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Behind The Mask - Final

"Things are not always how they seem. Love may win out or maybe not!"

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Author's Notes

"Here is the Final Chapter. We hope you like it. Comment and let us know. Read, Share and ENJOY."

Things were good at home, like nothing had ever happened. Andrew fucked me like an animal one night and made love to me the next, or he may fuck me over the kitchen counter when he walks in from work, then make love to me later at bedtime. Every night was wonderful, and I usually preceded it all by giving him an incredible blow job before dinner.

It was routine now, and we were one of the most sexually satisfied people in the world. I could never imagine our sex life would be this good after nine years.

We started talking about making babies and wanted to start right after the new year.

The Holidays were coming up in a few weeks, and I had been out shopping for a few special presents for Andrew and us. Andrew has two weeks off over the holidays, so we were going to take a trip. It was a warm place too, but I was not sure where; it was a surprise.

We decorated the house a week ago, so it looked festive.

Life was good.


I met with Alex on Wednesday afternoon, and he gave me a full rundown on Terrance's latest conquest. He had video and text messages. I hated that Todd had been sucked into this mess, but he had to know, and we needed to bury Terrance together.

I had all I needed from Alex, so I paid him, and we said goodbye.

Thursday, 3:30 pm came, and I was waiting in Todd's office. His assistant called me, and I went in. Todd was a nice-looking man, a little over six feet and built, mid-thirties, and looked rather dapper.

We shook hands, and he asked. "So, Andrew, what can I do for you today?"

I looked at Todd laying the folder on the table. My emotions were intact as I spoke.

"Well, Todd, may I call you that?"

"Yes, please."

"I am here on a mission to save your marriage from disaster. I know that sounds odd and alarming, but I am serious about what I have said. Your marriage is about to explode, but there is time to save it and bury the person responsible."

"I don't understand. Do we know each other?"

"No, so let me explain."

For the next thirty minutes, I explained my story and how that wove into his story. Once I was done and we discussed some questions, he sat shocked at what I had told him. I could see the hurt he was feeling and his anger rising.

"Todd, I know how you feel; you want to kill someone. You can't understand how your wife could do this. You must understand it is not her fault. Sure, she participated, but this man is a predator, and he seduces the women in a way they feel no guilt. I know this because I have been through it with Sara Anne."

You can punish Diane, divorce her, or do whatever you want, but first, we need to neuter the animal that is doing this to these women and their families. I have a plan, but I need you to participate with me to pull it off. If we do this right, we will be well compensated and destroy him. Then we can deal with our cheating spouses in any way we choose."   

"So, what is your plan, and is it legal?" Todd asked, concerned as an attorney.

"Todd, it is quite simple. The company Christmas party is coming up Saturday night. You and Diane will invite Sara Anne and me to attend with you. That will not go over well, but who cares. As soon as we get there, you will find Martin Slade, the CEO, and Mary Henson, the HR Director. The girls will go with me to the Board Room where we will meet, and you will bring them and Terrance to the room away from everyone else."

"You know that when you approach them, they will want to know what this is about. As an attorney, you can tell them enough about what will happen so they will willingly come to the room."

"Once in the room, everyone will sit at the table, and your process server will serve each one, giving them a yellow envelope. The two envelopes for Diane and Sara Anne will be dummy divorce papers and will scare the hell out of them."

"The papers in the CEO and HR Director's envelope are lawsuits against the company and Terrance for sexual harassment and breach of the morals clause in Terrance's contract. One lawsuit for each of us for $5,000,000 each." 

"In Terrance's envelope is the same lawsuit from each of us with an additional lawsuit for Alienation of Affection. We are suing him personally for $3,000,000 each."   

"We will have all the envelopes opened simultaneously while we stand back and watch all hell break loose."

"Once things settle, and the pleading and anger calm down, we will step in and make sense of all of this. We will tell the ladies we will deal with them later. Then we get serious with the remaining three. We will show them the evidence and explain we want Terrance fired NOW. If that happens, we will keep this mess out of the press. We are also willing to negotiate a more reasonable settlement with the company or each of us."

"Also, Diane will retain her job if she desires to, and Sara Anne would be rehired if she desires to return to work."

"They have forty-eight hours to decide, or the suits will be filed, and we will notify the press."

"Terrance’s lawsuits have already been filed, and this is his legal serving. There is no negotiating with Terrance."

"Wow, Andrew, you have worked this all out. Do you think they will accept it?"

"You're the lawyer; what do you think?"

"They have no choice. How much are you willing to come off the $5 million?"

"Half, not a penny more."

"And for Terrance?"

"Not a fucking cent. Terrance is rich, a trust fund baby, with over $30 million in assets, so not a fucking cent!"  

"We will drag that asshole through court and defame him as much as we can. If I could make that happen, he would never work in the city again or anywhere else."

"So, Todd, I need you to go home tonight and act normal. Nothing has changed, and make love to your wife like normal, no anger or crazy sex, just what you normally do. She cannot expect that you know anything. Can you do that, Todd?"

"Yes, I can do that. I am a lawyer with nerves of steel. I love my wife regardless of what that asshole has done to her."

"OK, then we are set. Take an Uber Saturday night and meet us at the party's hotel. I will set up the other room, and you put the paperwork together and have your server there."

"OK, we are set then. See you Saturday, and the fun will begin."

Todd and I shook hands, and I left.

The Hilton hotel where the party is being held has a five-star restaurant, so when I got home, and we sat down for dinner, I told Sara Anne. "I think we should go out on a date night, Saturday night. I made a reservation at Blackmond's, the restaurant at the Hilton Hotel. Then we can go dancing at a club downtown; how does that sound."

"Oh, Andrew, that will be fun. Just the two of us, so romantic!"   

That night Sara Anne was all over me. I let her take control, and she fucked me so well. We fell asleep in each other's arms, exhausted and totally satisfied.


I was excited. Things between Andrew and me have been wonderful. He even planned a date night for Saturday night. He set up a spa day for me on Friday for ‘The Works.’ The one new thing was he wanted me to be waxed smooth. I had never done that, but I was game.

Thursday, we made love nice and slow. It was sweet and loving and made me realize Terrance had nothing on Andrew, and he was simply different, nothing else. How stupid I was.

Friday, I went to the spa, and it was incredible. Facial, Massage, Salt Rub, Mani-Pedi, then my first waxing. It was an experience. It hurt so well, and the technician's hands of gold made me feel amazing. She had me edging s close to cumming. I almost let it happen, but she stopped too soon, and I had to take care of myself in the sauna.

That night Andrew made love to my bare pussy. He ate me, fingered me, then fucked me. I was very randy, so a good fucking was what I needed and what Andrew gave me. I came several times, then sucked his cock until he gave me his gift. I swallowed it all, kissed Andrew, and we spooned and fell asleep.  

Saturday was a day of chores, grocery shopping, and getting ready for our Date Night.

Andrew went out for a while. When he came back, he had a haircut and got a massage. He looked so hot, I wanted him right then, but I had to wait till later.

I soaked in the tub and did my makeup. My hair is short, so it is easy to fix, just like Andrew likes it.

As I walked into the bedroom to get my clothes out, I saw a beautiful set of sexy lingerie and seamed stockings lying on the bed. A dress bag and a box of new shoes were hanging over the door. Andrew had been shopping for me. I love it when he surprises me like that. I love him so much.

I slipped on the tiny thong and shelf bra. My long nipples fit right in the slots, and the cups dipped low. I rolled the stockings up my sleek legs and hooked them to the holdups. I looked so hot. I took out the dress, a dark blue silk number. It was a mini and very short, only a couple of inches below my bottom. I slipped it over my head pulling it down and saw it dipped low in the front showing my full cleavage.

My God, I was hot. If I were a man, I would fuck me.


Sara Anne looked incredible, I wanted to strip her right then and spend the night making love to her, but that couldn't happen. There was another agenda for tonight.

The Uber arrived and ferried us to the Hilton hotel. The ride was fun, as Sara Anne was so cuddly and kissy. I loved it, and she made it hard for me to do what was coming soon.

We arrived, and I saw Todd and Diane waiting as we walked into the lobby. The company party had been going on for about an hour. The timing was important; they needed to be eating when Todd went to get all the players in our little skit.

Todd and I spoke, and we were all introduced. Sara Anne and Diane were confused, not understanding what was happening. Sara Anne pulled on my arm, "What is going on?"

"Just wait." Pulling my arm away.

I went to the desk and got the key to the room. Todd left us, and I ushered the girls down the hall to The Board Room. Inside were the bottles of wine I had ordered.

"Have a seat, ladies. The remainder of the party should be here shortly."

"What party, Sara Anne asked. I thought we were going on a Date Night. What is this?"

I didn't answer, so Sara turned to Diane. "Do you know what is going on?"

Diane shook her head with a confused look on her face.

"Andrew, talk to me; tell me what is going on."

"Just sit there and wait." I was short with her as my mood was set and ready for what would happen in a few minutes.

We waited about ten minutes. The ladies were confused and nervous, fidgeting and wringing their hands.

I poured a glass of wine for each of them, and they sat sipping it, waiting.

I went into the hall, and my phone buzzed, a text from Todd.

Todd's text: "Tough getting all of them but finally on the way."

My text: "Your server is here with the envelopes. I have him hidden until you are all in the room. The girls are nervous."

I went back into the room and saw Sara Anne pouring another wine.

She looked at me with confusion on her face. Her eyes were pleading for answers.

Just then, the door opened, and in walked Martin Slade, the CEO, and Mary Henson, the HR Director. Behind them was Terrance, then Todd.

As they all walked in, I moved to the table.

Mr. Slade piped up, "What is the meaning of this? Terrance, what is this about?"

I said, "Please would you each take a seat at the table? Ladies, please join them, sitting across the table from them. Todd, please take the end seat. I will stand."

"Good evening; my name is Andrew Miles. My wife is Sara Anne Miles. These two fine people are Todd and Diane Lester. For you ladies, this gentleman is Martin Slade, the CEO, and this lady is Mary Henson, the HR Director for the company.

I moved over behind Terrance, and he moved, looking at me, not liking me behind him. "Everyone knows this man is Terrance Cole. You ladies both know him intimately; that is why we are meeting here tonight."

I walked to the door, opened it, and called in the Process Server from Todd's office. I took his cell phone from him as he carried all the envelopes to the table. He walked to Mr. Slade first, Ms. Henson, Terrance, and the two ladies. In each case, he confirmed their name, and I shot a picture of them as he handed them their envelope.

It was a surreal moment. Everyone looked very confused. It was time to clear up everything. I moved to the other end of the table and started.

"About three and a half years ago, my wife began working at the company, and over the next three years, she worked hard, and about six months ago, she received a promotion to a position that she really loved and was good at. She was so good she was asked to be on the number one team in the company managed by Terrance Cole.

Sara Anne became his assistant, working closely with Mr. Cole. Over a couple of months, Mr. Cole began to pursue my wife. Subtlety at first, taking coffee breaks with her, then taking her to Starbucks, then to lunch at a deli or café. Then one day, he took her to lunch, but they didn't go to a restaurant. Unknown to Sara Anne, he was taking her to his new studio apartment he rented as his love nest. You know the place too, don't you, Diane?

Both ladies were in shock, and I saw tears in their eyes.

I went on. That day they had lunch, and nothing happened, but Terrance Cole seduced my wife, his employee, over the next weeks. Their affair continued several times a week for several months until Sara Anne could not take it anymore and resigned from the company.   

Enter Ms. Lester. When Sara Anne resigned, she was added to Mr. Cole's team and became Mr. Cole's next prey. He worked the same magic on Diane that he did on Sara Anne. Luckily, we have managed to limit the damage to only twice that Terrance bedded Ms. Lester, another one of his employees.

Does anyone see a pattern here? I certainly do. The room was silent except for the sobbing of the two ladies.

Mr. Slade and Ms. Henson were looking at each other and whispering.

In front of each of you are legal papers having been served by Mr. Thomas here. Mr. Slade and Ms. Henson, if you open your envelopes, you will see that there are two lawsuits drawn against the company, one by Mr. Lester and one from me.

Mr. Cole has also been named in the company lawsuits. Mr. Cole has been served with two lawsuits, one each, from Mr. Lester and me.

Each of the ladies has been served divorce papers resulting from Mr. Cole's predatory behavior toward the ladies.

Both Mr. Lester and I recognized that our wives could have spoken up to stop Mr. Cole and did not do so and are complicit. But they knew that in most cases, management sides with the management personnel, and they would be fired. They felt trapped with no other way out, so they took his abuse until Sara Anne resigned, and we stopped Diane.

In both cases, these ladies have been harmed and are seeking restitution. In Sara Anne's case, she had to resign from her job that she had worked hard at and was good at, all because of a predator inside your company.

So here and now, you have all been served. We will entertain no discussion, and I suggest you contact your attorneys and let's start the negotiation process.

Oh yes, there is one more thing. We are demanding that Terrance Cole be terminated, effected tonight in this room. We want to hear the words from your mouth, Mr. Slade.

Terrance sat quietly as I laid it all out. But then he jumped to his feet, "You can't fire me. I have an iron-clad contract."

Mr. Slade leaped to his feet, walked quickly to Terrance Cole, and got right in his face. "You slimy piece of shit. You put my company in this position, jeopardizing our business and reputation. You are fucking fired, effective NOW, this fucking minute. Take your sorry ass out of this room NOW!"

I looked at Sara Anne; her head was down. As she heard Mr. Slade screaming at Terrance, her head shot up, and she looked at me. There was confusion, shame, and embarrassment all over her face. Her eyes filled with tears. I said nothing and looked away. I heard her sob softly, thinking our life together was over.

"OK, the party is over. Everybody goes back to the party or wherever you want to go. Sara Anne, you stay, and Todd and Diane can stay too."

I walked over to Terrance. Gone was the cavalier attitude. There was a shocked look on his face. "Look, asshole, I was going to have you castrated for fucking my wife and fucking up my life, but I have decided I will ruin your life instead. That will be a lot more fun. I can make your pain last as long as I want, so if I were you, I would settle this lawsuit so I will leave you alone. But if you drag it out, I will make your life a living hell. I have hired the number one investigative firm in the country to do a thorough background report on you. Everything you have ever done, good or bad, will be uncovered. I will use every piece of that information to ruin you wherever you go. You will not be able to escape me. Do you understand me?"

Terrance looked at me. His mouth opened, and I cut him off.

I was right in his face again, "There are only two things to come out of your mouth now before I have security remove you from the premises. One is an apology to Sara Anne and Diane for fucking up their lives. The other is how much you will offer to settle these lawsuits in cash tax adjusted right now! Or don't bother to say another word and leave."

Terrance stared at me, seething with anger and confusion. His little game was over. He was fired and had $6 million in lawsuits before him. Yet he didn't look defeated yet.

I stepped back, and Terrance moved over in front of the ladies. They were bewildered by what had happened and looked at me, and Todd and Terrance approached.

"Sara Anne, I am so sorry for destroying your life. I am sorry that you are a good woman I corrupted for my satisfaction."

"Diane, I say the same to you. I am so sorry."

Mr. Thomas, Todd's process server, had gotten all that we had said on the video on his phone. 

Terrance finished.

"Terrance, do you have anything to say to Todd and me?"

"I am sorry I seduced your wives and destroyed your lives. I am truly sorry."

"Anything else."

"I will get back to you in 48 hours with a number for each of you."

I looked at Todd, he nodded, and I looked back at Terrance. "OK, not a minute more, understand."  

"You can leave now."

Then Mr. Slade yelled across the room as he left, "Don't bother coming in to pick up your personal items; we will have them delivered. Give your security card and badge to Ms. Henson now. I never want to see your slimy face again."

Terrance left the room as did the others, leaving Todd, Diane, Sara Anne, and me.

Diane was sobbing when Todd took her in his arms. He looked at me, "I need to get her home and deal with this. Talk to you tomorrow." They left.

Sara Anne was looking at me. Her whole body was shaking, and fear was all over her. Her thought was our life was over.

But she was wrong.


I sat there waiting, so confused at what was happening.

I was shocked as the Company CEO and HR Director walked into the room, with Terrance behind them.

What was going on? Someone needed to tell me. I was so afraid now; this was bad.

We were all told to sit at the table. Then a man came in a gave each of us a legal-sized envelope. My heart sank. I knew what mine and Diane's had inside, divorce papers, I was sure. But what was in the other envelopes?

Oh God, my stupid, my selfish, cheating self, had destroyed my life for what, a cheap three months of fucking another man and then giving into him on our Anniversary night. What was wrong with me?

I listened to my husband as he addressed the issues with Mr. Slade and Ms. Henson, turning toward Terrance and berating him.  The demands being made, I thought would never happen. management would stand up for management

But in the end Mr. Slade and Terrance were face to face and Mr. Slade screamed at him and fired Terrance on the spot. Terrance slumped back in his seat.

Then Andrew got in Terrance’s face telling him his life would be ruined. I was proud of him for standing up for me even though I didn’t deserve it.

The others left and Todd and Andrew hugged, congratulating each other for what they had done.

That left Dianne and me with the yellow envelopes in front of us. We were both scared thinking we were next on the chopping block.

Todd took Dianne and her envelope and left. Andrew turned to me, "Sara Anne, let's go."


I held out my hand, and she took it. It was just after 8:30 pm, the time I made our dinner reservation.

I led her to the ladies' room. "Go fix your face; we have a reservation for dinner."

She looked up at me with surprise. Her eyes brightened. And she quickly turned, disappearing through the door.

I walked to the hotel's front desk, returned The Board Room key, and picked up the key for room 545. I had arranged for a bottle of Christal Champagne and a dozen roses to be placed in the room.

When I walked back, Sara Anne came out of the Ladies.

"Where did you go?"

"I had to settle up for The Board Room, nothing to worry about."

Sara Anne looked at me, wondering what was next. I am sure my calm demeanor confused her. I thought I should have thrown her out already.

I looked at my cheating wife and still saw the woman I love. She had cleaned up her face, and she looked beautiful again. I took her hand and walked her to the restaurant, and the maître d seated us quickly in a quiet corner as I had requested earlier. We were out of earshot for the conversation we were about to have.

Sara Anne had been quiet until now. She looked at me, and I saw concern, confusion, and sadness, where there should have been joy and excitement on her face.

"So, my darling, an interesting night so far, wouldn't you say?"

Shock and surprise spread across Sara Anne's face as she swallowed hard. I knew her mouth was dry. So, as she started to speak. I cut in.

"Before you say a word, Sara Anne, I want you to know that I know everything. Not every detail, but I know how often you were with him before quitting your job. I know it was you as Marie Antionette, being fucked the two times, I saw you at OUR ANNIVERSARY party. How could you defile our party and betray me?"

I paused as a look of shame and fear showed on her face.

The waiter was there. I ordered a seafood plate appetizer, two drinks, and a bottle of Jordan Cabernet. He brought water which we both needed.

"Yes dear, I was The Phantom. I saw you cum and beg him to fuck you more. I heard you tell him I would never know, and I wanted to watch you be fucked by him and would watch. Yes, I heard all those humiliating things that came out of your mouth. Yes, the same mouth that kissed me and told me you loved me only a few hours earlier.

"That's what made me sick and so disgusted I could not see you again after that and had to leave. Then you invited your lover to spend the night fucking you; my GOD, who are you? Are you the woman I married, the woman I want to make a family with, or are you a common slut that will cheat on her husband, humiliating him and cuckold him?"

"I had to break that up, so I came to the hotel in my costume and shocked him and you. You baled and came home. I accomplished my mission, keeping you from further defiling our Anniversary by fucking another man while I was supposed to be home sick."

"God, what a slut you are. I don't know the woman I have lived with for the past six months, and you are a stranger to me."

She had held back as long as she could. The dam broke, and she began sobbing, covering her face with the white linen napkin.

I stopped.

The appetizer and drinks arrived, and I took a gulp and ordered another Jack Black.

"Sara Anne, look at me. Stop crying. It is embarrassing. You created the fucking problem and feel sorry for yourself, not me or our marriage, only you!" I will leave you here if you don't stop, so stop now!"


My God, what was happening? I listened to my husband speaking directly to Mr. Slade and Ms. Henson, telling them of the disgusting affair Terrance and I had been involved in, causing me to resign. Then Terrance took on Diane and did the same thing to her.

I felt so low. I wanted to kill Terrance. He was a predator like Andrew had said he was and only cared about fucking me, nothing more. He didn't care about me; I was just a good pussy to fuck.

I was such a fool.

The demands by Andrew and Todd were strong and with teeth. They were in control. I was shocked when Mr. Slade jumped up and addressed Terrance, firing him on the spot as Andrew demanded. 

What I saw surface in Terrance was a sleazy little man with no spine caught in his demented plan. I hated myself for being taken by him and felt just as bad for Diane.

Then the lawsuits came out, and the money they talked about was incredible. The company and Terrance personally needed to pay out a lot of money, and I was embarrassed that I had been the cause of that.

I could even go back to work without retribution if I wanted to or needed to when Andrew dumbed me. I knew he would, that is what was in my envelope. Divorce is something I never considered could happen. I love Andrew so much, but how can he keep me after what I have done?

Then the meeting was over, and Andrew treated me nicely, like my normal husband. He took me to dinner at the wonderful hotel restaurant.

Then it came out, Andrew came after me. I deserved it, all of it.

I was crushed and began sobbing.


The waiter arrived, and I ordered for both of us. The sommelier brought the wine, opened it, and I sampled it. I love Jordan Cabernet; it is the best and will complement the filets I ordered. He left the bottle to breathe.

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Sara Anne stopped crying, and I offered her the appetizer, and she took it, and as she ate, she calmed down.

"I have said my piece earlier and just now. I am stopping now, so we can enjoy our dinner, then we will continue the date night you destroyed and celebrate our Anniversary."

Sara Anne's mouth opened; she was shocked.

"What do you mean we will continue our Anniversary? You just handed me divorce papers and told me I was a slut, and you didn't know me. Why would you want to do anything with me ever again?"  

I smiled at her as I ate a juicy shrimp. Offering Sara Anne one, and she took it, and I spoke.

"Sara Anne, you have acted like a slut for Terrance for the past six months, but as I look back on that time, you never denied me anything. I would have never known you were fucking him if I had not seen you. You are a great actress because I never knew anything was happening."

"I love you, Sara Anne. I married you because I love you, and I still do. I do not want to divorce you. I want you as my LOYAL WIFE, which I believe will be a sure thing now. There will be a few changes, and you will have to sign a Postnuptial Agreement, which you will not like. But it will be of no concern if you never plan to cheat on me again."

"Andrew, there was no acting. Every minute I was with you, I was my whole self. I love you, Andrew, and I cannot explain what happened with Terrance. I admit that you were 100% correct about him, and I was too blind with lust to see the truth. I apologize with my whole heart and soul. I swear I will never stray again."

I accepted her apology, and we finished our dinner, slowly slipping back into our normal lives.

As I looked at my wife, I began to yearn for her. I wanted her. I needed to own her again, making her know she was my property, bought and paid for. We owned each other and would forever.

We finished the bottle of wine, and I stood, taking her hand. I led her out of the restaurant, and she asked, "Where to now?"

I walked us to the elevator and pressed floor five. I pulled Sara Anne to me and kissed her hard. I held her tight, pressing my hardening cock against her.

"Mumm, I feel something growing. I am going to like it!"

The elevator door opened, and a couple entered as we got off. I walked with Sara Anne down the hall, and Sara Anne looked at me the whole way, not realizing where we were going until we stopped at the door.

She looked at the door number and gasped. "OH God, No, not this room."

I swiped the card and pushed open the door pulling Sara Anne into the room.

"Andrew, I can't, I just can't." She begged.

"Yes, you can, and you will. It is our Anniversary celebration room, so I had the room done just like I had it done that night, and we are going to celebrate in this room like we were supposed to that night before you fucked everything up." 

The room was exactly like I had it decorated for her to change. Rose peddles and roses with Champagne and chocolates.

The soaking tub had been filled with rose bath salts for Sara Anne to bathe in, and it was all the same.

"Oh, Andrew, this is wonderful and horrifying at the same time. I did things that night before you showed up as The Phantom, and I see them in my mind. God, I am so ashamed. Please forgive me. Andrew, I love you so much. I can't ever lose you."

I pulled her to me and kissed her hard with passion; our tongues danced, and we pressed against each other. I held her, and our kiss lasted a long time.

Once it broke, I said, "We have a business to discuss. Give me your envelope."

I opened the envelope, pulled out the dummy divorce papers, tossed them in the trash, and found the Postnuptial Agreement. 

"What are you doing?"

"You didn't want those divorce papers did you or did you so you could be with your lover?" I was nasty to her, damnit she deserved it.

"Sit down, Sara Anne. This document is a Postnuptial Agreement; you need to read every word. You must know what future infidelity will cost you, and it has to be clear."

I pushed the document across the table to her and laid a pen there for her to sign it. She read it all and began to cry, and she finally dried her eyes and put the document down.

"So, Andrew, you are putting me on a leash, for the rest of my life, under the threat of poverty and the loss of everything, if I ever cheat on you again?"

"Well, that is one way to look at it. I look at it differently. When we were married, we said vows to each other that we would be true to each other and forsake everyone else. Somewhere in the past nine years, you lost the fidelity part of our wedding vows, so you thought it was OK to cheat on me. I see this agreement as a new set of vows for you, reinforcing the forsaking vow but now putting penalties on you if you break that vow again. You have stated that you will never cheat again, so this agreement will not mean anything. But It will be a constant reminder of what will happen if you lose your way again."

"OK, I see that. I'll sign it, but I will never cheat again, so it is unnecessary."

"Sara Anne, I hope with all my heart that it is true, and we will never dust this off in the future.

As Sara Anne signed the documents, three of them, I went into the bath and turned on the tub jets to heat the water.

Sara Anne was standing when I came back in. I pulled her to me and smiled. All the yucky stuff is over, and our new life begins now.

She smiled, "I love you, Andrew."

I slowly reached around her unzipping her dress. I pushed the shoulder straps off and watched the dress slide down her body, puddling on the floor. The lingerie looked incredible on her. The thong was so small it was almost nothing, but it made her look so sexy. Andrew lifted her bra off her beautiful breasts, presenting her nipples. Her seamed stockings and her holdups fit tight against her skin.

I spun Sara Anne around, seeing all of her. Her ass was beautiful, firm, and pink, ready for the spanking I may give her later. I unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. I kneeled, slipped her thong string out from her ass crack, and slipped it down, dropping it so she could step out of it. Her sexy stocking and red-soled heels made her look delicious.

I ran my hands down over her hips, down her legs feeling the silk sizzle under my palms. My God, she was hot. My cock was like steel, begging for release.

I slipped off her shoes and rubbed her feet. Sara Anne began to moan as I slipped my hands back up over her silk-covered legs. As I reached her bare thighs, I unclipped each clasp. I pushed the holdups down over her bare legs letting her step away from the pile of clothes. I slowly rolled each stocking down her beautiful smooth legs, taking them off and laying them on the pile.

I kissed my way up her back, to her shoulders, then kissed the back of her neck and just under her ears. Sara Anne was edging now, ready to cum any second. But I was not letting it happen, so I stood behind her and gripped her shoulders.

"It's time for your soak." I guided her into the bath to the soaking tub. I kissed her and helped Sara Anne step into the tub. She sank to her neck in the bubbly foam.

I will be outside; you have thirty minutes.


I gathered myself, and our dinner came.

We ate in silence and finished a great bottle of wine.

I couldn't understand why Andrew was being so nice. He was dumping me; the envelope was divorce papers. Was this my last meal before my execution?

I watched Andrew and could not understand how I could have cheated on him. He was everything I had wanted in a husband, and I loved him with every fiber in my body. What was wrong with me? What did Terrance have to offer me? It was just sex, incredibly good sex, but not better than making love with Andrew, different, raw, edgy, and animalistic. So, what was it? I didn't have an answer.

What was happening the rest of the night? Was he taking me home to pack and leave? I was so confused.

Andrew paid the check and stood, holding out his hand. He walked me out to the elevator. What was happening?

We entered the elevator, and Andrew pulled me to him, holding me tight. He looked into my eyes and kissed me passionately, making me melt into him. God, I love this man, and I was such a fool.

We broke our kiss as the door opened, and an older couple entered, smiling at us as we walked off and down the hall. We held hands as we walked, and I looked at Andrew the whole time, trying to figure him out, which I knew was impossible.

We stopped in front of a door. I looked up at the number on the door, which was 545. I gasped, "Oh God, no, not this room. I can't go in this room. Andrew No!"

Andrew swiped the card and pushed the door open, pulling me into the room.

"Oh My God, it is just like that night. What have you done?"

"This is our Anniversary celebration, so I had the room done just like I had it done that night, and we are going to celebrate in this room like we were supposed to do that night before you fucked everything up." 

I was shocked and felt sick. I had given Terrance a blow job right there by the bed, and I would have fucked him all night if The Phantom hadn't shown up, and that surely would have ended our marriage. I closed my eyes. An image of Terrance naked with me on my knees sucking his cock swirled through my head.

"Andrew, I can't, I just can't."

That was my last plea. I had to go along with whatever Andrew said or did, and I had no choice.

Then we kissed, and things moved along.

Andrew told me we had business to do. He had me pull the papers out of the envelope. The divorce papers were first, and my heart sank when I saw them. The end of my life as I knew it was upon me. I had done it to myself. It was my fault, and I was totally to blame. Then there was another document.

Andrew took the second one, placed it on the table, and told me to sit down. He took the rest of the papers and threw them in the trash can.

"What are you doing with the divorce papers?"

"You didn't want those divorce papers did you or did you so that you could be with your lover?" Andrew barked, rubbing it in good.

"What, you are not divorcing me?" I asked, shocked but incredibly happy.

"No, I have invested too much of my life in you to throw you away. I would rather keep and train you to be like I want you. At least, I will try.

He showed me an agreement I had to sign that would destroy me, leaving me with nothing if I ever cheated again. I signed it.

Then things changed, and Andrew became the old Andrew. He had a bath ran for me, and he started the jets. He stripped me very slowly, kissing and caressing my body, and it felt wonderful. He walked me to the soaking tub and helped lower me into the hot bubbly water. I soaked for a half hour while Andrew was in the other room.

I was so relaxed for the first time in days that I fell asleep.

A sweet kiss awakened me. I opened my eyes, and there standing beside the tub was my Andrew, stripped naked, completely manscaped with his hard cock pointing straight at me. I slowly moved onto my knees and kissed the head of his cock.

Andrew moaned as I licked his head and down his shaft. I was only using my mouth and tongue to tease him, giving him the pleasure, I love to offer him. I slowly took his cockhead in my mouth, sealing my lips around his shaft and sucking hard on his cockhead.

"Oh God, I know Terrance loved this!" He sniped at me.

I bit down on his cock, making him groan. "Stop. I'll not do that again!"

I moved my mouth down his shaft, taking all of him in my mouth. I began to bob on him, making love to his cock. I wanted Andrew's cum in my belly. I put my wet hand on his cock, stroking him with my other hand, cupping his big balls.

A sudden flash of Terrance standing there as I began to suck Andrew's cock, shot across my mind. I blocked the thought and focused on my man.

I worked him, stroking, bobbing, and sucking him, feeling him edging closer and closer to what I wanted, Andrew giving me his cum. I sucked harder and stroked faster as his balls tightened in my hand, and he moaned loudly, placing his hands on my head, and exploding in my mouth. I pulled back as he delivered his sweet gift, shot after shot hitting my throat and tongue. I swallowed over and over as Andrew's large load filled my belly and mouth.

I was in ecstasy. My man was making love to me, or I was making love to him, something I thought would never happen again. He loved me still, and we would survive my near-fatal betrayal.

Andrew fell back on the bed; his cock was still hard as steel, pointing up like a skyscraper. I crawled up and lay on him, pressing my hot body on his, trapping his cock between us. I kissed him sharing my cum-covered tongue with him. We held each other and kissed, looking deep into each other's eyes.

"Andrew, I don't deserve you. I am a slut. I gave myself to another man not just once but many times. I don't know why. I never felt anything but lust for him. I love only you. God in Heaven, please forgive me. Don't ever leave me."

I was pleading and begging for his forgiveness, but could I ever forgive myself?

The rest of the night and early morning was filled with gasps, moans, grunts, and many orgasms. Andrew stayed hard for hours and filled me with cum as often as his balls refilled. We showered several times and cleaned ourselves, preparing for the next fuck session. Andrew ate my pussy. I sucked his cock. Andrew took my ass and I put a finger in his. We made love, and we fucked. We did it all. He even spanked me hard while he fucked me from behind. I never knew I could be like that, but I did.

In the morning, as we lay in each other's arms. Andrew spoke.

"Now that your wildness has been quelled, it is finally time for us to start our family. We have enough time to have a few babies over the next few years, so you should plan on being fat and pregnant from now on for a few years. Don't worry; you will always be beautiful to me. 

I started to cry as tears of joy rolled down my cheeks. He did love me.


The night was over. All but one of the hatches had been buried. Life was moving on.

We went home to resume our briefly interrupted lives. Sara Anne went off her birth control, and her doctor gave her the first fertility window, so we planned a five-day trip to The Bahamas to get pregnant. It would be fun. In the meantime, we practiced a couple of times a day. The sex could not have been better, and our relationship grew stronger.

There were still a few unfinished things that needed to be handled.

Ms. Henson called me on Monday, the deadline day, to set an appointment with Todd and me for Wednesday at 11:00 am in their conference room.

Next, Todd had an associate contact Terrance for a sit-down. That was Wednesday at 2:00 pm in Lance Burke's office, Terrance’s attorney.

Sara Anne knew nothing about what was happening; I don't think she wanted to ask. I didn't want her to know any more than she had to for her safety.

Wednesday came, and Todd and I met for coffee before our meeting at the company. We agreed on a unified approach for both the company and Terrance. I also told Todd I had a little something planned for Terrance, but Todd, as an attorney, didn't want to hear about it.

We met with the company, and after discussing and negotiating, we agreed on a $2.5 million tax-paid net for each of us. Also, both ladies could work for the company. They wanted Sara Anne back, but with this money, she wasn't going back, and I knew Diane would not be going back either. The payment would be in 30 days by bank deposit.

Wednesday afternoon was quite different. This attorney Lance Burke was a slick lawyer, a little on the unethical side. Todd had heard of him, so we were prepared.

As soon as we walked in, they blamed the women for everything. They seduced Terrance, and they had started it all. They were planning to sue us for defamation of character, causing him to lose his job.

Theirs was a feeble attempt to deflect from the truth and to scare us. It didn't work.

We played the video of Terrance and Diane in his apartment. It was clear who was in charge, and it was not Diane. That shut them up, and they began to negotiate. We hammered them, and, in the end, Terrance had no choice. He agreed to pay us $1.5 million each tax paid by cashier check by the end of the week.

We left the meeting happy.

Todd could open his law practice, and Diane would be his office manager. He wanted to work on civic matters, improving people's lives, and now he could.

For me, my consulting business was good. I didn't want to get bigger, my plate was full, but I could add a consultant or two. Sara Anne would be a housewife and mom.

If we managed our $4 million properly, we were both set for life.

A disaster had turned into gold, but only because Todd and I loved our wives more than we hated what they did. Then too, it was Terrance. He was a predator, and he snared both ladies in his trap. That had a lot to do with my acceptance of the truth.


Life was good again. We went on a baby-making trip in the Bahamas, and my God, we had never made love so much. I was filled with Andrew's baby juice three or four times a day. We even found a spot in the dunes that nobody went to, and we would slip over there when we got horny and fuck like animals.

After five days, I was so sore we couldn’t touch each other. That didn't last long, though. I needed Andrew again often. I stayed horny and was afraid he had turned me into a real nympho.

A few weeks after we were back, I began to feel different. I went to the doctor to see if I was pregnant. That night I fixed a special meal and set the table in pink and blue. It was a subtle way of telling Andrew; he thought it was cute but didn't get it.

Later I was kneeling on the carpet between his legs, playing with his big cock. "You know, Andrew, it's been almost a month since our trip, and you haven't asked me once if I felt different or thought I was pregnant. I am beginning to think you don't want kids."

He looked down at me. His eyes were big with excitement, either from my blow job or a potential baby. I didn't know which.

"Well, sucker, it's too late. We are having a baby!" I plunged my mouth down, taking his whole cock in my throat.

"OH FUCK!!!"

I began to bob on him, and it only took thirty seconds. He filled my mouth, and I swallowed and took all he had to give.

I pulled up off him and smiled. "Happy baby."

"Oh My God, incredible blow job, and Jesus, we will have a baby. Fucking Amazing!"

I never asked about the lawsuits and didn't want to know. Andrew took care of me and bought us a new house in an upscale neighborhood.

Will that be our story? Life is exceptionally good. The little one, a boy we found out a few months later, is due soon. We are so happy.


The baby arrived today, Thomas, after his granddad on his mom's side. He died when she was young, so we honored him.

It was a wonderful day.

As I was standing looking at the eighteen babies in the nursery, I got a text.

Alex text: "Andrew, we found the slimy bastard. He is using a different name and working at a place with many married women. I have those posters you had me make up. Do you want me to have them put out? We could also mail them for a few grand."

Terrance disappeared after he paid Todd and me. I had Alex looking for him. It took over nine months, but now we have found him.

My text: "OK, circulate them any way you can. Suppose you need more print them. Look into getting an employee list, and we can mail it to them with a short profile on him. I will ruin him if I must spend all his money doing it!"

We brought the baby home, and though we couldn’t make love, yet Sara Anne gave me a classic blow job before bed every night. Our new life as parents began. Middle of the night feeding began and a full night’s sleep ended.

A few days later I came home happy to see my wife, but she was not pleased.

"What happened?"

She handed me an envelope. It was a note and thumb drive, mailed from Tucson, AZ, where we had just found Terrance. My blood started to boil. What was this prick trying to do? I stopped and called Todd.

"Hey, did Diane get an envelope today?"


"Us too."

"Well, I know where the cocksucker is now. He just made a bad mistake, maybe his last one.

"Can you come over? Bring the letter and thumb drive."

"OK, see you soon."

I put the thumb drive in my computer. "Do you want to watch this?"

Sara Anne left the room, giving me my answer.

I hit play, and there in living color was Terrance taking my wife. He was talking shit to her, and she was saying things that at the time would have hurt me badly, but I knew now it was all for Terrance to make him feel superior and not what Sara Anne felt.

In the end, Terrance came on and began to talk. He threatened us that he would post the video on social media and send it all over the place to destroy us in the community. His demand was for us to return $1 million from the settlement, and he would destroy the video and all the copies he had made.

When Todd and Diane came over, Diane went to see the baby with Sara Anne. Todd played the video on my computer. Like me, it made him sick, but the ending made him furious.

"This is extortion. We have Terrance cold, and he is going down for this and will never get out of prison."  

I called Alex to get more details on where Terrance lived and other information and if anything had happened with any of the wives. I also got the info on his fake name, and he must also have counterfeit IDs.  

Todd drafted a letter to be delivered to Terrance's new company telling them about the fraud and his fake name and IDs. Todd dictated to his office and had it sent out overnight.

Terrance was so stupid; he left a phone number, and it was a burner phone, but Alex could trace where he had bought it, which led to another contact, and finally, Alex's people found where he lived.

Todd called the Tucson police and told them the story. They wanted the video, but we were concerned about the girl's identity. We told them we would get them a copy with the faces blurred out so they could see, and we would keep the originals.

Alex knew a guy, and he fixed the video. We sent it to Detective Ramos, who called us in a few hours and said the DA would pursue this if we pressed charges. We did, and that started to be the end of Terrance, or whatever his real name is.

It took a year, but the asshole was convicted on all kinds of charges and was sentenced to thirty years in prison.    

For what? All for some sweet married pussy. 


Wow, what a mess Terrance stirred up. He was an asshole.

Well, about when he went to prison, our second baby Sarah was born, and the nightmare I had started finally ended. We never heard of Danial Crane, his legal name, again.

Time flew along. Todd and Diane had a couple of babies, and he was doing great work on community action issues.

We had one more baby two years later, and life was wonderful.

It was our fifteen Anniversary, and Andrew had a surprise for me. We had gone out to eat with Todd and Diane and another couple. We came back to our house for a nightcap. We all toasted each other, and Andrew looked at me.

"You remember six years ago on our ninth anniversary?"

"No, I have blocked that one out of my mind." Everyone laughed, but it was true I had blocked it from my mind. That was the worst night of my life.

Well, I will never forget it. Remember I got sick at the party and had to go home, leaving you stranded. Well, that night, I had a special gift for you that I never gave to you. I have kept it locked in my safe since that night, and I think it's time I gave this to you.

I reached into my pocket, took out a box, and handed it to Sara Anne.

Her eyes lit up. Her mouth opened, "What is it?"

"Open it and find out."

She looked at me and then opened the flip-top on the velvet-covered box.

She fainted!

I caught her before she hit the floor, and I held her, and everyone hurried around, getting a damp cloth and some water.

Sara Anne came too and looked up at me. She pulled me to her and kissed me. "You are incredible, baby; I love you so much."

Diane picked up the box and handed it to Sara Anne. She looked at the gold necklace with three names linked to the chain. A few diamonds were added to the original when I said the names of our children. 

Everyone gathered around as I put the necklace around her neck, clasping it and straightening it, so it sat right on her upper chest. It looked beautiful. Everyone said it was beautiful, but it only mattered what Sara Anne thought. She received a mother's keepsake necklace after her children were born, not before. It was to signal to me that it was time to have babies.

We had managed to do that anyway, but that night's fiasco delayed my plans a long time, putting them in jeopardy. But all is well now.

That night we made love and christened the neckless with its first cum bath until the 3:00 am feeding. Then we were back at it again until 6:00 am. I never knew big breasts full of milk could be such a turn-on, but they were.

Family life was good but making love to Sara Anne, my loving wife was the BEST!


The End

Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Written by MaxxNRachel
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