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The Pleasure Of Pain

"How I discovered I had a dark side."

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I know the exact moment when the urge to totally dominate someone became my obsession. I was at home on a cold winter Friday night about four months ago. One of those nights where the wind and the rain keeps you from wanting to go out. I was cruising porn sites when I stumbled on to a hardcore S and M site. I was mesmerised. Women tied to crosses or shackled to roof beams and all sorts of sexual and semi violent things were being performed on them. Just watching gave me an erection and I wondered what it would be like to have that power over a willing woman. 

I didn't want to actually hurt anyone, just have that power over them.

My mind was racing as I watched and masturbated.

Could I actually do this? Could I find someone willing to submit themselves to this?

None of the women in my circle of friends would, that I was sure of.

As a forty year old single professional guy I had a few ladies I was dating, but none would be up for anything like this. My mind was going at a million miles an hour. I had the basement I could use.

I opened the door to the stairwell that led down to the basement. My heart was thumping in my chest for some inexplicable reason as I descended into the dark. The basement of my house was divided into two rooms, One was currently storing mostly junk, the other smaller room had my laundry and boiler in it. I flicked the lights on. I opened the door to the store room ignoring the laundry. It wouldn't take much to clean out everything in the store room, a coat of paint, black, I decided immediately and then I'd have to research what fittings would be needed to make my dungeon.

I sat again in front of my laptop. Reluctantly on my part with a click of the mouse the naked girl that was being housed down with cold water while she was tied to a post disappeared. I had no idea where to start looking for a participant in this new world.

I typed in sado masochism. Mostly more sites with videos. I'd get back to them later. But there were a couple of sites that had contacts. I clicked on to one that I thought looked the most promising. All I was permitted to see were a few advertisements. People like me looking for some one to be the subject of a fantasy and a couple of men and woman subscribers wanting to be that very person. Promising I thought.

I quickly fished out my credit card and paid the subscription for a thirty day membership. Filled in a few details, and wrote an advert under the pen name Teaser, for want of a better name. Taking my time I wrote a brief profile and said that I was looking for a woman who I could discuss my new found fantasy with. I would reply to all messages and would appreciate a photo if they were serious. Writing down my password. I turned off the computer, my membership and ad had to be verified before I could proceed. I would have to wait until tomorrow at the very least.

I went upstairs and stripped off my clothes. I was still horny so lay on my bed and stroked myself to orgasm as I replayed visions of tying up and humiliating someone.

The next morning I made coffee and turned on the computer. Going to my new favourite site I logged in. My ad had been approved and I was cleared to peruse other advertisements. That in itself was an education for a newby like me. Some were pretty hard core. There were a few women in my city who were seeking to be dominated but at this early stage I didn't have enough self confidence to reply to them. I decided I'd wait a few days and see if any one would take the initiative and message me.

I spent the whole of the day emptying the room in the basement and taking most of my junk to the rubbish dump. On my way home I called into the hardware store. I cruised the aisles and checked out ropes, chains, pulleys and fittings that I could secure them to the floor and ceiling with. I bought two large cans of black paint and brushes and returned to my basement. I decided I would not call it a dungeon. It would be my fun room.

Looking back now I think I did become a tad obsessed with the my new fantasy. I was supposed to go out for dinner that night with Cheryl, a stunning red head that loved to fuck. I rang her and cancelled on the pretence of having a sore throat and headache, I stayed home and painted the fun room.

About nine that night I made myself a sandwich, the painting was done. It doesn't take much skill or time to paint four walls matt black. As the screen flickered into life and my website flashed on I nearly choked as I had three messages.

I opened the first one. It was from a guy. He was a thirty years old who said he was into pain and humiliation. He included a picture of himself naked tied to a cross. Judging by the erection he was sporting he was genuinly enjoying himself.

I resisted the urge to send him a reply immediately. The thought of tying a guy up hadn't crossed my mind. I was no stranger to man on man sex but it just hadn't occurred to me that I could do this to a male. I would mull over my response to him.

The next message was from a couple  who were members of a group.They welcomed me to the site and out lined themselves as an S and M club who had regular gatherings. They said if I found a partner to accompany me that I would be welcome to come to one of there functions. Included were photos of their previous parties. Naked members, men and women in stocks or tied to crosses and benches, all manner of devices. Some were being paddled or whipped, some were having very public sex while restrained. Thinking to myself that maybe later on I could attend after I had privately seen if this was something I would enjoy. I replied with a short message thanking him and I would be in touch outlining my thoughts.

I opened the third message in my in box. It was from a woman calling herself No Push Over. It was a lengthy reply. Her real name was Charlene. She was only twenty two. She explained she had been tied up once before. On reflection she had found it so thrilling that she wanted to find out why being restrained was so erotic. Wanting to test her boundaries she was looking for a man to help her. She mentioned that she had been approached by the same group that had messaged me but couldn't see herself doing any thing in an open forum just yet. She was looking for some one to talk about the experience and develop a friendship and a trust with.

The picture she included was what sold me on Charlene. It was just a selfie taken in a bathroom. I could only see from her waist up. Her long black hair was falling over and past her right breast. Her left was in full view. 34 with c cups I judged, with small dark circles around her pea size nipple. Facialy she was very pretty. Dark eyes, full lips, high cheek bones. What I could see of her figure was also to my liking, It appeared she had a very narrow waist and no discernible fat on her.

My hands shook as I typed my response to her. Firstly I told her my real name, Paul, and that I was not experienced at all. I told her of my new found fascination with bondage and domination. I wrote a fairly detailed message of what I was looking for and included a picture of myself hurriedly taken in the living room. A selfie like hers, me topless from the waist up only. I hit send and wondered how long it would take for a reply, if at all.

I was getting a beer from the refridgerator a minute later when I heard the ding as I received a message. Rushing back to the screen it I immediately saw that No Push Over had answered. She thanked me for the picture and said I looked handsome.

And that was how I met Charlene. Over the next few months we messaged each other nearly daily. She didn't live far from me, a couple of suburbs over. I was becoming anxious as I wanted to proceed with my fantasy. But the last thing I wanted was to scare her off. So I played the patience game and we exchanged notes about everything and anything. I told her I had been converting my basement into a room I could use for bondage and discipline.We spoke openly about sex and what turns us on. We met on a sex site so there was no point not talking about it. But most importantly we became friends over the Internet.

While the courtship between Charlene and my self progressed I was busy in the basement fitting pulleys to an overhead beam and to the floor. Using knowledge I had attained on Internet sites I had decided that I would have a control point for the ropes situated near the doorway. I could have Charlene spread eagled in a standing position twenty feet from where I stood. I had spent hours teaching myself to splice loops in the end of the ropes so I could clip the leather cuffs I had purchased around the ankles and wrists to restrain my victims. I had fitted spring loaded cleats obtained from a yachting shop to the floor near the door this would allow me to quickly and simply hold someone in position.

Four spot lights would illuminate the spot where she would hang and she wouldn't be able to see me as the glare was prohibitive from the lights. I had also affixed an eight foot length of two inch steel pipe to the wall behind my torture position. It was at about my elbow height and eight inches out from the wall. Another secure point. An old trunk painted black held various diidos, vibrators and butt plugs. Nipple clamps and paddles for spanking and lubes and body oil were added to it. Whenever I thought of something that might come in useful to humiliate or arouse someone I would add it to the tool box.

My old stereo with it's huge speakers were in the front corners of the room. I had found some obscene sounding heavy metal music I intended to play to obscure my moving around when I had my subject blindfolded. I also had Vivaldi's Four Seasons as contrast music for more gentle times. A solid old, straight backed wooden chair for me to sit on at the control point and a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling was all that the room contained. It looked a little scarey. My fun room was now complete and ready for my first session, when ever that would be.

Then a month ago she gave me her phone number and we spoke directly for the first time. Nightly calls were made after that. If I didn't call her she would ring me. Last week we arranged a meeting. Charlene chose a wine bar half way between her place and mine on Wednesday night. It turned out to be a lovely first date. We didn't have sex after it. We just introduced ourselves to each other. She was all I was hoping for. Five nine or ten tall. Athletic, just all around gorgeous. She was sweet, attentive and could hold a conversation.We sat and had a couple of glasses of wine and talked about our lives, normal stuff. No mention of bondage was made all evening. It was as if we had agreed not to talk about it. When we said good night she leaned forward and kissed my cheek. 

"I will be in touch soon," she said, turned and slipped into her car.

On the drive home I thought about Charlene. She was so young. I could nearly be her father. Should I go ahead with what we had been planning for months? I didn't think I looked forty, I was in good shape. I dressed young and looked after myself. But I had a lingering doubt about the age difference.

Half an hour later as I pulled into my drive way my cell phone rang. It was Charlene.

"What are you doing Friday night?" she asked me.

"Nothing planned," I replied.

"Can I come over to your place then?" she asked and followed with, "I want you to tie me up." 

"Are you sure about this? I asked, "Do you trust me?"

"Paul you are a nice man, I'm sure of that after meeting you tonight. You're intelligent and a gentleman. Of course I trust you. Text me your address, I need to follow my instincts on this," she replied and then simply hung up.

I did as I was asked and sent her a text, went inside and masturbated. In two nights my fantasy would come to fruition.

The next two days were in tolerable. The anticipation I felt was distracting. My job as a civil engineer needs a clear head. I spent the days not doing much in the office, delegating work out to my underlings as I didn't trust myself to get calculations and details right on my current project. Thursday night I resorted to a sleeping tablet to get some sleep, my mind was constantly thinking of tomorrow night and what I hoped would happen.

Charlene texted me at lunch time on Friday.

'See you about 8pm. I can't wait. I'm wet thinking about it,' was all the message said. There was no need for me to reply.

Now I sat on the lounge chair. I was looking out through the crack between the window frame and the blind for her head lights to appear in the driveway. I wore a pair of Levis and a tee shirt. A pair of soft soled boat shoes on my feet.

The bushes and garage door were suddenly illuminated. She was here. I waited for her to ring the door bell then opened the front door.

"Hi, come in," was all I could manage to say as I opened the door.

Charlene stepped into my house. She also was wearing jeans and a tee shirt and had a satchel over her shoulder. She stepped towards me as I closed the door and put her arms around my waist. She kissed me on the lips pushing her tongue against mine.

"I have some champagne here. Could you put in the refridgerator for later?" she asked as she dropped the back pack on the floor.

"Would you like a drink now?" I questioned her.

"No Paul. I want what I came over here for. I don't want to wait any longer," she replied as she rubbed her crotch on my thigh.

I was taken a little by surprise with her candid attitude.

"Okay. But first I have a couple of rules I want to explain to you. When we go downstairs to the fun room I am in charge. You are not to speak unless I ask you a direct question. You are to do as you are told with out hesitation. Understood?" I said to her in the most decisive voice I could muster.

"Yes," was her answer. 

"I want you to think of and tell me a safe word. You are to use it if you feel uncomfortable or if you feel things are getting out of control. I promise I will stop and untie you if you utter it," I said with a bit more confidence, "What is your safe word?"

"Teaser, your profile name," she replied.

"And you are completely sure about this? Is there anything out of bounds to me, any thing I can't do?" I asked her.

She just stepped back from our embrace, took my hand and said "No. Take me to your fun room master."

Still with my hand being held I led her along the hallway, down the stairs and through the laundry to the curtained door. Holding the curtain that I had placed over the door way to exclude any light as I entered or exited later, I swung the door open to reveal the fun room to her. It was illuminated by the single light bulb and looked to me very stark and foreboding.

Charlene stepped past me and walked to the middle of the room, turned and faced me. Instantly she looked vulnerable and passive, while I felt empowered and in control. This was now my domain.

"Take off your clothes. Everything and stand against the back wall," I commanded.

Dutifully she began by dropping her jeans to the floor and then pulling he tee shirt over her head. She kicked her shoes off and slid them across the floor so they were next to my chair, her clothes followed them. She wore no underwear.

I turned on the spot lights and flicked the single bulb off. She squinted and raised an arm to shade her eyes. The other hand now tried to cover her sex. It was as if the spot lights had made her the centre of attention and she felt vulnerability pushing down on her. 

I stood still and watched her for maybe thirty seconds. She looked uncomfortable. I felt aroused.

Slowly I walked towards her and stopped where the ropes fell from the rafter. I didn't speak just motioned with my finger for her to come to me. She stopped in front of me and stared into my face.

"Hands by your sides!" I commanded.

She obeyed me. Here perfect breasts with the perfect nipples pointed at my chest.

I dropped to my knees. My face was inches from her vulva. I could smell her scent. She had a beautiful pussy, freshly waxed with just a thin strip of dark hair running from her slit upwards. The labia were puffy and her clit was visible. She was obviously aroused already.

I quickly placed the leather cuffs around her ankles and fastened them securely. I stood up looked her in the eyes, searching for any uncertainty and then turned around and went to my control point.

I sat on my chair and stooped to pick up the ropes that were now connected to her ankles.

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"Spread your legs!" I ordered.

"Further apart!" I yelled as she was not as open as I wanted. 

I could clearly see that her pussy lips were now open to me so I pulled on the ropes to tighten them and locked them in the cleats. Her legs were now secure. I sat watching her for a few seconds. It felt wonderful as I knew she could not see me under the lights.

Again I stood up and approached her slowly. I lowered my head to gather the other two ropes with the wrist cuffs attached. I looked directly into, her gaping pussy. A small drop of her juice hung from one side. I smiled to myself and stood back up. Taking her wrists one at a time I securely buckled the cuffs around them, turned and walked back to my seat.

"Arms up above your head!" was all I said to her. 

I watched as she raised her arms tentatively. I now pulled on both ropes quite forcefully. I didn't want to hurt her but I did want stetch her out a little. She was now in the position I had been dreaming of having some one for so long. Her limbs formed a perfect X from her body. She was upright and could not move. I rubbed my now awakening erection through my jeans.

"We have a problem," I said calmly, "You didn't pay attention to what we have talked about over the phone."

"Do you know what you have done wrong?" I asked her.

She just blinked into the lights and shook her head side ways.

"I told you I liked my women smooth, no pubic hair. And what is the first thing I find? A little landing strip. So I think before anything else you will have to be punished and I will have to rectify that problem," I scolded her.

I sat back in my chair, opened the toy box and grabbed out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I didn't smoke often but enjoyed one now and again. I had bought a pack in case I needed to steady my nerves. I lit one up and inhaled deeply. I sat there and smoked with out saying a word. A full three minutes ticked by as I watched Charlene. She was beautiful standing there naked. I realised I could do anything I wanted to her. She was mine, I owned her at this moment. I dropped my butt on the concrete floor and stepped on it. A layer of smoke hung in the air.

"I want you to think about what you have done for a while. I must be obeyed!" I said as I reached for a thick black scarf in the toolbox.

I placed the scarf around her head and tied it tightly. I waved my hand in front of her. No reaction she could not see anything. I walked over to the stereo and turned on the trash heavy metal music. I turned the volume up very load. Walked to the door and flicked off the lights. It was totally black and then I left the room. Charlene was now as isolated as she had probably ever been in her life. I went upstairs to my bathroom and cleaned my teeth. I wanted to humiliate her, not offend her with bad breath, then gathered my razor and shaving cream.

Returning to the basement I filled a basin with water and picked up a wash cloth. I then quietly opened the door to the fun room. I hooked the curtain over the top of the door so a small shaft of outside light gave me some visibility. The music was overpowering. Without turning any lights on I crept over and placed the bowl and shaving gear near Charlene's feet. She had no idea I was back in the room. I could not see her clearly enough to know how she was coping.

I sprayed some shaving cream into my hand. In the dim light I could just see the hair that I made out was offending me. It really didn't. But it was the point of the matter. Slowly I reached over and wiped the suds on her pubis. She jumped at my touch and tried to cross her legs to cover herself. She failed. I picked up the razor and in three or four swipes I eliminated the landing strip. I wiped her with the moist cloth, I certainly didn't want soap in my mouth later. Then I took all the shaving gear out to the laundry.

I closed the curtain and door and flicked on the lights. She was still blindfolded and couldn't hear me either. I walked round behind her and touched her left buttock. She again jumped. Now I massaged both of her fleshy orbs. I felt her push back a little. She was happy with what I was doing. I kneeled down behind her and parted her ass cheeks. I sniffed her anus. She smelled clean and wonderful. With a long wet tongue I licked her little nut and felt her squirm against my face. I placed my mouth over her hole and sucked. She tried to settle back on my face. I stood up and went to my tool box. I selected a two inch diameter butt plug from amongst the other toys. I picked up a tube of lube turned off the disgusting music and crossed back to Charlene. I removed her blindfold, she squinted into the lights, focussed on my face then smiled. 

I held up the butt plug and let her watch as I smeared lubricant over the tip of it. Again I went behind her. 

"Now I hope you have learned to listen to me," I said as I spread her cheeks open. Again I licked her anus and then held the plug against her. I applied a small amount of pressure and watched the silicone shaft slowly slide into her. With an abrupt pull her anus contracted over the thick taper and pulled the toy into her. I gave it a little tug and made sure it was secure. Ah I love to see just the handle of a butt plug hanging out of a woman's asshole. I now slid my crotch over her leg and kissed her on the lips forcing my tongue into her mouth. She reciprocated.

My erection was throbbing trapped in the confines of my jeans. I walked back to my station.

"Answer me with a nod of your head only, understand your not to talk," I said loudly.

She nodded yes.

"Are you comfortable?" Again a nod yes.

"Can you see me?" A no answer this time. I slipped out of my tee shirt, slid my shoes off and unbuttoned my jeans and dropped them to the floor as quietly as I could. I reached down and picked up the ropes holding her ankles and pulled her legs a further two inches apart. She shuffled her feet to adjust her position. I then pulled on her arm constraints and saw her flex her hands. Now she wasn't so comfortable. My cock was at full erection and precum was coating it's head. I rummaged through the box and found three nipple clamps, a length of nylon cord and a thick red elastic band. I walked towards Charlene and saw the look of delight on her face as she spied my shaved eight inch cock for the first time. I placed the clamps and cord on the floor.

Standing in front of her I stretched the elastic band and aimed it at her left nipple. Zap it was a direct hit on her little bud. She let out a moan and her head rocked from side to side. I repeated this with her right nipple then sucked it into my mouth and suckled her for a few seconds. She pushed towards me. I slid around her body, my cock left a line of precum on her thigh as I did so. I was going to have to relieve the pressure in my balls soon.

I gathered her long dark hair with my hands into a pony tail and slipped the rubber band over it. I then again wiped my cock on her thigh as I went back to the front of her body. I dropped to my knees and pushed my face into her slit . She was warm and wet on my tongue. I sucked her clit between my lips and and rubbed it with my tongue. She moaned and pushed against me. I reached for a clamp next to my knee on the floor. Her eyes were closed as I again sucked her button. This time as she let out her little moan I clamped her left nipple. Instantly her body bucked. I tried to soothe her by tonguing the entrance to her cunt. She settled just as I clamped the other nipple. Again she thrust her hips at me and this time shook her tits trying to dislodge the pain eminating from her nipples. 

As she again settled I licked my fingers and slowly pushed one into her tight little cunt. She squirmed and sucked in a deep breath. I withdrew and then pushed two fingers in and slowly started to finger fuck her. I could feel the butt plug in her anus rub my fingers through her cunt wall. I hooked my fingers and found the rougher textured spot on the front wall of her vagina. Again I took her clit between my lips and pressed on it. She was swinging her hips and her breathing became sharp and erratic. She was going to cum for the first time with me. I kept up my stimulation as her lubrication ran down my forearm. She gasped and shuddered, her legs gave out and she hung by her arms only. But I had to hand it to her no, understandable words came from her mouth as she climaxed long and hard. 

I waited with my fingers in her and tongue lapping her clitoriis until she regained her composure and took her weight back on her feet. A small puddle had formed under her as her juice dripped from her cunt. I now was just sucking her as my hands were busy tying the end of the cord onto the third nipple clamp.I ceased sucking her and blew my breath onto her clit making it stand out. Quickly I slipped the clamp over the beautiful little thing and stood up. She went wild! Thrashing about and pulling on the restaints. I returned to my feet looked into her glazed eyes eyes and smiled at her.

I picked up the loose end of the cord and reached around and threaded it between her legs. Again I rubbed my raging erection on her leg as I moved behind her. I pulled her head back with the pony tail  and slipped the cord under the band holding the dark locks. Now if she moved her head the cord would pull on the clit clamp and cause her more pain. She was in a very uncomfortable position now. Sreadeagled and her head tilted back. Now I needed to ejaculate. Crossing to the box I located tthe lube and squirted my cock with a liberal amount. Moving back behind her my cock found the valley of her buttocks and I began to slide my slippery cock up and down this wonderful canyon. She didn't move much, she couldn't. It wouldn't take me more than a dozen strokes I thought. I climaxed quickly as I'd been erect since we had entered the room. My cum shot up her back in four or five long sticky strands. I held her body to me as I came down. I reached around and unclamped her nipples then cupped her breasts.

As I regained my breath I undid the cord from her pony tail. 

"I'm not finished with you yet," I whispered in her ear as I reached down to take the clip from her clit.

l staggered back to my seat. I released the ropes from the cleats and Charlene slumped down on her haunches.

"Sit on the floor for a minute," I said huskily, "Don't take the cuffs off though."

I opened the trunk again. Two long pieces of soft  cord were now in my hands. I stood up and walked across to her. Her pony tail was a good handle I decided so made her get to her feet with a little hair pulling persuasion. I unclipped the cuffs from the ropes on her wrists. She just stood there fully submissive now. She knew the next however long was inevitable and beyond her control. Her head was still humming from her orgasm and her arms must have felt like jelly.

I guided her to the pipe on the wall. I then commenced to tie the wrist cuffs to the rail. When her arms were secure I positioned her feet under her hips so she was now bent over. The butt plug handle protruding from her anus was the most striking feature at this point. I told her not to move.

I went back to the station and pulled the leg ropes until they were tight. Now she could not move her torso forward and she certainly didn't want to move her feet back as it would be very uncomfortable. I grabbed a towel and wiped my cum from my stomach and her back. 

Looking at her had my cock beginning to grow again but it would be minutes before I had a hard on that would penetrate her. I got on my knees behind her and licked along her slit from her clitoris to the butt plug. Her fluid was still running copiously. She moaned as I tapped on the end of the butt plug with my knuckle. I regained my feet, my cock was like a steel rod again.

Charlene was looking very vulnerable bent over at ninety degrees and legs held open. Very fuckable.

Back to the trunk I went and picked up the lube, a riding crop and a peacock feather. First I tickled her inner thighs and her slit with the feather. She purred as I did this and wiggled her delicious bottom at me. I then lined up my cock with the opening of her vagina, my purple head just nudging the inner lips. Slowly I pushed in and as I did so gave her rump a slap with the crop. She squealed but pushed back on me. I held myself in her as deeply as she could take me and flipped the crop across her buttocks again. Another muffled cry. I dropped the whip and began to fuck her in earnest. I held her hips and rammed my dick into her as fast and deep as I could. I must have been hitting her g spot as she was now squealing with every thrust. Her back arched and I could feel her pubic bone bear down on the underside of my erection. She gushed as she came, the fluid running down her legs and mine. I slowed my pace somewhat to prolong this fucking I was giving her. 

As I allowed her to regain her so senses somewhat I pulled the butt plug from her anus. Her muscle was so relaxed her anus stayed open. I pulled my cock from her cunt and it slipped easily into her asshole. Two strokes and using my right hand I guided it back into her also gaping pussy. Two thrusts in that hole and back into her slowly closing ass. I kept this up for full five minutes. Charlene came at least twice more before I came deep in her pussy.

I dropped to my knees just on spent, but I greedily sucked my ejaculate from her sopping pussy. She purred as did this and I could also feel her legs sagging around my body. Charlene was finished with being bound for tonight.

I unclipped the ropes on her anklets and then began untying her wrist cuffs from the pipe. I just managed to catch before she collapsed onto the concrete floor. She slumped into my arms and I cradled her for a while. I removed the leather cuffs from her limbs and kissed her on the back and neck. 

"Come on, I will help you shower," I said softly into her ear and lifted her to her feet.

I helped her up the two flights of stairs to the bathroom and guided her into the warm shower with me. I soaped every inch of her body washing away all traces of sweat and cum. Turning off the water I towelled her off with a big fluffy towel than guide her to my bed where she lay down and finally relaxed her tortured body. I ran down stairs to collect the champagne bottle and a couple of flutes. I climbed onto the bed and poured two glasses of the bubbly liquid. Charlene readily took hers and drank half in one gulp.

"What a night!" she said glancing at my bedside clock. It was after one in the morning, we had been at it for nearly five hours.

"It was so intense. I loved it," she almost whispered, "Did you enjoy it?" 

"It was every thing I have wanted for a long time," I replied as I cuddled into her back. I felt for some reason I had to show her some affection after what I had done to her mind and her body in the play room.

"And this is so nice," she whispered as she sipped her drink, "Can I stay the night with you?"

"Of course you can stay," I answered and kissed the nape of her neck.

We had another drink and cuddled.

"We will do this together again?" Charlene asked me.

 "Of course, I have plenty more positions I want to try on you," I replied.

The truth was I was falling for this horny minx but I wanted to experiment with other people as I wanted to see how varied the reactions to bondage could be. Charlene was pretty tough I decided. I doubt I could have stayed more or less silent through five hours and two or three orgasms.

We finished our champagne and settled down under the quilt, Charlene being spooned in my embrace.

I was woken about 4 am with her lips around the head of my cock. We fucked with her riding my cock to another climax for her soon after. And again at 7:30 before we went down to breakfast together in my kitchen.

"Would you let me tie you up next time?" Charlene asked over her bowl of Fruit Loops.

"No, I'm afraid I'm a bit too dominant for that, sorry," I replied.

"I'd really like to be in control next time, hurt some one and be in control," she said in response.

"Well if you would allow me to be there with you I think I can arrange to have a guy I know drop by one night. He boasts that he gets off on pain," I countered.

"You'd do that for me, with me?" she asked with a cheeky grin on her face.

"Yes, definately. It would be hot the two of us naked and torturing a guy," 

Charlene jumped up and came around to my side of the table and hugged me, planted a big kiss on my cheek and said, "When?"

"Well I will have to contact him and we are going to have to met him somewhere neutral first, but soon," I answered.

And that my avid readers is another story.

Written by Bipeep
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