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Forbidden Fantasy

"A canceled flight leads to the fulfillment of a life-long fantasy."

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It's funny about fantasies. We all have them, but rarely do we get the opportunity to act them out in real life. They usually remain just that, fantasies, something to stimulate our minds and bodies and sit in that tiny area in the back of our thoughts, always hot to the touch but never fulfilled.

My story is about a life-long fantasy of mine, one which became sort of an obsession over the years. It was both immensely satisfying and full of guilt, for it involved cheating on my wife with her sister. I still can't believe that I fantasized about her so much, so let me fill you in on some background.

My name is Sean. I've been married for 30 years and while sex with my wife Deidre was once robust, it's slowed down to the point where I can usually count on one hand the number of times we have sex in a year. It's been frustrating for me and my thoughts frequently turn to fantasies I've developed over time. One of them, the biggest one, involves my wife's sister.

My sister-in-law, Janice, has always been something of a free spirit, always taking her own road and doing things with a sense of adventure. I always admired her. I don't know when my admiration for her turned into lust, though. I suppose it was something which grew over time until it filled my thoughts every time I saw her.

When we were younger, Janice had a habit of wearing t-shirts without a bra. While she didn't have the large breasts her sister (my wife) had, hers were very firm with huge nipples which pointed straight up. Her tits would jiggle when she walked and those nipples poked against the cotton t-shirt as if it would poke a hole in it at any time. Just the sight of her walking around aroused me, without fail. I used to fantasize about sucking on those incredible nipples all the time.

She wasn't a classic beauty in the sense that she could turn heads, but I found her looks, with her long, curly dark hair and her olive skin, beautiful in every way that I was interested in. We were always friendly with each other and, as the years went by, found ourselves flirting with each other more and more. I always wondered what would happen if I made a move on her. She didn't get along with my wife all the time, so it seemed that if the opportunity presented itself, she might be receptive to something more than flirting. Unfortunately, that opportunity never materialized.

She retired from her career job in the military a few years before I retired, so I was always asking her questions about being retired, mainly out of jealousy. I envied her freedom. Janice always laughed and said that my time was coming.

In the last couple years of my working career I traveled a lot to Southern California to help set up a new operations center my company had purchased. I always connected through Dallas/Ft. Worth on my flights. Janice lived in nearby Arlington and I always hoped I could swing by and see her. She even told me that if I needed a place to stay during my travels I could stay with her. Janice was married once, but a nasty divorce kind of soured her on relationships and she never had a long term relationship. She used to joke that she was waiting for my clone, that I was the only one she would consider being with. When she said this, it wasn't accompanied by a laugh, so I always wondered how serious she really was.

Anyway, I never had the opportunity to stop and see her, until the day before Thanksgiving on one of my last trips to SoCal. Our flight landed in DFW around 8pm and the connecting flight was scheduled to depart around 9:30. However, the plane for my flight home developed mechanical problems and they had to cancel the flight. Because of the holiday, there were no available seats on any flight either that night or on Thanksgiving. I was, to put it mildly, screwed. I did have an idea, however.

I knew that Janice didn't have plans for Thanksgiving because we asked her to spend it with us. She declined, saying she didn't want to travel, but I think she had a fight with my wife, which wasn't uncommon then. She really valued her freedom and threw it in her sister's face whenever she got the chance.

My first call was to Deidre, to let her know that I probably couldn't make it home until Friday. She understood and suggested that I call Janice. That was wonderful, as it was now her idea that I spend two nights with her sister. I said that I would check with her. I then called Janice. I prayed that she didn't have plans. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hello, Sean," she said as she answered the phone. "Is this my happy Thanksgiving call a day early?"

"Hi, Jan," I told her. "It's a little more than that. I'm stranded at DFW and can't get home until Friday at the earliest. Do you have plans for the holiday?"

By the way, I think I'm the only person who calls her Jan. She never rebuked me for calling her that and over the years it became our little endearment.

"It so happens I have a small bird I'm planning to stuff and throw in the oven tomorrow. I was figuring on a quiet holiday alone, but you are always welcome to share it with me. Does my sister know about your plight?"

"Jan, she's the one who suggested I call you. I was going to, but she mentioned it before I could."

"Hmm, she did, did she? I guess it's on her if we have a good time. Give me a few minutes and I'll pick you up. Maybe we can stop somewhere on the way here and have a pre-Thanksgiving drink. I know just the place; it's nice and quiet where we can talk."

My mind was already working overtime at the prospect of being with her for two nights, but those last comments really made me wonder if this was the night I should do something about my desires. I decided to let the night unfold and we'd see where it would lead.

Janice picked me up soon after that, pulling up in her BMW convertible. It was still mild in the Dallas area, so she had the top down. She invested at an early age while in the Army, so she was able to afford a nice retirement. The Beemer was one of her few indulgences, but she always looked so good in it. Her long hair was tied in a ponytail and she had a scarf on, which made her look so chic. She would always punch me whenever I told her that, but she knew I was only teasing. Even at our age, she still took my breath away.

She got out of the car and gave me a hug. She was wearing a light sweater which didn't conceal her still-beautiful breasts, her nipples standing at attention. I loved the feel of them against me and held the embrace a moment longer than usual. She kissed me on the cheek as we broke the embrace and smiled at me.

We drove a short while and she turned into a strip plaza parking lot. After she parked the car we got out and she immediately lit a cigarette. Janice had smoked for as long as I knew her. I had smoked for a long time but gave it up about 15 years ago. With her, the act of smoking a cigarette was somehow erotic, the way she did it appealed to me in a perverse kind of way. She always offered one to me and I almost always accepted it. I didn't want her to feel alone as she smoked. Once we were done we went inside.

Janice was a wine drinker, so we shared a bottle of Merlot and talked about our lives. I told her that her sister seemed to be pulling away from me and she just shrugged her shoulders as if to say that it wasn't anything new to her. As we drank, she laughed a lot, another thing which made her very appealing to me. She wasn't afraid to loosen up around me and I felt at ease with her.

After the wine was gone we decided to go to her place. Once there, I went to the spare room and unpacked some of my things as she changed clothes and said she was getting some more wine opened for us. When I was done I went into the kitchen. Jan was wearing her night gear, a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Even as we were older her tits still excited me. Her nipples hadn't lost their firm appearance and, although her breasts sagged just a tiny bit, they still jiggled as she walked and I still couldn't take my eyes off them.

As we went into the family room, she brushed against me and the feel of her hard nipple on my arm was as electric as if I had been hit with a taser. I froze in my tracks and stared at her, lost in my feelings for her. I leaned toward her and kissed her lightly on the lips. All of my pent-up emotions over the last 30 years were behind that kiss, and I was trembling like a schoolboy as our lips met, worried that I had done something to ruin the moment. To my surprise, she returned the kiss. When we broke it off, she stepped back and smiled.

"Good Jesus, Mary and Joseph," she said. "It only took you 30 years or so to finally do that, Sean. What took you so long?"

Relief isn't a strong enough word to describe my feelings at that point. I was so worried that she would reject me that her response caught me off-guard.

"Jan, how long?" I said. "How long have you thought about that kiss? Please tell me I'm not dreaming."

"Oh, I'd like to say it was the moment I first saw you, but it was probably not long after that. Once I got to know you I thought about why Deidre was always the lucky one. If I had met you first things would have been a lot different. Let's take this wine in and you can start a fire."

I took the bottle and glasses and placed them on the table near the sofa. I then got some wood and kindling arranged and lit the fire. As it began to catch I poured wine for both of us. Janice was sitting on the sofa, her legs curled up. She patted the cushion next to her and motioned for me to sit next to her.

"Okay Sean," she began. "It's truth time. How long have you thought about me? You be honest with me and I promise to do the same."

"Okay," I began. "I had been dating Deidre for a couple weeks before I met you. You were taking a break from college and we had come home for the holidays. I went to pick her up for a date and you answered the door. You had the sweats and t-shirt down pat even then, but it was your face that caught my attention, the way your hair framed it, with all those curls. I was already thinking I met the wrong sister. Since we're being honest, it didn't hurt your image with me when I saw you walk across the room and your t-shirt was going in different directions, if you know what I mean."

Janice laughed. "Yes, I know that my braless look attracted attention, but I had no idea that my face caught your eye before my tits did."

She reached out upon saying this and took my hand in hers.

"I think it was that weekend, when we had a chance to just talk, that I realized how nice you really were, and are to this day. Sean, I'm going to be blunt now. Deidre never deserved you. She can be a petty, vengeful person at times. You overlooked that all these years and it nearly broke my heart to see her wind up with the best guy in the room."

"Believe me, I didn't overlook it. I knew that she has a mean streak in her, but I chose to let it go rather than cause a big to-do over it. Jan, you left for the military not long after that weekend. Was it something you had planned, or was it a sudden decision?"

"Honestly, Sean, I had considered it before I met you, but after getting to know you I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep my feelings in check around you. The Army was a way for me to prevent something bad from happening. I could have ruined everything if I had stayed, and been a pariah in my family in the process. Looking back, it was the best decision I made in my life. I made a career out of it and now I'm happy in my retirement. Maybe I went into it for the wrong reasons, but it led to a good life, with the exception being my own marriage."

She held my hand the entire time she confessed her feelings toward me and I brought it up to my lips and kissed her fingers. Jan set down her wine glass and leaned closer. We knew the kiss was coming, but we held back, as if a shock would occur when our lips met. We must have looked like nervous eighth graders at the school dance just then. Finally, I let go of her hand and pulled her face to mine. I kissed her tenderly at first, but after the initial contact I held her head in my hands and went for it, kissing her hungrily as my tongue was seeking hers. Janice moaned as she gave in to the moment, returning my kiss with such force that it nearly took my breath away.

"Whew, you are some kisser," I whispered. "I want you so badly right now."

Jan giggled. "Then what are you doing talking about it? I'm here with you and I want you. Show me how much you want me."

I kept up the kissing; only now I was leaving a trail of kisses along her neck. She responded by pulling her t-shirt over her head and tossing it onto the floor. Her breasts were still magnificent, after all these years. Maybe a B cup, yet still firm enough that they didn't droop at all. Those wonderfully large nipples were hard and erect. I had to have them. I touched one breast tentatively, careful not to squeeze it too roughly. It was everything I imagined it to be. Her nipple was hard and I took it into my mouth, sucking on it like a baby being fed.

"Oh God," Janice whispered as I suckled her breasts. "I haven't had this in so long, but I'm glad it's you, Sean. Just keep doing that, honey, you're really turning me on."

I was in heaven, as surely as if I had died and found it to be the paradise it's made out to be. I didn't want this moment to end. I was finally with her, this woman I had lusted over for all these years and the joy I felt was almost overwhelming. I swear if she reached out and felt my cock I would explode, I was in such a state. Fortunately, she was experiencing the same kind of ecstasy I was and she was too sexually charged to do anything but sit back and enjoy the tongue bathing I was giving her. She held my head in her hands as I licked and sucked and bit her enormous nipples. She could only moan and sigh her approval.

My hands eventually found their way between her legs and massaged her pussy through the sweats. I slid one hand under the waistband and found that Janice wasn't wearing any panties. Her pussy hadn't been shaved, but the brusque hair I found seemed to be trimmed. I would find out all about that soon enough. She wriggled as my fingers parted her lips and found her moist center, warm and sticky with her juices.

"Oh, Sean," she moaned. "It's been so long, so long. That feels so good. You are going to make me cum if you keep this up."

Her breathing became ragged, and soon she was panting to catch her breath. I took that as a sign that she needed release and kept up my massaging of her cunt. Her moans became louder and more urgent as I continued rubbing her, finding her clitoris hidden under that velvet hood at the top of her pussy. That sent her over the top, writhing at my touch, thrusting her hips upward to meet my fingers. She gave a little scream as her orgasm took over, flooding my fingers in a gush of her juicy nectar. She clenched her vaginal muscles around my fingers and I could feel the contractions as her orgasm heightened. Her hands still held my head in place on her tits, but she brought me up to her and she kissed me as if she was a parched man in the desert and my lips were an oasis.

"Sean, you were wonderful. I can't tell you how much I needed that, and to have you doing it to me. Let me catch my breath and then I want you inside me. I've waited so long for this moment and I don't want to let the opportunity slip away."

As she said that her hands found my cock and massaged it through the fabric of my trousers.

"Oooh, you are big, just like I hoped you would be. I always wondered what it would be like to feel you inside me. While we wait I want to give you a little pleasure. Not too much, because I want you to fuck me good with it."

I stood up and took off my clothes. When I took off my trousers and underwear Janice gasped. I was only seven or eight inches long but very thick. Deidre often complained that I was too big for her and it hurt her to take all of me because of my size. Jan just sat there in awe, but reached out to touch me.

"Honey," Janice said while admiring my cock. "I may not be able to get all of you into my mouth but I'm going to love feeling this way up inside me. You don't know this, but it's been two years since I've been with a man. It might take a while, but it'll come back to me."

Her fingers wrapped around my shaft and she pulled me closer to her face. Once I was close enough to her she reached out and kissed the head, her tongue flicking at the moist pre-cum and licking the slit at the top of my head. Her lips pursed as she took the head into her mouth, licking with her tongue as she engulfed the tip of my cock.

I could easily cum quickly if she wanted me to do so, but she said it had been two years and I assumed that she wanted to be fucked. I held back as she continued to suck and lick the head. I didn't want to force myself into her mouth, as she might not be able to take too much of me right away. I decided that she was ready to be fucked and pulled my cock from her lips and motioned for her to sit on my lap.

Jackie positioned herself above my cock, facing me. She was trembling, and I shushed her.

"Jan, its okay," I said. "We can take our time with this, we have all night. It's me, remember, Sean. We were meant to be together, to do this. I'll hold your hand and take it slow."

She smiled at me. "Sean, it's just that it's been so long. It's like my first time all over again and it's with someone I love very much. I don't want to disappoint you after we've waited so long for this to happen."

"You'll never disappoint me, Jan. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are right now? I can't imagine anyone in the world I'd rather be with than you.

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Let me make love to you. Let me show you why it was worth the wait."

"Yes, Sean, it's going to be worth it. Please fuck me now! I need to feel you inside me."

And as soon as she said those words she impaled herself on my aching dick. She sank down onto it and didn't stop until I was buried to the hilt.

"Oh, God," she screamed. "It's so fucking big! Oh, Sean you're incredible! Fuck me, sweetheart, fuck me good!"

She was really having fun now, bobbing up and down on my cock like a little kid on a teeter totter. Her tits were bouncing as she rode me, and the smile on her face told me that she wasn't nervous any more. She was making me so excited, the way her pussy gripped my cock. I knew that this time would be quick. We had all kinds of time, so I decided to fuck her back and make her cum. I grabbed her by the waist and thrust upward at her. She changed her expression, realizing that things were about to get very serious.

"Stay with me, Sean," she gasped. "I'm almost there. Just don't cum yet, please."

"I'm right here, hon. I'm not going anywhere."

She leaned over and kissed me. Her breath was short and ragged and tasted of tobacco. She moved faster, trying to cum before I exploded inside of her.

"Here I cum, Sean! I'm going to cum all over your cock."

And she did, her juice spilling out her cunt and down onto me. I was almost there myself. She continued to fuck me even after her own orgasm faded. I could feel my balls tightening as I was ready to cum.

As I let go and began to shoot my semen into her pussy, Janice bent down and kissed me passionately. Her tongue probed my mouth as she felt my cum fill her cunt. She was moaning as she kissed me and I gripped her ass as my orgasm continued. Finally she collapsed on top of me, a look of sheer contentment on her face.

We lay there, our bodies intertwined, for at least 20 minutes, neither one saying anything, just holding on to one another and basking in the afterglow of what took 30 years to come to fruition.

I broke the silence. "Jan, you were wonderful. It was everything I had hoped for; you were everything I imagined you would be. Why don't we get that wine?"

"I thought you'd never ask," she laughed. "I need a cigarette as well. Do you mind?"

"Not at all, Sis. It's your house. How about we share one?"

She gave me a puzzled look when I called her Sis, then realized that I was making light of the situation and got up.

"I'll be right back, brother."

She returned with a corkscrew and two cigarettes. I opened the wine as she lit our smokes. We lay like that on the sofa, smoking and drinking and making small talk. At one point she mentioned that I could bring my stuff into her master bedroom. She said she wanted me to sleep with her. It was music to my ears.

After the wine and cigarettes were gone I took my stuff into her room. She had a nice layout there, with a king bed and flat screen TV hanging on the far wall. She had a walk-in closet and the bathroom was gigantic, with a Jacuzzi bath and walk-in shower with three shower heads positioned to give you an all-around shower experience.

We lay in bed together, she in my arms. We talked about what we were going to do now that our feelings were out in the open. We decided to discuss it in the morning, with clearer heads. She drifted off to sleep, looking every bit the contented soul. She was clearly happy. I wasn't very long joining her as sleep came to me as well.


Morning came all too soon, the daylight filtering into the room as I woke up. It all seemed too surreal, like it was a dream, but lying next to me was my sister-in-law, naked, save for the sheet which came up to her waist. Her tits rose and fell with each breath that she took. I was hard and had an idea.

Very quietly I got up and, going to the foot of the bed, slipped under the sheet covering Janice. I wanted to surprise her with an early morning pussy licking, so I had to be careful not to wake her until it was too late for her to protest. Her legs were spread and her pussy was in full view. She sported a bush, but it was trimmed in such a way that her hair closely resembled a neatly trimmed beard. Her hair was bristly and had a rough feel, in deep contrast to the soft velvety texture of her pussy. I planted several wet kisses along her inner thighs to get her aware of what was coming. She stirred a bit when I did this, but didn't wake up. After a few minutes of this she began to stir. I pushed her legs wider apart and dove into her wet pussy with my mouth and tongue. That did it, as she woke up surprised at what was happening.

"Sean, what in the hell? Oh my God, that is so delicious. Good morning Sean."

I looked up at her and smiled. "If you think this is delicious you have no idea how good you taste this morning. Just lay back and enjoy your wake-up call."

It took no time at all for Jan to begin moaning. I was sucking on her wet cunt, stopping every few seconds to suck and nibble on her clit. That really got her going, the clit action. She began to buck her hips up at me and grabbed my head and ground her wet pussy into my face. She really tasted good this morning, I thought. How wonderful would this be to wake up to this every day?

She was grunting now as I slipped a finger inside her pussy as I ate her. The actions of my finger and tongue were driving her wild and she thrashed around on the bed, seeming to want to get away from the sensations she was feeling, but unable to deny herself the pleasure I was giving her. Finally it became too much for her to contain.

"Oh Sean!" she cried out loudly. "I'm going to cum, baby! Look out; it's going to be wet!"

She came on my face with a vengeance, squirting her juices on my face and all over the bed. I continued sucking and tonguing her clit as she came and she continued flailing about as her passion culminated with the contractions which shook her to her core.

She must have cum for a solid minute or two, finally subsiding as the orgasm drifted away. Her legs were firmly clenched around my head and I had trouble catching my breath. After a few minutes of cool-down time, she released her hold on me and I rolled over, as exhausted as she was.

"Sean, where did you learn how to do that?" she asked. "I love oral, but I haven't had it in so long. This is all like starting over for me. I'm so glad your flight got canceled. Happy Thanksgiving, brother-in-law."

"Happy Thanksgiving to you, Sis. What's the game plan for cooking today? I want to help you with it, but I had better call Deidre and check in with her or she'll wonder what in hell we're up to here."

"I know, you really should do it soon, but let me put you in a good mood to call before you do it."

Janice had a sinister smile on her face as she said that, and proceeded to give me a kiss. Her tongue explored my mouth and her hands were on my cock.

"I think it's my turn to do a little gobbling, don't you think?"

Jan slid down my body and proceeded to kiss the head of my cock, like last night, but this time she took my entire length into her mouth, sucking with incredible force as she tried to get as much in her mouth as she could. The sensation was incredible, as I hadn't had a decent blowjob in years. Deidre never did like to give me head and in the last several years she stopped trying completely. Janice was giving me a classic.

She sucked me hard, her hands stroking my shaft as she worked wonders with her mouth, tongue and teeth. As she came up, her mouth would open slightly and her tongue would swirl around the head and lick the soft glans under the head. Then she would go down again, with her suction making my dick ready to explode. Her nostrils flared as she sucked and she moaned as she did me, giving my cock a vibrating thrill. Janice never went fast, preferring to do it slowly, tantalizing my hard and saliva-coated dick even more.

I could feel my orgasm build as she continued her sucking and licking.

"My God," I told her. "I'm ready to cum, Jan. Let me pull out."

She shook her head no and intensified her assault on my throbbing pecker. I couldn't hold out any longer and I grunted as the orgasm approached.

Finally I came, thick jets of hot, sticky cum filling her mouth. It was so much that she couldn't hold it all in, as semen leaked out of the corners of her mouth and ran down the shaft, onto her hands. I was paralyzed momentarily as the force of my orgasm felt like an electric current ran throughout my body.

At long last I was finished. Janice released her hold on my cock and swallowed what she could. She cleaned my dick off with her tongue, savoring each glob of cum that she could lick up and swallow. I embraced her and we were silent, save our heavy breathing. We lay in the bed for at least 10 minutes, not saying a word as we recuperated. Finally, Janice broke the ice.

"Maybe you should wait a little longer before you call Deidre. I don't think you're in any condition to talk just yet."

"You're right about that. What do you say we try out that big-assed shower you have in there?"

After we showered and got dressed, I called Deidre to tell her all was well on my end. I wasn't lying, either. For the first time in a long, long time I felt good, really good.

I joined Janice in the kitchen for some coffee and a cigarette. We both knew we needed to discuss what had happened since last night. My emotions were all jumbled, but there were some things which needed to be said and decisions which needed to be made. We decided to make and enjoy a nice Thanksgiving dinner and then we would discuss the elephant in the room.

We worked all morning in the kitchen. I cleaned the turkey while Jackie prepared the dressing. When she was done I filled the cavity with the stuffing while Janice made the pumpkin pie filling and poured it into the two crusts she had made yesterday morning. We then put the bird in the oven and relaxed. There were more than a few little kisses between us as we worked, and that made us feel like young lovers. Over what I must consider to be the best Thanksgiving dinner I've had in years, we discussed what had happened and where we want to go with it.

"Is this the point of no return?" I asked her. "We both gave in to what we've felt for years, but is that it? Do we just walk away and pretend it didn't happen, holding memories and nothing else? Do we run away together and live happily ever after, regardless of the consequences? I know that I'll never be able to go through the rest of my life and never hold you again or make love to you. I've known it all these years, but I never allowed myself the luxury of saying it. I love you, Jan. What do you want?"

Janice put down her fork and took a deep breath.

"Sean, I've waited too long to just walk away after one or two nights, but at the same time I'm not prepared to destroy my sister's idea of her perfect life. We don't get along very much these days, hell, if we ever got along at all, but going public with this would hurt too many people. There are your kids to consider. It would be bad enough if their folks split up, but even worse if they knew that it was their Aunt who played a big role in it. No, I've decided what I want."

"And what is that," I asked.

"I want us to continue to see each other, as lovers, whenever and wherever we can. We'll have to be careful and it will mean that we will be sneaking around, but this is what I want. I haven't done anything selfish for as long as I can remember, but this time I want to do something for me. Sean, I've loved you, or at least the thought of what you are to me, for all these years. Now that we've admitted our feelings for each other I feel that the hard part is over. Sure, it will be difficult, and we might go a long time between visits, but I'm prepared to do that for even a few nights with you. I've been so lonely here and there was always this hope, this dream that somehow we could get together. Now that this day has come my answer is no. No, I'm not willing to give up on you or on us that easily. I want whatever time with you that I can get. Is that something you can live with?"

I reached across the table and took her hands in mine.

"I'll do anything you wish, my love. Anything. If this is what you want, then I'll do whatever I have to do to make it happen for you. Maybe someday we can be together all the time, but I'll take whatever we can get."

And then I kissed her. It was possibly the most tender, sweetest kiss I've ever given anyone in my life, because it meant something more beautiful than anything I could give her and that was my promise.

"I promise, Jan. I promise that I'll be there for you whenever and wherever I can. I promise."

Then Janice began to cry. They weren't tears of regret or of shame, they were tears of joy. She had been alone for so many years now and the right man was there, but unavailable. With our actions on this holiday, bound together by chance, we had found each other and vowed to continue seeing each other. Maybe that was wrong in the eyes of others, but not to ours. We had both struggled and now we had an opportunity to do something for ourselves.

I held her close and helped her dry her eyes. "Hey, sweetie," I said. You can't cry just yet. We have to eat some pumpkin pie before we're done. How about I go get one of the pies for us?"

That got her laughing. "You have such a way; you know that, don't you? No more tears, my darling. I'll be okay now. Oh, don't forget the whipped cream. I got a lot of it in case we wanted to use it for something else, if you know what I mean."

We ate our pie, cleaned everything up and loaded the dishwasher together. Now we were ready for some us time. After a smoke on her patio we went inside and snuggled on the sofa while we watched TV. It was one of the most peaceful evenings I can recall having in a long time. It just seemed natural being with Jan, as if we had always been together.

As good as it was there was a hint of sadness to it, because we knew that sometime tomorrow I would be flying home, back to my life of sexual neglect and quiet solitude. I was determined to put those feelings aside and concentrate on the here and now. I was happy because I would get to fall asleep and wake up next to someone who wanted me. That alone was enough to put a smile on my face, one that Janice caught out of the corner of her eye and made her follow suit. Yes, we were happy despite the potential roadblocks we would have to traverse.

That night we made love. It wasn't urgent or frantic fucking done in the heat of passion, but real lovemaking, slow and deliberate, with each movement, each thrust designed to maximize the pleasure of the other. We gave more than our bodies to each other, we gave our souls. This was love to the nth degree, and we made the most of it. This was simple, basic stuff. We had other times ahead of us to experiment and to explore individual fantasies. Tonight was a celebration of our new found love and the hope that we would find a way to revisit this love many times in the coming months.

And the strangest thing happened to us. We came together, within seconds of each other. That's the stuff of stories, not usually attained in real life. It was sweet, and as we basked in the afterglow of the moment we proclaimed our love for each other.

Sleep took us by surprise. Neither of us knows when the other drifted off, nor did we care. We were content to allow sleep to take us away, to that place of dreams. We had lived our dreams out during this holiday. It would be hard to top what we had done that night.

In the morning I woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Janice came into the bedroom, bearing two cups and a smile, nothing else. I could get used to this, I thought.

I had to say something to her about leaving. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

"Jan, I really have to call the airline. I'd love to just stay here with you and let everything go back home, but I can't. Not yet. We'll get there, but we have to be patient. I promise I'll be back, no matter what it takes."

"I know," she said sadly. "I'd love nothing more than for you to move in here with me, and maybe we'll get that chance, but we can't do it right now. I love you, Sean, I think I always have. I'm so happy that you love me too. These two days have made everything worthwhile."

After a shower and breakfast together I called the airline and set up a flight. I then called Deidre and told her of my plans. Later, in the afternoon, Janice drove me to the airport. We didn't say anything during the drive, but I held her free hand when I could. She squeezed it to let me know she loved me. She stopped at the departures area and we got out of her car. The tears were already running freely down her face and it nearly broke my heart to see that. I held her tightly and kissed away her tears.

"I love you, Sean. Please say you mean all of it, that you'll come back when you can."

"I love you too, Jan. I've never meant anything as much as I do right now. Of course I'll be back. We have to make this work for now. I hope we can be together soon."

I turned to enter the airport. Before I went through the sliding doors to ticketing I turned to look back and wave. Janice was still standing there, but she wasn't crying. She had a smile on her face that could light up the whole airport and she was waving vigorously. I ran back to her, took her in my arms and gave her the biggest kiss I could. We held each other tightly for a moment and then I turned to go home and begin planning our new future together.

Written by prairiedogg
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