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Vicky Bound for Vacation Part 1

"Vicky's first day and night on her SFO vacation prove interesting Part 1 of 4"

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As I was rubbing my fingers over Vicky's nipples I was thinking about my upcoming business trip and thought she might like to go. “How would you like to go to San Francisco for a long weekend?”

My new job had me traveling one or two nights a week and I was scheduled be in SFO the last few days October. Halloween fell on the last Saturday of the month.

“MMM..." She was purring like a cat. "Sure. I'd love to go. I haven’t been there in a couple of years.” Vicky and I were lying nude on my couch. She was stretching and flexing her silky body as my roaming hands moved across her flesh. She trapped one of my hands between her thighs and was using the edge to masturbate. I had just had her tied over the back of the couch and the fucking and ass slapping had brought her to a screaming, gut retching orgasm. She seemed to be fired up and ready for more.

“You know I lived there for a while as a kid and the Army sent me through there a lot. I know the bay area fairly well and there are some wild parties on Halloween night. I think we could find something to keep us occupied.”

We had meet in school just a month before. I had started dating this goddess of a woman on my graduation day. And we had developed a strong bond. We both realized our relationships had a kinky side. However, we were also very compatible in every other way.

Vicky is 5'5" with a rock hard body. Long, lean, dancer's legs. 34D breasts and lustrous, long dark blond hair. She's so beautiful it hurts. She is also the wildest woman I've met in my 30 years , and that's after an Army career that had taken me all over the world.

The longer I talked she continued to build her arousal by jerking her pussy against my hand, “There is a big party there every Halloween called the 'Exotic, Erotic Ball'. Pretty much anything goes. I've been to it before. You'd fit in REAL well.” She was pinching her hard, protruding nipples, working herself. She was close to cumming.

“That sounds like fun.” She moaned. I could see the gleam in her eye. She was getting closer.

She was working her hips faster and her hands were roughly kneading her breasts, “Are you going to fuck me out there? Are you? Will you tie me up and make me do things? Do things to me? Make me hurt? Make me your slave?” Suddenly her head flew back and that long blond hair was arching through the air. Her orgasm lasted a good 30 seconds and for the next five minutes her body occasionally jerked with aftershocks.

Vicky is very sensual and uninhibited. Her enthusiasm for sex is dynamic and contagious. There's not a shy or a modest bone in her body and inhibited is one word that will never be in the same sentence with her name. Every moment we're together is like discovering some new kink or perversion we can explore.

Over the next few days I made all the necessary reservations for the flight, hotel, rental car and the Ball. Vicky had also been busy. She had found what she described as a “Come Fuck Me” costume to wear to the Ball. She'd also been surfing the net looking for specific web sites.

The night before our scheduled flight we were laying on the couch practically nude.

“Come over here. I want to show you what I found.” She pulled me in front of my computer desk and brought up a BDSM web site. The images were wild and stimulating. There were pictures and movies showing B&D sessions, sexual torture, girls bound and tied into fucking machines, women dominating women with electrical devices, and a special section for public bondage and sexual humiliation.

“I called them today, just to get some information. The use mostly porn stars for models but they are always looking for good looking amateurs to be in their shows.” Her breathing was getting rapid and the golden skin of her face was starting to flush. I was going from page to page of the site.

While I was perusing the company's site she had moved down to the floor. She had pulled out my cock and was stroking and licking my shaft and balls. Between her mouth and the images on the web site I was quickly becoming hard.

“You like that web site, don't you.” She asked as I continued to view page after page. She swallowed more of my cock and I slid down in the chair to give her better access to my prick . “ I bet you'd like to do some of those things to me, wouldn't you. Tie me up and fuck me like that. Maybe watch a group of people fuck me and use me, wouldn't you. Slap my ass and tits and fuck me so good and hard.”

Suddenly, I realized she was trying to talk me into something.

"I e-mailed them a couple of my photographs while I was talking to them." She moved one hand down to rub her pussy. " You know. The ones you took of me that night tied me over your balcony and fucked me so good. Out there where anybody could see." She was squeezing my balls and pushing her nails into my scrotum. " You know. The ones where my nipples are hard and red and my pussy lips are swollen and open.” She slid her mouth up and down my dick from the head my balls. “They want me to come in and talk to them while we're there. They said all I'd have to do is sign a model release.” Her tongue swirled around the head of my dick. In a throaty whisper she added, “I want to go there. And I want you to take me.” She started pulling the head of my dick through her teeth. Over and over again.

“Damn.” I couldn't concentrate. She was driving me crazy and she knew it. “You're sure you want to go there? It looks intense. You can always chicken out at the last minute.”

“Yes, I'm sure. I have no intention of backing out as long as your with me.“

I grabbed hands full of that golden hair and started fucking her mouth. She had one hand grasping my balls and the fingers of her other twirling in her pussy. As I shot the first stream into her mouth she did her little trick and put that vice like squeeze on my balls.

Yea, I knew we'd be going to this torture chamber and anywhere else she wanted to go.

Our flight to SFO arrived at 11 PM California time. Vicky had wanted to fool around on the flight. Join the 'Mile High' club. Unfortunately, I had to work on the company presentation I had to give the next morning.

My meeting started and finished very early. That left us all day to play tourist and see San Francisco's incredible sites. I played guide and she was obviously having a good time.

Our last stop, before heading to dinner, was a little place I'd discovered back in the 80's. A sex toy shop named 'Hard On Leather'. This place had something for everyone and catered to any type of sexual kink or orientation. They had everything from sexy maid costumes to dungeon torture equipment. As we walked in I could tell this was going to be a hit with Vicky.

“WOW, look at all this. We could spend the rest of our lives in here.” She turned into a beautiful tornado, walking around from one display to the next, talking and inspecting toys like a kid on Christmas morning. Everything she saw she had to touch, pick up and ask me how it worked.

“You can't tell me you've never been to a sex shop before?” I asked in amazement.

"Yea, I have, but not like this. I don't even know what some of these things are."

Vicky was playing with a fancy double headed, vibrating dildo when the sales clerk came around a corner.

“Hi.....My name's Christina.....are you finding everything you want?” the sexy redhead sales lady purred at us but mostly at Vicky.

Vicky's faced flushed and I caught that lustful twinkle in her eye. Christina was a beautiful woman. She was several inches taller than Vicky and had a similar build except that her breasts were slightly larger. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. You could see her erect nipples poking through the t-shirt she wore. The rings through her nipples were clearly visible. She was the definition of a typical redhead. She had white, delicate, almost porcelain skin with a light sprinkle of freckles. Her skirt was skin tight and stopped just below her ass and she wore a pair of black spiked, high heeled, thigh high boots. They looked just the ones worn by pirates in those old swaqshbuckling movies.

Vicky was mesmerized by the redhead's nipples. She had reached out and almost cupped Christina's breasts when I put my arm around her waist. She caught herself just in time. Christina didn't move an inch. She just stood there waiting for Vicky's hands and smiled a knowing smile. She actually moved in a little closer. I was sure she wanted Vicky to touch her.

Vicky looked around and realized she was still holding the two headed dildo. She replaced it quickly. “I see a lot I like. But, we were looking for something special. Do you have anything for bondage, you know, BDSM?” Vicky had told me she'd had some very good bisexual, submissive experiences. There was an obvious, sexual spark between these two. As she and Christina talked they were moving closer together and looking up and down each other's bodies.

“Who's the submissive one?” Christina's gaze suddenly turned to me and roamed up and down my 6'3” frame. With a wicked smile she looked me in the eye, “I know it can't be you. Your just too big.” Looking back at Vicky she purred, “So that means... it must be you.” A statement, not a question.

Vicky just blushed and whispered, “Yea, it's me.”

Sliding her arm around Vicky's waist and pulling her up against her side, Christina guided her to another part of the shop. “We have some very popular and really wicked toys for a submissive. I think you'll love them. I know I do.” Looking over her shoulder she spoke to me, “ Why don't you look around for some things and let us pick out some surprises.”

I called out to Vicky's swaying backside as she moved away, “Get anything you want, just make sure we'll be able to get it through security at the airport.”

An hour later I had added $400 to my credit card, Vicky had that post orgasmic, just fucked look and Christina's face was bright pink and her lipstick was slightly smeared. As we left the store, Christina and Vicky gave each other an opened mouth kiss and we headed back to the Marriott to change for dinner.

I showered and dressed first. Vicky told me she wanted to wash her hair. Washing and drying that long, beautiful main of hair it is not an easy task. To get me out from under foot she sent me to the roof top bar of the hotel to wait. If you've not been to the SFO Marriott Marquis it has a fantastic view of the city through its glass and chrome retro Art Deco looking sky lights.

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I was ordering my third drink when a buzzing commotion came from the group of businessmen crowded around the bar.

Vicky had made her appearance. Like I've said before, everything comes to a standstill when she enters a room. That long hair was flowing and swaying behind her as she walked. The shimmering turquoise blue dress she wore was a very short, wrap around, silky thing. It had a V neckline open almost to her navel and the curves of her breasts made the bodice stand away showing her cleavage. As her breasts swung you could get glimpses of her areola. With every step one of those long legs would appear through the crotch high split in the front of the dress. Her body undulated with every step. Her naturally tanned skin had a shine like she had rubbed baby oil all over her body. How in the fuck did I end up with her?

As I stood up to hold her chair, I heard someone at bar whisper, “Jesus.... “ followed by another voice, “Down couldn't afford her......Anyway, you probably couldn't keep up with her. She'd put you in the hospital.….and that guy she's with could definitely put you there .” The design and acoustics of the room made every word travel.

Vicky and I both laughed. The waitress came, got our orders and left. Vicky looked around then slid a little black box across the table to me.

“What's this?” I asked taking the box in my hand, looking at the buttons and dials.

“It's a remote control.”

“To control what?”

Looking around to make sure no one could see, she uncrossed her legs and pulled the flaps of dress slightly open. Vicky keeps her body completely waxed and smooth. Of course she had nothing on under the dress. I could see a small silver ring wrapped around the folds at the top of her pussy. As I looked closer she closed the dress and crossed her legs.

“What the hell is that?”

Before she could answer the waitress returned with our drinks. She gave Vicky her glass of wine and was placing my drink on the table.

“Is there anything else I can get you?” she asked in a flirty voice.

I was absentmindedly playing with the box in my hand and spun one of the dials to its stopping point. With a yelp Vicky jumped six inches off her chair and splashed wine all over our server.

Setting the glass down quickly she started babbling “I'm so sorry. I had a shock. Here, let me help you.”

The embarrassed girl was telling Vicky not to worry about it and I was trying my best not to burst out laughing. After the girl returned to the bar I looked over at Vicky.


“Be careful with that. It's the remote control."

"Remote control to what?"

“The vibrator.”

“What vibrator?”

"The one I'm wearing." Looking around again, she parted the dress again for me to see the silver loop in her pussy. Before I could lean over for a closer look, she dropped the edges of the dress and crossed her long legs.

"Christina found it for me today at 'Hard On Leather'. It has a big egg shaped piece that goes up inside and a clip piece that comes out and clamps over my clit. The clip is the antenna. She helped me put it in and showed me how it works. I've been wearing it since we left the store. On low it gives you a really nice, steady hum. On high, the thing jumps around so much it could walk across the table all by itself. It vibrates my pussy and squeezes my clit. All in one piece."

"Well, that explains a lot."

"Why do you think I sent you up here so early? I wanted to play with it to make sure I knew how it works."

"Yea....I'll bet you did. And, does it?"

Smiling, she leaned back and stretched her body, "Oh, It works."

We continued sipping our drinks and taking in the view. As we talked, I had the small control in my hand playing with the dials. We talked over our drinks for 10 minutes. Vicky kept squirming around in her seat, crossing one leg over the other. I had set my glass on the low table and could see the waitress making her way over to take a new order. Suddenly Vicky slid forward to the edge of her chair.

"Oh shit.... that thing's driving me crazy. You've got to fuck've got to FUCK ME. NOW." Her voice got louder as she talked.

I looked back toward the bar hoping no one had heard. The waitress had stopped in mid stride and was staring at us in surprise. Over her shoulder I could see every face in the room staring our way.

They heard.

Before I could react Vicky had grabbed my hand, pulled me up and was guiding me to a deserted corner of the bar right in front of the two story high windows. As soon as we got to the little alcove and out of sight, she pushed me against the window, dropped to her knees and started pulling my cock out of my pants. I was erect as soon as I hit fresh air. Looking around she found a padded lounge chair beside us. Before I could catch my breath she had pushed me back into it and placed her legs on either side over my hips. With one hand she reached between her pussy lips and pulled out the vibrator. Her other hand held my prick, pointing it straight up. In one quick motion she flexed the muscles in her legs and dropped herself onto my lap. Her channel was so wet and her lips so open my shaft slid in as far as it would go.

"Oh, Damn..........that feels so good. I'm so fucking hot and you're so hard. I've needed to be fucked all afternoon. Fuck me now, baby. Fuck me." I slid my hands up to cup and squeeze her breasts through the silky thin top.

She was doing all the work. With the muscles in those dancer's legs she moved herself up and down. Her pussy taking in every inch of my cock with the down stroke.

Looking over her shoulder I could see the waitress peeking around the corner of the alcove, watching us fuck. She looked right in my eyes but didn't move an inch.

After about 30 seconds sliding up and down over my prick Vicky decided to change positions. Reaching down and grabbing the edges of her short dress, she pulled the garment up displaying her nude body . Holding the silk between her fingers she turned and slapped her hands as high as she could on the panoramic glass. Spreading her legs she rose up on her toes in the 4" spiked heels.

"Fuck me....HARD....pinch my nipples....slap my ass......I want everyone to see how hard you fuck me." The sight was incredible. That beautiful, oiled body and those long shapely legs framed by the turquoise dress. As I moved in behind her I caught the waitresses reflection in the glass window. She had one hand up under the front of her dress the other was squeezing her breasts through her top. She had also walked up to within a few feet of us to get a better view.

I grabbed Vicky's hips and used my thumbs to push her back forward and pull her ass up and back. When I felt he head of my dick sliding through her pussy lips I shoved my hips up and forward in a big jerk. The waitress behind me let out a little scream and whispered "O, my god!"

Vicky let out a wail, "Yesss......Fuck me HARD. Pound me.... HARDER...... right through the glass. Oh yeaaa......" I was putting all my weight into every stroke and every time I hit the top her feet rolled up on the tips of her pointed shoes.

Vicky reached down and grabbed one of my hands and brought it to her breast. Her nipples were hard as rock and pointing straight up off her curved breasts. I could feel her fingers squeezing and twisting her own nipple under my hand then she moved her hand back up to support herself on the glass. I pulled both my hands up to her breasts and roughly massaged them. My fingers ended up around her hard nipples. With no warning I squeezed her nipples like a vice between my thumbs and index fingers.

"Pinch them HARDER......HARDER." She was almost whimpering.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My hands are huge and I've had my hand grip pressure measured at 285lbs psi. I've broken marbles between my fingers. I applied more pressure to her nipples. More than I thought she could take.

Her body jerked in a spasm and she arched her back to push her tits further into my hands. Her head flew back and she sucked in a loud gasp of air.

I shoved my dick up her cunt and stood to my full 6'3” hight. Her pussy lips were gripping the base of my shaft. I lifted her body up in the air, impaling her on my prick.

That did it. She had one of the most violent orgasms I'd seen yet. She pushed on the glass window and fell back against my chest. She was shaking and gasping for breath.

"That's it baby." I coaxed her on. "Squeeze my dick off inside that beautiful cunt." Suddenly, I felt something new. The muscles in her channel relaxed around my shaft and it felt like I had moved even higher into her womb. Then she used her internal muscles to squeeze my prick almost as hard as I had squeezed her nipples. She slid one hand down to do her trick and squeeze my balls.

That was it for me. My hips jerked with the release and I sent six or eight shots of cum deep inside her. As I opened my eyes to figure out where the hell we were I caught the reflection of the waitress in the window. She had fallen into the big, cushioned chair I had used. Her hands were up under her dress between her thighs and her body was shaking in spasms. Looking a little further to one side I could see the reflections of everyone in the room. That reflection was a direct shot to the 30 foot long bar and everyone in the room was there watching. Vicky and I rearranged our clothes and returned to our table long enough for me to lay down some money. Every face in the room turned and watched us leave. As Vicky and I exited the dead quiet room. The waitress caught up to us at the elevator.

As she handed me my money she said, "Keep your money. The drinks are on the house." I tried to give her something for a tip. "No, No. Please. My tip was great. And that's the best floor show we've ever had in here. “She gave Vicky a lustful look. “You can come back anytime you want." The elevator arrived and we made it back to our room. We stopped to clean up and for Vicky to replace her remote controlled vibrator. Without me seeing, she also put on a few of her other purchases from 'Hard On Leather'. 

As we hit the line for cabs, Vicky was strutting around like a movie star. I was checking over my shoulder for the police. We went on to dinner and took a stroll around the Pier 39 tourist area. But, that's more of the story.

We still had the balance of the night and three more days and two nights to spend in SFO. The 'Exotic, Erotic Ball' and our trip to the Dungeon were still waiting.

To be continued.....

I know people always ask but, please let me know if you like our adventures. Thanx.

Written by BigD
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