She was so tight on me that I knew I wouldn’t last long, but the interruption as she’d switched from blowjob to mounting me had given me enough of a respite that I was good for the moment. In fact, I was just noticing that her movements were becoming less measured and more erratic when she said, “Ohh, fuck, I’m gonna come!”
I was surprised. “Really? Just from having my cock up your ass?”
“Ohh, god yes! It feels so fucking good! Dan…” She’d been about to ask me something but instead decided to go non-verbal. Leaning her weight on one hand long enough to grab my right wrist, where I’d been fondling her breast, she pulled my hand down and wrapped it around her cock.
I was momentarily bemused, the sensation of her hard, thick cock straining against my fingers somehow both very familiar and utterly foreign all at the same time, but when she gasped, “Please…” I simply reacted, closing my hand around her hard shaft and stroking it. My mind was awash in the sensations of heat, hardness, satin-smooth skin over throbbing steel and her tight body clamping down on my own straining cock.
“Ohh, god, oh fuck… coming! Ohh, god… Dan…”
Her cock pulsed in my hand, swelling against my fingers as she came, and with my thumb and index finger over the swollen, slippery head of her penis, I felt the first powerful spurt coat my fingers and spray up onto her stomach and chest. I continued to stroke her cum up and down her cock, additional lubrication as she spurted again, coating my fingers and her own chest. This time several large, soaring pearls cleared her shoulder and splashed down onto me.
I released her left breast and moved that hand down as well, sliding it under her balls, cupping and squeezing them as she came, groaning and pressing herself against me. It had been instinct; I like my balls played with as I come, and so I’d done the same to her. In this moment it was about pleasure, nothing more. Her pleasure. I enjoy my partner’s pleasure almost as much as my own, and at this moment I wanted to give Tina as much pleasure as possible.
She was groaning, “God, oh god!” as she came, and I stroked her raging cock as the spasms thrummed through her. The sensation of her cock throbbing in my hand, the viscous slipperiness of her copious cum on my skin and hers and her tight sphincter clamping onto my cock with each spasm was too much to withstand, and I was coming.
I groaned, “Ohh, fuck yeah, I’m coming too!”
Deep inside of her, I felt a powerful surge through my own cock as I coated her insides with cum, and then another. When she realized that I was pumping my load into her she sat up and seized my balls, squeezing them just as I’d just done to hers.
There was a strangeness, a dissonance to having a hard cock and cum-slick ballsack – not my own - in my hands as I was coming, but there was also a potent and undeniable erotic thrill from something so utterly strange, so forbidden; I was having one of the most powerful orgasms I’d had in a very long time, my cock pumping and spasming so strongly inside of Tina that she cried out in ecstasy as she took all I had to give.
Her orgasm seemed to last as long as my own, despite beginning well ahead of mine, but as our semi-mutual climaxes slowly waned she went limp in my arms and collapsed backward onto my chest, my cock still inside of her.
We were both breathing heavily, but she was the first to speak. “Oh my god, that was amazing! I haven’t come like that in a very long time.”
I groaned, “Me too; that was incredible!” I released her balls and still-hard cock and slid my hands up her stomach to her small breasts; she was liberally slathered in her own cum, and I smeared it across her smooth skin and massaged it into her nipples, not the least put off by the feel or scent of it. It surprised me, frankly, that it felt so sensuous against her smooth, oily skin, and her hard nipples responded so eagerly that it just felt right.
I laughed softly. “You are absolutely covered with cum – and that’s all you; mine is on the inside.”
She sighed happily. “I know, I thought I was never going to stop coming, and I could feel you blasting into me. Lucky for you, I’m multi-orgasmic.”
“Really? Like some women?”
“Pretty much exactly like.”
Disbelieving, I slid my hand down to her cock, which was still rock-hard and throbbing, standing thick and proud above her cum-soaked tummy. “Well, I’ll be damned!” I could feel myself going soft in her ass, and knew that any moment my limp dick would slither free, but she was as hard as ever. “I’ve never heard of that.”
“Another reason I don’t think I was meant to be a guy.” She moved slightly, and that squeezed my flaccid cock out of her. She cried out “Ohh, god!” at the sense of loss while I groaned deeply, the sensations on my still-sensitive, post-orgasmic cock almost painful in their intensity.
No longer impaled on me, she stood and turned around, lowering herself to sit on my lower stomach, erect cock jutting. She looked down at my neck and collarbone, where the white pearls she’d blasted over her shoulder earlier glistened. “Did I do that?”
I laughed. “Yeah, you did; I was inside, remember? You, meanwhile, were spraying like a firehose.”
“Sorry.” She leaned forward to lick them off, lying atop me, in the process smearing my entire chest and stomach with the slick of semen I’d finger-painted her with. She giggled as she realized what she’d done and proceeded to lick her way down my chest, cleaning me with her lips and tongue. I could feel her hard cock against my thigh and my own flaccid dick against her taut tummy.
She scooped up a dollop of her cream with a finger and offered it to me, holding it near my lips as it slowly began to slide from her fingers.
When I grimaced she laughed and took it herself, hungrily sucking it in. “It’s just cum, silly man.”
“Yeah, I’m aware; Tina, there may be some barriers I’m not prepared to knock down. Not yet, at least.”
She grew serious. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I understand, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all you’ve already done. You’re an amazing man…” her eyes welled with emotion, and I suddenly understood how my initial rejection of her unique differences must have hurt.
“Sshhh, it’s alright. I enjoyed it enormously, as you can tell, but we need to take it slow. This is all very new to me, a huge change in the way I’ve thought all these years; it’s all very exciting, but I’m not sure how far I can go.” I held my arms open. “Come here, let’s talk for a while ‘til I catch my breath. I have some questions.”
She giggled. “Really? You want to cuddle and make pillow-talk? You really are a strange man!”
I laughed. “Yeah, that’s pretty fucking weird, isn’t it? Just shut up and come here.”
She giggled again. “Let me show you something first.” She stood, stepping over me to stand near my shoulder so that I was looking up at the underside of her small breasts and impressive package. “This is more difficult when I’m hard like this, but you asked me why I left the patch of curls; this is why.”
She pulled her erect cock down – with considerable effort – and pushed it between her thighs, tucking its thick length and her dangling ballsack back between her legs; she then crossed her legs near the knee, clamping her thighs tightly together and trapping her junk behind her.
“It’s called a tuck, Dan, and this is the way I see myself...”
It was very effective; with the neat triangle of dark curls at the juncture of her smooth thighs, her flared hips, taut tummy, small, perfect breasts and gorgeous feminine face and hair, she was once again the tiny, beautiful woman I’d first mistaken her for.
I smiled at her trick, shaking my head. “That’s amazing, and you’re incredible. God, you’re so gorgeous.”
Apparently, it was the wrong thing to say because the dam broke and the tears flowed. She melted down into my arms and I held her spooned into my body as she cried. Somewhere inside I knew that this wasn’t really a woman; my mind kept reminding me of that, but everything else about the situation, from her diminutive size to her soft skin, seductive scent, beautiful hair, feminine voice, and even her tears, said otherwise.
I think it’s called compartmentalizing, but somehow I shelved the conflicting thoughts and held her, my left arm under her, my right over her shoulder, pulling her to me. When her sobs finally quieted, I said, “Hey now, what’s wrong?”
“I’m such a freak!”
I hugged her closer. “You’re not a freak.”
“I’m a tiny little girl with a huge cock.”
“It’s not that big, it just looks that way because you’re so small.”
She snickered softly through her tears. “No fair using my words against me.”
“Well, then think of it this way; remember when you said that we’re all kinky in some way, about fetishes?”
“Yeah,” she sniffed.
“Well, I think we’re all freaks in one way or another too.”
She twisted to look up at me. “How are you a freak?”
I thought for a moment before replying, “Well, there’s this; if I’m eating chicken and I get even a little bit of gristle in my mouth, I’m done. Doesn’t matter if it’s the first bite of dinner, I’m done, grossed out, appetite gone.”
“That’s kinda prissy, but it doesn’t make you a freak.”
“Wait, I wasn’t finished; on top of that, one of my favorite fantasies would be to watch my wife or girlfriend fuck some guy and then go down on her and eat her cum-filled pussy. If I can’t even stand a little chicken yuck, how am I going to lick out a pussy full of some other guy’s cum?”
She laughed. “You’re right, you are a freak!”
“See? Told you.” As I’d talked I’d slid my hand down her chest and stomach and was now slowly stroking her cock; I was surprised at how erotic I found the sensation of her cock in my hand, amazed she was still hard. “Oh, and by the way, I lied; you do have a big cock, and I’m insanely jealous that you’re still hard as a rock, just like I’m jealous of women that can keep going all night, long after I’m used up.”
“I’m very over-sexed; what can I say?” She placed her small hand on mine, stopping me from stroking her, and just held it there for a moment before saying, “I’ve thought about having the surgery.”
I wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so I said nothing at first. Finally, I said, “Would that make you happier?”
“I don’t know; sometimes I think so, but I’m not sure.”
“It’s a major step. You really need to be sure, don’t you?”
“That’s why I haven’t. A part of me wants to, but another part of me keeps holding back.”
I gently squeezed her cock, sliding my hand down to cup her balls. “I’ll bet I know which part keeps shying away from it.”
She laughed. “Yeah, I’m pretty accustomed to that being there, given that it’s been there my whole life. Plus, I’m scared.”
“That’s probably pretty normal. Any surgery is frightening, and this is something life-altering.”
She was silent for a moment, considering my words. “The doctors can’t absolutely guarantee that I’ll ever be able to experience orgasms, or even satisfactory sex as a woman. I love sex, and I really love orgasms.”
“Fuck yeah, don’t we all!”
She laughed again. “So, what do you think?”
“Me?” I was dumbfounded. “I don’t get a voice in this; we’ve only known each other a few hours, for god’s sake.”
“I’m not asking you to make the decision, I just want your opinion.”
I considered what we’d just said. “My opinion is that you shouldn’t do it unless you’re 100 percent sure. You could never get back to the way you are now.”
I knew it was a cop-out, but it was also a safe answer. She called me on it. “Well, duh! I never thought of that! C’mon, that’s not even a real answer.”
“I know, I was trying to sneak it past you.” I sighed. “Look, opinions are like assholes; everybody has one and sometimes they stink. I’ll give you mine, free of charge, provided you promise to remember it’s worth exactly what you paid for it.”
She giggled. “I promise. Tell me.”
“I don’t think you should do it.”
“Really? I’m shocked; I thought you’d want me to be more like the woman you first thought I was.”
“Me too, but…” I hesitated, then blundered forward. “Look, here’s something I never imagined I’d hear myself say, but here goes: You’ve got a really great cock, okay?” I squeezed it and enjoyed her soft moan in response. “On top of that, you’re beautiful, petite, and very feminine, which makes you totally unique. Being unique can be a big plus in life.”
“Or a big minus – and besides, I’m not unique; there are a lot of lady-boys around.”
I laughed at the term, which was new to me. “I doubt that… not as beautiful as you, anyway.”
She wiggled her butt against my groin suggestively. “You’d be surprised.”
I snorted. “Probably! I sure as hell was this time. Regardless, you’re exactly what Carl said; a rare beauty. Assume you had the surgery, all went well and everything worked perfectly, then you’d be a beautiful woman. I hate to break it to you, but there are already millions of beautiful women. Right now, as you are, you’re a very special girl.” By the way she wriggled more deeply into my arms, she liked that concept.
I played with her junk, enjoying the way her hips began to move as she thrust into my hand. “Um, I assume you’re basically gay?”
“No. Why would you assume that?”
“Uhh, well, available evidence would…”
“I’m bisexual, Dan. Extremely bisexual; I love having sex with women too.”
“Huh, never gave that a thought. You should definitely avoid the surgery then so that you could still have sex with women.”
“You have heard of women having sex with each other before, right? In fact, it’s so common that I believe there’s even a name for it…”
I laughed. “Oh yeah! My mind didn’t go there at all. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all this, and then you throw in that twist.”
She turned her head and stretched up for a kiss, then she smiled. “You’re apparently bisexual too, in case that light bulb hasn’t clicked on yet.”
It was a shock; I hadn’t considered that either, not in those terms, and it made me laugh. “I’ll be damned. I suppose that’s hard to deny, lying here with your ass against my crotch and your balls in my hand.” I’d been fondling her, enjoying the supple skin and the weight of her heavy testicles. “I’m not sexually attracted to men at all, though; if you’d been dressed as a guy I wouldn’t have given you a second glance.”
“So you’re a specialist!” She laughed. “You took to it like a fish to water, even if you do have some important bridges to cross to fully realize it.”
“I might never cross those bridges.”
“You will. There’s a couple I play with sometimes; the husband was hesitant, like you, but now he loves sucking my cock alongside his wife. He also loves me to fuck him while he fucks her, or vice-versa. It took him awhile to accept it, to accept me, but now he loves it.”
“That does open up a whole new world of possibilities, doesn’t it?” My mind was running wild with the different scenarios that would be possible and I found myself becoming aroused, and a little bit freaked out.
She giggled. “It does! Find an open-minded girlfriend and we could even live out the fantasy you mentioned a few minutes ago. I’d be glad to fill her with cum for you to clean up.” That image fueled a surge, and she pushed her ass against my burgeoning erection. “Mmm, look who’s waking up! Dan, would you like to suck my cock?”
The idea had already crossed my mind, but… “Tina, that may be a bridge too far. Too much, maybe too soon. Maybe never.”
“Fair enough, no pressure; do you enjoy ass play?”
“Um, my ass, or your ass?”
She laughed. “Yours, obviously! We already know I enjoy it.” When I hesitated, she continued, “Have you ever tried it? Fingers, toys, beads… maybe a vibrator or something?”
For some reason this was embarrassing, but I answered honestly. “Yeah, sure. Fingers, a vibrator a few times – a skinny one! It felt… pretty amazing, to be honest.”
She reached back between us and squeezed my semi-hard cock. “If you enjoyed those, you’ll love the way the real thing feels.”
It took me a moment to realize what she was proposing. “You? Tina, I’ve never had anything near your size, and, well, I don’t know…” I was confused and apprehensive, fearful I might reject her in the moment and hurt her feelings, and what that might mean. Despite enjoying her, I simply couldn’t see myself as the one taking it, and I knew she might want more than I could give.
“I’m very gentle, Dan, and knowing it was your first time I’d take things very slowly so that we could both enjoy it.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I’m…”
“Tense. Tense is what you are, Dan, and there’s no need. Hmmm, we got distracted and never did finish your massage. Roll over onto your tummy and I’ll do your back.”
“This sounds like a diabolically clever ruse to get me right where you want me, face-down and all greased up.”
She laughed. “Darn it, you’ve seen right through me! Since you’re twice my size, I figured I could easily overpower you.”
“You did last time, as I recall.”
She squeezed my cock again before releasing me. “Just roll over, I’ll be right back.”
I did as instructed as she slid from the bed and padded around to fetch her bottle of massage oil. I watched as she returned, noting how her erection stood proud and rock-hard in front of her sleek tummy, it’s thick length curving back slightly to point at her pretty little navel. That and her ballsack, heavy and smooth, should have been a discordant note, jarring when seen in combination with her perfect breasts and small, feminine body, but somehow it wasn’t.
Instead, it was somehow oddly beautiful, strangely exotic and erotic, her unabashed and extremely conspicuous arousal flattering and contagious; thus far my own arousal was mostly in my head, my cock still at half-mast, but with the pleasure synapses now firing I knew it wouldn’t take much longer before I hardened.
She kneeled near my right shoulder and began to knead the oil into my neck and trapezius muscle; I noted again how strong and nimble her small hands were, but my attention was really focused on her cock, which jutted rigidly from her groin, its tip less than a foot from my face. I thought of her earlier question, if I’d like to suck her cock.
It would be easy to do, I knew that; all I had to do was say the word and she’d give it to me. There was nothing repulsive about it, the thought not repugnant in any way, and her cock was actually quite beautiful, sleek, virile and alive. I knew it would bring her great pleasure… lord, how I knew that, and I had a pretty good idea of what would feel good and how to go about it, having had it performed on me many times, often avidly watching the entire performance.
I thought about it; I maybe even wanted to take the plunge, but I couldn’t bring myself to say the words. It was just too foreign to me, too “unmanly”, a leap into the void without knowing what was at the bottom. A part of me ached to know, to experience what it would be like to give her that pleasure and see what response, what sounds I could wring from her beautiful body, but another part of me held back, paralyzed by… what?
Not fear, certainly; Tina held nothing to fear. She was soft and sensitive and loving, understanding and gentle, kind and funny. We’d been on the same wavelength since we’d met, bonded quickly, and had overcome what could have been a tragically awkward moment together; we’d become friends, in fact, and very quickly.
On the other hand, maybe it was fear, but if so it was fear of myself, fear of what I might discover and how that might change my long-established self-perception. Maybe I wasn’t prepared to be knocked that far out of my comfort zone, not now, not yet, maybe never. I held back, remained silent, and the moment passed.
She worked her way through the tension in my neck and shoulders, and when she felt my muscles finally start to relax she moved on down my right arm. As she did she slid backward and straddled my arm, and when she again lowered her butt onto her heels her balls came to rest in my upturned hand, filling my palm. I closed my fingers around them, enjoying their weight and warmth, and squeezed gently, earning a low moan.
I chuckled. “Look what I found! What a coincidence, huh?”
“Mmm, no coincidence; that was entirely intentional.”
“It’s a slick move; do you use that with all your massage clients?”
“Just the ones I truly like, so no; this is the first time. Most of my legitimate massage clients don’t even know I have those.”
I was touched by her words, again glad that I hadn’t made her leave in my moment of shock and angst. “I’m honored, Tina, and I like you too, but is that really kosher, letting them think you’re a woman?”
“I’m good at what I do, Dan, I have a lot of regular clients that appreciate me for what I do and what they think I am. The legitimate massages are non-sexual, so what’s between my legs is not a factor.”
“I suppose…”
“If I had to explain this to everyone I’d lose a lot of clients. Many would probably reject me outright, and it would totally restrict who would want to see me; every massage would be about sex, about ‘making it with the freak’. I don’t want that.”
“You’re not a freak, and I wasn’t implying you were. I understand what you’re saying, and I’m sure you’re right. Forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive; it’s a legitimate question, and something I’ve thought about a lot.”
“Still… Just so you know, you’re not still here because I ‘wanted to make it with the freak’; we’re here, together, because I like you a lot and felt a connection, like a bond, I guess. I very much enjoy your company, even in that moment of shock and confusion I realized that. I couldn’t stand the idea of yet another lonely, empty night.”
“You accepted me for me, Dan, that’s all that matters. I’m very lucky, and I’m still amazed that…”
I interrupted. “Why are you lucky?”
“Well, because it was you. Some men would have reacted badly, maybe even beat me up if they’d gotten the surprise that you did. It was incredibly careless of me to assume you knew, extremely dangerous. I’m usually very careful to avoid that situation, that kind of misunderstanding.”
I thought about that, about the dangers she faced because of who – and what – she was. It was sad and vaguely depressing, but the world is what it is, a very scary and dangerous place for anyone that’s “different”; it wasn’t something I’d ever spent a lot of time thinking about, and I was a little ashamed of that fact.
She’d moved to my other side by then, her balls now in my left hand, where I continued to fondle them. She lowered herself and ground them into my palm as my fingertips explored the hardness of the base of her cock.
She moaned softly. “Mmm, god. You sure you’ve never done this before?”
I laughed. “Quite sure, yes. I can’t imagine that there’s anyone else that I’d have let my guard down with, not like this.” I paused, then went on. “You said something about me accepting you, but that’s a two-way street. Your willingness to be so open and to let me find my way, your patience and gentleness have allowed me to explore and… I don’t know; change, I guess. Open my mind. Be cool with it,” I laughed. “Of course, the fact that you’re so gorgeous and sexy and smell like all my erotic dreams rolled into one probably didn’t hurt.”
She giggled. “You were pretty horny! I remember how incredibly big and hard your cock was when I first pulled it out – and wow, if I may say so.”

“Yeah, I was definitely locked and loaded.” I stroked the hard ridge of her perineum again, earning a soft gasp. “Speaking of which, how many times can you come before this monster goes limp?”
She giggled again. “My cute little clitty, you mean? Usually at least three, sometimes four. Five, if I’m really enjoying myself and care for my partner; tonight feels like a five.”
I was touched, but I laughed. “That’s amazing! I’ve never heard of anything like that before; I’m totally impressed… and jealous.”
“Don’t be; we’ll enjoy it together.” She swung a leg over me and sat on my back as she continued her massage, her weight negligible. Her little butt was right at the top of mine, maybe half as wide, and her thighs against my sides. I could feel the soft heat of her heavy scrotum in the small of my back as she worked my lower trapezius and my lats, and I relaxed and lost myself in the pleasant sensations.
She worked her way on down my back and sides, her touch skilled and relaxing. Scooting lower as she worked downwards, she was soon sitting on the backs of my thighs, working my hip flexors and glutes. It was personal and sensual, and the touch of her balls on my legs and her hard cock nestling into the valley of my ass every time she leaned forward was oddly pleasurable. I know she was enjoying it too and felt the thrust of her hips as she slid her cock along my freshly-oiled ass crack.
When she sat up I felt a small, oily finger slip into me, just a little, and then withdraw. Soon it returned, probing more deeply this time only to withdraw again. This time when it returned it was two fingers, and I groaned as she pushed them into me.
“Ohhh, god!”
“Feels pretty good, huh?”
“Yes. Good… weird.”
“I know. Want me to stop?”
“No. Just go slow.”
She did, slowly finger-fucking my ass. I felt violated, but in a very pleasant way. It was a foreign feeling, but it was good, better by the minute as I adapted and accepted it. When I raised my ass up slightly to meet her thrusting fingers, she whispered, “I’ve got you now.”
“I think you had me at hello.”
She laughed. “Does that line ever work?”
“You tell me.”
“As I recall, I never said hello. I think I asked you who was winning.”
“Mmm-hmm. And I am, at the moment.”
The next time I raised up to meet her fingers, she reached under me with her free hand and seized my cock, tugging it downward, bending it so that it stuck down between my thighs. My balls were stretched taut and forced to rest on it when I again lay flat, my cock rock hard but pointing downward.
Just when it was feeling really good she slid her fingers out of me and moved downward, working my thighs. She was careful to run her fingers over my straining shaft and tight scrotum on a regular basis, teasing my slippery opening whenever in the vicinity. The massage was relaxing, the teasing arousing, and she had me at a point where I was open to almost anything.
Still, when she finished with my calves and feet and slid on top of me, her hard cock nestled into the tight valley between my cheeks, I tensed up. She felt it and laughed, saying, “Relax! I wasn’t planning on a sneak attack, and I’m not going to stick my cock up your ass. We’ll go slow, play a little, and see where things lead.”
“Yeah, okay, sorry; it was just instinct.”
“What, reflex from your prison days?”
“Funny, but no. It’s still a little strange to me, you know?”
“I know, sweetie, but you need to trust me.”
Strangely, I did trust her, despite our relatively short acquaintance and the unexpected surprise. “I know, and I do. Truth is, you lying on top of me and sliding around feels pretty good. You’re so warm and smooth it’s like a whole new kind of massage. Very… sensuous, very erotic.”
“Mmm, a full-body massage. It feels good to me too.” She continued to slide on me, and I felt her hard nipples on my back and her thick cock sliding smoothly against my ass. Her balls hung down and dragged in the crevice at the back of my thighs with each forward thrust. It all felt far better than I could have imagined, better than it should have.
The warm, slippery, erotic sensations had my cock raging, so hard that it ached, trapped in its down-pointing position. After a few minutes of basking in the barrage of pleasurable sensations, I noticed her motions gradually changing, less smooth sliding of her whole body and more action from her hips as she humped her cock against my ass, grinding into my oily crack. I pushed back, rubbing my ass against her cock, and heard her groan.
“Tina, are you going to come?”
“Yes… is that alright?”
I thought about that for a moment. Yesterday it wouldn’t have been alright; in fact, the thought would have been utterly repugnant. Tonight, with this beautiful little sexpot… “Yes, it’s more than alright. Come for me… I want to feel you come.”
With my approval, she was freed, able to do what her body demanded. She lifted her upper body, holding herself on her slender arms as she began to seriously hump my ass. She was breathing heavily, her engorged cock rock-hard between my clenched cheeks, and I knew it wouldn’t be very long.
Her movements became erratic and insistent, less fluid, and suddenly she groaned. “Ohhh, god! Oh fuck, yes!”
Her cock spasmed once, hard, against my ass, and on the second contraction I felt a long spurt of cum hit me at the base of my neck and land in a hot rope the length of my spine – and that’s what I felt, heat, not wetness; her first trail of cum felt searing hot on my skin, which I knew was just my perception, but it surprised me. There was a path of heat radiating along the length of my back, and it felt shockingly good, intensely erotic. My cock ached with arousal.
The next powerful spurt painted over the first, and a third hit me on my left shoulder blade; the fourth was again up the middle, less powerful, reaching only to mid-back. Each ensuing contraction of her thick cock pumped out more cream, now was just pulsing out of her rather than squirting, and I could feel it dripping onto my skin and pooling in the hollow at the base of my spine, beneath her crown.
As her orgasm ended her body relaxed onto mine, her cock, still pulsing, pressed against me. Dry pulses now, aftershocks, I knew exactly what she was feeling; a long, pleasant extension of her orgasm, a chance to let the intensity slowly fade and enjoy the satisfying afterglow.
I wiggled my ass against her cock, and she groaned. I laughed. “Did that feel good?”
“It felt like you came buckets.”
“I did; you’re a total mess. Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. It felt amazing to me too, although I’m not really sure I understand why.”
“Because you knew what I was feeling, how intense it was, and you knew you were giving me that pleasure.”
“Maybe.” As I considered that, realizing that she was probably right, she began to fingerpaint on my back, playing with her cum and smearing it around in the oil.
“Is this the first time you’ve had cum on you?”
“Other than my own, you mean? Yes.”
“Does that bother you?”
I laughed. “Tina, I pretty much knew how that was going to end. I’d have bailed out if it bothered me, but I was enjoying it too.”
“I’m glad you didn’t. You look beautiful.” When I didn’t reply, she went on, “I could sign my name in cum, claim you for my own.”
“You could.” I felt her spelling out her name on my lower back, about where a tramp stamp would be if I had one. Her cock still rested, hot and hard, in my ass crack. I wasn’t sure what I should do now, a little embarrassed to have enjoyed the experience.
Done writing, she leaned forward and licked some cum from the base of my neck. “Mmm, I’m delicious!”
“I’ll take your word for it.”
She laughed. “You’ll come around, give yourself time.” She licked up another taste, making a small noise as she sucked it from my skin. “Cum is lovely, and it has so many uses!”
“Do tell…” I laughed at her enthusiasm for jizz.
“Well, it makes babies, of course. It’s also delicious – and nutritious! It’s fun to play with, and wonderful to feel as it gushes inside of you. I love the way it feels on my skin.” She paused. “It’s also one of the best natural lubricants known to man…”
As she said that she slid her fingers, generously lubricated with her own cum, down my ass crack until she was prodding my rosebud. When I groaned, she collected a bit more and did it again; for me, it was a crossroads, a point in time where things could change dramatically if I allowed them to. I had another person’s semen on me and now in my ass, which was radical enough, but I knew what she had in mind, her cock still hard and ready.
To say that my thoughts were jumbled would be an understatement; my mind was in chaos. I was unsure, afraid it would hurt, afraid I wouldn’t enjoy it, or if I even should! To refuse would be a rejection of Tina, which I was loath to do, but to proceed would be an admission that I wasn’t the true 100% straight male I’d always believed myself to be – but then, the reality was, that ship had already sailed.
While I waffled she moved back, sliding her hard cock in the pool of cum at the small of my back, then lining it up, slick and dripping, with my tight pucker. I felt her prod me, gently but insistently, but when she realized how tense I was she paused.
“Dan, are we okay?”
“I… I’m not sure. No, I think; I guess we’re not. I think maybe we’re just moving too fast for me, too soon.”
She pulled away quietly, her cock no longer knocking at my back door.
“I’m sorry, Tina. I’m not ready.” I paused for a moment but she didn’t speak, so I did. “I won’t lie to you; I might never be ready. It’s… hard to explain.”
“No, you don’t need to. I understand, and like I said, no pressure. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, and now things are awkward again because of me.”
I shook my head. “You didn’t, and they’re not. I just have very mixed feelings about it, and I think I need to sort things out.”
“Of course!”
“Everything we did up till that point was amazing, though. The massage, the feel of your body, the way you came so hard…”
“You enjoyed it?”
“Oh yes, maybe more than I should have.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because you’re here, and I live almost 2,000 miles away, and I’ll never do anything like that again without you. It only happened this time because you’re who you are.”
“Oh. Wow, that’s a flattering but melancholy thought!”
“I know. Hey, my back feels kind of wet; did you get cum on me?”
She giggled. “Just a tiny bit.” She traced her fingers through the copious streaks of semen on my back as she sat up. “C’mon, let’s go try out that big, beautiful shower I saw in there. I’ll wash your back, and you can wash whatever parts of me you like!”
“You do know how to make a man an offer he can’t refuse!” She slid out from behind me and stood. When I rose to my feet, my cock, which had been trapped against the mattress for too long, sprang upright.
She looked at it and smiled. “I believed you when you said you enjoyed it; you don’t have to prove it.”
“Just in case – plus, you made me horny as hell. What’s amazing is that you’re still stiff as a board, especially considering everything that’s now running down my back and ass.”
She twisted her hips side-to-side, causing her erection to flop back and forth. “I know, and that was only orgasm number two - pretty cool, huh?”
“Very cool, and very unfair.”
She laughed as she grabbed my cock, using it to lead me to the bathroom. “C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up. You may not be ready to suck my cock – yet – but I’m desperate to suck yours.”
“Just when I thought you couldn’t top your last offer…”
She more than topped it; she blew it – and me – completely away. We touched, tickled, and stroked, wet and soapy, our bodies sliding against each other, our hands everywhere. Our cocks stayed rigid and jutting, rubbing against each other’s bodies in an intimacy that was too easy, too familiar; in some ways, it was all so new and weird and exciting, while in others it felt like we’d known each other forever. In still other ways, which were rapidly fading, it was still confusing and a little frightening, but it didn’t impact my arousal or my desire for her.
When she eventually dropped to her knees and took me into her mouth my knees almost buckled. She’d said she wanted to suck my cock, and I’d wondered how a blowjob from this little pixie might feel, but both terms were insufficient, a pejorative applied to an act of beauty and love.
Because that’s what she did. There in the shower, water beating down, she made love to my cock, a look of pure pleasure on her face as she licked and sucked and teased, creating sensations I’d never known and pulling every fiber of my being taut with arousal. Her tongue and lips, her delicate fingers, were instruments of exquisite skill, touching and caressing every nerve ending and leading me again and again to the brink, only to ease up a split second before we crossed the threshold, the point where there could be no turning back.
When she did eventually let me come it was intentional and at the time of her choosing, perhaps influenced by my begging, perhaps not. Sensing the flood she held my cock, the tip resting on her lower lip, and let me watch myself spurt streams of liquid pearls into her eager, waiting mouth. It was beautiful and intense, and after the fourth vigorous spurt she took me deep into her throat and let me empty my arousal there, into that tight pressure, swallowing all I had to give.
She continued to suck me gently, using her tongue in small, fluttery motions to soothe my sensitive flesh as the contractions faded and my orgasm waned. By the time she let me slip from her lips I was limp and shrunken, my cock exhausted; hers, however, remained throbbingly, hugely erect.
We stepped out of the shower before we could become any more prune-like and played as we dried each other with the big, fluffy towels the hotel provided. Once mostly dry, I dropped to my knees and kissed her breasts, sucking and licking her hard little pink nipples as she ground her erection against my chest. Even on my knees, I was only a few inches shorter than her, and I knew I could easily bend forward and take that big, hard cock into my mouth, and that she would love it.
I didn’t, however. Something still held me back, perhaps the sheer intimacy of the act or the fear of what I might discover. Instead, I took her hand and led her to the bed where I sat, naked, my back against the headboard, and placed her between my legs. I pulled her back against me and put my arms around her, placing my left hand over her breast, where I continued my nipple play. I took her cock in my right.
I stroked it slowly and intimately, letting my fingers play feather-light over her silken skin. I tried to do for her with my fingers what she had done for me with her lips and tongue, teasing, caressing, denying her release when I felt it was imminent, keeping her right at the peak. I made gentle love to her aroused flesh with my right hand until she was moaning and squirming in my grasp, aching to come and copiously leaking pre-cum, which I used to slicken and paint the straining, purple head of her penis.
I kissed her neck and whispered in her ear, “Would you like to come?”
“Oh my god! Yes, please… please let me! Ohhh, please… make me come, Dan.”
I slid my left hand down to cup her balls, my pinky-finger teasing her ass, while with my right I concentrated my touch on the head of her cock and the first inch or so of her hard shaft, using my thumb and two fingers to stroke and manipulate that sensitive area. I felt her body stiffen and her cock leap against my fingers and I knew we had lift-off.
As I watched over her shoulder the first spurt, huge and glistening white, rocketed out of her in a long, soaring arc, completely clearing the foot of the bed and the aisle between and spattering onto the front and top of the low dresser opposite, narrowly missing my open suitcase. The second impressive rope did the same as she pushed back against my chest, her body rigid in the grip of the powerful orgasm. The next was less powerful, landing on the lower part of the bed and just beyond, on the carpet between bed and dresser.
A few more pulsed out onto the sheets between our legs as she writhed in my arms, then it became small dribbles which ran across my fingers, warm and slippery. When she collapsed against me, gasping for air, I laughed.
“Holy shit! That was an impressive display, young lady!”
She panted, “God! Don’t try to pretend you’ve never done this before! That was masterful, the way you held me right there at the edge until the last second. That was incredibly intense; it almost hurt, but in a very good way.”
“No, I never have… well, not to anyone else. I’ve played with edging myself occasionally, of course, but that was my first time with…”
I paused, and she completed my sentence. “Somebody else’s cock.” I’d almost said ‘with another man’, but she’d worded it more artfully.
She nestled gently into my arms. “It was amazing, lest you have any doubts.”
“Good, I’m glad. I owed you after that incredible shower treatment.” I laughed. “It’s probably a good thing you didn’t do that up my ass; I’d have had cum shooting out of my ears!”
She giggled, then slid out of arms and stood. “I’m going to go clean up; I’ll be right back.”
She brought a hand towel along when she returned and used it to gently wipe her cum from my hands and clean up some of the damages from the sheets. Afterward, she lay in my arms, soft and warm. We didn’t speak for a long time, until finally I asked, “Can you stay the night?” Already almost two in the morning, it wasn’t a huge ask.
“Do you want me to?”
“Very much.”
“Then yes, of course. I’d love to.”
I reached down and found her cock; still thick and tumescent, it was not quite rock-hard. “Hey, you’re not still hard as a rock! Guess I must have finally put a dent in it.”
She giggled again. “No; you keep doing that for about another ten seconds and I’ll stiffen right up.”
She proved correct, and I was jealous all over again, dammit! We lay there silently, just enjoying each other’s warmth as I considered something. I decided to take the plunge. “Have you ever been to Yolanda?”
“The new club, downtown?”
“Yes.” That was its name, oddly, ‘Yolanda’, not Yolanda’s, and I’d heard it was the hottest new club in town.
“No. A few of my friends have, and they say it’s amazing. You have to either be famous or know somebody to get in, though. There’s always a huge line outside.”
“So I’ve heard. Do you have a little black dress – or, if not, would you like one?”
She giggled again. “Every girl has an LBD, but every girl is always open to shopping for a new one.”
I laughed. “If I can push my flight back to, say, Sunday, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to Yolanda tonight?” It had a five-star restaurant above, at street level, and a hot new nightclub below. “Dinner, maybe some dancing if you’re not too attached to your toes…”
“That’s a nice offer, Dan, but we’ll never get in, especially on a Friday night… unless… wait; are you famous?”
I laughed. “Not even in my hometown; I do, however, know someone. The guy I was here meeting with is a venture capitalist. Biotech, usually, which is where I come in, but he throws money at promising local startups from time to time – fun stuff, his toys, he calls them. He’s invested in Yolanda, about forty percent, I think. He asked me if I wanted him to set me up for tonight. I passed, but…”
“Wow! That would be fun!”
“One phone call and we’re in.”
“What if your friend is there and he sees you with me?”
I hadn’t considered that, but I wasn’t too worried. “He’s not really my friend, just a business associate, and if he does I’m sure he’ll be insanely jealous that I’m with you and he’s not.”
“If any of my friends are there, they know about me and their dates might too. It might get out…”
“Your friends; are they…”
“Lady-boys too? Some, yes, some aren’t… and a few are post-op.”
“Oh. Wow. Well, if their dates are aware, that just makes them the same as me, so none of us have anything to hide, right?” I’d almost used the analogy of running into your minister coming out of the adult store, but I realized just in time that it would sound cheap and tawdry, something to be ashamed of; not my intent.
“If you’re sure…”
“I am.”
“In that case, I’d love to, and thank you! Showing up with a handsome stud like you will make my friends so jealous… oh, I so hope some of them are there tonight!”
I laughed, flattered, as she snuggled happily into my arms. She fell asleep quickly, but I lay awake for a long time.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
The memories came as they often do late at night, drifting ashore like the debris from a distant shipwreck, sad and painful, poignant reminders of happier times now past, destroyed; torn, broken, and moldering. My wife and I had been happy once, I think, but the last few years of our marriage had largely erased that time and left me bitter, with the sense that I could never love again, never again let my guard down or invest all of my emotions in anyone, never again place that kind of trust in another person.
Tina was the first light to break through that gloom, an odd, unexpected and strangely elating feeling. That she was not what she seemed created some barriers, some hurdles that I might struggle to clear, but she’d given me the newfound hope that I might be able to do that, the gift of laughter, warmth, and tenderness that I hadn’t even realized I was missing.
Her differences – her specialness – was something exciting to explore, even if I knew I might never be able to fully appreciate her. I finally drifted off knowing we were friends first and that our tolerance for each other was strong enough to stand the test, even though we’d known each other only those few hours.
We made love, perhaps for the first time, later that night. Spooned in the curve of my body, she ground her little ass against me there in the darkness, the hour unimportant, and found me hot and hard, ready. I used saliva and collected the slick pre-cum from her cock and my own to prepare her, and entered her slowly, gently.
It was languid and loving, familiar now, without the sense of urgency that had accompanied our earlier coupling. She came first, in my hand, and I continued to softly stroke her cock as it slowly, finally went limp before thrusting deep and once again emptying myself into her, and then we slept. I slipped out of her sometime after that, I don’t know when, and we woke still in each other’s arms.
We made it to Yolanda and had a great evening, after taking her out to buy a new LBD earlier in the day. There had been some consternation (and a lot of laughter) when she’d put on her short red dress the following morning only to discover that wearing it commando-style – I’d destroyed her panties, after all – was not going to be possible; her cock dangled below the hem of the short dress, one curse of being such a well-endowed young woman.
I suggested a bucket of ice as a possible solution, earning a pretty little frown. She settled on one of my dress shirts, a blue and white pinstripe by Hugo Boss. She rolled up the sleeves and left the top two buttons open; far more modest than her little red dress, the tails reached almost to her knees, and it looked far better on her than it ever did on me.
Shopping with her was fun, the club was great, the dinner amazing; she spent the entire weekend with me, and I’m planning to tie up some loose ends this next week and then take some vacation time to travel back out to see her.
She’s promised to spend the week with me; I’ve looked into tickets to Hawaii and Tahiti, curious how she’ll solve the problem of her generous endowment in a tiny bikini. She’s not aware of those plans, so it will be a surprise. It should be fun!
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Will I ever be able to fully embrace the differences and suck her cock, or give myself to her anally? I don’t know, and I’ve been honest and told her that. She accepts it, for now, convinced I’ll change. I'm not so sure, but maybe she’s right; time will tell.
I know she’ll ask me again about the surgery, if she should have it, and I know what I’ll tell her; it has to be her decision. I can’t insist on it; I don’t have that right, and I’m not sure it’s what I’d want in any event. She’d still be the same amazing person either way, but if it turned out to be wrong it would be my fault.
On the other hand, if I tell her not to have it (despite rendering my earlier opinion) I might be forcing her to live in a way she’d become desperate to change. I’m just going to do my best to accept her, whatever she decides to do, to see if I can find love again and share it with her in hopes that she’ll do the same with me.
She makes me happy, and I think I do the same for her; that’s all any of us can ask.