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Dangerous Eyes

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They say the eyes are the windows to our souls and if that’s the case he could see straight into the very depths of mine. I was rooted to the spot; unable to stop what I knew shouldn’t be happening, all because I didn’t want it to stop. The dark blue of his irises were barely visible as his pupils grew to capture enough light in the dimly lit bar. I don’t think I’ve ever been caught in such an intense, lustful stare in all my thirty years.

Not a word passed between us. Time fooled us into thinking the seconds had been longer. How was I able to be so brazen and hold it? I don’t know, but it must have been something in his eyes that captured me and rendered me useless to fight the urges I knew I shouldn’t be having.

How had I even got myself into that situation? I don’t know. Well, actually that’s a lie. It had started when he approached me. I’d been taking a deep drag on my cigarette, while I stood outside in the cool night air. The music from inside the pub was spilling out from the darkness through the open doors. I moved slightly to the beat.

“I bet your boyfriend‘s good looking, isn’t he?”

It took me a second to register the guy standing next to me was talking to me. In my inebriated state it took my brain even longer to form a response.

“Yeah, he is. He’s alright.” Why did I add that last bit?

He turned away and held his heart like he had just been shot, before he looked at me. It was the first time I locked eyes with him. He said, “Aww, that means you’re not single, but then I’m not surprised with a gorgeous girl like you. You have the most beautiful eyes and gorgeous figure.”

I was a little taken back by his forwardness, but exceptionally flattered. My hands went to my long wavy hair to pull it off my neck, so I could feel the breeze of the night air. He turned away again. “Oh god, don’t do that. I’ve got a thing for women that play with their hair and that’s too much.” His voiced was pained.

I giggled at his reaction, but was distracted by the drunken tramp that had started singing a song to one of my sisters, who also stood outside smoking. There was a pang of disappointment when my mystery admirer went back inside. I finished my smoke, whilst feeling amused by the tramp and his drunken attempt to perform a card trick.

My sister and I eventually made our way back into the heat of the public house. I smiled when I walked past my catch. He was leaning against the table near the doorway drinking his pint. I made my way back to the rest of my sisters at our table across the small dance floor. I could feel his eyes on my body.

I immediately gushed to my older sibling, “I’ve just been hit on by someone outside.”

“Was it him?” she questioned, pointing towards the door and my handsome stranger.

I was embarrassed by her blatant pointing and obvious indiscretion about what we were talking about. I just nodded my head and turned my back to him, so I didn’t have to see his reaction.

“That doesn’t shock me. He followed you straight outside the second you walked past him. Bloody obvious what his intention were. Then when he came back in he was craning his neck around the door to see you while you stood outside.”

Lucky for me the heat of the room had everyone’s cheeks flushed, which hid that the revelation had lifted my esteem sky high. That information and the continuing stream of alcohol fuelled my desire to flirt. I put down my drink and turned to dance some more on the quiet dance floor.

Checking from the corner of my eye to make sure he was watching I swayed my hips and played with my hair. I wasn’t being obvious, or at least I hope not as I was making a conscious effort to try and act aloof to his attentions. I picked up my drink from the table and made a show of catching the straw with my tongue, before taking a sip of the refreshing booze.

I was enjoying myself. It was harmless enough. My man may have been at home, but I wasn’t in my city and I’d never see my stranger again, so why not have a bit of fun and enjoy his lustful roaming looks in my direction. My enjoyment was short lived though, as my older sister walked over and started talking to him.

Fuck! What’s she saying to him? Oh god, maybe she’s warning him off and he’ll leave. But she wasn’t warning him off; as I got closer I heard her trying to coax him over to our side of the room. She picked up his half drank pint. “Come on, Simon. Come dance with us.”

“No honestly, I’m fine over here. I don’t dance.”

“If you don’t come and dance I’ll neck your drink.” My sister threatened him, holding the pint glass to her lips to empathize her point. I saw Simon’s expression turn to one of doubtful disbelief, but I know my sister and she has never been the type to say something without meaning it. He didn’t budge, so she downed his half drank pint in one.

With that she turned and walked back over to our table, leaving a stunned Simon and me standing, not quite sure what to say to him. “Sorry about that,” was all I could muster up. “I hope she didn’t hassle you too much?”

He smiled and my heart did a little flutter. He caught my eyes and a shared look of attraction passed between us. I should have walked away. I know that now, but at the time I was taken by the moment.

“No, she didn’t hassle me too much. She was telling me that I should be a little less obvious and how I followed you out the door like a little puppy. It seems I’ve been caught.” I smiled and looked shyly down at my feet. “It does seem as though I need to get another drink,” he picked his empty glass up from the table and laughed. “Can I get you one?”

“Yes, please.” The words came out, but inside a ball of guilt formed from letting him buy me a drink when my sister had stolen half of his. I just didn’t want to leave his company. I don’t remember walking over to the bar with him; my head slightly fuzzy from the drink, but mostly down to the unexpected turn of events.

I leaned over the bar next to him and our hips brushed each other’s. There was a moment of stillness when we both registered the contact, before I moved away. “What you having?” he asked, turning and looking at me with those deep blue eyes again.

“Vodka and coke, please,” I said, with a cheeky grin on my face.

“What will your sister have?” he asked. I turned and looked at our table around the large brick pillar that was between the bar and my families table. She had half a glass left and I felt bad enough that she’d down his drink.

“No, it’s okay. She can share mine. She’s already had a drink off you.”

“You sure?” he asked, as he got the money out his wallet to pay for the drinks. “I’m not tight.”

“No really, it’s okay, but thanks.”

The bar women was getting his change. I bent forward over the bar to take the straw in my mouth and take a sip of the drink he’d bought me. I turned my head and realized that from his leant position over the bar, our faces were next to each other’s. I bit my lip.

“Fuck! You’re so gorgeous. Those eyes!” he inveigled.

I was ensnared in that moment. Our eyes locked in a powerfully intense gaze. I had no control over the excitement and naughtiness that was lay bare in my expression. He broke away first declaring, “I can’t take anymore. Those eyes!” but like an addict I found his blues looking back deep into my hazel’s in a trice.

Suddenly, as he held my stare in an ardent, lustful connection I panicked. Shit! What am I doing? I don’t know what to say. I’m getting myself into something I really shouldn’t here. I still didn’t look away.

“You’re a naughty girl aren’t you? I can see it in those eyes. Your eyes are dangerous.” There was nothing but unfaltering lust in his tone.

I couldn’t deny it, but the slight flickering and dilation of my pupils must have given me away, as his lascivious expression escalated. He didn’t have to say anything. I hadn’t been saying anything; some things are just clear without words. It’s a feeling you share, it’s a connection made. He could see me. He could see past the mask.

It was the first time someone in real life had called me out and I was seduced. I watched the joyous movements of his face when he slid his hand across my waist and over my hips, taking in my curves and womanly shape. “Oh fuck! Your body! It’s fucking beautiful.” His hand continued to explore, never straying anywhere to inappropriate, but still exceptionally intimate.

He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around my waist. I couldn’t resist what was fast becoming a drug to me, so I peered back into his intense gaze. We shared our desire through an exchange of deep penetrating stares. “Seriously girl, your eyes are just the sexiest thing ever.” I licked my lips without thinking. He moaned slightly when his eyes followed my tongue. “God! Your lips as well! Give me a kiss.”

“No! I can’t. I’m a good girl and I don’t do things like that. I’ve got a man. We’ve been together nearly ten years.” Who am I trying to convince?

“You don’t mind me touching you though, do you?” As if to prove his point, he looked down at his hand that was rested on my waist, before sweeping it across my hips and onto my backside. I couldn’t deny it. It felt so good to have his hands on me in those places. I felt so good being treated like that. I didn’t want it to stop.

Even though my eyes and my mind betrayed me, my body pulled away. My conscience was pulling at me to do the right thing. “My family are over there.” I turned and checked on them. They were all dancing and having a good time. None of them paying any attention to what I was up to at the bar.

He pulled me into him again. I didn’t pull away, but enjoyed the feel of his denim clad thighs pressing into my body. The thin material of the summer dress offered little restriction. My hand came to his chest. My palm rested on him, putting a barrier between us, but in the process I felt the heat and firmness of his body under his thin sweatshirt. As I pushed myself away my hand skimmed down his torso and I took pleasure in the feel of his body under my flirty touch. That didn’t correspond with my spouting a very feeble, “No.”

“I just want one kiss to say thank you for the drink.”

I don’t know if he could read me so well that he knew that that would pull at my subservient nature, or if he was chancing it, but I struggled with his logical explanation and command to have me do something. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him so much. I hadn’t been kissed properly in years, what with my boyfriend not being the sort for passionate kissing. My salacious devil and moral angel took up battle inside me. Blow by blow they fought it out. “I have a good man at home.” My eyes burned into his with a libidinous look, totally deifying the words that passed my lips. “My family will see.”

“Come outside with me.” Fuck! What is he doing to me? I considered it.

“No. I can’t. You’re going to get me into trouble and I can’t do it.”

“You want to though don’t you?” Again, we shared the same unbreakable eye contact. He could read it in my eyes that my answer was. Yes!

“I need to get back to my family. It’s a girl’s night out.” I went to pick up my drink, but he caught my hand before it reached its destination.

“Just one small kiss. That’s all it is.”

“It’s not though is it,” I said with a knowing look on my face.

“What about a kiss here then,” he pointed to his cheek. I agonised with what to do for a moment. It can’t be unacceptable to give him a small peek on the cheek, can it?

He answered the question for me, by bringing his lips to my cheek. The sensation of his warm, soft lips against my skin mesmerized me for an instant, but I knew his next move would be to go in for a second on the lips, so I pulled back. I had a knowing grin on my lips and a small amused shake of the head. Sharing another look which explained I knew exactly what he was up to, I gave him a small peek on the cheek. With the feel of his soft bristles against my lips, I hesitated before pulling away. I’m so close. I could just kiss him and… No!

“Thank you for the drink, Simon. I think it’s time I went back to my family.”

I reluctantly went back to my table, although I was glad of the small breather to focus myself and shake some of the lustful haze that had overcome my mind. I practically downed my drink and decided the best way to distract myself was by dancing.

I had just relaxed back into dancing and laughing with my family, but part of me was still drawn to wanting to spend time with Simon. I knew what I was doing when I pulled my sister outside for another smoke. We made our way to the empty bench across the street, opposite the pub.

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We shared laughs and drunkenly exclaimed how fun the weekend away had been.

My plan had worked perfectly, because moments later Simon stepped out of the door and lit a smoke. Even though my back was slightly angled towards him, I could feel his eyes in my direction. I glanced over my shoulder making split second of eye contact with him, before turning back to talk to my sister, who was stubbing out her cigarette.

I heard him speak first, “Mind if I join you ladies?” That was closely followed by the feel of him right next to me on the large bench that would easily accommodate six people.

“I’ve actually just finished my fag,” my sister announced.

“You can go back inside if you like. I’ve still got some of mine to smoke, so I can keep Simon company,” I said, happy that I’d managed to keep any lustful double meaning from my tone.

There was a mix of excited anticipation and anxious nervousness that swept over me when my sister stood up to go back inside. What had I orchestrated? I was alone, away from family eyes, with a man that I knew had less than honourable intentions.

He pulled me closer to him, so I was almost sat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and it was nice to feel the heat of his body against mine. One of his hands roamed across my stomach and over my thighs, covering every inch in a needy exploration. Why aren’t you pulling away? My hand repeated my earlier defence mechanism and went to his chest, but in our solitude away from prying eyes it soon became less of a, ‘stop!’ and more of my own exploration.

His chest was so firm under my touch. My mind was undressing him and picturing him without his clothes, just as his must’ve been mine. His arm that had been snaked around my back rose, so that his strong hand could lace their fingers around my hair at the base of my skull. Fuck! This is happening. It’s going to happen.

If my breath had not been held I’m sure a moan would have escaped my parted lips. With my head held steady, our eyes locked into that powerful connection. I wanted to give in. I wanted to forget about everything and just go with the moment. I needed to let go and take that leap. Kiss him.

I stayed looking into his eyes for as long as I could, scared that if I broke from his gaze that the spell would break. My head moved ever closer, so that my forehead rested against his. There was stillness in time. His lips were tantalizingly close to mine. I could feel his breath brush my cheek. We both knew there was no turning back from the kiss. His lips touched mine, or maybe mine touched his, I don’t know, but I know what it did to me.

How to even begin to try and describe something so powerful? It’s like his lips were the key that unlocked something that had been trapped inside me, something that had been buried so tight and so deep that when the pressure was released it just came pouring out like a tsunami, flattening everything in its path and leaving only a primal, raw passion that needed to consume.

They were hungry, deep and passionate kisses. Tongues battled, until we had to break for air. The look in my dangerous eyes was at a new level. There was a salacious darkness to my features. I’m sure he’d glimpsed flashes of it, but faced with the full view of what he’d created within me shocked and delighted him.

He practically carried me from our position on the bench, around the corner and into the more secluded alleys behind the bar. I might’ve faltered had he not kissed me again. Fucking Christ! It feels so good to be kissed like this again. My body was on fire, every nerve ending sparking the electrifying feeling of being totally alive. I pushed him back so he was leaning against the brick wall of the building.

Panting, I broke our kiss. With a dirty grin, I shared through my eyes just how much I was enjoying myself. With an even dirtier smirk, my hands went to the button on top of his jeans. With one hand racking across his abdomen, scratching my nails across his solid stomach, my other made light work of undoing his button and lowering his fly.

When I delved my hand into his boxers, I’d had no real indication up until that point of what he was packing, but I wasn’t disappointed when the hot sensation of his rock hard cock was encircled in the palm of my hand. That momentary astonishment of how something can feel so soft, yet also hard at the same time never got old, no matter how many times it happened. I uncontrollably moaned my delight; pulling the skin of his uncircumcised prick down to reveal its pre-cum coated, lip lickable, bulbous head.

Pulling his jeans and boxers down on my decent to a crouching position, my face must’ve been a picture of delight when his mass of sturdy, pleasure giving meat sprang free from the confines of his clothes. Tearing my eyes away, I looked up to see his impassioned face looking down at me.

“Yeah that’s it. Look at me with those fucking sexy eyes while you lick my hard cock.”

I didn’t take my eyes off his. My tongue came forth from out of its watery home. His well-groomed ball sack was the first to receive attention from my earnest oral assaults. His masculine salty tang only fuelled my desire. I licked my way up the entire length of his shaft and vocalised the enthusiasm for my task when his silky, oozing seed passed my lips and filled my mouth.

“I fucking knew you’d be a real dirty bitch. Look at you! You fucking love it, don’t you?!”

He grabbed a handful of my hair and thrust his dick into my open mouth, filling me and making my eyes widen with the sudden unexpected loss of control. I probably should have had some doubt, or guilt about what I was doing, but I couldn’t register those emotions when I looked up and saw the power of his pleasure. I wanted to please him and seeing that I was doing so, only drenched my panties quicker. My hands held his waist to hold me steady, as I took him deeper, resisting the urge to gag when he helped things along by pushing into my throat and holding me there.

I fought the moment of panic when my body registered the fact that I couldn’t breathe. I’d done this before and I knew if I just calmed myself I could do it. I could no longer look into his eyes with my face pressed tight against him with the light tickle of his hair against my face.

I swallowed around his shaft, gripping him tight and causing him to growl out his satisfaction. He relented and pulled my head off his dripping cock, leaving only the thread of glistening saliva connecting from my chin to his dick. I was hungry for more, so I plunged back down taking him fully into my mouth and sucking him hard, before beginning the steady pace of bobbing up and down on his rigid cock.

“Look at that gorgeous fucking sight. I knew you’d look fucking sexy with your face filled with my cock, but fuck me I’ve never seen such a sexy sight! That’s it, fucking suck it, just like that.”

He struggled to keep his eyes open, as his hips thrust in time with my head working back and forth. I was expecting him to fill my mouth with his cum. I wanted him to fill my mouth with his cum, but before he got too close to reaching his climax he stopped. Grabbing my arm he pulled me up, so I was standing, my body pulled tight to his.

He whispered in my ear, “You enjoy doing that don’t you. I love a girl that really gets off on sucking my cock. I bet you’d swallowed my cum, wouldn’t you? But I want to fill you somewhere else.”

My body tensed and he must’ve felt my reluctance before he saw it in my eyes. It may seem silly, but somehow I could handle the guilt of me sucking his cock and giving him pleasure. It was still cheating, I know, but it somehow that felt okay in my mixed up head.

If he hadn’t waited and given me the option to say no, then perhaps it would have made it easier to walk away or even just to convince him to let me finish what I’d started by sucking his cock. He didn’t push though; he waited and just looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes, waiting for me to give my answer.

I knew it was wrong and I knew I’d probably pay for it later, but I didn’t want it to stop. I wanted to feel him inside me. I needed to feel a release from the built up pressure of unbridled lust that had been building from the second I first laid eyes on him.

There would’ve been regret with whichever option I took and with the fire already raging the devil gave its final blow, knocking the good out of the game, making me give completely over to the temptation of my desire. I kissed him.

It was the only response he needed. Turning me, so my back was now against the wall, he pulled my dress to reveal my sodden lace panties. His fingers must have felt my heat, even before they made contact with my flesh. He made quick work of pulling the material to the side and sliding his fingers across my dripping folds.

“Fuck girl, you really are enjoying this. You naughty fucking bitch.”

I cried in pleasure when his fingers pushed into my tight, soaked cunt. “Oh fuck!! Simon, please! I need you to fuck me. Oh god, I fucking need it so bad.”

He laughed at my fevered pleas, but gave me what I wished by hoisting my leg up and holding it around his waist. He lined himself up at my entrance, but before he pushed into my depths, he looked at me with another intense stare.

I tried my hardest to keep my eyes locked onto his when he pushed inside me for the first time. Even with my eyes open I was momentarily blinded by the intense pleasure that coursed through me. I felt so gloriously full and complete.

If there’s such a place as heaven, then that would be the feeling I’d want to feel forever.

It soon became clear that it would be a struggle for him to maintain a steady space in that position, so he carried me to a nearby fire escape stairwell. The metal was cold on my behind, but I soon forgot about that when he pulled down the front of my dress, freeing my breast from my bra and sucking on my hardened nipple.

My pitch heightened, as I moaned out my pleasure when he plunged his cock back inside me. “Oh Fuck, yeah! That feels so fucking good.”

He never once broke that intense connection, our eyes locked together, reading everything, knowing just how good it felt for each other. There was no holding back, no other emotion stood in the way. There was only the pure primal lust that consumed both of us in that moment. Nothing else in the universe existed apart from the feel of him ploughing into my depths.

I couldn’t hold back. It hit me without warning; my crescendo had reached its peak without notice. My body shook with the indescribable power of my orgasm. My walls clamped hard around his shaft, almost bringing his thrusting to a halt.

Seeing me totally give myself over to the amazing sensation caused by his actions must’ve been too much for him to take. With two more thrusts he was filling me with his cum. His twitches were so powerful that even through my continuing orgasm I could feel each spurt.

With both our bodies spent and drained, he rested his forehead against mine and caught his breath. With my orgasmic haze fading slowly the feeling came back to my body and the hard metal of the stairs dug into my back. It soon became too much. “Erm, in a bit of discomfort here.”

“Oh shit, sorry.” He took his weight off me and I felt the pang of disappointment when his softening cock slipped out from within me. After adjusting our clothing and both covering ourselves back up, he sat next to me on the fire escape. Pulling a crumpled packet of cigarettes from his pocket, he lit one up and passed it to me. “You alright?” he asked, showing concern.

I turned and looked him in the eyes again, for the hundredth time that night, I wondered if I would ever get enough of sharing that contact with him. He could see in my eyes, I’m sure, but I answered him anyway, “Yes. Yes I’m alright.”

I took another drag on the fag, before passing it back to him. He stood and offered me a hand. I got to my feet, giggling as my legs felt a little unsteady. Putting his arm around my waist he walked me back around to the front of the bar. We stood at the doorway, knowing that when I went back inside I would have to go back to my family. He kissed me softly on the lips. “Why don’t you give me your number? Perhaps next time you come to visit, you could come on your own?”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” I was faltering trying to decide what to do when my sister came out the door.

“There you are. We was wondering where you’d got to. We’ve got another round of drinks in. Come on.”

“You coming?” I asked Simon.

“Nah, I best leave you to your girl’s night out.”

The sudden thought of never seeing him again, or never being able to get in contact again was over powering and gutting.

“I’ll be back inside in a second,” I said to my sister. Thankfully she went back inside. I turned to Simon. “I’ll give you my number, but it’s not a promise.”

He pulled his phone out from his pocket and typed something before handing the phone over to me to enter my number. I took the phone and smiled when I saw that he had added me under the name, Dangerous eyes. I added my number and handed back the phone.

“Call me.”

He pointed to his cheek for a kiss. I smiled and kissed him on the lips.

“Goodnight, Simon. Thank you for an evening I’ll never forget.”

Written by Jayne33
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