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A meeting of minds

"They meet in a national park and discover that they have more in common than a love for nature."

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Author's Notes

"This is story 1 of what is a three-part series."

In my role as an engineer with a strong interest in drone technologies, I sometimes get to go to interesting places. A recent one was the Royal Lebombo National Park in Eswatini (used to be called Swaziland), a small country embedded in South Africa and bordered by Mozambique. I was there to test some AI that I had developed and embedded in one of our rhino-monitoring drones.

I arrived at RLNP in the late afternoon, where I was to be met by a ranger named Funani, but he apparently had taken ill, so according to the WhatsApp I received while driving, I was going to be met instead by a very bright young trainee ranger named Lerato. She met me at the gate, and I have to admit that not staring at her was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done. She had to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in person in all of the sixty-seven countries I have visited.

She was tall, a perfect ebony model shape, with long natural dreadlocks.

“Stefano,” I said, shaking her offered hand.

“Lerato,” she replied, an incredible smile lighting up her face and brightening her large dark eyes.

“I guess you know I am here to test some drones,” I said.

“Yes, we will do that tomorrow,” she replied. “I have been asked to help you get settled and then take you for supper.”

“Oh, I am lucky,” I blurted. “Sorry, I mean, it is nice to meet you.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling at my gaffe.

“So they said you are new here,” I said. “How did you come to work here?”

“I have done a masters in wildlife biology in Johannesburg, and I wanted to come home and apply what I learned,” she replied. “I had studied your drone work, and I was so happy to volunteer when Funani came down with the flu.”

The conversation went on like that while she took me to the guest cottage and helped me get settled. She left me then, saying she’d be back to get me for supper in about half an hour.

I watched her leave, and I was totally smitten. She was not only beautiful, she was smart, nice, and dedicated to her work. I would have to be careful, I would not want to be seen looking or acting inappropriately.

I took a shower and changed clothes after the drive. I had just finished getting ready when Lerato returned. She had gotten out of her ranger uniform and was wearing the cutest bluish-grey dress that emphasized her form, and her lovely breasts that seemed not to be constrained in a bra. I smiled from my head to my toes.

“We are going to eat at the tourist restaurant,” she said. “I have been given a budget.”

We walked down the hill, among some beautiful old trees that included a sausage tree covered in the strange sausage fruit.

“One of my favourite trees,” I said.

“They have beautiful flowers,” she said. “Pollinated by fruit bats.”

We entered the restaurant and were seated at a nice outside table with a view of the sky, orange from the recent sunset.

We made small talk, talked about poaching and the challenges it brought, discussed drones and how AI might be brought to bear on the monitoring problem. Lerato was very knowledgeable about drones, and she even impressed me by discussing the difficulty of having enough data to properly train the AI.

We had a lovely meal, and the conversation turned to our personal lives.

At one point she asked me if I was married, and I told her that I was for a while, but was not anymore.

“How about you?” I asked.

“I am not good with relationships,” she said.

“But you are so beautiful, nice, and smart,” I said. “You could pick and choose.”

“Maybe I don’t want one. I take care of myself fine,” she said, a blush crossing her eyes.

It hit me what she said, and I tingled from head to toe. I am sure that flashed over my eyes too, and she smiled knowing full well that I got her meaning.

“I suppose that applies to both of us then,” I said, feeling more tingles and a flash of warmth.

“Nothing wrong with that,” she said. “Who knows us better than we do?”

Another flash crossed her eyes, and I could feel her tingles in my own body. I could not believe that this amazing woman was flirting with me.

“Since we both know what we are talking about here, do you like erotic stories?” I asked.

“Oh my, you just discovered my weakness,” she said, smiling, her eyes showing another flash of tingles. “I absolutely adore well-written erotica.”

“Oh wow, that is amazing,” I said. “I love writing them, and I have probably written around 200 over the years.”

“That is incredible,” she said. “I never met someone who actually wrote them before.”

“Maybe sometime you can read one for me,” she said, her eyes wet from the flashes of arousal.

“I believe that I would like that too,” I said. “They are on the laptop that I have here, actually.”

“Please,” she said, smiling with such delightful intensity. “After supper!”

“I like you,” I said. “I love your attitude to everything.”

“I could say the same,” she said. “It is not what I expected to be discussing tonight, but I like it.”

“Me too,” I said. “Conversations that generate happiness are the best conversations.”

“Actually, I have never had such a conversation with a guy before,” she replied. “Most guys don’t have the level of sophistication it takes to get a woman to open up.”

“Wow, thanks,” I responded. “How about with a woman?”

Lerato blushed so much that her skin darkened and her eyes grew even more moist.

“Yes,” she squeaked shyly.

“That is lovely,” I said, smiling encouragingly. “Most of my friends in life have been women, and sometimes they trust me enough for those conversations that they normally share among themselves. I have always enjoyed them, and so have they. And, of course, I have legitimate material to add to my stories.”

“Oh, so you understand,” Lerato replied, relaxing a little.

“So what is your favourite story type?” I asked. “I mean, what gets you the most wet and aroused?”

There, I said it and blushed red all over.

“Haha, you are also a bit shy,” responded Lorato. “Hm, I like stories with emotion, not just descriptions of sex.”

“Then you will like mine,” I said. “I love building emotions into my stories, love and respect, and creating shared feelings.”

“Sounds like I would,” she replied. “Then, I like stories where the woman is feeling pleasure, and if there is love in it then I like it even more.”

“Oh wow,” I said as waves of arousal and a powerful emotion washed over me.

“I think I am most addicted to well-written stories of two women together, or in threesomes with a guy,” she said, blushing more and smiling.

By then I was aching, and my cock was throbbing. I could have kissed her if it would not be disrespectful in that context.

“That is so hot,” I said. “Have you ever been with another woman?”

“No,” she said, pouting a little. “I want to, though. I just don’t know how to make it happen.”

“To me, that would be perfection,” I said. “I hope you are feeling the same things I am. I love this conversation.”

“Yeah, probably I am,” she said. “I might have a wet spot on the back of my dress.”

Lerato looked down after saying that like she was very embarrassed and didn’t want to meet my eyes. I reached across and gently lifted her chin with my hand. She looked into my eyes and almost looked like she was going to cry.

“Sorry, I have never had a conversation like this, or allowed myself to feel like this with a guy before,” she said softly. “It’s a little scary, but I like it, maybe too much since I hardly know you.”

As she said that, I was overcome with the most intense feelings of love, and a strong desire to respect and protect her.

“I will never disrespect you, and you will never find anything less than love in anything I say or do,” I said. “I really appreciate this conversation, and I recognise it for the incredible privilege that it is.”

“Thank you,” she replied and sniffled a bit. “For some reason, I feel comfortable expressing myself with you. I like it a lot.”

“Yeah, I feel the same, and I also like it a lot,” I said. “It is a rare thing for two people to meet on the same emotional and intellectual wavelength and feel what we both are feeling right now.”

“Yes,” she replied. “Let’s cherish it.”

“Indeed,” I said.

As the meal had ended, we ordered tea for Lerato and decaffeinated coffee for me. Neither of us wanted to break the connection or end the delightful conversation.

“Going back to earlier,” said Lorato. “I am soaking wet, my panties are drenched, and I am aching from head to toe. It feels so good, Stefano. It is new for me to share this, but you make it feel natural and good.”

“It is natural and good,” I said. “And as long as we are confessing, my cock is hard, and throbbing, leaking precum probably right through my jeans, and I am aching with you. I am also feeling a deep emotional connection with you.”

“Yes,” she said. “I feel that connection too. I know it is just for maybe a couple of days, but it feels so right.”

“So would you like me to read you one of my FFM threesome stories?” I asked.

“Oh, more than anything in the world,” she replied. “Let me sign and we can go.”

I left a 100 lilangeni note on the table as a tip, and we got up to leave. If anyone was looking, they would surely see the glow we both exuded as we left the restaurant.

“Do you like kissing?” I asked as we walked back to my chalet.

“Maybe,” she said. “If the person is a good kisser, but most guys don’t know how to kiss nicely.”

As we walked onto the veranda of the chalet, I had to ask, “Would you allow me to kiss you now?”

“Yes,” she gasped as another wave of tingles passed over both of us.

I turned towards her and pulled her close, gently holding the back of her neck as our lips met. The feeling was so intense, and a warm glow quickly arose from the pure sensuality of kissing Lerato with our bodies so close together. As I held her in the small of her back, our tongues explored, and I heard a soft sigh that came out through her nose. She relaxed against me, and we just disappeared into the sensations and the wonderful emotional bond we shared.

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It was not easy, but we broke off the kiss to go inside.

“Stefano, that was incredible,” said Lerato. “I never knew kissing could be like that.”

“It rarely is, but when it is, well, it is nca,” I said.

“But before there are any more kisses, I want that story please,” she said, with a light, pleading tone.

I opened my laptop and quickly pulled up “The Get-Together”.

“Okay, I am going to read one of my stories called that I describe as ‘three friends start a fire at the butcher shop restaurant and it burns all the way back to their place’,” I said.

“I think we are burning already,” said Lerato. “But we can burn some more, I think.”

“I love how you think,” I said.

“By the way, do you post your stories online somewhere?” she asked.

“Yes, on Lush Stories,” I said.

“Oh my, I used to read stories on there, but I haven’t been on the site for a year now,” said Lerato. “I used to get quite turned on reading them.”

“Okay, let’s get into it,” I said, starting to read.

As I read, Lerato’s eyes just got moister and moister, and her breathing became laboured. I could see her nostrils flaring, almost like she was getting close to an orgasm.

“That is a hot concept,” she said about the idea of one woman using my stories to seduce another. “I wouldn’t mind doing that!”

As I read, she was clearly getting more and more aroused. She crossed her legs and started to squirm a bit.

“I could cum like this,” she said. “You have me that turned on.”

“You are so beautiful in that state of arousal. I would want you to feel that as much as possible,” I said.

“Don’t worry, if I cum, I can still cum some more,” she said. “I can do lots of orgasms.”

I just looked at her with pure love on my face, but I think she misinterpreted it.

“Sorry, most guys would not want a woman who can keep cumming,” she said.

“Well, I am not one of them,” I said. “I love multiple orgasms, and exploring how to create them and make them more intense, or last longer, or keep going.”

“Really?” she asked.

“Really!” I said emphatically. “There is nothing in the known universe more beautiful.”

She got up and stepped in front of me, took my hand, lifted her dress, and held my fingers against her wet pussy.

“See what you have done to me?” she asked.

I pulled my hand away, licked my fingers, and kissed her with her juices on my lips before continuing with the story.

Lerato sat back down and pulled up her dress. She was wearing burgundy coloured panties, and they were absolutely soaking in the crotch. No wet spots, they were wet everywhere.

“Do you mind if I touch myself?” she asked.

“Oh my, please do, no holding back, just be yourself,” I said, almost overwhelmed with joy.

I continued reading the story as Lerato slowly teased her pussy through the material of her wet panties. It was incredible that whenever I looked up our eyes met and it was like a sharp spear of pleasure passed through me. She was feeling it the same way.

As the story reached its first peak, I could tell that Lerato was getting close. She was not used to holding back I think, and that was somehow refreshing. I wanted her to just feel as much as she could, and feel loved and appreciated for it.

“If you want to cum, then just do it,” I said. “You are with someone who appreciates you just as you are.”

With that, she just let go, her face got all intense, her eyes lost focus, and her breathing became heavy and she made the most delightful sounds.

I stopped reading, just enjoying watching her as her orgasm peaked, and her whole body was shaking. As the orgasm subsided, she looked at me, and she almost looked afraid, almost as if she was thinking, what have I done?

I put the laptop on the bed, went over to her, knelt on the floor and just wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her forehead, kissed her eyelids, kissed her lips, kissed her cheeks, just to say you are appreciated, you are safe with me, you are free to be you.

We both stood up, and I held her close.

“You are not finished yet,” I whispered into her ear. “You have more orgasms to feel, and I have more opportunities to appreciate you deeply.”

“Thank you,” she said, relaxing and grinding a little against my hard cock through my jeans.

“Let me finish the story,” I said.

“Okay,” she replied.

So I continued to read the rest of the story, and Lerato was touching herself but looking longingly into my eyes. We reached the end of the story, and Lerato was still touching herself.

“Wow,” said Lerato with the sound of pleasure in her voice. “I have fantasized about it often enough.”

“Would you like to experience that in real life?” I asked her.

“I would so love something like that, but I have no idea how to find the right people,” she said. “With the wrong people, it would not be like that.”

“True enough,” I said.

We looked into each other’s eyes, just feeling incredible connection and arousal.

“You want to masturbate for me while you watch me cum again?” Lerato asked.

“Hell yes,” I said. “But do you want my cock inside you after?”

I was asking because I didn’t want to make any assumptions, knowing that she has not had a cock inside her before.

“Please,” she replied. “I know you will be nice to me.”

Lerato pulled off her soaking wet panties and threw them to me. I caught them and inhaled the wonderful scent of her arousal. I realised then that I had not yet tasted her from the source, but I didn’t want to interrupt the flow.

She started to make circles round and round her clit, working it towards another orgasm.

I began to stroke my cock, just using my thumb and two fingers near the head of my cock where it feels best, especially when I want to edge myself or make myself have a longer, more intense orgasm. Then, I only intended to edge while Lerato was cumming.

It did not take her long. Her fingers moved fast and I could see her applying pressure, and it seemed like only seconds before I could see the orgasm start.

“Cumming,” she moaned, trying to keep her eyes focused on mine.

After so much arousal, that almost made me cum with her, but I held back. I knew what I needed to do to keep this orgasm session going, so I quickly unrolled a condom on my hard cock. I pushed her back on the bed and plunged my cock into her totally drenched pussy. She gasped, moaned, and after a few strokes, she was cumming again.

I was so in love with how her face looked as she was cumming. It was like she just became the pleasure. I kept fucking her, making it a little bit harder, and after about a minute, she was cumming again in the same intensely beautiful way.

I figured that she had at least one more orgasm in her for this session, so I kept the movement going.

“Oh fuck, Stefano,” she moaned. “Make me cum, love cum.”

Her breathing was wild and the sounds classical pleasure sounds of a woman. It was so difficult not to cum myself.

“Gonna cum again,” she screamed. “Cum with me!”

I didn’t need a second invitation, as soon as I could see her orgasm start I stopped holding back and let my own orgasm take me. It was so incredibly intense, cumming with her given everything we had been feeling together.

We both collapsed in each other’s arms, but I was ill-prepared for what happened next. Lerato just started crying, deep sobs that seemed to encompass her whole body. All I could do was hold her tight and kiss her head and face.

“You’re safe with me,” I said softly. “No matter what, you are safe.”

“I know, I know,” she said between sniffles. “It is just the emotional overload.”

“It’s okay,” I said. “You cry as much as you need to, I will hold you close.”

We didn’t say anything for at least fifteen minutes. We just stayed wrapped around each other, feeling the strength of each other’s presence.

“Be right back, don’t go away,” said Lerato as she extricated herself from my arms and got up to go pee and clean up a little. I watched her go, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in person in my life. I was feeling like the luckiest and happiest man in the known universe.

I got up and poured us some water. We had sweated a lot in the Eswatini heat.

“Thanks,” said Lerato, as I handed her a glass of water when she returned. “This was, and is, amazing.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, kissing her gently on the lips, running to the bathroom myself.

I had a pee and got cleaned up. I was still hoping she would go down on me, something I love dearly, and I wanted to make sure I was as clean as can be.

When I returned to the room, Lerato was propped up on pillows, looking pensive.

“What’s on your mind?” I asked.

“I was just thinking about your story,” she said. “Did that really happen?”

“Yeah, a long time ago,” I replied. “But the location and names are changed to protect the guilty. And I merged some things from different sessions into one.”

“That’s so beautiful,” she said. “I wish it could be me. I want that so badly that I am getting wet again thinking about it.”

“Gosh, I love how your beautiful mind works,” I said, tingling along with her.

Then I had a brilliant idea.

“I know someone who also has a fantasy about another woman, and also a threesome,” I said. “She is about your age, and is also very pretty, smart, and loves ‘taking care of herself’ too.”

I saw the flash of arousal in Lerato’s eyes as she replied, “Oh my!”

“I saw that,” I said. “That makes you aroused again.”

“No,” argued Lerato. “Not again. I have been aroused since we shook hands.”

“Hm, I thought it was just me!” I said.

“So tell me about this person,” she said. “I am dying to know more, and if she would really do it.”

“We can ask her on WhatsApp,” I said.

We were lying side by side on the bed then, and Lerato just climbed on top of me and kissed me with such passion and emotion that I could feel it in the depths of my being. Gosh, that was nice.

“Okay,” she squeaked, her pussy grinding against my right leg.

What happened next is another story. Rest assured, the evening was not done yet.

Written by storymanza
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