Sometimes we do things with the best of intentions, but they still go awry. I meant well, but I had no idea that I was being seduced by what I can only describe as a sexual predator. What made it worse was that, once I became aware of what was going on, I went along with it. Let me explain.
My name is Frank Beddoes. I am a forty five year-old molecular engineer with a wife and three children. I worked for a medical research company in Raleigh, North Carolina ever since I graduated from college. I married my college sweetheart one year after graduating and in seven years we had our three children. For reasons I still cannot comprehend, my wife lost all interest in sex after the birth of our third child.
No amount of pleading and begging could convince her to have sex with me, and I resigned myself to being celibate for the rest of my life. I love my wife and would never consider divorce or cheating. That is, until one fateful summer two years ago.
A headhunter had contacted me about a job opportunity on the West coast, in the San Francisco area. The job sounded appealing, as it included not only a major raise in pay, but the opportunity to run an entire research division, something which I had no chance of doing at my present job. I agreed to go out and interview for the position, hoping that relocating might also improve things at home. My wife was supportive, even though she would not be able to join me right away should I get the job.
The interview was a success, and the company president wanted me to start as soon as possible. Since my family wouldn't be able to come out right away, they were willing to set me up with an apartment and a company car so that I wouldn't have to live in a hotel. Once my family was ready to join me, they would help with the relocation and assist us in searching for a home to purchase.
I had the support of my wife and children and it would be about two months before they would be prepared to make the move, so I ventured out on my own.
Work was challenging, but very rewarding. I was so immersed in work that I left little time to socialize with anyone. Finally, some of the other division heads took it upon themselves to get me out for some much needed fun. We went to dinner at a local restaurant and had a great time. A couple of us retired to the lounge after dinner for a couple of drinks. I approached the bar to place our order and I noticed a couple sitting there playing one of those video trivia games that are popular in many bars.
The man seemed pretty ordinary, but it was the woman who caught my eye. She was in her mid-forties, I would guess, just a tad plump around the middle, but with very large breasts and a most pleasant face. As I waited for our drinks, a question came up on their game which seemed to have stumped them both. It was "Which film was the first to sweep all five major Oscar categories?"
I knew the answer, It Happened One Night, and whispered it to the woman. When it showed that it was, indeed, the correct answer, she put her hand on my shoulder and thanked me. I smiled, collected our drinks and returned to my table. I didn't think anything more about my act of kindness.
After a couple rounds we were calling it an evening. As my friends were leaving, I stopped at the bar to leave a tip for the bartender. The woman was still there, but her date had apparently gone to the men's room. She asked me if I was from the area and I told her that I had recently relocated. She then put her hand on my arm and told me that she appreciated a man with a good mind.
I laughed and was prepared to leave, but she asked me if I was planning on stopping at the bar in the future. I was intrigued by her inquisitiveness, but told her that I might stop by to play trivia sometime. She asked me if I would be willing to swap business cards. I figured that it was innocent enough, so I pulled one out of my jacket pocket as she fumbled around in her purse.
When she retrieved a card she placed it in my hand and her fingers lingered on mine for a moment. Once the exchange was complete I thanked her and she smiled. "The pleasure was all mine," she replied, a sexy smile on her face. Her name was Lucy. According to her business card she was a high school administrator. I thought that it was an interesting position for an obviously interesting person, not that it mattered much. I left the bar, convinced that I would never see or hear from her ever again.
Work continued to be rewarding for me, and I contacted my wife several times to see how they were doing and wondering when they would be able to join me. Things were not moving along as well as she had hoped and she told me that it might take longer than we had planned, perhaps a couple more months. I wasn't happy to hear this, but there was nothing I could do about it. My boss was understanding, though, and told me that we could take all the time we needed.
I went about my business, putting in long hours at work and maintaining my apartment. One day I received a call on my cell phone from a number I didn't recognize. I answered it and was surprised at the voice on the other end. It was Lucy, the woman from the bar who was playing trivia. She had an interesting proposition for me. She wanted to know if I would be willing to meet her at the bar tomorrow night and play a game or two of trivia.
I told her that I was married, but she laughed and said that it wasn't a date or anything. She enjoyed trivia games and figured that I would be good competition for her. I didn't have anything going on the next day so I figured that it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun. I agreed to meet her at eight o'clock.
I still felt awkward agreeing to meet Lucy, but I told myself that it was an innocent evening with someone who happened to be a very attractive woman. By the time eight o'clock approached I was feeling better about the whole thing. When I got to the bar Lucy was seated at the bar, an empty chair next to her. She was even better looking than the first time I saw her.
She had shoulder-length light brown hair and her makeup was impeccable, right down to the deep red lipstick. What made me take notice was her outfit. She wore a stunning blue sweater which made her already large breasts seem even bigger and firmer. She had a floral skirt which was mid-calf in length with beautiful dark brown boots which were visible below the hem line. I was wearing a tan sport coat, no tie, grey slacks and loafers.
As I made it to the bar I held my hand out to shake her hand, but she surprised me by drawing close and giving me a light peck on the cheek, immediately taking a napkin to wipe the lipstick from my face.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking," she said. "I hope that was alright."
"Of course it's alright," I replied. "You look very nice tonight. I must warn you that I'm highly competitive when it comes to trivia games."
"That makes two of us," she said, laughing. "You look damn good yourself. What are you drinking tonight? I'm having white wine."
"Wine works for me, but I think I'll have a Cabernet. Got to keep that masculine thing going."
We shared small talk, inquiring about our jobs and backgrounds. I asked the bartender for two of the remotes needed to play the games.
"Frank, how do you feel about a small wager on the game?" she said. "We can bet the next drink if you like. It makes the games more competitive when there's something on the line, don't you think?"
"Sounds like a plan," I told her.
She won the first game. It was close, but she nosed me out at the end. "Good job, Lucy," I said. "Let me get those drinks."
Lucy had a mysterious look on her face and what she said was even more mysterious. "How about for this next game I choose something different for the winner? I'll write it down on a piece of paper and whoever wins gets to open it."
"Okay, but keep it simple, if you please."
Lucy took two post-it notes from her purse and wrote something on each one. She folded them both and put them into her purse.
Once again, she got the best of me. She reached into her purse and pulled out one of the notes, opening it as she did so. "It says that you have to follow me to my place so that I can try out my new cappuccino machine out on you." She showed me the note and, sure enough, that's what it said. As she showed it to me her hand lingered a bit on my arm and gently stroked it. I have to admit that I enjoyed her touch, but I couldn't summon the strength to look her in the eye.
I agreed, but told her that I couldn't stay long. I got the check, paid it and left the bartender a hefty tip.
I followed her to her car to make sure she got in safely and held the door for her. Before she got in we stood there for a moment looking at each other. I didn't know what to do at that point. I was really taken by her good looks, but remembered that I was a married man. I think she wanted me to kiss her but, once again, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Part of me wanted to kiss her, though. She got into her car and waited for me to bring mine around so that I could follow her. As I got into my own car I figured that I had passed on something that likely wouldn't happen again.
She lived in a tasteful home, not too big, but definitely more home than a single woman needed. It was at the end of a winding street, semi-secluded from traffic and other homes by trees and other landscaping. She had a two-car garage and motioned for me to pull in and park next to her. As we entered her home through the garage, she closed the door.
My name is Frank Beddoes. I am a forty five year-old molecular engineer with a wife and three children. I worked for a medical research company in Raleigh, North Carolina ever since I graduated from college. I married my college sweetheart one year after graduating and in seven years we had our three children. For reasons I still cannot comprehend, my wife lost all interest in sex after the birth of our third child.
No amount of pleading and begging could convince her to have sex with me, and I resigned myself to being celibate for the rest of my life. I love my wife and would never consider divorce or cheating. That is, until one fateful summer two years ago.
A headhunter had contacted me about a job opportunity on the West coast, in the San Francisco area. The job sounded appealing, as it included not only a major raise in pay, but the opportunity to run an entire research division, something which I had no chance of doing at my present job. I agreed to go out and interview for the position, hoping that relocating might also improve things at home. My wife was supportive, even though she would not be able to join me right away should I get the job.
The interview was a success, and the company president wanted me to start as soon as possible. Since my family wouldn't be able to come out right away, they were willing to set me up with an apartment and a company car so that I wouldn't have to live in a hotel. Once my family was ready to join me, they would help with the relocation and assist us in searching for a home to purchase.
I had the support of my wife and children and it would be about two months before they would be prepared to make the move, so I ventured out on my own.
Work was challenging, but very rewarding. I was so immersed in work that I left little time to socialize with anyone. Finally, some of the other division heads took it upon themselves to get me out for some much needed fun. We went to dinner at a local restaurant and had a great time. A couple of us retired to the lounge after dinner for a couple of drinks. I approached the bar to place our order and I noticed a couple sitting there playing one of those video trivia games that are popular in many bars.
The man seemed pretty ordinary, but it was the woman who caught my eye. She was in her mid-forties, I would guess, just a tad plump around the middle, but with very large breasts and a most pleasant face. As I waited for our drinks, a question came up on their game which seemed to have stumped them both. It was "Which film was the first to sweep all five major Oscar categories?"
I knew the answer, It Happened One Night, and whispered it to the woman. When it showed that it was, indeed, the correct answer, she put her hand on my shoulder and thanked me. I smiled, collected our drinks and returned to my table. I didn't think anything more about my act of kindness.
After a couple rounds we were calling it an evening. As my friends were leaving, I stopped at the bar to leave a tip for the bartender. The woman was still there, but her date had apparently gone to the men's room. She asked me if I was from the area and I told her that I had recently relocated. She then put her hand on my arm and told me that she appreciated a man with a good mind.
I laughed and was prepared to leave, but she asked me if I was planning on stopping at the bar in the future. I was intrigued by her inquisitiveness, but told her that I might stop by to play trivia sometime. She asked me if I would be willing to swap business cards. I figured that it was innocent enough, so I pulled one out of my jacket pocket as she fumbled around in her purse.
When she retrieved a card she placed it in my hand and her fingers lingered on mine for a moment. Once the exchange was complete I thanked her and she smiled. "The pleasure was all mine," she replied, a sexy smile on her face. Her name was Lucy. According to her business card she was a high school administrator. I thought that it was an interesting position for an obviously interesting person, not that it mattered much. I left the bar, convinced that I would never see or hear from her ever again.
Work continued to be rewarding for me, and I contacted my wife several times to see how they were doing and wondering when they would be able to join me. Things were not moving along as well as she had hoped and she told me that it might take longer than we had planned, perhaps a couple more months. I wasn't happy to hear this, but there was nothing I could do about it. My boss was understanding, though, and told me that we could take all the time we needed.
I went about my business, putting in long hours at work and maintaining my apartment. One day I received a call on my cell phone from a number I didn't recognize. I answered it and was surprised at the voice on the other end. It was Lucy, the woman from the bar who was playing trivia. She had an interesting proposition for me. She wanted to know if I would be willing to meet her at the bar tomorrow night and play a game or two of trivia.
I told her that I was married, but she laughed and said that it wasn't a date or anything. She enjoyed trivia games and figured that I would be good competition for her. I didn't have anything going on the next day so I figured that it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun. I agreed to meet her at eight o'clock.
I still felt awkward agreeing to meet Lucy, but I told myself that it was an innocent evening with someone who happened to be a very attractive woman. By the time eight o'clock approached I was feeling better about the whole thing. When I got to the bar Lucy was seated at the bar, an empty chair next to her. She was even better looking than the first time I saw her.
She had shoulder-length light brown hair and her makeup was impeccable, right down to the deep red lipstick. What made me take notice was her outfit. She wore a stunning blue sweater which made her already large breasts seem even bigger and firmer. She had a floral skirt which was mid-calf in length with beautiful dark brown boots which were visible below the hem line. I was wearing a tan sport coat, no tie, grey slacks and loafers.
As I made it to the bar I held my hand out to shake her hand, but she surprised me by drawing close and giving me a light peck on the cheek, immediately taking a napkin to wipe the lipstick from my face.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking," she said. "I hope that was alright."
"Of course it's alright," I replied. "You look very nice tonight. I must warn you that I'm highly competitive when it comes to trivia games."
"That makes two of us," she said, laughing. "You look damn good yourself. What are you drinking tonight? I'm having white wine."
"Wine works for me, but I think I'll have a Cabernet. Got to keep that masculine thing going."
We shared small talk, inquiring about our jobs and backgrounds. I asked the bartender for two of the remotes needed to play the games.
"Frank, how do you feel about a small wager on the game?" she said. "We can bet the next drink if you like. It makes the games more competitive when there's something on the line, don't you think?"
"Sounds like a plan," I told her.
She won the first game. It was close, but she nosed me out at the end. "Good job, Lucy," I said. "Let me get those drinks."
Lucy had a mysterious look on her face and what she said was even more mysterious. "How about for this next game I choose something different for the winner? I'll write it down on a piece of paper and whoever wins gets to open it."
"Okay, but keep it simple, if you please."
Lucy took two post-it notes from her purse and wrote something on each one. She folded them both and put them into her purse.
Once again, she got the best of me. She reached into her purse and pulled out one of the notes, opening it as she did so. "It says that you have to follow me to my place so that I can try out my new cappuccino machine out on you." She showed me the note and, sure enough, that's what it said. As she showed it to me her hand lingered a bit on my arm and gently stroked it. I have to admit that I enjoyed her touch, but I couldn't summon the strength to look her in the eye.
I agreed, but told her that I couldn't stay long. I got the check, paid it and left the bartender a hefty tip.
I followed her to her car to make sure she got in safely and held the door for her. Before she got in we stood there for a moment looking at each other. I didn't know what to do at that point. I was really taken by her good looks, but remembered that I was a married man. I think she wanted me to kiss her but, once again, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Part of me wanted to kiss her, though. She got into her car and waited for me to bring mine around so that I could follow her. As I got into my own car I figured that I had passed on something that likely wouldn't happen again.
She lived in a tasteful home, not too big, but definitely more home than a single woman needed. It was at the end of a winding street, semi-secluded from traffic and other homes by trees and other landscaping. She had a two-car garage and motioned for me to pull in and park next to her. As we entered her home through the garage, she closed the door.

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I thought that was a bit odd, as I wasn't staying long.
She had a very nice place, tastefully decorated but not cluttered at all. I've found over the years that my single friends tend to keep things simple so as to make cleaning easier. It was the married friends who collected stuff and, as a result, lived in what I would call controlled chaos.
She had a small table in the kitchen and she told me to sit down while she got everything ready for her new machine. It looked very complicated, even for my engineering mind, but she seemed to know her way around it quite well. As she was getting the cups out and warming up the machine she had her back to me. I became fascinated with her ass for some reason and I was suddenly overcome with an urge to hold her. I cannot explain to this day why I felt as I did, but it seemed to consume all of my thoughts at the time. I was determined not to let this opportunity slip away like it did in the parking lot.
I rose from my chair and walked toward her. "Lucy, is there anything I can do to help? I feel like there must be something I can do."
"Actually, Frank," she said, still facing away from me. "There might be something you could do, but it doesn't have anything to do with coffee."
Her voice was sultry and seductive, and I saw it as an invitation. It was as if I was under some sort of spell and I couldn't control what I said or did. I stepped closer to her and, without thinking, put my arms around her and cupped her breasts from behind as I nuzzled her neck. I wasn't sure what her response would be, but I did it anyway. All rational thought was gone.
Lucy twitched just a little as I touched her and then she fell back against me, moaning loudly. She tilted her head back towards me and we kissed, softly at first and then with an almost hungry urgency. Our tongues found each other and the kiss deepened as she continued to moan. When we broke the kiss she turned around to face me. "Frank, I've wanted you to do that since I first met you. Thank God you finally took a chance."
I didn't say anything, just let my hands and mouth do the talking for me. My hands were all over her body as we continued kissing. She reached down and felt my rapidly hardening cock and gasped as she felt my length. I reached down and pulled up her skirt to feel her and I was surprised to find a smooth pussy in my hand. She was naked underneath that skirt!
"God, Frank, you feel so good. You're making me wet for you, honey! Let's move this to my bedroom."
I was in a sexual frenzy at that point, not even thinking about my family. I just knew that I had to have this woman. She took my hand and led me upstairs to her bedroom. Once we got there we resumed our groping and kissing. Her hands found my cock again and stroked it through the fabric of my slacks. She had a glazed look in her eyes and I think I knew what was going to happen next.
Her hands worked quickly, undoing my belt, unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down to my ankles. I was wearing boxers and she fell to her knees, pulling the boxers down and exposing my dick. She knelt there, seemingly admiring it as it stood before her in all its hardness. She took it in one of her hands and flicked her tongue across the head, removing a single droplet of pre-cum from the tip as she did so. "My God, Frank, your cock is magnificent," she gasped. "It's so big and thick. I must have you now."
With that, her mouth opened wide and she took me into her mouth, her tongue licking as she pulled me into her warm mouth. She immediately began to apply a strong suction as she blew me, her cheeks collapsing as she sucked even harder. Her tongue never stopped swirling around the head and shaft as she sucked. She was good, no doubt about it.
As she sucked my cock, I managed to get her sweater up over her head and off. After unhooking her bra I got a chance to see those wonderful boobs she was packing. While there was some understandable sag due to her age and the size of them, they were still quite stunning. Her nipples poked out quite a bit and I couldn't resist the urge to roll them around with my fingers. She obviously liked it, as her moans were like a vibrator on my cock.
By this point I wasn't even thinking anymore, just letting my feelings and desires take over my actions. One thing I didn't want to do was lose control and cum while she was giving me head. It would have been very easy to fill her mouth with my hot cum, but I wanted to fuck this woman.
With some protesting on her part, I managed to pull out of her mouth and bring her to her feet. As we shared yet another open-mouthed, passionate kiss, I worked her skirt down to her ankles, where she simply stepped out of it. I pushed her away from me, just enough so that my eyes could take in her beautiful body.
The look on her face as I admired her could only be described as wanton. She was in heat and there was only one thing which would satisfy her at this point. I pushed her back onto the bed and spread her legs so that I could taste her before I fucked her. She knew what was coming and used her hands to guide my mouth to her pussy, which was already shining from her wetness.
As my lips found her open cunt she threw her head back and dug her nails into my scalp, moving my head around so that I could eat her from all angles. Her hips thrust her pussy up against my face and she ground it into my lips, her moans bordering on out and out screaming.
"Right there, Frank," she cried out. "Eat me baby, just eat my cunt! You're driving me wild, honey, just, oh, just, oh, oh, oh!"
She was cumming the whole time I ate her, and her juices leaked out with each little orgasm she experienced. As I worked her into a frenzy I quickly pulled away and plunged my hard cock into her pussy, immediately pumping hard and deep inside her. She responded by wrapping her legs around the small of my back and pulled my lips to hers so that she could taste herself on my mouth.
Her breath came in short, halting gasps as she continued to cum, and she met every thrust of mine with her own. She was a sexual machine and she was taking me over the edge with her. I could feel my own orgasm building, knowing that it wouldn't be long before I filled her with my hot sticky seed.
"Lucy, you're so incredible," I moaned. "I'm gonna cum!"
She stopped kissing me long enough to speak. "In my mouth, baby, I want it in my mouth. Right now, baby, cum in my mouth. I want to taste your hot cum!" It was all she could do to get the words out, she was panting so hard.
I pulled my cock out of her cunt and I straddled her face. Almost immediately I began to spasm and twitch, my hot cum squirting out of my cock and into her eager, open mouth. She took my cock into her hands and milked the cum from me, swallowing as much as she could, but making a mess of her bed. Between the overflow of my cum and the juices which still ran onto her thighs, her bed was soaked and sticky.
After she cleaned most of the cum from my softening cock we lay there, completely drained. As we lay there in each other's arms, basking in the warm afterglow of our crazed coupling, I leaned over to her, kissed her lightly and spoke. "I thought you were going to make me a cappuccino."
She playfully slapped me across the face and pulled me closer for another deep, wet kiss. We lay there for a long time, just holding each other.
Finally, I broke the silence. "Lucy, I've never experienced anything like that before. I'd love to stay the night, but I have to get home and clean up for work."
"It's okay, darling," she said. I have to work as well. Promise me we'll get another opportunity to do this again. I loved being with you tonight."
"There was one thing that I forgot to ask you," I said. At the bar, you wrote two notes before that second trivia game. What was on that second note?"
"Do you really want to know?" she asked. I nodded. "It said "Anything you want."
We kissed one final time and then I got up to get dressed. Lucy lay there as if she couldn't possibly get up. "Don't get up," I said. "I'll let myself out." She reached for me again and I bent down for one more kiss. "I'll be in touch," she said. As I entered the garage to get in my car I realized that I wouldn't be able to close the garage door unless I made a mad dash after closing it.
Just as I turned to go back and tell Lucy, she appeared at the door, startling me. She stood there, still naked from our fucking, with a smile on her face. "I'll bet you didn't think about closing the garage door, did you? Don't worry, darling, I've got you covered."
She leaned over, put her arms around my neck and kissed me. As our tongues met, she took mine in her mouth and sucked on it. She sucked it as if she wasn't going to let it go. I almost got hard again right there and then. "Like I said Frank, I'll be in touch. I've simply got to have more of that cock of yours." She licked her lips as she finished saying that, and it took an enormous amount of will power for me to get in my car and leave.
Later, as I showered back in my apartment I began to wonder what I had gotten myself into. All I could think of was that woman in the movie Fatal Attraction. Was Lucy a psychotic, or was I just feeling guilty for cheating? The only thing I knew for certain was that I had to have her again. I may have fallen into the abyss, but it seemed more and more like I took that first step willingly. What was I becoming?
She had a very nice place, tastefully decorated but not cluttered at all. I've found over the years that my single friends tend to keep things simple so as to make cleaning easier. It was the married friends who collected stuff and, as a result, lived in what I would call controlled chaos.
She had a small table in the kitchen and she told me to sit down while she got everything ready for her new machine. It looked very complicated, even for my engineering mind, but she seemed to know her way around it quite well. As she was getting the cups out and warming up the machine she had her back to me. I became fascinated with her ass for some reason and I was suddenly overcome with an urge to hold her. I cannot explain to this day why I felt as I did, but it seemed to consume all of my thoughts at the time. I was determined not to let this opportunity slip away like it did in the parking lot.
I rose from my chair and walked toward her. "Lucy, is there anything I can do to help? I feel like there must be something I can do."
"Actually, Frank," she said, still facing away from me. "There might be something you could do, but it doesn't have anything to do with coffee."
Her voice was sultry and seductive, and I saw it as an invitation. It was as if I was under some sort of spell and I couldn't control what I said or did. I stepped closer to her and, without thinking, put my arms around her and cupped her breasts from behind as I nuzzled her neck. I wasn't sure what her response would be, but I did it anyway. All rational thought was gone.
Lucy twitched just a little as I touched her and then she fell back against me, moaning loudly. She tilted her head back towards me and we kissed, softly at first and then with an almost hungry urgency. Our tongues found each other and the kiss deepened as she continued to moan. When we broke the kiss she turned around to face me. "Frank, I've wanted you to do that since I first met you. Thank God you finally took a chance."
I didn't say anything, just let my hands and mouth do the talking for me. My hands were all over her body as we continued kissing. She reached down and felt my rapidly hardening cock and gasped as she felt my length. I reached down and pulled up her skirt to feel her and I was surprised to find a smooth pussy in my hand. She was naked underneath that skirt!
"God, Frank, you feel so good. You're making me wet for you, honey! Let's move this to my bedroom."
I was in a sexual frenzy at that point, not even thinking about my family. I just knew that I had to have this woman. She took my hand and led me upstairs to her bedroom. Once we got there we resumed our groping and kissing. Her hands found my cock again and stroked it through the fabric of my slacks. She had a glazed look in her eyes and I think I knew what was going to happen next.
Her hands worked quickly, undoing my belt, unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down to my ankles. I was wearing boxers and she fell to her knees, pulling the boxers down and exposing my dick. She knelt there, seemingly admiring it as it stood before her in all its hardness. She took it in one of her hands and flicked her tongue across the head, removing a single droplet of pre-cum from the tip as she did so. "My God, Frank, your cock is magnificent," she gasped. "It's so big and thick. I must have you now."
With that, her mouth opened wide and she took me into her mouth, her tongue licking as she pulled me into her warm mouth. She immediately began to apply a strong suction as she blew me, her cheeks collapsing as she sucked even harder. Her tongue never stopped swirling around the head and shaft as she sucked. She was good, no doubt about it.
As she sucked my cock, I managed to get her sweater up over her head and off. After unhooking her bra I got a chance to see those wonderful boobs she was packing. While there was some understandable sag due to her age and the size of them, they were still quite stunning. Her nipples poked out quite a bit and I couldn't resist the urge to roll them around with my fingers. She obviously liked it, as her moans were like a vibrator on my cock.
By this point I wasn't even thinking anymore, just letting my feelings and desires take over my actions. One thing I didn't want to do was lose control and cum while she was giving me head. It would have been very easy to fill her mouth with my hot cum, but I wanted to fuck this woman.
With some protesting on her part, I managed to pull out of her mouth and bring her to her feet. As we shared yet another open-mouthed, passionate kiss, I worked her skirt down to her ankles, where she simply stepped out of it. I pushed her away from me, just enough so that my eyes could take in her beautiful body.
The look on her face as I admired her could only be described as wanton. She was in heat and there was only one thing which would satisfy her at this point. I pushed her back onto the bed and spread her legs so that I could taste her before I fucked her. She knew what was coming and used her hands to guide my mouth to her pussy, which was already shining from her wetness.
As my lips found her open cunt she threw her head back and dug her nails into my scalp, moving my head around so that I could eat her from all angles. Her hips thrust her pussy up against my face and she ground it into my lips, her moans bordering on out and out screaming.
"Right there, Frank," she cried out. "Eat me baby, just eat my cunt! You're driving me wild, honey, just, oh, just, oh, oh, oh!"
She was cumming the whole time I ate her, and her juices leaked out with each little orgasm she experienced. As I worked her into a frenzy I quickly pulled away and plunged my hard cock into her pussy, immediately pumping hard and deep inside her. She responded by wrapping her legs around the small of my back and pulled my lips to hers so that she could taste herself on my mouth.
Her breath came in short, halting gasps as she continued to cum, and she met every thrust of mine with her own. She was a sexual machine and she was taking me over the edge with her. I could feel my own orgasm building, knowing that it wouldn't be long before I filled her with my hot sticky seed.
"Lucy, you're so incredible," I moaned. "I'm gonna cum!"
She stopped kissing me long enough to speak. "In my mouth, baby, I want it in my mouth. Right now, baby, cum in my mouth. I want to taste your hot cum!" It was all she could do to get the words out, she was panting so hard.
I pulled my cock out of her cunt and I straddled her face. Almost immediately I began to spasm and twitch, my hot cum squirting out of my cock and into her eager, open mouth. She took my cock into her hands and milked the cum from me, swallowing as much as she could, but making a mess of her bed. Between the overflow of my cum and the juices which still ran onto her thighs, her bed was soaked and sticky.
After she cleaned most of the cum from my softening cock we lay there, completely drained. As we lay there in each other's arms, basking in the warm afterglow of our crazed coupling, I leaned over to her, kissed her lightly and spoke. "I thought you were going to make me a cappuccino."
She playfully slapped me across the face and pulled me closer for another deep, wet kiss. We lay there for a long time, just holding each other.
Finally, I broke the silence. "Lucy, I've never experienced anything like that before. I'd love to stay the night, but I have to get home and clean up for work."
"It's okay, darling," she said. I have to work as well. Promise me we'll get another opportunity to do this again. I loved being with you tonight."
"There was one thing that I forgot to ask you," I said. At the bar, you wrote two notes before that second trivia game. What was on that second note?"
"Do you really want to know?" she asked. I nodded. "It said "Anything you want."
We kissed one final time and then I got up to get dressed. Lucy lay there as if she couldn't possibly get up. "Don't get up," I said. "I'll let myself out." She reached for me again and I bent down for one more kiss. "I'll be in touch," she said. As I entered the garage to get in my car I realized that I wouldn't be able to close the garage door unless I made a mad dash after closing it.
Just as I turned to go back and tell Lucy, she appeared at the door, startling me. She stood there, still naked from our fucking, with a smile on her face. "I'll bet you didn't think about closing the garage door, did you? Don't worry, darling, I've got you covered."
She leaned over, put her arms around my neck and kissed me. As our tongues met, she took mine in her mouth and sucked on it. She sucked it as if she wasn't going to let it go. I almost got hard again right there and then. "Like I said Frank, I'll be in touch. I've simply got to have more of that cock of yours." She licked her lips as she finished saying that, and it took an enormous amount of will power for me to get in my car and leave.
Later, as I showered back in my apartment I began to wonder what I had gotten myself into. All I could think of was that woman in the movie Fatal Attraction. Was Lucy a psychotic, or was I just feeling guilty for cheating? The only thing I knew for certain was that I had to have her again. I may have fallen into the abyss, but it seemed more and more like I took that first step willingly. What was I becoming?