The sunlight peeking around the edges of the curtains awakened Amy. Her sleep had been deep, and she felt a bit groggy. As the memories of yesterday began to return, she felt a familiar tingle between her legs and an ache in her midsection. Beside her, Michael slept soundly. As her arousal slowly grew, she was tempted to throw herself on him, but she didn’t want to disturb his peaceful slumber. Besides, she needed to sort out the thoughts and emotions swirling through her.
She rose gingerly, so as not to wake her husband, and walked softly to the closet for a robe, and then to the counter to make herself a demitasse of strong dark coffee. She opened the sliding door as gently as she could and took the cup out to the balcony, settling into a chair and taking in the view. The palm trees framed the ocean beyond, and the entire setting was bathed in the soft early morning sun.
The scene was tranquil, but inside Amy was anything but. So many thoughts were racing through her mind. Her discovery of Michael and Ali, her shock, and then intense arousal. Their earth-shattering sex before dinner, followed by their running into Ali near the cabana. She had wanted to watch Michael and Ali, and yet when confronted with the fact that it was going to actually happen, she panicked. Perhaps it was that everything happened so quickly that she didn’t have time to prepare herself. She recalled how she was frozen in place when the lovers departed to their room, her terror of being left behind. She couldn’t tell whether that terror was fear of losing touch with Michael completely or simply worry that she would miss seeing what she clearly so badly wanted to observe – her husband indulging himself with a woman – a girl really – less than half his age.
Now that it had played out, she had so many things she could say to Michael. They needed to talk, that much was evident. At least she needed to talk about it. The events of the past twenty hours were mind-boggling when she considered them. She tried to reel the film back to the day they arrived at the resort. That seemed like an eternity now, and another world entirely. Another Michael and Amy. She wrestled with what to say when he awoke. She had things she needed to tell him, but exactly what, and how? She sipped her coffee, leaned back, closed her eyes, and breathed deeply. Her chest was tight with anxiety and a tinge of sorrow, and yet her loins were on fire, and she desperately needed to cum. She could easily have fingered herself to a quiet orgasm right there on the balcony, but she wanted to wait until Michael awoke and she could see what today might bring.
She felt a presence behind her and turned to see Michael gazing down at her, a warm smile on his face. He moved beside her and bent down to kiss her forehead. His erection was evident by the bulge in his drawstring pants. He took her chin in one hand and tipped her head up to kiss her on the mouth, but she pushed him gently away. To his questioning eyes, she replied.
“Michael, we need to talk.”
His disappointment was evident, but he nodded his assent. “You’re right.” He began to lower himself into the chair beside her, but she stopped him. “Not here. Inside. We need privacy.”
She stood, gathered her cup, and moved inside. She walked over to the coffee maker and inserted another pod into the slot.
“Would you like a coffee,” she asked her husband.
He gratefully accepted, and she returned to the sitting area with the two small cups full of dark, steamy brew. Handing one to him, she sat on the couch next to him. Her eyes surveyed the room. The sheets on the bed were asunder, a testament to the debauchery that had occurred there last night. A brief vision of Michael pulling out of Ali and his cum pouring out of her youthful pussy caused her chest to tighten once again, and her nipples to harden. Such a contrast of feelings was bewildering, both frightening and terribly exciting. But it was what she needed to say to Michael that had her most on edge.
“Michael,” she began, and then paused. Silence hung in the air for an interminable moment while he gazed at her with inquisitive anticipation.
Amy took a deep breath, swallowed hard, and straightened herself. Gazing directly into Michael’s eyes, she continued.
“Michael, there’s something I need to tell you. You’re not the only one who has strayed here. When I came to the pool yesterday afternoon, there was another man’s cum trickling slowly out of me. Pooling in my bikini bottom. I felt so dirty, like a greedy slut. I had betrayed you, and I felt sick. And yet, I wouldn’t wash him out. The feeling of his seed inside me, right in front of you, thrilled me to the core. I felt so alive. I kept thinking you would notice that I looked different somehow. The sun on my body has never felt so warm.
“I finally realized I needed to leave, to wash him out of me before we went to dinner. I was worried you could smell it, or that you might discover it when you went down on me later. But once I saw you with Ali, I decided to wait and confront you. When I lowered myself onto you and screamed out that I wanted to feel her cum on your cock inside me, I also wanted it to mix with his fluid.”
She paused to let this settle in. Michael looked stunned. Amy continued. “I didn’t plan this. It just happened. He came on to me and, instead of my spa treatment, I went to his room and we fucked. It was nerve-wracking but it was so exciting. Honestly, Michael, I came so hard, and so many times. I wasn’t going to tell you, just like I suspect you weren’t going to tell me about Ali. But now all our secrets need to be exposed.”

Michael was trembling slightly. The irony wasn’t lost on Amy. Here was her cheating husband, himself a selfish indulger of his libidinous passions, shocked to the core by the revelation that his wife would engage in the same sordid deeds.
Michael finally mustered up some words. “Who is he?”
“His name is Mark. He is about our age, quite handsome and fit. He’s here with his family. My guess is he’s done this kind of thing before.”
“And you,” Michael inquired.
“Never. Oh sure, I’ve had fantasies. Haven’t we all? But the thought of cheating on you has never crossed my mind. Maybe it’s just this place. So many beautiful people, so much flesh. The hypnotic sound of the waves. The bright sunshine. The incredible scenery. The relaxation, the fact that we are thousands of miles from home, and any responsibilities. I don’t know. It just seems like magic.
“And what about you? Everything on the table if we are to get through this,” she continued.
Michael’s response was immediate. “No, never, either. Sure, my eyes wander. And, yes, the flesh here is incredible. I haven’t felt so constantly turned on in years. I love you, Amy, and would never want to harm our relationship. But now it feels like we’ve both done damage. Where do we go from here?”
Amy sighed deeply once again. “I want to fuck him again. And I will. And I want you to watch.”
Michael looked like he had been shot. His body visibly recoiled. It was like looking in a mirror only to see all of your own sins exposed. It hit him in the pit of his stomach, and he felt nauseous. And yet, his cock was rock hard, precum leaking profusely out of the tip. The thought of watching his wife impale herself on another both humiliated him and turned him on beyond belief.
Amy continued, “It’s important to me Michael. Vitally important. I watched you fuck Ali. It wrenched me, broke my heart. But it also turned me on like nothing ever has. Watching you with her filled me with such love for you. I need you to do the same for me. And I need to see how you react. Once that’s done, we can assess the damage and try to figure out where we go from here.”
Michael considered her words. His pride tempted him to refuse, but his love for his wife, and frankly his libido, overwhelmed that urge, and he simply nodded his head in acceptance. He leaned in to kiss Amy, fully intending to take her right then and there, but she pushed him away abruptly.
“No. Not now, not yet. The next person I fuck will be Mark. I’ll text him and arrange something. He’ll have to get away from his family, so it may take some time. Be patient. I need this.”
With that, Amy arose, walked to the table, picked up her phone, and tapped out a text. Placing the phone back down, she announced that she was famished, and wanted to take a shower before they went down to breakfast. She walked toward the bathroom. She opened her robe and shrugged it off her shoulders, and as she continued to walk, she let it fall away from her body onto the floor. Michael was greeted by a vision of her backside, her long legs, her tight, round ass swaying seductively as she walked. His cock twitched and she disappeared, closing the door behind her.
Michael heard the shower start, and sat back on the sofa, trying to make sense of it all. Just a few days ago, they were a conventional couple, married and faithful. In just the last twenty-four hours, everything had changed. Their world had been turned upside down. There was anguish, but it was overcome with excitement. His erection was painful. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine his wife impaling herself on another man’s cock, right here in this hotel, just yesterday. He pictured him pounding her mercilessly, her eyes rolling back in her head, her nails scratching his back. Did she beg him to cum inside her or did he simply take what was his?
As the visions danced in his head, he pushed his pants down, freed his cock, and began to stroke. The scene in his imagination became more vivid, and as her lover groaned and emptied himself into her, his own orgasm exploded, cum spurting into the air as he muffled a cry. Spasm after spasm wracked his body as he emptied himself.
Gradually, he regained his calm. His stomach and chest were splattered with cum, as was the couch. He composed himself and walked into the bathroom to get a hand towel to clean up the mess. He could hear the water splashing down on Amy, and over that din he could clearly make out the sounds of her moaning as she brought herself to orgasm, no doubt anticipating her upcoming tryst.
Michael cleaned himself, took care of the couch, and tossed the towel onto the bathroom counter. He put his pants back on and walked onto the balcony. He buried his face in his hands and then looked up and out over the tableau below and beyond while leaning on the balcony rail. As he gazed at the serene landscape, he considered things. Pandora’s Box had been opened. He had no idea where he and Amy would go from here, but things would never be the same. Yesterday had been dangerous. Today was going to be just as consequential.