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Memory Lane

"You know the ex-girlfriend you can’t put down for trying even though it’s been so long. Here she is!"

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My cock slipped from the confines of her ass as I pushed myself off her sweaty body to kneel between her legs. Both of us panting hard from the fierce fuck that had just occurred. My proud member, now fully deflated, had left the contents of my balls deep in her ass. It should have been in her pussy, but the slut insisted that I cum up her ass. Who was I to deny her that?

I shouldn’t call her a slut, she is my ex-girlfriend and I owe her a modicum of respect as I’m just as bad as her.

I watched her body rise and fall, and her head shake from side to side in a half-hearted attempt at righting herself.

“Fuck me again,” she said with her body perched on all fours. “Shove that dick up me and fuck me again.” She was panting hard, almost delirious and desperate for another one, cum drunk, as I like to describe it.

I was tempted, but my ‘dick,’ as she put it so eloquently, had more than receded, cum still dripped off the end onto the bed between us, but that was about it. All I was capable of was rubbing it along her slit.

I did the next best thing, I lowered my head to her bare snatch and started licking.

“Oh, fuck, yes,” she cried. “Fucking lick it. Make me cum again.” Her ass was bouncing in the air with excitement, making it difficult for me to keep my tongue on her slit. I spun around and looked up at her juicy cunt and pulled her body down onto me. With my tongue in her snatch, I wiggled it until I was ready to let her climax. My hands clamped on her backside, opening her ass further which only caused my sperm to leak out, slide around her crack, and into my mouth. It only made me lick her more, pushing her to the edge of another orgasm. When she was close I switched from her pussy to her clit, sucking hard on it.

She was always pretty good at letting her lovers know she was cumming, and this was no exception. It was a good one too, splashing me with her outflow of juices as she bucked on top of me.

My watch alarm started to vibrate. It was time for me to leave her to it.

“I gotta go,” I said.

“Someone to meet?” she asked between fits of giggles and laughter.

I smiled but didn’t even entertain a response to her question. Heading for the shower I calculated I had about twenty-five minutes to spare. It would have to be my quickest shower to date.

I rushed up Exhibition Road, and with just five minutes to spare, I greeted my wife in the pre-arranged Kensington Gardens close to the Royal Albert Memorial.

We kissed on the cheek which was probably a wise decision, given how much of my ex’s cum I swallowed.

“I’ve thought of somewhere to eat,” she told me.

I nodded my approval and we sauntered back along the gardens to Kensington High Street as if nothing untoward had happened.

Four hours earlier:

My wife and I exited the train at Paddington station and headed towards the underground. The purpose of our visit: to go shopping and visit the Natural History Museum. She’d be doing the former, and I the latter. We headed off to Kensington underground together before parting and going our separate ways; deciding to meet near the Royal Albert Memorial in Kensington Gardens later that afternoon. We’d have a quick meal before catching the train back home.

That was the plan anyway, and I was looking forward to seeing the dinosaurs close up and personal.

I bought the guidebook, as all good tourists do, though only as a memento as I knew so much about the dinosaurs from studying them years ago. I walked into the main foyer and looked around at all the goodies on offer, taking my time to absorb the atmosphere despite the screaming kids and unruly parents. Some of the parents are just as bad, if not worse than their kids.

I was looking into the face of one of the largest dinosaurs that walked the Earth when a tap on my shoulder caused me to turn around.

“Fancy meeting you here?” She said, hands on hips, head tilted to one side, the lower lip pinned to her teeth, and a smile that shouldn’t have been there, not after fifteen, or was it twenty years of separation.

“Lesley, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“I could ask the same of you. I’m visiting for a few days, taking in the culture of this fine city.”

I nodded. “I’ve been let out for the day, to this fine place,” I waved my arm around the museum.

With the initial introductions completed an awkward silence surrounded us despite the intense noise of cackling children. She glanced at some kid that ran close to her before it turned to head for its mother. I just concentrated on her eyes, wondering why she was still standing there.

Our time together consisted of intense sexual activity from the off, fucking, not just ourselves but others as well. It was a swinging seven years of pleasure that I found hard to put down.

“I’d…” She raised her hand in the air and half-turned to move away. “I’d better go, let you get on,” she finished her sentence before starting to move away.

I would have let her, but something inside me stopped her from going. Something I held dear to me and something I couldn’t put down.

“Hey! Do you fancy a guided tour of the dinosaurs?” I asked.

Her smile returned, and turning to me she nodded quickly, “Where shall we start?”

The guided tour lasted just under an hour and I introduced several of my long-lost friends from a previous life to her. Telling her how they behaved, how they fed, and how they reproduced, or as much as anyone could know. I think she was more intrigued by the last item on that list than the other two. I wasn’t surprised by that.

With the tour over we headed back to the main entrance. I was about to visit the rest of the museum when she suggested a light lunch, a coffee perhaps. She offered to pay. I had wanted to know the answers to so many questions that had never been answered when we split up, and this seemed an ideal opportunity.

We found a café just outside the museum, chose a nice little corner for ourselves, and ordered lunch.

At first, the conversation stayed with the dinosaurs and she thanked me for how informative my explanations were, then came the catchup of our lives, who we were with, for how long, and what had we done since we parted.

One and a half hours earlier:

We spoke at some length about children and grandchildren, though we never had any children between us. It didn’t surprise me to find out she was now with a woman.

“You’ve turned fucking lesbian?” I questioned her, “At last.”

“I know” she nodded, “I couldn’t help it, she had big tits.”

I smiled, big tits were my forte and I loved them. I was the one that introduced big tits to Lesley and she could see the appeal, not that hers were small, but they weren’t big enough for her to suck on her nipples.

“You told me,” I said, grinning, “that you couldn’t live without a cock.”

“She raised her eyebrows as if to say ‘So what!’

“It’s not the same though, is it?” I asked cautiously.

She thought for some time, took another sip of tea, and shook her head, “No, it’s not quite the same. I do miss it, sometimes.”

The conversation turned to me, and I had to disappoint her in that I hadn’t sucked any cock since our time together. Not that I hadn’t been tempted by the T-girls I’d seen on contact websites. They turned me on the most, not the blokes though.

I did confess about my dressing up in lingerie. It was her that started me doing that but I seemed to have developed a liking for stockings and suspenders. She wore them with pride and with elegance, though it’s something my wife seems to avoid despite the money spent on them.

“Where are the pictures?” she asked me.

“I couldn’t possibly say,” I replied.

“Come on, I know you, you’d take them and share them somewhere. What website are they on?”

“I’ve kept them to myself.”


She had me there. That was true, but I looked at her like the pot was calling the kettle black.

Time ticked onwards and while the conversation was risky and entertaining, I was beginning to start to look at my watch and wondering how long I had left to see the rest of the museum.

“Have you got to be somewhere?” she never missed a thing when it came to people and body language.

“Yes,” I replied, “in about two hours.”

She didn’t press me on where I needed to be or with whom, but she probably guessed.

We started a conversation about the past and specifically how we met. It was cathartic, to say the least, though no real answers to some of my questions got me any closer to understanding why we split up.

One hour earlier:

“Do you ever wonder where we’d be if we stayed together?” She asked.

The question shocked me. It had been the one question I think I’ve asked myself every day of my life.

“No,” I lied. “It’s been a long time.”

She nodded and took a sip of her second pot of tea and swallowed the last bite of her sandwich that had been there so long it had started to curl up at the edges.

The waitress came and went after delivering my second cup of coffee. I watched Lesley follow her ass back to the counter. She turned to me.

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“Remember how you used to lick me to four orgasms before climbing onto my body to fuck me senseless?”

I did remember doing that. “I can remember it vividly, even as we speak,” I told her.

“And that time you fucked me sitting on the sofa while you knelt on the floor. God, I spurted heavily that night, didn’t I? Your cock was just in the right place every time.”

It certainly was in the right place, and I remembered that she did, and more to the point, how I couldn’t get enough of it. I’d fucked her until she squirted and then I’d pull out and dip my whole face into her snatch to gather up her juices licking everything I could get my tongue into. Then I’d push my cock back into her, kiss her fiercely and fuck her to another orgasmic squirt. They came thick and fast within seconds of entering her. It was heaven for both of us.

“Or that time you let me watch you suck Gary’s cock?”

I remembered that one too. Everything she mentioned just brought a smile to my face. She picked up her cup of tea with two hands and positioned it near her lips, her tongue wiggling up and down before she took a quick sip.

“I’m staying at the Gainsborough Hotel, it’s literally, just across the road.”

I nodded.

“Fancy getting your cock up me one more time?”

Now that was some question. I looked into her eyes. I couldn’t believe she said it even though I was thinking about it. I didn’t know what her heart was doing but mine was pounding on the gates of hell. A place I knew quite well having visited it frequently. I was dumbstruck. My heart was saying no, my mind was ambivalent but my cock was screaming, fuck her, fuck her, fuck her. She could see the uncertainty written all over my face.

She took the coffee cup from my hands and put it down on the table, she rose to her feet, grabbed her coat and mine from the chair beside her, and handed it to me. I took it. I then took her hand and walked out with her.

We entered the hotel and headed straight for the lifts.

“I can’t wait to get your cock in me,” she said. We were halfway to the lifts when she smiled at the concierge nodding in our direction. “A hot full-blooded one, no plastic or silicone.”

“Ass or cunt, I don’t care, but I want that cock of yours.”

Her words just turned me on more and more. I found myself beyond horny as she pressed the up arrow button.

She turned to face me, “I’m so fucking turned on right now,” she said, “my blood’s at boiling point and it’s churning my pussy into a nuclear meltdown.

I gulped, then nodded. I shouldn’t be here I thought to myself, but I was incapable of moving away from her. Her filthy words glued me to the spot.

“I’m gonna cum all over your face, more than once.”

Yes – yes she was, wasn’t she?

The lift doors opened, we fell into the cavity and she turned to press a button for her floor. She was halfway to the back of the empty lift before I pushed her towards the aluminium façade. Her mouth opened and my tongue darted inside, pushing her firmly into the metalwork. Hands were immediately upon her breasts, and I mauled her tits, squeezing and pushing them in all directions.

With her arms around my neck, the fingers of one hand came upon her crotch and I stroked furiously at it. I broke the kiss.

“Why the fuck do you never wear dresses?”

She pulled me back into her and tried to hump my hand while devouring my kisses.

The lift stopped. We stopped. She didn’t even try and readjust her clothing. Lesley stormed out of the lift and I could see her undoing the buttons of her blouse on the way to her room, in full sight of the rather conservative-looking couple walking towards her. She pulled the bag from her shoulder and took the key out. She stopped from pulling her blouse out of her jeans only to swipe the card key along the slot.

The door opened, and we tumbled inside. Her blouse was off and discarded along with her bra before she reached the bed.

“Strip,” she commanded.

I started to remove my clothes. I was nowhere as fast or as desperate as her. Her jeans and knickers were on the floor in seconds and she had jumped onto the bed, scrambled to the head of it, turned around and opened her thighs to my sight. Her finger scraped along her slit as she sat smiling at me. Her chest rose and fell rather quickly.

My shirt was half off, and my trousers unbuttoned when I gazed at her soft and succulent, and perfectly smooth pussy.

“Hurry up, get your face in this,” she commanded. Her sliding finger left me in no doubt as to what she was referring to.

Pushing my trousers to the floor I stepped out of them. I had the presence of mind to remove my socks and discarded the shirt as I climbed onto the bed.

My cock swung freely and bounced in front of me. I was so turned on, my heart was thumping, I was breathing hard and being commanded to suck cunt. It just couldn’t get any better than this.

I dived in. Hands coming up under her bottom and onto the tops of her thighs. That was the only way to do it; it kept Lesley in one position while I licked her. Yes, she would buck and twist and turn to try and avoid the intense licking, but I wasn’t going to give her the pleasure of that. I pinned her down and sucked on her cunt until she exploded. It wasn’t going to take long. I knew that and so did she.

Her first orgasm took all of twenty seconds. She practically humped my face while I sucked avidly on her clit. The fucking alphabet went out the window and I just licked and sucked on her sensitive nub. She exploded. Her hands came upon the back of my head and she practically sucked me into her nether regions. Then she hurriedly tried to push me away.

I was having none of that and I grasped her thighs hard and kept my head in place and licked furiously at her cunt and clit. She started moaning about how good it was and how I was going to make her cum again. Her thighs relaxed a little which allowed me to concentrate my tongue on her little nub once more. I shook my head from side to side.

“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” she started reciting.

Of course she was going to cum, that was the whole point of me having my face between her thighs and stuffed in the general direction of her cunt. I wanted to push two fingers into her but I needed my hands to keep her in place.

She climaxed a second time, her body bucking on the bed. She tried to raise her bum off the bed but I wasn’t allowing any movement. I sucked until she came, and she came hard.

The third orgasm followed from the previous and I got the feeling her new girlfriend is more the loving type than the fuck-the-shit-out-of-her type. I was the latter for certain.

I allowed Lesley four orgasms in what must have been less than five minutes. My cock was the hardest it had been in a while and I was desperate to pound it into her.

By the time her fourth orgasm wrenched its way out of her, I had started to climb up her body, my face covered in pussy juice, her legs followed my movement and she wrapped them around me. My cock went straight into her cum-drunk body like it knew its way. Some directions you never forget, and this was one of them.

Fuck, she was wet. My dick pounded her cunt until she had her fifth orgasm, not that she was counting, Lesley never counted these things, she just had them. Her nails scratched at my back before digging in and I suddenly became afraid of the marks. I was all too aware of the way she held on while climaxing. And yet, while her fingertips dug into my fleshy bottom and while it felt nice, I managed to change position for the sake of my marriage.

To her pleas of ‘put it back, put it back,’ I removed my cock, tossed her body around, pulled her back a little and was about to push my dick back into her cunt when it occurred to me what she had said earlier. It certainly had been a while, I thought.

I held my cock in my hand, tightening my grip and engorged it with blood.

“You want it?”

“Just fuck me with it, please.”

Yes, Lesley was behaving like the desperate little slut that she was.

“I pushed my cock forward, parted her starry hole and buried it in her back entrance.


She panted a few times, “Fuck that ass?” she said, finally.

And fuck it I did. It didn’t take me long to lose it in that tight little hole. Sweat coated my brow, pussy juice coated my face, cock and balls full of cum were about to spurt into my ex’s ass.

It was the perfect storm.

Which is where this story started.

Twenty minutes after:

As I walked with my wife to the restaurant she had chosen, I felt glad that I had the forethought to set my watch while in the loo at the café across the road from her hotel, just before the raunchy chatter started. I knew that if we got to the ‘remember when…’ stage that she’d be horny as fuck and more and more desperate to get a real-life dick in her juicy cunt. I was right. No amount of lesbianism could deter Lesley from a rampant hot cock.

I love the way she was born with that ability to climax at the drop of a hat, or more precisely the flick of a tongue or the insertion of a bell-end, in either hole. Not all women were that fortunate and while Lesley was seven-one up I allowed her that victory over me. She’d have gone on all afternoon. I wasn’t that lucky, places to be, people to see, sort of thing.

Why the fuck did we end it when there was so much sexual energy between us. I suppose that was it, wasn’t it, in the end, it was just the sex.

I smiled at my wife, put my arm around her and hugged her. She loves to be hugged.

Written by DarkSide
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