I woke up to someone gently shaking me, whispering "Quinn!" My eyes didn't want to open, the light seemed too bright, and the quiet chirps of the birds seemed way too loud.
"Blegh, what," I answered groggily.
"Let's go for a run on the beach!" Jessie's voice answered.
"What are you talking about," I answered, hoping this was some weird dream.
"Come on, Quinn! It's beautiful out there! It'll help your hangover, and everyone else is still asleep!"
I groaned in response, opening one eye in an effort to glare, but Jessie kept tugging at the covers. "Why just me?" I asked with a whine, hoping that Jessie would just decide to go back to bed.
"Because I know you'll say yes," Jessie whispered back with a teasing smile as she grabbed one of my legs and started to pull.
Even through my hungover haze, that little smirk was enough to convince me. I couldn't help but let a grin creep over my face as I rolled over and started to push myself off the bed. "Fine, you win," I said while trying to hide the fact that I was smiling.
But Jessie wasn't fooled. "You know you love me," she said as I stumbled over to my suitcase to find some clothes. I started to put on my usual training gear and running shoes, but Jessie stopped me when she saw what I was doing. "Dude, we're going to the beach. We don't even need shoes. Just wear a swimsuit."
Looking up, I realized that Jessie was dressed only in a jade green striped bikini, perfectly complementing her reddish curls. Damn, she had a nice body. She had a sporty build with well-defined muscles along her arms and legs, decently tanned in stark contrast to her pale white belly decorated in freckles. I was surprised to see that she had any boobs at all, but she actually filled out her top quite nicely. On the small side, but very perky.
I realized I had been staring for a few seconds and quickly moved to find my swimsuit. Mine was a fairly modest floral two-piece halter with thick straps, which would actually be helpful if we were going to be running. At least I'd have a little bit of support and not be flying everywhere.
Once I was dressed, we headed out, our IDs and phones tucked away in Jessie's tiny drawstring backpack. We walked along the short sidewalk until we hit the beach, and Jessie was off.
I ran after her, marveling at how free she looked as she jogged along the beach in front of me. I couldn't quite describe the feeling that came over me, but I could feel my nose tingle and my eyes water. Was it envy? Did I want to be like Jessie, so carefree and lovely? It didn't quite feel like envy, though. It was a good feeling. Something so beautifully pure it pulled at my insides. Maybe it was just because I was so happy to have made a friend like Jessie. All I knew for sure was that it felt amazing to watch her run, and all I wanted to do was to follow.
We ran for a bit over half an hour before Jessie decided to dive into the water. I jumped in after her, letting the waves wash away the sweat and grime from the run. We ended up sitting together in the sand, feeling the waves rush in over our legs and pull us back out, as we leaned back and enjoyed the morning sun.
"It's a good thing we came out early," Jessie said. "I'd be turning into a tomato if that sun were much higher in the sky."
"Yeah, your stomach is so pale!" I responded with a laugh, though I immediately shut my mouth, afraid I might have offended her.
"I know, right?" Jessie replied, giving me a reassuring smile. "My arms are like three shades darker than my boobs!" she continued, holding her forearm up for comparison.
At the mention of her boobs, my eyes darted down to Jessie's chest for a moment and my cheeks flushed as I realized where I was looking.
Letting out a slightly uncomfortable giggle, I tried to think of some way to change the subject away from Jessie's body, but was unable to think of anything.
"That was really nice, by the way. What you did last night," Jessie said quietly. She had clearly been holding onto that all morning. I had a small suspicion it was why she had asked me to come on this run in the first place.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, feigning ignorance.
"Don't play dumb, Quinn," she continued. "I know you took that dare for me."
Ah. Yeah. That. She wasn't wrong. I had done it for her. She had looked so hurt at the idea of Kaitlyn blowing some guy, I couldn't help but volunteer myself. "I did it for Kaitlyn, dummy," I said without much conviction.
"You did it for me," Jessie repeated softly.
"I don't know why you did it for me," she continued. "I've seen Kaitlyn kiss guys before. Hell, I've kissed guys in front of her too!"
"You've kissed guys?" I asked, happy to move the subject away from myself. "I thought you weren't into guys at all."
"I'm not," Jessie responded dryly. "But I'm not ready to be out yet, so the easiest way to be seen as straight is to, you know, act straight."
"Have you...," I started to ask, but I wasn't sure how to phrase it. "You know, done it? With a guy?"
"No, but don't tell anyone that," Jessie answered. "I mean, I've done a few things, but I just can't bring myself to have sex with someone I'm not attracted to. Even kissing guys feels wrong." There was such sadness in her voice, I could barely stand it.
"Have you... ever kissed a girl?" I asked timidly, trying not to overstep. I shook my head immediately. "Sorry, I'm not trying to pry..."
Jessie looked at me with a slight head tilt and a concerned look on her face. "Hey. You can ask me questions, you know," she said. "You don't need to act so afraid. It's okay."
Hearing Jessie say that, I suddenly felt a huge sense of relief. I hadn't realized how much tension I was holding, trying to connect without crossing some invisible boundary. I felt the tears start welling up again, still not sure why so much emotion was pouring out of me. "I'm sorry," I let out.
Jessie noticed how overwhelmed I was and put an arm around me. "Hey, Quinn, You don't need to be sorry for anything. What's going on?" she asked with concern.
"I don't know, I just..." I started to say. And then the words started flooding out. "I'm always afraid I'm saying something wrong. And I really want you to be my friend and I'm afraid I'll say something that makes you leave," I finished.
"I am your friend," Jessie said with a kind smile. "You don't have to worry about that stuff with me, okay? I'm not your mom," she added darkly.
"My mom?" I asked in confusion.
"Come on Quinn, I see how she is with you," Jessie explained. "She makes you feel like you can't ever do anything right, right? Like you'll never be enough? Like everyone will abandon you if you're not perfect or if you mess up at all?"
Oof, that hit home. She definitely wasn't wrong. I wasn't sure exactly how she had picked up on that stuff, especially since we hadn't been particularly close before the spring break trip, but Jessie seemed remarkably perceptive. "How did you..." I started to ask.
"I'm familiar with the type," Jessie replied before I had even asked the question. Shaking her head, she said, "It doesn't matter though. My point is, you don't have to be so on edge with me. Really, I'm not going to be offended. I like you, Quinn. And I want to be your friend. Really."
My shoulders jerked forward as I let out a heavy sob of relief I hadn't even known I needed. "I want to be your friend, too," I replied with a grateful smile. "Thank you."
Jessie smiled back and wrapped me up in a big bear hug. "Don't sweat it, Vernon," she replied, reverting to her usual teasing tone. "So what did you ask before? If I ever kissed a girl?"
"Yep, that's what I asked," I replied, nodding enthusiastically as I did. "So, have you?"
"Sadly, no," Jessie answered. "I only realized I even liked girls when I started falling for Kaitlyn, and everything started to finally make sense. But I'm way too chicken to try anything with her. It would hurt too much if she said no."
"Well, why does it need to be with Kaitlyn?" I asked, my heart unexpectedly starting to beat a little faster. "That's so much pressure to put on yourself, to not ever kiss anyone just because the person you like isn't available. You've liked other girls besides her, right?"
"Yeah, definitely," Jessie answered. "It just never really clicked that that's what it was until I started falling for her, but yeah, I'm definitely into girls. No question there."
"So why not practice with someone else? Without all the pressure? You hear all sorts of stories of girls making out with each other at parties and stuff," I said.
"Who's going to want to practice with a lesbian?" Jessie said with a quick laugh. "I know girls kiss each other for practice all the time, but can you even imagine what would happen if they knew I was actually into it? No. Hell no. I'm not opening up that can of worms. I can barely even bring myself to change in the same locker room with other girls."
"Well, you could find someone who's okay with it from the start," I said carefully. "Someone who already knows."
"What straight girl is going to want to make out with me?" Jessie said. I could hear the pain in her voice as she said it. I couldn't even imagine what it must be like to have to live with so much fear.
"Plenty! I think. I mean, I wouldn't care," I blurted out. "I'm straight and I'd totally make out with you. You know, for practice."
Jessie smiled. "You don't have to say that, it's okay."
"No, really, I would! I mean, if you wanted to, obviously. But yeah, what are friends for anyway?" I could barely breathe through the words that were pouring out of my mouth. I wasn't sure why it was so important to me. Part of it was certainly that I didn't want Jessie to think I'd be weirded out by it, but there was something else there too. It was exciting, the idea of kissing Jessie. Probably just because it was another new thing I'd never done before. That must be it.
"Are you being serious?" Jessie asked, a tiny hint of trepidation hiding behind her voice.
I sat up, pulling my legs under me and leaned over so that my face was only about six inches away from Jessie's, and looked intently into her bright green eyes. "Yes, I'm completely serious," I said emphatically, throwing out all pretense of joking.
I could see Jessie's body language change at that. Her face softened and her shoulders relaxed, and she let herself break eye contact as her eyes moved down my face and settled on my mouth. I felt slightly lightheaded as our faces moved toward one another, my chest heaving in time with my rapid breath. "You sure?" she asked again, this time a hunger evident in her eyes as she caressed my face with her gaze. "Yeah," I let out, my lips parting in anticipation. Finally, our lips connected in a soft, sensual kiss.
It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I could hear the waves crashing in the background and the world faded away. All there was, was her skin. Her lips.
Time seemed to stand still, as we gently explored each other. Jessie's soft hand glided across my cheek and gracefully cupped my ear. At last, I opened my eyes as Jessie laid her head against my chest.
I felt like I was floating, laying there on the beach, the sound of the waves crashing around us, until I noticed Jessie's shoulders heaving. She was crying, though she was clearly trying to hide it.
"Is it Kaitlyn?" I asked her.
Jessie looked back up at me, tears welling in her eyes. "That was amazing, Quinn. You're an amazing friend for doing that for me. I never knew how that could feel before now. I just want it to be real, you know? I love her so much."
It hurt my heart to imagine Jessie feeling so much pain. I tried to think of anything I could say or do to help make things better for her.
"Maybe you should talk to her," I suggested, wishing I could just kiss her again to make her pain go away. "Maybe she'll feel the same way about you."
"Yeah, or maybe she'll never talk to me again," Jessie replied cynically. "And anyway, I'm pretty sure Kaitlyn likes guys. She talks about them all the time."
"Yeah, but aren't you talking about guys all the time, too?" I asked.
"Not like her," Jessie responded. "I agree with people when they say a guy is hot, but I don't go out of my way to gush about them the way Kaitlyn does. She'd have to be a pretty amazing actor to be pretending."
"Okay, but maybe she likes girls too?" I replied. "It could happen. I mean, I could imagine that... Anyway, you won't know until you ask her."
Jessie shook her head vigorously, showing an uncharacteristic fearfulness at the idea of talking to Kaitlyn about her feelings. "I don't think I could do that," she said with her jaw clenched in a grimace.
"I think you can," I said sincerely. "She'd be crazy not to be into you. But if she's not, then at least you'll know. Don't you want to be able to kiss someone else without crying? Eventually, at least? You'll never be able to do that if you don't push past this fear."
Jessie looked at me with a combination of sadness and gratefulness, letting her hand brush my cheek again. I felt a tingling shoot through my entire body, my eyes fluttering and my lips parting of their own accord.
"Hey losers!" a familiar shout rang out from a ways down the beach. I shook myself out of my reverie and looked toward the noise, seeing Roach, Kaitlyn and a few other teammates walking along the beach, passing a soccer ball back and forth in the sand. Roach was waving her arms at us.
As they approached, Roach yelled out, "You crazy assholes! Who wakes up early after a night like that?"
"We felt like going for a run! Nice of all you lazybones to finally join us!" Jessie yelled back, standing up to greet them all.
Roach lightly punched Jessie on the shoulder as they caught up to us. "Fine, fine. We can't live up to either of you. Especially Vernon here. She's clearly got a work ethic." Roach winked at me. "Find any more hard work to do this morning, Quinn? Saw a lot of drift wood on the way over here..."
I rolled my eyes at the innuendos with a small smile. It was actually kind of a nice change of pace to have my teammates making fun of me. Before this trip, they probably wouldn't have said much to me at all. Probably my fault, though. I never was very good at making friends.
"Whatever, Roach, she's an amateur compared to you!" Jessie retorted teasingly.
"Yeah, yeah," Roach answered. "Anyway, we're gonna head to the hotel pool after this. Have a couple margaritas to wash away the throbbing headache. Wanna join?"
"Sure," I said, feeling a little more daring after last night's adventure.
"Um, maybe," Jessie said. She glanced at me knowingly. "Uh, Kaitlyn, I was wondering if you'd come down to the market with me today? I need your advice on which things to buy for souvenirs and I don't know if we'll get another chance." Jessie looked particularly nervous, and I was pretty sure I knew why. Was she actually going to tell Kaitlyn how she felt? Today? I felt a stab of something run through me, something painful. My heart thumped in my chest as I waited for Kaitlyn's answer.
"Yeah, okay, sure," she answered without much pause. "We can always get some margs at one of the stands by the market anyway. Plus there's a scarf I think I want to buy. When do you want to go?"
"I guess after we get back up to the hotel?" Jessie responded with uncharacteristic nervousness in her voice. "I can get changed and then we can head out?"
Roach gave me a playful shove, "But you're coming to the pool, Vernon. Maybe we'll find some more games to play." She winked again as we all started making our way back up to the hotel.
After Jessie and Kaitlyn left for the market, Roach, Lara, Kendall and I went down to the hotel pool and ordered our first round of margaritas. Unlike last time, I ordered my own drink, not even worrying if my parents saw that I had been drinking. We were in Mexico, after all. It was completely legal here. I wasn't doing anything wrong. I deserved to be able to have fun with my friends.
We mostly stayed in the shallow end, still nursing our hangovers. There was some amount of gossip, but not much new to talk about, so the topic frequently drifted back to the events of last night.
But despite the fact that I was excited to be included, I couldn't quite focus my attention on our conversation. My mind kept drifting back to this morning. Flashes of Jessie's lips and body inundated my mind as I tried my best to pay attention. Worse still, I kept wondering what Jessie and Kaitlyn were doing. Had Jessie told her yet? How had Kaitlyn taken it? Were they together now? Were they kissing? More? Did Kaitlyn reject Jessie? Was Jessie crying?
"Quinn," Roach finally interjected. "What's up? Too hungover to think straight?"
I don't know what came over me, but something about that question made me break inside. A flood of tears came unbidden to my eyes and I had to look away before anyone noticed.
Roach's eyebrows shot up at my unexpected reaction. She waited a few minutes and then grabbed me and pulled me over to a private table by the bar. "Something's up," she said. "And you look like you need to talk about it."
Roach could be pretty abrasive sometimes, but she had a big heart and pretty solid instincts. But I didn't even know what was wrong myself, much less have the presence of mind to communicate it to someone else.

"I'm just, I don't know," I began. "I'm just feeling a lot of stuff I guess."
"Like what kind of stuff?" Roach asked.
"I don't really even know," I answered honestly. "Just a lot of thoughts, things on my mind. I'm having trouble thinking about anything else."
"It kind of sounds like you're hung up on someone," Roach said. "Is that what all this stuff this week has been about?" she continued. "You've got a thing for somebody back home and you're feeling restless and crazy?"
"Something like that, at least the restless and crazy part," I replied, still not sure whether I was telling the truth.
"Well, I'm a big fan of restless and crazy," Roach said with a huge grin. "And I know exactly what you need."
"What do I need?" I asked, a mixture of exasperation and desperation filling me up.
"An orgasm," Roach said, matter-of-fact. "A big one."
I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. Finally, I started sputtering, "I... I mean, I've had... I don't think that's..."
"Not by yourself," Roach cut me off. "You need to get off, good and proper. A mind-blowing, earth-shattering, screaming O. You need to be taken care of. You keep doing shit for dudes, Quinn. Giving some guy a handjob, a different guy a blowjob. You need someone to do shit for you."
I was at a loss for words again.
"Come out with me tonight," Roach said. "We'll find a guy, go home with him, and use him to get you off. Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time. I'll make sure he's taken care of. You don't have to do anything."
The insanity of that idea was enough to completely overload my mind. I certainly wasn't thinking about Jessie and Kaitlyn anymore. I was way too busy dealing with the bubbling anticipation and adrenaline coursing through my body at Roach's suggestion. I could feel that same daring spirit that had driven me to go to the park alone with Santiago rushing through me again. I wanted this. I wanted to be overtaken. I wanted to float away, obliterated by pleasure. I could feel my skin humming as I imagined it, and I bit my lower lip and closed my eyes.
"I'm going to take that as a yes," Roach said with amusement as she watched me. "It is a yes, right?" She waited for me to confirm.
I looked up into her eyes and nodded. "Yeah, it's a yes."
A glint in her eyes, Roach pursed her lips in a wry smile. "Meet me out front at 8. If they ask, tell your parents we're going out to dinner. Pack the dress from last night."
At 8:00 on the dot, I was out front of the hotel. I was in my usual jeans and a polo shirt, but I had the heels and shiny dress from last night tucked away in my bag.
Roach met me and called us a taxi, directing them to some dance club. "I heard about this club from my brother when he visited last year," Roach said. "It's apparently the place to be, and it's always packed. Come on, change into that dress. We want to stand out, not look like we're here to fix their stereo system."
I quickly changed, trying to stay out of sight of the cab driver as I pulled the tight silver dress over my head. And before I knew it, we were pulling up to a club.
Everything after that was a complete blur. Roach handed me a few drinks, we danced together, we danced with men, we danced with more men. Roach was completely in her element, and she completely took charge. I saw her whispering in ears, gesturing to me, all while I danced, happily oblivious to whatever magic she was working. Finally, she whispered in my ear, "Jackpot," while pointing to an attractive twenty-something near the bar. He was staring at us, and when he noticed me look at him, he raised his drink with a smile.
Roach grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the attractive stranger, and before I knew it, we were in another cab on the way to his hotel room. His name was Enrique, and unlike Pablo or Santiago, he spoke perfect English. He was apparently on vacation from Argentina. I didn't find out much more about him though, because Roach made sure to keep him occupied. During the ride over, she spent most of the time in Enrique's lap, kissing his neck, running her hands underneath his shirt.
She didn't forget about me, though. After a while, she grabbed my hand and pulled me over to them. "Isn't she beautiful, Enrique?" she asked him. "Fuck yes," he replied, moving to pull me toward him.
"Not too fast," Roach said. "She's going to stay with me. But I'm all yours tonight." She said it with such raw sexual energy that I was not surprised that Enrique acquiesced. He pulled Roach closer, his large hands grasping at her thick thighs as his tongue explored her mouth.
I was entranced. It was incredibly arousing to watch the two of them, especially knowing that I wasn't expected to do anything. It was almost dirtier that way. I was privy to this intensely personal experience between them. I could see that Enrique was hard. His hips were grinding more insistently against Roach, and his mouth moved down her chest and toward her heavy breasts.
When we arrived at his hotel, Enrique straightened his shirt, discretely pulling his erection up into his waistband, and guided us toward his room, one arm around each of us. I noticed not a few looks from the hotel staff and other guests as we moved through the lobby. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought we were prostitutes, given our outfits and the fact that there were two girls accompanying only one man. But that kind of added to the thrill.
As soon as we entered his room, the energy heated up again, this time faster and more intensely than before. Roach pushed Enrique onto the armchair and straddled him, beginning to unbutton his silk shirt. I wasn't sure what to do with myself, so I walked awkwardly over to the bed and sat down. I fiddled with my heels until I undid the straps and threw them off to the side of the room. I pulled my legs up under myself and watched the scene that was unfolding in front of me between Roach and Enrique.
Roach had graduated from unbuttoning Enrique's shirt to pulling off his belt and freeing his still rock-hard erection. I watched as she used her hand to pump his cock. She was clearly better at that than I was. I was amazed at the grace with which she handled him. There were no catches in her movement, no imperfect pauses. It was perfectly fluid and consistent, and even matched the rhythm of her hips grinding on his lap.
I looked up at Enrique's face and realized he was looking at me. I fought the urge to look away in embarrassment and I instead held his gaze. Letting out a deep and ragged breath, I brought my hand up to my dress and started to touch my chest. Maintaining eye contact, I let my hands move across the outside of my dress, eventually dipping beneath the fabric and beginning to cup my breasts.
Roach noticed Enrique's focus and smiled at me. She stood up and walked over to me, gesturing for me to turn around. She pulled my hair to the side and began to undo the clasps on my dress. Feeling bolder, I turned around and placed my hand on Roach's cheek, ever so slightly pulling her toward me. She went with it and leaned in, kissing me as her hands continued to pull at my dress. I began to do the same with her, and we undressed each other as Enrique watched on, his hand slowly working up and down the length of his shaft.
Finally, both of us in our underwear, Roach gestured toward Enrique to join us on the bed. He stood up from the chair, dropping his pants and removing his shirt as he did so.
Roach pulled him in to kiss her, keeping one hand on the back of my head. Bringing me in close, she kissed me again, and began to massage Enrique's cock with her other hand. He dipped his head down to my chest as he kissed my bare skin. He removed my bra, taking one of my breasts into his mouth, which caused me to gasp in surprise and pleasure.
Roach sank down and took Enrique into her mouth as he continued to suck on my nipples. He explored the upper half of my body as Roach went down on him, and eventually his breath started coming a bit more quickly and his hips began moving in time with her head.
Roach paused, looking up at us. "Not so fast, buddy," she said to Enrique, wiping her mouth. "We're going to want you good for a long while."
She kneeled in between Enrique and me, facing me and letting Enrique kiss the back of her neck. Face to face with Roach, my heart caught in my chest as what we were doing suddenly hit me. She seemed to notice the moment of panic in my eyes and she touched my cheek and said, "You okay?"
"Yeah," I replied, letting my hand brush through her thick hair. She kissed me again, pulling Enrique close behind her.
"I want you to fuck me now," she said to Enrique. Eager to comply, he positioned himself behind her and the three of us lay down in the bed together, Roach's face to me and her back to Enrique. Enrique began thrusting while Roach and I continued to kiss. It was so intoxicating, being there wrapped up with the two of them as they fucked. Enrique let his hands explore my breasts, and eventually his fingers made their way to my panties. His eyes meeting mine, he began stroking the outside of my underwear in time with his thrusting.
I let my hands roam wherever they wanted. I caressed Roach's ample tits, I held Enrique's firm ass and let my hands linger on his biceps.
Roach's moaning started to get louder and more insistent. Suddenly, she told Enrique to turn over and she quickly got on top of him and straddled him, taking him back inside her. She started riding him, hard. I could see the sweat glistening on her chest, and her face was flushed as she looked at me with intensity.
"Go sit on his face, Quinn," she commanded me between gasps.
"Uhh..." I began. "I've never done that," I started to protest. "I don't know..."
"Come sit on my face, linda, por favor, venga," Enrique echoed.
I removed my panties and positioned myself above Enrique's mouth, facing Roach as she rode him. I felt the moisture of Enrique's tongue encircle my clit and explore my opening as I watched Roach's face grimace in pleasure. She was clearly getting close, as her hands gripped Enrique's abdomen with fervor. One of her hands moved down toward her clit and she started rubbing furiously. With her other hand, she took one of my hands and placed it on her breast. I grabbed her, playing with her nipples and moaning with my own pleasure as I tried to help push Roach over the edge.
"Enrique, I'm gonna, I'm gonna... Enrique, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna c--- oh, god, oh god, I'm cumming!" Roach screamed in ecstasy as she came around Enrique's dick. She kept bouncing on him as she rode out her climax, eyes clenched and body shaking. Slowly, her bouncing eased and she settled back into her previous pattern of thrusting on Enrique's cock, now drenched in sweat after her intense orgasm.
"Eat that pussy, baby," she said to Enrique. "Eat it and maybe we'll drain this thick cock of yours," she continued. She seemed to be almost taunting him, but I was too lost in pleasure to care. After witnessing Roach's orgasm, all I could think about was experiencing that for myself.
"Oh baby, that feels so good, I might have to cum again," she continued as she rode him. I was starting to feel weak in the knees perched on Enrique's mouth, but suddenly Enrique started moaning into my pussy. The vibrations from his deep voice sent shivers through my body and I started to shake as well. I watched as his hips started thrusting upward into Roach with more and more intensity. Then he grabbed me by the hips and lifted me off of him as he sat up toward Roach, letting out a groan of "Fuckkkk".
Roach's eyes went wide as she realized what was happening and she nimbly jumped off of Enrique's cock and leaned down to finish him off with her mouth. But it was too late and his cock started jumping as spurts of cum erupted from him, landing on both Roach and me. Roach pumped him vigorously with her hand until he stopped moaning and then leaned down to suck the last few drops of cum from his dick, as Enrique lay there panting.
Roach looked up with a huge grin as she wiped herself off with the bedsheet. "I think there's one person left who still deserves an orgasm," she said coyly. "You up for the challenge, stud?" she asked Enrique.
"Of course, claro," Enrique answered, rolling over onto his stomach and pulling my legs toward him with more force than I expected. "I need another taste either way," he said, his dark eyes smoldering from between my legs.
I was completely overwhelmed by everything that had just happened. I was turned on, excited, exhausted, nervous, and a million other emotions I couldn't name. But before I could think myself out of it, Enrique was back to work, his face buried in the cleft between my legs.
He started firm, moving through slow and tender, and back through intense and quick. Each time he varied his technique, it felt like I was moving to a new plane of existence. I pleasured myself plenty of times at this point, but I had never felt anything like this. To not be in control of every motion, to have to respond to the actions of someone else, was a whole new level of sensation.
As Enrique ate me out, Roach snuggled up next to me, kissing my neck, playing with my breasts, tracing lines on my belly with her fingers. It seemed like hours, laying there at the mercy of Enrique's tongue. My mind wandered to new places, and I could feel a pressure building deep within me. But even so, I couldn't quite access it. My mind kept flashing to thoughts I didn't want to think, and it would jolt me out of the rhythm. Even so, I knew that an orgasm was hiding just beyond the next ridge, and my breathing grew ragged with anticipation. I think Roach could sense my growing frustration because she started taking a more active role.
"Let your mind go wherever it needs to. Just let go, let it go, baby." Roach leaned over and took my nipple into her mouth. I closed my eyes and let the sensations take me over.
I could feel the climax rising in my body. Every inch of me was in pure ecstasy as I rode Enrique's tongue, my head back into the soft pillows. I let Roach's words wash over me, let my mind relax as I rode the waves. My vision swam with images of red curls, soft pale skin and freckles, gentle lips on mine, ocean spray. I was back on the beach with Jessie, our bodies wrapping over each other. The ocean crashed around us and we were totally alone.
Roach's touch became Jessie's. Enrique's mouth became Jessie's gentle lips. She looked up at me from between my legs with that wry smile on her face.
With those images swirling around in my mind, I felt the surge of pleasure wash through me. My hips began to shake and my legs tensed up. My back arched and my mouth opened. Roach held her tongue on my breast as Enrique kept up his lapping and I gave one final squeeze through my core as I reached my climax. Wave after wave of pure bliss coursed through my body, sending shivers up my spine and tingling in my brain. I went stiff, lost to the world, until I couldn't hold it any longer, collapsing into the bed in a useless heap.
Roach released me, looking up at my post-orgasmic bliss, "That was hot," she said with genuine admiration.
Enrique pushed himself up onto his elbows and rested his head on my belly. "Yes it was," he agreed, leaning over to kiss Roach.
I watched them for a moment, and then leaned back into the cushions, recalling the imagery that had pushed me over the edge. Tears began welling up again inside me and I could feel my face contorting as I began to cry. I threw my arms over my face in an effort to hide it, but Roach noticed the change immediately.
"Hey," she said quietly. "It's okay to cry, it can be intense. You were awesome, Quinn." She scooted up toward me on the bed and held me to her chest. "It's okay," she repeated. Enrique, to his credit, was incredibly caring at that moment. He scooted up to the two of us and wrapped us both up in his big muscular arms, and held us both as I cried.
Exhausted, we fell asleep together for a time. I drifted in and out of consciousness, and so did the others. I woke to hear Roach moaning as Enrique fucked her, but the whole time they both still held my hand. It was a bizarre, yet oddly comforting night, spent alternating between sleeping, kissing, and watching my two companions have sex. I wasn't ready to do much besides watch, though I periodically would touch the two of them, and would let them touch me. I didn't have another orgasm that night, but I experienced an intensity of pleasure I had never even known existed. I touched myself, penetrated myself, and let the two of them explore my body, all through the night. I even cried a few more times, and each time, Roach and Enrique held me and comforted me. It was an exquisite and beautiful kind of torment, and the more times I cried, the more I started to finally realize the source of that pain.
I was starting to think I might be falling in love with her.
End of Part 3
[To be continued]
Author’s Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments or questions, I would love to hear from you! My contact information is available in my bio.