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A Very Wet Morning

"A twenty year fantasy crush becomes reality."

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It was brisk and cool when I began my morning run. The cool air made it ideal for running and the first three miles went by quickly. At the three-and-a-half mile mark, a light rain began to fall. My weatherman buddy had promised me two hours before the rain would begin. He lied to me again.

“I can do these last two miles if it doesn’t rain any harder than this,” I told myself as I continued on.

My normal route would take me from town out around the high school and back where I would circle the small town by way of the back streets and alleys. As I approached the four-mile mark it began to rain harder. The wind started to blow and it made the rain feel like tiny ice pellets on my hands and face.

“This is no good. No way can I make it home in this," I said to myself.

The rain continued to build in intensity, and I was becoming very wet and very cold. Water dripped from me as I took a shortcut through the middle of town to look for refuge from the rain.

As I ran up a back alley I noticed an overhang behind the local funeral home. Quickly, I ran under it and pushed myself as tight to the garage door as I could. It was pouring now, but at least I had some shelter. Still, I was soaked to the skin and shivering as the wind blew and the temperature continued to drop.

“Oh shit!” I yelled as the garage door began to open.

It startled me, and I tried to move away too fast as it opened. My feet slipped on the wet pavement, and I fell over a concrete retaining wall. The rough blocks brushed against my right thigh and tore my running pants. As I landed on the pavement below I felt a sharp pain in my right ankle.

“Oh, my God. Don’t tell me I’ve broken my ankle.” I wasn’t sure if I said that out loud or just thought it.

I tumbled into the parking lot and lay there in pain as the wind and rain continued pelting me.

“Are you all right, Miss?” a man’s voice shouted from inside the garage.

Before I could answer, he was beside me helping me to my feet. My ankle hurt like hell as I leaned on him as he helped me inside. I looked towards him as we made our way to a little corner office he had in the garage. It was Robert, the owner of the funeral home. I was so embarrassed for him to see me this way.

“Lisa? Is that you?” he asked in a surprised tone.

“Yes. It’s me,” I replied, my voice shaking from the pain and cold.

We made our way between two vehicles and around some large boxes on our way to a makeshift office in the back corner of the garage. It consisted of a desk, a few file cabinets, two wooden chairs, and an old leather couch. Robert sat me on one of the wooden chairs and wrapped me in a blanket that had been thrown over the back of the couch. He then moved a small heater in front of me and turned it on. The warm air rushed under the blanket. It felt wonderful. I had been shivering so much.

Robert was a bit older than me, I think maybe fifteen years or so. I babysat for him and his wife when I was in high school. At the time I thought he was quite handsome. Time had been kind to him. He was still a very good-looking man.

“We have to get you out of those clothes,” he said as he left the office.

I nodded my agreement as I watched him go up the stairs to an apartment that was above the garage. Soon he returned with some towels and a robe.

“Take off your clothes and put this on. I am going to get some ice for your ankle and something warm to drink," he said as he handed me a robe and disappeared once again up the stairs.

I pulled my wet clothes off piece by piece. Even my sports bra and panties were soaked. I laid them all on a pile with my other clothes, including my shoes. I dried myself quickly and wrapped myself in the warm robe. I was standing by the heater as William came back down the stairs.

“Feeling better?”

I nodded I was. I still had a few tears in my eyes. My ankle was hurting even more now that it was getting warm.

“Sit here, Lisa," he said pointing to the leather couch. "Lay back and put your ankle on this chair.”

I leaned back on the old leather couch. It was so warm and comfy that I felt like I was melting into it. Robert raised my ankle and placed it on the chair. Then he gently put the ice on it. I felt a stinging pain when the ice touched my skin.

“I don’t think it’s broken,” Robert said as he touched it softly with his fingers and looked all around it.

He handed me a cup of warm cocoa. It tasted so good. Between the heater and the cocoa, I was beginning to feel a bit warmer.

“I’m going to take your things upstairs and put them in the dryer.”

“Oh. Thank you very much. I’m sorry to be such a bother.”

“No bother at all. You sit there and get warm. I’ll be right back.”

He returned once again and asked once more how I was feeling. I told him I was feeling much better now in the warmth department but not so much in the injury department.

“Let’s get a look at that leg now,” he said as he knelt in front of me.

I knew the brush burn was quite high up on my leg, but I felt at ease with Robert, so I slid the robe open so he could see the wound. He touched my leg gently with his fingers as he examined the extent of my injury.

“It doesn’t look so bad after all. I have some antiseptic cream that should take care of it.”

He went to his desk and got a tube of ointment. He knelt again in front of me and began applying some to my leg. The warm touch of his fingers massaging the cream into my inner thigh made my body tingle.

“Is that too cold?”

“No. No. It just kind of tickled a little.”

We had been talking all the while about how I used to babysit for his children. We laughed as we reminisced about some of the things that his kids would do while in my care. I was feeling very at ease with him.

“You know, I had a tremendous crush on you then." I have no idea why I told him that.

He smiled at me as he continued applying the cream to my thigh. “You did? I never knew that.”

He seemed pleased to know that I had a crush on him.

“If we are telling our secrets, I guess I should admit I had some thoughts about you, as well, that I shouldn’t have had as I drove you home after sitting for us.”

“Really, Robert? Do tell,” I said urging him on.

“Actually I had some sexual thoughts about you also, Lisa.”

I felt a warmth flow across my body hearing that he had thought about me sexually when I was a teenager. I guess I should have been offended that he did but I kind of liked knowing he had those thoughts about me.

“But you were very young, and I was good friends with your parents, so I restrained myself."

“Well, I’m not so young now, and I promise not to tell my parents.” I sort of whispered that in a low sensual voice as I slid my robe open further.

Robert followed my lead and began massaging higher up on my inner thigh. I leaned back and the robe slid open even more. I saw him glance towards my pussy and wet his lips with his tongue. He slid his hand even higher and I felt the warmth of his touch against my moist pussy lips. I moaned softly as his fingers touched them.

He spread my robe open, exposing most of my body to his view. I watched as he never took his eyes off my pussy. I spread my legs more to complete my invitation. Robert's head lowered and I could feel his warm breath on my skin. He gently kissed my inner thigh, which wasn’t injured, as his mouth worked its way upward.

He blew gently on my pussy. My body trembled at the thought of what was to come. I placed my hands in Robert's hair and guided his mouth to my anxious lips. He softly kissed all around my pussy and then followed with his warm wet tongue circling my pussy. He was teasing me and driving me wild.

I pulled on his hair and forced his mouth tight against my wet pussy lips. I moaned as they touched me. “Mmmm.”

As I held his head there, he kissed and munched tenderly on my trembling pussy. Then, he would suck each of my lips, individually, into his mouth. I was in heaven. I could feel my warm juices flowing as he kissed and sucked me. His efforts were more vigorous and wild as he thrust his tongue between my pussy lips and plunged it inside of me. Another orgasm. Another moan.


He continued licking, kissing, sucking, and tongue fucking my pussy until I came over and over. I could no longer control my orgasms. My body was shaking and I was panting as Robert worked his magic on me. I had never cum so much in my life. I pulled him away from me. His lips were coated with my creamy juices. I pulled him towards me and kissed him. I could taste my sweetness on his lips.

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“Oh, my God, Robert. I’ve never felt anything like that in my life!”

“Mmm. Neither have I. That was even more incredible than I had imagined it would be. It was definitely worth the twenty-year wait.”

He was still between my legs as we talked. I could feel his hard cock against my leg. It was time for my fantasy.

I reached down to his belt and began to unhook it. He smiled at me as my hands slid his pants down to his ankles. He was now standing in front of me and I could see his bulging cock pressing against his boxers. It was anxious to be released from its confines. I obliged.

As I pulled his boxers down, his cock jumped straight out. His tip was wet with his own juices. I could tell from his erection that he still had a sizeable load that needed to be released. I slid gently off the couch to avoid hurting my ankle. It wasn’t bothering me at all, now. I had something else occupying my attention. I placed both hands on Robert's cock and slid them up and down. It jumped at my touch.

My thumbs circled his tip spreading his creamy juices over the throbbing head of his gorgeous cock. I could no longer resist as I leaned forward and slid it between my lips. It felt like it was on fire. I never remember a cock being so hot. His body was trembling as my lips surrounded his cock. I opened wide and slid his entire length inside of me.

“Oh, my God, Lisa. No one has ever done that to me.”

I slid him out to his tip and smiled at him. “You’ve never had anyone like me, before, Robert.”

Before he could reply, once again, I slid his hard cock completely into my mouth. I knew by the way it was pulsing and throbbing that he would soon not be able to control his ejaculation. I loved when a man tried to hold back and deny me my warm, creamy prize.

As his body shook and his cock throbbed, I slid his cock out so that just his tip was between my lips. I sucked it wildly back and forth between my lips. I knew he would not be able to resist me any longer. His cock began pulsing wildly. It expanded between my lips as its creamy load slid up his shaft. I could feel his cum surging through the entire length of his cock. He was mine now. Robert moaned loudly.

“Mmm. Mmm. Uhhh. Mmm.”

Just as his cock was about to erupt its creamy load, he pulled his cock from between my lips. His load splashed against my face and ran down my neck. Quickly, I slid his cum-pumping cock back into my mouth. I felt the second blast of cum hit the back of my throat. It was warm and salty. It covered my tongue. Oh, how I loved that feeling. His cock pulsed again. Before he could blast his third load into me I swallowed the second. I felt two more violent pulses, and, after each one, he rewarded me with another load of hot cum. I swallowed them both and then sucked hard on his cock to coax out the remaining small loads of his warm, creamy cum.

He was still shaking a bit as he pulled his now-softening cock from my mouth. I sucked it gently as it passed between them. Robert looked down at me. I smiled up at him with his cum still coating my lips.

“That certainly was worth waiting for,” he said as he knelt down in front of me.

“Mmm. Yes, it was,” I replied as I stuck my tongue out showing him the last load of cum he had pumped into my mouth.

All of a sudden, we heard voices. I quickly pulled the robe over me as he reached for his boxers. He slid them on quickly. We looked out between the two cars to the street. We saw a group of teenagers walking up the alley. Robert had forgotten to close the garage door. They didn’t look inside so I don’t think we had been seen.

“Phewww. That was close,” he said in a relieved tone.

“Maybe I should get dressed.”

“Good idea. I’ll run up and get your clothes. They should be dry by now.”

I watched him go up the steps once more wearing only his boxers. I wondered if he realized that was all he had on.

"Here you go,” he said as he placed my clothes and shoes on the couch next to me.

I stood up and untied the robe. Robert was staring at me.

“What?’ I asked.

He stepped forward and placed his hands under the robe on my shoulders. Gently, he slid it off them and pulled it down my arms. I was standing in front of him completely naked. He pulled me to him and kissed me passionately. Soon we were tongue-swapping and lip-sucking like teenagers. I could feel the juices welling up with me once again. His cock began to stiffen against my leg. I thrust my hips forward and ground my pussy against his bulge in his boxers. Soon his hard cock was completely erect again.

“I’ve never been able to be ready again so quickly in all my life," he stated in a proud tone.

I pulled the top of his boxers outward. His erect cock sprang upward. It poked me in the navel as he pulled me close and continued our passionate kiss. I pushed him away gently and looked down at his throbbing manhood.

I took it in my hands and guided it toward my anxious pussy.

“Mmm. Let’s not waste this opportunity then."

I lay back on the couch, one leg extending along the back of the couch and the other leg dangling over the edge. Robert followed me down. The tip of his swollen cock was now inches from my moist quivering pussy lips. He took his cock in one hand and rubbed it up and down against my pussy lips. They parted, wanting him to thrust his hot, meaty pole deep inside of me. Instead, he slid it in only until the tip disappeared. I watched my hungry labia swallow his tip. I moaned and came again.

“Don’t tease me, Robert. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

I couldn’t believe I had said that. I think it shocked him as well. But it got my point across. He lunged hard and rammed his entire cock deep inside of me.

"Ohhh. Uhhh. Mmm," I moaned and screamed as he pounded away at my pussy.

My head tilted back, and I put my arms over my head. He grabbed my wrists in his hands and pinned them down to the couch. I loved when a man would take control of me. He was no longer mild-mannered Robert; he had become my sexual master. I’ve never seen a man thrust so hard or so quickly as Robert. His body was shaking and he was panting as he almost jumped up and down on me as his cock plunged deeper and deeper inside of me.

I was having trouble catching my breath as my orgasms were now continuous. I felt my juices flowing from me and running down my thighs to my butt crack. His couch was going to be soaked.

His cock began to pulse wildly as if it were convulsing inside of me. I felt his tip expand against my inner walls. He squeezed my wrists even more as his body stiffened. With one more violent thrust, I felt his cock erupt inside of me. Robert was now moaning and screaming as I had done before.

“Ohh. Uhhh. Uhhh. Uhhh!” He grunted like a wild animal as he pumped load after load of his creamy hot cum deep inside my drowning pussy. Finally, he stopped thrusting. His cock was completely inside of me. I could feel it pulsing gently now.

“Mmm.” One last gentle moan from him as his body fell limp on me.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt you," he said as he realized he was still gripping my wrists very tightly.

“Mmm. Not at all. I love that you took me that way.”

We both lay there for a short time. I loved feeling his warm body on mine. His cock was now limp and sliding out of me. I kissed him softly as he began to stand up. The phone rang. Without even answering it, Robert knew who it was.

“Oh, my God. I was supposed to pick up a body. That’s where I was headed when I found you outside.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “Relax, Robert. They are hardly going anywhere without you.”

He laughed too.

We both got dressed quickly. He helped me to the van he was going to use to pick up the body.

“I’ll take you home, first. Unless you want to ride along.”

“I think I’ll just go home," I said laughing

It was a short ride to my home. We didn’t talk a lot. Robert pulled into the driveway. He got out and came around to help me into the house. I leaned on him as I hobbled to the door.

“May I ask you something, Robert?”

“Sure. You can ask me anything.”

“Why did you pull out of my mouth when you were about to cum?”

“Oh, that. My wife doesn’t allow me to cum in her mouth. She doesn’t like it.”

“What a pity for her. She has no idea of what she is missing,” I said with a smile.

He walked me to the door. I unlocked it, opened it, and started inside.

I leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “You can cum in my mouth anytime."

I gave him a soft kiss and closed the door.  


Written by Leeza
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