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Misguided Desire and Betrayal

"Can true love soothe the sting of betrayal, which is the question?"

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Author's Notes

"I wrote this on two plane trips to California last week. Part two is not finished, soon. Next up will be What about Stan, A Little Fun with Shelly and Eve, and Lacy's Lust Filled Adventures. We love all our readers and try to please. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Give us your feedback and like each story. Thanks for your comments, we apppreciate that you take the time to tell us what you feel. Enjoy, Maxx"

Brian picked up his phone. It was nearly 11:00 pm. Still no text or email, nothing.  

He was concerned. Melissa should have been home by now. Brian wondered if this was another one of those nights, he hoped not. He had warned her, so if it were, things would go badly for them!

Brian sat his phone down, shook a cigarette from the pack, tapped the filter on the table, then flicked his Zippo, lighting up. As he took a long pull, taking in the soothing smoke, he heard a buzz and saw a notification message appear on his screen. 

Melissa's text: "Hey babe, the girls and I are going back to Amanda's for a drink." 

Brian picked up his phone, reading the message again.

Brian's text: "OK, love you, babe, don’t be too late." 

He laid his phone on the table, sat back, and closed his eyes, taking another long pull on his smoke, letting it linger in his lungs, then blowing a couple of smoke rings. 


Melissa took a deep breath, dropping her phone into her purse. Her legs were trembling. Her heart was beating like a jackhammer. She looked at him, cracking a slight smile, took his hand, and followed him out of the bar. 

They walked to his big Ford Expedition. He opened the back door and ushered her inside. The back was all laid down, and a soft mattress filled the space. 

"I love how you come prepared. No hotel, no apartment, just a nice mattress in your mobile hotel." Melissa teased as she stripped naked. 

He pushed her down and kissed her as she worked all his clothes off. Once naked, he lay on her. Their bodies had been pressed together on the dance floor most of the night, dry fucking to every slow song, with only their clothes keeping them from fucking right there in front of everyone.

Tonight, was their fourth time together. Anthony had arranged it knowing she was cuckolding her husband. She had made it clear to him it was just sex, exceptionally good sex for sure, and she was ready for a serious fucking again tonight. Then home to Brian to share the bounty.

He slid down her body sucking her breasts and biting her nipples, leaving little marks for Brian to find later as he reclaimed his slut wife. Tonight 

Anthony was a black man with a big cock that always delivered a big deposit for Melissa to take home to Brian. She had picked him to be her first black lover, having no idea just how good a fuck he was. She loved his big thick nine-inch cock as he fucked her, feeling him stretch her as he pounded her pussy, making her cum over and over as they fucked.      

They fucked for an hour in the SUV, then three more hours at Amanda's house as she watched them. When Melissa took a break, Amanda climbed onboard fucking him, keeping him hard for Melissa. Finally, Anthony was worn out, and Melissa left happy. Her pussy filled with several loads of his black cum, held inside her by her thong. 

In the Uber, on her way home, Melissa worried that her pussy had been stretched so that Brian would feel nothing when he reclaimed her. She slipped her fingers inside her thong feeling her sloppy pussy. Then sliding her fingers inside realizing her pussy felt normal. She rubbed over her clit letting out a little moan. She was still horny and excited to give Brian his surprise. She would tell him later it was from a black man as it had been before, but he didn't know those times. 


Brian took two more drags off his smoke, then butted it in the ashtray. He turned off the TV and went up to bed. He lay there staring at the ceiling, thinking, why had Melissa waited so late to text him? What had she been doing? He was worried. They would have a serious talk in the morning. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. 


It was 4:43 am. Melissa was standing at her front door. She was tired and sweaty, her hair disheveled, her makeup streaked, and she smelled of raw sex. Melissa’s hand was shaking as she unlocked the door. She gently pushed it open just wide enough to tiptoe inside. She paused, 'Thank God, silence.' 

As she stepped inside, Melissa heard nothing. She closed her eyes and slowly shut the door behind her, trying not to make a sound. She turned the lock as quietly as possible and took a deep breath. She listened again, silence, no sound, just her breathing. 

Melissa tiptoed to the couch, trying not to make noise with her heels. She looked across, seeing the door to the bedroom was open. Melissa could see Brian's legs on the bed. She paused again, no movement, silence. She peered out the window seeing the brightening sky as the day dawned. 

She was so late, very, very, late. How was she going to explain this?

Melissa frantically began undoing the buttons of her blouse, peeling it off and draping it over the couch. Her heart was racing. Her breathing was rapid and short. She could still smell his scent on her. Surely, Brian would. She unzipped her skirt and shimmied it past her hips, letting it slide down her legs. Melissa steps out of it, first the left leg, then the right. She picks it up, folds it in half placing it neatly beside her blouse. She paused, listened, still silent. Brian must be fast asleep. 

Turning towards the mirror, she reaches into her bra to adjust her breasts. Her nipples are still tingling from when Anthony had pinched them hard as he fucked her. Without looking down, she removed the elastic band from her wrist, gathered her hair, twisted it around, putting it up in a ponytail. Leaning forward, no hair fell in front of her face, success.

Standing on her toes again, she turns around, revealing her thong, matching the bra she is wearing. Melissa uses her index fingers to adjust her thong and keeps on her heels. She tiptoes slowly into the bedroom with a sly smile. Brian is lying on the bed, wearing only his boxers. Melissa wonders if she would enjoy this part more than Brian would. She hoped not.  She loved everything that had happened earlier with Anthony, He had satisfied her desire and filled her, but this was the best part, pleasing Brian, giving him her bounty.

Melissa made her way to Brian's side of the bed, seeing that he was still asleep. She leaned forward at the waist until her face was over the fly of his paisley boxers. Hovering over him, Melissa gently freed his cock. Her fingers tightened on him as she began to slowly stroke him. She looked into his face as he stirred, starting to wake up. Keeping her right hand on his cock, she slowly strokes him, as her left hand caresses his balls.   

Melissa leaned down and kissed his cockhead, feeling him twitch in her hand. Her tongue slowly, tantalizingly began tracing around his crown. God, he tastes good, with a hint of salt and musk. 

Suddenly he gasped, then moaned from deep down. He bucked his hips up from the mattress, forcing his cock deep into Melissa's mouth. She sucked him for a minute, bobbing several times, then lifted her head. 

She whispered, "Hi baby, I have a surprise for you." 

Melissa moved fast, using her hands to brace herself as she swung her legs over onto the bed, straddling Brian's face. Her pussy is only inches from his mouth. Success, she was now in position.

Melissa turned her attention back to Brian's throbbing cock. It was familiar to her mouth. She knew every inch of it by heart. Releasing Brian's cock from her mouth, Melissa grabbed the base of his cock and began to gently stroke him with her hands. She licked her fingers to help things along. Lowering her head down, she slowly wraps her lips around his cockhead. Her lips slid down, taking him deep into her mouth. She bobbed slowly up and down, up and down, as she methodically corkscrewed her hands along his long cock. Her head, mouth, tongue, and hands are all working in a perfect synchronous motion. Her bobbing slowed, and she sucked him into her throat, swallowing him, massaging his cockhead. She moaned as her mouth slid back up, reaching his tip, then sliding her lips down his shaft again. Melissa heard Brian moan, so she sped up, faster and faster she bobbed, sucking him hard.  

Suddenly awake, confused, and angry, Brian tries to resist, but incredible pleasure overtakes him. He cries, "Oh, yeah, baby, that's so good." 


Brian knew he wanted to fuck her mouth and for her to make him cum, but he was terribly angry with her. Where the fuck had she been all night? Who had she been with, another man for sure? He had warned her. Brian placed his hands on her soft ass and slipped his tongue out until he felt her pussy. She was sopping wet, leaking cream, a lot of tangy, salty cream with a musky smell. Brian knew then it was her man's cum. He began to lick her feverishly. 

Melissa knew now she was in full control. She lowers her pussy onto Brian's face, arches her back, lifts her head, and moans. He reached up and ripped her thong off.

Melissa gasped. She was ready for sheer pleasure as she began to ride Brian's tongue. 

"Oh God, that's it right there. Oh, fuck yes, baby, eat my cum-filled pussy!"

Just before her mouth returned to Brian's cock, she rotated her hips forward, squeezing all of her man's cum from inside her into Brian's mouth. 

Brian's chest tightens as he starts to lick her faster, plunging his tongue deeper. Melissa moaned. He knew she liked it as he ate her cream pie. His face was soaked from her, dripping the creamy mixture as usual. The pleasure was too much for him to be angry now, and he needed to cum so badly. 

Melissa turned all her attention to Brian's cock. Her hands stroked him into her mouth and sucked so hard her teeth cut into the sides of her cheeks. Precum was running along her tongue to the back of her mouth. He was edging close now as she kept working him, sucking, stroking, sucking, stroking. She cupped his balls, squeezing them, feeling them tighten as they began to rumble and draw up.  

Melissa felt Brian tense up. He squeezed her ass, arched his back pushing his cock in deep. His first cum shot filled her mouth. Melissa tried to swallow before the next hot shot, but it was too late. His second shot, then a third and the last small two, dribbled down his cock. Melissa sat back, smiling as she wiped her mouth clean. Her pussy is still resting on Brian's mouth. Her pussy slowly drained 'her man's cum into her husband's mouth.  

She smiled to herself. She had done it again and was getting away with it. At least at that moment, she thought she was. 

Brian recovered. He pushed her hips away onto the bed and sat up. He wiped his face on the sheets. His anger was back. He looked at his slut wife, and she had a naughty smile. There wasn't much light, so she could not see his face. If she had, her smile would have disappeared, replaced by fear.

Brian rolled off the bed and said nothing as he went to the bathroom, closed, and locked the door. He started the shower. As the water heated up, he heard the door handle jiggle. 

"Brian, open the door, I need to pee, and I want to shower."

Brian ignored her, stepped into the shower, and leaned back against the wall. The hot water rained down on him, soothing his mental pain. He slid down the wall to the floor, pulling his legs up to his chest. He cried. 

The water masked his tears and the sound of his sobs. He knew he could no longer remain in this marriage since his wife had become a slut, giving her body to other men, and making him a cuckold, something Brian swore he would never become. 

He had warned Melissa against doing this again, and she told him it would never happen again. But it kept happening, as often as once a week. 

Brian loved Melissa, but he could no longer live with her disrespect and humiliation. He was a successful business owner making a lot of money and gave Melissa a magical life. But she had no respect for him, belittling him in front of her friends and cheating on him whenever she desired. 

A year ago, when he first caught her, Brian had forced her to sign a Post Nuptial Agreement to protect himself from her betrayal. It was clear to Brian that Melissa thought she was in control and could control him, making him do whatever she wanted him to do. 

She was wrong and was about to learn a very painful lesson.

Brian stood, washed, rinsed, and stepped out of the shower. As the water turned off, the door jiggled again. 

"Brian, let me in, baby!" Melissa begged.

He dried and slipped on his shorts and a T-shirt he had put in the bathroom earlier in the night in case Melissa did this again. He opened the door and quickly pushed past her, saying nothing, leaving her standing shocked as he walked out of the bedroom and slammed the door.


Melissa wondered what had happened. She went into the bathroom, peed, and washed up. She stepped back into their bedroom and turned on the light. She saw a few things missing and thought that it was curious, so she looked in the closet. Her heart stopped. The left side, Brian's side, was empty. All his clothes, shoes, suits, and every piece that had been there this morning were gone. She opened his drawers in the dresser, all empty!

"Oh God, Brian, No…" she screamed, throwing the bedroom door open and running through the living room to the kitchen, flipping on every light. 

Brian was not there. 

"Brian, where are you, baby? Please answer me."

Brian couldn't answer her. He was gone. 

Melissa ran through the house, looking in each room, upstairs, and the garage. Brian's Mercedes SUV was gone. In its place, she saw a box. Melissa walked into the garage and looked at the box. There was a legal envelope taped on top.

She gasped as a dark cloak of fear wrapped around her. Her throat was dry, she had a hard time swallowing. She could not move as she stared at the box and envelope.

“No, No, No, Brian No…!” She begged.

Melissa finally picked up the envelope and ripped it open. Her shaking hand reached inside and pulled out the pack of papers. Her heart dropped as she saw the handwritten note and the words on the paper under it. 


I am finished with you! You are a slut and have no respect for me. You treat me like someone you hate, which has worn off on me. I have tolerated your slutting around, cheating, and humiliating ways for over a year. I told you over a month ago, I would not put up with you fucking other men any longer, and if you did it again, I would leave you with nothing. Then you would be free to go out and fuck anyone you want to fuck and never have to come back to me. 

If you are reading this, you have cheated once again, humiliated me, coming home to rub it in my face. I will not take that from you or anyone ever again.

I have loved you completely, but I have been weak, giving in to your ways too many times. BUT NO MORE!

The document under this letter is my petition for divorce from you. There is no negotiation. I AM DIVORCING YOU!

The last document is the Postnuptial Agreement you signed last year. Where if you remember, if you cheated again, you give up everything and will get NOTHING!

Once your attorney has reviewed these two documents, I advise you to sign the divorce without contest. I will give you $25,000 and your car if you do that. But if you contest the divorce or Post Nuptial Agreement, I will cut you out of everything, and you will get nothing from me, not a fucking dime.  

Melissa, I have an ample collection of videos, text messages, emails, and photos of your cheating escapades. I will keep them private and never distribute them to your family and friends. But if you contest the divorce, I will circulate the evidence to everyone, post it on social media and send it to our family and friends. You will be ruined!

There are several pictures included in the packet to show you a hint of what I have against you. 

I love you, Melissa, but you have made it impossible to show you how much, and I can no longer live with you as my wife. 

Goodbye Melissa,


Melissa slumped to the floor. She sobbed, "Oh God, I am so stupid. I thought Brian liked me fucking other men and reclaiming me!" She rolled on the floor and sobbed hard. 


I pulled out of the driveway and sat in the street with my lights off. I saw the lights coming on in the house as Melissa raced from room to room, looking for me. The house was completely lit up now. Then the garage light came on.  

I knew she had seen the box and letter attached. I slowly drove off as tears ran down my cheeks. 

My next stop would be two hundred miles to the north. 

Six months ago, I bought a home in another city that no one knew I owned. It was a safeguard against what had happened tonight, a fresh start for me, where no one would know me or that I had a cheating slut wife. I planned to rent the house if nothing more happened with Melissa. I had the home remodeled, as you see on HGTV. It was beautiful and perfect for a bachelor pad. I had a pool and hot tub added with an outdoor kitchen and entertainment area with a fire pit. It had everything I wanted to share with Melissa, but that would never be.  

I thought about my five years with Melissa and how everything went wrong. 


I am an IT consultant specializing in internet security and general security issues my clients might have. In the past year, I have expanded into personal protection for wealthy clients, mostly the top executives of the companies I contract. It was a natural progression, and I hired a private security specialist with experience in surveillance and creative ways to protect our clients on the internet and physically. 

Jonas Winn had assembled a team of expert security personnel to serve as bodyguards and provide other services as needed. I never wanted to know anything they did; they were invisible to me.

We have an office and six support staff, but I am rarely there. So, for me living two hundred miles away is not a problem. Being independent, I report to no one other than my clients, twelve of them as of today. I am compensated very well, so I can afford anything I want. 

Melissa is an attorney, successful in family law, and a children's advocate working primarily in the family court system. She works for a large firm and is well respected. If they knew what she had been doing, she would be fired, and her reputation would be destroyed.   

It is beyond me to understand how she could be so reckless with her life, my life, and her career. There had to be something more to this. I planned to find out how and why it started and has continued. Her boss was the one who started it all. 

You may ask, "Why do I even care?" 

The truth is, as bad as she has been and as much humiliation as she has dumped on me, I still love her, and I know she loves me. She is just a slut; I cannot live with her if she treats me this way. 

I want a family, her babies without a doubt that they are mine. I never want to run into one of her dates and have that humiliating experience, knowing I have eaten his cream pie from her well fucked pussy on the nights they were together. 

Do I mind eating her when she is full of other men's cum? No, I like it. Reclaiming her is exciting for me creating some of the hottest sex we have ever had. But I hate that she forces it on me. We had not agreed for her to do this; quite the opposite, I had forbidden it. As you have seen, I will not stand for it. What she is doing makes me her cuckold, and I will NEVER be a cuckold for anyone!  Yes, I have a slight fetish, but Melissa created it and I can stop it in an instant.

Could I take her back? I’m not sure. My love is strong, but my hate, jealousy, and anger may outweigh my passion.

I have instructed my attorney to hold the filing. Even if she signs the papers, I will not file them until a cool-down period has passed and I see if Melissa can go without fucking another man for a while. 

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I will not be in contact with her but will see every move she makes through the security system I have had installed and the surveillance my team has on her. 

They have been at work for three months, building my case on the six men she has been with. I know everything about them, their work, families, financial condition, EVERYTHING!

Two of the men Melissa has seen regularly. Those two are closest to us. One is her boss, Taylor Gunn, the senior partner in her firm. He will pay for sure. The other is Brad Conner, once a good friend until Melissa fucked him the first time three months ago. Now he is a pariah. He will pay also. Melissa has been attracted to him, so it didn't surprise me that she had fucked him. I thought he was a good friend, so I was surprised he would fuck her and not push her away. But he was recently divorced, so when the hottest woman you know starts hitting on you, your hard cock rules. So that is when they started fucking.  

Before his divorce, we would go out monthly with Brad and Carol Conner. Once divorced, Melissa never mentioned them again. I thought she and Carol were close friends. Now I understand why Carol was no longer her friend, but Brad sure was.

Taylor is in his late forties, highly successful, rich, with a family of five, and a great reputation in the law community. He runs a tight ship of thirty employees. Melissa helped me get their security business a few years ago, so I have a record of everything in the offices, his home, and all the partner's homes. None of them know the extent of my security intrusion. Initially, it was for their protection, and it still is. But when I discovered Taylor and Melissa were fucking my motive changed.  

I hired an independent hacker to do a complete workup on Taylor. I want every scrap of information he can find on him. I want to know his skeletons and all his deep dark secrets. All people of power like him have many dead and buried bodies that have helped them get where they are, and Taylor was no exception. I had everything on him now, and I will use it to crush him. Taylor has been a naughty boy in many ways. He will be shocked when I 'lower the boom on him. He will be sorry he didn't keep his six-inch cock out of my wife. 


My four-hour drive had whizzed by as I was preoccupied with my thoughts. I had turned off my phone, knowing Melissa would be blowing it up with messages and texts.

I pulled into the drive a little before 10:00 am. The sun was bright, and my house looked beautiful. The landscaping was finally settling, and the Bermuda grass had lost the checkerboard look from when they laid the new sod. The sprinklers were watering, and it all looked so green. I knew Melissa would love this house and yard, but sadly she would never see it. 

I waved at my neighbor walking his dog as I pulled into the garage. I closed it and began to unload all my clothes and personal things I had taken from the house. I had left only a few items of mine at my old home. Enough to make Melissa realize what she had done, destroying our life together. 

That thought made me sad, and angry again. I shook it off and unloaded my SUV.

I was here a month ago working with a designer to pick out all the new furnishings. That was a big check to write but it would be a beautiful place. They were all delivered and set up a couple of weeks ago. I bought some groceries and household startup items, stocked the freezer, and some things in the fridge.

I moved all my clothes into the master bedroom closet. I had brought some pictures I liked so I hung them. I was finished in a couple of hours, and my house was ready to be lived in. There was just one thing missing, Melissa!  

I was tired, so I took a shower and lay down for a nap.


Melissa was sobbing, lying on the garage floor. Her life had just evaporated before her eyes. She had no idea what to do. She was numb and had a tough time breathing. She finally got hold of her emotions and stood. She had not looked in the box Brian had left for her and was afraid to open it. 

She found a box cutter and sliced the tape sealing it. She opened the box flaps and looked down into the box. 

Shock and horror overtook her as she read the bold print on the paper on top. 


Melissa moved the paper, seeing the remains of her wedding album burned with the ashes and partially burned pages were all that remained. She gingerly lifted it out of the box, trying to preserve what was left. She looked in the box once more. There was a pile of cut-up lace and satin in the box. She suddenly realized it was her wedding dress, cut into a thousand pieces. Laying on top of it was an envelope. She opened it, and small pieces of gold fell into her hand. 

"Oh My God, Brian's wedding ring, he cut it in pieces!" she screamed aloud. 

Melissa staggered back against her car, sobbing, not breathing, then ran into the house. She fell to her bed and sobbed uncontrollably. Her mind was blank, and she was lost, having no idea what to do. 

Hours passed. Once Melissa had calmed down, she tried to contact Brian, but he didn't answer his phone or respond to her texts. She finally had the presence of mind to call her office and beg for the day off. 

It was just before 10:00 am when Melissa, completely emotionally and physically exhausted, lay down to sleep, if that was possible. 


I awoke at 1:39 pm. I had things to do. I was still living in the same state, so nothing had changed. My bank did not have a branch office in this town. I had drafted $50,000 in a cashier's check from my private account that Melissa didn't know about. I went to the North State Bank to establish checking, savings, and credit card accounts. I deposited the money split between the checking and savings accounts. I obtained a safety deposit box where I moved all the personal items, I had removed from my former joint deposit box.

I met with the VP of the bank and told him a little about myself and the business I was in, but he said nothing about me owning the company. I was a consultant to him and told him nothing of Melissa. To him, I was just a new customer moving into town that just deposited $50,000 in his bank. He was a happy camper. 

I called Roger Taft Esq., my attorney, and filled him in, making it clear he was not to file the papers until I gave him the word. I also told him of my relocation and the new cell phone service I was using. My other phone would stay active, but he needed to use the new number to reach me. I asked him to call Melissa and ask her what her intentions were and to reinforce the prenup penalties. Roger also explained in detail what would happen if she contested the divorce. He also was to give her the name of a good lawyer to consult with Melissa that would be fair and honest with her. He would report back on their conversation.

I called my office on my new phone and checked in.

Robbin, my office manager, was all over me. "Brian, what the hell is going on? Melissa calls here every fifteen minutes looking for you and swears at me. Then an hour ago, she showed up and stormed into your office, realizing you were not there. She looked like a wreck. What is going on?" 

"Robbin, Melissa has been cheating on me for over six months. She did it again last night, getting home at 4:30, covered with the smell of sex and full of a man's cum. I was fed up with it and walked out."

Robbin was shocked. There was silence. Then, "Where are you now?"  

"I have relocated a couple hundred miles north. Melissa has no idea where I am, and I don't want her to know. I served her with papers for a divorce, so I am sure she is going crazy!"

"Oh God, Brian, I am so sorry you're going through this?" Robin asked sincerely.

"Robbin, I honestly don't know what I will do. Either way, I will live in my new place with or without Melissa from now on, and she will have to move here with me if we stay together."

"I will email all the details of my new home, but nothing else has changed. Except I can't get to the office in a flash, it takes a few hours." 

"OK, Brian, I understand. We are fine here. Get this worked out and stay in touch. I will reach out if we need you."

"OK, I have to go. Just stall Melissa as best you can. I am going to talk with her soon. No one is to know this new number except internal people and clients, but not Melissa. It is top secret!"

It was almost 4:00 pm, and I was tired. I went to the fridge to get a beer. I stripped naked and went outside on my pool deck. My house sits on a beautiful lake, and I will get a boat soon. The place is on three-plus acres of land, so it is far enough away from my neighbors, so there is no looking over the fence. 

I dove into the pool and swam a few laps. It felt so good, liberating, and soothing. I soaked for a few minutes, then decided to call Melissa.


I was frantic when the phone rang. I answered, "Hello." There was a long pause. 

"Melissa, are you there?"

I finally swallowed and said, "Yes, where are you, Brian?"

“I am gone, Melissa, possibly forever. That decision is 100% up to you!"

"I have called and texted and even went to your office, they had not seen you, and your office was neat as a pin. Where are you." I asked again, not knowing what else to say.

Suddenly emotions overwhelmed me, and I started to sob uncontrollably, mumbling into the phone. 

"Melissa, stop crying, or I will hang up,"

I couldn't stop so the phone when dead. Brian had hung up.

I fell back on the bed in total dismay at what was happening. I thought about Brian and what I had done. I fucked up royally. I have been disrespecting Brian for a long time, over a year, but badly over the last six months, and thought nothing of it. I wanted to fuck other men, and I thought Brian would be OK with it as long as I returned to him, and he could reclaim me. I thought he liked eating other men's cream pies, or maybe that is what I wanted him to do. It got me off, but not him. I was so confused. 

I never thought of him as my cuckold, though he was. I never belittled or talked about him with my lovers, so I never thought about him as a cuckold. I knew he would not like that, so we never discussed it. 

I knew I had made a catastrophic mistake that may have destroyed our beautiful life together. Somehow, I must find a way to repair it if there is a way. I hoped he only thought it had been pickups in bars, one-offs, and not the ongoing affairs that had been happening with some of the men. That will surely end us. 

My phone buzzed as I lay trying to gather my wits, thinking of what to do and how to save her marriage. It was a text from Brian.

Brian's text: "Melissa, I can't talk to you if you are going to lose control and cry. So, get yourself together if you want to talk. But this is what I was going to tell you, but you must read it instead of hearing it.” 

Brian’s text: “Melissa, stop looking for me. You will not find me. When I am ready to talk seriously, I will contact you. With me in my current frame of mind, I do not think you want to be in the same room as me, things may not go well for you. I will make one suggestion. If you even think there is a remote chance that you can make a gesture that may save our marriage, you will need to do two things. One… As of this minute, your pussy, ass, mouth, and hands belong to me exclusively and will never be touched by another man, woman, or animal other than me! Two… You will cease all communication with your six lovers as of this moment. You have permission to make one last contact with each of them via phone, only telling them you are to never see them again in any capacity other than work-related in Taylor's case. As for the others, never again, even our former good friend Brad, whose name will never be uttered again in my presence."  

Yes, dear, remember I am in the security business, so I know it all, dates, times, places for how long each time, and much more.

Don't call me. I will call you, or maybe not. SIGN THE PAPERS!


Melissa slipped off the bed to the floor, dropped her phone, and screamed at the top of her lungs. 

"OH MY GOD, Brian knows it all. How, how long has he known? Why didn't he stop me?" 

Tears streamed down her face. She asked herself, 'Was the sex that good, that she would destroy her life with Brian.' She realized she had never even thought about how good the sex was. It was about giving her pussy to someone else and then coming home to Brian. The thrill of Brian eating her cream pie, then making love to her, claiming her back as his wife and lover, was what it was about. It made her feel special!

How could I ever make this right and get my Brian back? Where was he? I must figure this out. I need him. I can't go on without Brian. I love him so much.

Melissa lay on the floor, breathing wildly. Her heart was racing. She was at a total loss of what to do. Melissa needed to talk to someone, but who could she tell about her cheating that would not hate her? God, how did she allow her wanton ways to rule her life? How did it all start?

She picked up her phone. She scrolled down, finding the only number she could call, Carol Conner, her old best friend. She was my only hope, but Carol may hate her, and she may know I have been fucking her ex-husband. 

The phone rang many times with no answer. She didn't leave a message. 

Melissa scrolled through her phone to her sister's number. Sheryl is her oldest sister and is a family counselor. Hopefully, she can be professional and help her work through the mess she has made. Melissa hoped Sheryl would not be too hard on her about her actions.    

Just as she was dialing Sheryl, her phone rang. It was an unknown number. 

She answered. "Hello"

"Yes, is this Melissa Foster?"

"Yes, who is this, please?"

"Melissa, this is Roger Taft. I am Brian's attorney."

"Oh, God!"

"Melissa, please do not be afraid. I am here to help you, so please listen to me. Brian has filed divorce papers, as you know. He wants to be fair with you and ensure you are properly represented. I know you are an attorney and have attorney friends that you might want to go to, but if you are not comfortable doing that, I have three attorneys I can recommend to you. I have spoken to each of them, and they are each willing to take your case. Brian will be paying all their legal fees so that is not something you should worry about. Do you understand what I have told you so far?"

There was a pause. Melissa was stunned. Why was Brian's attorney helping her? Maybe there was hope?

"Melissa, are you there?"

"Yes Roger, sorry, I don't understand why Brian would want to help me?" 

"Well, Melissa, Brian loves you, but you have put him in an untenable situation, and he can no longer live under these conditions. He is a sensitive man when it comes to you, and you have devastated him. He is trying to see a way through this mess you have created, but at this moment he doesn't see how."

"You need to talk to a good divorce attorney who can help guide you through this and hopefully help you resolve the issues and save your marriage. I would recommend Alyson Andrews. She is excellent and has two excellent counselors she works with that may help in this situation."

Melissa thought Roger was right, and she did need to talk with Alyson. 

"OK Roger, email me her contact information, and I will call her immediately. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, I will talk with Alyson, but Brian wants you to know, he wants you to sign the papers without contest and soon. If you do, he will give you $50,000 instead of the initial offer, pay the house mortgage for a full year, and give you your car fully paid off. But Melissa, if you contest the divorce, you know from the Postnuptial Agreement that is in force, Brian has the right to cut you out of everything except your clothing. He has no desire to do that but is committed to it if you make this difficult. Please discuss this with Alyson as soon as possible."

Melissa started to weep on the phone. 

"Oh Roger, I am such a fool. I cannot believe I have done this to my wonderful husband and our beautiful marriage. How could I have been so stupid? What can I do?"

"Melissa, that is a question for Alyson and her counselors. For both of your sakes, I hope you can work it out. I sent you Alyson's info, so please call her immediately. That is all I have for now. Good Luck, goodbye!"

The call ended with nothing else said. 


Roger called Brian. "I just got off with Melissa; she was a real mess. She is completely lost. I sent her to Alyson Andrews, a great lawyer. She has two counselors on staff that can help the two of you work through this mess. I must ask you again. Do you want to get back with Melissa or get rid of her?"

"Roger, God, I love her so much, but her regular cheating and humiliation of me are too much for me. I can't live like that. Nobody can, and I will not be a cuckold for her! We can only survive this if she agrees to stop fucking other men, and we complete counseling so she can control her cheating. Then maybe I can take her back."

"OK Brian, I get it. I hope that Alyson's counselors can be of help."

"Thanks, Roger." 

"Talk to you later. Hang in there, my friend." Roger ended the call. 

I thought about what Roger said and what I said. I did want this to work out. I love Melissa. I sighed, then dove into my pool. 


I thought about Rogers and my conversation. I think Brian does want to work this out. The biggest question of all was can I stop cheating? Can I quell my desire to fuck other men? If not, there is no hope. If so, there is hope. I need professional help.

I saved Alyson's contact info on my phone and called her. I made an appointment for tomorrow at 9:30 am. My redemption had to start then. 


Now that things had settled down a little. I would talk with Melissa after she had talked to Alyson, whenever that was. Roger would let me know. 

I lay naked on the cabana bed in the shade. My mind went to the six assholes. Four of them were easy, and two were harder. My head was spinning, calculating, working on a plan. 

I sent a text on my new phone to Jonas Winn. 

My text: "The project you have been on has come to a head. We need a plan for retribution for our six friends. The four should be easy, but the two will be more complicated. Can we meet tomorrow or the next day with you, me, and Alex Trane? He needs to lead that team."

I swam a few laps, got a beer, and then my phone dinged. It was Jonas.

Jonas's text: "We have already begun to work out a plan for the four. We will take care of them and then focus on the two. 

My text: Great, meet at Roadhouse Grill in Tindal tomorrow at 1:00 pm.

Jonas's text: "We'll be there."  

I chugged my beer and lay back, thinking of Melissa and what it would be like to be naked with her on the bed in the summer shade. God, I was horny, and my cock started awakening. 

God, I need her, we must work this out!

Part 2 Coming Soon

Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Written by MaxxNRachel
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