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No Harm Done...Butt

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Susan sat across from her husband, Mark, in their quiet suburban home, the scent of roast chicken and garlic mashed potatoes filling the air. The TV droned on in the background, the evening news recounting the mundane events of the day. She poked at her food, her thoughts wandering to the conference she had attended the week before. Bradley McAllister. High school Bradley McAllister. The Bradley McAllister who had once been the star quarterback and her secret crush. The Bradley McAllister who had grown into a handsome, charming man. The Bradley McAllister she had let do unspeakable things to her in a weak moment.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, pulling her out of her reverie. She glanced at Mark, who was absorbed in his meal and the TV, before discreetly checking the message. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Bradley's name on the screen. The photo that accompanied the text was explicit, his large, erect cock standing proud against a stark white background. "I want to see you again," the message read, sending a jolt of heat through her body. She quickly locked the screen, her hand shaking.

Her first instinct was to delete the message, to pretend it never happened. But she couldn't. The image was burned into her mind, the memory of his touch and the taste of his cum still fresh on her lips. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. "It's just a picture," she told herself. "It doesn't mean anything." But her body was already responding, her nipples hardening and her pussy growing wet.

She then felt her phone buzz again.  She fought herself, both not wanting to open it and dying to. See another message from Bradley with five words that startled her, "Show me your fat tits."

Her hand shaking, Susan looked up at Mark, who was now watching her with a concerned look. "Is everything okay?" he asked, noticing her distraction.

"Yeah," she forced a smile, trying to act nonchalant. "Just work stuff."

Mark nodded, returning to his meal, and Susan took the opportunity to discreetly glance at her phone. The message was still there, taunting her. She swiped open the image and felt a warm flush spread across her cheeks. Bradley's cock was indeed hard, standing tall and proud, glistening with precum. She couldn't believe he had sent her such an explicit picture.

As she stared at his picture, her phone silently buzzed in her hand with another message. "Come on Susie, send me a picture of them. And can we meet up next week?"

Her heart pounded in her chest. This was insane. She was married, a mother, a respected professional. Yet here she was, contemplating sending a nude photo to her high school crush. But the thrill of the taboo was like a drug, coursing through her veins. She knew she should ignore him, delete the message, and forget Bradley McAllister ever existed. But she couldn't. The excitement was too intense.

Susan suddenly blurted out, "I'm not feeling well.  I am going to go use the restroom, " as her husband nodded absently.

In the bathroom, Susan leaned against the sink, her hand shaking as she held the phone with Bradley's message. She had hoped that their encounter was a one-time thing, a moment of weakness she could bury in the past. But here he was, reaching out again, stirring up feelings she had thought long dead. She took a deep breath and stared at herself in the mirror. Her makeup was smudged from the day, her hair slightly disheveled, but her eyes were alight with something she hadn't seen in years: desire.

With trembling fingers, she typed a response. "I can't do this," she wrote, trying to convince herself as much as him. But even as she hit send, she knew it was a lie. The truth was, she wanted to see him again. She wanted to feel his touch, hear the way he whispered her name. She wanted to feel attractive in his eyes.  She was caught up in the thrill of the secret, the danger of the affair, the rush of lust of his shocking behavior.

Her phone buzzed almost immediately. "You can, Susan. And you know you want to. Think about it. Just one more night. No strings attached. We'll get it out of our systems. I need this so bad!" Bradley's message was a siren's call, and Susan felt her resolve slipping away.

"Bradley, it's an exciting thought. But, you are a thousand miles away", she responded, feeling both relieved and disappointed.

"I'm visiting my parents there next week and visiting with a couple of clients.  Just lonely old me in a lonely old hotel room. I promise I'll make it worth your while. Trust me, Susan. I know you want this," Bradley's message read with a winky-face emoji.

Susan felt a knot form in her stomach. She couldn't believe she was even considering this.

"Tell you what, Susie. Show me your tits right now to help me get off. But think about next week. It could be really good," Bradley messaged.

When he called her Susie she felt right back in high school, dreaming about Bradley even noticing her.

Susan's hand hovered over her phone, her thumbs poised to respond. Her heart raced as she thought about what she should do. On one hand, she was married to Mark, a man who had been her rock, her best friend, and the father of her children. On the other hand, she couldn't deny the excitement Bradley's words brought her. Her body was begging for the kind of attention it hadn't received in years. She took a deep breath and made her decision. "Okay," she typed, her voice echoing in the quiet bathroom. "But only because you asked so nicely."

Bradley's response was immediate, his excitement palpable through the screen. "Fuck yeah!" he wrote, followed by a series of eager emojis. Susan felt a strange mix of exhilaration as she watched herself in the mirror, unbuttoning her blouse then reaching back to unhook her bra.

Her breasts spilled out, full and heavy. She had always been self-conscious about her body, especially after having kids, but Bradley's hungry gaze made her feel desirable, almost powerful. She took a deep breath and held her phone at chest level, snapping a quick photo before she could change her mind. She sent it off with a flirty message, "Here you go. Hope it helps."

His response was instant. "Damn, Susie.  I can't wait to coat those meaty tits in cum again. But, I get to make you cum, too, next week. Deal?"

Susan's cheeks flushed as she read the message. It was crude, but it sent a thrill through her. She had never talked dirty before, but something about it with Bradley made her feel alive. She took a deep breath and sent back, "We'll see." She didn't know if she could go through with it, but the idea was too tempting to dismiss outright.

As she buttoned her blouse back up, she felt the fabric brush against her erect nipples, sending another shiver down her spine. She knew she was wet, and she felt a twinge of disappointment as she put her bra back on. She took a deep breath and tried to compose herself before walking back into the living room where Mark was watching tv, the dirty dishes still on the table.

That night, Susan found herself craving sex with a ferocity she hadn't felt in years. She initiated with Mark, but he was tired from work and barely had the enthusiasm she needed. He fumbled with her clothes, his kisses gentle and loving, but she couldn't help but think of Bradley's urgent hunger. As Mark slid into her, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. He was always gentle, always caring, but she needed more. She needed passion, she needed to be taken. But all she got was a quiet, brief coupling that left her feeling empty.

After Mark fell asleep, Susan found herself unable to rest. Her mind was racing with thoughts of Bradley, of his touch, his taste. She slid out of bed, her body humming with unsated desire. In the quiet of the bathroom, she pulled out her phone, reading Bradley's texts again. The picture of his erection was still there, taunting her. She touched herself, her fingertips tracing the path her husband had taken earlier that night. She was so wet, so ready. But her husband couldn't give her what she needed.

Her hand grew bolder, her touch more insistent as she imagined Bradley's mouth on her, his hands roaming her body. She was lost in the fantasy, her breath coming in short gasps. She slid two fingers into herself, mimicking the feeling of his thickness, his length. It had been so long since she'd felt that kind of desire, that kind of need. Her thumb found her clit, and she rubbed it in tight circles, her hips bucking against her hand. The sound of her own quiet moans filled the empty room.

As the pressure built, Susan felt herself teetering on the edge of climax. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, her body arching off the bed. And then it hit her, a wave of pleasure so intense it was almost painful. Her muscles clenched around her fingers, her eyes rolling back in her head as she came, her orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave. For a moment, she was lost in the sensation, her entire world narrowed to the pulses of pleasure coursing through her body. In her euphoric afterglow, she typed the three letters y e s into her phone and hit send.

Her impulsive message was met with a flurry of excitement from Bradley. He replied almost immediately, his excitement palpable through the screen. "Mmm good girl, Susie," he wrote. "I'll make it worth your while, I promise." Susan felt a thrill at his words, her heart racing at the thought of what might happen. She wouldn't go all the way. But the last time was over-the-top sexy, even without full sex.

The week dragged on, each day feeling like an eternity. Susan couldn't focus on her work, her mind always drifting back to Bradley's texts, his voice, his touch. Her interactions with Mark grew more strained as she found herself comparing him to the fantasy playing out in her head. He noticed her distance but attributed it to her stressful workload. Little did he know the real cause of her distraction.

The day of their rendezvous finally arrived. Susan's hands trembled as she packed a small bag and hid it in her trunk. In the bathroom, she put on the sexy lingerie she had bought specifically for this encounter. She felt guilty, but the thrill of the unknown was too potent to ignore. After her husband kidded her goodbye and headed to work, she hurried out to her car.

There was a war going on in her head. One side reminded her that she is married. That he was a good, loyal man. That shouldn't cheat. The other side argued that this was a one-off, that she wouldn't "actually" cheat.  She could fulfill her fantasies and still be loyal. It was a lie. But it gave her enough room in her conscious not to turn the car around as she drove to the hotel.

The hotel lobby was empty when she arrived, which was a relief. She didn't want to bump into anyone she knew. She took a deep breath and walked to the elevator, her heart pounding in her chest. When she reached the room, she took one last look at herself in the hallway mirror. Her hair fell in loose waves around her face, and her makeup was smoky and seductive. The dress she had chosen was tight and low-cut, showing off her curves. She was still a little self-conscious of her weight. But, she knew what Bradley wanted to see and tried to look the part.

She could see the door was cracked open, and with shaking hands, she pushed it open. The room was dimly lit, the curtains drawn, and the bed turned down invitingly. She took a moment to gather herself before slipping off her shoes and crossing the threshold. Bradley was sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed casually but with an air of palpable excitement. He looked up as she entered, and she felt his eyes rake over her body, drinking in the sight of her.

"You look incredible," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, his eyes looking at her chest, her hips. Susan felt a rush of heat to her cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and excitement. She had never felt so exposed, so wanted.

"Thank you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She stepped closer to him, and he reached out, taking her hand and pulling her to sit beside him on the bed. The mattress dipped slightly under her weight, and she felt the warmth of his body against her side. Then he slowly stood up, stepping in front of her.

"I've been thinking about this moment for so long," Bradley said, his eyes never leaving hers. "You have no idea how many times I've imagined us together like this."

With his eyes locked on hers, he reached down and started undoing his belt, the button of his slacks, reaching for the zipper.

Susan felt a sudden panic. "Bradley, we can't go all the way. I'm still married."

"Shhh... we aren't going to do anything you don't want." he lowered his zipper, his loose slacks dropping to the floor at his feet.  Susan was shocked to see he wasn't wearing underwear. His cock looked half hard and was slowly growing and standing up, pointing toward her.

Her eyes were glued to it. "But I want to," she whispered, the guilt washed away by the thrill of temptation.

"Just look at it, Susie. Imagine it filling your mouth."

Susan's eyes remained on Bradley's erect cock, the guilt and fear momentarily drowned out by the pulsing need in her core. She had never seen one this big so close, so... alive. She licked her lips unconsciously, and Bradley took that as a sign. He stepped closer, his cock now mere inches from her face, his hand reaching out and laying on the top of her head.

"Open your mouth," he whispered, "just for a minute."

Susan felt the blood rush to her cheeks as she stared up at Bradley's erect cock. Outside of Bradley, it had been so long since she had tasted another man since anyone had whispered such naughty words to her. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she knew she was about to cross a line she might not be able to come back from. But she couldn't resist the siren call of his desire. She parted her lips, and Bradley's cock slid into her mouth, the tip brushing against her tongue. She could feel his excitement growing as she took him in deeper, her teeth grazing his skin.

Her husband, Mark, had never been one for oral sex. They had talked about it once or twice, but he had always brushed it off, saying it wasn't his thing. But here she was, with her high school crush's cock in her mouth, feeling more alive than she had in years. The taste was different, a little bitter, but not unpleasant. His hand held her head still while he began slowly pumping his hips. She felt her own arousal spike as she began to suck him, her cheeks hollowing out each time he pushed into her mouth. She had forgotten how much she enjoyed this, how much power it gave her to make a man feel like this.

Bradley's moans grew louder, his hand tightening in her hair as he began to thrust more deeply. Susan's eyes watered, but she didn't pull away. The pleasure she was giving him was a drug, one she hadn't realized she was addicted to. She could feel her own arousal growing, her pussy clenching with each bob of her head. She had never cheated before, never even thought about it, but here she was, on her knees, worshiping her high school crush's cock.

"Damn your mouth feels good.  I should have made you suck me off in high school," he said while slowly fucking her mouth.

Susan felt a rush of conflicting emotions. She was torn between the thrill of Bradley's words and the guilt of her actions. Yet, she couldn't deny the power she felt, making him moan and grip her hair as she took him deeper. She felt her own arousal growing with each stroke of her tongue along his shaft. Her mind was a mess of guilt and desire, but she couldn't stop now. She imagined herself back in high school, what it would have been like to suck off THE Bradley McAlister, like some of the other girls. The thought thrilled her and made her feel like she was back there with him. Not in a hotel room cheating on her husband.

As she let Bradley continue pushing in and out of her mouth, she felt his hand move to her neck, applying gentle pressure and guiding her deeper. She choked slightly, but instead of pulling away, she found herself pushing down harder, her eyes watering. "Mmmm Cock Sucker Susie, I could have made you so popular," he said, putting conflicting thoughts in her head.

"Take it all," he groaned, pushing her head down until she could feel his balls against her chin. Susan's eyes fluttered shut, and she took a deep breath through her nose, trying to imagine being a high school slut for him. She couldn't ignore the way her body responded to his words, the way her pussy grew wetter with each thrust of his hips. "Play with my nuts, Susie."

Her hand found his balls, massaging them gently as she sucked harder. Bradley's fingers tightened in her hair, and she felt a strange sense of satisfaction knowing she was the one bringing him to the brink. The smell of his musk filled her nose, and she realized she liked it, liked the way he was using her. She felt so alive, so alive and dirty.

"Oh, you're going to make me cum," Bradley moaned, his hips bucking against her face. Susan felt a thrill of excitement, a sense of power she hadn't felt in years. She could feel his orgasm building, and she knew she was the one in control. She sucked harder, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock, her hand working in rhythm with her mouth.

Suddenly, Bradley leaned over and started grabbing her tits roughly through her dress. She gasped, the fabric of the fabric biting into her sensitive skin. He groaned with pleasure, his eyes locked on hers. "Take them out," he demanded, his voice thick with lust. "Let me see those beautiful fat tits again."

Susan's heart was racing, but she couldn't deny the thrill that shot through her at his words. She reached up and pulled down the cups of her dress, her breasts spilling out into the cool air. Bradley's eyes widened, and he leaned back, taking in the sight of her. "You're even more beautiful than I remember," he murmured, his hand reaching out to squeeze one of her nipples.

The pinch sent a jolt of pleasure straight to Susan's core, and she couldn't help but moan around his cock. She had never felt this alive, this wanted, not even with Mark. It was wrong, she knew it was wrong, but she didn't want it to stop.

Bradley took her silence as an invitation and began to unbutton her shirt with one hand while the other kept her in place, his thumb playing with her sensitive nipple. He pulled it open, revealing her bra, and Susan felt the cool air of the hotel room kiss her skin. He groaned with pleasure at the sight, his hand moving to cup her other breast. "You're perfect," he murmured, his thumb flicking over her nipple.

With surprising urgency, Bradley stood back and stepped out of his slacks, his erection bobbing free. Susan couldn't help but stare, her heart racing as she took in the sight of him. He was more than she had ever imagined, and the reality was so much better than any high school fantasy. He kicked his pants aside and sat back down on the edge of the bed, his cock jutting towards her. He leaned over and began kissing her, touching her breasts as he did.

His mouth was hot and hungry, his hands rougher than she was used to. Susan felt a thrill of excitement at the contrast to her husband's gentle touch. She knew she should stop him, knew she should push him away, but she couldn't. The years of repressed desire were too much to resist. Her own hands began to move, exploring his bare chest and the firm muscles of his back.

Kissing her neck, then below her ear, he whispered, "I want to taste you again, like last time, " he paused.  Then softly breathed into her ear, "I need you to get naked for me, Susie."

Susan felt a rush of anticipation mixed with fear and excitement. She knew she should resist, but she couldn't. With trembling hands, she unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor, revealing the matching black lingerie she had chosen for this very moment. Bradley's eyes widened, and he groaned his approval, his hand reaching down and taking his cock in his hand while he watched, stroking himself.

"Leave your heels on...take the rest off for me. Fuck you are hot! I should have fucked you so many times in high school," Bradley said while watching her and jerking his big cock.

Susan felt a strange thrill at his words. She had always been the one in charge, the one with the plan. But here she was, naked before Bradley McAllister, her pussy already wet with anticipation. She took off her panties and laid back on the bed, her legs spread open. The coldness of the air conditioning hit her pussy and she felt a shiver of pleasure. She repeated, "We can't go all the way, please."

"Spread it open for me Suz," Bradley breathed, his eyes locked between her legs as his hand stroked his hard cock.

Susan felt a strange mix of fear and excitement at his command. She had never been talked to like this by Mark, but there was something about Bradley's dominance that made her want to submit. She parted her legs wider, exposing herself fully to him.

"Reach down with your fingers, babe. Open it. Show me where you want my tongue."

Susan's hand trembled as she reached down to part her swollen lips. She felt the coolness of her fingertips against her heated flesh, and she shivered. She had never been this exposed, this vulnerable with anyone, including Mark. But with Bradley watching her, his eyes like twin pools of desire, she couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement.

"Tell me what you want, Susie," Bradley firmly demanded.

Susan took a deep breath, feeling the heat of his gaze on her pussy. "I want... I want your tongue," she managed to say, her voice quivering with a mix of excitement and nerves.

"Where? Say it."

"I want your tongue...inside me," Susan whispered, her voice trembling with excitement.

"Good girl," he said as he reached for her hips, pulling her to the edge of the bed. "And I am going to push my tongue inside of you... everywhere." He knelt in front of the bed, his mouth inches from her open and spread legs.

Susan felt a jolt of excitement at his words, and she leaned back, bracing herself on her elbows. Bradley's eyes never left hers as he leaned in and flicked his tongue over her clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through her body. She moaned, her legs spreading wider. He chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. "You're so wet for me, Susan. Your slutty pussy is drooling."

The words should have repulsed her, but instead, they turned her on even more. She had never been talked to like this before, and she found herself craving the dirty talk, the filthy words that made her feel like the naughty girl she had never allowed herself to be. Bradley's tongue slid into her, and she gasped, her hips rising to meet him. His hands were firm on her thighs, holding her in place as he explored her with his mouth.

Susan felt herself getting wetter with each stroke of his tongue, each flick against her clit. Her body was responding in ways she had forgotten it could, her orgasm building like a storm on the horizon. She reached down, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer, urging him to go deeper. He obliged, his tongue pushing into her, tasting her in a way no one ever had.

Then, surprising her, he dipped lower, pressing his tongue against your crinkled little asshole..pressing on it.

Susan's eyes went wide with shock, her body tensing. "Brad...what are you doing?" she gasped.

"Just let it happen, Susie," he murmured against her skin, his breath hot and ragged. He didn't stop, his tongue pushing into her asshole, then out again, in a slow, deliberate rhythm that made Susan's eyes roll back in her head.

The sensation was overwhelming, and Susan didn't know if she should be disgusted or turned on. But as Bradley's tongue began to circle her anus, she felt her body responding, her pussy getting wetter, her hips pushing back against his face. She had never experienced anything like this before, and it was both terrifying and exhilarating.

"Oh God," she moaned, her voice trembling. "What are you doing to me?"

Bradley's chuckle was muffled against her skin. "You're so tight here," he said, pushing his tongue deeper into her ass. "It's like you're made for this. Does your husband ever use you here?"

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The question sent a jolt through Susan's body. She had never been with anyone but Mark, and the thought of Bradley being the first to claim this part of her was strangely thrilling. "No," she murmured, her voice a mix of embarrassment and excitement.

"Then it won't be cheating if I put my cock in here...right," Bradley asked.

Susan didn't know how to respond. She felt a mix of fear and excitement. This was something she had never done with anyone. She didn't know if she could do it now. But she was so turned on she didn't want to stop. "I don't know," she managed to say, her voice shaking.

Bradley took her lack of protest as consent. He stood and reached over to the desk, grabbing a tube. He smeared something all over his cock and began pumping it again in his fist. Susan couldn't believe how big he was, much bigger than Mark. He positioned himself between her legs, the head of his cock pressing against her ass. "Ready?" he asked, his voice thick with lust.

Susan took a deep breath, barely nodding as she felt the tip of his cock nudge at her tight entrance. The sensation was foreign, a mix of pain and pleasure that she hadn't expected. Bradley pushed harder, and she felt herself stretch around him. "Oh GOSH," she moaned, the feeling overwhelming.

He didn't stop, his eyes locked on hers as he slowly pushed himself deeper. She could feel her body giving way to him, her walls tightening around his thick shaft. The pain was intense, but she couldn't deny the thrill that shot through her. "You're so tight," Bradley groaned, his eyes half-closed with pleasure. "So fucking tight."

Susan bit her lip, her hands gripping the bed sheets. She could feel herself getting wetter, her body responding to the intrusion despite her trepidation. "It hurts," she whimpered, her eyes squeezed shut.

"It's okay," Bradley murmured, his voice soothing despite the dominance of his actions. "Just relax, baby. I'll make it feel good." He began to move in and out of her, his strokes shallow at first, giving her time to adjust. "Rub your clit while I fuck your ass."

With trembling hands, Susan reached between her legs, her fingertips finding her swollen clit. She started to rub it in slow circles, the pleasure building alongside the pain. The combination was overwhelming, a whirlwind of sensations that she had never experienced before. Bradley's thrusts grew deeper, more deliberate, and she felt her body begin to give in to the moment.

"I'm fucking you in the ass, Susie. Bradley McAlister is butt-fucking your married ass.  And you love it!"

Susan's eyes snapped open at Bradley's crude words, the reality of the situation slapping her in the face. But she couldn't deny the truth of it. Her body was betraying her, writhing and bucking under his touch, begging for more. She felt a strange mix of pleasure and pain, the two sensations intertwining in a way she had never experienced before.

"Feel it deep, you sexy butt-slut. This is what you need," he said, his rhythm speeding up.

The words cut through Susan's haze of pleasure, a stark reminder of what she was doing. "Stop calling me that," she gasped, trying to regain some semblance of control. "Please!" But Bradley only chuckled, his grip on her hips tightening as he plunged deeper.

"Why?" he taunted, his voice thick with lust. "You're loving every second of it. You're married, but you're here with me, letting me fuck you in the ass like a whore." Bradley's pace was speeding up. The sound of their bodies slapping together started to fill the room.

Susan felt a rush of anger and humiliation. But she also felt something else, something darker and more primal. Her orgasm was building again, and she couldn't deny that his words were pushing her closer to the edge. "Bradley, please," she whimpered, her voice thick with need. "Don't talk like that."

Without slowing down, he replied, "It's just a word, Susie. A married woman in a hotel room with a guy she hasn't really seen since high school.  Letting him stretch her ass open. What would you call that, Susie? Hmm? You are fucking me like a slut, giving me your ass, letting me butt-fuck you. What does that make you? Makes you a butt-slut, right? A sexy married, butt-slut" he said as he was now pounding into her.

Susan felt the tears begin to well up in her eyes, but she couldn't deny his words' effect on her. She was so close to coming again, her body a bundle of nerves and need. She turned her head and bit down on the pillow, trying to muffle her moans as Bradley's cock filled her ass. The room spun around her, the sensations overwhelming. Her hand was busy rubbing her clit firmly in circles.

"You like that, don't you?" Bradley said, his voice deep and commanding. "You like getting butt-fucked like a married slut."

Susan's orgasm was approaching, her body a live wire of pleasure and pain. "no...," she whispered, the words barely leaving her mouth before she was consumed by it. Her pussy contracted around her fingers, her ass gripping Bradley's cock as she came hard, the pillow semi-muffling her cries. certainly people in the hall or next room could hear her.

Bradley chuckled darkly, his strokes becoming more forceful. "That's it, cum for me," he said, his voice thick with lust. "You're my chubby, married butt-slut, aren't you? I bet you have never cum this hard."

Susan's eyes squeezed shut as she felt another orgasm wash over her. She had never experienced anything so intense, so all-consuming. She couldn't deny that his words pushed her over the edge, making her feel like a woman she had never allowed herself to be. Her body shuddered with each wave of pleasure, her ass clenching around Bradley's cock.

As she began to come down from her high, she felt Bradley tense up. She could feel his cock start to swell. "Open your mouth," he ordered, his voice firm.

Susan hesitated momentarily, unsure if she could go through with it. But the way he looked at her, the power in his eyes, made her want to obey. "Look at me," he said, his voice low and demanding. She met his gaze, her heart racing.

Bradley started to cum, and Susan felt the warmth fill her ass, the sensation both strange and overwhelming. He groaned as he pulled out, and she could feel the spurts of his cum land on her face, mixing with the tears that had started to fall. She reached up, her hand shaking, and took hold of his cock, guiding it into her mouth. She tasted the saltiness of his release and felt the thickness of it slide down her throat as she swallowed.

As he finished, his body shook with the last of his orgasm. Susan kept her eyes on him, his expression a mix of satisfaction and something she couldn't quite place. Was it regret? Pity? She didn't dare hope for anything more. Sated, he fell to the bed beside her, wrapping an arm over her.

"You're amazing," he murmured, his voice still thick with lust. "You're so much more than I ever dreamed you would be."

His arm felt nice like she belonged to him. And while she felt uneasy and insecure about some of the things he said, she thought maybe that was just how sex was with him.  As he snuggled closer to her, she smiled to herself... a warm, fulfilled smile.

"Thank you," she murmured, her voice shaky. "That was... intense."

"You were amazing!" he responded. "But I need to run in a minute. I have a meeting over in Lynnwood. I wish I could stay."

Written by rachelday801
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