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"How shopping for lingerie led to the first sexual experience with a woman."

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When I heard the bell ring, announcing a new customer, I looked up from the delicate array of lace bralettes, my gaze drawn to her as she confidently strode into the lingerie store. The moment I laid eyes on her, I was captivated by her alluring curves and toned body, and a familiar warmth filled me, causing a delightful flutter in my stomach that I hadn't felt in a long time.

The exquisite olive green bodycon dress hugged every tantalizing curve of her hourglass figure, and I felt my heart quicken as I marveled at her beauty, wondering what it would be like to run her hands over her smooth skin and feel her curves up close. Waves of luscious brown hair spilled over her shoulders, framing her face perfectly and tempting me to brush my fingertips through each soft strand while I imagined what it would be like to kiss those full, rosy lips. The black stiletto heels she wore elongated her toned legs, making her look even more irresistible, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for the lucky person who would get to spend the night with her.

When she walked into the room, I felt something electric. It was as though she possessed some kind of power over me, drawing me in and captivating my curiosity. She had a mesmerizing aura that commanded my attention, inviting me to learn more about her and revel in the closeness of being with somebody so vibrant and exciting. Even though I'd felt attracted to other women before, this feeling was unlike anything I'd experienced before.

My heart raced as I stared at her from across the room. Even though the store was air-conditioned, I suddenly felt as if I were standing next to a campfire. The air felt warm and sticky against my skin and I wished for a breeze to cool me down. My heart raced wildly as I turned away from the stunning woman, attempting to ignore my desire for her and feeling embarrassed by my intense attraction to her, but curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself unable to resist the temptation to gaze at her beauty once more.

When her eyes locked on mine and her soft lips curled into a coy smile, every nerve in my body tingled with excitement, as if something wonderful was about to happen. My heart skipped a beat as heat rushed through my body, making me feel both alive and vulnerable—I knew I was in trouble at that moment. My cheeks flushed rosy, and I quickly averted my gaze, hoping she didn't notice my reaction.

As she walked past me, her steps light and graceful, I could smell the enchanting jasmine scent of her perfume lingering in the air. The delicate floral scent made my head spin with desire as I tried to ignore her swaying hips and full breasts. I couldn't help but steal another glance at her figure before quickly turning my attention back to the rack of bras in front of me, telling myself that I was in a committed relationship with David and couldn't act on my impulses no matter how tempting they might be.

As I replayed the moment she smiled at me, my body flushed with giddy anticipation. The mysterious woman's mesmerizing smile seemed to beckon me closer, drawing out something deep and passionate down in my core. Every nerve and muscle in my body thrummed with the excitement of a bold, new possibility, begging me to go over to her and see if she was feeling the same temptation that I was.

A tingle of excitement ran up my spine at the thought of following her to the thong section. The idea of flirting with a woman for the first time was thrilling, but I also knew that if I were to act on my impulses, it would mean being unfaithful to my boyfriend. To even consider it was so out-of-character for me, but something about her made me want to take a chance and break out of my shell. My better judgment won in the end, so instead of succumbing to temptation and acting recklessly, I focused on finding something that would really drive my boyfriend wild: some exquisite lingerie for our date.

As I browsed through the racks, I couldn't help but notice the young salesgirl offer her aid to the woman, which she graciously declined. The girl then took a step back and quickly surveyed me, her blonde hair swaying with each breath. Her facial expression unmistakably conveyed, "You don't belong here," and I felt a pang of unease as I realized my casual attire—a tank top, miniskirt, and worn-out sneakers—had given me away as someone who couldn't afford to shop there, which was true because I'd been a college student without a regular income, but I'd been saving up.

I smiled at the blonde, but she ignored me and disappeared behind the counter, as there were no other customers there at noon. The air seemed to grow colder as I exhaled a heavy breath, trying to swallow the humiliation, but instead of sulking, I held my head high and kept browsing around the store, determined to find something within my budget.

I glanced at the thong section from time to time, wondering if the attractive woman was still there. Suddenly, she appeared in front of me, holding a lacy black thong. My heart raced as I struggled to maintain composure and avoid staring at her.

Her lips pursed in a warm, welcoming grin, she drew closer and said in a soft, husky voice, "I thought you might like this."

"It'll look good with this bra," she said, pulling a lacy black bra from a nearby rack.

I couldn't help but feel my face turn even redder as she held up the bra, and I quickly averted my gaze. "Um, thank you," I stammered, unsure of what else to say.

"Why don't you try it on?" she suggested, gesturing towards the fitting room.

I grabbed the flimsy, lacey garment from her and made a beeline for the fitting room. The sound of her high heels clacking against the tile floor indicated that she had followed me. She whisked the curtain shut behind us, and my blood began racing faster and faster as we were all alone in such a cramped space.

As she stood behind me, her warm breath tickled the back of my neck and her sweet scent made it difficult to think clearly. I struggled to keep my breathing steady and tried to focus on anything but how much I wanted her touch.

Our eyes met and lingered across our mirrored reflections—the tension between us undeniable, and it became clear that this chance meeting at this lingerie store wasn't just something casual. I couldn't take my gaze away from her in the mirror as I examined every curve of her silhouette; she was a few inches taller than me and appeared to be in her early thirties, whereas I was only nineteen.

The way her dark eyes bore into me, an enticing shade of brown that seemed to penetrate right through me, was enough to cause heat to rise between my legs. I couldn't believe how aroused I became simply by looking at her.

"I'm Mia," she purred, her lips curling into a seductive smile that sent butterflies to my stomach.

"Anna," I replied, trying to match the inviting look on her face with an intensified expression of my own, even though I was feeling more than a bit nervous.

"It's truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Anna," she murmured, drawing out my name so that it rolled off of her tongue like a sweet delicacy.

Heat from her body radiated into mine as she leaned in closer. My palms began to sweat as I felt her delicate fingers brush my long, ebony hair away from my neck. I was expecting to be nervous, but instead I felt a rush of excitement. I wanted more, needed more—more pleasure and sensation, more of her.

I was torn between keeping my cool and giving in to what had been building between us, but something in her gaze so overwhelmed me with need that my better judgment quickly became secondary. After placing the lingerie on the chair, I turned to face her, the desire between us deepening with every glance. Without a word, she leaned in and kissed me—an ardent moment that conveyed everything our words couldn't say.

Our kiss started off as a gentle caress of our lips, setting a rush of heat through my body, but soon it became an intense exchange of passion as our tongues explored each other's mouths, leaving me breathless and wanting more. It was a moment that ignited a fire within me, one that I knew would burn for a long time.

I knew that what I was doing was wrong, but I didn't care. My self-restraint melted away as her lips collided with mine, and I completely surrendered to this sinful pleasure. I didn't care about anything—I only wanted her, and the intensity of our kiss made it clear that she felt the same way.

I ran my hands along her curves, feeling her warmth and pulling her close until our bodies were as close as two could be. Our hunger grew stronger with every passionate stroke of our tongues. She tasted sweet and inviting, and I couldn't help but deepen the kiss. I savored every moment of this newfound intimacy, exploring her like an unknown treasure.

The sound of our breaths rising in passionate gasps filled the tiny space. I could feel her heart beating against me like a frenzied anthem, urging us ever deeper into the fire that blazed between us. I couldn't resist the temptation and pulled her hips closer to mine, feeling her warmth seep into me like an elixir of desire. The sensations coursed through me, stirring a passion in depths of my being that left me aching with longing for more than just those heavenly kisses. Later, I would be racked with guilt, but at that moment, all that mattered was the desire between us.

As we finally pulled away from each other, breathless and consumed by desire, I felt a warmth in my chest that I had been missing in my life for far too long. It was as if I had finally found the missing piece to my puzzle, and I knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

Our eyes met, and my heart pounded. The air crackled with electricity, and a wild hunger rose inside me. Suddenly, I felt out of control; there was nothing that could stop this passion from taking over.

"Try it on," she said with a seductive smile, holding up the lacy bra and hanging it on the hook beside the mirror.

The fiery temptation drove me to an almost wild recklessness as I yanked off my shirt without second-guessing myself and the exhilaration that filled me was absolutely unbeatable!

I stood in that tiny fitting room wearing only my simple white bra and plaid black miniskirt, feeling alive and free as my doubts and worries dissolved into an insatiable longing. The heat radiating between us felt as tangible as the air we breathed. My mind raced with arousal and anticipation, knowing that Mia wanted me just as much as I wanted her. All thoughts of the outside world had vanished from my mind; there was only her and me here in this moment—electric and exuding passionate intensity without saying a single word.

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Mia moved in closer, her fingers grazing my skin as she removed the straps from my shoulders. Her touch was like fire, igniting every nerve ending and awakening all kinds of forbidden desires. The passion between us finally broke through when I felt her lips brush against my neck, and I let out a deep moan. I closed my eyes and let myself sink into the moment, feeling the warmth of her body against mine and the softness of her lips on my neck. The intensity grew with each contact, and I surrendered completely to her touch, knowing that this moment would be etched in my memory for the rest of my life.

As her delicate fingers deftly undid the clasp of my bra, my breath hitched and a rush of excitement flooded through me. Mia pulled back slightly, her eyes locking onto mine as she whispered, "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

I took a deep breath and nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. With a smile, Mia pulled the bra off my shoulders and tossed it aside, her eyes fixed on my perky breasts, hungry and wanting. My rosy nipples hardened under her gaze, and I couldn't help but moan as her warm palms cupped my breasts, kneading and teasing the sensitive flesh.

I closed my eyes and surrendered to her touch, letting her explore my body with her skilled hands. As she leaned in and took one of my nipples into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it and sucking gently, I felt an urgent wanting throbbing in me with every breath I took.

Every stroke of her tongue was like an electric surge radiating right down to my core, and I arched my back, completely surrendering to her as she lavished attention on my breasts until every fiber of my being quivered and pulsed with pleasure.

With a wicked grin, she whispered, "I'm just getting started."

Her hands glided down my body, tracing every curve and dip with tantalizing slowness, until she reached the apex of my thighs. I moaned softly as she started to playfully tease me with feathery caresses, her fingertips sending waves of pleasure as they moved over my most intimate areas hidden beneath the simple fabric of my cotton underwear. The pleasure building inside me soon overrode any self-consciousness I felt about wearing my everyday underwear.

I squirmed beneath her tantalizing fingers, aching for more. Mia seemed to sense my desire and gave me what I wanted, slipping her hand below my delicate panties.

Her velvety touch brushed against my freshly shaven mound, and a soft whimper escaped me as her fingers circled around my sensitive, swollen clitoris. Each rotation caused a flood of warmth to course through me like a raging river, pushing away all rational thought and leaving only wanton desire in its wake. I felt completely vulnerable under her skilled hands, but also safe in the knowledge that she knew exactly what she was doing.

As she slid two fingers inside me, curling them expertly to hit my g-spot, I emitted a deep, throaty moan that seemed to reverberate in the small room. For a brief moment, I wondered if the soft music playing in the background drowned out my sounds of pleasure, but as she quickened her pace and added a third finger, all coherent thoughts vanished from my mind. I arched my back and pushed my hips towards her, silently begging for more.

She pressed her body against mine and whispered in my ear, "You're so beautiful when you let go like this."

Her fingers played an exquisite symphony between my thighs as I quivered beneath her every seductive touch. My heart beat faster and faster, as if trying to outrun a raging hurricane, and I gave in to the delirious sensations coursing through me. Her lips brushed against my neck, and tiny explosions of pleasure filled my entire being, whisking me away from reality and into divinely forbidden realms of bliss.

She licked my earlobe, tracing circles around it with her soft, hot tongue. When she finally bit down lightly on my lobe, liquid heat pooled in between my thighs. Every nerve in my body was on fire, and as she continued to tease me, I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter, and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back for much longer.

As if she sensed my impending release, she pulled away and whispered in my ear, "I want you to beg for it."

Her words sent shivers down my spine, and I knew I would do anything to feel her tongue on me again. With a shaky voice, I half begged and half pleaded for her to continue, desperate for more of her intoxicating touch. Mia smiled wickedly before pulling her fingers out of my pussy and holding them up to my lips.

She leaned in and murmured, "I want you to take a taste of just how ready you are for me," while her fingers spread the wetness between my lips. Our gazes remained locked as she lifted those wet digits to her waiting mouth, licking them clean one by one with a hungry lasciviousness that made me weak in the knees.

"You taste delicious," she said, before I felt the heat of her breath on my lips and the gentle pressure of her kiss as our lips met hungrily. We explored each other eagerly with tongue and touch, both soft and sensual at the same time—a moment that left me craving more under the flickering light.

She put her hands on my shoulders and whispered, "Turn around," so I did and faced the mirror.

My eyes locked with hers in our reflection, radiating an undeniable chemistry between us that intensified as I felt myself throbbing in anticipation of her caress.

"Press your hands against the mirror and let me show you what I can do," Mia whispered seductively.

I couldn't resist her invitation and followed her lead, feeling the cool surface of the glass against my palms as I pushed my bum out towards her, eager for her touch and the promise of pleasure that lay ahead.

With a startlingly loud screech, Mia yanked the chair closer to her and abruptly sat down. Anxiety reverberated through me at the thought of what might happen if we were discovered by the salesgirl in this intimate moment, but it quickly gave way to a yearning that pulsed deep within my core as Mia's soft hands slid beneath my skirt.

My breathing became shallow and frantic when she tugged on my panties, pulling them downward and exposing my damp folds to the cool touch of air. I let out a soft moan as she traced her fingers along my inner thighs, teasing me with her touch before finally plunging her tongue deep inside me. My eyes closed in surrender, and there was nothing else between us but this moment, no other thought but pure sensation coursing through my body as she tasted me.

I moaned with pleasure as her tongue swirled and caressed me in the most intimate of ways. With each movement of her delectable mouth, I could feel my body tensing and tightening in anticipation of the ecstasy that was building inside me. Her tongue was like a magic wand, conjuring up sensations I had never felt before, and I knew then that I would never be able to resist her again.

Her sultry strokes with her wet, wide tongue blazed a path of pleasure up to my most sensitive pleasure point, and her hot breath only further stoked the flames. She tantalized me with slow circles around my craving bud with such deliberate finesse that all I could do was moan out loud, totally ignoring the risk we were taking—nothing mattered more in that moment than the ecstasy she was giving me and the overwhelming desire to give in to it completely.

Her tongue lapped my pearl with passionate hunger, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body. I heard her uttering seductive moans as she pleasured me, and I knew that we were both reveling in the sensations. She licked and sucked, drawing circles around my throbbing clit as she slipped her three fingers inside me. My already tight walls welcomed their entrance, wrapping around them and drawing them in deeper, my hips bucking against her face and hand, silently begging for more.

Her delicate fingers moved deeper inside me, delving in and out at a pace that made my breath hitch. Each movement pushing me closer to my edge, making me gasp with delight as her fingers curled inside me, hitting just the right spot. My entire body was quivering from the intensity of feeling radiating from within me, and with each moan I let out, I could feel my orgasm approaching, regardless of who heard it. All I wanted was for her deft hands to push this exquisite sensation coursing through my veins higher and higher until I shuddered over the edge into pure ecstasy.

As her fingers moved faster and harder, her tongue now flicking back and forth over my aching clitoris, I felt like I was going to explode. Every nerve in my body was alive and tingling, and I knew that I was about to experience the most intense orgasm of my life.

I don't know why I opened my eyes—maybe I wanted to savor the moment—but when I did; I saw a salesgirl's shiny eyes watching us intently through the small gap created by the parted curtains.

My heart raced with excitement and fear, wondering if she would interrupt us or if she would like to join in on the fun. Her face was a mix of shock and arousal, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement knowing that we were being watched. I couldn't resist the temptation and decided to put on a show for her, making my movements more exaggerated and my moaning louder.

The salesgirl just stood there, her eyes fixed on us, as we carried on with our private moment, and the thrill of being watched was an adrenaline rush unlike any other. My hips bucked uncontrollably as I rode the waves of pleasure, and I knew that I was about to come hard. With one final flick of Mia's tongue and a curl of her fingers, I exploded in ecstasy, my body trembling with the force of my orgasm and my eyes fluttering shut. When I opened them again, the salesgirl was gone, and I couldn't help but wonder if she had enjoyed the show.

Written by EMoon
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