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A Passion for Penny - Part 1

"The true tale of how a happily married man ended up in bed with a close family friend"

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I am often asked where the inspiration for Penny’s Promiscuity came from. I have already admitted that there is a little of me in every chapter, and a great deal of me in one, but in the first instance Penny’s adventures were certainly helped by this story.

It was one of my very earliest, originally published in 2006 under a different pseudonym - and even a different gender. I was not as confident of my abilities then as, thanks to my wonderful readers, I have now become.

It is the true story of how, after knowing each other for more than ten years, a happily married man found himself in bed with one of his closest family friends.

I know both of the protagonists personally. I won’t tell you which one told me the truth.

It is written from the male point of view because I was writing under a male pseudonym at the time, so that isn’t a clue. I've changed the names and a few other details that might give too big a clue to his or Penny's true identities, but otherwise, this is exactly how it happened – or at least it's how it was told to me!


In her early forties, a highly educated professional woman with two teenage children, Penny isn't one of those women you would immediately see and lust after. She's quite tall, with short dark hair and her body is angular - perhaps even skinny - rather than slim. Her face is full of character and distinctive, rather than beautiful.

But I've wanted to make love to her for many years.

For most of the time I've known her, Penny has had a rather intense, commanding personality. She's highly intelligent, well educated, and tends to want her own way most of the time. Her husband, a very good friend of mine, has found it easiest to let her have her way in most things; as a result, Penny can be cold and hard when thwarted in any way. For years I found this harder side of her personality to be quite off-putting, but gradually, beginning in the October of 2003, things began to change.

I suppose we all desire most the things we do not possess. In Penny and my case, this has been particularly true. My wife is quite short, with a rounded figure – not by any means fat - and blonde hair. In contrast, Penny is tall and angular with dark hair. My wife's breasts are large and full. Penny's breasts are small and her chest flat. My wife's legs are short and muscular. Penny's are long, slim and pale.

And I feel strongly attracted to both of them.

Similarly, Penny's husband is short whereas I am very tall. His skin is tanned while mine is paler. He has more hair all over his body than anyone I have ever encountered; in contrast, I have little body hair which, as a consequence of my wife's aversion to it, has been trimmed even shorter.

I suppose in this perverse way Penny and I were bound to be interested in each other.

For a full ten years our two families got on well together – kids about the same age, interests similar – and there was little or no sexual content to our friendship. It's true that, when I sat next to Penny at dinner parties, the conversation often took on a sexual nature, but there was no real suggestion of anything more – that is, until one New Year party when I realised that, gradually but undeniably, something had significantly changed.

Looking back, I can now see how it began with small things – holding on to me just a fraction longer than she used to when kissing goodnight on the cheek; the conversation turning sexual slightly more often than usual; occasionally 'accidentally' not turning her head far enough at the end of an evening so we kissed on the lips instead of the cheek, supposedly by mistake.

Nothing concrete, but in retrospect, a sexual frisson was definitely developing. Of course, at the time, I completely failed to spot this!

Gradually things progressed. When making arrangements for our families to meet, or to help with each other's kids, it became my mobile phone that Penny called or sent messages to more often than my wife's. Text conversations began to involve more than just one or two practical sentences too, and Penny's messages began to end with an 'X' instead of their previous curt, practical stops.

Only small things again, but gradually they added up to a distinct change in the nature of my relationship with her. And because it happened slowly, it had become bedded in long before either of us realised it.

It was only after one long, slightly drunken Friday night dinner party at the house of mutual friends, that things suddenly changed in a way that even I couldn't miss.

Penny usually drives herself and her husband home, so seldom drinks at dinner parties. But that night they had been given a lift to the dinner by two of the other guests, so she was free to have a few glasses of wine. Amusingly, she gets giggly after only a couple of glasses and, predictably sitting next to me, she became a little tipsy quite early on in the evening.

We had been discussing the holiday that our two families were planning to go on together in the summer. I had gathered together a bag of brochures and had short-listed half a dozen to select from. Penny's husband always lets her choose their holidays, and my wife leaves the decisions to me, so it was normal and natural for the two of us to talk them over. I offered to give Penny the bag of brochures I had brought with me, together with my hand-written notes, so she could look them over and tell me what she thought.

That was when things changed. Penny put her hand on mine and a slightly odd look came over her face. Her voice when she spoke was low and conspiratorial.

"No," she said. "Bring them over on Monday after the kids have gone to school."

I was silent for a moment. A little tipsy myself, I wasn't sure I had understood her correctly?

"Monday morning?" I asked, testing the situation. "So, Paul can see them too?"

"Paul will have gone off with the kids," Penny whispered, a little drunkenly, a meaningful smile on her face.

Our eyes met and she squeezed my hand under the table, then turned abruptly to chat to the friend on her other side. I sat back, bemused.

The rest of the dinner passed off without event. I thought that Penny's leg 'accidentally' brushed against mine more often than chance alone would have allowed, but by the time we were all standing in the hallway saying our 'thank you' and 'goodnights' I was beginning to doubt whether there had been any message at all.

The guests walked as an elongated group along the driveway to our cars, the night dark and moonless around us. My wife turned as she opened the car door and Penny gave her a goodnight peck on the cheek. I shook hands with Paul, both of us slurring our words slightly.

By the time Penny casually leaned towards me for the usual farewell kiss, I had decided that it had all been an illusion brought on by too much good wine. But as I bent to kiss her goodnight, she turned her head – this time quite deliberately – and I found myself kissing her full on the mouth.

In the pitch darkness, her lips opened for a fraction of a second. I felt the hardness of her teeth on my mouth and the sudden, hot, soft thrust of her tongue against mine.

Then she pulled away sharply, smiling.

"See you on Monday!" he whispered. "Sleep well!"

I stood speechless until my wife's voice brought me to my senses. I sat in the car, and she drove us home.


Unsurprisingly, I spent the rest of the weekend with a belly full of butterflies, unsure whether Penny had really invited me to be alone with her; and even less sure whether I should take up the invitation if indeed there had been one.

No, that’s not right. I wasn’t unsure at all; I knew full well I shouldn't go, but I knew equally well that I had to see if I had been right.

I had never cheated on my wife before, despite a number of opportunities over the years and our own highly unsatisfactory sex life. But this wasn’t just any woman; this was Penny, one of our closest friends; someone I should think of more like a sister than a potential lover.

Suddenly, to my horror, I realised that this made the idea of being seduced by her even more exciting.

I spent an anxious Saturday and a restless Sunday, my mind already troubled by lust and guilt even though I had done nothing wrong – at least, nothing outside my own head. By the time I went to bed on Sunday night I had convinced myself that it had all been a misunderstanding and that I wasn't interested in her anyway.

But by the time I woke in the morning, I knew I had to at least see if I had been right.

I told my wife that I had an early appointment with a customer in Leeds and had left the house early myself. She had no reason to suspect. Early appointments happened on a weekly basis so, at 7.30 AM, I parked my car just round the corner from Penny's house on a busy through-road where its presence would not attract attention.

I waited patiently, half-listening to the news on the radio and watching the driveway until I saw the large, automatic wooden gates swing inwards, and Paul’s car, full of children, leave for school.

As soon as they were out of sight, I fired up the engine, and quickly nipped through the open gates and up the long, straight driveway to the front door. In the rear-view mirror, I saw the gates swing shut behind me shutting out any nosy, suspicious neighbours as I drew to a halt, pulled on the hand brake and, stepping nervously out of my car, looked around carefully.

The house seemed deserted as I took my plastic bag of brochures out of the back seat and looked up at the windows.

The room I knew to be the master bedroom had its curtains drawn. Suddenly there was movement behind the drapes, and I thought I saw a face. It disappeared just as suddenly as it had appeared.

Nervously I adjusted my tie and also the lie of my cock which was already hardening uncomfortably in my boxer shorts then crossed to the red front door and knocked softly.

There was no response. I knocked a little harder and thought I could just make out the sound of running feet inside the house. There was a fumbling at the door; it opened a few inches then stopped, held by the security chain. Through the gap, I could just make out Penny's face. She had a bathrobe pulled tightly around her.

She didn't smile. My heart sank.

"Hi Penny." I stammered, trying vainly to keep a casual note in my voice.

The door closed in my face. Oh, God! I thought. Have I made a mistake? Did I misread her messages?

But then I heard a rattling as the security chain was unfastened and the door slowly swung open. Penny stood inside, her eyes on mine. There was a strange look on her face which did not at first reassure me.

"Is this a bad time?" I asked, giving us both the chance to back out, or for me to pretend I'd come for some other reason.

Penny just grinned in an embarrassed manner. As she looked at me, her bathrobe fell ever-so-slightly open before she pulled it tightly around her again. Has that been deliberate? Through the gap, I thought I could see sexy, pale lace underwear.


That wasn't normal for a Monday, surely?

"Oh, God!" I thought. "Perhaps I was right!"

"Come in," she whispered.

 With my belly alive with butterflies, I entered the hall.

"I've brought those holiday brochures for you," I began nervously, my voice squeaking stupidly as she closed the front door behind me.

"Thanks," Penny smiled. "Have you got time for a coffee?"

I looked at my watch. Stupid again. I knew exactly what the time was and how long I could stay.

"Mmm. Please." I replied.

Penny led the way down the short corridor and into her large, sun-filled kitchen. I followed her, still frantically seeking signs that I'd not been mistaken.

I noticed her nicely brushed hair. That certainly wasn't how it had been when she had got out of bed. As she passed me, I could smell the sweet, newly showered freshness of her skin. Was that a sign too?

As Penny filled the kettle, I placed the bag of brochures down on the wooden kitchen table.

"There are a few choices in here, but it's difficult to find properties big enough for us all," I said, trying to maintain the pretence it was an innocent visit and pleased that my voice sounded a little more normal.

Penny crossed to the table, her gown-covered thigh accidentally brushing against me as she passed. I stood my ground, still nervous and unsure, still desperately looking for a clear signal – or maybe any signal.

As she thumbed through the top two brochures, her thighs were still lightly touching mine. She didn’t have to stand this close; there was plenty of room in the kitchen. Was this the signal I had been waiting for? Was she trying to tell me that now was the time to make a move and touch her in return?

But still, I couldn't be certain. As she flicked through the brochures her conversation was still practical and to the point. The risks of getting it wrong were too high to take a chance.

Perhaps I had made a big mistake. Perhaps I hadn't, but she'd changed her mind. Perhaps...

I was brought to my senses as, across the room, the kettle began to boil noisily. Penny stood up slowly, brushing against me once again, and went to make the coffee. The stomach-tingling smell of her perfume wafted past me again. I felt sick with excitement.

Soon, the wonderful aroma of Penny was joined by the strong smell of fresh coffee. I inhaled deeply, my heart thumping as she ground the dark beans in the noisy, rasping shiny steel machine on the kitchen dresser.

"I think the Victorian cottage in the blue brochure would be nice," Penny continued as if unaware of the effect her presence was having on me. "But then a seaside place would be nice too... Oh Hell!"

She swore under her breath.

"What's the matter?" I asked crossing over to where she stood.

"I can't get the lid open. Can you have a go?"

Always pleased to play the big strong male, I smiled and, standing close by Penny, took hold of the machine's stainless steel lid.


“Can you hold the base?” I asked.

Penny nodded and grasped the grinder's body tightly and made a show of bracing herself. Our bodies were pressed close together as I wrenched the lid anti-clockwise.

It turned very easily. It had not been jammed at all. I looked at Penny, puzzled.

And then she kissed me. On the lips! Full and purposeful! No accident!

And then all Hell broke loose. Suddenly ten years of bottled-up desire was let free as our mouths ground together in the heat and passion of our first real kiss, teeth clashing awkwardly, tongues writhing over and around each other, hands grasping each other bodies as if we were teens all over again.  

Penny tasted cleanly of mint toothpaste, with just a hint of fresh coffee on her breath. Her body smelled of bath oil, her hair bore the lightest aroma of roses. I held her skinny body tightly against mine, drinking in the heady, sensual cocktail of her presence, my chest and belly tight with astonishment and incredible arousal.

After what seemed an age, our lips parted and we both gasped for breath, giggling like school kids. My lips felt numb. How many years had it been since that had happened?

Penny leaned back in my arms, her body still closely pressed against mine. She couldn't possibly mistake the bulging, painfully constrained erection in my pants as it pressed firmly into her lower belly.

"I thought you were never going to make a move," she laughed, her eyes bright and lively.

I could do nothing but look into her mischievous face, stunned.

"You big dope," she chided, kissing me playfully on the lips again. "How obvious did I need to make it?"

I felt very silly, my face flushing red with embarrassment. Penny grinned and kissed me on the lips once again and we melted together in a second passionate embrace.

As our mouths moulded together once more, I slipped my hands deep inside her bathrobe and around her waist, feeling the soft smooth skin of her back. I slid my fingers up and down her spine from the silky-smooth waistband of her panties to the tightly fastened clasp of her bra. As I kneaded her firm, smooth buttocks under the silk of her panties, she pressed her cheeks back against my palm, then towards me, grinding her bony mound against my painfully hard cock again.

Penny's arms snaked around my neck and my fingers danced over her skin. I kneaded her soft, silk-clad buttocks; I ran my fingernails down her sides; I stroked her flat smooth stomach; I fondled her small silk encased breasts. And all the time, Penny's tongue was reaching deep into my mouth, entwining with my own, our mouths open wide as if trying to consume each other entirely.

We broke for breath once again, giggling a little in relieved arousal. Penny released my neck and, stepping back a short way, let her bathrobe fall to the ground. My eyes opened wide in delight.

Underneath her gown, Penny was wearing expensive, pale lemon-coloured silk underwear which highlighted the whiteness and softness of her skin. Loose-fitting, lace-trimmed French knickers covered her buttocks, the fine silk almost transparent, the outline of her dark triangle clearly visible through its fine weave. Above her flat, slightly stretch-lined stomach, a matching lemon bra barely concealed and temptingly presented her tiny breasts in a way which simply demanded the attention of my lips.

She looked simply stunning, but for the first time, a little unsure too, her eyes turned to the floor.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, unable to stifle a childish gasp. To my relief, Penny looked pleased.

"You like it?" she whispered. "I've never… you know… let anyone but Paul see me like this.”

I stepped forward, took her fingers in mine and raised them to my lips. I kissed them, then her lips, then dropped to my knees before her, my face close to her wonderful breasts.

I breathed on her tiny globes, then sucked them into my mouth, feeling her nipples hardening through the smooth cloth. As Penny’s hands cupped my head, I drew each covered nipple in turn into my mouth, lightly flicking my tongue over its tip as my hand gently cupped its soft round body.

I felt Penny tremble a little, then she slipped a single finger under my chin, tipping my face towards hers.

"Not here," she whispered. "Come with me."

I rose to my feet. Penny took my hand in hers and led me out of the kitchen and up the stairs to where I knew the guest bedroom to be. I closed the door behind us and quickly undressed down to my boxer shorts, my eyes never leaving Penny as she climbed onto large double bed, and slowly lay back on the off-white duvet.

I went to the window to close the curtains, but Penny stopped me.

"I love the sunlight; leave them open."

Indeed, she was right; the morning sun was playing brightly over the bed, making Penny's skin look even paler; her silk lingerie almost glowing as she smiled up at me.

“Come here!”

I lowered my briefs to the floor and kicked them off. My rock-hard, almost painful erection slapped eagerly against my lower belly. Penny stared at my body. Suddenly it was my turn to feel embarrassed and insecure.

For the first time since my marriage, another woman was seeing me fully naked. Though much taller, I was much less muscular than her husband – what if she didn't want me at this late stage?

But my fears were assuaged when Penny reached out towards me.

With my heart thumping and our eyes locked together, I nervously approached the foot of the bed where Penny’s feet, her toenails freshly polished, were pointed towards me. I knelt on the edge of the mattress, placed a hand on each of her pale white knees and spread her legs. Then, sliding back until I was kneeling on the floor, I pulled Penny's sweet body towards me until one long, slim thigh was either side of my head.

Her body was smooth, pale and soft to my touch, her knees, hips and shoulders bony and angular. As my mouth descended towards her groin, I felt her white thighs rising like ivory towers either side of my face.

I closed my eyes as my lips brushed against the lemon silk that covered her pubic hair. She smelled clean; freshly showered and with a sweet, soapy smell, but with my nose barely inches from her vulva, I could already detect the familiar, musky smell of a woman’s increasing arousal.

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There was a dark, damp patch on the silk gusset between her thighs, and I could clearly feel the animal heat of her arousal on my face as I ran my tongue along the crease at the top of her thigh. I slipped my little finger under the hem of her knickers. Penny moaned softly and raised her hips towards my mouth.

The dark wet patch grew wider and darker.

I began to slip the panties down over Penny's buttocks. To my delight, she raised her hips from the bed to let them pass freely and reveal her sweet vulva. I paused at the first glimpse of exposed pubic hair, then quickly drew the damp panties over her smooth white thighs; over her slightly knobbly knees and threw them aside.

I sat back, amazed as Penny's beautiful sex was bare before me for the first time. My chest felt tight with excitement, my cock hard as iron and sticking up as erect as a teen as I gazed down on her precious core. Her pubic hair was sparse, dark and trimmed - even sweeter than I had imagined it.


Instinctively, I lowered my head towards the place I had desired for so long, feeling long, slender fingers tangling in my hair as I turned my full attention to the delight before me.

Burying my nose between her fleshy outer lips, I inhaled deeply, feeling my spine shiver with the deeply arousing aroma of Penny's body coming on heat. I breathed out, my hot breath rolling over her inner lips as my tongue darted outward and upwards to tickle the underside of her swelling clitoris. Her smooth white thighs clamped hard around my head, and I heard the muffled sound of a deep moan as her pelvis shook.

I slipped the palms of my hands under her soft white buttocks and gently raised her vulva to my lips, tilting her pelvis as her heels touched my back. Her outer lips swelled and parted before my eyes, revealing the bright pink sweetness of her inner lips within.

In a single smooth move, I slid the tip of my tongue the full length of her slit, from its rounded, open base to the hard nub of her clitoris above. Penny gasped aloud and a small, animal-like whimper escaped her lips. I lapped at her again and again, feeling her legs open wider and wider as if to draw me into her.

Then I plunged my tongue, firm and pointed, into her vagina. Penny's body went stiff as I began to draw my tip around the rim of her moist opening. I felt her fingers in my hair and lifted her hot vulva even closer to my face as she pulled my head into her as if wanting to draw me into her body.

I began to flick my tongue rapidly in short sharp jabs over her small, hard clitoris. The effect was immediate; Penny's fingers tightened in my hair until it hurt. I persisted, finding the underside of her clitoris, working the tip of my tongue under the hood; feeling the juices from her rapidly lubricating vagina running down my chin.

Penny's moans became louder and more animal. I lowered my tongue and thrust it deep into her vagina, my face immediately awash with her juices. Penny's thighs closed tightly on the sides of my head as her hips bucked towards me. I could hear her squeal softly, the sound muffled by her thighs pressing against my ears.

I ran my tongue around the perimeter of her open vagina, feeling every contour of her entrance; every fold of her inner lips; tasting her changing juices as her excitement grew and grew. I braced myself, waiting for the climax I was sure would follow very shortly.

But Penny's hands were pulling me upwards and away from the heat of her engorged sex. Puzzled, I reluctantly raised my head. Penny's eyes were wide open and dreamy, almost drunk with passion. She pulled me gently upwards, my lips planting tiny kisses on her belly, her chest and her silk-covered breasts as they neared her face.

We kissed full on the lips, my face damp and sticky with Penny's juices. She closed her eyes and hoarsely whispered in my ear.

"Fuck me, Please! Fuck me!" I truly think these were the most arousing words I had ever heard.

As I reared up over her, Penny's legs opened wide and, taking my weight on my left arm, I carefully positioned the head of my cock against her full, puffy lips and slid smoothly into the heat of Penny's wet, open vagina. We paused, my face above hers, our bodies joined in the damp stickiness of our union, almost unable to believe that, after so many years, we had finally done it.

I don't know why, but I was surprised at how loose she was around my cock. After giving birth to two children, I suppose I should have expected it, but I met with no resistance from her body until my trimmed pubic hair rested firmly against hers.

I looked into Penny's eyes, my face I hoped silently asking the important question. Penny, her eyes moist and dreamy, understood.

"Have you really had a vasectomy?" Her voice sounded slightly drunk, but the blunt medical question told me she was still alert and herself.

I nodded.

"Do it then! Fuck me now!"

My own wife would never use these words and coming from so confident, professional a woman as Penny, they simply inflamed me. I needed no more encouragement. Taking my weight on my arms, I began to slide in and out of her beautiful vagina in long, slow thrusts, my eyes fixed on hers.

But Penny's pussy was definitely loose, even when she tensed it around my shaft. My arousal was so strong that I knew I would cum soon despite her lack of tightness, but I wanted to make it special for Penny. I'd known for a long time that she had difficulty reaching a climax – she and my wife had once bought vibrators together on a trip to Manchester – and now I realised why.

Pausing in my thrusting, I put my hands under her slim knees and lifted them upwards until her knees were near her chest and her legs bent under my body. I pressed her knees tightly together and felt to my delight her vagina getting tighter and tighter around my cock.

Penny's eyes opened wide as I began to thrust into her once again, my hips slapping against her shins.

"Oh God! ...That'" She gasped and I felt my chest tighten sharply.

I began to thrust harder and deeper and felt Penny try and tighten herself again around me. This time it worked! Her eyes closed; her face screwed up with the effort of tightening. I saw her body flush once again as she began to tremble and shake. The room was full of the wet slapping sounds of our bodies colliding, mixed in with Penny's moans and my own animal grunts as together we climbed towards a breathtaking illicit climax.

Penny began to squeal – strange almost inhuman noises escaping from her open mouth.

"Are you okay?" I gasped, not breaking my rhythm.

Penny's face stared up at me, her head nodding wildly, incapable of speech. I redoubled my efforts, thrusting harder and harder into her body, pressing her thighs tighter and tighter together; feeling her vagina gripping my shaft with every stroke.

Penny's noises grew louder and louder until they joined together in a low, loud moan almost like a ship's foghorn. I realised to my amazement that she was climaxing, her chest and face flushed pink.

Suddenly I felt an unbelievable burning in the base of my erection as my climax began. A hot, wet feeling spread between my thighs and down my legs as my lower back locked and I began to thrust myself deep into Penny in hard, short, sharp jabs outside my conscious control. I began to cum, feeling my cock throbbing as a white-hot liquid seemed to surge up my shaft and burst into Penny's waiting body.

Below me, Penny's head was shaking from side to side, her small breasts now rigid, their nipples long and erect under their silk cover, wobbling slightly up and down with the pace of my slowing thrusts.

To my astonishment, I felt her vagina pulsing around my softening cock, something I hadn't encountered with my wife in twenty years, as if actively milking me of every drop of semen. Penny's whole body shook as it tried to draw me into her, and I saw tears beginning to run from the corners of her eyes.

Suddenly I felt a lump in my own throat as my climax subsided. Penny's spasm gradually reduced, and her vagina released its grip on my cock. I held myself motionless above her, feeling her body's grip on my softening cock loosen.

Penny's head was turned away from me, as if she couldn't bring herself to look me in the face. I felt awkward too. Something beautiful had certainly just happened between us, but at the same time, we both knew that something else beautiful had just come to an end.

Our innocence. Our fidelity to our long-time partners had been shattered. Shattered in a wonderful, passionate way, but it was gone.

I felt my cock slip easily from Penny's body and I rolled to lie alongside her. We stared at the ceiling, neither touching the other, both panting.

After what felt like an hour, but which was probably only a few minutes, I reached out for Penny's hand with my fingers. I found it loose and unresponsive but worked my fingers in between hers until I was gripping her hand tightly. I squeezed it. She squeezed me back, and rolled into my arms, her head on my shoulder. I hugged her tightly and we lay in silence.

A few minutes later, I felt Penny's body shaking in my arms and pulled my head back to look her in the face. There were tears running down her cheeks.

"Penny!" I whispered, hugging her close again. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head. "Nothing…"

"Tell me. Please." I insisted.

"It's just that I've never… cheated on Paul before. It was lovely, and I wanted it so much. I planned it, and it was just as good as I dreamed it would be but I've never…”


She left the words hanging in the air.

"I know what you mean,” I said, trying to comfort her. "It's my first time too, and I feel as guilty as you do."


She looked me in the face.

"Not quite as guilty, though,” she protested. “I started it!”

"Maybe, but I don't regret it, Penny. What we've just done is natural between two old friends who…”

"Who what?" she asked.

"Well, who have loved each other from a distance for a long time.”

We lay in silence for a while, watching the ceiling.

"Have you lost all respect for me now?" Penny murmured. I sat up.

"God no! How could you think that?"

"It's just that now you know my most intimate…”


Her voice trailed away.

"And you know mine too," I reassured her.

There was another long pause.

"What made you want me?" I asked.

"I don't know," came the slightly dreamy reply. "Paul and I are routine, so used to each other. I think I needed excitement - to feel attractive – like a real woman again."

"You've always known I find you very attractive, haven't you?" I asked.

Penny blushed. "And I've always fancied you too. That's why I thought you'd... perhaps...want to go all the way."

I laughed. "I suppose we have now, haven't we."

We lay together in silence, my arms around her slim, bony frame. After so long a pause that I thought she must have fallen asleep, Penny mumbled something.

"Sorry!" I whispered. "I couldn't hear that!"

"I asked…" Penny repeated, more clearly and to my absolute astonishment. "Is it something you'd want to do… again?"

My reaction was instant and instinctive. "Of course!" I replied, but then hastily added. "But only if it's what you want, too. We could do it every day, every week, or even never again. Whatever you want."

There was a long pause, then suddenly to my astonishment, I felt her long thin fingers cupping my flaccid cock and balls. My sack instantly tightened and I felt my erection springing to life.

"I had something more immediate in mind!" She whispered in my ear.

Penny raised herself to her knees and kissed my sticky face. She licked her lips as if surprised by the taste of her own body on mine. She grinned then kissed my nipples delicately before drawing her tongue across my stomach as her head descended to my rapidly hardening cock.

I watched spellbound as Penny's lips closed around its smooth, purple head, her sharp white teeth gripping me gently around my shaft. I heard myself moaning aloud, and felt her hot, wet, active tongue wrapping itself around my sensitive tip. I shuddered with the pleasure and my hands massaged her shoulders as her head began to dip up and down, her mouth swallowing most of my length with every movement.

I closed my eyes, my head falling back on the rumpled sheet. Christ! Penny was good. Her teeth scraped gently – but not too gently – along the sides of my shaft while her hot, active tongue toyed with my swollen, slightly sore head and the sensitive ridge beneath it. A hand slipped between my thighs, rising quickly until she cupped my tightening sack.

I could hear the soft, wet sounds of her mouth; smell the sexual heat of her body and feel the pain of my second climax beginning deep within my body.

It was too soon!

Placing my hands lightly on her head, I gently slowed her pumping until almost reluctantly she stopped. Penny looked up at me.

"Didn't you like it?"

"It was wonderful. Almost too wonderful...." I smiled wryly, a little embarrassed. Penny understood and grinned at me.

"We wouldn't want things to end too soon – not after we've taken twelve years to get here."

I sat upright and drew her mouth once again towards mine. We kissed; first lightly; delicately; then with increasing passion as I lowered her to the bed and manoeuvred myself above her.

Kissing her deeply on the lips, I rose over her pale body once again and slipped my knees between her opening thighs. There was no hesitation this time as her hand dropped to squeeze my painfully hard cock to its full hardness before guiding it into her hot, sticky flesh.

For the second time that morning, I sank into her open, welcoming vagina right to the hilt. Despite my hardness, her hot, wet vagina again felt loose around my shaft as I made my first long, slow thrusts. On her face I saw desire, and what looked like love, tinged with disappointment.

"Just a minute," I murmured softly, slowly withdrawing my cock from her body. Penny looked up at me with what I thought was more disappointment and a little puzzlement.

I smiled broadly, and knelt back on my heels between her open thighs before reaching across the rumpled duvet for my trousers. I quickly pulled a small sealed packet from the back pocket and tore it open.

"I thought you'd had a vasectomy." Penny protested, a terrified look on her face.

I smiled back, rolling the light, heavily ribbed and studded condom down my erect penis.

"Shhh. Trust me, I have. You're not pregnant. But you'll love this."

"What is it?"

"Something I discovered with Jane," I whispered, smiling broadly.

Penny looked suspicious, but I leaned over her and placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her wonderful, wet passage. Through the thin latex, I could feel her heat and her softness. It was intoxicating. I pressed myself into her.

Penny gasped as I entered, her back arching suddenly and her legs tightening around my waist. I bent low and kissed her lips, my tongue toying with the slim metal of her brace. Her eyes were moist and dreamy. I began to slide slowly out of her, then back in quickly.

"Oh my God!" Penny groaned under her breath, and I felt her vagina tighten suddenly around my shaft. I moved further, she gasped again, released me, then tightened again. "It's amazing!"

"I told you it was worth it!" I chuckled, and started the long, slow strokes that I felt would best bring her pleasure.

I was right. Within seconds, I felt Penny's fingernails scratching down my spine. They made me shiver, which made me jerk forwards deep into her vagina, which in turn made her cry out and scratch me again, which made me shiver again, which......and so it went on. It was wonderful.

Penny's nipples were now firm, erect and hard beneath my chest. I bent my neck uncomfortably to reach them with my mouth and I sucked hard, drawing the silk-covered tip into my mouth where I nibbled it with my front teeth. Penny gasped and I felt her vagina tighten hard around my shaft. I felt that familiar burning at the base of my cock that told me I was about to cum again. The burning is always much more intense before my second ejaculation and I heard myself gasp and choke a little with the sharp pain.

Beneath me, Penny realised what was about to happen. A strange look came over her face.

"Take it off!" She whispered, her eyes wide and staring; her pupils wide and black.

"Now?" I asked, incredulous.

"Mmm!" She nodded. "I want you to cum in me."

Barely able to prevent myself from ejaculating on the spot, I hurriedly eased my swollen cock out of Penny's wide, wet vagina and sat back on my heels again. The condom was covered in a film of white juices, thick and with a heady sexual smell, churned white by the energy of our lovemaking. I quickly pulled the sticky sheath off my cock which felt hot and tingled sensitively in the cold bedroom air and threw the sticky latex onto the floor.

Guiding myself with my hand, I quickly slipped my throbbing erection back between Penny's pale thighs and deep into her wide open, welcoming vagina once again. The sensations overwhelmed me. The heat and moistness I had felt through the condom were nothing compared with the wonderful warmth I now felt all around my sore shaft. Penny tilted her hips and I felt the top of her vagina tight against the topside of my shaft.

Fully out of control, for the second time in a single morning I began to cum in her, simply astonished at just how intense my climax was; feeling my body outside my control, pumping my semen almost painfully into her sweet vagina where, had there been any sperm within it, it would have swum boldly towards her womb.

Although intense, my second ejaculations are always short and it wasn't long before I lowered myself onto Penny's body once again, exhausted and spent, my chest heaving. Penny wrapped her arms and legs around my body as if to draw me even deeper into her. I felt the last dying twitches of my cock within her, then the silent calm, the 'little death' that follows an intense climax.

Smiling, I kissed her lightly on her lips, her mouth tasting salty and sweet at the same time, and rolled alongside her, pulling my numb cock out of her as I moved. Penny's chest rose and fell heavily, her face flushed pink with her own orgasm. She nestled her head against mine and we lay in silence.

After a very short time, I heard the slow, steady sound of her breathing. She was asleep.

An hour later I was in my car, driving East to my meeting – rather later than I had told my wife. My head was dizzy with the events of the morning. Although we had showered together, I felt I could still smell and taste Penny's wonderful, sexy body on my clothes, in my hair, within my skin. My cock was definitely red and sore and made me fidget in my trousers.

I did feel a strong sense of guilt; after all, I had never cheated on my wife before. But somehow this didn't feel like cheating. I had known Penny for so long and so closely that it was almost like making love to a second wife.

I felt a thrill in my loins when I realised that only three months ago, I would have described her more as a sister.

Penny and I had agreed to wait a week at least before deciding what to do. We had also solemnly sworn that, whatever happened, telling our spouses could serve no good purpose and we would never let either of them know our secret.

Neither of us wished to split up with our partners or damage our children, but we both felt good that, after nearly twenty years of marriage, we each had someone who wanted us for our basic raw attractiveness. We were both still young and sexy!

I hoped there would be more 'early appointments. I felt confident there would!

Written by JennyGently
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