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To Save A Marriage: Chapter 2

"It’s nice to see she’s made an effort for me, my beautiful little Indian slut."

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Author's Notes

"When Neelam inadvertently becomes embroiled in a friend’s marriage difficulties, the proper course of action isn’t immediately apparent. But impossible dilemmas require imaginative solutions, and Neelam’s imagination is livelier than most. <p> [ADVERT] </p>As a commissioned piece, expect hardcore domination scenes and attitudes contradicting the author’s, which some readers may find offensive."

Neelam immediately regretted making the hotel bar their designated meeting place. Unused to fucking behind Bhavik’s back, she had been thinking about convenience when she had suggested meeting there, whereas she should have thought as a cheating wife would. Why choose a place close to home where she or Jason might easily be recognised? The bar was bright, open plan, and virtually empty, so, in her beautiful Indian attire, she stood out like a sore thumb. Neelam tried to be discreet, sitting in the corner of the room and facing away from the bar to avoid being recognised. This tactic hadn’t worked at the retirement party, but she was due some luck.

The anxiety made her quickly finish her first gin and tonic, and the barman brought her another. It was past one o’clock, and Jason was late. Neelam had assumed he would be there first, desperate to satisfy his urges, but as she quickly finished her second drink, there was still no sign of him.

Eventually, a member of the lobby staff approached her, saying, “Your cousin just called Reception, Madam. He said to make your way to room two-hundred and twelve.”

She momentarily thought the message was misdirected, but then she understood. Jason was more used to cheating and would have quickly identified the hazards of meeting in a place like this. So, instead, he must have gone straight to the room, waiting to be sure of her arrival before phoning Reception to direct her upstairs.

“Thank you,” Neelam said. She picked up her bag and coat and went to the lift.

The hotel was a typically soulless, functional, modern one, and as she made her way along the corridor to the room, Neelam again berated herself for choosing it. Her fantasies about being dominated were invariably set in gloomy, medieval dungeons or fire-lit period rooms. With its large windows and modern furnishings, the Ibis in Greenwich couldn’t have been further from those darkly romantic settings.

When she reached the room, the door was slightly ajar, propped open with a small waste paper basket to stop it from closing automatically. Neelam made final readjustments to her outfit and knocked on the door.

“Come in.” The voice was unmistakably Jason’s. Picking up the bin as she pushed the door open, Neelam walked inside.

Jason had drawn the thick, blackout curtains, and as the door closed behind Neelam, shutting out the light from the corridor, it took her eyes a moment to adjust to the gloom. A small chink of light escaped from the en-suite bathroom, enabling her to make out the broad features of the entrance to the room. To her left was a closet, and to the right was the bathroom. But the main bedroom was at the end of a short hallway, too dimly lit to make out in any detail. The continuous churning of the en-suite extractor throbbed in her ears as Neelam put down the bin and took three further steps into the room. Beyond, she could see almost nothing, and Neelam stopped, uncertain where to put her feet.

Suddenly a standard lamp was switched on in the far corner of the room, and in front of it, reclining in an armchair, was Jason, immaculately dressed in a dark grey suit, white shirt and navy blue tie. He crossed his legs and slowly moved his hands together as if in prayer, his chin resting on his fingertips, studying her carefully as she took in her surroundings. But he said nothing.

Neelam put her bag and coat on the floor, looking around the room at the bizarre array of fetish items and props Jason had carefully prepared for her arrival. The desktop would once have hosted day-to-day comforts, such as a kettle or notepad. But Jason had arranged it like a surgeon’s trolley with a wand vibrator, a butt plug, a leather paddle, a ball gag and a blindfold.

On the bed, ropes were anchored to the corners of the bed frame. Jason had already knotted them in nooses in preparation for their deployment around her wrists and ankles. The bed itself was covered in industrial plastic sheeting. It may not have been a medieval dungeon, but it was intimidating nonetheless.

Jason stood up. He slowly walked towards her, around the bed, in front of the collection of sex toys on the desk.

“Hmm… Little Miss Perfect doesn’t know what to make of all this, does she?” he said, as if to himself, running his finger along the front of the toy-laden desk as he walked. “Her pretty little head can’t possibly imagine what’s going to happen to her in the next hour and a half. It’s nice to see she’s made an effort for me, my beautiful little Indian slut.” He stopped and looked her up and down. “Yes, very nice indeed! She has arrived a lady, but she’ll leave a cheating whore.”

Jason slowly moved nearer Neelam until he stood uncomfortably close, towering over her and forcing her back up against the wall. “Do you like it, Neelam? Do you like what you see?”

The menace in his voice was both intimidating and condescending, and Neelam didn’t know how to react. Her head told her to fight back, to resist this arrogant, powerful man, but deeper instincts drove her towards compliance, obedience and submission. Her need for him to strip away her respect, dignity and feminine refinement and use her completely to satisfy his dark needs became more urgent. Finally, her zoic impulses prevailed, and she slowly lifted her head and looked him directly in the eye.

“I love it,” she softly whispered, brushing his cheeks with her fingertips.

Jason put his hand behind her head and forcefully pulled her face towards his, kissing Neelam firmly. Then she felt his grip tighten around a clump of her hair as he forcibly pulled her head back, thrusting his tongue deep between her lips. Neelam gasped and, for a moment, brought her hands down to defend herself before relaxing, putting them around his waist and pulling him closer until his broad frame pinned her firmly to the wall. A rock-hard bulge in his trousers pressed on her abdomen, and she knew he was already aroused. The thought that his cock would soon be forcing its way inside her was having a similarly stirring effect on Neelam, and she felt her sex tingle as she reached down and gripped his bottom, pulling his hips towards her.

“Fuck me, Jason. Fuck me however you want. Use my body in any way you please,” she whispered as he pulled his face away from hers.

Without warning, Jason pushed Neelam’s shoulders against the wall causing her whole body to jolt. He drew back his arm and delivered a firm smack across the right side of her face with the back of his hand. Instinctively, she recoiled and put her hands up to protect herself. Then, Jason took her wrists and pinned her to the wall again, the tears welling in her eyes at the pain and shock of his assault. Jason’s face was now in hers; red, angry and smeared with her lipstick.

“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do! I don’t need your fucking permission!”

Neelam quickly realised that her compliance undermined Jason’s need to be in control. She would need to do as he wished to avoid further injury but keep her consent unspoken.

Jason let go of his grip on Neelam’s wrist and again grabbed her by the hair. Pushing her head with his hand, he forced her roughly and painfully to her knees, clearly enjoying her discomfort as she tried to do his bidding quickly to alleviate the pain. When Neelam was where he wanted her, he quickly unfastened his trousers and pushed them and his boxer shorts to the floor before taking his cock in his hand and repeatedly slapping her face with his length while maintaining his firm grip on her hair.

Eventually, Jason released her with a push and stood in front of her with his cock in her face. Neelam was relieved to see it wasn’t too thick; if he later decided to force it inside her anus, she might not be able to cope with greater girth. But it was every bit as long as her observations at the gym had indicated it would be. Pre-cum was already seeping from the tip, and his balls looked tight and full of his nugatory seed.

“Touch my cock,” Jason demanded. “Take it in your hand and wank it.”

Neelam took the long, uncircumcised cock in her hand and, with a deliberately hesitant look at Jason, slowly slid her fingers along his length, pulling back the foreskin to reveal his purple, bulbous head. Veins stood out angrily along the shaft, and the tip oozed onto her fingers with each forward stroke. She imagined feeling it throbbing and pulsing in her holes as he unloaded inside her, and she again resolved that whatever Jason did, she would make sure he left with his urges satisfied. Only then would her need to serve and submit be fully met.

“Now suck it, whore! Suck my cock and balls!” Jason demanded. Neelam was happy to obey, but again, she feigned reluctance and displeasure. Jason gripped her hair, but more gently than before so that, as she relented and took his cock in her mouth, she could move her head up and down his rigid shaft, enjoying the taste of soap and pre-cum as she cupped, squeezed and gently scratched his heavy, shaven balls with her fingers. Jason removed his suit jacket and threw it onto the bed, lifting the front of his shirt slightly to see Neelam’s dark head taking his cock deeper into her mouth.

After a few moments of pleasurable moaning, Jason took hold of the base of his cock and pulled it out of Neelam’s mouth. Next, he pushed his cock flat against his firm stomach, presenting his balls to her eager mouth. Neelam put the palm of her hand behind them and gently pulled them forward. After a few tentative licks, she started sucking on his scrotum as she massaged the root of his cock, pressing hard on his perineum with her thumb. Eventually, Jason put his head back and sighed heavily.

“Oh, fuck yes! Oh, that feels so fucking good. Only a real fucking whore knows how to do that,” he said, as she began sucking each ball into her mouth, licking them softly, then continuing to suck as she moved her head back and released them with a small ‘pop’. Then Neelam moved a finger between his legs and gently scratched his anus with her fingernail, eliciting further moans of grudging approval from Jason.

“Yes, touch my arsehole as I fuck your mouth,” he ordered. Neelam took his cock in her mouth again, moving her hands around to grip his firm bum-cheeks, prising them apart with both hands. Then, using one finger, she pressed on his opening, wriggling her finger as if she was going to force her way inside but stopping short of penetration.

Neelam’s skilled ministrations had the effect of driving Jason wild with pent-up lust. For a while, he just enjoyed her touches as her mouth greedily licked and sucked his cock, but then, returning his hands to Neelam’s head, he gripped her temples tightly and began thrusting his cock deeper into her throat. She panicked as she felt her gag reflex engage, and her stomach heaved as he pushed himself firmly inside her four or five times. Finally, Neelam’s eyes began to water, and bile collected in her throat as she drew back, her hands pushing at his hips to temper his thrusts. She thought she was about to vomit, but Jason, clearly not wanting his suit trousers soiled, pulled out just in time, leaving Neelam on all fours at his feet, gasping for air and spitting saliva onto the floor.

Neelam’s time with Jason had only just begun, but already her face was smarting from his slap, her scalp was aching, and her stomach was churning from taking him so deep in her throat. She so wanted to be his sub, but she began to worry that she might not be able to take much more, and worse; no safe word was in place, so she had no way of stopping him if he became even rougher. But rather than correcting this omission, Neelam became increasingly turned on as the pain subsided. The thought that he wasn’t holding back was getting her wetter than ever, and she longed for the long, hard fucking she knew would soon follow.

Jason stood over her, removing his shirt and tie as he kicked away his shoes and trousers. He didn’t tell Neelam to undress; it seemed he was enjoying having a fully-dressed Indian slut serving his demands. Jason threw his discarded clothing onto the bed, and after removing his socks, he picked up his trousers and began removing his belt.

Having recovered from her throat fucking, Neelam looked up, admiring Jason’s firm abdominal and pectoral muscles as he stood naked before her. He folded his belt in two and slapped his hand with it.

“You know what I’d like to do with this belt, don’t you? I’d like to thrash you with it until you bleed. Would you like that?”

“No,” Neelam pleaded. “Please, no…” There was nothing she wanted more.

“Well, it’s your lucky day! I’m not going to because your fucking cuckold husband will see the weals, so instead, I will use this….” Jason went to the desk and retrieved the leather paddle. Much thicker than the belt, Neelam knew it wouldn’t leave as significant markings, but if Jason chose to smack her hard, it would still likely cause her a great deal of pain and bruising.

Jason grabbed Neelam’s hair again and started dragging her to her feet. She yelped as her scalp burned once more.

“Get up, you fucking whore!” he growled as she struggled to get her balance. Then, once Neelam was upright, he pushed her head down and marched her to the bed, throwing her face-down onto the plastic sheet. She felt her skirt and pallu fly up to her waist as she clutched her aching head, trying desperately to ease the pain. At last, Neelam began to understand why the sex workers had refused Jason’s bookings.

Jason threw the paddle onto the bed and strode purposefully towards the headboard. He took one of the ropes, slipping it around Neelam’s wrist and sliding the coiled hangman’s knot tightly into place below her bangles. Then, having secured one wrist, he walked around the bed and did the same to the other while Neelam lay prone and helpless on the plastic sheet, her head still aching and burning but now without her gentle touch to ease the pain. With her face buried in his discarded shirt, the smell of his aftershave and sweat reminded her of her inferior status and her duty to obey and satisfy Jason’s violent urges. As she felt him tether her ankles to the bed and the ropes tighten, forcing her legs apart almost as wide as they would go, her desire for him to use her only seemed to increase, and she pushed her pain and fear to the back of her mind.

Jason stood back to admire his handiwork. Still fully dressed, Neelam was splayed face down on the bed below him. Her clothing lay disarranged, and her long, dark hair was scattered haphazardly across the pillows. For the first time, he saw her slim, shapely legs below the ebbing folds of her skirt, but Jason appeared more intrigued by what was still waiting to be revealed. Picking up the paddle again, he stood at the side of the bed, exuding power and self-confidence as, for the first time, he made his intentions clear.

“You are a pretty thing, aren’t you?” Jason ran the paddle over Neelam’s body from her neck to her lower back. He seemed to like that she winced in anticipation of a smack as he traced the cleft of her bottom, but he continued gently downwards, using only the tip of the paddle to stimulate her inner thigh. “I must say, I’m very pleased with what I’ve seen so far. One of my whores didn’t even make it this far. It seems you do like it rough after all,” he said mockingly.

Neelam, whose head had been facing the other way, now turned to look at him.

“But now I’m afraid we’ve reached a more difficult moment. I will now give you thirty strokes, but you will be gagged if you cry out loudly enough to be heard in the next room. Is that clear?”

Neelam nodded her agreement.

“When your arse and legs are nice and pink, I’m going to come down between your open legs and fuck your arsehole from behind. I’m not going to pull out; I’m going to keep going until I fill your arse with my cum. Are you looking forward to being filled with a white man’s seed?”

Ordinarily, Neelam would have been appalled by Jason’s foul misogyny and racism, but now she was hooked. Knowing what was coming, rough and painful as it would undoubtedly be, made it easier for her to relax. The unknown had given her the most anxiety, but having been forewarned about Jason’s intentions, the scenario became much less intimidating. She longed for the paddle and relished his cock spilling its seed inside her.

“No, don’t fuck me,” she said meekly. “My husband…” Her voice trailed away in fake despair.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Jason said. “He need never know his wife has enjoyed the company of another man. I’m sure my cum will have dripped out long before he comes near you again.”

Pangs of guilt suddenly hit Neelam. Bhavik would now be in Coventry working on the extension, unaware that his wife was enjoying a rough fuck from another man. How would he feel if he saw her now, submitting to Jason and willing him to cum inside her most private place? She put the feelings of guilt aside and told herself that if Bhavik had done to her what Jason was doing now, the situation would never have arisen.

Jason put the paddle between Neelam’s open legs and drew it upwards, pulling the last remaining inches of her skirt over her firm, taut bottom. Her lehenga and pallu were now completely gathered around her waist and lower back, and only her expensive black Pleasurements panties preserved the last fragments of her dignity. He gently ran his fingers over the two soft mounds of her bottom before moving his hand between her legs.

“Mmm… someone’s very wet,” Jason said as he moved the soaking gusset of her panties to one side and slipped his fingers under the damp fabric.

Neelam took a sharp breath as Jason’s fingers began probing the outer folds of her dark, swollen labia. It was true; her pussy was wet, engorged and aching to be fucked. Any pain would be worth the ultimate pleasure of being filled with Jason’s long, hard cock and fucked in the way she had desired for so long.

Jason put his fingers under the waistband of her panties and pulled them down as far as her wide-open legs would allow. Then, he ripped them apart until only one leg hole remained intact. Finally, he pulled the ruined garment down over her ankle, hanging it from the rope that restrained her right foot.

Moving back to her exposed bottom and pussy, Jason started exploring further. First, he ran his fingers gently down her cleft, enjoying feeling her muscles tense in a last act of defiance as his fingers reached her anus. Next, he pulled aside her cheeks to inspect her dark, waxed opening. Then, moving closer, Jason spat on her hole before gently rubbing his finger over her, waiting for her tight bud to open. Eventually, Neelam relaxed enough for Jason to push one finger inside. Then, as she relaxed further, he began finger-fucking her, inserting a second finger inside her pussy as Neelam bucked and writhed on the bed as much as her restraints would allow and called for him to stop. But Jason didn’t seem inclined to cease just yet.

After a few moments of rough finger-fucking, Jason withdrew his fingers and forced them inside Neelam’s mouth, telling her to lick her juices off his fingers. After a short, token protest, she took each finger in turn, licking them thoroughly until they were clean. Her pussy tasted sweet compared to the bitterness of her anal juices, but both her holes tasted equally intoxicating.

Jason reached again for the paddle. Then, standing over her, he told Neelam her beating was about to commence.

“One whore didn’t make it this far, the other quit halfway through this. Let’s see what my Indian bitch is made of. Count each stroke.”

The paddle loudly cracked as it reached its target.

“One,” Neelam counted through gritted teeth.

Although Jason delivered the blow with full force, and it stung a great deal, Neelam was surprised that it hurt less than she had imagined it might. But all hope had gone by the time the seventh blow landed. She could feel her bottom was already bruising, and even the thought of the following strokes made her wince. Jason seemed unconcerned that each successive blow made Neelam’s body jackknife more and more, and he could undoubtedly tell that it was only the threat of being gagged that was stopping her from crying out in pain. He must have seen her puffing heavily through her cheeks between strokes and wondered how much more she could take.

Fortunately, after Neelam counted ten, Jason changed his point of attack. So instead of the eleventh stroke landing on her bottom, she felt a sharp, burning pain on the back of her left thigh.

“Eleven,” she hissed as the pain began to recede.

Her right thigh was the next to receive a blow. Again, Jason applied full force, and Neelam could already feel both thighs turning red. Jason alternated his strokes between both legs until he heard Neelam count twenty. The pain was almost unbearable, but she knew she only had to endure ten more strokes before she got his cock inside her. Besides, the shock had died away, and she found her discomfort eclipsed by an even keener sensation, the need for even more.

“Good girl,” he said. “Only ten more to take. I think it’s time for something a bit different now.”

Jason moved to the desk. Tied on the bed, Neelam couldn’t see what Jason had picked up, but the click of a tube of lubricant opening was unmistakable.

“I think it’s time we got your little arsehole ready for my cock,” he said. “I’m going to fill it up in a minute, so I think we need to stretch it first, don’t you?”

Neelam felt a cold, wet finger on her anus as Jason applied lube to her twitching hole. Then, after preparing her opening, he pushed his finger deeper inside her, making her wince as she tried to relax her sphincter for what was about to come.

“I bet you’ve never taken a butt plug before, have you?” Jason reached around to show her the large, steel butt plug he had picked up from the desk. He didn’t seem to be interested in her response. “I will shove it up your arse then spank you with the paddle. Do you think you can cope with that?”

“No, Jason. No…”

Jason ignored Neelam’s half-hearted protest.

Neelam heard him squirt lube on the butt plug and felt a cold, wet sensation on her anus as he prepared to insert the toy, placing its point firmly against her opening. She felt his hands, warm and soothing, on her still-smarting cheeks in contrast with the cold, steel plug which was inching its way deeper inside her, stretching her further with every twist and push.

“Oh, God!” Neelam gasped as the thick, metal bulb became uncomfortable, and she felt her hole tighten to fend off the unnatural intrusion. Jason carried on regardless. He seemed to enjoy her whimpers and discomfort, and as the thickest part of the plug began to disappear inside her, he let out a satisfied purr of approval as Neelam moaned in pleasure and pain. Eventually, she felt the discomfort and stretch subside as her anus swallowed the remainder of the plug.

“My God! Only a whore’s arsehole can take a plug that big so easily,” Jason said, satisfied. “How does it feel, Neelam? Does it feel good to have your arse full?”

“It’s sore,” Neelam said, knowing her supposed pain would turn him on. But, instead, it felt incredible. It had been years since Neelam had taken anything this big and satisfying, making her desperate to feel the real thing inside her.

“Well, I’m afraid it’s about to get even more painful,” Jason said with mock concern. Then, resuming standing at the side of the bed, he picked up the paddle again.


The next blow landed directly on top of the butt plug. Any pain Neelam had previously experienced was nothing compared to the numb ache that suddenly filled her intestine. Again, she felt her stomach heave as she squirmed in a vain attempt to shield her exposed anus from further punishment.

Jason gave her a short moment to recover. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you count,” he said, taking the tone of an irritable school teacher.

“Twenty-one.” Neelam strained to say the words.


“Oh, God!” Neelam was now finding it difficult not to cry out, but she knew the beating would be much worse with the ball gag in her mouth, and she fought to remain quiet and see out the last few strokes.


As she endured the final eight strokes, Neelam had to draw on all her reserves of stamina.

“Thirty,” Neelam said, relieved that her ordeal was finally over.

Her legs and bottom were already bruising in places, and as she lay still, tied and panting heavily on the plastic sheet, she looked like the victim of a particularly violent assault. But the abuse, the pain, and the degradation made her feel alive and sexually awakened in a way she hadn’t for years, and she was proud that she had been able to take more than Jason’s whores had managed.

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Jason knelt next to her face. His cock was rock hard and throbbing, and it looked like he was about to cum in her face.

“Did you enjoy that, Neelam? I think you’ve earned this big, hard cock, right?” Jason stroked his cock slowly, forcing more pre-cum to drip onto the plastic sheet. “Would you like me to fuck you with it now?” She felt hot, sweaty palms on her bottom.

“No… Not in my bottom, please,” Neelam whispered, still recovering from her thrashing. She knew her protests would be like a red rag to a bull and would only make him fuck her even more brutally than he otherwise would.

Jason moved behind Neelam and knelt between her legs. Rather than pulling out the butt plug and taking her immediately, Jason seemed to want the anticipation to last a few moments longer. He crawled forward and knelt astride her, resting his bottom on hers. He moved Neelam’s pallu above her head and then started unfastening the buttons on the back of her blouse, seeming to enjoy the sight of more and more of her smooth brown skin as his fingers moved further down her back.

Once Neelam’s blouse was completely unfastened, Jason pulled the fabric apart and unhooked her bra strap. With Neelam tied to the bed, he couldn’t remove either garment, but he could still put his hands inside the cups of her bra and squeeze her tiny breasts in his hands.

“Mmm… nice little tits,” he whispered in her ear as he mauled her breasts. “I’m looking forward to sucking them later. But first, I’m going to fuck you. Are you ready for my cock now?”

Jason moved back and knelt between her wide-open legs, not waiting for her response. Instead, he took a firm grip on the butt plug and slowly twisted it as he began to ready her for his cock. Neelam heard him contentedly moan as her bottom stretched to give up its contents. He paused momentarily as the broadest part of the plug began to emerge, seeming to enjoy the sight of Neelam’s hole stretched to its limits before pulling the plug out completely, leaving Neelam’s anus gaping and expectant.

Jason pulled her cheeks apart as he inspected her wide-open hole. Neelam felt a drop of spit land in her cleft and dribble downwards into her open hole, much to Jason’s satisfaction. Again, she heard the click of the tube of lube and moments later felt the slimy warmth of Jason’s lubricated tip on her opening. Then, moving to a plank position, he slowly eased his cock inside her anus.

Neelam gasped as she felt his cock gradually fill her up. Although not as thick as the plug, she could feel it was probing much further, and she fought against her body’s instinctive resistance to the intrusion.

“Yes,” Jason finally grunted. “I can tell this little Indian whore is no stranger to a man’s cock in her arsehole. Let’s see if she can take me balls-deep.”

Neelam forced herself to relax before Jason, with a growl of satisfaction, pushed himself inside to the root.

The plastic sheet crackled in Neelam’s ears as Jason began long, slow thrusts deep into her anus, his compulsion for control, for the moment, sated. Each long, slow thrust elicited soft moans of pleasure, and as Neelam pretended to fight against the ropes that bound her hands and feet, Jason became even more aroused. She felt his weight on her back as his hands slid under her body, one cupping her breast, the other her mouth.

“No, my Indian princess. Every tug on the ropes only closes the knots more tightly around your wrists and ankles,” he hissed in her ear. “Only when I fill you with my seed and breed you will I allow you to leave this room. Only when my cum flows from your used holes will I allow you to return to your husband as my whore.”

Neelam knew Jason was right. She was now nothing but his fuck-toy; her only purpose being a receptacle for Jason’s seed. By allowing herself to be securely tied to the bed, Neelam had relinquished all control over her body, and even if she had wanted it, nothing could stop Jason now. Furthermore, it was what she wanted, and she felt the delicious feeling of abandonment she had craved for so long returning to her through the years.

After a few last punctuated thrusts, Jason roughly pulled his cock out and got to his feet. She felt the knots around her ankles loosen as Jason pulled the looped ropes over her feet.

“On your knees,” he commanded, and Neelam obeyed, the change of position coming as a welcome respite to her weary limbs. Jason climbed onto the bed and stood above Neelam’s head, his bottom resting on the headboard. “Now suck it. Lick all your juices off my cock.”

Remembering her need to appear reluctant, Neelam shook her head. “No, no, no…” she whimpered again.

“Fucking suck it!” Jason ordered, this time more urgently.

The ropes still tied around her wrists gave Neelam enough slack that she could push herself onto her hands and knees. When her face was level with his throbbing red tip, Neelam moved her mouth towards it hesitantly.

“That’s it! Lick all your arse juice off my cock,” Jason commanded as he pulled back his foreskin and forced his tip in her mouth. “I want it clean before I fuck you again.”

As before, Neelam tasted the bitter taste of her anus as she tentatively licked her juices off Jason’s cock before taking him deeper into her throat. Jason watched her intently, clearly enjoying the sight of his adversary succumbing to even the most degrading of his whims.

“Yes, that’s it. Good girl! Suck all that shit off my cock. Clean me up with that sharp tongue of yours. Let’s see how you enjoy it without the lube when I fuck you next time.”

Satisfied that his cock was clean, Jason climbed off the bed and moved behind Neelam. Then, taking her firmly by the hips, he dragged her down the bed, causing the ropes around Neelam’s wrists to tighten again, forcing her onto her elbows. She was now precisely where Jason wanted her; her head resting on the bed and her bottom in the air.

Neelam heard the plastic sheet crinkle as Jason climbed onto the bed, stood above her and prepared to enter her again. She hoped that even having licked the lube from his cock, her arsehole would still be sufficiently wet to facilitate his entry.

Crouching above her, Jason took his cock in his hand and plunged it into her anus again.

Neelam’s fears were confirmed. Despite now being thoroughly stretched, Jason’s cock felt much less comfortable without its generous lubrication. She knew it would take a while before her anus lubricated itself, and as Jason pulled on her hair and fucked her as hard as he could, she feared she might need to tell him to stop. Then, Jason moved one foot to Neelam’s head, pressing it to the plastic sheet as he pounded her from a different angle, enjoying Neelam’s increasingly desperate moans as he roughly cleaved her.

Neelam didn’t know how much more she could take. With her legs now unbound, she could roll over at any point and put an end to the pain, but she desperately wanted to feel his cock spurt inside her and urged herself to ignore the discomfort. Jason was getting close, and as his moaning became louder, she knew his release was imminent. Another moment and the pain would be over.

“I’m going to cum in your fucking arsehole,” Jason announced between grunts. “Get ready to receive my fucking spunk.”

It was the moment Neelam had been waiting for. As she felt Jason slow his thrusts, she prepared to enjoy the sensation of his hot, fresh sperm pumped into her anus as he slammed his hips against her bottom.

Jason took his foot off her head and pulled apart her bum cheeks to give him maximum depth. Neelam wished she could reach between her legs and squeeze every drop from his balls, but with her hands still tethered, she knew Jason would have to work it out by himself.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to cum!” Jason howled as he pushed himself balls-deep inside Neelam’s anus and began to empty himself into her with a few short thrusts.

Neelam felt his warmth shoot deep inside her as, with more grunts and curses, Jason unloaded more and more thick cum. She could feel his shaft twitch and throb as he continued his short, urgent thrusts into her depths.

Keen to ensure Neelam received a full load, Jason slowly wanked the base of his shaft before slowly pulling his cock out of Neelam’s hole, leaving it gaping, puckered and red.

“Push it out,” he ordered. “Let me see what a mess I’ve made of your arsehole.”

Again, Neelam moved onto her hands and knees. Jason pulled her cheeks apart, watching her dark hole twitch as it prepared to release his mess. Then, with a loud groan, Neelam spilt the entire contents of her anus onto the plastic sheet. A long river of semen poured onto the bed, the remainder forming tiny white bubbles around Neelam’s puckered ring as she forced the last drops from her defiled anus.

“Good girl!” Jason said as he watched a large pool of sperm form on the plastic sheet. “Now I’m going to release your hands, and I want you to clean up your mess. Do you understand?”

Neelam nodded, and Jason slid the ropes over her hands. It took a while for her to get used to having her freedom of movement restored, and her arms ached from being stretched apart for so long, but soon Neelam was able to kneel and pull her skirt down over her legs as she tried to stop her unfastened blouse and bra from falling off. She turned to see the thick, white puddle of Jason’s pent on the sheet.

“Go on! Get it while it’s hot,” Jason said irritably. “I want to see you swallow every drop.” He knelt before her and watched as Neelam lowered her face towards the puddle of cum. Jason gently pulled her hair into a long ponytail to keep it out of the way as Neelam cleaned the sheet with increasingly long licks.

“And my cock,” Jason ordered. “It’ll be in your pussy soon so you’d better make sure it’s clean.”

Neelam crawled forward towards Jason. His cock was still semi-erect and covered in the same cocktail of juices she had just licked from the plastic sheet. As she took it in her mouth, Neelam felt a few residual drops of cum leak onto her tongue.

“So now you have to get me hard again. Take off your clothes and lie on the bed,” Jason demanded.

Neelam stood as Jason reclined on the bed, watching her undress. She started by picking up her pallu from the bed. As she put it on a chair, her blouse and bra, which Jason had previously unfastened, fell forward, so Neelam unceremoniously removed them, revealing her small breasts to Jason for the first time. She could see Jason looking intently at her small, dark nipples and areolas, and suddenly she felt very self-conscious. Bhavik had often joked that her breasts were so small they were little more than bee stings, but Jason seemed to like them, making appreciative noises as he sat and slowly stroked his limp cock.

After removing her shoes, Neelam pulled down her skirt, giving Jason his first glimpse of her smooth, freshly waxed pussy. She laid it on the chair, then turned to face Jason.

“Come and lie on the bed,” Jason said. For the first time, Neelam thought, the tone in Jason’s voice lacked the same aggression and anger it had once had. He was still demanding and in control, but it was apparent that fucking her was giving him the release he needed. She hoped meeting his needs this way would keep his urges at bay long enough to save his marriage.

Neelam lay on her back as ordered, and Jason tied her hands again. She watched as he moved to the desk, bringing back the wand vibrator and blindfold, which he held in front of her as he knelt by her side.

“You’ve been a good slut,” he said. “And good sluts are rewarded. So I’m going to use this wand on you now. It will turn me on to make you cum. And once your pussy is nice and wet and my cock is hard again, I’m going to breed you. I’m going to fuck you, fill your pussy with my sperm and impregnate you.”

“No, I can’t get pregnant by you. My husband will know.”

Neelam knew that the chance of Jason getting her pregnant was virtually zero, even if she had been ovulating, but if it was what Jason wanted, she would go along with his fantasy. Besides, the thought of becoming pregnant by a man other than her husband made her feel delightfully sluttish.

“My husband will know the baby is not his. Please, pull out before you cum.”

“I’m sorry, Neelam, that’s not how it works, but I promise you’ll enjoy it. And your husband hasn’t had much luck getting you pregnant, has he? Maybe he should move over and make way for a better man? But if it makes things easier for you, I’ll put this blindfold over your eyes. So you can pretend it’s your husband’s cock seeding your womb as I squirt my load onto your cervix.”

“No…” Neelam’s mock protests were brought to an abrupt end as Jason put the blindfold over her eyes. The sudden darkness made her feel even more vulnerable; now unable to move her arms or see what Jason was doing, Neelam had no choice but to submit herself to him again.

Neelam heard Jason switch on the vibrator and felt the pulsing of the tip on her lower abdomen as he flicked through the settings to find the one he wanted to use. The sensations tingled throughout her body, and she felt goosebumps appear on her arms and legs. Jason stopped when the vibrator gave out a strong and continuous pulse. It felt incredible on Neelam’s naked stomach, and she knew he would quickly make her cum when he used it on her pussy.

But Jason didn’t immediately put the vibrator between Neelam’s legs, as she had assumed he would. Instead, he gently moved it up and down the inside of her arms. Her elbows felt particularly sensitive, and Neelam found herself purring along with the soft hum of the vibrator as Jason traced small circles around her most sensitive places. Next, he moved the vibrator down to her neck and shoulders before turning his attention to her breasts.

Lying with her arms above her head, Neelam knew she would appear wholly flat-chested to Jason, but as the vibrator began stimulating her nipples, she heard Jason give out a moan of satisfaction.

“Mmmm… your nipples like that, don’t they? They’re sticking out like thumbs!”

Neelam felt the strong pulsing of the vibrator replaced by the gentle warmth of Jason’s lips as he took her nipples into his mouth in turn. He sucked and nibbled greedily on each, pinching the other and massaging her breast with his palm. Her moans reached a crescendo when, still sucking on her nipples, Jason placed the vibrator head on top of her pubic mound. Neelam felt her juices begin to flow in anticipation and longed for him to be inside her again.

Eventually, Jason stood up, and Neelam heard him move to the end of the bed. She felt him prise her feet apart, and Jason kneeled between her wide-open legs. He started moving the wand over her stomach and back to her mound as Neelam again felt the goosebumps rise on her tawny skin. When Jason began slowly tracing the inside of her legs, Neelam started bucking uncontrollably, the anticipation almost too much. But still, Jason refused to touch her pussy and give her the satisfaction she craved.

To her disappointment, Neelam heard Jason switch off the vibrator and put it on the bed. With her pussy engorged and wet, she was desperate for the strong pulsing of the vibrator’s bulbous head on her clitoris, and Jason must have known it.

As if he had read her thoughts, Jason spoke up. “Oh, did you want me to use it on your pussy too?” he mocked. “All in good time, but now you’re nice and wet I want to lick you out. I want to taste Indian pussy for the first time.”

Neelam felt Jason’s head move between her legs. The fine bristles on his cheeks rubbed against her inner thigh, and she could detect his hot breath on her waiting pussy as he sniffed in her scent. Neelam opened her legs wider, bending her knees and drawing them back towards her, offering her pussy to Jason.

“Talk to me,” Jason ordered. “Tell me how much you like to be licked.” With that, he buried his tongue in the soft, wet folds of Neelam’s pussy.

“Oh fuck!” Neelam said as she felt Jason’s tongue probing her wet slit. Then, resting her feet on his muscular shoulders, she relaxed as Jason skillfully went to work. “Oh God, that feels so good!”

And it did. Jason had clearly perfected his technique on Emma, and his tongue seemed to find all of Neelam’s most pleasurable spots effortlessly.

“Yes, there…” she gasped as Jason’s tongue flicked her stiff clitoris. “Oh God, Jason - you’re going to make me cum. Fuck, I’m going to cum soon.”

Jason immediately withdrew his face, unwilling to allow Neelam her orgasm just yet. He wanted to remain in control, and any pleasure she was to get would be at his discretion. He picked up the wand and switched it on again, pausing deliberately to ensure Neelam’s impending orgasm had subdued before he continued.

“Let’s see how you like this,” Jason announced, and she felt him move the vibrator between her legs.

As the wand touched her aching clitoris, Neelam felt a bolt of electricity shoot up her spine. The vibrations were much more intense than she had imagined, and the enlarged head of the wand simultaneously stimulated her engorged pussy lips. As Jason slowly moved the wand over her vulva, applying varying degrees of pressure to different points, Neelam again felt her orgasm build. When Jason lightened his touch, she thrust her hips towards the wand, desperate to feel the full effect of its constant pulsing on her desperate pussy. Then, just as she was about to cum, she felt Jason remove the vibrator again.

“Ah ah!” Jason scolded. “I’m still not ready to let you cum. I want to taste your pussy again before that. My cock is stiff again, and another drink from your cup will get it rock hard.” Jason returned his head to Neelam’s mound, and she felt the warmth of his tongue in her slit once more.

Not being allowed to cum was torture. Jason had twice denied Neelam, and she was beginning to wonder if he would let her cum at all or whether his cum denial was just another way of Jason asserting his control. Neelam could feel her juices dripping down the cleft of her bottom, and as Jason continued to administer strong tongue strokes to her clitoris, she knew her pussy had never been so responsive to a man’s touch. The blindfold only added to the thrill, making every contact an exquisite surprise, and her tethered hands compelled her to give in to Jason in the hope of receiving any pleasure he might allow her.

Neelam felt two fingers easily penetrate her before expertly stimulating her sensitive clitoral network from the inside as Jason’s tongue continued to arouse her engorged bead. Then, as he began roughly flicking his fingers inside her, curling them around to massage the sensitive inner folds of her pussy, she couldn’t hold back any longer. With beads of her cum splashing against her inner thigh, she came noisily around Jason’s mouth and fingers, her body thrashing on the bed as the intensity of her orgasm consumed every quarter of her tiny frame.

It was an orgasm the likes of which Neelam had never experienced before. She couldn’t be sure if it was the excitement of having another man, the juxtaposition of pain and pleasure, or the anticipation of her ruined orgasms. But, as Neelam involuntarily gripped Jason’s head and hand between her thighs, she knew she needed more moments like this. Pedestrian, vanilla sex with Bhavik would no longer suffice; either he would have to shape up in and out of the bedroom, or she would need to get her release elsewhere.

Neelam’s evolution from a devoted wife into a submissive slut was finally complete.

“Good,” Jason said, pushing his wet fingers into Neelam’s mouth for her to clean. “Your orgasm will have readied your cervix to receive my seed. I will plant it deep inside you and let your body suck up every drop. Then, of course, you’ll miss your period, and when your husband finds out it’s not his baby, he will leave you. But at least you’ll have a lasting reminder of your afternoon with me.” With that, he grabbed the base of his cock and thrust it roughly inside Neelam’s pussy.

Neelam knew that time was now short. Jason would soon need to return home to Emma, so his impregnation scenario would likely be the final humiliation he would inflict upon her. Consequently, she was determined to make the most of it, and as Jason began pounding her soaking-wet pussy, she embraced the scenario enthusiastically.

“Oh God, no!” she cried as Jason placed her ankles on his shoulders and continued fucking her much faster than before. “No! Don’t cum inside me. I can’t have your child. My husband…”

Every ‘protest’ from Neelam only made Jason increase his efforts, and soon he filled her with all his nine inches. His tip hammered her cervix, and his balls audibly slapped against her bottom as he buried himself inside her each time. His violent fucking forced more of her clear juices to flow down to her bum cleft, and she even felt what remained of Jason’s first load being squeezed from her anus as he relentlessly and urgently drilled her as hard and fast as he could.

“I hope you’re ready,” Jason eventually said through gritted teeth. Neelam could feel sweat dripping from his brow onto her face as his breathing became more laboured, and he prepared himself for his orgasm. “I hope you’re ready to be bred.”

“No! Pull out now! Don’t cum inside me!” One final appeal was all Neelam could manage before Jason’s face crumpled and his orgasm came over him. Again she felt his long thrusts become shorter stabbing movements as he began to squirt his seed as deep as he could inside her. Again, she felt his cock throbbing as he shot rope after rope of his worthless sperm onto her cervix, and again she felt the delicious warmth of his wetness inside her. Neelam knew his tip would be overstimulated and sensitive, but still, Jason thrust at her pussy, swearing and grunting as his balls gave up the last drops of their thick seed.

“Fuck!” he cried, as he eventually stopped and allowed Neelam’s body to bear his weight for a moment. “Fuck! I can still feel my cum dripping into you as my cock gets softer. You’ll be feeling it in your pussy for days.”

Neelam could feel Jason’s cock slowly shrinking inside her, and eventually, once it was completely soft, it slipped out. Then, another warm stream of semen dribbled over her anus onto the bed.

As Neelam lay blindfolded, legs open and hands tied, her pussy and anus still leaking his cum onto the plastic sheet, Jason stood up and looked at her. Her bottom and legs were dark with bruises, and her wrists and ankles red. With his urge temporarily satisfied, he began to feel a grudging respect for the woman who had helped him overcome his latest lapse. He gathered his clothes and went to the bathroom to shower, leaving Neelam tethered to the bed.

Neelam was still lying silently on the bed when Jason emerged fully dressed from the bathroom. Leaving her arms tied, Jason gathered his toys and untied the ropes holding Neelam’s ankles, putting them all in a large holdall. As he began untying her wrists, Neelam broke the silence.

“Is that all you’ve got?” she said sneeringly. “I thought you wanted to degrade me. Well, it’s going to take a lot more than that.”

Jason said nothing, but Neelam felt the nooses around her wrists tighten again, and the bed bounced as Jason climbed onto it and stood above her. Then, still blindfolded, Neelam heard the unmistakable sound of a zip being unfastened and Jason grunting above her. She knew what was coming.

Warm drops of liquid began to cascade onto her naked breasts before forming in pools on the plastic sheeting below, and the stench of urine filled her nostrils. For what seemed like minutes, the pitter-patter sound of droplets bouncing from her body onto the plastic filled her ears. Neelam squirmed in pleasure at this final indignity, enjoying the warm wetness as Jason aimed his stream at her pussy, her belly and her face.

When he had finished, Jason climbed from the bed, loosened the ropes around Neelam’s wrists, and picked up his bag.

“I’m going to put this in the car, and have a drink. I expect you to be gone when I get back.”

Neelam heard Jason close the door behind him. 


Two weeks later, Neelam and Jason were having a coffee after working out at the gym.

“So, how is the therapy going?” Neelam asked.

“Little steps, little steps….” Jason began. “Seeing you here and thinking about what happened doesn’t make it easy, especially when I see you flaunting your arse in the spin class. But my counsellor says I’m making progress.”

“And what about you and Emma? Is everything okay there?”

“Well, part of my therapy is to make more effort with my marriage so I’ve been quite the dutiful husband lately. I’m taking her out more and things in the bedroom are improving from where they were. I think we’re both enjoying sex with each other more than we have done for a long time.”

“Oh, that’s good then,” Neelam replied, but her disappointment was palpable.

“What is it?” Jason asked. “I thought you’d be pleased!”

“Oh, I am,” Neelam replied. “It’s just… I have certain urges....”


Written by NishasWorld
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