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Just Add Alcohol Ch. 02 - Olivia Freeman

"A mid-day indulgence in some wine leads Mrs. Freeman to indulge in some young cock."

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Author's Notes

"Neither The Palm nor Abercrombie & Fitch have a presence at Northbrook anymore, and Abercrombie & Fitch does not presently carry the product line discussed in this story.  But all of those things were present when this story was originally written, and I couldn’t find a way to update the story to reflect the present yet still keep those or similar elements.  As such, you’ll have to suspend reality a bit for this one, which I know is unusual with my stories (eye-rolls)."

"Come on, Matt," Marni whined. "You still have an hour left before you're done. Just go in back and get a stack of each and put 'em on the floor. By the time that's done, your shift will be almost over."

Matt turned and walked away from her without saying a word. He hated this job. He had just finished his sophomore year in high school and obtained his driver’s license, and his parents made him get a job for the summer. Abercrombie & Fitch was it. It was ridiculous. He barely made any money, and he had to wear the store's clothes to boot. His parents paid for some of his clothes but it was still a wash as far as he was concerned. At the end of the day, he probably spent more on clothes than he made.

And Marni, the bubble-headed assistant store manager, was always riding his ass. Do this. Don't do that.

How about this, Marni? Shut the fuck up!

Matt shuffled into the storage room to grab a few stacks of tee shirts.

College tee-shirts? That's what they call these things? Like any self-respecting college kid would wear this shit.

He piled two stacks of the shirts onto his arms and carried them out to the sales floor, arranging them according to the almighty chart that Marni toted around all day, and returned to the storage room for a few more stacks.


Northbrook Court was tired and starting to look run down, but Olivia Freeman found it convenient, much more so than Old Orchard. Shoot down Green Bay Road to Lake-Cook, then west a few miles, over the Edens Expressway, and there you were. Ten minutes, at the most.

Last Tuesday, however, Olivia gave herself more than ten minutes; more like two hours. That gave her enough time to stop into Forever 21 for a hoodie her daughter wanted, walk down to Tommy Bahama for a few pair of shorts for her husband, jump across to Lululemon for a few pair of leggings and a top for herself, and then scoot into Neiman Marcus to retrieve a new Louis Vuitton handbag she’d ordered.

Olivia had just enough time to get back to The Palm, the venerable steakhouse, where she met Rebecca Sussman and Wendy Jackson, two of her best childhood friends, for a late lunch. Marie Carpelli and Heather Bannister would normally have joined them, but the Carpellis were on vacation and Heather had scheduled a tennis match at the club.

A few shared sushi rolls and two-and-a-half bottles of a Cakebread chardonnay later, she was loading her arms up with bags, wishing her friends well, and walking back through the mall and toward the lot at the other end of the mall where she had parked her car.

The thought of her car made her frown. It wasn't a car anymore. The thought of driving the monstrosity killed her inside. With four kids now in junior high and early high school, her husband Bob finally convinced her that she had to ditch the svelte little Porsche SUV in favor of…a full-size Escalade. She had lobbied hard for something less obscenely large, a Mercedes GLS or maybe the X7. But in the end, though, those choices didn't fit the reality of the Freeman's current needs. Still, she wasn't happy and her slightly intoxicated state caused her to brood.

Music floated into Olivia's ear, pulling her from her self-pity party. She looked towards its source, the Abercrombie & Fitch store where her two eldest kids – boys both of them – spent so much money. Thinking she'd stop in and see if any sales were on, she veered from her intended path and entered the store.

"How are you today?" a little bimbo inquired, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. A tee shirt two sizes too small hugged modest breasts and a ponytail bobbed behind her.

"I'm fine, thank you," Olivia responded, barely paying attention to the little girl.

"Can I help you find anything, ma'am?"

Olivia almost stopped and informed the stupid little thing that women who haven't started to go gray yet do not appreciate being called "ma'am." Instead, she said over her shoulder, "No, thanks. I'll just look around for a while."


Matt was leaning over a display table folding tee shirts when the crack of Olivia's heels caught his attention. He glanced at her, intending to do so quickly, but his gaze was riveted to her striking beauty. She moved slowly among the various display tables, a long cherry red nail occasionally brushing her lustrous blond hair behind an ear. High, aristocratic cheekbones, slightly flushed from her intake of chardonnay, bookended a thin, elegant nose. With her tanned flesh, she made quite a glamorous sight.

After a moment, Matt returned to his duties, stacking the remaining tee shirts on the display table. Finished, he looked around and found her standing before a table covered with stacks of chinos in various shades. She held a pair unfolded before her as if judging whether they would fit her frame. They clearly wouldn't.

"Not for you, I'm guessing?"

Olivia lowered the pants from in front of her face. She gave the sixteen-year-old rocket scientist a wry smile accompanied by a shake of the head. "Not exactly."

"Anything I can help you with?"

"Not just yet, thank you."

"Well, just holler if you need me."

Matt sauntered off, slowly making his way toward the storeroom for another stack of tee shirts, Olivia admiring his firm butt as he went.

He was back at the tee shirt table arranging his latest load when, over his shoulder, he heard, "I Mow Your Mom's Lawn?"

He turned to see her standing over his shoulder, her perfume wafting through his nostrils. A look of inquiry dominated Olivia's luminous emerald eyes as she eyed the phrase across the front of the tee shirt he was folding. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I dunno. It's just a tee shirt. They call it a College Tee Shirt."

"Who does?" she asked, moving to his side and lifting another shirt from the table. I Support The Performing Arts, it read.

"The store."

"Hmph. I've never seen any college kids with tee shirts like these."

"Me neither." Matt leaned closer to her and, in a stage whisper, continued. "Personally, I think they're ridiculous. You wouldn't catch me dead in something like that."

Olivia's glossy red lips formed a conspiratorial smirk. She leaned closer to him, her full breasts pressing against his bare arm, the light cashmere of her pastel cardigan so soft against his bare flesh. She reached across his chest and picked another tee shirt from the table, holding it before them. "Your Mom Never Gets Old. I'm sensing a theme here."

Below a lightly plucked and knowingly arched eyebrow, her gleaming eyes locked on Matt's before she dropped the shirt unceremoniously to the table, turned on her heel, and wandered off.

Matt stared after her, his eyes locked on her butt wrapped in bright white capri pants. His cock stirred but he shook the image from his mind and returned to his duties, re-folding the tee shirts that Olivia had held up for inspection.

"Jesus, Matt," came an exasperated whine. "What are you doing? You're just screwing around."

He turned to see Marni approaching.

"Come on, Matt," she pleaded. "You only have forty-five minutes before you have to clock out." She had had enough. "Just go work the cash register for the rest of your shift."

Fifteen minutes later, Matt stood behind the counter straightening the supplies and waiting for the next customer when Olivia approached. She dropped two pairs of pants and one of the College Tee-Shirts on the counter and leaned against it on her elbows, her breasts pushing together and swelling from her cardigan. A flirtatious smile formed across her shiny lips as Matt rang up the first pair of pants.

"You know you have two different size pants, ma'am?" he inquired absently when ringing the second pair.

Olivia sighed and rolled her pretty eyes. "First of all, I'm not a 'ma'am.' Try 'miss.' You'll find it works much better with women who haven't hit menopause yet."

"Sorry," he mumbled, reaching for the tee shirt.

"And second, yes, I know I'm buying pants of different sizes. That's because I'm buying one pair for my oldest son," she intoned, holding up one pair, "and another for my other son," she finished, holding up the other.

"Of course…miss. I'm sorry." Matt rang the tee shirt as Olivia rummaged through her shoulder bag looking for her credit card. The bag's strap draped across her torso, running between her breasts, emphasizing what needn't be emphasized. When she found her card, she handed it to Matt, dragging her bright red nails across the innocent flesh of his palm as she withdrew her hand.

With a shiver, Matt read the name on the card before inserting it into the machine. He began folding the tee shirt. His composure somewhat regained, he shook his head when he read the message emblazoned across the front of it: I Mow Your Mom's Lawn.

"What?" Olivia asked.

"I told you," he began in a light tone, "your son's gonna hate this thing. No self-respecting kid would wear it."

"Really?" she said, confident that the kid was wrong. “How would you know? Are you even in college yet?”

Matt shook his head, then shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I’m just sayin’…he’s gonna hate it.”

Olivia paused and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth "Well, let me tell you, then. It's not for one of my sons."

He merely rolled his eyes as he slipped the pants into an A&F bag. "Right. Who's it for, then? Your daughter?" he scoffed, eying the Forever 21 bag.

Olivia leaned closer to the teenager, her long blond locks sweeping across the counter. Silently, she mouthed, "It's for you."

Matt furrowed his brow, not reading her glossy lips much less understanding the import of her message.

"It's for you," she whispered, smiling brazenly at the kid with wet ink still on his driver’s license.

Matt was taken aback. His mind raced to form some sort of retort but ultimately failed.

"How late do you work?" she asked, her chin resting in the palm of her left hand. Her cherry red nails gleamed and the diamond of her engagement ring sparkled in the store's indirect lighting.

"Um," he stumbled.

Olivia sensed his anxiety and rephrased the question. "What…time…do…you…get…off?" The double entendre slipped from the woman’s as smooth as honey.

He looked around the store, then back at the gorgeous women standing before him, then at his watch. "Uh. I get…uh, half-an-hour." Nervously, Matt pulled the credit card receipt from the machine and slid it, the card, and a pen toward her.

The pen gripped lightly between her manicured nails, her attention focused on the receipt, she said, "Fine. I'll be in the bar at the Palm." Looking up, she slid the receipt back to Matt with a bright smile on her tanned face before hoisting the bag with the others. "That is, if you want to mow my lawn."

With a smirk, Olivia turned on her heel and walked off, the clickety-clack of her heels and the swaying of her hips tempting sin.

Matt stood there speechless for a moment, his cock twitching in his pants. Then he tried to make himself look busy straightening up the area around the cash register, but he was just moving things around, his mind racing. Butterflies fluttered around his stomach as he rang up a few customers during his remaining time on the clock.


Outside Abercrombie & Fitch, Olivia turned and window-shopped her way back to The Palm. Ensuring that her friends had left – she had no desire, of course, to explain to them why a sixteen-year-old boy was meeting her in the bar – she took a seat on one of the stools and ordered a bourbon on the rocks.

After the bartender set it before her, ten minutes passed at the lowball was empty. She glanced at her watch. Five minutes, she thought to herself, signaling the bartender for another.

Olivia's nipples swelled in her bra. Random, mid-day assignations were not foreign to her. She had married young, right out of college, and was pregnant, she often joked, before she and Bob had even left for their honeymoon. Though prone to infidelity when she and her husband were still dating in college, she had remained faithful to him during the first decade of their marriage.

The second decade, thus far, was a different story altogether. There was nothing unique about her motivations – limited sexual experiences before marriage; validation of her ability to attract men as her thirties slid by; the general boredom of the stay-at-home mom.

Nonetheless, the incidence of her infidelity was fairly low – once or twice a year – but her daydreaming was much more frequent. And lately, her fantasizing, with a hand shoved down her panties, had been leading her to younger and younger men. The messages plastered across the front of Abercrombie & Fitch's College Tee Shirts triggered that predatorial desire.

Matt – if for no reason other than that he was simply there – was to be her prey.


At the top of the hour, Marni relieved Matt at the cash register and he went to the storeroom to clock out for the day. He left the store and paused just outside it. If he went in one direction, he would be in his car and on Lake-Cook Road in a matter of minutes. If he went in the other…Olivia Freeman.

A few minutes later, he found himself approaching The Palm, his stomach churning, his knees weak, palms sweaty.


Olivia glanced at her watch again.

She dropped a pair of twenties on the bar and collected her bags. She got herself balanced and was moving toward the door when Matt walked in. The nervousness was apparent in his demeanor. She smiled inwardly: the kid recognized he was being hunted.

As the two approached each other, Olivia pretended not to notice him and breezed right on by, her shimmering flaxen hair flowing behind her.

"Follow me," she muttered under her breath as she passed.

Matt stopped in his tracks, momentarily confused, but turned and followed her. He caught up to her about twenty yards outside the restaurant.

"Walk behind me," she ordered, as though she were Queen Nefertiti. "We can't be seen together."

Matt dropped back a few paces and, through his anxiety, admired her swinging bottom. He followed her through the mall, the rhythmic clacking of her heels nearly mesmerizing him, toward the exit where she’d parked.

Out in the summer heat, Olivia crossed the inner access road and stopped ten cars in at the rear of a black Escalade. She set her bags on the ground, fumbled around her flap bag, and extracted a set of keys, all the while remaining silent. She pressed a button on the key fob and the rear hatch opened on its own.

Matt helped her place the bags in the rear of the truck, stacking them atop two hockey bags, another bag with a lacrosse stick strapped to it, and a partially deflated soccer ball.

Olivia closed the hatch and moved to the driver's door, throwing a "Get in" over her shoulder to the confused teen.

As she settled herself in the driver's seat, the passenger door opened. Starting the engine, she leaned over the console and gave the teenager a wan smile. “No…in the back."

Matt paused for a moment, his confusion continuing, but he shrugged his shoulders, shut the front door, and climbed into the back of the SUV. He settled onto one of the two captain’s chairs and pulled the door shut, sealing the truck’s cabin in silence.

Olivia put the Escalade in reverse, backed out of the stall, and drove slowly toward the outer access road. She stole a glance through the rearview mirror at Matt in the backseat. Oh, God, she thought, shuffling her thighs. I am going to rock this kid's world. She paused at the outer access road and, after looking both ways, crossed it, rolling into a remote parking lot.

"What's your name?" she inquired, eyeing him again in the rearview mirror.


"Well, Matt," she began, "I think it's time for you to leave the teenyboppers behind."

She brought the SUV to a stop and put the transmission in park. Leaving it running, she turned to face him; the twisting of her body accentuated her large breasts.

"It’s been several months since I indulged in young cock and today’s your lucky day," she declared, her voice low and sultry and dripping with lust at the thought of having this sixteen-year-old at her beck and call. "How does that strike you?"

Olivia delighted in the sharp intake of the kid’s breath as the wicked words tumbled across her glossy lips.

Without waiting for his response, she slipped from the SUV and climbed back in through the back door. She crawled across the rear floor and knelt before him, her long slender fingers bracing herself against his young thighs. A soccer cleat dug into her left knee as she leaned into the wide-eyed teenager.

Matt looked around, nervous that someone might see them. Olivia lifted a bright red nail beneath his chin and guided his gaze back toward her. "I'm right here, sweetheart," she reminded him gently before brushing her soft full lips against his.

Matt quaked and inhaled deeply as Olivia's pink tongue flickered out and teased his lips, slipping into his mouth. He tasted the wine and bourbon on her breath as he tried to catch his own.

His eyes eased closed as her hot, wet tongue invaded his mouth, the scent of her perfume overwhelming. A manicured hand roamed down his chest, tracing over his pectoral muscles, pausing momentarily to tweak his flat nipples.

Olivia's lush lips and slithering tongue pulled back from Matt’s mouth and she planted light kisses along his jawline, crossing to his ear. She gently blew hot breath as her hand dropped to the waistband of his pants

"Um," he began, his young body shuddering.

"Shut up," she whispered hotly into his ear, sending shivers up his spine. "You're not here to talk. You're here to fuck." She bit hard on the last word before taking Matt's earlobe between her full lips and sucking it hard between her snow-white teeth.

Olivia pulled Matt's shirt from his pants and pushed it up and out of her way. With a thumb and forefinger, she roughly pulled his belt from its buckle, ripped the button from its hole, and tore open the zipper, careful not to chip her nails.

Matt groaned as her soft fingers raided his boxers and freed his thickening cock.

Olivia bent and licked around one of his nipples as her manicured hand encircled the thick, teenage cock, stroking it. She lifted her head to look around. No cars were approaching, no people were on foot.

"Mmm," she muttered, dipping her head again toward the erect shaft quivering in her hand. She blew hot breath across the broad head before swiping her wet tongue across the spongy flesh, capturing a drop of pre-cum as it threatened to streak down the length of his shaft.

The cum sat on her tongue for a moment before she pressed it against the roof of her mouth and swallowed. Her hand remained firmly around Matt's cock, gently tugging, her eyes locked on the veiny, pulsing shaft and the flared crown. Her focus was singular.

After a moment, she tore her sparkling emerald eyes from the trembling mass and found Matt staring back at her. A lascivious smile parted her full lips. "I cannot tell you," she began, "how long I've been waiting for this." Her fist still pulling gently at his shaft, she again swiped her tongue across the swollen crown.

"Hmm?" he moaned in response.

"Young cock," she answered. "Young…thick…high school cock."

With her free hand, Olivia reached below her and pushed Matt's shoes from his feet. She tugged at his pants and, when he lifted his ass from the leather seat, pulled them down over his knees and off his feet. Planting light kisses along the inner thigh of his left leg, she pushed his left leg up and to the side so that it hung over the arm of the captain’s chair.

"Oh, God," she muttered before burying her face between the teenager's smooth thighs, her flaxen hair whispering across his flesh as her silky tongue found his hanging balls. She bathed them in saliva while her hand continued to jerk at Matt's stiff cock. The metal links of her watchband clinked together in time with her stroking, providing the only sound inside the cabin of the Cadillac.

Above her, Matt groaned with delight. His mouth was dry and he struggled to swallow when Olivia sucked one of his silky balls into her mouth. He clenched his fists beside him, his knuckles turning white.

Olivia pushed the testicle from her mouth and released the teen's throbbing shaft. It fell to his thigh with an audible plop as she grabbed his trim waist in both hands, pulling his ass closer to the edge of the seat.

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Scooting back as much as she could in the confined space, she again took Matt's thick shaft in her fist and, with her other hand, gently lifted his balls. Olivia bent further, nuzzling her tanned cheeks between the sixteen-year-old’s thighs. Her tongue darted from between glossy lips and licked lightly at his perineum.

Matt inhaled sharply, never having felt the silky smoothness of a wet tongue beneath his balls. When Olivia's tongue strayed closer to his clenched asshole, he jerked at the sensation and his heavy, sperm-laden balls fell from her grasp, resting softly against the bridge of her nose.

Olivia increased the pace of her stroking, pulling roughly on the veiny rod that stood upright above her prone face. Matt's breathing became short then erratic and pre-cum leaked from the tip of his cock, slickening Olivia's clenching fingers and adding lubrication to her ministrations.

Sensing an impending orgasm, she pushed her face deeper beneath the teenager's cock, her pink tongue licking at the base of his smooth nut sack. As her face pressed against his thighs, her flickering tongue slid across his perineum to his puckered asshole.

Matt jolted when the wet tip of the older woman's tongue brushed against his anal ring. At the same time, Olivia slammed her left fist to the base of his quivering shaft, squeezing tightly, her manicured thumb applying steady pressure to the sensitive underside of the kid’s pink, fleshy cock.

The shaft lurched in her hand and she vigorously rubbed her thumb at its base, trying to empty those heavy balls. "Cum for me, kid," she mumbled into the void between her face and Matt's ass, her own saliva slicking her cheeks and her chin.

With her fist clenched around the teenager's cock, the cum boiled out of his balls and coursed through the pulsing shaft as Matt arched his back, forcing his cock deeper into her fist.

Olivia pulled her glistening face from Matt’s asshole as the first jet of cum exploded from the tip and arced two feet in the air before falling and splattering against his exposed stomach. The next two bursts shot forth with much less force, thick, stringy ropes of fluid that coated her manicured fingers and wedding rings.

Her sparkling eyes fixated on the pulsating shaft, Olivia spread the cum sticking to her fingers around his overheated flesh. Stroking his now lubricated cock gently, she leaned forward, her face dropping toward Matt's ripped stomach. Her tongue slithered from between still-glossed lips and licked the mess from the taut flesh of his stomach, her tongue dipping into his belly button to collect what had puddled there.

Matt's body settled back on the Escalade’s seat and his head rolled to the side as he tried to catch his breath, his cock still engorged in Olivia's tight fist.

"This is why…I fucking crave…young cock," she hissed, bringing her hand to her lush mouth, her tongue licking the thick cum from between her fingers. "You can cum…and cum…and cum…but this cock…fuck…this cock…is still rock fucking hard."

Her hand clean, Olivia lifted herself from her haunches and leaned over Matt's prone body, brushing her soft lips against his nipples and then his chin. She turned over and slid into the other captain’s chair, kicking the heels from her feet in the process. Lifting her trim legs in the air, the unbuttoned her pants and pushed them down her lithe thighs.

"Make yourself useful," she grunted from her folded position.

Matt turned in his seat and pulled first one and then the other pant leg off Olivia's dainty feet, dropping the pants to the floor of the minivan. She raised her tight ass off the leather seat and pushed her pink thong down her thighs, pulling one foot from the stringy little nothing.

Olivia shifted and slouched against the door, spreading her toned, trim legs wide. She ran a gleaming red fingernail over the slick slit formed by her bare cunt lips and a trace of cunt juice leaked from her, forming a shiny wet spot on the leather seat.

"Not much lawn to mow, huh?" she muttered, her lewdly spread legs revealing a thin strip of shorn pubic hair reaching from the apex of her cunt to just below her tan line. Her landing strip was somewhat darker than the hair atop her pretty head.

Matt merely groaned from deep in his throat as he turned to face Olivia more directly.

"Now get down on your knees and lick," she ordered, prodding him with a manicured hand on his shoulder.

Matt slid off the seat and squeezed himself between Olivia's widespread legs and the back of the driver's seat. He dipped his right shoulder beneath her left knee, his left beneath her right, hooking her legs over his shoulders.

Licking lightly up her inner thigh, he wrapped his sinewy arms around her waist so that they rested at the top of her landing strip. His licks brought him closer to her splayed cunt, but he stopped just short. With his tongue protruding from his mouth, Matt gave Olivia a long, wet lick up the crease between her leg and groin and moved his head up and over her landing strip, tracing along its edges.

The tongue’s unexpectedly gentle caress caused the older woman to gasp.

"You have a beaut-," he began before she interrupted him.

"Just shut up…and eat…You're not here…to make…conversation."

As the words spilled from her full lips, Olivia gripped the back of his head in her open palms, pulling his mouth toward her sopping cunt. Her long, manicured nails scraped along Matt's scalp, forcing the teenager’s lips to mash against her puffy labia.

His nose almost buried against her clit, Matt's tongue snaked out and ran up the folds of Olivia's cunt and back down again. On its way back up, it penetrated her, releasing a torrent of wetness that dripped from his tongue and chin.

"Oh, gooood boooy," she cooed, her head lolling back and forth.

Olivia entwined her slender fingers in the kid’s moppy hair and pulled him tighter against her, manipulating his head from side to side, saturating his chin and cheeks in her cunt juice. When her grip slackened, Matt lifted his head slightly and swiped his tongue across her throbbing clit once and then again.

"Nnnghnnn," she moaned, lifting her lithe legs higher, tightening her quivering thighs around his neck. Olivia's nipples swelled and ached as she squirmed in the back seat of her SUV.

Her movements, controlled just barely by Matt's strong hands wrapped around her waist, brought his tongue back across her clit again.

"Yessssss," she hissed, grinding her trim hips against the teenager's face, her pubic bone smashing into his nose.

Matt maintained his tongue's presence at Olivia's clit, manipulating it back and forth between licks. He suctioned his lips to the engorged bud and sucked it into his mouth, tugging it gently back and forth.

Olivia bucked as a thunderbolt coursed from her fattened clit and through her torso to her thick nipples. Matt trapped her clit between his lips and sucked hard at the engorged nub. Her slender fingers pulled roughly at Matt's hair, and she bucked against his face harder and harder, threatening to crush the kid’s nose.

Matt released her inflamed clit from his mouth and dipped his tongue between her slick folds, savoring the tang of her molten cunt. Two of his fingers found her clit and slid firmly across it as he tongue-fucked the older woman.

The double sensation of having her cunt penetrated and clit teased caused Olivia to jerk her sweet bottom right off the seat, slamming her clit against Matt's strumming fingers.

"Oh, God! Yessss!" she bawled, her cunt contracting around the teenager's tongue as an orgasm punched into the pit of her stomach. Her head rolled from side to side, her long blond locks a tangled mess. "Oh my god…omigod…fuck!"

Matt slowed the pace of his tongue and his fingers as the trembling of Olivia's body subsided and her ass slowly settled to the seat again. Her hands found his shoulders and her nails dug into his tender flesh as she pulled him closer to her quivering, dripping cunt, trying to coax a few more seconds of orgasmic bliss from her body.

Her thighs still locked tightly around his neck, her pink thong hanging from one of her dainty feet, Matt ran lazy circles around her fiery clit with his tongue as she caught her breath, occasionally dipping his tongue between the drenched folds of her cunt.

"I want…that young…fucking…cock…buried in me," she moaned hard, her breath labored.

Olivia released the death grip her thighs had on the kid’s neck and, still on his knees, he moved up closer to the seat. His thick cock bobbed before his lean body and the bloated head thudded down on Olivia's exposed clit.

"Oh, God," she shuddered, reaching between her obscenely spread legs with a hand, guiding the thick mushroom head toward her sopping hole.

When the bloated cockhead nuzzled firmly against Olivia's lips, Matt pushed forward.  The fat crown parted her folds and they spread over the head, and the first few inches of his shaft plunged into her wet cunt.

"Mmmph," she moaned, relishing the thick head shoving her tender flesh aside.

He pulled back slightly and then forward again. Beneath him, Olivia wiggled her hips slowly, seeking a better angle for the penetration. Matt's third push found his pubic bone flattening her landing strip, his balls coming to rest against her tanned ass cheeks.

Matt pulled back so that just the head of his cock remained buried in the sweltering hole before pushing back in, her slippery mess lubricating the entire length of his shaft. He fell into a slow but steady rhythm, his hands gripping Olivia's pliant hips.

"That's it, kid," she leered at him, her emerald eyes burning with lust. "Fuck me nice and slow…nice and slow."

While Matt continued his penetration of Olivia's unfaithful cunt, she shrugged the cardigan off her shoulders and smoothed her long fingers across her landing strip, grasped the waist hem of the tee shirt she’d worn beneath it. Squirming on the bench, she pulled it up and over her head, her bare foot slipping on the latest issue of USA Hockey, left there by one of her sons.

Through the silk bra, Olivia squeezed her tits, pausing occasionally to tweak her thickening nipples. As Matt's cock continued to slice between her folds, she released the catch at the front of the bra and pulled the cups aside.

"Oh, fuck," Matt groaned when Olivia exposed her soft tits, her fat, engorged nipples beckoning his attention. As blood surged into his young shaft, he adjusted his position to get a better angle at her cunt. His knee came down atop the soccer cleat, and he edged it aside.

The cleat digging into his knee brought the full impact of what he was doing slamming into his brain. He was fucking someone's mom, someone's wife, in the backseat of the family truckster, the same car she used to pick her kids up from school, go to the grocery store, and run carpools for hockey practice and lacrosse games.

Matt increased the pace of his fucking as the long, manicured nails of Olivia's left hand grazed across a crinkly areola and thickened nipple. Her large tits rose and fell atop her trim chest as the force of his fucking increased.

"Gooood boooy," she cooed, the soft pads of the fingers of her right hand smoothing across his sweaty cheek. "Faster now, sweetie…mm-hm…that's it…faster…fuck me harder!"

The depravity of fucking this married lady in the backseat of her SUV, combined with her filthy mouth, spurred Matt on. He lost all restraint and began pounding his thick cock into her.

Olivia's long manicured fingers fanned out across her firm tits to keep them from wobbling wildly on her heaving chest. A bead of sweat formed across her forehead and another above her upper lip; her high cheekbones were aglow.

"Nnnghnnnn!" she groaned as her clit was smashed between their pubic bones. She tossed her head from side-to-side, her long blond hair whipping back and forth as she arched her back and bucked her hips, forcing the slicing cock deeper into her scalding cunt. But Matt slowed his pace before she could reach another orgasm.

Her body settling, Olivia pushed her soft tits together, mounding them atop her chest, her fat, darkened nipples jutting from the white flesh.


His thick cock still slipping between the folds of her cunt, Matt dropped his head toward the immense cleavage, his lips parting to allow a thick nipple into his mouth. "Oh, god, Olivia."

She released one tit and grabbed Matt's left ear between manicured fingers. "That's Mrs. Freeman to you, sweetheart," she demanded in a harsh tone. Seeking his understanding, her hips still bucking at the invading cock, she raised an eyebrow. "Got it? Mrs. Freeman. Not Olivia. Mrs. Freeman."

"I…got it," Matt responded through labored breath, burying his face between her soft tits when she released his ear and brought the wobbling tit back atop her chest.

Burying his cock to the root in Mrs. Freeman's clenching cunt, his lips sought and found a burgeoning nipple. He washed his tongue across the engorged nub before sucking it hard between his lips.

Matt readjusted his position again so that he could wrap his arms around Mrs. Freeman's svelte body and suck her soft tits while at the same time continuing pounding her pussy. As his lips again searched for a thick nipple, she arched her back into him, pushing her tits toward his face.

He sucked first one then the other nipple into his mouth again, ramming his cock into Mrs. Freeman's constricting pussy, holding it there, grinding his pubic bone against her inflamed and exposed clit.

"Oh, God," she whimpered at the brutal jolt that slammed through her body.

He pulled out again, his lips still attached to the fat nipple, and fiercely rammed his cock back into the married mother of four. He sucked the blood-engorged nipple between his teeth, scraping and nibbling at the tender flesh as Mrs. Freeman's body trembled beneath him.

"Bite," she ordered in a voice barely audible.

Matt withdrew slowly and just as slowly shoved his thick cock into her quivering woman. He wiggled his hips to penetrate her unfaithful pussy further. His tongue washed across a tender nipple.

"Bite!" Her voice was hoarse now, catching in the back of her throat.

His cock buried in her, he ground his hips, crushing her delicate clit between them. The immense pressure agitated the inflamed bud and Mrs. Freeman squirmed around beneath him, grinding her clit against the teenager.

"I said, Bite!!!"

With her tender clit still smashed by his pubic bone, Matt fastened his lips tightly around the base of her raw nipple. Slowly, he bit down, feeling the flesh compress between his teeth, the nub swell in his mouth.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" she wailed, her hands flying to the back of Matt's head, pulling him tighter against her swollen tits, his nose mashed into the flesh such that he could barely breathe. "Harder…harder!" she whined.

Matt's teeth continued to close on the thickened nipple until he was afraid he'd break skin. He pulled his hips back slightly to relieve the pressure on her abused clit before jamming his shaft back into her, again trapping the meaty clit between their sweaty bodies.

"Oh, God!" Mrs. Freeman howled, her cunt trembling and twitching and quaking around the teenager's cock. Her lithe body shook and shuddered beneath him as another orgasm crushed her.

"Yessss!" she hissed. "That's it, kid…feed me that…young…thick…cock!"

Matt held his cock in Mrs. Freeman's cunt as her body trembled on the seat, sweat dripping from her chin and running between the cleavage formed by her shoved-together tits.

He pulled out, leaving only his wildly flared crown buried in her, and she gasped at the emptiness she felt.

"Put it back in," she pleaded. "Pleeeaaase…put it back in."

A thick nipple still trapped between his teeth, Matt pounded his thick back into her, nearly knocking the wind from the cheating wife's lungs.

"Nnnnghnn," she moaned, regaining her breath as her body's tremors and spasms slowed.

Matt released the battered nipple from his lips and teeth and sat back on his haunches, his twitching cock still wrapped tightly in Mrs. Freeman's snug cunt.

"Ohmigod," she breathed, her eyes hooded in post-orgasmic wonderment. "Your…fuck…you’re my…fuck…my teenaged hero!"

Matt was about to respond when The National Anthem sounded from somewhere behind him.

"Oh, fuck," Mrs. Freeman breathed. "It's my cell phone. Reach behind you and get it, would you?"

Making sure that his fat cock didn't slip from her mushy cunt, Matt twisted around and spotted the cell phone sitting on the console between the front seats. He reached behind him, grabbed it, and handed it to her.

Mrs. Freeman brushed her tangled hair behind an ear, hit a button on the screen, and brought the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" she breathed

She paused while the person on the other end spoke, and then abruptly looked at her watch. Her bright emerald eyes went wide with surprise.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie," she gushed.

As she spoke, Matt pushed into her, jamming the soft underside of his cock against the floor of her scorching pussy, and bent to suck a still-engorged nipple into his mouth.

Mrs. Freeman nearly gasped, but maintained her composure and continued her conversation. "I'll be there in twenty minutes…I know, honey, I just got sidetracked with something."

Slicing into her cunt, Matt's movements became erratic at Mrs. Freeman's filth. Here she was, in the backseat of her SUV with a kid less than half her age. She had met Matt less than two hours ago, yet his cock was buried in her unfaithful cunt and his lips were tightly suctioned around her aroused nipple.

"I know, sweetie," she breathed. "I said…I said I'm sorry. Give…give me twenty minutes." Mrs. Freeman tapped the screen again and dropped the phone to the floor.

She pouted her lower lip out and said in a child's voice, "My poor, poor baby." Her hands encircled Matt's waist, sliding down to his tight ass, her manicured nails digging into his flesh. "I almost forgot all about her," she whispered in his ear, pulling him towards her, his cock sinking deeper into her quivering pussy.

Mrs. Freeman slapped his ass, prodding him on. "Now, cum in this mommy's cunt so she can go get her baby girl."

Matt moaned deeply into Mrs. Freeman's tit that was molded against his face. As the smut tumbled from her shiny lips, his cock lurched in her sopping cunt. Feeling his cum about to spill from his heavy balls, Matt jerked back and pulled his cock from her.

Mrs. Freeman was surprised and shrieked, "What are you doing!?! Put it back in!"

"I…" Matt tried to speak but his balls were churning, his cock was pulsating and his cognitive mind had shut down.

"Put your cock back in me!" she ordered. "You'll get cum all over the car!"

His eyes rolling into his head, Matt slammed his cock back into the depths of Mrs. Freeman's yearning cunt, knocking the wind from her lungs.

"Are you…on the…pill?" he managed to ask, his body jerking in impending orgasm.

"No…what?! I don't…just shut the fuck up and…fuck…just cum inside me!" Mrs. Freeman spanked Matt's pistoning ass again, urging him to drop his seed inside her pussy.

When Matt next sunk his cock into the hot, squelching cunt, he held it there, squirming his hips, mashing the sensitive underside of his shaft against the floor of that pussy. His cum-laden balls released and a surge of cum screamed through his shaft before splattering against the searing walls of Mrs. Freeman's cunt. He jerked once, twice, a third time, each time coaxing more cum from his balls and into the depths of that pussy.

Sensing he was done, Olivia pushed the teenager off her trembling body. "Come on," she said in a hurry, slipping her free foot back through the pink thong. "Let's go. I'm late. I need to pick my daughter up from school."

While Matt situated himself on the seat and found his boxers and pants, Mrs. Freeman fastened her bra, straightened her tee, and slipped the cardigan over her shoulders. Matt was taking his time.

"Come on, kid! Make it snappy," she ordered, clicking her manicured fingers at him as she reached for her pants.

Matt picked up the pace as Mrs. Freeman finished dressing and slid her feet back into her heels. "Go on. Get out!"

"But can't you drive me back to…" he began before being interrupted again.

"No…just get out," she pleaded, pushing the back door open and hurrying into the driver’s seat.

Matt, dressed, shrugged his shoulders and pushed the rear door open. His feet were barely on the pavement when the big engine revved and the tires chirped behind him.

Written by ISYM
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