neither go beyond the touches and strokes hidden from the view of others.

The next few hours are spent with more drinks, dinner, and great conversation. I wasn't quite sure if it is a case of us naturally becoming more relaxed or the drinks playing a part, but everything was just flowing really well. Once again Ali was placing her hand on my forearm as she spoke to me but this time as she would take her hand away, she was running her fingers down my arm and partly over the top of my hand. She was having a major effect on me with her delicate touch and my cock was pitching a tent in the front of my pants and this was very much within her line of vision. The next time she reached out for me in conversation though was different; she did not place her hand on my forearm, instead placing it on the top of my thigh and as she spoke she was rubbing my thigh and her little finger was just gently grazing the side of my manhood causing it to pulse every time she touched it. I wasn't sure how long I could cope with this, but Ali had certainly made her intentions clear and I was no longer questioning what her thought process was. She continued to rub my thigh and nudge my cock with her little finger whilst continuing our conversation and I was increasingly fidgeting and becoming so horny that I had to do something, or I would be exploding right here at the table. As Ali continued to rub my thigh I leant over and whispered in her ear "Ali, I'm going to buy us both a drink and we are going to continue this evening together in my room." Ali gave me a beautiful smile and told me that she thought I would never ask.
As we stepped out of the elevator and headed to my room, Ali was holding my hand very tight, I'm not sure if it was because she was nervous although if she was, she certainly wasn't showing it outwardly and it made me feel wanted. I opened the door, flicked the light on and ushered her to enter; I followed her in with the door closing securely behind me. Ali placed her drink on the desk, and whilst putting my hand on her hip, I stood behind her placing my drink down next to hers, the bulge in my pants pressing against her firm butt. I could smell her hair as I leaned in pushing her hair aside with my hand, kissing her on the back of the neck. Ali gave a soft moan and appeared to have a small shiver and her shoulders dropped as if she was beginning to relax.
I gently turned Ali around to face me, placed my hands on her hips and leant in to kiss her. Her lips were so soft on mine and I gently prised her mouth open allowing me to dart my tongue in to meet with hers. Ali had the sweetest breath and the most feminine touch. We passionately kissed for some minutes before I broke away and we stared into each other's eyes. I assisted Ali in getting out of her dress and she kicked off her sandals, standing there before me in just her black lace panties and matching bra, she had a body to die for. Ali was smoking hot and everything I could have imagined from when I first set eyes on her at the airport. I started to take my shirt off and kick off my shoes; whilst doing this Ali undid my belt and button to my pants, pulled down my zipper and began to lower my pants to the ground where I could step out of them. As she had been lowering my pants she had kneeled down onto the floor and was at eye height with my bulge right in front of her. She was staring at it for a few seconds and then began to reach out. Ali didn't touch it, she automatically went to free me from my boxer shorts, whipped them down and I was on show for her with all my glory. Ali lent in and gently kissed the tip of my cock before licking my shaft from the base to the top and then finally taking me in her mouth. I was thinking, this is a very passionate woman with a number of skills at her disposal. I was looking down at her and she was looking up at me as she twisted her head holding me with one hand and working her tongue and beautiful lipstick-covered lips all over my manhood as she took me in her throat. Before long I had to ease my way out of her mouth and tell her, "If you don't stop, it will be all over and I have some plans for you tonight."
Heading out of the bar, I ask Damien if I can have a quick moment in the bathroom. While Damien stops by the bar to collect our drinks, I take the opportunity to duck around the corner and send a quick text to hubs letting him know what’s going on. He’s clearly been waiting for my text as he’s quick to reply with a few short words telling me to enjoy myself and not forget the challenge. I catch back up with Damien and we jump into the lift and then towards Damien’s room – all the time holding my wine glass in one hand, Damien’s hand in my other, and my heart absolutely racing with both nerves, anticipation, and excitement.
As Damien opens the door, I walk into the room and head straight to the desk to place my drink down. Before I’ve had a chance to step out of my shoes or turn around, Damien has come up behind me, lent past me – gosh he smells good – and with a hand on my hip, places his drink next to mine. But it’s not his hand that gives me tingles, it’s the feel of him against my back as he leans into me. His height over me, his chest leaning against me, and what appears to be his hard cock pressed against the top of my ass cheeks. My eyes close as I take a deep breath… and then let out a moan as I imagine what’s to come.
Damien takes the lead, turning me to face him before he leans in, placing his lips against mine. With the teasing that’s been going on all day with the flight, the texts and then in the bar – maybe a little influenced with our drinks also – I don’t hold back on my kisses or the lust that fills me. I reach my arms up and around Damien’s neck as I pull him in, our kisses deepening. Damien helps me lift the dress over my head, where I hear a big deep breath as he gets his eyes on one of my favourite lingerie sets. But as Damien loses his focus on the task at hand while his eyes roam my body, I reach out and start to undo his belt and pants, using the opportunity to drop to my knees in front of him, taking his pants with me, and soon after his boxers too.
And that is where the really fun stuff starts. Gosh, I enjoy a good hard cock and I don’t hold back on Damien’s as it stands proudly in front of me. His length and girth is impressive to say the least and nicely fills my hand… as well as my mouth. I take turns first with my mouth where I get to lube him all up, pushing my mouth down and up, and all around, before then just licking and sucking his tip while I stroke him with my hand up and down to match. But before too long – and too soon – Damien is placing his hands on my cheeks, gently guiding me back while he asks me to stop… nooooo, really? But I want more!!
But it’s all good as there’s definitely no end in sight at this time. I stand up and immediately we start kissing again. Slowly Damien moves me backwards until I fall ever so graciously onto the bed – well I’d like to think it was, but in all honesty, it was far from it! As I shuffle my way back up the bed, I watch as Damien’s eyes again roam down and then up my body, taking in the black lace covering a few enticing body parts. I just watch his face until his eyes return to mine, wondering what he has planned next.
"Now it's your turn." And with that, I hold out my hand for her and help her to her feet. Once again locking lips, I can taste some of my pre-cum on her tongue and it makes me look forward to what I will taste very soon. I move her backwards towards the bed and lay her back onto it, so she’s on her back with just her black lace bra and panties on. As Ali looks me directly in the eyes with lust, I look her up and down admiring her sexy body. I can see there is a wet patch on her panties and as I begin to remove them, she lifts her butt to assist; as I pull them down her sexy legs my eyes are met with her silky smooth honey pot, void of any hair and glistening with her juice. I pull her panties over her feet and throw them to the ground. I hold onto her right foot so her foot and leg remain in the air, while I begin to kiss and suck her toes. Ali begins to moan softly and looks me in the eyes as I take her big toe in my mouth. Slowly I work my way up her foot, ankle, calf and thigh as I lay her leg down, kissing and licking as I go. As I reach the top of her thigh, she is beginning to squirm a little, still letting out little moans. I am now between her thighs, my face mere cm's from her honey trap. I continue kissing and licking my way across from her thigh until I reach her beautiful pussy lips where I continue to kiss and begin to delicately lick her on the outside before pushing my tongue into her depths and gently rubbing my nose on her clit. Ali tastes so beautiful, her juices are flowing and have an intoxicating smell and sweet taste. Her thighs are now clamping around my head and I don't want to miss a drop of her beautiful nectar. I allow my tongue to stretch out and lick from her butt hole all the way up between her lips to her clit. She is obviously enjoying the feeling and as I do this the next time she begins to cum... squirming, loudly moaning, with deep breaths and holding my head not only in her hands but clamped between her thighs. I allow her to come back down whilst I am kissing and cleaning her up.
I start to clamber up her body. As I do, I lean in passionately to kiss her and she gladly accepts my tongue, definitely able to taste herself on my lips. As we kiss, my cock is just nudging her honey pot. She grabs my hips and holds me still, before she shocks me to the core – excitedly so…
“Damien…” I say with such excitement and strength, that he immediately pulls back to look at my face. “Have you heard of a hot wife challenge before?” Clearly, he hasn’t, as he lays down beside me on the bed, resting his head on a folded arm, as he looks me in the eye asking me to explain.
“A hot wife challenge is where a husband dares his wife to take a challenge and provide him with evidence that it’s been fulfilled.” I lay still watching Damien’s face trying to gauge his interest in what I’m suggesting.
“Go on…” he says with just a slight little twist in his voice.
“Before I left home this morning, my husband threw a challenge to me… something I’ve not thought of before.” I pause and watch how Damien’s breathing seems to be matching mine with heaviness and speed. “He dared me to find a guy in the bar at the hotel and see if I could entice him to join me in my room for an evening of mutual pleasure.” At this point I pause, wanting to see how he responds. Considering we are both naked and were right on the point of going that final step of having sex, I’m not sure of the response I’ll get.
“So, let me see if I understand this…” Damien starts, “Your husband has asked you to fulfill a dare to see if a hot, confident lady like yourself, can not only spark conversation with a guy in the bar, but invite him back to your room for some raunchy time between the sheets... he looks down the bed at this point, “Strike that, on top of the sheets, and you have to provide him with proof it happened?”
We simply stare at each other. “Yes,” I reply in a whisper.
“Well, either you’ve failed the challenge already, or we have some work to do!” He says before laughing at me.
I join in with his laugh, and ask “Why do you think I’ve failed already?”
“Firstly, you didn’t pick me up in the bar, we met on the plane; secondly, we’re in my room, not yours… and I’m not sure what evidence he’s after, but I’ve not seen you pull out a camera and take any sneaky pics!” At this, we both have quite the laugh, and I can see he’s not running scared from me – or more importantly, directing me to get my stuff and get out of his room.
“So Ali, does he know that you’ve picked up someone?” he asks.
“Yes, I’ve spoken to him through the day, and also when you were collecting our drinks from the bar. He did find it funny that I’d ‘jumped the gun’ so to speak with us meeting on the plane, but his challenge still stands all the same.”
“Aaaaah, I see,” Damien says, before asking “and what is the evidence that we need to provide him?”
At this point, I feel a little nervous asking as it means there’ll be evidence of our little tryst, and I know from chatting with Damien both on the plane and at the bar, that he loves his wife dearly. “Either a pic of cum across my tits, or over my ass. Personally, I’d love for it to be my tits as I do enjoy watching cum land over them.”
“Well then gorgeous Ali, let me watch you take your bra off… I think we have a little fun to have.”
After I watch Ali take her bra off, I don’t give her a chance to say or do anything more. I roll over so I’m lying on top of her, with my cock – it’s oh so hard after hearing of her husband’s challenge – nestled between my body and hers. I slide myself up and down her a few times, as Ali spreads her legs, allowing my cock to then slide between her legs and rest against her wet pussy lips. Ali grabs my ass and pulls me into her, where I slide in with ease; the feeling of warmth within her and the way her pussy envelopes my cock makes us feel as one. She wraps her legs around my waist. We gradually build to a slow and steady rhythm and we are both moaning and enjoying every thrust. I lean down to kiss her again and also lick her top lip and at that point she begins to climax and shiver and her pussy is convulsing around my cock, I can’t hold off much longer, so I pull out of her and climbing up her belly, I let my cum fly over her tits. Even I have to admit the white glistening drops look great against the pasty white breasts, surrounded by her tanned upper body. As we both gasp, trying to get our breath back, I collapse beside her while stating, “We’d better get that pic before it all goes dry, hey?”
Ali lets me take the pic and I lay down beside her while she sends it to her husband with a very cheeky grin on her face. I can’t imagine the trust the two of them must have to be able to set challenges such as this. We lay there silent for a while before I decide I can’t not have her once more tonight…
“Hey Ali, would your husband mind if you were to fulfill both challenges tonight? I’d love to help you also have a pic of cum across your ass cheeks.” Ali’s smile is all I needed.
I flip her over, so she is lying face down on the bed. I spread her legs and begin to lick her butt hole and she squeals and moans. I move down to her pussy I just have to taste her juices again. It’s like her challenges are taking me back to being a horny teenager! I begin to lap at her gorgeous pussy once more. Ali has already had two orgasms, but she is not protesting as I weave my magic with my tongue to her delicate moans. Her arousal is getting me hard again and before long I am pulling her up so that she is on her knees, and I slide myself into her again reaching around her body to grab her spectacular looking breasts, massaging them and pinching her erect nipples. Once again, we build up a rhythm, it feels so invigorating and I feel as though I am so deep within her. Before too long, we are both beginning to work up a sweat, building toward another climax when Ali begins to cum. The feeling of her pussy clenching around my cock is too much I pull out and watch as my cum leaves lines of white drops across her bare ass.
Ali collapses on the bed to catch her breath, but before I do the same, I say, “Ali, pass me your phone and let me take the pic for you both.”