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The Reunion

"More fun than I bargained for with a hot couple I knew from college"

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Ten years after I graduated college, my school hosted a reunion.

Only about fifty people showed up, but that was okay. Unlike a lot of people, I had enjoyed college more than high school and made more friends there, so it was a great time no matter who was there.

I spent a fair amount of the evening talking to Tom and Maggie. Although we were all in the same class, they hadn’t dated until after college. They were a great couple: Tom, always fun and personable, the kind of guy everybody liked; and Maggie, sparkly and intelligent, the kind of woman who always just felt nice to be around, even without being flirty. And now they were married. Both of them were lucky, if I thought about it.

Not long after graduation they got together, got married and moved back to Tom’s small hometown halfway across the state. Tom’s dad owned the local feed store, and had needed him to come back home and take over the family business. Maggie, a small-town girl herself, had eagerly joined him.

Despite living in the country, they both were quite sophisticated. They had traveled overseas extensively, and not just in places where English was widely spoken. They were also big fans of the amenities of the big city, where I now lived: the arts, the sports teams, the hip restaurants, the swanky cocktail bars, the whole deal.

In fact, they’d been making so many long drives to the city that they’d recently bought a condo there instead of checking in and out of hotels all the time. I guessed the feed store must be doing okay.

Anyway, they were excited to show off their new place, and invited me over for dinner the next evening along with Tina and Jack, another fun couple. I didn’t mind being the fifth wheel at all, figuring it would be lots of fun to continue catching up with them all.

I didn’t have too much trouble finding the place. It was in a warehouse district that was still a little sketchy but not really dangerous, and also not (yet) too expensive. Pretty savvy choice, I thought.

Their condo was on the eighth floor. Tom greeted me at the door in a polo shirt and shorts. He’s a shorter guy, stocky and muscular, blue-eyed, blonde - and good-looking enough that even other guys notice.

Maggie looked amazing, in a print dress with curves that accentuated her own generous curves and colors that complimented her olive skin, long jet-black hair, and striking green eyes. Topping all her attributes was her trademark quirky, friendly smile.

They greeted me with hugs (almost too warm), a glass of wine (almost too cold) and a quick tour (almost too short, as the place was tiny).

Maggie grabbed my hand and led me around the place. Although on the top floor, this was no penthouse: just a simple studio a couple of decades old, really the size of a hotel room, with just enough space for a small dining table, a couch and a wallbed. It did, however, have an up-to-date kitchen and bath, plus a spectacular view of downtown a mile and a half away, with panoramic windows and a generous balcony to enjoy it from.

Tom put his hand on my shoulder and invited me out to enjoy that view while we sipped our wine. He and I sat on the two-person bench they had out on the balcony, while Maggie stood in the doorway, her well-formed hip leaning against the doorjamb as we talked.

Maggie took a phone call and came back to tell us that Tina and Jack had a sick child and couldn’t make it.

“Looks like it’s a threesome, then,” joked Tom. Maggie shot him a mildly disapproving look and swatted him on the shoulder playfully.

We resumed our prior conversation, which was excellent, ranging from old college tales to the bands they’d seen lately, to life in their town and the huge garden plot they had going, to the dinner Tom had brewing in the kitchen.

Both of them were warm and effusive, Maggie sometimes touching me on the shoulder when making a point, and even Tom tapping me on the knee with his hand a couple of times. It wasn’t necessarily beyond what you might expect from good friends, and aside from the obvious subconscious awareness of Maggie’s sex appeal, the thought had not occurred to me that this could actually lead somewhere. I was simply feeling very comfortable with them, enjoying the easy company of old friends and good wine.

We went back inside for dinner. Maggie dimmed the lights, lit some candles, and put on some smooth background music while Tom brought out his chicken cacciatore. Although this was a dish that maybe hadn’t been in favor for a long time, Tom said he was currently trying to teach himself to make all the classics.

In any event, it was a revelation. The chicken was impossibly moist and flavorful. The tomatoes, herbs, and peppers tasted impossibly fresh and bright, each contributing distinct flavor without anything overpowering the others. I’d hardly ever had a meal that good, not even back when the dish was in style. The glazed carrots Tom served on the side were the best I’d ever had, as well: delicately earthy with root-vegetable flavor, tender without being mushy, and faintly sweet and spicy on the outside, the glaze slightly crackled and browned. Just perfect.

“Well, don’t give me the credit,” Tom replied when I complimented him on the meal. “It’s all in the freshness of the ingredients. Everything in this dish came from our garden, or our chicken coop, except of course the capers on the chicken, and the spices on the carrots. Even the honey in the carrot glaze is from our beehives.”

Maggie further explained that everything had been picked (or butchered) the previous morning. “We just threw it all in a cooler on ice and brought it here. We had no idea who we would be cooking for - maybe just us - but we are so glad you joined us! This is so much fun!”

Tom cleared away the dishes and turned off the lights so we could enjoy a spectacular sunset reflecting off the glassy modernist towers downtown.

Maggie turned back to the kitchen. “Well, what would you like to drink after dinner?" she asked, placing her hand on her hip and casually inquiring, "Coffee, tea … or me?"

There was a split second of silence as Maggie reddened and stammered, “Oop, just kidding.”

Tom quickly put things back on track, nonchalantly saying with a smile, “I’ll have the latter, later, but for now a cup of decaf.”

“I’ll have a cup of herbal tea if you’ve got it,” I requested.

“Coffee and tea, coming right up," she replied, notably omitting the "me" part of her earlier question. I think I could use a cup of full-caf myself, after all that wine. Whoo! Sorry guys, I guess I’m having too much of a good time tonight.”

As she set to work on the hot drinks, Tom murmured good-naturedly in my ear, “Can’t say you weren’t tempted.”

I shrugged awkwardly, unsure if it was okay to admit the truth. Inwardly, though, I registered not only a thought of what she might look like without that dress on, but also a tingle of enjoyment at his warm breath on my ear.

“Hey, it’s okay,” he added. “I’m not possessive.”

I didn't reply, not really sure how to handle a comment like that.

I don’t know what kind of herbal tea Maggie said she served me, but it was exotic and amazing, with hints of lemongrass, hibiscus, anise and I couldn’t tell what else. Something they’d gotten overseas.

The conversation continued, this time getting more into who had gotten married, who had hooked up with whom - and even who’d been rumored to do what with whom. I relayed a story that Jim Franklin had allegedly had a threesome with roommates Faye and Rhonda.

“Whoa, lucky guy,” uttered Tom.

"Oh Thomas," sputtered Maggie with an eye roll.

Switching to a more skeptical face, he asked, "Seriously? You think that really happened?"

Maggie added with a smirk, “I find it believable. While I did not know about that incident, what I do know is they didn’t always need a man. I lived next door to them junior year, and sometimes I’d hear them moaning through the wall. Even when I knew they didn’t have a guy over. It was definitely two women’s voices.”

“I bet that perked you right up, didn't it Joe?” joked Tom, slapping the side of my knee and pointedly looking at my crotch.

"Hey, I'm only human,” I replied. Good thing I was sitting down to conceal the physical evidence of, uh, perkiness.

"Only a man, you mean," countered Maggie. “That's about the response when I first told Tom about it." Tilting her head back with a smile in remembrance she said, "Let’s just say we went an extra round that night.” Both of them giggled.

At that moment the oven timer rang. All three of us had forgotten the pie Maggie was baking, made with - you guessed it - an early pumpkin just picked from their garden.

As she bent down to open the oven door on the other side of the kitchen peninsula, her dress hung down and I accidentally (I swear, accidentally!) caught a spectacular glimpse of her generous cleavage. Let me restate that: it wasn’t cleavage, it was big soft melons freely dangling. Jesus.

And she caught me looking. Double Jesus.

I was stone busted, and she locked eyes with me. But rather than returning a cold glare, or averting her eyes in the hope that I would do the same, she raised her eyebrows, smiled warmly at me, and winked. Triple Jesus.

After she’d set out the pie to cool, Maggie uttered, “Oh shit, I forgot to get the ice cream! Here, let me run to the little store across the street while you two keep catching up.”

Tom and I went back out to the balcony settee while we waited.

“Hey, can I tell you something?” asked Tom.


“Maggie doesn’t know this, but I slept with Rhonda once. “

“No way.”

“Yes. And it was as good as you might imagine. No offense to Maggie,” he confided, placing his hand on my knee, "but Rhonda was amazing. Active lover, great cocksucker, and the most supple thighs and ass I have ever sampled. And I’m sure you’ve noticed her tits.“

“NASA has noticed her tits, man.”

“Yeah, well those pervs can search the whole planet with their satellites – they might find bigger, but they won’t find better. I can assure you from actual contact. Big, full, supple like the rest of her body, big pink nipples, huge areolas with the little follicles, blue veins, everything you could dream of in a set.”

“Dude, sounds amazing. But you didn't get a threesome with her and Faye, did you?”

“Ha! You got me there," he responded, his hand jostling my knee but remaining on it. "Well, I never thought it was possible to top my encounter with Rhonda until just now, when you told me Jim got into a threeway with both of them. Holy shit, that just sets the imagination on fire.” He squirmed a bit as he added, “Not to mention other parts.” His free hand rubbed the front of his shorts.

“Tell me about it.” Hell, if he was going to rub himself, I took a second to do the same to myself. This sensual evening was starting to get to me.

“Never had a threeway, but hope springs eternal, you know?”

“It does? I mean, you guys are happily married." I asked conspiratorially, "You think Maggie would actually let you bring in another woman?”

He squeezed my knee, replying, “Oh, I think she’d let me bring in another someone … tonight.”

I hadn't thought of that kind of threesome. But my senses being so overwhelmed by the dinner, and the music, and the conversation, and the candles and … and now Tom’s blue eyes boring into me…

Suddenly we were leaning in to kiss each other. It felt like the most natural and obvious next turn of events.

As our tongues met, his hand slid up my leg, finding the shorts fabric strained by my erection.

At that exact moment, as I was starting to enjoy the feel of his hand on my hard penis, we heard keys in the door. The door opened and Maggie walked in. “Did I miss anything?” she hollered from the kitchen, as she cut the pie and scooped the ice cream.

“Oh, we’ll catch you up,” Tom said casually, as we walked back in. Always the cool one, Tom. He could handle anything with aplomb, even managing to somehow conceal his boner in plain sight. Me? My head was about to explode. So was the one on top of my neck.

We didn’t bother sitting down, consuming our slices of pie around the kitchen peninsula. It too was amazing (the pie, not the peninsula). The spices were of course not from their garden but were at least freshly ground. The eggs were from their chickens, and the cream was fresh from their neighbor’s cow. The flavor of the pumpkin was so fresh and sweet, you could tell it was just picked. The ice cream wasn't homemade of course, but it was a fancy super-premium brand with both salted caramel and ground vanilla bean specks that complemented it all perfectly. I started to wonder if you could have an orgasm from food.

After we all took a few bites, "mmmm-ing" and moaning in ecstasy at how good the pie was, Maggie ventured, “So catch me up already.”

“Well, Joe and I were just doing this,” said Tom, kissing me full on the lips.

Wide-eyed, Maggie dropped her fork, spattering pie filling and ice cream across the white quartz countertop, not to mention her dress. She had had to put her hand up to her mouth to keep from spitting out her pie.

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Without blinking an eye - I mean literally, her eyes were as big as plates as she took a big swallow - she asked, “Then what?”

“Well, I was just starting to do this,” he said, reaching inside my shorts.

“Nice! Please continue where you left off, boys.” Leaning against me and kissing my cheek, she cooed, “I'll watch you two do that, while you watch me take off this dirty dress.”

Tom and I pulled down each other’s shorts, our respective masculine glories flying proudly. Still kissing, we grasped each other, each letting out a light moan at the touch of the other’s hand - not unlike the moans we'd uttered while tasting the pie.

I’d never touched another guy before, but it felt so good. His hand on my prick felt wonderful, and I thrilled at the feel of his warm rod in mine. What an amazing, intimate connection with my old friend. The intensity of our kissing increased.

Maggie, meanwhile, turned so my free hand could unzip the back of her dress, which she then shimmied down to the floor, revealing nothing but black lace panties, black shoes, and a whole lot of fleshy curves.

My God, she was built. And not just her breasts (easily D-cups, firm and round, hanging just the right amount for their size, with lovely dark nipples), but her whole shape: medium ass, curvy bell-shaped hips, and long, smooth, muscular legs. Wow, wow, wow.

She snuggled up against me from behind and started kissing the back of my neck, her soft tits pressed against me, while her hands joined Tom's on my cock.

We kept this up for a while before moving on to an even bigger prize: my lips instead of my fingers wrapped around Tom's manhood. I knelt before him and sucked him for a couple of minutes, thoroughly enjoying the novel taste of his manly flesh.

Then we switched, Tom demonstrating some decent first-time blowjob skill, while Maggie, now fully nude, rubbed herself all over me.

“Tom, are you going to suck Joe until he cums?” she implored.

“Mmm-mmmf,” he mumbled around the penis in his mouth.

“Oh good,” she replied, rubbing her crotch against my leg and finally mouth-kissing me.

The feeling of Maggie’s body pressed against mine, plus her tongue wrapped around mine, combined with Tom’s tongue wrapped around my manhood, was quickly too much. He pulled off and had me come generously on his face, then sucked me in again while I calmed down.

Tom stood up so Maggie and I could lick my cum off his face, also kissing each other to share the taste of his seed.

As much as I enjoyed kissing Maggie and hoped to go further with her, it wasn’t time yet. She wanted me to suck Tom some more.

He sat on the couch and I crawled between his legs, enjoying the closer look (and taste) of his circumcised cutlass.

While he had a full bush on top, he had shaved the area below, including his balls. That seemed like a nice setup: business balls, party pecker. I sucked those smooth nuts into my mouth, gently stroking his rod with my hand.

Maggie, meanwhile, kneeled behind me, kneading her ample breasts into my back yet again and rubbing her hands first on my chest, then on my cock, then one hand gently massaging my balls while the other remained on my main member.

Soon enough Tom was tensing up and ready to come, so I sucked him as deep as I could get him, also wrapping my arms around his hips and rubbing my hands on his back and ass as he fed me his prostate-product.

It felt so wonderful to be able to bring my buddy to the peak of pleasure and swallow every drop. We stood and kissed again, stroking each other’s cocks, more tenderly this time.

Maggie cooed, "Now it's my turn with Joe," grabbing my hand and towing me to the wallbed, then laying back with her legs open. As much as I had just enjoyed sex with Tom, I was nearly overwhelmed by the idea that I was now to be with beautiful Maggie. And with Tom's blessing - and witness - no less.

I climbed between her firm legs, spending a couple of minutes devouring her delectable hair pie, then moving up to her wobbling breasts as my hand rubbed her pointy clit around in circles. Finally, I put a couple fingers inside her, kissed her hard as she moaned in response, and then slipped my cock into her hot tunnel.

"Oh God yes, Joe," she gasped as I entered.

We fucked while Tom stood next to the bed stroking himself. I have to admit the sight of him doing that was nearly as captivating as Maggie in her curvy, womanly glory - though Maggie was still the hotter of the two.

Soon Maggie beckoned him over, hissing “I want you both in me,” and sucking him into her mouth. So now, watching a blowjob take place inches from my face was added to the night’s long list of overwhelming sensory treats.

I took a couple of turns sucking him too, but mostly let Maggie enjoy having one cock in her pussy and one in her mouth.

I’d been taking things slowly inside Maggie, both to savor the inside of her body and to not cum before her. Eventually, she started breathing harder and faster, while her moans and whines got louder and louder.

She was soon breathing so hard she couldn't keep Tom’s dick in her mouth, as often happens with women approaching orgasm, so I took over sucking his man-meat. Within seconds I too was overwhelmed and hurtling uncontrollably over the edge.

I kept pumping Maggie as long as I could, the throes of her climax subsiding only a bit. "Now, Tom!" she whispered gutturally. I pulled my diminishing stiffness out of her so he could take my place.

I’d never seen two people having sex in person before, and it was quite a show. Tom and Maggie stared into each other’s eyes as he burrowed inside her, quickly taking up a pace that matched her own body’s undulations, her crotch grinding in a circular motion against his each time he bottomed out.

“Oh Tom, I love you so much. This is such a wonderful night,” she gasped, wrapping her legs around his ass, pulling him in tight and kissing him with a passion clearly reserved for him alone. She was still moaning, apparently having only barely come down from orgasm.

Tom's pace, still matched to Maggie’s writhings and vocalizations, both started picking up again, and then she was quickly in the throes again. Tom couldn’t hold back and soon filled her with husband-syrup, leaving her gasping in her own descent from the peak.

They eased their pace, kissing tenderly and looking into each other’s eyes during the denouement as only two people deeply in love can do.

I observed that as wonderful a time as I’d had inside Maggie, fully matching the occasional fantasies I'd had about her, what she had with Tom was on another level. He was her true love, and I felt truly privileged to simply witness them in this intimate state. I kept quiet as they murmured sweet somethings in each other’s ears.

Tom finally collapsed to the side and leaned against me, his head in my lap where I’d been sitting up against the headboard.

We were all at a loss for words initially. Maggie leaned on her side facing us (showing off her impossible curves from yet another angle), a beatific smile on her face as she gazed at both of us. Tom rubbed my thigh affectionately with his hand, and I returned by rubbing my hand on his chest.

Finally, Maggie quietly spoke. “Let’s go finish our pie.” Tom headed for the kitchen first as Maggie reached for some tissue and wiped some of our cum from her pussy. “You know, you boys made a real mess in here,” she chided amiably.

“Happy to help clean it up after the pie,” cracked Tom over his shoulder with a grin.

As Maggie and I got off the bed she faced me, wrapped her arms around my neck and said, “You know, Joe, you have exceeded our expectations in every way," giving me a quick kiss on the lips, then leading me by the hand the entire eight steps back to the kitchen.


Tom had already grabbed his pie plate and sat down at the table this time, carefully placing a couple of napkins under his slimy bits to protect the chair. Maggie and I did the same.

“Well, we have been talking about you for a while,” said Tom with a grin.

“Mmmm,” echoed Maggie, grinning at me. "Sometimes while we were doing it."

“We really hadn’t planned this for tonight,” explained Tom, “but when Jack and Tina pulled out, we put our plan into action.”

“So there was a plan?”

“Well, it wasn't much of a plan, really,” replied Maggie. “Just to provide you with a very sensual evening and see if we could entice you.”

“Looks like it worked,” I mused.

“Of course, we didn’t know you’d want to do anything with Tom,” said Maggie. "That was a nice bonus."

“Of course, we didn’t know if you’d go for either of us, but Maggie can be persuasive,” continued Tom.

"So can you, Tom. You seduced Joe all by yourself! Nice work.” She mouthed back at him, “So hot.”

As we finished our pie, Tom commented on the number of napkins Maggie was sitting on and joked, “With all that, who needs whipped cream?”

“You naughty boy,” she countered, smiling and shaking her head.

“You wouldn’t have it any other way,” Tom shot back.

"Well, I do like it when you clean me up. But maybe we should give our guest first..."

"Crack at it?"

"Tom!" yelled Maggie with mock outrage. She picked a couple of cum-drenched napkins from between her legs and pitched them at him. It left a splotch of cum on his upper chest, prompting a round of gasps at first, followed by roars with laughter. "Come on, boys, I need more of you."

As we got back to the bed I volunteered for "cleanup detail," as I put it, starting by licking the new cum splatter off Tom's chest and sucking on his nipple for a moment. Not as fun as a woman's tit, but we both seemed to enjoy it.

Maggie, meanwhile, reached down to her soaked pussy and wiped the mixture across her tits. "Looks like I got some on my chest too," she suggested seductively.

I got on the bed next to her and began licking the cum off her ample breasts, provoking moans of pleasure as I sucked them in various spots, then coaxed her nipples into erectitude, moving my mouth back and forth across them. I dropped a hand down through her sopping wet bush, finding the warm treasure beneath. She moaned harder as I probed my way through slick labial folds to her flooded cavern, a couple fingers slipping inside and my thumb working on her clit.

She pulled my hand up and started licking it clean, then sucking the fingers into her mouth. "I'll clean this up. Now you clean that up," she directed, nodding downward.

I worked my way down to her pussy, kissing my way across her soft belly, and took another crack at it, so to speak. With both Tom's and my cum in there, it certainly was a trove of spunky tastes and pheromones. I slurped up and swallowed the excess fluids, getting so excited I didn't realize I was rubbing my sticky cock on the edge of the bed.

Maggie had us flip around into a 69 position with her on top. I clamped my lips over her opening as another wad of excess cum dripped out, then felt the always-exquisite pleasure of a woman's soft lips wrapping themselves around my cock. We were both gentle with each other, maybe being a bit sore by now. With most of the cum cleaned up I enjoyed exploring her natural tangy taste, my arms around her womanly hips and pulling her against my mouth.

Maggie motioned to Tom. I watched his body from beneath as he maneuvered to enter Maggie from behind, his masculine parts now dangling directly above my face. I'd been licking Maggie all over her vulva and back towards her asshole, so I backed off a little so he could ease inside her pussy. As he bottomed out his balls dragged across my face and I licked all over them too.

He pistoned in and out ever so slowly at first, my mouth parts drifting across her pussy, the shaft of his cock and his balls. After a few strokes, he leaned sideways to make eye contact with me. I smiled and nodded, as he pulled out and stuck his rod in my mouth and pumped me a few times, before returning to her pussy.

I could have sucked them both all night. Fortunately, having all orgasmed earlier and being in no big hurry, I got as close to that wish as possible. We enjoyed a relaxed pace of this 69-plus-one (call it 70?) loving for quite a few minutes. Maggie kept making feminine grunts and groans through much of it, clearly enjoying the action. At times Tom rubbed the side of my head affectionately while my lips and tongue grazed his cock and balls. Sometimes my hands were on the side of Tom's thighs behind me, sometimes around Maggie's hips, and sometimes squeezed between us on her hanging tits.

Finally, I felt my orgasm building, working Maggie's breasts more vigorously and squeezing her nipples pretty hard. She squealed "yes!" with pleasure, which finally prompted me to squirt what little cum I had left into her mouth. Her body tensing and shuddering, she ground her cunt harder against my mouth as I wrapped my lips around the clit and slowly circled my tongue around it. Finally, her rising moans reached a pinnacle and she collapsed in a cold sweat.

Truly spent, Maggie rolled off. Tom, having slowly alternated between Maggie's pussy and my mouth, shifted to the side. I turned my head sideways so he could pump my skull full-time at an increasing pace. I cupped his balls in my hands as he mouth-fucked me until he finally came too, delivering one more little spew of his delicious cream.

Nothing could top that night. Not even super-premium ice cream.

Written by joe71
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