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Not How He Imagined His Wedding Day

"He loved her so much but she betrayed him monumentally."

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Author's Notes

"The ending of this story was told to me by a friend of friend who supposedly was there so who knows how much truth is in that but I had to make up how I imagined the story went to get to that point."

Jamie was getting ready for his bucks’ night out with a few mates. Sitting on his bed in his old room at his parent’s place. Feeling a little anxious, but extremely happy. It had been more than a year since the engagement party and so much preparation had gone into making this event perfect for his future wife.

His future mother-in-law Janice was lovely. Jamie got on very well with her. Janice could see how he had settled her daughter down and was a very good influence on her. Janice and Jamie both had the same strange sense of humour and would often share a joke that nobody else would get, however, Melissa’s father Howard, made it clear he disapproved because Jamie’s family was not from ‘Old money’ and was usually barely civil when talking with Jamie. Howard’s family had all been lawyers for many generations. Howard even went so far as to say to Jamie that he only tolerated him because he seemed to make Melissa happy. Howard really was the stereotypical snob.

Years ago, Jamie’s father had started a small construction company and Jamie worked with his father after school, on weekends and holidays. After completing a business degree when he was just 24, he worked with his father full time helping implement a lot of improvements to the company's operational procedures. Firstly, making the company more cost-efficient, then chasing bigger contacts.

A year later his father was diagnosed with cancer and after a short fight, he passed away.

Jamie would have liked more time to grieve but as his father had said the day before he lost his fight, "The company is yours now and I know I’ve been holding you back. You will do great things." Jamie respected loved and respected his father and hoped he would do him proud. Once he’d come to terms with his new responsibility, he set about moving the business forward.

For the last few years, Jamie had worked hard, took some calculated risks and now he employs over a hundred and fifty staff.

Despite Howard’s prejudice against Jamie, he had spent a lot of money on the wedding for his only daughter who in his eyes, she could do no wrong and he would do anything for his little angel.

The guest list of a little over 250 consisted of the who’s who in the community, including Angela’s new fiancé and his family who are investment bankers. Angela is Melissa’s best friend and her chief bridesmaid. There were to be no children aloud which Jamie thought was a shame because he loved kids and couldn’t wait to be a father. He was never sure if this directive came from Angela or Howard, but it would be to his advantage later.

On Jamie’s side of the guest list was his mum, his sister, uncle and aunty and twelve of his mates and their partners and Jamie’s personal assistant Liz. Although Liz had never said anything because she’s too professional for that. She was always polite towards Melissa, however, Jamie always got the impression that Liz didn’t like her. It was like she knew something, but it wasn’t her business to say anything.

Angela has tried everything to break Jamie and Melissa up ever since, while drunk at their engagement party, she tried to seduce Jamie, but he politely declined her advances. She may be pretty with a great body but she’s a bitch and nothing is worth ruining his future with Melissa.

While sitting in his room, waiting for his ride and contemplating the past and excitedly anticipating the future, he received a text from Melissa.

I’m going out with Angela and a couple of others for dinner. Keen to be in bed early, looking forward to our big day to start our life together.

Love you soooooo much, Mel’.

This helped settle him a little, smiling to himself as he read it a couple of times. He heard the toot of a car horn. It was Jamie’s best man Liam, arriving to pick him up. Jamie had made Liam promise, ‘NO strippers,’ but he also knows Liam very well. He won’t be able to help himself.

They had a private room at the back of their favourite pub, and it had been a great evening. Plenty of good food and great friends, joking, laughing, who could ask for more.

Just before the desserts were brought out, the music started and sure enough, in walked ‘Crystal’, the stripper.

It was all fairly standard stuff. She danced around taking off her clothes and the men cheering her on. When she was naked, she sat on Jamie’s lap and gave him a big kiss. Then she looked to Liam for instructions. All his mates were urging Jamie to go a lot further, but he kept laughing and saying no, I’m going to be married tomorrow and I’m not going to ruin that. With Crystal still on his knee he received a text from Angela.

‘Melissa told you she’d be in bed early and I’m texting to let you know that she was indeed in bed very early.’

After only a few seconds Jamie turned his phone off. Crystal got off his knee and Jamie stood up, turned to Crystal who had seen the text and part of the attachment, and whispered,

“Please don’t say anything to the guys.” Crystal kissed him on the cheek and smiled.

Jamie grabbed his things, thanked his friends for a great evening and left. Liam and a couple of the others had tried to call and text him, but apart from asking Trevor to send the pictures and videos he took of their night, he only texted them back thanking them for a great evening, everything is okay, and I’ll see you tomorrow.


When he first saw them in the church car park, he thanked them again for last night and when asked about why he left so quickly, he told them that he had somethings he remembered he had to do and didn’t want to be coerced to do anything with Crystal that he might later regret.

In the church, the organ started, Jamie watched as the bridesmaids entered and walked towards him lead by Angela with a very smug smile. Liam nudged Jamie and whispered, "She scrubs up okay for a." Jamie stopped him from completing the sentence. As she passed Jamie to take up her position, she paused and whispered, “Still going ahead with it, gusty, or you’re a bigger wimp than I thought.” Jamie just smiled at her. Melissa entered the church to gasps and murmuring around the gathering as to how beautiful she looked. As she walked towards him, he agreed, he thought how beautiful she looked and told her so when she reached him. She was beaming as they joined hands.

The wedding had been perfectly planned and as expected, went off without a hitch. All the ladies looked lovely in their gowns and even Jamie’s mates scrubbed up alright in their suits although some of them looked a little uncomfortable as this wasn’t their usual dress, but they all made the effort for Jamie.

The reception also had gone very well, everyone was having a wonderful time. The food magnificent, the band was unbelievably good and had everyone up dancing having a great time. Nothing had been left to chance and the meticulous planning had all been worth it.

When it was time, Liam made his best man speech. It was typically Liam, he had everyone laughing as he recounted stories of what it was like to have a great, loyal friend like Jamie and how he had watched as Jamie’s love and devotion to Melissa had grown and he looked forward to watching Jamie become a great and devoted family man just like Jamie’s father had been. He did the obligatory toast to the bridesmaids, even saying some lovely things about Angela, who he didn’t like at all, but chose to put that aside. He proposed a toast to the new couple, then handed the microphone over to Jamie for his response.

Jamie has always been confident in front of an audience, he and Liam are a great double act but today was important and so he was a little more serious.

He began, “On behalf of my wife and myself I have to agree with Liam about how beautiful the bridesmaids look.” Everyone cheered. “and thank you so much, everyone, for coming particularly those who have travelled a long way to be here. I can’t tell you how much it means to us that you here to witness the proceedings today.”

There were two large TVs behind them and two at the other corners of the room that had been showing a rotating slide show of pictures of Melissa and Jamie when they were children and when they met and a few other significant moments through their growing friendship, courtship and inevitable engagement.

Jamie picked up the remote and changed the slide show.

First, there was a picture of an old run-down house that Melissa recognized straight away. A look of confusion changing to elation as Jamie continued. “It’s a couple of streets away from Melissa’s parents.”

Jamie looked at his new bride,

“Melissa, remember when you saw this beautiful old house for sale and you said you’d love to buy and renovate it, but then when it sold quickly how disappointed you were. As we’ve been driving past, we’ve watched as the new owners were doing a major renovation. You even made me lift you over the fence so you could see what they were doing. The only thing you didn’t like was the kitchen tiles. You thought they were too dark, and you’d prefer a slightly lighter version of the same colour.”

He changed the picture to a slide show of the same house, showing all the rooms and outside, renovation finished.

“I can tell you the landscaping was finished yesterday afternoon and the kitchen has been retiled in the colour you like.”

He held up the house keys.

Melissa jumped up and threw her arms around him and gave him a big kiss. The room burst into applause and cheers.

Then the slide show stopped on a picture of a new dark blue BMW M3 in the driveway and he held up the keys.

She jumped up and kissed him again. After the commotion in the room settled Jamie continued,

“Moving on, last night the boys and I went to the pub for a nice meal. I told Liam NO Strippers., but because Liam did what Liam does, just before dessert Crystal arrived.”

The sideshow had changed from pictures of all his mates at the table to a picture of Crystal when she first arrived and then one in her bra and panties. There were some murmurings in the room and some inappropriate comments from his mates.

“Crystal danced around and took off a little more, gave me a hug and a kiss and wished us good luck.”

Then a short video of the guys urging him to do more and him refusing.

Melissa looked shocked at the pictures of Crystal the stripper and smacked Jamie’s arm a couple of times and there was a bit of laughter, mainly from Jamie’s mates.

“Despite plenty of urging from my mates to continue I called it a night at that point and went home. On my own, before anyone asks.”

Jamie looked over at the tables where his family and friends were.

“Mick, it’s a shame you weren’t able to make it last night because it was a great night, however, I want to thank you so much for supervising the renovation and keeping it a secret. I was disappointed that you couldn’t make it last night, but you earned that promotion you had worked so hard for including a company car. I’ve always valued loyalty but you obviously had somewhere else you needed to be.” Mick shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

Jamie paused, took a sip of his drink and a deep breath.

“Melissa promised me she would get to bed early and by all accounts, she kept her promise.”

Just then the slide show changed from pictures of his mates at the pub to a video.

There was a loud gasp from the audience and Melissa and Angela screamed.

The video starts showing Jamie’s mate Mick naked have sex with someone. Jamie had attempted to blur the hardcore bits however it was extremely obvious what was happening. The video quickly panned out to show Mick was actually fucking Melissa and beside her on the bed was Angela being done by some big black bloke. The two men swapped places as two other men climbed on the bed and pushed their erections into the girl's eager mouths.

The commotion in the room was frantic and to the onlooking function staff, almost comical.

Angela’s fiancé and his family quickly got up and started to walk out and Angela jumped up screaming, running after them crying as Howard ran towards the bridal table, yelling incoherently and tried to grab the remote. Jamie stepped back from the table so he couldn’t reach him as some of Jamie’s mates restrained Howard and held him at bay.

“She’s not the angel you thought she was, is she Howard?”

Melissa just sat beside Jamie with her head in her hands crying as Jamie yelled out to Angela’s fiancé as he was about to step through the exit door,

“Don’t go yet, you’re missing the best bit." Jamie continued, "This wasn’t a one-time thing, oh no. These two sluts have been doing this with god knows how many for I don’t know how long.”

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The video then ran through a quick montage of short videos and stills of them doing it with many different men, mostly sharing with at least four men and sometimes more. Even with the attempted blurring, it was also clear none were wearing condoms and there were many shots with cum on them and oozing from them. Although blurred out, there was absolutely no doubt what all this was.

Mick got up to leave and Jamie brought the microphone to his mouth again.

Addressed him calmly,

“Oh Mick, please just leave the car keys on the table. Thanks, that would be great.”

Jamie picked up the keys to the new BMW and tossed them to Liz, his personal assistant.

“Here Liz, you should have these, you deserve it. I've constantly said I appreciate loyalty and I reward it and this slut sure as fuck will never get in it.”

Howard was screaming with rage as some of Jamie’s mates were holding him from getting at Jamie. The commotion in the room was becoming farcical.

Uncharacteristically, Jamie zoned out, staring blankly through the confusion of the room and his vision became fixed on one of the TV’s at the back of the room showing these edited pieces of his fiancé performing all kinds of sex acts with all kinds of guys. In Jamie’s head, the room had gone quiet. His thoughts going back to last night when he had downloaded all the videos. Angela had continued to send video after video in her effort to torment him. Her vengeance for Jamie deigning her was powerful. She wanted to hurt him.

He watched them all very closely many times until the vision no longer disturb him but rather aroused him. The one he initially found the most disturbing eventually became the most stimulating was the longest and was quite a production. Not filmed with a phone like the others. This was videoed with proper cameras, two in fixed positions to capture different views of the action and one handheld to capture vivid closeups. This video had also been skilfully edited. The first unsettling vision was that it was clearly taken in Melissia and Jamie’s apartment but quickly becoming arousing. Opening with Melissa and Angela naked and making out on their bed. Kissing and caressing each other culminating in an orgasmic 69er. To this point, Jamie found this lesbian romp very stirring. Then two blokes climbed on the bed initially one approaching each of the girls, but Angela stopped the guy approaching her and said to the group of waiting men, “No, Melissa first. You all MUST cum in Melissa first today. Today is Jamie’s birthday and we wanted to be sure to leave him a good present."

Melissa didn’t react to this comment other than to spread her legs in readiness for the first cock. This video was all about fucking Melissa and from then on Melissa had a rotating feast of cocks in her mouth and in her pussy and occasionally her arse as well but Angela was lying next to her masturbating herself and making sure everyone left a good deposit. Angela would kiss and suck on Melissa’s breasts each time she climaxed.

Near the end of this video, someone took the camera from the cameraman. It was now his turn. He didn’t say much but sounded European, Jamie couldn’t figure from where. Russian perhaps? This guy was the only one in all the videos whos cock was bigger than Jamies, a lot bigger and he fucked like a champion going on and on forever it seemed. It was difficult to tell if Melissa’s screams were from pleasure or pain or probably a bit of both. There had been several closeups as each guy pulled out of her increasingly swollen pussy showing the cum streaming back out but when the cameraman was done it was like a Niagara Falls of melting ice cream as it ran down between her bum cheeks. The cameraman could be heard to say, “Turn her over, I want to fuck her arsehole.” But that’s where the video ends so he doesn’t know if she took that monster up her bum.

It was only after viewing this video many times that Jamie’s cause of action became crystal clear. Some other

unrelated things had already been planned for some other time, that were originally going to remain under wraps for another day, but Jamie was considering bring those announcements forward to add to the drama this night had become. The vision of Melissa and Angela being fucked by so many kept spinning in his head. Part of his subconscious kept reminding him, this was not the time to relive these visions in his head however he couldn’t help himself. Tormenting himself. In many ways, Angela had won, she got what she wanted but she could never have imagined Jamie would do it so publicly, so humiliatingly. She definitely underestimated Jamie.

“Jamie..., Jamie..., JAMES RUSSELL THOMPSON!” Liam shouted to finally get his attention.

Jamie snapped out of his trance-like state as the video had stopped with a still shot of Melissa with cum all over her face and she appeared to be at the height of orgasm. No careful blurring of this shot.

He gently placed the microphone down on the table and sat down next to Melissa who was crying uncontrollably. He spoke calmly and quietly.

“Why would you do this behind my back? Our sex was good, wasn’t it? I thought it was better than good. You had said many times it was great, often spontaneous and adventurous. You always enjoyed it, a lot and we had plenty of variety. Calm and loving, wild and frantic…. and sometimes in some fantastic unbelievable locations... So why would you? How could you? And then honestly take that vow today. Please... please make me understand. I want to understand. I stupidly thought you loved me.”

She sheepishly looked up at him and nodded, still sobbing with tears streaming down her face. “I do love you. I know it's hard to believe but I do love so very much and the sex... the sex was always amazing. You always seemed to know when to be loving and romantic or wild and exciting.” She panted dramatically. "I do love you, I... I... don't know what to say. Please believe me."

Jamie continued, “I guess Angela talked you into it because she has hated me ever since I rejected her advances at our engagement party… Although I’m sure she tells that story differently. There were plenty of witnesses here tonight if you want to ask. Many of them are your friends.”

She didn't reply but the look on her face said it all. Angela had indeed told it in her own way, had spun some bullshit to suit her vitriol.

“If you’d wanted to be more adventurous with our sex life, all you had to do was ask. I was doing everything I thought you wanted, what you liked. If you wanted more, I would have loved to have done all that with you," as he motioned toward the screen. "anything, anything at all. Threesomes, foursomes whatever, but no, you had to go behind my back. Now, look what you’ve done to yourself. Look what you’ve made me do. I would never have imagined I was capable of such anger that would make me do this to you. To anyone... Sitting here now, I actually wished I'd handled it differently but it's done now and can't be undone” He just stared at her sobbing then continued, “Did you think I’d just let you do it and have you cuckold me or something? If that’s what you thought then you don’t know me at all, or did you think you could just keep it a secret or perhaps keep doing it once we were married?” Jamie was finding difficult to keep his emotions in check, to remain calm. He knows nothing will be gained by losing his temper.

Jamie looked up at the screen, reached into his pocket for the remote and turned it off.

The next thing he said was also news that no one else knew about. The room had hushed considerably as everyone voyeuristically had been listening to Jamie and Melissa’s conversation.

“I was so happy when you gave me the news and explained it by saying, a condom must have broken. I was so fucking happy. But it didn’t, did it? The baby’s, not mine, is it? I'm not the father, am I? And even more importantly, you don’t know who’s the fuck it is, do you?”

She looked down into her lap and quietly said,

“No, it’s probably not yours and no I don’t know who the father is.”

“Probably not mine?” Jamie tries not to get too emotional.

A murmur went around the room on this admission.

Jamie scoffed, “Probably your fuck session on my birthday, yeah? There was what, five or six guys? And that fucking cameraman...did he…? never mind.”

She started crying hysterically again.

Melissa’s mother Janice came around the table and approached them. Liam went to stop her, but Jamie told him to leave her. Melissa stood and reached for her mother, but Janice slapped Melissa’s face. With anger and language neither Melissa nor Jamie had witnessed before,

“How could you do this to Jamie. you stupid, stupid slut. Your idiot father’s too fucking blind when it comes to you, but I’ve known you were a whore before you met Jamie, opening your legs for any cock that came along, but I thought you’d finally grown up and settled down for him. You’ve made your bed, you can fucking lie in it… And just so you know, I’ll support Jamie in whatever he wants to do next. Whatever he decides.”

With that she pushed past Melissa, reaching for Jamie mouthed the words, “I’m so sorry sweetheart.” And hugged him. She whispered in his ear,

“You deserve better than my daughter, I’m so sorry, but I’m here for you and anything you need, you only have to ask. And I do mean ANYTHING.”

Howard temporarily breaks away from Jamie’s friends and yells,

“I’ll sue you for everything you’ve got.”

Janice leaned on the table staring Howard down as he was restrained again,

“You’ll do no such thing, your daughter is a fucking slut and she deserves whatever is coming to her and if you don't want me to discuss in front of everyone what you get up to with your secretary behind closed doors, then go and sit the fuck down and shut up.”

Liam scoffed under his breath. “I think you just did tell everyone about his secretary.”

Jamie slumped back down in his seat and thought carefully. This next revolution was not planned to be revealed tonight and was only a fortuitous coincident that the deal was completed yesterday. He determined, why the fuck not. In for a penny, in for a pound as they say. He looked directly at Howard.

“Oh ‘Howie', I’m guessing, your bosses on your table haven’t given you the news yet so let me. Oh, I see they’ve all gone home already. Anyway, the company that has been negotiating for the last few months, has on Friday bought the company you work for. That company is Liam’s father's law firm, financed mainly by me. Imagine that, indirectly I’ll be your boss. Karma’s a bitch, don’t ya think Howie.”

Janice sat with Jamie's mum and they hugged. Jamie asked the band to play but of those still there, not many were in the mood to dance. Those that didn't leave wanted to gossip.

Liam gave Jamie a friendly punch to the chest. "Way to kill a party dude" then hugged him, a big hug.

Liam grabbed two beers and walked Jamie through a door behind a large curtain leading to a garden and the two mates stood in silence staring at the stars for more than ten minutes while the sounds of everyone leaving and the staff packing up filled the air. Liam finally spoke.

“You’ll probably forgive her... Won’t you? You stupid bastard.”

Jamie sighed and after a very long silence, “You know me better than anyone, don’t you... Yeah, I probably will. It’ll take a while and a lot of soul searching, but yeah. After all this bullshit, I still love her. Besides, what am I gunna do with enormous fucking house.”

Liam scoffed, “What about the baby dude?”

“I never said it would be easy… but I’m sure we can work through it.”

Liam chuckled solemnly, “After what you did here tonight, humiliating everybody, and all that shit, will she want you back?”

Jamie sighed again, “Yeah, good point. Probably not. She said before she still loved me, but think tomorrow, when she's had time to reflect on what happened her to night. Might be a different story.”

“Dude, you’re the best thing that ever happened to her. She’d be crazy not to try to work things out with you.”

“Thank mate, but I wonder if she’ll see it that way.”

After another long pause, Liam said, "Maybe you could have a threesome with Angela."

Jamie just groaned with a positive inflection.

They turned to walk back inside when Liam said, “Dude, you know, Janice is a bit of alright and she would do you in a heartbeat.” Jamie punched Liam’s arm. “That’s my possible future mother-in -law…. And yeah, I know she would.” Liam continued, “If you’re gunna, you should do it before you forgive Melissa.” Jamie scoffed, “You are incorrigible.” Liam smiled, “Yeah, I know.” They both laughed as they flicked the curtain out of the way and strode into the room.


Written by Trappa
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