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Midnight Sex Buddy

"A trip to the campsite bath house turns into a pleasurable experience."

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I have always liked camping as a family. I remember going many places as a kid and have been anxious to share that experience with my own family. This summer my wife and I decided we would pack the tent and kids and head out to see some sites. Being that our kids are aged six and eight, we thought it would be a good time to see how they would be without the TV and computer.

We headed out early Saturday morning with the car packed. For the first hour the kids did well. Even with three stops along the way, the remaining seven hours were a bit trying on all of us.

We were all happy to arrive at our campsite around four. It took some time to unpack everything and set up the camp. The kids just wanted to run and explore, which we allowed as long as they were within sight.

The remainder of the day was spent exploring a small trail around the camp and basking in the pool. All the exploring and basking must have done the trick, because the kids made no fuss about going to bed at 8:30. Unfortunately, my wife was also ready for sleep at that time.

I was a little sad, as I thought it would be nice to hang out by the fire. I told my wife I would be in shortly, after I put out the fire. With that, she retired into the tent and started reading a story to the kids.

After a while I doused the fire and decided it was time to retire. When I got into the tent, I was surprised to find both kids were on our mattress with our youngest already asleep and my oldest not far behind. I decided not to disturb them and laid down on one of the smaller air mattresses.
During the days of our trip, we ran around from landmarks to amusement parks in the area. Each evening was spent at the campground with at least a couple of hours swimming in the pool and chasing fireflies.

I must say I enjoyed the pool time. There always seemed to be one or two attractive ladies for me to ogle from behind my glasses while my wife tanned and read her book. I also enjoyed a swim and talking to other campers.

Each evening I spent sleeping by myself. After four days I started to feel a little yearning in my loins. It was mostly due to a lack of alone time. Normally at home I would masturbate about four times a week.

My wife had decided a couple years back that sex once every three or four months was acceptable with no foreplay needed. The only real issue was my wife had been home for the two weeks prior to our trip, thus hindering my masturbation sessions. To add to it all, I had seen my wife’s naked body as we changed clothes in the tent.

Our first week came to an end and we packed up and headed to a new location. This time it only took six hours to drive there and get the site setup. Our new campground was really nice. The sites were all wooded and fairly secluded. The tent sites had a central bathroom about fifty yards away from any of the camps.

Once again we commenced our routine of running around to see the sights during the day and playing in the pool and playground in the evenings. I felt pretty lucky again as there were lots of ample ladies to be admired at the pool.

We had been at our new campsite for two nights when the weather turned a little warmer. Not really thinking about the outcome, I drank a little too much water before going to sleep at night. So, around two in the morning, I woke with a full bladder.

I got up as quietly as I could and slipped out of the tent. I found my flip flops and started my walk up to the bathrooms. I was in such a hurry that I didn’t bother to put on a shirt. I walked as fast as I could in only a pair of running shorts and my flip flops.

As I approached the bathrooms I spied another camper heading to the bathrooms as well. She was an attractive young lady that I recognized from the pool. I remember her having a nice sexy little body and beautiful blue eyes that were framed by her brown hair. Only this time she wasn’t wearing her bikini but a long shirt that barely came below her bottom and a pair of sandals. I continued to walk closer, letting my half sleepy eyes enjoy the vision before me.

As she approached the door to the women’s room she reached out to open it at the same time as I noisily kicked a rock. The girl stopped and looked over at me. I was only a few feet away by now. Then she put her hand down and leaned back on the railing in front of the bathrooms. I thought it was a little odd that she didn’t continue going in, but I had to go so bad, I didn’t think about it for long.

As I walked by, we smiled at each other and I nodded

“Morning.” I said with a slight chuckle in my voice.

“Huh? Oh, yeah.” She returned.

I walked on by and went into the bathroom to relieve myself. When I had finished I walked out and was surprised to see my young lady still here. She was a vision to behold. She leaned against the railing and was looking away from the bathrooms. Her stomach was resting on the bar with her forearms. Her right leg was crossed behind her left at the ankle. Her long legs looked even more tanned in the yellowish light and I guiltily ogled them up to where the bottom of her shirt barely covered her round bottom.

For the briefest moment my mind said, “Walk on by and go back to sleep.” However, my mouth had a different brain signal. I knew I had made a mistake as soon as the words left my mouth.

“Can’t sleep?” I mumbled.

Then she turned. It was almost like a practiced twirl. She spun around on her left leg and leaned back against the bar with both arms resting. Her pose seemed to cause her chest to protrude even more and I swear I could see two hard nipples poking from under the fabric. I stood there as I watched her eyes do a quick glance from my feet to my head. Her eyes seemed to lock on mine.

“Not really.” Her voice was soft and sweet. “It’s kind of hard to sleep when we camp.”

I could relate to that. My mind was babbling, “Walk away, and go back to bed!”

“Too noisy?” I continued. I knew somewhere inside of me that I shouldn’t be having this conversation, but for some reason I couldn’t stop myself.

“No, just have a hard time sleeping in the same bed as my sister," she replied.

“Does she snore too loud?” I said with a grin.

“No, I’m just not used to sleeping in clothes.” 

My mind went blank. That certainly wasn’t the response I was expecting. Now I knew I should leave.

“Excuse me?” I queried. Okay, so I continued my mistake.

This little beauty before me cocked her head slightly as her eyes drifted off. I could see one of her feet making small circles.

“Well, normally in my dorm I sleep in the nude.” Her eyes looked back at me and she had a devilish little grin. “I can’t really do that when I am sharing a bed with my sister, so this nightshirt is the closest I can get.”

My mind was spinning. Did she just tell me she was naked under that shirt? Red flag time! I really needed to go. Unfortunately, before my brain could make my feet move she continued.

“The problem is, when the material rubs against me, it kinda turns me on.” She beamed. I felt as if she was feeding me lines just to get a reaction out of me. If her plan was to turn me on, it was starting to work. I felt my cock come to life.

My mind tried to think of something to say to get me out of this situation. It failed me. Instead I blurted out, “That can be a problem. What would you normally do if you were in your dorm?”

There seemed to be a twinkle in her eye. “Well, if I were dating someone it would be pretty obvious. Though at home, I would just take care of myself.”

A vision flashed into my mind of this luscious girl playing with herself and it sent another pulse of blood to my somewhat inflating member.

“Can’t do that here?” I asked. My face started to redden as the words left my mouth. What the hell was I doing? I knew I was getting myself in deeper and deeper, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself.

“Can’t do it with my sister next to me, now can I?” she giggled. “I guess that’s what led me up here.”

It took a minute for my mind to register. Then it clicked! She had snuck up here to masturbate.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I tried to apologize for holding her up. “I’ll let you go, um, take care of things,” I stammered.

“Nah, it’s okay. The thought of playing on the toilet isn’t really that great.” She sighed. “Though, it would be nice to find someone to help me out.”

Her eyes were alluring. My mind was a wreck! I needed to go! But my legs didn’t seem to be listening. There was a knot forming in my stomach. I wanted to see how far she was willing to go with this charade.

“I’m sure you would have no problem finding someone to help you out with your, um, problem,” I stammered again.

“Really?” she mused with a seduction in her soft voice.

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“Know anyone up at this hour that can help?”

I swallowed hard. This had to be a joke. I looked around at the darkness. I couldn’t see or hear anyone else moving.

“Well, I don’t see anybody but us two,” I replied. “But there really isn’t any place to go.”

There, I was off the hook. No place to go. Still, I thought of returning to the bathroom to take care of myself as I felt my member growing.

“We could always go in there,” she said, nodding to the men’s room door.

“I thought you said the bathroom wasn’t good for that?” I quickly retorted.

Then this beauty stood up from resting place on the railing and stood inches from me. She looked up at me with big blue eyes and said, “Not good for doing it myself, but exciting if you have someone to help.”

She took my right hand in hers and moved it to the bottom of her shirt. She slowly raised my hand until my fingers felt the soft, damp wetness between her thighs. My fingers instinctively slid along her tender slit and I watched as her eyes closed and she let out a soft moan.

Red Flag! Red Flag! Leave! Leave! My brain was screaming at me. Still I felt the blood transferring from my brain to another area of my body.

When I pulled my damp hand back, she opened her eyes and led me by the hand into the men’s room. As we rounded the short wall she stopped in front of the sink and turned around. She reached down and pulled her shirt up over her head.

I stood there in awe! Here was this beautiful young lady before me. She stood about five foot four and I doubt if she weighed more than 115 pounds. Her breasts looked to be a C cup with small hardened nipples staring at me. I took in the sight of her tanned body. I lusted over the white tan lines around her breasts and pelvic area. A small thin landing strip topped her glistening slit.

I watched as her shirt fell to the floor. Then she took a step toward me. She ran her hands along my sides and chest. She moved closer and I could feel her nipples on my skin. Then she put her hands behind my neck and brought me down to her lips. At the first touch of those soft lips I was doomed! Our tongues met and played. I felt myself growing even harder.

I moved her back to the counter and lifted her up as I broke our kiss. Her eyes were pleading, her breathing increased. I moved back in and started to kiss along her neck. I felt her hands on my shoulders as I slowly kissed my way down.

A gasp escaped from her lips as I took one of her nipples into my mouth. I sucked and flicked as my free hand fondled the other. I switched breast and repeated before I began to kiss my way down her stomach and her thighs.

My nose took in her fragrance as I knelt down. I opened my eyes and found myself staring at her beautiful pussy. It glistened with her sweet moisture and at this point I decided not to think anymore.

I moved closer and extended my tongue to meet the tender flesh. I felt her hand grip harder on my head as I delighted in her nectar. As I licked and suckled, I slipped my finger inside of her. I could feel her tightness, her wetness, her heat!

It felt as though I had only been enjoying her for a brief moment when her legs started to shake back and forth. I felt her fingers grip my hair and my ears took in the moans. “Oh God yes! Yes!”

There was a shudder from her body before she went limp. I looked up to see her leaning back against the wall panting hard. I slowly stood and looked down to see my erection tenting my shorts. I looked over at my lovely little sexpot and her eyes caught mine.

She sat up and looked down. With another grin on her face she slid off the counter and knelt before me. I felt a moment of relief as she pulled my shorts down, releasing my erect member. She turned me around so that I was leaning against the counter.

I watched dumbfounded as she looked up at me and slowly licked along my shaft. I let out a loud groan as I felt her lips encircle the head and she slid me expertly into her mouth. She masterfully sucked and moved her head and hand up and down my cock. I stood there with my eyes closed, gripping the counter as I marveled in the pleasure being given to me.

It had been at least six years since I had felt the softness of lips around my shaft. I let out another moan as I felt her take me deep into her throat. I knew I couldn’t last long if she continued at that pace.

She released me from her mouth. I looked down and then watched her stand. She leaned in to me and whispered, “Will you fuck me before you cum?”

How could I resist a request like that? I didn’t say a word. I reached around and grabbed her round ass, picked her up and put her back on the counter. I only had to bend my legs a little to be lined up with her piece of heaven. I positioned my head at her entrance and she looked at me and said, “Don’t cum in me, okay?”

I nodded and pushed myself forward.

We both let out a loud moan as I slipped inside. I marveled at how tight she was, I could feel her muscles contracting around me. On my second stroke I buried myself as deep as I could. We both let out another groan of delight. I slowly started to slide in and out of her velvet vise. I tried to think of other things to get my mind off my growing release.

I continued to thrust into her, her hands gripped my back, her legs along my sides. I knew I wouldn’t be able to maintain this for much longer and was about to blow when I felt her body start to tremble again. I felt her hands grip at my skin and her body tense and shudder. A high pitched squeal escaped her lips.

I gave two more thrusts and I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer.

“I’m going to cum.” I panted.

I started to feel the surging inside of me. Then I felt her hands push me back. My solid member slipped from her as she slid off the counter. She turneded me around against the counter and quickly engulfed me in her mouth again.

Waves of pleasure washed over my body. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I felt it rushing up. My legs trembled. I gripped the counter to steady myself as I exploded in her mouth. A second eruption was followed by a third. My balls ached and I moaned loudly. I didn’t want this feeling to end. I felt another, smaller squirt escape me as my body twitched. Then I felt my member weakening. She continued to stroke and suck until she was sure I was finished.

I stood there basking in the moment when my lover grabbed her shirt, stood and put her finger to her lips and then to mine. I watched as she turned away. As she walked out the door she dropped her shirt over her head.

It took me a couple more minutes to realize I was still standing there with my pants around my ankles. I quickly pulled them up and headed for the door. I caught a glimpse of her as she walked down one of the rows of campers. I wanted to follow, but decided now was the time to listen to my head. I walked down the path and back to my own tent. I quietly entered and fell quickly to sleep.

In the morning I awoke to my wife and kids moving about. My wife was surprised at how late I had slept. I could only lay there and smile.

Later that day we went to the pool and I was delighted to see my little harlot in the water. My wife and I played with our kids for a bit and then my wife went over to soak up some sun and read her book. I took the opportunity to swim over to my son, who was fairly close to this bathing beauty. I glanced to make sure my wife wasn’t paying any attention.

“Sleep well?” I asked with a big grin.

“Very!” she replied with a hunger in her voice. “I only hope I can sleep that well again tonight, maybe even earlier.”

“Well,” I whispered, “I can’t promise anything, but I might have to make a visit up there around midnight.”

All she did was smile back at me as I swam away to play with my kids.

As luck would have it, I did happen to wake up at 11:50 that night. There was a lot less conversation this time, but a lot more moans, and to my pleasure she didn’t make me pull out this time. Every drop of my fluids were released deep inside her body.

The next morning I woke up late again. Sadly, it was also our checkout day. My wife and I packed up our camp and we piled into the car for the long ride home. I caught one last vision of my secret lover when we drove past the pool. The drive home was quiet, though I know I had a smile on my face.

My wife noted that I seemed more relaxed and happy. Without being able to give her the real reason for my grin, she surmised that camping with the family must be good for me, and that we should do it again.

I agreed, of course, though my mind added, “As long as there’s a midnight sex partner around.”

Written by Crossfire307
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