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I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

"A straying husband pays a heavy price for his infidelity."

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Lana sat in my kitchen, crying softly as her coffee cup shook in her hands, “I think Liam is having an affair!” The words sputtered out between sobs. “How could he do that? I’ve given him everything I could!” I reached out and touched her hand, trying to appear sympathetic, all the while knowing that I am the source of her pain. You see, I have been fucking her husband for over six months, and I know why he strayed.

It started innocently enough. We were at a mutual friend’s house having drinks in their backyard and soaking in their new hot tub. I slipped as I got in, Liam reached to catch me to keep me from falling and his hand went to my breast. My hand, however, ended up wrapped around his semi-hard cock as I slipped. Apologies were made, much laughter followed, Lana teased me about trying it on with her husband but in a half-hour, it was forgotten – by everyone but me.

You see, Liam’s cock is rather on the large side and I love a big cock. White, black, brown, the color is irrelevant so long as it is long and thick.

“Why do you think he's cheating?” I asked her, afraid of what she might say.

“It’s not any one thing.” She was beginning to regain her composure. “It’s a bunch of little things.” I urged her to talk it out, hoping to come up with an explanation that would allow me to convince her that her fears aren’t real.

“Odd charges on our credit card, he’s secretive with his phone, especially when he gets texts, and this morning, I found semen stains in his underwear! He put them on fresh yesterday morning and we haven’t had, you know, since Sunday night!”

“Maybe he just masturbated and didn’t clean himself off when he was through,” I offered as a weak explanation but Lana wasn’t buying it.

“I don’t think he masturbates,” she said. I chuckled.

“Sweetie, there are two kinds of men, those who admit they masturbate and those that lie and say they don’t!” She smiled weakly and took a sip of her coffee.

“Just don’t understand why he would need to have an affair,” she said. “I do everything he asks me to do, even some stuff I don’t like.”

“Such as,” I asked, probing for titillating details. Having sampled her husband, I thought I knew all his kinks and wanted to find out more.

“I can’t talk about that, not with you,” she said, hiding her face behind her long dark hair.

“Sure you can,” I prodded, “Don’t be shy to talk about sex, maybe it will give you a clue why he would fool around.” She took a deep breath and I took her hand. “Take your time.”

“Well,” she began, speaking so I could barely hear, “he likes it when I let him, you know, take him in my mouth. Like, finish him.”

“Ah, yeah, not all women like that, what don’t you like about it, is it the taste?” I knew I liked his taste so I did’t think that was the problem.

“It’s not that,” she said, “it’s that tries to push himself into my throat and doesn’t give me any warning, he almost chokes me. You know how big he is, I can hardly breathe!”

“Have you talked to him about that?” I asked. She shook her head. “You should, if you tell him you don’t like it, maybe he’ll try harder.” I was really reaching here.

“Maybe,” she said, “there’s another thing.” She sobbed again. I took her hand. She took another deep breath. “He wants to put it, you know, back there.” She pointed to her ass. It was a beautiful, bountiful ass, firm and round, and a delight to look at. I have imagined cupping it in my hands as I licked and sucked on her clit. Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, I’m bisexual and have wanted to fuck Lana and her husband since the day I met them. I guess I was halfway there.

“We’re going to need something stronger than coffee, I think.” I got up and got a bottle of wine from the fridge and poured two glasses. She downed her first one and held her glass out for a refill.

“I’ve tried, I really have, but he’s just too big,” she said. No, I think, recalling the first time he filled my ass, he isn’t. I squeezed her hand. “We even got a kit to, you know, stretch me out to get used to him, but it was no use, it just hurts too much! Sex shouldn’t hurt!”

“Some people like it when it hurts a little,” I offered.

“I’m not some people I guess.” She drank more of her wine and I topped her up. “There’s another thing.”

“Oh?” I asked, knowing that her answer is a threesome with another woman.

“He wants us to, you know, do it with another woman, both of us, at the same time.” The sobs started again. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

“Lots of people do that. My ex-husband and I did it once, it was fun!” I said. “Why can’t you try it?”

“I don’t know if I can stand to see him with another woman.” Her hands were still shaking in spite of the nearly three glasses of wine she had drunk. At that rate, she’d have been sloshed by noon so I switched her back to coffee.

“So it’s not the thought of having sex with another woman that turns you off?” She shook her head.

“No, I had a girlfriend in college but that was because I needed a friend and I didn’t have a boyfriend at the time.” The memory seemed to calm her so I went with that.

“She must have been very special, your face changed when you thought of her,” I said, trying to pry more details from her.

“She was,” she said wistfully, “she was so kind and gentle and she was such as good kisser. I could almost get off just from kissing her!” Her face turned peaceful as she recalled the memory. Now we were getting someplace.

“Yeah,” I said, “I know what you mean. Women are much better kissers than men.” We were silent for a bit and I had an idea.

“Here’s what you should do.” I began to lay out my plan. “Get your parents to take the boys for the weekend. Confront Liam about your suspicions and see what he says.” I know that by the weekend, I would have Liam up to speed on our story.

“What if he confesses? I don’t know if I can handle that.” She was on the verge of crying again.

“Then you have a decision to make. The important thing is that you talk to him.” I held her hand, squeezing it softly. “You can do this. Today’s Thursday. Tonight, you suggest that you guys have a weekend alone, that you have something very important to talk to him about. Be suggestive, provocative even. Make him believe that it will be in his best interest. He’ll go for it.”

“Maybe,” she said. She looked at the clock on the stove. “I have to go, I have a ton of things to do before the boys get home from school.” I got up to hug her; her breasts were full and firm against me, her hands strong on my back. If I could make my plan come to fruition, she would make a wonderful lover.

“You got this,” I said, kissing her cheek; she was surprised by that. She smiled and kissed mine.

“Thanks,” she said, and she left.

I grabbed my phone to text Liam, “Lana was just here, she’s onto you but she doesn’t know it’s me. I have a plan, call me.” Twenty minutes later he called.

“What does she know?” he asked.

“She doesn’t know anything, but she suspects,” I replied. “She has no clue it’s me. Listen, I have an idea.” I outlined my plan to him and told him to go along with whatever she suggested. “This is important,” I added, “treat her like a queen for a few days, whatever she wants. Bring her flowers and tell her you love her, over and over.  Make love to her tonight, be gentle and make sure it’s all about her. Make sure she comes, more than once, and make sure she comes before you do. Get back in her good books and this might work!”

“You got it!” he said confidently. “You know, if this works out, we might both get what we want!” He knew I’d been lusting after his wife and I would have been more than happy to have that threesome with them.

* * * * *

The next morning, Lana called me. “We had a long talk last night,” she said.

“How’d it go?”

“It was rough at first,” she said, “of course, he denied he’s fooling around but I’m not sure I believe him. He asked me to be patient and that he’d explain everything tomorrow night.”

“Well, that’s good, isn’t it?”  I asked.

“I guess. But after we talked, he was so good to me, if you know what I mean,” she hinted. I wanted to draw out more.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, we did it. He was so kind and gentle, he made me feel so wonderful, it was the best we’ve had since our wedding night,” she said, not wanting to be explicit.

“Did he make you come?” I asked.

“Jessie! My God!” she exclaimed. “But, yes, several times. I’m surprised you didn’t hear us!”

“How do you know I didn’t?” I teased. I hadn’t but I wanted her to believe that maybe I did. “So things are better?”

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“Some,” she said. “I just don’t know if he’s playing with my head or not.”

“Stay the course,” I said firmly. “You deserve to know, you have a right to know. See what he says and go from there. But be honest with him, tell him where the lines are, and listen to him. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason.”

“I guess,” she said. “Thanks.” We ended the call. I imagined Liam’s head between her legs, her head thrown back, her pretty face contorted in ecstasy.

On Saturday just before lunch, I watched her get the boys strapped into her car and head out to take them to her parents an hour away. An hour each way plus an hour, maybe less, for her to catch up with her mom — I had about two and a half hours to fuck her husband before the fireworks that night. I texted him to get over to my place immediately. He showed up inside a minute and he spent the next hour or so making me scream as he fucked me with his eight-incher, coming once in each of my holes. His powers of recuperation were as good as any man I had known. I sent him home to get ready for the evening and took a long bath to prepare the downtown for what I hoped was going to be a fun night.

Just before supper, I saw Lana’s car pull back into the driveway. Liam and I had arranged that I would go over to their place around 7:00 and we would tell our fabricated story to her together. The waiting was killing me but I knew that I needed to be patient. I got dressed in my best lingerie and a nice but respectful dress and rang their doorbell at 7:00 sharp.

Lana looked surprised to see me but she hesitantly invited me in. “What brings you here?” she asked, her face a giant question mark.

“Let’s let Liam explain,” I said. He fixed us drinks and we sat down, Lana and Liam on the couch, me in the chair opposite to them.

“Sweetie,” he began, “I can understand how you might think that I was fooling around but, honestly I haven’t been.” Lana’s face remained passive but she shifted uncomfortably. “But Jessie and I have been spending a lot of time together.”

“Time doing what?” she asked. I could see she was getting uneasy so I stepped in.

“About six months ago, Liam came to me, asking for my help,” I said. “You know that I have some experience with multiple partners and he was trying to figure out how that works and how best to introduce you to the idea.” I could see she was about to explode so I put up my hand. “Please let me finish.” She sat back but her face was cold and hard.

“He told me that he doesn’t want to do this for himself, he wants to do it for you.” I pointed at him for him to continue.

“Remember you told me about your girlfriend in college?” he began. “How you really enjoyed being with a woman? That got me thinking that you might want to do that again, but this time with me involved as well.”

Lana shifted. “Really? You expect me to believe that?”

“I hope you will,” he said, “because it’s true. I know our love life has been less than ideal the past year or so and that I’ve asked you to do some things you didn’t want to do. The thing is, if we do anything different, it has to be because it’s what you want, not because you think it will make me happy. I’ve always said that.”

Lana took a deep breath. “But when we tried to do it, you know, anally, you kept pushing even when I said it hurt too much, you wouldn’t let it go. You weren’t making it about me, you were making it about you!”

“I did,” he said, “and I’m sorry.”

“And when you held my hair and came in my mouth, you’re sorry for that too, I suppose!” She was mad now, mad enough to use words she wouldn’t normally say.

“I told you I was!” he protested.

“With a big fucking grin on your face as you watched me spit out your semen and wipe it off my face! Not fucking good enough!”

He and I had talked about him having to be contrite and very convincing. “I’m so sorry, baby. I never asked you to do that again though, I knew I’d crossed a line.”

“You didn’t ask me the first time!" she screamed. "You know what? If you had asked, I would have! To make you happy, I would have done that and probably let you fuck my ass too if you’d been patient! But no, you couldn’t wait.” She was at peak anger now, the frustration and emotion had burst through the dam and were all pouring out.

Lana stood up and faced her husband. “Tell me the truth, have you been fucking around?” she demanded to know. She studied his face for a sign he might be lying. I studied it too; I couldn’t see it.

“No.” His reply was immediate. Even I was convinced and I knew he was lying. “I have not. I would not, not ever.” She studied him further, never taking her eyes off his.

“I’m not sure I believe you,” she said as she sat down on the floor and started to cry. Thankfully she had her back to me so I could warn him off when he reached for her. I sat on the floor behind her and cradled her, letting the sobs wash the emotion away. My plan was going exactly as I had hoped. I rocked her and spoke softly, telling her to get it all out of her system.

“Do you think he’s telling the truth?” she asked me.

“I don’t know,” I replied. Liam’s face blanched. I had told him that I’d back him up all the way, but he didn’t know the part of the plan I had kept to myself.

Lana got up and went to the washroom and I saw my chance to put the part of the plan he didn’t know about into action. “Maybe you should leave for a bit, go for a drive, let me talk to her. Maybe I can bring her around.”

“Maybe you’re right,” he said, “you think you can talk her off the ledge?” I shrugged my shoulders, knowing I had him right where I wanted him. We heard the bathroom door open and Lana came back into the living room.

“I think I should go,” Liam said, “leave you to think.”

“I think you’re right,” she said. “Could you give me an hour?” he nodded, picked up his coat and keys, and left.

I looked triumphantly at Lana. “He’s fucking around, no question!” She came to me and hugged me before planting her lips on mine. “The question is, with who?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she replied, kissing me again. “His ass is gone and mine is all yours!”

You see, I didn’t tell you the whole story earlier, nor did I tell Lana. Friday after dinner, she came to my house and I convinced her he was cheating on her, that he had as much as admitted it to me, but that I had no clue with who. We made a plan to corner him to see if he would admit it. Then we made love, it was frantic, passionate, and fulfilling.

I went down on her, kissing and licking her, using my fingers on her outside and in, bringing her to a moaning, sobbing orgasm. Then she returned the favor, pleasuring me as I had done her, my orgasm no less intense. We recovered our breath and then pleasured each other again, using my toys to bring each other to another sweet rushing peak, our lips and tongues mashing together as we came.

After we recovered, Lana told me that she was going to kick his ass out and that if I wanted, she and I could have an affair, just to show him.

While Liam was gone, we ate each other’s pussies, each of us having a crashing orgasm under the ministrations of our lips and tongues. Then we cleaned ourselves up and Lana put on her lingerie, a lacy quarter-cup bra that made her luscious breasts stand up and out, matching garter and stockings but no panties, all in white. She put a flowered sundress on over top. When Liam returned, we were sitting on the couch, sipping wine. He came in and came over to Lana, holding his hand out to help her get up but she was having none of it.

“I’m sorry, Baby,” he said as he sat on the chair. “From now on, everything will be as you say.”

We stood up and held each other’s hands. “You're half right,” she said, “everything will be as I say but there is no from now on, not for us.” She turned and kissed me. When we broke it, we turned and faced him. “I don’t believe you. I think you have been having an affair and you know what, if you can have one, so can I!” We kissed again before looking at his shocked face.

“All right,” he said standing up, “I admit it, I did have an affair!” He pointed at me. “With her!”

“I told you he’d say that,” I said to Lana. “I told you he’s that desperate.” I turned and Lana unzipped my dress, letting it fall and exposing my body to his eyes. I then removed her dress and his eyes popped out.

“You did say that,” she said quietly. “Get out! You cheating sack of shit, get out of my house!”

“It’s my house too!” he complained.

“Not for fucking long!” she shouted. “Jessie knows a great divorce lawyer. I’m going to fuck you over hard. Harder than you fucked whatever tramp you’ve been seeing!”

Liam stood dumbfounded as the other shoe dropped. He realized that he’d been had, led astray by his little head. I had played him hard when I had told him I wanted to fuck his wife and that I’d do anything for the chance. I guess he didn’t think I’d go so far as to throw him under the bus and wreck his marriage to get what I wanted.

“You conniving BITCH!” he screamed at me. He was not wrong, I was both of those things. Lana held me closer as his rage built. “I’ll fucking get you for this! And you!” He pointed at me, “You’ll see, she’s using you too!” He stormed off.

“Go be with your whore!” Lana screamed at him as the door slammed. Little did she know that his whore was in her arms, waiting to bring her to as many screaming orgasms as she could stand.

I love it when a plan comes together, don’t you?

Written by CaressofSteel
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