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Infidelity 101 Chapter Three

"Marriage is a two-way affair..."

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I woke up restless when the alarm clock rang in the morning. I remained in bed as Hubby stumbled towards the bathroom. I rubbed my hands over my face. I couldn't quite remember the dreams I'd had during the night but, Ohhh, God... From the wetness between my legs and my hard nipples, my dreams had been erotic. Understandable considering what I'd done yesterday with Jason.

Just thinking about Jason's huge cock caused me to moan softly when everything between my hip bones sent one single, united message to my brain... Use me! Turning onto my side I scissored my legs. Wet pussy lips slid against each other. I pressed my fingers into the crotch of my panties. Fuck, I was wet. Pressing harder over my already erect clit caused my stomach muscles to jerk as if an electric current had run run through me.

I heard the toilet flush and sat up in bed before I gave in to my desire to slide my hand under my panties to probe deeper. Looking into the master bath, I watched Hubby start water running in the sink for his shave. His morning woody was swinging free and still mostly hard. His cock wasn't the same size as Jason's monster but it would be more than enough to scratch the itch I felt between my legs.

Last night I'd signaled my need for cock by simply grabbing Hubby's cock. What worked last night would probably work this morning I thought as I left the bed. Hubby was brushing his teeth while waiting for the water to get hot enough for his shave. When I walked up behind him and reached around to grab the soft cock hanging down from his crotch he choked on toothpaste. Between white, foamy lips he blurted out, "Jesus! What's gotten into you this morning?"

"Nothing," I replied playfully, giving the hardening cock in my hand a squeeze and a rub. "But I know what I want in me."


I grinned and moved to stand between Hubby and the sink. While the fingers of one hand continued to stroke a hardening cock, the fingers of my other hand pulled my panties down and out of the way. Just as my panties hit the floor, my husband's toothbrush dropped into the sink and he pulled my t-shirt over my head, dropping it next to my panties. Backing up, my hand guided my husband's cock head to my slit. In no time his cock tip was wet with my juice as I pushed my ass back and felt the tip slide into my hole.

An inch... Then two inches were inside me. Hubby's hands grasped my waist and with a hard thrust, I had what I wanted as his cock penetrated me deep. I savored that delicious feeling of my pussy stretching around a hard cock before I ran out of lubrication. I cried out at the sudden stretching of my dry pussy walls before the cock reversed direction, pulling more juice from deep inside to moisten my pussy. A second hard thrust, then a third and I had cock buried balls deep inside me. I felt full and stretched.

Hubby has a nice sized cock. Not in the same league as his son's though. Ohhh, fuuck. What will it feel like with Jason's thick cock in me? I wondered and thrust back hard into Hubby's thrusts. Hubby's cock might not be in the same league as his son's, but it was big enough to scratch my itch pretty darn well. Hubby started a fast rhythm with his hips and my thoughts of Jason merged with the feelings between my legs. I matched my husband's/Jason's fast pace and pushed back to meet his thrusts.

Closing my eyes, I enjoyed every inch of hard cock inside me as I bent further over the sink. I remembered what Jason had told me, and moaned louder than I usually let myself. Imagining Jason listening to our sex, I began urging Hubby to fuck me harder until the sound of flesh crashing against my ass cheeks echoed from the tile bathroom walls. Not certain if our sex would be heard from our bath and feeling daring, I pulled away to run to our bed. With my knees on the edge of our bed I bent over doggy. I looked between my legs as my husband followed, grasped my waist again with one hand and guided his cock back to my hole with the other. I felt deliciously naughty thinking of Jason hearing me fucking. This morning my moans were louder, my voice urgent as I demanded to be fucked harder... Faster...


Ben didn't last long but I didn't mind having only a morning quickie. I knew I'd be masturbating as soon as I had the house to myself. As his cock pulled out, I reached to let the cum in me drip into my hand instead of onto the bedspread and carpet. Rising up to press my back against Ben, I pressed two fingers of my other hand inside me to open my pussy and let more cum drip into my hand while I enjoyed having my tits played with as Hubby's breathing began returning to normal.

"Mmm, that felt good," I said. Reaching back and down I gripped a sticky cock and squeezed.

My husband laughed and repeated, "What has gotten into you? Last night and now this morning?"

"Maybe it's hormones or something," I answered as hands left my tits. I couldn't admit it was thinking of his son's big cock that kept me horny. Sliding off the bed to wash the cum off my hands in the sink, I knew that a morning quickie wasn't nearly all I wanted but it put me in a good mood.

Ben wasn't a big breakfast eater. Coffee, orange juice, two pieces of buttered toast and one egg over medium between the toast. I slapped his ass, promising to have breakfast ready by the time he finished his shower.

I slipped on my panties, bra and robe. Jason was waiting for me in the kitchen. As soon as I stepped through the door I was grabbed and pushed against a wall. Jason mouth was searching for mine as I tried to push him away. I was still struggling when I heard running water in the pipes. Knowing my husband was in the shower and not likely to appear without warning, I stopped struggling and let Jason do whatever he wanted. I returned Jason's frenzied kisses while eager hands groped my tits and ass making me moan to match Jason's own. Twirling me to hold me to his chest, one hand gripped my breast while the fingers of his other hand slid inside my panties.


I didn't struggle. From Jason's eager fingers probing inside me, I doubted Jason cared he was knuckle deep in his Dad's cum. I turned and stretched my neck so we could kiss as I reveled in the feelings. Both of being groped and of being desired. It had been so long since I'd felt either. Two fucks with Jason's Dad didn't count. I'd had to initiate both of them. I couldn't even remember the last time my husband had groped and fingered me with strong, demanding hands like this.

"Have you decided? Are we..." Jason hoarsely whispered in my ear.

"Yes. Come straight home after school," I panted and gasped as the fingers inside my pussy curled and Jason's strong hand gripped me between my legs hard. Oh, fuck! On hearing my confession we'd have sex, Jason's energetic fingers were pushing into me, keeping me just at the edge between pure pleasure and pain as he groped and finger-fucked my pussy. I would have loved nothing more than to drop my panties and have yet another stand up fuck this morning while leaning over the kitchen counter. But both of us heard the sound of water running through the pipes cease. I captured his hand when Jason reluctantly withdrew his hand from my panties. Bringing his hand up, I sucked each finger clean of the sex I'd had with his Dad.

Breakfast was a cheerful time. My husband was happy from our quickie sex while Jason was happy with the thought of fucking me later after school. Me? I was happy at the thought of the orgasms I was going to have as soon as I was alone in the house. A short while later Jason left for the bus stop and my husband left for work. Putting the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher, I was already planning a long stay in my bed with my fingers and trusty dildo/vibrator relieving the tension I felt between my legs. I could only grin as I thought of what I'd done since yesterday. Making two men come on the same day... I'd never taken two lovers on the same day... I'd never swallowed cum, either. I couldn't say that any more, already wishing for another thick load of Jason in my mouth...

I didn't have long to think about anything though when, less than a minute after my husband’s car disappeared from sight, I heard the sliding door to the back porch open and Jason walked in. Telling me that he couldn't go to school while he was so horny, he'd hidden until his Dad had left. I was glad he'd stayed. I hadn't wanted to wait any more than he had. This time I didn't hesitate when he drew me to him. After a long, sloppy kiss, we ran upstairs to his room. Stripping each other's clothes off we fell onto his bed.

Jason was so eager to explore every inch of my body. Getting his first look and feel of tits and ass not covered by clothing. Sucking on my hard nipples. Telling me how soft my breasts were. Taking his time to explore my pussy. After I yelped in pain from his rough treatment of my clit, I laughed and explained to Jason the need to treat that part of me more gently. I was trembling with my need for sex and moaning as Jason’s fingers, gently this time, slid past my mound, over my clit and into my pussy.

Jason remarked again at how wet my pussy was as a second finger slid inside me. I spread my legs wider to allow Jason's hand easier access and pushed my hips up to enjoy my first good finger fucking in what seemed like forever. Never had I taken two lovers on the same day. Let alone within an hour of one another. Just the thought of something I'd never done before made me feel naughty. But as horny as I was I was still in control, unlike Jason.

I stretched out on the bed and closed my eyes. I let Jason explore my body any way he wanted. I moved as he wanted me to. I let him position me in any pose. In time his hands became surer in their exploration of my pussy and tits. Passionate kisses replaced Jason ramming his tongue down my throat.

Time after time I had to calm Jason down. Telling him to take his time. When he tried to mount me the third time I pushed him onto his back. I wanted his first time to last long enough for him to have many pleasant memories. Not just some frenzied movements between my legs. Kissing him, I told him to lie still and slowly slid down his body to take him in my mouth again. I didn't try to deep throat his thick cock. I just wanted to make him come as I sucked and stroked his shaft. I made him come quickly. Feeling his cock pulse in my mouth as he came and filled my mouth with another thick helping of cum for me to taste and play with. Again I let him see how much cum he’d put into my mouth as my tongue rolled his cum around my mouth before I swallowed. Smiling as I continued to stroke his still half-hard cock, I told him that he'd last longer now.

I was so damned happy that Jason was young and horny. It didn't take much stroking and playing with his cock before he was rock hard again. My pussy lips were slick with my juice and my clit was throbbing as I sat up on my heels beside him. It was time for him to discover what a pussy felt like. My entire body was telling me that it was long past the time for me to discover what that monster cock would feel like inside my pussy!

Straddling Jason's hips, I saw how the tip of his cock reached to just below my belly button! I was wild to discover if I could even take that much cock inside me. I couldn’t wait any longer. Jason rose up onto his elbows and watched as I wet the large bulb of his cock between my pussy lips, mt breath catching each time it bumped against my clit. Moving slowly, I guided his cock until it dipped into my gash and I began to lower myself until the large head was inside me. Lowering my hips, bit by bit, my juice wet his shaft to allow more of his cock to slide deeper. Jason was so eager to get his cock into a pussy that when his hips began thrusting upwards, I put my hand on his stomach and told him not to move, to let me do everything.

Oh, my God! Even as wet as I was, it took what seemed like forever to work that monster inch by thick inch inside me. I felt full and stretched with just half of Jason's shaft inside me. Raising and lowering my hips, I took another inch and then another... At seven inches I felt the tip hit the top of my cunt as I moaned out words telling Jason how wonderful it felt. At eight inches my pussy walls were stretched and I felt fuller than at any time in my life. And there was still almost two inches, the thickest two inches, to go! Oh, fuck, it was wonderful!

With no place in my pussy for anything but more cock, my juice was being forced out to drip from my pussy lips to coat Jason's balls as more cock filled me. Whispering how good he felt inside me between my gasps and moans, I raised and lowered myself as little-by-little the last and thickest part of Jason's cock disappeared between my pussy lips until, with a sigh of fulfillment, all of Jason was firmly planted inside me.


I sighed and remained still just enjoying the feeling between my legs.That first feeling of a cock as it splits and fills your pussy is just the best. I'm sure that many women feel the same. Especially if it's a large cock. Sorry, guys, but for me, size matters. Jason's long, thick cock felt like my pussy hole was being stretched and finger fucked by four large fingers. Longer than any dildo I’d used before, at the same time it felt like parts of me were being touched and moved that had never been used before. Deep inside my cunt, it stretched my pussy walls more than I'd thought possible. I put my hands on his stomach for balance and slowly began to twerk my hips, rubbing my clit against Jason's hard pubes. As I became more comfortable with Jason's size, I fucked his cock with increased speed.

Hoooly Shiiit! I hung my head down and let my hair become a curtain between Jason and me. Closing my eyes... Never had I had a cock this long and this thick. I felt completely full as my pussy stretched to accommodate it. I spent a few minutes moving my hips up and down... Slowly and then faster... Slowly and then faster... Just savoring the feeling of fullness I had while moaning my satisfaction. Twerking, I rubbed my clit against scratchy pubic hair and his hard hip bone. That felt incredible. When I opened my eyes and shook my hair out of the way, I saw Jason watching me.

"Well," I asked with a grin and stilling my hips. "Is it what you thought it would be like inside your first pussy?"

"It's better than anything I ever even imagined. I never want to pull out," Jason replied.

Leaning down to kiss him, I felt his cock move inside me and couldn't stop from moaning. "Oh, fuuuuck. Believe me, Jason. It feels just as good to me when your cock moves inside me," I told Jason between kisses.

Jason's hands on my ribs pulled and I was moaning again and again as he moved me until my tits were dangling over his face. As he began to suck on my hard nipples, I leaned in so he could suck harder, pulling as much of my tit into his mouth as he could. Every movement we made as he positioned me so he could suck on first one and then the other tit made his cock move inside me, in turn making me moan and press my tits harder to his mouth. Jason sucked harder and harder as he learned that it wasn’t hurting me to have most of my C-Cup tits sucked into his mouth as his rough tongue lashed my rock hard nipples.

Releasing my tit after a long, hard suck, Jason grabbed my hips and began thrusting slowly at first and then harder and faster. Bouncing me on his lap. Oh, shit, it felt so good. But, I felt greedy. I made him calm down again and move slower. Telling Jason that I wanted him to last a good long time, I took charge and rose up to seat his cock deep inside me again. I commanded Jason not to move and just watch and enjoy as I began slowly moving my hips while reaching down to finger my clit as I rode him cowgirl.

I'd never achieved orgasm with just a cock moving in me. I can come with just clit stimulation, but for a really mind blowing orgasm I want my clit played with while taking something long and hard up my pussy. Lying on my back with one hand moving a dildo in my pussy while my other hand is running a vibrator around my clit makes me cum with fireworks when masturbating.

Cowgirl position is my most satisfying for when I want to orgasm with a man. I can finger my clit easily in cowgirl while controlling the movement of the cock inside me. And, Oh, my fucking Gawd!!, I definitely had something long and hard inside me this morning. Something bigger than my biggest dildo and thicker than the thickest cock I’d ever fucked.

Closing my eyes, I was already so worked up that in just a few minutes I felt my orgasm building and building. Fingering my clit harder and moving my hips faster, I gasped out that I wanted Jason to put me on my back and fuck me as hard, as fast and for as long as he could when I told him to. My legs began trembling and I threw my head back as long, screechy sounds that had nothing to do with coherent speech came from deep in my gut. Every muscle in my body tensed and just as my orgasm crested and swept over me I snapped my head forwards and screamed at Jason, NOW!


I hardly even felt Jason move me onto my back I was so swept up in my orgasm, but when he began to pound his cock into me I felt that! Oh, my, fucking, God, I felt that! Later I would thank God that I'd taken the time to stretch my pussy and grow used to Jason's cock as he went after my pussy as hard and as fast as he could. He rose up over me on stiffened arms to put more power behind his thrusts. Pulling his cock out until only the tip was inside me before ramming it back in to the base. My body was being pushed across the sheets by the power of Jason's body crashing into mine. My legs were spread apart as wide as they would go and the wet sound of flesh hitting flesh was loud in the room as our bodies slammed together. The only sound louder were my demanding, orgasmic screams that Jason, Fuck-me-Fuck-me-Fuck-meeeee!... as my orgasm crested and crested again and again.

I have several favorites. Favorite ice cream, favorite cola, etcetera. Another favorite of mine is that when I'm coming with a man, I love having him put me on my back and just fucking me as hard and fast as he can! That was exactly what Jason was doing. I have no idea how long he fucked me because every moment of it I was coming in wave after wave of orgasm. Just as I began to come down from one orgasm I would feel another build and crest until I was left breathless from yelling at Jason to fuck me. I think those were the only words I could manage. Commanding Jason to, Fuck me! over and over until Jason gasped, pushed hard and ground against my pussy lips as he came deep inside me while grinding his groin against my pussy lips.

As I felt the last cock contractions in my pussy, Jason collapsed on top of me. Our sweat mingled as muscle spasms twisted my body through one final, long orgasmic rush and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. Both of us were panting and exhausted. While we regained our breath, I was still having mini-muscle spasms as our every movement caused my pussy to contract around his still hard cock. But Jason wasn't ready to call it quits on his first time. As soon as our breathing was calm enough for us to kiss, Jason began moving his hips pushing his still hard cock slow and deep inside me as he moaned how good it felt while he kissed the side of my neck.

I assured him that it felt just as good for me as he rose up over me on locked elbows and began pounding his cock between my legs again. But even the strength and exuberance of youth has limits and Jason finally began to slow from exhaustion. Admitting he was too tired to continue and he wasn't sure he could come again so soon, Jason lowered his body to rest on mine. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he pressed me into the mattress with his weight. Even resting, the once virgin Jason didn't still his cock inside me. Thrusting slowly even as we kissed, even as he sucked on each of my tits. He began experimenting again with how hard he could suck and bite on my hard nipples when I told him I liked that.

Jason rose up on locked arms again to continue his long, unhurried thrusts between my legs. I didn't think Jason was serious about coming in me. He simply wanted to continue feeling my pussy tight against his cock. Raising up on my elbows, I snaked an arm behind his neck to pull him to me for a kiss. Already Jason was becoming quite a good kisser. Between kisses, we both watched his cock appear and then disappear between my red, swollen pussy lips.

"You're not a virgin any more," I said to Jason. "Do you think you'll remember your first time?"

"I'm never going to forget this."

Jason's cock finally began to soften and he rolled off me to lie on his back even as a gush of pussy juice and cum slid down my ass crack. I ran a finger down my slit and found that Jason's thick cock had stretched my pussy hole so wide I could easily push my finger inside the gape without touching the walls of my cunt. I sat up and there was nothing to stop gravity from pulling more grool and cum from my gape to run down my ass crack to the sheets. The sheets were already soaked with our cum so more didn't matter. My ass cheeks were in a huge wet spot. Jason sat up also and seemed amazed at how much juice we'd produced between the two of us.

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We both laughed when I shrugged and told him that wet spots were just something you had to be ready for. God, how my thigh muscles ached as I laid back down and willed my legs to close for what seemed like the first time in hours.


Turning onto my side to relieve my back, I felt totally at peace. Well, I felt comfortable after getting over my embarrassment from a long, wet pussy fart. A wet, creamy-between-my-legs peace that said I'd just been fucked better than I had in a year! I'm not sure what all we talked about as we cuddled. I was in a haze from my long, continuous orgasm and I'm sure Jason was dazed at having lost his cherry. I remember I looked at the clock and was amazed to see we’d been sucking and fucking non-stop for over an hour. I was amazed he'd had the stamina to last that long before admitting he wasn't going to come again. I sure as hell wasn't going to complain as I laid there resting in the crook of his arm in the aftermath of one of the best fucks and orgasms of my life!

It was about then that the phone rang. Jason ran after me as I went for the phone. It was his school telling me that Jason hadn't arrived for morning roll call. Since Jason was pressing my back against his chest while squeezing my tits, kissing the back of my neck and fingering my cummy pussy. I assured his school that I knew exactly where Jason was. Jason hadn't felt well today and I'd kept him home and in bed, I explained. After I hung up, Jason began laughing and saying that he felt much better but he still wanted to stay in bed.

Picking me up he ran for his room and with the vigor of youth making his cock hard again in such a short time, began sliding the tip of his cock up and down my slit. With his tip wet, Jason spread my legs wider. this time as he started working his cock up my hole I didn't give him any instructions on love making. I didn't say anything. All I did was tell Jason to do whatever he wanted and to do it hard! I let him spread my legs wider and just pound his cock as deep and as hard into me as he wanted.

This time after Jason finished filling me with his cum, I couldn't wrap myself around him as he lowered his body onto mine. My arms and legs felt drained of strength. I was breathing hard and I felt as limp as a rag doll. The only thought in my mind was wanting Jason to fuck me all over again. I'd enjoyed every second of Jason fucking my brains out but hadn't tried to make myself come again. By the time we'd started to breath without gasping for air, Jason had enough strength to move off me.

I had the strength to move over and down to take that wonderful cock in my mouth and savor every delicious taste of our sex as I sucked and licked every drop of our cum from the base to the tip of his cock. I’d never done this with any of my previous lovers after sex and I was curious what cum and pussy juice would taste like. Delicious! 

While I played, I loved how I could take all of his soft cock in my mouth to roll it around with my tongue. I wondered why I'd never had the courage to do this before because it tasted so good and satisfied my lover so much if Jason’s moans were to be believed. Satisfied my lover and also quickened his cock in my mouth. It wasn't long before Jason's once soft cock was growing too large for me to fit all of it in my mouth.

I'd never had trouble deep throating cock before. But, I'd never met a cock as thick and long as Jason's before. I wanted to see how much cock I could take and, laughing, I commanded Jason to be still. "This is my time to play," I told him. I began trying my best to deep throat that huge cock. I managed to suck most of his length until my chin was tickled by his pubic hair but I couldn't take that last two inches no matter how hard I tried or from what angle I went after it. The head of Jason's cock was just so large it triggered my gag reflex like no cock ever had before.

When I finally admitted defeat Jason was primed and ready again. I thought about sucking him dry but after being cock deprived for so long I wanted cock in my pussy more than I wanted cum in my mouth.


This time I got on my hands and knees and let Jason learn what fucking me doggy-style felt like. With my ass in the air and my shoulders on the bed I could easily play with my clit while being slammed with that huge cock. I rose and balanced on one elbow so I could look between my legs to see his cock covered with a thick, white cummy froth as Jason churned the cum inside me as I fingered my clit.

screenshot-20210512-100308-pm.pngWhen I came, it was another long session of rolling waves of orgasms as I screamed out, partly from my orgasm and partly from the rough fucking my now red and tender pussy was getting. My orgasm triggered Jason to pour another load of cum inside my pussy but he kept fucking me when I told him to as I continued to scream out how good everything, even the discomfort, felt between my thighs. I finally couldn't take any more. I felt like my pussy couldn't take any more and slid forward off Jason's cock to lie gasping face down on the bed. My stomach muscles quivered as I gasped for air. 

Was it because I hadn't felt sexually satisfied for so long, or because of the vigor Jason fucked me or because of his monster cock? All those reasons? I didn't think about any of that. I only knew I hadn't felt this much satisfaction from sex ever!

We'd fucked three times and Jason had come four times. It wasn't even noon. It was time for a break. Even a teen boy who has just lost his virginity needs to rest, at least a little, after coming four times. I led Jason to the shower where we washed off while playing you-wash-mine/I'll-wash-yours. We dried each other and put on clothes, if panties and boxer shorts qualified as clothes. Fooling around in the kitchen as we fed each other orange slices and anything else we pulled from the fridge, I felt better and more relaxed than I had since finding out my husband was using his cock to satisfy other women instead of me.

I know Jason felt on top of the world. He couldn't stop touching me. I knew all about the sexual appetite of teen boys from my own experience as a teen but had never had the opportunity to have it demonstrated hour after hour. That day was as much a learning experience for me as for Jason. Well, almost as much. Barely an hour after leaving his bed for food, I was naked again and lying on our breakfast table with my ass on its edge while Jason stood between my legs to fuck me again. Jason’s balls may have been drained of most of his cum by now but I was still gushing pussy juice. Soon my ass cheeks were wet and the tablecloth was stained by a large puddle of my juice that Jason’s cock had pushed out of my pussy. When Jason came and pulled out, his cum only added to the puddle.


Stripping the tablecloth off the table, I used it to clean between my legs before wiping up drops of cum from the floor. After this bout of sex, we went to rest in Jason’s bed. Almost immediately, Jason fell asleep. A quickie with my husband and four fuck sessions with my stepson’s big cock had my pussy sore and swollen. Leaving the bed, I left Jason to sleep and went outside to our pool to wash the cum and sweat off me.

The way the houses were arranged in our gated community, none of our neighbors had a view of our backyard so, with Jason not in consideration anymore, I could now skinny-dip while letting the cold water make my pussy feel better. Sitting on the steps leading down into the water I spread my pussy lips to let the cooling water reach deeper and sooth my slit. I could barely touch my clit without feeling almost an electric shock because it was so tender. I had been well and truly fucked for the first time in what felt like a year!

Jason didn't nap long and I was about to leave the pool when he came out of the house with towels. I stayed in the pool and a quick dip for him turned into more grab-ass games. Leaving the pool, he spread the towels out onto the grass and we soaked up some warmth from the sun. We lived far enough South that even into the Fall, it was tolerable outside as long as the wind didn't blow. Lying in the sun, Jason hesitantly brought up the subject of going down on me. I told him I was way too sensitive for oral sex after the fucking we'd done. Jason looked disappointed and he admitted he was wondering what pussy tasted like. He laughed when I told him that after getting out of the pool my pussy probably tasted like chlorine. He did brighten up when I promised to teach him how to eat pussy another day. I guess that the assurance that this wasn't just a one-time thing perked him up considerably because it wasn't long before he was kissing and fondling me again. Though sore, I spread my legs for him without hesitation.

This outside fuck was long and satisfying. Jason had already come five times (four times in my pussy and once in my mouth) in just hours and like a small child calms when finally convince his favorite toy wouldn't be snatched away, Jason was much calmer this time, knowing my pussy was going to be there for him. He was able to last a long, long time and I enjoyed every minute of it as he learned to move hard and fast, then slow and easy or to stay motionless in my pussy until the urge to come left. We started in the missionary position and I took control to position us in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl and explained why I liked these positions. He seemed to like doggy position as much as I did and he came in me then.

We jumped back into the pool to clean the sex and sweat off us before going inside. I felt like a drink and didn't see why Jason couldn't share a bourbon-n-coke with me. One drink led to two and when Jason admitted his head was swimming, I told him to go to his bed and lie down. Two drinks led to three for me as I got the fixings readied for supper. Going to his door to look in and check on him I watched as he snored softly in sleep. I could see the large, dried wet spots on the bedspread from our fucking. The smell of pussy and cum was strong even from the door. Remembering what we'd done on that bed just a few hours ago while inhaling the pungent aroma of our sex... Remembering how I'd taken the cherry from my virgin stepson in his dad's house... God help me, but I got horny again!

I checked the clock and there was still almost an hour before my husband would leave work. Plus twenty minutes commute time... My drinking made me daring and I stripped off the panties I'd worn in the kitchen. I got on the bed and began sucking Jason's cock while he slept. Sucking on the tip and running my tongue up and down his shaft woke Jason up and it wasn't long before he was hard. Moving up and over him I only had to whisper, Fuck me! in his ear and he was eager to turn me over onto my back and spread my legs for another hard, pounding quickie. This time after he came we rested for only a short time while I let our cum drain from my pussy to add yet another large wet spot to the sheets. I was sure that by now Jason's balls had to be emptied but it still seemed like a large load of his cum mixed with the huge amount of my grool that Jason's cock had forced from my pussy.

Stripping off a pillow case, I held it between my thighs to prevent any further drops of cum from my pussy from hitting the floor. Jason helped me strip the sheets from his bed. While he put new sheets on the bed, I began to spray a flowery fragrance around his room and hallway to mask the smell of our sex. I then took the sheets to the laundry room and started them washing with the clothes we'd been wearing and the towels from the pool. Returning to Jason's room, I checked and couldn't find anything to suggest we'd spent the entire day fucking.

I told Jason to go and swim in the pool to wash off any lingering smell of sex and bourbon and I went to the master bath to look myself over in the mirrors. Getting fucked so many times by an exuberant teen with a huge cock had left marks. My tits were swollen and there were faint bruises from being squeezed and sucked on a bit to hard. My thighs had faint bruises but someone would really have to look hard to see those. My pussy lips were another matter. The normally pink skin of my pussy and small inner lips was now a bright, cherry red, The outer lips were swollen and bruised, anyone looking would see I'd had sex. A lot of sex. A lot of hard sex! I made a mental note to keep the lights off in the bedroom as much as possible before douching my vagina clean of as much cum as possible and showering quickly.

That evening, my husband wondered at how early Jason went to bed. I told him that Jason had returned home complaining he wasn't feeling well. I told him I'd see how Jason felt in the morning before deciding if he needed another day at home. With perfect bad timing my husband suggested we turn in early, too. I could tell he didn't want to sleep. I guess our quickies last night and this morning had him a little randy. Christ! After months of ignoring my body... NOW!? Now he wanted to fuck my raw, swollen pussy?

I made sure only the dim nightlight was on before stripping. In bed he did all the right things to make me wet and ready and it felt as good as it had ever been with him. It had been a few hours since the last, quick fuck with Jason and my clit wasn't nearly as sensitive. When he began eating my pussy his tongue had me coming in no time before he moved to cover me. I was sore but I did enjoy our sex. Hubby's cock wasn't a monster like Jason's, but between my swollen pussy lips it felt larger than usual. My husband might be a cheating A-hole but that didn't stop him from being a damned good lover when he wanted to be.

After our sex and a little wash and clean up my husband fell into a deep sleep that I knew from experience would keep him out for hours and would take a tornado ripping through our house to wake him from. I didn't feel like sleep. I was super-charged from all that had happened yesterday and today. I left our bed for a drink thinking a couple of shots would help my mind shut down. Out of habit, I grabbed my robe and then left it over the back of the chair as I remembered it didn't matter if Jason saw me in just my panties and the sports bra I usually wore to bed.

There was enough light coming through the windows from the outside so I left the inside lights off as I opened the liquor cabinet. I tossed down my first scotch and had just poured another finger of scotch in my glass when Jason appeared. He'd heard me walking down the hallway and followed. I asked if he'd like a drink, too, adding it would be okay because his dad was sleeping and wouldn't wake up. Jason gulped down his drink and after a choking fit while trying not to make too much noise, said he knew and admitted he'd heard us having sex. I told Jason that I hoped he wasn't going to get all possessive and shit. I poured more scotch in Jason's glass and added another finger's depth to mine. In the dark, with loose lips from another couple of shots of whiskey, we had another frank and honest sex talk.

I began by admitting that it had taken several months of knowing his dad was cheating on me to make me crazy enough to have done what we did. I also admitted that Jason had caught me at just the right time and in just the right mindset of 'what was good for the goose is good for the gander.' I admitted that I wasn't even all that jealous about his dad cheating. I'd known his rep before getting into marriage. I told Jason very frankly that his dad was my husband and husbands and wives had sex. His dad was a good lover when he made time for me and I hoped Jason wouldn't go all crazy knowing I was having sex with 'another man'.

I told Jason that there was never going to be anything between the two of us except sex and hoped he’d be okay with that. I told him I didn’t feel the slightest bit of guilt, even after all we’d done today and I saw no reason why we couldn't continue if we were careful and told no one. I was a young woman with a healthy sex drive and I'd enjoyed every minute with him today just as I'd enjoyed every minute I'd just had with his dad. I really stressed that he couldn't even brag to his high school buddies that he was no longer a virgin because they'd ask too many questions. Jason was all too ready to agree with my terms with the prospect of his having more sex on the line.

That night and in the future, I never trash talked about Jason's Dad, but I got the impression Jason had known for a long time that his dad was cheating on me while ignoring me sexually. I really think that late-night, frank talk did us a lot of good. It cleared the air and we both knew where we stood. I believed Jason when he said he'd keep our secret and that hearing his dad and me fucking had only made him horny and not jealous. We started kissing but when his hand started rubbing my pussy I pulled it away. I told him I didn't want to leave a wet spot on the couch cushion. I also didn't want to fuck on the carpet. He laughed quietly when I whispered it would be hard to explain to his Dad why I had rug burns on my back.

Jason was really horny and sad that it seemed like fucking wasn't going to happen. Good Lord! Would his sex drive ever be satisfied? He had the sex drive of a teen but I had the sex experience and I hadn't stopped thinking. Taking his hand I got him off the couch led him to our laundry room. Shutting the door behind us, in no time I was bent over the folding table while Jason moved to begin sliding his thick cock inside me again. After mounting me, we started a crazy, stand up doggy fuck.


It was a wild, hard fuck and I think both of us were turned on by the knowledge that my pussy was lubricated in part by his Dad's cum. If Jason was put off by the knowledge he was getting his Dad’s sloppy seconds, it didn't make him hesitate to drive his cock into me. I wasn't the only cheater in this house and now I knew I wasn't the only freak in this house!

Talk about freaky? My night was ending exactly as my day had begun! Jason was again getting his Dad's sloppy seconds by fucking me within minutes after his Dad had fucked me.

I don't know where Jason was getting all the cum he was leaving inside me. Even after all the times we'd fucked, looking between my legs as Jason pulled out, it seemed like a huge stream of cum that dripped from my gapping pussy. Squatting on my heels, I spent long minutes sucking and licking his cock free of our sex. I sent Jason back to his bedroom afterwards. I stayed behind to do clean up. One of the towels we'd had sex on outside was still in the washer and I used its moist cloth to wipe off my pussy and thighs before pulling on my panties. Examining the concrete floor of the laundry room, I wiped up the cum that had dripped onto the floor and tossed the towel in the dirty laundry hamper.

I had another drink before returning to bed. My husband was still snoring softly and didn't even move as I got under the covers. I still had trouble going to sleep with visions of all that had happened in the last thirty hours. My brain was on hyper-drive and I could barely believe myself all that had happened in so short a time. I had to think about it to add it all up. I'd fucked my husband three times and come once. I'd sucked off my stepson three times and swallowed cum for the first time. I'd let Jason fuck me God only knew how times today. And, I'd taken a virgin's cherry in what I hoped was a great way that Jason would remember fondly for years to come... Hell, it wasn't even midnight!

At twenty-one, I sure as hell wasn't a shy virgin. (As you might tell.) BUT, sucking cock and swallowing cum for the first time plus getting fucked so many, many times by two men in just thirty hours while deflowering a virgin was definitely a new record for me. I'd certainly set the bar high for me to beat this record! Not to mention the four very satisfying orgasms I'd had during my spree.

In less than a day and a half, I'd gone from feeling sorry for myself about a lack of cock to having my pussy fucked into a swollen, cum dripping mess. Last night, I'd been sexually frustrated enough that a quickie fuck had felt satisfying. Tonight, I had a swollen, red and very, very satisfied purring pussy between my legs. Lying in bed with the cum of two men wetting the crotch of my panties, I sighed and drifted off into an exhausted sleep.

Next Chapter Coming...

Written by campusvamp
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