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A Wild Morning

"Bridgette and Steve, two of my friends from a distant past, meet up. It’s a wild morning."

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It was a one-in-a-million chance, to bump into two people in a big city that you knew from times gone by, but it happened. It was Bridgette that noticed me, came running up to me in the street, and placed her hand on my shoulder causing me to turn towards her. The mutual surprise on both our faces ended in big hugs with an eventual explanation to my relatively new wife as to who this strange woman was.

It had been years and years since we had met each other. A time and a place that couldn’t have been further removed from my current situation. The explanation of who they were came in cautious bursts. I just said they were old friends from long ago. In fact, both of them were from a previous life with an ex. My wife accepted it all and we found ourselves sitting in a pub talking about the new times rather than the old times, which was just as well considering.

I was cautious the whole time because I knew Bridgette could just come out with sentences that would leave a very large hole to be filled. I was fortunate that she didn’t do that and we enjoyed an impromptu afternoon sitting in an outside bar in early June, drinking beer and ordering a pleasant meal.

It was only when my wife excused herself that we knowingly smiled at each other and started that other conversation, the one that happens behind closed doors. By the time my wife reappeared my trousers were tenting from the stories they related to me about the last four days of their stay in Bristol.

They were swingers and had come down for some fun in one of the clubs for the weekend. I kept calling them lucky bastards, because my life after I knew them, had taken a turn to the ordinary or more normal side of life. Not that I was complaining, because I wasn’t, but when I heard some of their stories my heart started sinking and I wished it was me.

The drink flowed, too much to be honest, and it was early evening when Bridgette turned to Steve, pointed to her watch and had a quiet conversation. She turned to me to ask whether I knew of a good hotel that could put them up for the night. It turned out that they would have been going home that day, but the amount of alcohol precluded that from happening.

A quick conversation between my wife and I found us offering them a place to stay at ours for the night, so we all headed in that direction by bus and I offered to drive them back in the morning to pick their car up.

It was gone midnight before we collapsed into our respective beds and I have to admit to lying awake for some time afterwards thinking about whether they were fucking next door or whether Bridgette was blowing his cock or tossing him off between her ample breasts. Every scenario that entered my head made my cock twitch and stand to attention. My wife snored gently next to me. I have to admit to getting out of bed at two in the morning, creeping down the corridor and listening at their door. It was a fruitless exercise and I climbed back to bed with my hand on my cock for comfort.

I was groggy and out of it the following morning. My wife had washed and dressed and was off to work. I received a quick kiss on the cheek and she received a quick grope of her tits before leaving the bedroom. I knew she would bring a coffee up to me as she always did and so I snuggled back into the duvet. The coffee took quite a while and I waited and waited for it to appear.

Finally, the door opened and Bridgette poked her head around the frame.

“Coffee?” she asked.

I smiled and nodded. I reached out to take the mug from her outstretched hands.

“I told your wife I’d bring it up for you? My breakfast is next door,” she grinned.

“Thank you,” I replied, lifting myself up the bed a little. I grinned back in her direction. I knew what she meant by breakfast. She hadn’t changed in all the years.

Bridgette left the bedroom and bounded down the corridor. She hadn’t gone more than three minutes and my mug of coffee was halfway to my mouth when the door opened a second time. It was Bridgette again, this time, minus the one-piece cotton nightshirt she had been wearing earlier. It was fair to say, her tits bounded into the room first followed eventually by her ass. She rounded the bed and jumped into the middle of it causing a small spill of coffee onto the bedclothes. I quickly put the mug back on the bedside cabinet.

“I’ve been thinking,” she announced. Her tits stared me out as she knelt on the bed to my side facing me. My gaze was obviously drawn to her ample breasts first, then her slimmer waist, burgeoning hips and bare pussy. I finally looked into her eyes and found that the grin on her face was as filthy as her thoughts.

A noise caused me to look in the direction of the door to see Steve coming into the bedroom. His cock was far from flaccid. He walked behind Bridgette and stood next to the bed on my wife’s side.

“I…no we... decided to have breakfast in here,” Bridgette blurted out.

She pulled at the bedclothes until they started to slide down my torso, flipping them at the end so that they fell over the edge of the bed. Bridgette looked at my cock.

“Ah, don’t you just love breakfast in bed,” she announced.

She didn’t waste any time and before I could even utter a word her hand was circling my cock, raising it upwards and her descending mouth was covering the end and devouring it rather greedily. 

I groaned out loud, looked at the grin on Steve’s face and shook my head. He raised his eyebrow but that was all he had to offer. My hand reached out to cup her breasts which were slipping and sliding against the bed. I let her suck my cock for as long as she wanted, but in the back of my head formed a question that I wanted an answer to and only she could tell me. I reached out and lifted her chin off my cock and with the slightest touch motioned for her to follow it up the bed.

The kiss was passionate like it had been before, she lifted herself upwards so that her breasts fell onto my face and I licked on her flesh and sucked on her nipples. It was Bridgette’s turn to moan. My hand circled her waist and caressed her gorgeous ass. I lifted my head between her tits and pulled her face down to mine.

“Has he experienced it yet?” I whispered.

Bridgette shook her head rather covertly before pushing her tits back into my face. I sucked on them. I had my answer, but for the life of me, I couldn’t understand it.

Her hand reached down to my cock and she tugged at it.

“I so love the feel of cock,” she announced.

The bed moved and I could see Steve climb on next to me and lie down. Bridgette turned slightly to face him and with her other hand, gathered up his cock too. She tossed the both of us off in unison with slow deliberate strokes and with the biggest grin on her face. Her tits wobbled with every move. The smile on her face belied her need to get our cocks either in her mouth or pussy. Although her ass would be high on the agenda too.

I’d seen her in action when my ex and I accompanied them to a swingers club many years ago. I’d seen her turn two men on so much they were chomping at the bit, both of them desperate to fuck her, and when they did, they took both holes at the same time. Bridgette was in heaven between them. As one cock went up her cunt the other slipped backwards until it was the turn of her ass to be filled. That night I watched Bridgette have several orgasms between those two cocks. She just kept cumming and cumming as the men worked her body. I remember thinking that some women are blessed in that way.

Knowing that your body can be worked in that way is half the journey. She’d have quite happily taken another cock in her mouth but although I was in a position to do that, I was more than happy to just watch her perform. There is something nice about watching another woman get off, lose all that stiffness and embarrassment and just let her body respond. Bridgette did that very well indeed. Her voluptuous body was a magnet for blokes. Every curve of her body just attracted eyes, hands, mouths and cocks. Fucking her, was inevitable.

Bridgette finally fell between our bodies and turned onto her back.

“I think one of you needs breakfast too,” she announced.

I jumped up from the bed and tossed my body between her thighs, not giving Steve a second chance. I wanted to taste her more than ever, it had been so long. Bridgette didn’t waste any time either, her legs opened as soon as she was flat on her back, her mouth followed and while Steve was feeding her his dick, my mouth was prising open her petals and pushing inwards to her juicy cunt. I lapped at her pussy for ages, teasing her, kissing her thighs, and now and then raised my eyes to watch her suck cock.

I knew she was in heaven, I knew what she liked. I had been in bed with her many times, normally with my ex-girlfriend who had a penchant for licking pussy herself, hence I was normally in Steve’s position or buried deep in my ex’s cunt while she feasted on Bridgette’s pussy.

This time, Bridgette was unusually quiet, probably due to Steve’s cock, but the moans started to get louder the more I concentrated on her clit. I found my hands sliding under her bottom and I started to encroach around her thighs pulling my head into her pussy at the same time. My tongue concentrated on her soft spot and I lapped alternatively between that special spot and her open petals.

I was working myself up to a full-on clit sucking extravaganza. Bringing her body in place and anchoring it to the bed and between my arms. I watched as Steve straddled her torso to feed his cock down her throat, and I wondered whether it would survive. I just hoped she wouldn’t bite it off in the frenzy.

I started to lick her clit, my eyes wide with evil intent.  I took some deep breaths, readying myself for the onslaught. I waited and prised her legs further apart, I crept upwards a few inches, circled my arms tightly around her thighs and before she knew what was happening, I clamped down on her clit and sucked and shook my head. My tongue lashed at her clit, and I never relented from the task for over a minute.

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I suddenly heard muffled sounds coming from Bridgette’s mouth, though, as it was stuffed with cock there was no way I could decipher the strange language. Bridgette bucked her torso, almost throwing Steve off of her body, his cock slipped out of her mouth, and she bucked and wriggled her ass, but the tight grip I had on her kept her in place. My tongue lashed and my mouth sucked at her clit all the time. It was one of the techniques I had seen my ex perform many times, and I knew it drove the women wild.

And wild she was. Bridgette tried and tried to escape the tongue-lashing but I had her. I sucked and sucked. Her hands slapped the bed hard and she screamed that she was cumming. Her incoherent words just consisted of various tones of fuck. Her convulsing body tried its best to throw me off. Finally, she held the back of my neck in her hands and thrust her pussy upwards to meet my tongue lashing.

Despite her first orgasm, I hadn’t finished with her. I kept my mouth on her clit as she was climaxing. She almost started to cry but the sobbing was quickly followed by more fucks, and then, unexpectedly, her hands shot to her breasts and she started to pull and squeeze both her nipples. It must have hurt her because she started to emit deep sobbing sounds until another orgasm crashed over her. It was quickly followed by a third and then a fourth until she almost collapsed in a fit of silence on the bed. Her head nodding, her fingers caressing her nipples but otherwise no other movement.

“Fuck, it’s been a while since she’s been in that state,” announced Steve.

I didn’t have time to wallow in my glorified efforts, I pulled myself over her luscious, shaking body and plunged my cock into her wet and juicy cunt. I thrust hard. A loud basal groan emitted from Bridgette’s throat. It was only when I was about to kiss her that I noticed Steve’s spunk dribble out of the side of her mouth. It didn’t put me off, nothing could put me off pleasuring this beautiful woman. I thrust into her until I satisfied myself, pouring my spunk into her rapturous cavern.

Bridgette clung to my body in the throes of her orgasm, and when I had emptied my load, I flopped onto the bed next to her. The smile on her face was something else, and I never tired of seeing a voluptuous woman’s body shake in post-orgasmic bliss.

Steve was at the foot of the bed with a broad grin on his face. It certainly wasn’t the first time he had watched Bridgette get fucked like that.

I slid off the bed to use the toilet and to allow Steve to get close to his wife and have a bit of a fondle. She had been all mine up to that point, and it was only fair. When I reappeared, Steve was on his back and Bridgette, once more, had a cock in her mouth. She was certainly going for it. This was her second attempt at a mouthful of spunk since the first one failed.

I had thought to ask them when they needed to return to collect their car from the municipal car park, but at that moment all I could think of was sheer depravity. Those words Bridgette whispered to me earlier struck home and it was time to have some fun. I climbed onto the edge of the bed and slapped Bridgette’s bottom hard causing her to jerk forward. When she made eye contact with me I nodded that she should move up the bed.

Bridgette being Bridgette took that the only way she knew. She climbed on top of Steve and slowly and sensuously straddled his face. I watched for a while as she positioned her cunt over his face and then started to moan.

Her words were filthy. Not the words you would expect if you met her in the street, but is anyone like that? Her ass looked gorgeous from where I was kneeling and her tits just wiggled as she rode Steve’s tongue.  It was a mesmerising sight.

Now and then my gaze would wander to Steve’s cock. Standing upright against his body, it was asking to be sucked. It was one of the sexual taboos that he had not broken, hence Bridgette telling me earlier that he hadn’t done that yet. I was getting hornier and hornier watching her ride herself to her next orgasm, working myself up to the inevitable.

Steve was going to break that taboo with my help, and I positioned myself to one side of his cock, my warm breath must have made it twitch because it jerked upright for a brief moment, long enough for me to scoop his knob into my mouth and engulf the end of it. I sucked greedily on it.

I heard moaning towards the head of the bed and for once it wasn’t Bridgette announcing her next climax, this was a muffled groan. With very little evidence suggesting I should stop, I continued to suck his burgeoning knob, letting it fill my mouth. I savoured its warmth.

After a few minutes of teasing him, and after another of Bridgette’s orgasms, I straddled Steve’s legs, keeping the end of his cock in my mouth the whole time until I was staring at Bridgette’s ass.

A gasp left her mouth, and when I raised my eyes I could see that she was looking over her shoulder. She just nodded in my direction; giving me approval.

“Fucking lick it…” she suddenly announced. I took that as directed at me. I think Steve did the same because he started to suck and lick her pussy with just as much enthusiasm. My hand finally clasped around Steve’s cock and I lifted it to vertical before sinking my mouth as far as it would go. Fuck, it felt nice to feel his silky hot cock slide into my mouth. The whole action of sucking and then sliding turned me on and I was determined to make this a first for me too. Yes, I had sucked cock before but funnily enough, I had never had a guy spunk into my mouth. I was going to correct that fact right here and now.

I didn’t know what Steve was thinking. I didn’t know whether he was glad or indifferent about me having my mouth around his cock. I wondered whether he was determined to cum in it since he couldn’t get out of the position.

I continued to suck and swallow in a slow and determined way. My hand would squeeze and stroke the base of his cock during the time that I sucked on his helmet, and my fingers would graze against his balls when my mouth was as far down as it would go. The whole action felt wonderful. Steve’s cock was more than erect and I could tell he was savouring the feel of both my hand and mouth.

More moans and groans emanated from between Bridgette’s thighs and I couldn’t tell whether that was because of what I was doing or what he was doing to her. Nevertheless, Bridgette had one more orgasm on Steve’s face. Her whole body shook, her thighs grasped his head unintentionally and she had to lift herself off his face to ease the sensitivity on her clit. She panted hard into the wall as she held herself still for what seemed like ages.

It gave Steve a voice. “Fuck, I’m cumming.”

That was all I heard from his lips. I felt the sudden rush of warm fluid shoot into my mouth. Luckily, I was at the top of my stoke and the full force of his ejaculation shot into my mouth. I could feel the sticky fluid pool and gather in my cheeks. The taste, flavour and texture were wonderful. I quickly swallowed and waited for the next jet of spunk. It followed as my mouth was halfway down the length of his cock, but it was far less than the first, and I kept that in my mouth until the third and fourth joined it.

Steve was humping his bottom upwards with every spasm and by the time I had squeezed the last drop out of his cock, Bridgette was kneeling beside me with eyes focused on the area between my lips and his cock.

I can’t describe how wonderful it all felt. I expect Bridgette was expecting me to raise my head off his bell-end and kiss her, share the spunk with her. If so, she was bitterly disappointed because I had swallowed the whole fucking lot. Not a drop was misplaced. I even tugged on his dick a few times to make sure there was nothing left before letting it flop back onto his body.

“Fucking awesome,” Bridgette eventually commented. She dipped her head to kiss me, more out of gratitude that I had taken Steve’s last taboo and shared it with her. Though I also detected an element of love in there too.

Then came the scream from Steve’s lips, “fuck, is that the time?”

Bridgette and I broke apart and looked in the direction of the clock. Yes, that was the time, eleven fifteen in the morning. I took that to mean they had overstayed their welcome and needed to leave.

I made them another coffee and prepared a sandwich, allowing them to shower and clean themselves up, not that there was much to clean up this time.

In the past, I had seen Bridgette practically covered in spunk from head to toe during one party they took me to. I failed to remember how many men unloaded over her face and tits but it was quite a few.

After the quick lunch, I drove them into town to where their car was parked, it still had the wheels on which was a good thing. We said our goodbyes and it wasn’t until I was alone in the car on the way home that guilt started to bubble to the surface. I felt I had betrayed my wife, but I knew that I couldn’t have done anything about my actions while Bridgette was naked and pulling the strings and wanting breakfast. The sex with Steve, I reasoned, was not cheating in the slightest. But we all know it was.

It was a bit of a wild morning, to say the least. One that was fortuitous and one that couldn’t have been helped. I only wish my wife was that way inclined so that she could have enjoyed it too.

My wife walked into the house about 2 hours after I had dropped Bridgette and Steve off near where their car was parked. There were a few questions as to how long they had stayed. And whether they had lunch.

“Did they get off alright?” she asked, eventually.

I thought hard for a while. “Yes, they got off alright. No problem with the car.”

“I told them we should invite them down for a longer break and they pretty much said the same to me. What do you think?” I asked.

“Perhaps. When I’m not working the next day though,” my wife replied.

No, my devious mind thought, it would have to be when you are working.

Written by DarkSide
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