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Made To Crawl

"Matthew Turnback learns the consequences of his past affair"

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Author's Notes

"Part 1 - Introduction to the series 'Made To Crawl' by Evan Fulnite. If you would like to support me and read more stories such as this, feel free to check out the links to my social pages - available on my profile!"

Matthew Turnback was a man who, all things considered, should have loved the life he lived. He was still young - in his mid-twenties - and making great money off of his chosen career path while living happily married to a woman he had fallen for since the day he first met her. His job, Personal Assistant to Mayor Bannivan, involved an adequate mix of both stress and excitement. Most men wouldn't care for setting up meetings, organizing files, and signing documents on behalf of the appointed representative of the city they lived in, but to Matt, it invoked a large sense of purpose and responsibility. The downside was that it left him exhausted and dearly missing his wife at the end of each day.

Natalie was always on Matt's mind, ever since they were married two years ago. He had met her during his days pursuing a university degree at Domerhue. When he had finally worked up the courage, following months of waiting, he asked the damsel out to dinner. His romantic antics were met with kind, hazel eyes and a smile that portrayed an undeniable acceptance of his love. He was a nobody, or at least he had thought so, but somehow a scrawny bookworm had attracted the interest of the famed track athlete who had arrived all the way from Vancouver, B.C. One thing led to another and soon the couple was spotted going out on dates at clubs and restaurants, and even sneaking off to each other’s dorm rooms. 

For the not-so-active, nerdy character, life with Natalie quickly became a case of ignoring all the cynical and chastising comments passed on from friends and strangers alike. He was a tad less physically appealing than her, yes, but why should that matter when love is as potent as theirs? He did not exert so much effort into sculpting his own body like she did, that much was true, but Natalie was looking for someone brainy and considerate, not brutish and incompetent. Besides, if anyone saw the way she treated him in private, they'd have no doubts as to whether she was physically attracted to him.  To Mrs. Turnback’s credit, Mr. Turnback seldom noticed any feelings of inferiority within the relationship.  

The young husband tried his best not to think about it;  at the moment, he was driving home and his focus needed to be on the nighttime road. But he couldn’t help letting his mind wander through the memories he had of his wife. In them, Nat was a gentle and intimate person. The nights they could share together were his moments in heaven. She would caress him everywhere as her beautiful, tanned body straddled his lap. His heart would race as she held his face in her hands. Whenever she removed an article of clothing, Matt was reminded of how truly lucky he was. Her curves and her muscle tones rivalled those of models in magazines, and only he was allowed to feel her skin against his; to experience all she had to offer. It tugged on his lust just thinking about it.

Snapping his attention back to the road, the daydreaming romantic slowed down to allow a couple of pedestrians to pass at the crosswalk. A colorfully dressed man and his relatively normal husband crossed over to the other side, laughing at something together, gazing lovingly at each other with no care for anything else. Their joy and infatuation with one another unlocked a deep memory within Matthew. There was a tightness in his pants that had grown as a result of his recollections of Natalie. His mind now took him to another place, a place where he was tangled up in a guilt-ridden affair that he had recently decided to end.

The initiation of such an affair began in the form of an aggressive grip on his thigh by a stranger at a bar he had gone to one night, alone. The perpetrator was larger, had dark-colored hair, and rocked a physique that made Matthew admittedly weak in the knees. No real introductions, no small talk, just the name Ryan and a more than obvious desire for a hookup was all it took to intrigue him at the time. If Natalie had been the epitome of female beauty, Ryan looked to be her male counterpart; he had thick arms, wide shoulders, and a sly, cunning look about him that signaled trouble. Matthew could not resist such a confident, daring, dominant character and soon enough he was on his knees with a strong hand at the back of his head that pulled him closer and closer towards a new kind of sodomy. 

The allure of cheating, of submitting, had led to a short string of sessions that ended just a few nights ago when he finally decided he had wronged his beloved wife too many times. His wish was to come clean to Natalie, hoping maybe she would understand given his bisexual orientation. Being idealistic, he pictured a scenario where he would be able to satisfy his desire for both men and women.  That was Matthew’s life for the time being; back-and-forth between a job that asked him to manage someone else’s and a wife he loved enough to betray several times with an alpha he had worshipped for a time. 

When the couple was safely across, he drove his car further up a block and then turned right into the street where the biggest houses in the Westhill neighborhood sat. Trees lined up on his left, lit up by lights and lamps that enlivened any that longed for a midnight stroll. The light pollution was not enough to dissuade any stargazers, either. Westhill was a great community, and Matthew always tried to appreciate the fact that they had one of the most luxurious living spaces in the city. He never once took it for granted; it was a beautiful three-story Victorian-style property, with a pool out back and ample room to run around if you were a dog or a five-year-old. A few blocks more and he had arrived at House Turnback, 33 Westhill St. As usual, he parked his car outside on the street, and not in his garage. But unusually, there was a person in his front yard, leaning over the fence, watching him exit his car. Jessica Vargo was grinning and suspiciously eyeing her best friend’s husband as he approached his own house.

Jessica was the daughter of old Billionaire Charles Vargo and he had always been weary of her. Some people could say her friendship with Natalie had landed him his current position at the Mayor’s office - her father had several connections in high places - but Matthew was not one of those people. She was the free-spirit type, a beautiful woman whom Natalie had befriended in high school. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, a real Hollywood face, and in her mid-twenties, she embodied the stereotype of a woman that might grant you bliss but maybe also take it away just as easily. It certainly didn't help that she liked to dress in tight short clothing, this time just jean shorts, a white tank top, and lace sandals ‘round her feet. 

Understandable; it was summertime.

“Hey, Matty, looking sexy in that suit!” she said grinning at him with teeth that almost glowed in the dimness. The man grew slightly irritated at the sight of her just standing there, on his lawn. His home looked fairly lit up from the inside, but looking up he saw that the bedroom curtains were closed, brightness emanating from behind them.

“Thanks, Jess, I wear a suit every day, and you compliment me every day. Is Nat home?” the car door swung shut and the locks clicked. 

“She's home, but she probably doesn't know you are here yet.” Jessica stepped towards him as he walked towards the house and ran a finger down, parting his jacket, eyes down towards his legs. “Wanna…?” 


“You don't even know what I was going to say,” she fussed, turning momentarily to face Matthew’s house. With a sly expression, she then gazed into Matt's eyes and said, “Come with me.”

“I have to talk with Natalie about something, plus I'm tired and…”

“Nooo, just come along, I have something to show you. You’ll want to see this.” 

Strangely enough, Matt had the urge to go with Jessica. He always thought the way Jess flirted with him was all fun and games. There's also been plenty of opportunities where they were alone and she showed no interest in really pursuing him. Did she want to seduce him this time? Why now? Jess seemed the type not to hesitate when it came to getting what she wanted, but she and Natalie were so close; they did everything together. She wouldn't do that to her, he thought.

“OK. But I really want to get back to my wife, if she isn't busy.”

“She might be a bit busy.” Jessica's grin was visibly wider now.

“Well, then, I’ll just go inside and…”

“No!” She was almost screaming now, but more pleading than demanding. “I really need help with this stuff back at my place and Natalie said you’d help! Just come for like two seconds!”

Raising an eyebrow at her, he was taken aback by her desperate behavior. Opting to give in rather than experience more unpleasantness from Daddy’s Girl, Matt lifted his arm as a sign of impatience. With a renewed perkiness about her,  Jess made her way towards another residence across the street; her own. Matt watched her move; Her hair was quite short, but it was a treat to see more of her back and her neck. With strong, graceful legs as a solid foundation, he found it hypnotizing to watch her lower half strut and bounce away, carefree. A woman like that knew all men desired her, he thought. Being inside that body must have been irresistible for anyone lucky enough to have had her. 

With his imagination running wild, he was in heat again. He knew it well, that if Jessica were to throw herself onto him and demand satisfaction he would not protest. 

A few hundred paces saw them approaching the gates and into Jessica's family estate, a much grander modern villa design with a fountain garden greeting the entrance. Two garage doors sat closed, no doubt hiding high-class vehicles inside. Walking through the driveway, getting closer and closer to the sizable archway that framed the main double doors, Matt took in just how privileged Jessica really was for the millionth time since he had gotten to know her. It seemed like such an injustice and yet he didn’t exactly know how it was so, only that there was a beautiful, young blonde whose children’s children would never have to work an honest day in their life.  

As they entered the house, she asked him to take off his shoes and signaled up the staircase. On the way, he got a sneak peek of the living room to the right, which was gigantic, with an amazing set of furniture and a TV almost as large as a cinema screen hanging on the South wall. An exuberant, sparkling symbol of their family wealth hung from the ceiling, reflecting sunlight into every corner of the reception area. Some voices could be heard below as he made his way upstairs, paying close attention to the backside of his hostess, who seemed to be texting midflight of stairs.

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On the first floor, he noticed another, much smaller living area sitting in the middle with doors all around that lead to the many rooms. The space contained comfortable seats, another TV screen that was surrounded by many consoles, and a desk in the corner near the window. Delving deeper and deeper into the unknown Casa de Vargo with no sense of purpose at all warranted more questions. For one thing, Matthew never knew she had siblings.

“Jessica, can you please just tell me what's going on?” he said, as he silently hoped that this might be one of her and Natalie's many playful tricks. 

“I'd rather just show you… and see your reaction,” she giggled cruelly. 

Her bedroom, of course, happened to be spacious and roomy beyond reason; sitting in the corner of the house with large floor-to-ceiling windows allowing a more than ample amount of sunlight during the day, with the sacrifice of privacy during the night. Indeed, even with the lights off, the luminescence from the street seeped into Jessica’s bedroom freely and eliminated the need for them to be on. As he walked in, the first piece of furniture he noticed was a circular king-sized bed with extravagantly woven, silk bed linens fit for any self-obsessed entitled daughter of a billionaire to roll around in. Not that he necessarily thought Jessica fit that exact description.

“You sure you don't need a bigger bed?” he mocked, turning to sit down on the edge.

“No, this one has suited me just fine. You should lie down on it, it's really comfortable,” she winked seductively and walked towards her bathroom for a reason he would never be able to pull out of her. 

“What am I doing here?” he demanded, this time. 

“Don't be pissy, just wait!” she called out, her back still towards him. The dimmers slowly came to life, allowing him to see more of everything. He realized his hostess had a way to control them from her phone. 

An air of anxiety descended upon the man, coupled with premonitions of renewed infidelity. Matthew was going to cheat on his wife again, and this time it was with a woman; her own best friend, no less. Relief of his jacket and tie allowed some air of calm to soothe him, but the excitement and fear remained. He looked around the room and noticed things; things he would have typically expected. There was a dresser with a mirror that towered over any other piece of furniture in the room and to the side of it an almost equally tall six-door closet. Their style was very much in line with the purplish gradient theme of the room, matching the bed, the gigantic room rug, and the wallpaper, which was a lot more light in shade. 

The more he looked around, the more his pulse returned to normal, only to rise back up when he fixated on something in the corner of his eye. To his left, the room looked out unto the front of the estate, where he could see across the neighborhood street. Past the fountain, the Vargo gates, he could make out his own house sitting on the other side of the road, slightly to the left. The window curtains were open, revealing two figures standing right there in his own bedroom. The distance was far enough so that he couldn’t see their faces, but not enough so that he couldn’t make out what was going on.

A feeling of shock overcame Mr. Turnback as he realized what those two figures were doing.

A man, broad in stature, was standing up slightly turned, naked for all to see. His arms were defined, and it looked like he had a full-sleeve tattoo running along his right side. On her knees was a woman, a brunette with long hair down to her midback. Matthew could only see the back of her head and the rest of her body down to her kneeling legs. She, too, was ‘all natural’. A scene that was clear as day lay before him, yet the young man’s brain had no intention of believing what his eyes saw. But as the bull that stood in his bedroom grabbed the woman’s hair and thrust himself into her face more and more, and she herself lifted her hands to caress his pecs, it began to sink in; his wife was being violated by a stranger. Betrayal and embarrassment rushed in as he watched, paralyzed by an unfamiliar sharp pierce of his chest. The shock remained, lingered for a few more minutes as his face refused to turn away, disobeying every nerve that begged him to. And yet, something else lingered as well, deep beneath the surface…

By the stranger’s tugging commands, Matthew’s wife rose to reveal a sun tattoo on her lower back and stood on the tips of her toes. The fact was that the bull was much taller than Matthew had thought; one more stab through his manhood. The blows were incessant. Next, the masculine figure lifted Natalie high up till she clung to him with arms and legs. She was held in the air with no apparent difficulty. The insecurities invited themselves in - his mind raced and reached conclusions no one could possibly know for sure. He looks really strong. Is he bigger than me? Why is she fucking someone else, am I not good enough? 

There was sadness, but also rage. So, he leaped to his feet and prepared to march himself back with fist and fury. Only a playful, yet evil giggle stopped him in his footsteps.

“Like what you see?” Jess asked, applying lipstick and puckering up. 

“What the fuck is this? You knew about this and wanted me to come here to what… Watch? Is this a sick joke?” he was yelling, unable to think clearly. 

His wife’s friend, ever the mischievous temptress,  was uninterested, unimpressed with his outburst, and instead walked calmly towards him. Her outfit slowly became the center of attention when Matthew turned to look at her; a vibrant, red bra and thong pair that was decorated with feathers, and red fishnet stockings covering her legs. Jess, beautiful and sexy, wore a pose of confidence and grace, with an expression on her face that was both frightening and irresistible. For many moments, he stood frozen, bombarded with conflicting emotions. 

She opted to make the first move; a gentle kiss of his neck, and a violent push of his torso so that he was flung unto her bed.

“Hey, I…” he whimpered, till she put a finger to his mouth and shushed him, sat her bare ass on his legs. 

“You gonna let them have all the fun?” she said, pulling his shirt buttons open to reveal his chest. He seemed powerless against her. Or maybe he was just dazed and confused. Either way, Jessica had her way with his articles of clothing. Soon his pants were off and, since he put up such a weak resistance, so too were his boxers. 

“Nat found out about you cheating, Matty,” Jess watched the look on his face turn white with anxiety. “Yeah, hot stuff, she knows everything. Ryan told her everything.” She then took the opportunity to grab his thighs and position her mouth accordingly. Warmth enveloped an exposed boner that had risen following a bizarre sequence of events that left one’s internal compass conflicted. With head and tongue, Jessica’s practiced technique reduced her best friend’s husband to mere shallow breaths. 

“You taste…” she moaned. “Good.”

“Is that Ryan with her?” he finally asked in a weak, almost intimidated tone. 

The blonde seductress locked eyes with him, sucking and stroking his shaft. Her eyes closed twice, indicating she meant to say ‘yes’. Then she pointed towards her window. 

The couple across the street were well into their act of primal mating. They were on the bed now and, from what was visible, there were legs raised high in the air, spread wide and loose. They shook like branches of a tree in the wind, while a pair of firm, masculine buttocks dug deep in between them. It was all so cruel; the contrast between the betrayal and lust he felt, the guilt of having Jessica’s lips against his tip. Something inside stirred in a way he had never felt, and he was beginning to realize just how much he was turned on. 

Against his cock, the touch of his new mistress grew more intense, her lips moving deeper and deeper down the shaft. The room filled with feminine moans and it allowed Matt to imagine Natalie’s own vocalizations of pleasure. He witnessed the carnal ravaging of his wife’s body from across the street, and the parts he could not see he made up in his head. For, yes, he had experienced that same carnal ravaging himself. The feelings rose until they came to the surface, and he couldn’t help internalizing the beautiful, agonizing picture; Natalie sinking her nails into a fierce bull that plowed every inch of her insides. 

As he released his frustrations and guilt, Jessica was ready to accept every bit of the consequences of her mischief. She made sure to assert herself by holding him down by his arms, as he squirmed and shook uncontrollably from the pleasure. When the flood of semen subsided, and she had finished leaving marks of lipstick on his balls and inner thighs, the woman pushed herself up to sit atop his hips. 

“You really enjoyed that, didn’t you? Seeing Natalie take on that beast of a man…” She cooed, running her hands up his exposed torso. Still watching the couple across the street, Mr. Turnback said nothing in reply. His wife’s legs, which were shaking and quivering midair before, now tightly wrapped themselves around her new lover’s rear. The man was still thrusting, with no signs of quitting. 

He felt cold and heartbroken at the sight of Natalie’s affair. He felt guilt and shame at the fact that he had had that very same affair with the same person. But most of all, he felt emasculated by a superior male that had dominated him many times already. And, to most, this cluster of emotions would be too much to handle. But, for Matthew Turnback, it was too clear that the culmination of these feelings produced a lust for submission like nothing he had ever felt. 

Indeed, his boner remained rock hard, and Jessica was well aware. She would use him for a while longer, and he would release more of his lustful feelings to the thought of his significant other’s backbreaking fuckfest. But his relationship with Natalie would forever change, and, as he lay on Jessica’s bed, exhausted from being ridden like a horse for almost thirty minutes, he wondered whether it would be for better or worse. 

That night, Matthew was too ashamed to go back to his home, even after watching Ryan leave out the front door and ignoring his wife’s many missed calls. Jessica was kind enough to let him stay over, though she hid him from the rest of her family. Before going to bed, the temptation to let his imagination run wild once more proved too strong to combat. In Jessica’s bathroom, Matthew came one last time while picturing a time when Ryan would violate him just as much as he had violated Natalie. 

To be continued… 

Written by evanfulstories
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