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Training Alex - Part One

"A MasterJonathan and Poppet Collaboration"

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We met on Lush, her and I, both sharing an interest in our stories and our love of the BDSM lifestyle. She was a "sub", a submissive, one who enjoys serving and submitting to another. I was a Master, a Dominant, and the one whom the submissive served. However, I was not her Master. That honor belonged to another.

She called herself kitty, the name her Master gave her, but I was to find out later her real name was Alex. We both enjoyed writing and reading erotica, especially the kind that pertained to our interest in BDSM. We shared our stories, talked, and discussed our mutual attraction to this lifestyle. She enjoyed the stories I wrote about My experiences with My submissive, pet. And I enjoyed reading her works as well. She wrote of BDSM and in other genres as well, all of which were very good. But of course, her BDSM writings were of special interest to Me.

Through it all, we became good friends and shared many ideas, thoughts and even our fantasies with each other. Of course we respected the limits that we each had. After all, she was owned by another and I had a submissive of My own. So our friendship remained just that...for the time being.

One day, when I was on the Lush site, kitty approached Me with a message from her Master. "Master Jonathan" she said, "My own Master, Master Jake , would like to know if You would be interested in meeting in a chat or by email. I have told Him about You and He has read some of Your stories and knows that we talk and chat. He would like to get to know You better."

"Kitty, tell your Master that I would consider it an honor and a privilege to meet Him in a chat-room anytime He can make it. I too, would like to get to know Him and discuss our shared interests," I told her, and so a couple days later we did set up a meeting between He and I and we were joined by both My pet and kitty in the chat-room.

It was an enjoyable experience for us all and we seemed to hit it off well. Master Jake and I agreed on a great many things relating to the D/s lifestyle and shared the same feelings and beliefs on how D/s should be approached and directed. We all seemed to be "on the same page" so to speak concerning this lifestyle.

Over the next few months we set up many chats and shared our feelings, our goals, and our thoughts and got to know each other well. I applauded the way He was bringing kitty along and He was impressed with pet's performance as well.

One day, I was approached by Master Jake with a very interesting request. Due to circumstances beyond his control, He was unable to be with her and He wanted her to undergo some real world experience as a submissive. He knew that I had a live-in submissive, and He also knew that kitty longed to feel what it was like to be a real world submissive as well. But He was unable to provide her with the experience Himself, and He wanted her to go to someone who knew what He was doing so she would be in good hands.

I was floored with the offer! To put that much trust in My hands meant the world to Me. Of course, I accepted with gratitude that He would think so highly of Me. And so, we began a series of meetings in private chatrooms to set everything up. We discussed limits and desires, techniques and theory. We talked at length about a number of issues and found we agreed on a surprising number of things. There were a few things we didn't see eye to eye completely on, but these were minor differences in degree mostly, there were no real obstacles to overcome and no one's viewpoints were made to seem inconsequential or outlandish. Because of the nature of what was proposed, we all wanted boundaries, rules, and methodology all in place before any real world meetings would occur.

After lengthy discussion, everything seemed in place. Master Jake seemed assured that His submissive was in good hands and kitty was looking forward to finally being a real world submissive instead of just the online one she had experienced so far. I was aware of kitty's limits and boundaries and respected them completely while My own submissive, pet, was looking forward to working alongside kitty in the scenes Master Jake and I had planned.

Finally the day had come that Alex was to come visit. She went to the airport and walked up to the ticket counter.

"Do you have a ticket for Alex Owens?" she said.

"Yes we do. It looks like your flight will begin boarding in about a half hour down at Gate 4, right down that way," the ticket attendant said.

"Thank you," Alex said. She walked down the concourse to the security checkpoint and getting past that without any troubles, she found her gate. A short time later the speaker called out her flight and the next thing Alex knew, she was boarding the plane for a new, exciting adventure.

Kitty's plane landed after an uneventful flight some 4 hours later. As she disembarked the plane and walked down the ramp into the terminal building, her heart raced. A flood of thoughts tumbled about in her mind.

"What if He doesn't like me? What if I can't do what He asks? What if He wants me to stay with Him?" She was close to panic, but the crowd behind her would not let her back down. She sucked in a deep breath as she entered the terminal. She looked around trying to spot Me before I saw her, thinking that maybe she could get some indication of what I was like before we actually met. But all she found was a gentleman in a dark suit holding a handwritten sign reading " Alex OWENS " on it.

"I am Alex Owens," she said, walking up to the man with the sign.

"Hello, kitty," I said in a low whisper.

She knew instantly who I was and lowered her eyes. "Hello Sir," she said quietly.

"Come," I told her.

She followed Me as we went to the luggage area, and she showed Me which bags were hers. She only had one with just a few things she thought she might need. She wasn't sure what I had planned, so she packed for what she thought would cover most activities. Once we had her bag, we made our way toward the car. Once we got to the car she got her first lesson with Me.

"Wait a minute, kitty," I said. "While you are with Me, you are not to touch a door knob or door handle. Do you understand? I will open the door for you, be it a car door or a regular door."

"Yes, Sir," she said.

"That's another thing. Your Master and I discussed this and while you are here with Me, you are to consider Me your Master and address Me as such," I told her.

"Yes, Master," she said, smiling. I opened the door to the car and helped her get seated. Once I had gotten into the driver's seat we were on our way. She settled back into the seat taking in the sights.

"Did you have a good trip?" I asked her as I drove.

"Yes, Master, I did."

"That's good. Flights lately have been delayed or even cancelled. I'm glad you made it here with no difficulty."

The drive took just a few minutes, and we pulled up in front of a large house with a well-maintained lawn.

"Welcome to My home," I said, opening the car door for her.

"Thank you," she said, smiling as I extended a hand to help her stand. I took her and the luggage to the front door. I opened the door and waiting there for us was My pet.

"Pet this is our guest, kitty. She will be staying with us for a few days and learning how we do things around here," I told her.

"Pleased to meet you kitty," pet said with a shy smile.

"Pleased to meet you too," kitty said.

"Pet, would you prepare a couple drinks for all of us and bring them to the living room for us?"

"Yes, Master, right away," and she turned and left the room.

I led kitty into the living room and we sat down on the couch. Pet returned with our drinks a couple moments later and passed them out, serving kitty first and then kneeling at My feet with My drink and hers. As is customary for her, she waited for Me to take a sip before drinking her own.

"Your Master and I have discussed at length your boundaries and limits, but I just want to go over them with you, kitty, to make sure we have covered them all and left nothing to chance."

"Yes, Master."

"From what He has told me you do not enjoy being cummed on, nor do you enjoy anal sex. You also do not do 'golden showers' correct?" I asked.

"That is correct, Master."

"Is there anything else that you do not do?"

"Well, no blood, forced piercings or tattoos, and no poo play, Master."

"No worries, there kitty. I don't go for those either. Now pet does have a tattoo and she also has her nipples pierced, but those were not forced. They were gifts she gave Me because I desired them. And they were her choice."

"I see," she said.

"Okay kitty, now stand so I can see My student better," I said, smiling.

She rose to her feet, keeping her head down shyly. Kitty stood up and showed herself off to Me, turning slowly.

I stepped over to her and taking her gently by the chin raised her face to look at Me. "Don't be shy, little one. I want to see you," she looked at Me in return.

"Now let's see what I will be working with," I said again. "Please remove your clothes."

She timidly got undressed and when she had gotten to her bra and panties she stopped. She looked at Me as if to ask if that was enough. It wasn't.

"Yes, kitty, those too. You had better get comfortable being naked around Me...You’re liable to be in that condition quite a bit over the next few days!" I said. She finished getting undressed and stood before Me. She was a very attractive 24 year old, 5'8" tall and around 145 pounds with long black hair midway down her back, and lovely green eyes.

"You are quite lovely, kitty. I am pleased," I said.

"Thank you, Master," she said, blushing.

"Now let's take your things upstairs and I will show you to your room," I said. I gathered her clothes and led her upstairs to the guest bedroom and opened the door for her.

"This will be your room. I hope you'll find it adequate for your stay," I said, handing her clothes to her.

"Yes Master it will be just fine," she said.

"I'm glad. Now here's another thing. I will not come into this room at any time unless it is an absolute emergency. You can consider this your personal sanctuary. I may knock on the door, but I will not enter."

"Yes, Master."

"Now you will find a robe and slippers in the bathroom there. If there is anything else you need while you are here just tell Me or pet here and we will get it. You can put your clothes away and get settled.

Once you are dressed and ready, I will be downstairs. Pet has prepared a fine dinner for all of us."

"Kitty," I said taking her hand "you can relax. I am not going to try anything. I know you just got here and haven't gotten accustomed to things yet. There won't be any demands put on you tonight. But tomorrow morning we will begin your training. So tonight we are just getting to know each other, okay?"

"Thank you, Master. I feel better now. I hope that my discomfort wasn't too obvious."

"Well if I can't pick up on a submissive’s' discomfort and emotional state, then I shouldn't call Myself a Master then," I said with a grin. She smiled in return and then took a shower and got ready for dinner.

We sat down and ate dinner. Kitty picked up on the way My pet behaved and waited until I had seated both of them and then Myself. Pet served everyone their plates and then the two girls waited until I had taken a bite before they began eating themselves. We enjoyed the meal and the cake that pet had baked for dessert. After we ate, I took the girls into the living room to talk.

"Pet, come here," I told her. Pet came to Me obediently and started to kneel as she always did. "No, stand here for a minute. I want kitty here to see how we work together." I stood up and turned her around to face kitty.

"So, pet, what do you think of our friend, here?" I whispered in her ear as I caressed her shoulders.

"She's very pretty," pet said and she felt Me touching her. Pet knew what I was doing and she knew where I was going. I felt her pulse start to speed up. I stroked her shoulders, then her upper arms. Then I crossed over to her chest and began to trace My finger around her breasts as I talked.

"Yes, she is very lovely. I'll bet you would like to play with her too, wouldn't you pet?" I whispered in a low voice, just loud enough for both girls to hear.

"Yes, Master," she moaned softly.

"Kitty, come here, please," I said. She got up and came forward to face pet.

"I'll bet you'd love to touch her, wouldn't you pet?" I asked. "Wouldn't you just love to touch those full ripe breasts of hers?"

"Yes, Master, please?" she moaned. Pet was getting hot and I could hear her breathing quicken as I played with her.

"Ask her then. Ask kitty if you can touch her breasts," I told pet.

"Kitty, may I...touch you?" pet breathed.

"No, pet. I said ask kitty if you can touch her BREASTS! " I repeated.

"Kitty, please, may I touch your breasts?" pet asked again.

"Yes, pet," kitty said, moving closer. Pet reached out and tentatively stroked kitty's left breast. Kitty took pet's hand and placed it on her breast, reassuring her it was all right.

"Mmm...," kitty said as pet squeezed it gently

"See, pet, isn't that nice?" I asked.

"Ohhh yes, Master," pet said, looking the girl in the eyes. I let pet fondle our guest for a few minutes since both girls seemed to be enjoying themselves. I watched as the two of them got more familiar with each other, exploring each others bodies with their hands and getting more and more turned on.

"Pet, kiss your new friend," I told her. She looked at Me and smiled then turned to kitty and said "Yes, Master."

She began kissing kitty deeply, her tongue exploring the inside of her playmates' mouth. She reached a hand out to cup kitty's naked breast and kitty let out a small moan. Kitty grabbed the back of pet's head and pulled her deeper into her mouth. Kitty's other hand found her other breast and she began playing with herself, pinching and pulling her nipple into erect excitement. After some more kissing and fondling, pet began her journey down the prone girl's body, kissing her neck, moving to her chest, running her tongue down between her breasts, now beginning to heave with building passion. Here she paused for a bit, knowing that kitty loved having her breasts and nipples toyed with. Kitty's moans grew as pet's hot mouth closed over her swollen nipples. She grabbed her head again, pushing pet's face into her aching breasts.

"If you two are going to play like this, get on the floor and show Me how two horny sluts play," I said. They both fell to the floor, wrapping themselves together in a mass of naked, sweating flesh.

"Mmmmm...," Kitty groaned as pet's tongue sent little electric sparks through her breasts and straight to her brain.

Pet knew just how to work her friend's nipples and was soon causing the girl to writhe and squirm on the floor under her. Kitty tossed her head back and forth as the sensations slowly drove her wild. She reached between her legs to begin playing with herself; the heat in her loins was just beyond description.

"Ohhhh, God....Ohhhh," she whimpered as pet began moving south again. Leaving the girls sweat and saliva coated breasts behind, she traced her tongue down her belly, slowly, licking her belly, tonguing her navel and moving on. She reached the top of her slick, smooth slit and traced its outline - being careful not to get too close to her hungry snatch. A couple playful nips on the insides of kitty's thighs caused her to gasp loudly and part them for her tormentor. While pet kissed her thighs, she moved around to take up a place between the lust-crazed girl's legs. She ran her finger down the wet, slick crack in her pussy lips and kitty groaned once again.

"Ohhhh, pet...oohhhh," kitty moaned. "Ohhhhh, Goddd..."

"You like that, do you, kitty?" I said grinning broadly at the girl's condition. "You like how My pet is fingering you?"

"Yessss...," kitty hissed her reply.

"Tell her," I told her, "Tell pet what you want."

"Ohhh, pet...please, eat my pussy! Please...I want you to taste meeee...,” she cried, as she raised her hips off the floor in an offering to her. Pet parted her wet pussy lips and ran her tongue over the whole of her slit from pussy to her clit. The girl went wild with desire.

"OOHHHH, PET!" she wailed, as the girl began tonguing her crack ferociously. Pet lapped at her slit, then she would poke her stiffened tongue into her like a small cock, then she would suck kitty's throbbing clit into her mouth and flick it with her tongue. Always varying her technique kept kitty on the edge of madness. Just when kitty felt she could take no more, pet raised the stakes yet again. Pet licked at kitty's clit and kitty jumped like she'd been shot.

"FUCK!" she screamed as pet's tongue hit her sensitive bud. Her legs instinctively clamped shut on pet's head, but opened a second later as if to ask for more. Pet was more than happy to provide her with all the toying she could stand. Pet began lapping up and down the crack of her slick slit and tonguing her puckered asshole. Kitty was delirious, drool coming from her mouth and her moans had turned to one long continuous wail - broken only when she ran out of breath and had to suck more air into her lungs.

"OHHH SHIT I'M CUMMMMING," she screamed, as the dam burst and a flood of pussy juice exploded from between her legs. She rolled and twisted in an effort to break free of the torture she was enduring, but pet held on tightly until she saw her Master indicate to let up on the poor girl. Kitty lay on the floor, chest heaving as she clawed the floor and sucked in air desperately. Pet sat up, pleased with her work as kitty tried to regain herself. After several long minutes, she was able to sit up, although it would take several more before she was ready to take her turn at pet.

"Okay you, it's MY turn now!" kitty told pet after she had gathered herself enough to return the favor. Pet obediently laid down herself on the floor and prepared herself for what was sure to be a wild ride. Kitty was determined not to disappoint her fellow slave as she, like pet, started with a little kissing and petting.

"Oh, fuck yeah...," pet said, encouraging her partner. Pet had been taught to be more vocal and explicit in her speech and kitty was spurred on by her dirty language. Kitty worked her breasts just like pet had done to her and pet loved the sensations.

"Ohhh,yesss, oooh baby just like that!" she said, as her own nipples rose and swelled. She squeezed her breasts together and pulled kitty's face into the tight crack between. Kitty took a nipple into her mouth and nipped it lightly.

"OHHH Yes! Bite it harder, HARDER!" she moaned. Kitty obliged, and pet raised her torso off the floor to get closer to kitty's mouth. Kitty bit down harder as pet had asked.

"Oh YESS! OH bite my fucking nipple! Oh God that's so hot!" pet cried. She reached between her legs to finger her steaming crotch. Getting kitty off had made her extra horny as well and she couldn't keep her hands off herself. Pet began fingering herself as kitty moved from her breasts to between her splayed legs. Crouching down close to her fuming pussy, kitty could smell the musky odor of her sex and it turned her on incredibly.

"Want a hand with that, baby?" kitty said trying her hand at a little dirty talk. Pet pulled her hand away and began sucking her juices off her soaked fingers. Kitty knelt down and began lapping up the trickle of pussy juice that seeped from her bald, wet, pussy.

"OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD!" pet repeated as pet's tongue began its work on her! Pet was gasping herself now and kitty pushed one, then two, then four fingers into her. Pet responded by spreading her legs further and holding them open with her hands.


Kitty’s pounding at her pussy was bringing the little Mexican girl to a powerful orgasm.

"I'M....GOING....TO....CUMMMM! AAAAAAAAUGH!" With that, pet's pussy gave up its precious pussy juice squirting it a foot or so onto the floor. As her orgasm broke, she threw her hips high in the air and kitty could see the fluid squirt out and her pink asshole opened up because of the force of her cum. Pet fucked the air for a minute as the waves washed over her, then she collapsed on the floor gasping for air like her partner had minutes ago.

It was kitty's turn to sit back and watch as pet rolled on the floor, first gasping, then giggling hysterically as the feelings passed. She rose and crawled over to kitty and wrapped her weary arms around the girl.

"," she panted, and planted a long, loving kiss on her combatant's mouth, before collapsing again in her arms.

Pleased with the show the girls had put on for Me, I called both girls onto the couch with Me. I wrapped them both in My arms and they snuggled close to Me and closed their eyes, perfectly content and happy. I held them close for the next couple hours while they recovered from the contest. The two girls would have stayed there forever, wrapped in My arms, however I eventually had to break the spell.

"Okay girls, it's been a long day. I'm sure you want to get some sleep as do I. So it's off to bed with the two of you!" I said.

"Awww...," pet said. "I was so comfortable, too!" pet said, in a smart-alecky way.

"Yeah I know, but My arm was falling asleep!" I said in retort.

"Sir, thank you for today," kitty said "and for this evening." she added.

"You are welcome. You both did very well."

"Thank you, Master. May we be excused now?"

"Yes," I kissed the two of them in turn deeply and lovingly. The two girls made their way upstairs and went to bed. Before turning in for the night, the two submissive’s both went into the bathroom to wash up and take off their makeup.

"Pet, can I see the tattoo on your butt?" kitty asked. "I saw it when you raised your hips when you came.

"Sure," pet said, turning around. There, on the flat of her ass, just behind her left hip, kitty read 'Property of Master Jonathan' tattooed in script lettering.

"Oh I like that," she said, touching it lightly.

"Master put his mark on me years ago shortly after our Collaring Ceremony when He made me his slave. That's when I got my ankle chain too."

"What's the chain for?" kitty asked.

"Master says that there are times when a collar is inappropriate to wear, but this ankle chain stays on forever to always remind me that He owns me."

"I wish I could have a mark like that," she said, dreamily.

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"Maybe someday you will. Maybe someday your Master will mark you like this and you will then be His property forever.

"I hope you're right," kitty said. "Can I ask you how you became a slave to Master? I mean, He has told me briefly your story, but can you tell me more?

"Sure, kitty, it's no big secret......

Master and I were married for a few years before I ever knew of His BDSM side. We met in a bar one night. It had been a really hard day at work, and I had come to the bar to relax and get shit-faced so I could forget. I was sitting there, minding my own business enjoying the first drink of the night when this old drunk guy came up and started coming on to me. Well he was fat, loud, and smelled terrible and I tried telling him I wasn't interested. But he wouldn't take no for an answer. I was about to get up and leave when Master, Jonathan at the time, came over to help.

He came up to me and without batting an eye, took me in His arms and said, 'There you are sweetheart! I thought you had left!' He kissed me, and then asked, "Are you ready to go now?' winking at me to play along.

I saw what He was doing.

'Sure!' I said, and we left out the front door. We came back around through the back door and went back to the table. That drunken man was so wasted, he didn't even notice that we were back in the bar less than a minute after we left!

Once we had gotten our table and drinks back, we sat and chatted. It got late and by that time I was in no condition to drive. Hell, I could barely stand! So, being a perfect gentleman, Jonathan took me home and put me to bed. Then He went and made up the couch and slept there. I was kind of shocked when I woke up the next morning and found Him there, but after He explained that He just wouldn't have felt right leaving me alone in the condition I was in, I thought it was really sweet of Him to watch over me like that.

Anyway, after that we just started dating, and then we got married. A couple years into the marriage, I learned of His 'Master side'. He showed me some things about it, and the next thing you know, here I am His slut-slave!"

"Wow," kitty said. "That's some story!"

"Yeah, it's kind of a cross between Pretty Woman and porn flicks, I suppose!" pet said, smiling.

The two girls talked and got to know more about each other for another couple hours before finally going to sleep.



The next morning, the girls woke to a knock on the door.

"Rise and shine, you lazy subbies! We have work to do!" I said, as I opened the door. Two sleepy heads rose up from their pillows. "You two have 20 minutes to be downstairs ready to go or there'll be hell to pay! Now get a move on!" I warned them both. Pet knows I mean business so she jumped to her feet and scrambled for the bathroom. Kitty, seeing this, also made tracks to get herself ready as well.

"Kitty!" I said stopping her, "No need for you to get dressed - you won't be that way for long!"

"Yes, Master," she said, blushing a bit. I turned and went downstairs to wait for them. Sure enough, it was just about 15 minutes before I saw the two of them come around the corner and into the dining room.

"Good. We don't have to start the day with sore asses!" I said. "Now how about some breakfast?"

"Yes Master," pet said, and the two girls made breakfast for us. After we ate, we discussed the day's activities.

"Kitty, your Master and I had many discussions on what he wanted you to experience while you were here with me. One of the things he wanted me to cover was bondage. He has left the type and style up to Me, but he wanted you to experience the feeling of helplessness and of being bound. So that is one of the things that will happen to you today. As for the other activities, well...I don't want to let the cat out of the bag, if you get My meaning!" I said with a wicked little grin.

"Yes, Master," she said, looking down but smiling.

"Come with Me," I said, getting up. We started into the living room, but after a couple steps I stopped. "On your knees, the both of you and crawl as you follow Me," I waited for them to get on their hands and knees and then we proceeded into the living room.

"Now kitty, up on the coffee table," I directed.

"Good, lay back now," I said, as I moved to the left of the coffee table. She did as I said, letting her arms rest at her sides. I grasped her left wrist, and placed one of My leather wrist restraints on her, fastening it securely. Drawing her arm over her head and down the corner of the coffee table, I ran the rope through the D ring and bound her wrist to one leg of My very sturdy coffee table, before repeating that on her other wrist. Now kitty had both arms over her head and the coffee table edge caught her right at the elbows so her arms were bent and secured to the table legs. Then I moved to her feet and did the same with her ankles, binding them to the table legs as well.

She laid there, her limbs spread tautly so that she could hardly move. She squirmed a little, straining against her bonds gently, but they held firmly. She relaxed then, knowing she couldn't escape and not really wanting to free herself anyway. I sat on the couch next to her and reached to brush My finger tips gently up the slit of her shaved and completely vulnerable sex. Her hips shuddered gently and lifted against My touch. I removed My hand quickly and smirked down at the bound girl, "No, not yet, kitty. Remember, you are Mine completely. Even your pleasure belongs to Me. Your pleasure is Mine, and it will only be given if I deem it so."

I rose and crossed the room, to a wooden chest sitting in the corner of the room. Out of the chest, I brought back some items that I would need.

"Since you have not experienced a Master in real life, kitty, we will start slowly. I am, as you have probably guessed by reading My stories, a Master that chooses to use pleasure to control My submissive. Some other Masters use pain and fear to control theirs. However, a submissive can get used to pain and can learn to ignore it to a large extent, thereby needing to use more and more to get the same results. But pleasure is not like that. As pet here can testify, I can get her to do anything I's just a matter of getting her so aroused and so needful, that she is willing to do anything I ask in order to gain a release. As you will find out shortly, My dear."

She looked at Me as I spoke and shivered gently, feeling her breasts rise and fall more quickly as her breaths grew faster. I placed My hand atop her chest, and began tracing the line of her collarbone and down the center of her chest to her 38DD breasts. I traced the outline of her breasts and drew little circles around her areola and she mewed softly. I continued to talk to her all the while, reminding her that she was Mine and only I could decide whether or not she would feel pleasure or not. I pinched her nipples gently, twisting them a little, and she cried out softly, her back arching a little. "Your Master was right, kitty. Your nipples are quite sensitive. That will come in handy!"

"Yes, Master," she moaned, closing her eyes.

I chuckled softly, "Come here pet.," She crawled over to kneel in front of Me. I turned her to see the girl bound before her. "What do you think we should do with this one, pet? Where should we start?"

"Master, yesterday you let Me and kitty play together, and it was a lot of fun. But I noticed that you didn't get to play, and I felt bad that You went to bed last night without having either of us. If I may, I would like to see You take her. Tease her and torment her like You do to me and when she can't stand another minute of it, see what she can do to pleasure You, Master. I would like to see someone else begging for a change around here!"

"A good idea, pet," I said. "But I'm going to add a twist...I am going to have you help Me in teasing our guest here. Yes, I think teasing her and having her squirm is an excellent idea, but I also want her to get more acquainted with you as well. I would like you two submissive to get sub sisters and the best way to do that is to get intimately familiar with each other. Besides, I like when My submissive’s play together! So yes, you are going to watch as I tease her and drive her mad and you are going to watch as she begs Me to make her cum. But you are also going to be responsible for some of her torment as well! And just so you don't get too uppity about your new position as My assistant here, I don't want to see you touching yourself or you will take her place, do you hear Me?"

"Yes, Master," she said. She took a position where I kitty's side, kneeling next to the bound girl. She kept her hands behind her back until I gave her further instruction, just as she should.

I brushed My fingers lightly over her leg, starting at the ankle and working slowly upwards. She moaned softly as I got higher and higher until I was at the crease of her thigh. I traced an arch over her mound, and over to her other leg and down to her ankle. Then I went up the inside of both legs with both hands simultaneously. Slowly, I got higher and higher and she spread her legs as wide as she could give her bonds as I came within inches of her dampening pussy. But again, I avoided touching her where she most wanted Me to. I moved around her sex just outside of her pussy lips and up her belly. I smiled as I watched her raise her hips in an effort to get Me to touch her, but I avoided it, wanting her to heat up further.

"Now kitty, as you know from My stories and from chatting with Me online, I am very much into foreplay and the buildup. I enjoy bringing My submissive’s right to the very edge or their orgasm and then backing off, only to bring them back to the edge of the precipice and then back off again. It's called 'edging' and you can ask baby here, it is very effective in making a subbie compliant and willing to do anything I want them to do!"

"Yes, Master!" baby agreed.

"See, kitty? Pet here knows all about edging, first hand! Now pet, while I am working on kitty here, I want you to spend some, shall we say 'quality time' with kitty's lovely breasts. You know what to do with them, I am certain. Just make sure that kitty enjoys your keeping her company!"

"Yes, Master," pet said. She leaned forward and began licking and caressing kitty's full ripe breasts sucking on her nipple and biting it lightly.

"Ohhhhh...," kitty mewed as her new sister sub toyed with her, stiffening bud.

While pet worked at kitty's breasts, I began seeing what I could do between My bound delights' widespread thighs. I wanted to start slowly at first and give her the full treatment - her Master wanted her to experience being teased and tormented and I wasn't going to disappoint! I started by tracing My fingers lightly over her inner thighs and circling her pussy lips and clit. She could feel My fingers running up and down her legs and around her sex, because she tried lifting her hips as I neared her core. Of course, I didn't allow her anymore pleasure than I wanted to give her and I smiled as her frustration grew. I ran My fingers up, down and around her tender areas for a bit until it looked as if she was getting used to it, then I threw a little more fuel on her fire by leaning forward and kissing her thighs.

Starting just above her knees on the inside of her thighs, I would kiss the right, then the left. I moved up a few inches and repeated. Moved up and repeated. As I climbed her quivering thighs the moans got louder, closer I got to her pussy and I could feel the anticipation building in her body. Finally, I worked My way up to the crease in her thighs. I could smell her musky scent... Kitty was definitely feeling it! But I wasn't ready to give her any relief yet, I was just getting started. I was at the most tender spot on her thighs now and I took advantage of it. Instead of kissing her milky white flesh, I sank My teeth into it!

"Ohhh god!" she gasped, then groaned as she felt Me bite at her. Master Jake had told Me of this weakness of hers without her knowledge and now she had been caught off-guard!

I smiled as she moaned and bit her on the other thigh just for added measure. I could smell her scent getting stronger and I moved closer to the source of the pungent, musky smell. I could see the first hints of wetness coming from her and knew that she was getting turned on. I kissed her softly on each side on her pussy, just to the side of her swollen lips and then once above her clit. And I kissed above her throbbing clit; I brushed My lips very softly across the nub. The contact sent a bolt of electricity through her and she arched her back and moaned louder.

"Mmm, kitty, you smell delightful. Almost good enough to eat, My dear!" I said, smiling wickedly.

"Please, Master...," she moaned, and spread her legs a bit wider for Me.

As I worked between kitty's creamy thighs, pet was busy toying with kitty's full ripe and now heaving breasts. She pulled at kitty's swollen nipples kissing and licking and occasionally biting them. Each eliciting a moan of desire from kitty as she closed her eyes, giving herself over to the feelings baby and I were creating in her. Baby moved higher and kissed her collarbone, then her neck, softly biting her before moving over her. She leaned over the bound girl and placed her hot mouth over kitty's, the two submissive's locking into a deep, passionate woman's kiss.

I smiled as I watched the two girls kiss. It pleased Me that they got along so well together and as they kissed, I parted kitty's soft wet pussy lips and thrust two fingers deep into her.

Kitty squealed into pet's mouth and pet clamped her hand down over kitty's throat and pressed her lips down harder on the girl. I began working My fingers in and out of kitty's sopping pussy, twisting them and curling them towards her spongy g-spot. I manipulated her pussy and hit all the right spots, apparently because she began twisting and pulling at her ropes, trying desperately to release herself from the bonds that held her. My fingers plunging in and out of kitty make soft squishing sounds and she began to leak her juices down the crack of her pussy and onto the table. I leaned forward eager to taste her for Myself. I lapped My tongue along the slit and up to her screaming clit. She groaned loudly past pet's lips, so loud I heard it Myself and I could tell that kitty was close.

"Pet, dear, stop kissing kitty for moment," I told her and pet raised her head to look at Me. Kitty gasped for air as I continued fingering her. As I plunged My fingers in and out of her wet, open pussy, I moved up her body until I was looking her face to face. I looked into her eyes...hungry, lust-filled, searching Mine for some sign that I might grant her relief from her torment.

"How long, kitty? How long has it been since someone else has made you cum?" I growled at her in a low voice.

"Too...long..," she began sobbing.”Oh Master, please...please may I cum? May I cum for you?" she cried.

Seeing the tears, and knowing her like I did, I knew they were real. I knew from being her friend that she wasn't joking around. And it wasn't pity I felt...I knew she wouldn't want that. But I also wasn't going to leave her unfulfilled, I'm not that heartless!

I pulled My fingers out of her and saw the look of confused disappointment in her face. I stepped away from her for a moment while she turned her head to watch where I had suddenly gone off to. When I returned, I had something in My hand.

"Kitty, do you know what this is?" I asked her.

"No...Master," she panted.

"Well, kitty, it is called a Hitachi Magic Wand and you may have seen it used in some online video clips, if not, you are about to get a first-hand introduction to it!" I said, plugging the device in.

"Pet is well familiar with My little friend here and it has never failed to give her a wild ride, has it pet?"

"Oh no, Master!" she said enthusiastically.

The Magic wand is a vibrating "massager" that has a handle with a two-speed switch and a ball head. I placed the ball head in the palm of My hand cupping it between My thumb and palm with the handle running up My forearm switch side up. Kneeling back in between kitty's still quivering thighs, I turned the wand on. Kitty could hear the device start to hum and she knew that it meant business. A small whimper escaped her lips as she tried to prepare herself for what came next.

"Now kitty, I don't want you cumming until I tell you to, understand? You can beg and you can plead but if you cum before I give you permission, you will be in trouble."

"Yes, Master, I understand," she said looking a bit worried now.

Poor girl...she had no idea she was so outmatched! I shoved My two middle fingers into her and curled them up to her g-spot pressing the vibrating head firmly to her clit. What happened next took kitty by complete surprise.

"OHMYGOD!!!! OHHHHHFUUUCKK!!" she cried out as the vibrations hit her. Her clit ignited and she arched as she felt the Magic Wand begin working on her. She bucked and she twisted and squirmed in her ropes but they held her firm.

"MASTER PLEASE!" she cried. "Please may I cum, Sir! Ohh! OHMYGOD! OHSHIT, OHSHIT, OHSHIT!"

"But kitty, this is only the low setting! Should I show you the high one?

"OH NOOO PLEEEEAZE!!" she cried loudly. I couldn't resist...smiling My most wicked, evil smile I flipped the switch to high.

"OHHHHHFUUUUUUCKKKKKKK!!!! I'M CUUUUMMMMINGGGGGG!!" she wailed as her resistance and willpower left her. Her pussy exploded and she came...harder than she had in a very long time. Kitty's pussy flooded and leaked out around the head of the vibrator, running down her legs and onto the tabletop. I removed the vibrator and opened the dam...she poured out all over the table and running onto the wood floor. Kitty meanwhile pitched and rolled, writhed and bucked as a violent orgasm took control of her body. Had she not been tied down, she may have hurt herself the way she was convulsing.

Pet looked on as the girl went through her orgasm smiling and thanking unseen powers that it wasn't her this time! I looked at her and she moved forward to take kitty's head in her hands and leaned over to kiss her gently on the lips, careful not to use her tongue for fear that kitty might accidentally bite it in her throes! Wanting to give her "her money's worth", I moved up and massaged her clit with My thumb as she came - extending her rapturous convulsions until she, like pet so many times before, begged Me to stop.

"Please, Master...OH please stop! Oh GOD OH OH please! please, please, please!" she whimpered and cried.

Finally I let her go and moved back. I sat back on My heels watching and waiting for her to finish her orgasm and come down. She lay there at last...panting, chest heaving, and sweat running down her belly and sides as she fought to regain breath and sanity.

It took her every bit of 20 minutes to be able to hold a decent conversation again. I rose up to look over her.

"Are you okay, kitty?" I asked looking into her eyes.

"Yes, Master," she replied still panting slightly.

I loosened her ropes and helped her stand up, steadying her as she rose. Kitty threw her arms around My neck and kissed Me. "Thank you, Master. Thank you!" she said.

"You are welcome kitty, but part of the credit goes to pet here too," I said.

"Of course," she said and turned to pet and embraced her kissing her as well. "Thank you pet."

After she was able to stand and walk steady, I took My two girls in My arms.

"Well, ladies. It has been a busy morning and I know don't know about the two of you, but I am famished! How would you girls like to go out for some lunch and maybe a bit of shopping?"

"Shopping, Master?" pet asked.

"Yes I have a few things to get, and I am sure that kitty would like to look around...after all we can't keep her tied up ALL the time she is here! I said laughing.

"Well you could, Master, I wouldn't mind - but yes I would like to see where you live too!" kitty said smiling.

"So what are you in the mood for, kitty? Mexican? Chinese? Barbecue?"

"Actually, could we just go someplace simple? I don't know if I could do anything too heavy after such a workout! I'm not used to so much exercise!"

"Sure kitty, whatever you want."

I took the girls in My arms and we went out to the car, after eating the girls we drove to a little place called The Diner, a 1950-s retro style diner that seated maybe 20 people if it was full, but served the best burgers and fries you can imagine!

We sat and ate and got to know each other better. Then I drove the girls around and showed kitty the sights. She asked a lot of questions about life in Alaska and I told her how we got along up here. She was amazed at how green everything was, and I laughed. "It isn't winter up here all the time, just seems that way!"

After I gave her the whirlwind tour, we returned home. I brought us all beers and we sat on the living room couch, talking and enjoying each others company. Kitty told us about her life at home, she was a school teacher and her Master Jake was a computer technician. She lived in a rural part of Pennsylvania and had never been married. She came from a small family...she was the only child. It was nice learning more about the girl I had been talking to online for so long!

Finally, it had gotten late and we all were tired from the busy day.

We'll ladies, it has been a long day and I know at least one of us who needs a good night's rest. So why don't we pack it in for tonight and pick this back up tomorrow?"

"Yes, Master," they said in unison.

"Master, ummm where...where do I sleep?" kitty asked unsure.

"Where would you like to sleep, kitty?"

"Could I sleep with you?"

"I was hoping that would be your answer. Of course you can. Both of you."

So we went to bed that night Pet on My left in her usual place and kitty on My right. And Me, well I was happy to be the "meat" in this sandwich!

Author's Note: This story is written by MasterJonathan and Poppet. It’s a collaboration we've been working on for a while. We’re pleased that we have finally gotten this far. It’s from the Master’s view point. So it will be from the male stand point. I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as Jonathan and I did when writing it. Thank you. 

Written by Poppet
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