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The Keyholder (Pt 2)

"Amy now holds the key to his Prince Albert piercing"

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What was she doing playing chastity games with a twenty something guy? She knew it was crazy, yet Amy was smiling to herself as she stepped off the bus and walked quickly to the address that Ben had given her, a two bedroom apartment in an upmarket development.

She hadn’t seen Ben since they’d made love at the hotel a week ago, but she could still remember the feel of his body and his freshly unlocked cock. She hadn’t belted him when they parted the next morning. This wasn’t because Ben didn’t want her as his keyholder, in fact he’d been disappointed when she hadn’t locked him up, this was because they had agreed to take it to the next level. Ben was right now sitting in his apartment, unlocked, but with a brand new Price Albert piercing through his cock.

“Hello Ben,” she smiled as he opened the door.

“Hi!” was all he could reply as she still hadn’t told him her name.

“Nice chinos, but how’s it feeling inside?”

Ben led her inside and poured two glasses of wine, but Amy was too distracted to drink. In addition to her penchant for chastity, she had a long time fascination with piercings. She had one in her lip, and now this stud had one in his cock.

“Strip and sit on the floor with your hands around that pillar.”

Ben downed his wine and watched the woman carefully as he obeyed her command. She looked better than ever, with her long dark hair in a ponytail, make up to extenuate her big dark eyes and lashes and an expression that suggested she was just as aroused as he was. With her leather jacket now slung on the sofa, she was wearing a fitted low cut black top and blue jeans. He knew what jeans meant, but he was too excited to care.

“Nice boots,” he observed as she used them to gently push and probe his already erect cock.

“Thank you.”

With one boot holding him down, Amy pulled a pair of handcuffs from her back pocket and quickly and professionally locked his wrists together behind his back and around the pillar. She crouched down, her jeans stretching to contain her body and more closely examined Ben’s cock and his new piercing. Her mere presence had aroused him even before she leant forward and slipped his cock into her mouth.

“Oh fuck,” he cried, “this will make chastity even harder.”

He climaxed and Amy looked up at him with teasing eyes as she licked her lips. The feeling of her mouth made Ben forget where he was and he tried to stand up. Amy shook her head slowly and the cuffs held his wrists, bringing him back to the present.

“There’s no going back,” she whispered, “you’re mine.”

With his cock now resting, Amy forced the new, slightly tighter cock ring all the way over Ben’s cock and balls. She then picked up the middle ring, which contained the Prince Albert hook.

“It’s this little hook which makes this so secure,” Amy explained as she slipped the ring up his cock and eased the hook through his piercing. She then took the small cock cage that consisted of thick bars and a solid steel end, with only one hole through which to pee.

“It’s only about an inch long,” Ben exclaimed.

Amy smiled, subconsciously licking her lips, “Mmm, this should keep your attention.”

“Why did you choose that length?”

“Keyholder’s prerogative.”

Amy placed the tiny cage over Ben’s cock and pushed until it interlocked with the cock ring.

“OK?” she asked, her face only inches from his beautiful bewildered eyes.

Ben nodded.

Amy took the integrated cylinder lock, with the key already inside and pushed it through the device. She turned the key a half turn and then slowly pulled it out.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned unexpectantly.

“You okay?” Ben looked at her more closely, “Did you come?”

Amy looked back coyly and walked around in an attempt to disperse her pent up energy. She was breathing deeply and flicking her long hair from side to side.

“Well we could make out if that would help, but it doesn’t look as though I have a cock anymore!”

Amy looked down at the small metal device between Ben’s legs, “No you don’t... but I have this nice shiny key.”

“Yes, and you walking back and forth in those jeans isn’t helping!”

Amy smiled, delighted with the compliment which only encouraged her to sway her hips.

“Any chance you can remove these cuffs so I see what’s left of me?”

But Amy’s mind was miles away as she kicked off her boots and unbuttoned her jeans.

“Oh no, please...”

Ben was now feeling the pressure as Amy continued to walk back and forth in front of him, this time in only black bra and panties. She stopped in front of him and positioned her butt against Ben’s lips.

“Kiss me if you want.”

Ben was breathing quickly. If he kissed her then his cock might explore, if he didn’t he risked annoying the woman who owed him. She was still standing in front and obviously wanted him to kiss her butt. He rubbed his lips back and forth, tickling her before pushing them deeply into the bottom of her butt. He breathed in her scent and then pulled back. This time he pushed his lips in them as far as they would go between her cheeks and held them there.

Having her butt kissed had done little to ease Amy’s sexual tension and she was still buzzing as she crouched down to inspect the chastity cage. He’d survived her teasing, but she still needed to make sure that he understood what she’d done to him.

“Now Ben, as well as trapping your balls, this cage is also locked to your penis. Try and pull out of this and you’ll lose the tip of your cock. Understood? The only way to physically get out of this without the key is to try and drill out the lock which I don’t advise. So if there’s an emergency, please call me.”

Ben smiled, “Does being in need of sex count as an emergency?”

Even though she was desperate to fuck him again, Amy knew she had to give him her best school mistress frown and a gentle kick in the balls. With that done, she walked over to her jeans to find the key to the handcuffs.

Ben watched her, transfixed. “Are you sure you don’t want to take advantage of me in this position?” he asked as he leaned forward to place a kiss on the front of Amy’s damp underwear.

“You really are too good to be true.”

In desperate need of release, Amy tucked the cuff keys into her bra and stepped forward so that she was in easy reach. Ben buried his face into her, moving with a slow circular rhythm. She cried out as he penetrated her with his tongue and she eagerly stepped forward until her hips were pinning his head back against the concrete column.

By the time Amy pulled away, Ben’s tongue and jaw were aching and his one inch cock was in agony. The zoned out brunette collapsed on to the nearby white rug, let down her hair and shook it free. Amy now looked like a vulnerable sex kitten ready to be fucked, although thanks to her expertly placed restraints, Ben was in no position to take advantage.

“Come here,” she breathed instinctively.

“Give me the keys to the cuffs!”

Amy seductively pulled them from her left breast and threw them across. Ben struggled with the cuffs for five minutes during which time Amy lay on her back, her legs apart, moaning gently. Finally, Ben opened one of the cuffs and climbed to his feet and inspected himself. His balls hung down as before and looked large in comparison to his cock which had been replaced with a small silver stub.

“My cock? It’s tiny!” he cried as he pulled at the locked cage, “How does it make it so small!”

He pulled at the device, but all three parts were now rigidly connected into a single block of metal. He felt the cylinder lock that was built into the body of the cage.

“Fucking hell this is scary!” Ben breathed as he walked over to where Amy lay and sat astride her waist, “You do have the key for this thing?”

Amy was too turned on to answer, her lithe body more interested in writhing around to see if she could escape from under him. Ben leaned forward and pinned her hands to the floor and held her there.

Amy was breathing hard. “What are you going to do to me?”

“It depends. Are you going to unlock me?”

Amy smiled and shook her head. She then grabbed Ben’s butt and pull him down further so that she could stimulate herself on the cock cage, the shiny steel end pushing into the damp front of her black silk underwear.

“Mmm, it’s like a tiny vibrator.”

“It’s my cock!” Ben cried out in frustration.

“Was your cock, until you let this crazy girl take it away.”

Amy’s writhing body and horny eyes were just too much for his restrained cock to take and Ben had no choice but to roll off her straining body. He looked back to see Amy taking dental floss from her handbag and tying a short length to the key that locked his chastity cage.

She then slipped both hands and the key inside the front of her panties and started to massage herself. Ben watched in agony as the brunette continued to masturbate on his lounge floor, but just as her cries were starting to build, she withdrew her hands and let the elastic around the hem of her underwear snap back into place.

“Where’s the key?” Ben asked as if having witnessed a magic trick, “In your vagina?”

Amy looked bashfully back at him and bit down on her pierced lip, crossed her legs and put a hand to her mouth. She then nodded and smiled back.

Ben had never wanted to be locked up so much, while at the same time had never been more desperate to be released. He kissed Amy on the cheek and walked away to clear his mind. By the time he returned, Amy had redressed in her jeans and top and her hair was back up.

“You just turned down a horny woman,” Amy smiled sweetly.

“With this fucking thing, beautiful naked women are too bloody painful.”

Amy smiled at yet another wonderful compliment from this uber sexy guy.

“Fuck, I don’t think I qualify as male like this.”

“You’ll be a male again when I unlock you,” she replied seductively as she kissed him on the lips.

“And when will that be?”

Amy didn’t answer, but instead sat down on one of the bar stool to drink her wine. Ben saw little reason in remaining naked and so also redressed. He refilled their glasses and sat down opposite her as she played with the handcuffs.

“Do you like it?” she asked hesitantly.

“Yes I do, thank you.” Ben leaned across to kiss her cheek.

“Shall we check that it’s working,” Amy smiled from behind her wine glass,


“Yes, let’s see if you still obey me... cuff your hands to my stool.”

Amy knew from the look in Ben’s eyes that the test wasn’t necessary and it was really only for her own ego and arousal. She watched as Ben took the handcuffs and knelt on the floor in front of her. He locked one cuff around his left wrist, placed his hands either side of the support bar at the base of her stool and proceeded to lock his hands together.

“Now try and get up,” Amy breathed as she turned towards Ben’s kneeling body and opened her legs.

“I can’t.”

Amy crossed her legs and continued to drink her wine while Ben knelt silently beneath her. He tried again to stand up, but again his hands held him back. His attention turned to the woman’s butt sitting squarely on his stool, holding it down and therefore holding him down.

The power that she had over him gave him a wonderful light headedness and a strange sense of sexual excitement. He bowed his head to the floor and waited while she continued to drink his wine. Seeing this new development, Amy stood up and placed her stool down so that the lower support bar was resting on the back of Ben’s neck. She sat back down on the stool, pinning him to the floor.

She looked down, pleased at quite how stuck Ben had become. With his head pinned by her weight and his hands chained above his head there was no way for him to get free while she was sitting on the stool. Half an hour passed before Amy finally stood up, removed the stool and Ben could return to his kneeling position.

Ben’s head was now between her thighs, his gaze transfixed on the denim pulled tight between Amy’s legs. “Can you feel the key in there?”

Amy smiled and nodded.

“What does it felt like?”

“I can’t really describe it to a guy... or at least someone without genitalia,” she giggled.

Amy closed her legs, pinning his head between. She then took a piece of paper from her handbag and started to write.

“Here’s my number, for emergencies only,” Amy said, releasing Ben from her head scissors.

“When will I see you again?”

“When you take me out for dinner and then to a hotel for the night,” she replied.

“When’s that!”

Amy didn’t answer, but leaned forward and kissed him with her lips and tongue. Ben tried to stand up, but couldn’t.

“Stay there,” Amy chastised.

Ben continued to kneel and wait patiently as Amy ordered an Uber. His cock was straining to extend and he desperately needed to get away from her body and her scent, although that was impossible while he was chained to her stool.

“You’ll have to unlock the cuffs before you go,” Ben said.

She looked at him in mock surprise, “My butt’s been sitting on this stool and therefore you should worship it.”

“But how can I go to work?” he asked nervously.

Her face creased into a smile which became even bigger as she saw the relief in his eyes. The poor guy had actually thought that she was going to leave him handcuff to a stool. It was funny, she though as she reached down and unlocked the cuffs.

Just then her car arrived and she stood and stowed the cuffs safely in her back pocket.

“Essential evening gear?” Ben asked with a smile.

“Not as essential as this,” Amy replied, touching herself between her legs, “Only keys to a stud’s chastity cage.”

“I’ve got the cage, that’s even better.”

“I’m glad you think so, now put the belt back on as well.”

Amy had already removed the plastic tube from inside the front of the full steel belt and was holding it out ready for him to wear. Ben looked confused, surely he couldn’t wear the cage and the belt at the same time.

“Will they both fit?” he asked hesitantly.


Amy undid Ben’s trousers and wrapped the belt around his slim firm waist. She then brought the end up between Ben’s legs and clicked it back into place on the front of the belt. The belt fitted as tightly as ever, with zero access to his already locked up genitals.

Ben hadn’t expected her to do this. He’d been looking forward to at playing with his balls, which would be impossible if she left him locked in the belt. Convincing a chastity obsessed woman not to lock him up would be impossible, but there may be another way. Ben saw that the key was still in the keyhole and so quickly started to pull up his trousers.


Shit, she’d seen what he was doing and Ben could only stand helplessly by as she simply pulled out the key and pushed it into her back pocket. Ben remained motionless as she kissed him again on the lips and turned and left.

As soon as Amy had closed the door behind her, Ben’s hands moved to where his cock had been. The highly secure full steel chastity belt was locked back around his waist. He touched the empty keyhole. This in itself was an extreme form of chastity, but underneath this and now completely inaccessible, was a high security cage which was locked to his Prince Albert. Being held so small and tightly was playing with his mind. He was totally focused on his keyholder with a strong desire to please her and serve her. Unfortunately, he had no idea when he’d see her again. He showered and drank a full glass of whisky in the hope that he might sleep.


Locking Ben’s cock inside her new Prince Albert chastity cage had been the highlight of Amy’s week. When she closed her eyes she could still remember the feeling of control and the surge of sexual power that she’d felt as she’d rolled around on his beautiful white wool rug. Ben’s eyes had betrayed his obvious obsession with her body and with her control of his cock. She now had two favourite things, which ironically were mutually exclusive; fucking Ben and keeping him in chastity.

Amy was once again temping at the sex shop and the hours were passing slowly. The two silver keys, one to Ben’s PA cage and the other to Ben’s chastity belt, were hanging proudly from a silver chain around her neck. She’d deliberately worn a low cut black top so that the keys could be seen and were also easy for her to play with. That said, the thought of slipping the cold steel keys in her panties to reduce the temperature building between her legs was also very appealing.

She flicked away her long black hair and reached behind her neck to unfasten the clasp on her necklace. The keys slipped off the chain and into her waiting hand. She walked out from behind the counter and over to the mirror. Ben would love her new black leather trousers and she imagined how he would react when he saw them. First he’d smile his sexy smile and then he’d reach between his legs and wince as his cock expanded and crushed itself into its small steel cell. She returned to the privacy of the counter, unbuttoned her trousers and slipped them inside.


Ben was in full lock down. Not only was his cock inside a one inch long, Prince Albert hooking cock cage with a cut proof integrated lock, but on top of that she had locked him in a full steel chastity belt. He had none of the keys and all he had was a scrap of paper with the name ‘Amy’ and a telephone number. At least he now knew the woman’s name and number, although those alone were no use in freeing him from the locked steel devices.

Amy had made it clear that he could only call her in an emergency. If something was to go wrong, her keys could the difference between all being fine and permanent damage to his cock. Ben played with the scrap of paper in his hands. He didn’t want to call her to be unlocked, but he did want to see her again.

“Hi Amy its Ben,” he felt like he was sixteen again, asking a girl to the movies.


“Would you like to meet for lunch today?”

“This number is for emergencies only,” she replied, even though she was delighted just to hear his voice.

“I don’t want to be released, I just want to see you again.”

The line went dead. Fuck, had he upset her? He had to call her back, yet he didn’t dare. Shit, now the wait was going to be even harder. At least he was still locked inside her belt and could enjoy the feeling of the tight steel, the memory of her body and her smile as she’d locked it all so permanently into place.

Amy was also feeling anxious. The keys were doing exactly what she hoped they would do inside her leather trousers and she was desperate to keep this sexy game going for as long as possible. To do that she had to play the role of the sadistic key holding bitch, or he would soon lose interest in this almost forty year old woman no matter how hard she tried to turn back the years in the gym. She wanted nothing more than to see him again, make love to him, hang out with him again, but every time she did so she would lose more of that mystique that he seemed to find so enticing. Her phone beeped.

‘’Sorry, I just can’t wait to worship you again.”

Amy giggled out loud in relief and a young couple in the vibrator section of the shop looked up. The keys felt even better against her body, they seemed to be having a lovely time in there. She tried to wait, but within minutes she had replied.

“Tonight, 8pm, your place.”


Amy arrived at Ben’s apartment wearing a long black coat which she dropped from her shoulders to reveal a short red flared dress. Her hair was in a bun and she wore stockings and high pointed heels.

“You look amazing, ‘Amy’”, Ben smiled, able to use her name for the first time.

“Thank you.”

Amy glowed inside, his words and the look in his eyes making her feel like a giddy kid. ‘Stay cool,’ she kept telling herself as she kissed him on the cheek and strode across the room and sat down on one of the high chrome and leather stools in his kitchen diner.

“Would you like a drink Amy?”

Amy nodded as she crossed her long stocking covered legs, enjoying the feel of stocking on stocking and the feel of the soft leather on the back of her thighs.

“How’s your week been?” she asked, sipping from the large round wine glass.

“Good,” Ben smiled as he tapped his crotch, “if somewhat dominated by what you did down here.”

“That’s how you should be.”


“Yes,” she smiled coyly, “if you’re not obsessed then let me know and I’ll lock you up even more.”

Amy was wearing a thin silver chain around her neck, with the pendant hanging out of sight between her breasts. She tugged gently until a key popped out and then hung down provocatively by her cleavage. Ben had been talking, but the sight of the key distracted him and he lost his train of thought. Taking advantage of the break in conversation, Amy reached behind her neck and unclipped the chain.

“Unlock the belt, take a shower and I’ll meet you in your bedroom.”

Ben’s heart rate doubled and became so loud he could hear it in his head. Fuck, how could a simple word from this woman do this to him? He took the key from her outstretched palm and disappeared quickly into the bathroom. He stripped down to the silver pants that had hugged him constantly for the last week and looked at his reflection in the mirror. The belt felt very different when he had the key in his hand and he admired its tight, unescapable fit before finally pushing the key into the lock and stripping it from his body.

“My balls!” he cried as he gratefully massaged his testicles that hung down proudly from the one inch one tube that contained his cock, “that feels so nice.”

This was the first time that he’d been able to properly explore the tiny Prince Albert cock cage and he tried to push a fingertip through the closely placed bars. It didn’t work and his fingertip certainly didn’t give him any sensation. He pointed the cage up to see how the device connected to his piercing, but all the necessary detail was hidden inside the solid steel end. He stepped into the shower and soaped up so that he could see what would happen if he tried to pull his cock back out. The tug on the end of his cock from his piercing was unmistakeable and after a couple of attempts he gave that up as well. He’d better do whatever Amy said, as she was his only hope of gaining access to his cock.

When he returned, Amy was sitting cross legged in the middle of Ben’s large bed with her long hair hanging loosely around her face. He slipped off his dressing grown and approached her reverently, wearing only the cock cage.

“Warm me up,” she purred as she slowly uncrossed and spread her legs and lifted her red dress.

Ben moved in, taking his time to kiss her feet, her calves and then on to her soft thighs. The higher up he moved, the more the pressure built in the one inch cage. Amy motioned for Ben to lie down on his back so that she could sit astride his face.

“Now just think of my vagina as the key to your freedom,” Amy breathed as her black silk underwear touched down on Ben’s face, “my pussy is your mistress and you must obey her.”

Ben pushed her briefest of underwear to one side and gently placed his lips on her already warm, wet vagina. She may have taken his cock, but he could penetrate her with his tongue. He started slowly and then increased the intensity. Amy’s hips thrust slowly back and forth, but did not move from his face. Her passion grew and then fell and by the end she was still sitting on him, breathing hard. Ben reached for Amy hips in an attempt to lift her from his face.

“Can I be released?” he asked, her pussy pushing stubbornly down on to his mouth.

“She’s not satisfied yet.”

Ben moved his hands down and grabbed Amy’s butt. Still the brunette remained planted on his face and so he went again. Again her cries stopped and her breathing slowly and yet she continued to sit on his face.

“Please Amy, I really want to make out.”

“Well sit up then,” she teased.

Amy slid back on to Ben neck, with his head now tightly between her thighs.

“Why would I want to make out with a guy with a one inch cock?” she couldn’t quite contain her smile.

“If you unlock me it’s a hell of a lot bigger.”

Amy’s teasing smile grew as she increased her weight on his neck and watched as Ben struggled for air beneath her. The slight asphyxiation was sending more blood to his cock and soon he was holding the chastity cage with both hands. She could feel the tendons in his next straining beneath her butt and quickly had to rein in her sadistic side.

She slid back on to his chest and turned around so that she was facing down towards his sexy body and the cage.

“This has worked so well on you,” she observed as she played with the small cage

“It’s taken over my life,” Ben replied.

“It’s supposed to.”

“Please, please, please unlock me!”

Ben’s hands were again all over her body. He was desperate to make love to her, he just needed his cock. He was like a man possessed. Amy leaned forward and slipped the cage into her mouth. She sealed her lips around the warm steel and then used her tongue to play with the tip. Unsurprisingly, there was little reaction from Ben who could feel her warm breath on his balls, but nothing more.

Amy moved to his balls and used her nose to play with them and then brought her lips and tongue into play. Ben was alternating between cries of pleasure and desperate pleas for her to unlock him.

“Amy, please Amy, I’m ready!”

To silence these pleas, she turned around again and sat back down squarely on his mouth. Her bottom was proving to be an amazingly effective gag. She had now muted him, but she could still see his pleading eyes.

Amy had a problem. She hadn’t planned to get this intimate with Ben tonight and as such, she hadn’t brought the key to his cock lock.

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Damn, why did Ben always make her go further and faster than she’d planned? She was now sitting on an incredibly sexy guy who was as desperate to make love to her and she’d forgotten the fucking key! She was frustrated with herself and worried about how Ben would react. She brought her legs together to cover his face. That was better, for the next few minutes at least, she could pretend he wasn’t there while she thought of a plan.

“This week I’ve given you your balls,” Amy announced in her sexiest huskiest voice, Ben’s face still sealed beneath the back of her thighs, “Next week I’ll give you your cock.” She was anxious about how he would react, but the feeling of his lips once again pushing into her vagina told her that she didn’t need to worry.

“Would you like to stay the night?” came a muffled voice from somewhere beneath her.

“Maybe,” she replied nonchalantly while her body was screaming ‘Yes!’

By the time Amy finally removed her butt from his face, Ben was well and truly back under her spell. He was even more intrigued as Amy fetched her handbag and returned with a length of chain and two small padlocks. She pulled off her dress and wrapped the chain around her narrow waist and locked it in place with the first padlock. Lying on her side, she then snuggled up to Ben and padlocked the spare end of the chain to the chastity cage.

“Now unless you want me rolling over and ripping off your cock,” she looked into his strong brown eyes, “you’d better hold me close all night.”

Ben immediately wrapped his arms around the slim brunette and squeezed. Amy was in heaven. Nobody had held her like this for a long time and certainly no one as good as Ben.

“Where are the keys to these padlocks?” Ben asked as he played with the chain that connected his cock to her narrow waist.

Amy didn’t answer, her eyes were closed and she was smiling as she fell asleep. Ben smelt her hair and then ran his hands down her bare back, his fingers bouncing over each vertebra until he reached the chain. Beyond that her pert butt was still contained inside her black silk panties. He remembered back to the first time she’d locked him in the belt. She’d reached up inside her skirt and tucked the key away safely inside her underwear. It had taken him ages to earn the right to enter her skirt and the feeling of when he’d first kissed her thighs was still vivid in his mind. It had taken him even longer to earn the right to get inside her panties, the vault where she had so often kept his key.

Her body had been so intimidating. Dressed in a red leather skirt, she had put him inside a steel locker and used her legs as bars blocking the entrance. Her hips had flicked the door closed and her butt had rested on the door, trapping him in place until the bolt locked home. He had then watched her legs stride away, leaving him helplessly locked inside the steel box. Now, however, he had earned free access and was enjoying slipping his hand inside her panties and gently squeezing her butt. Unfortunately, the key wasn’t inside there today, which meant that every touch of her silky smooth butt came with a crushing sensation inside his cage.

She moaned, stretched and moved her top leg across his body where it came to rest on his chastity cage. Maybe she was subconsciously making sure that he didn’t leave her, not that that was necessary. While his cock was chained to her slim supple body he would follow her anywhere.


When Ben woke the next morning, Amy was lying on top of him smiling. She may have been close to forty, but Ben was making her feel like a teenager again. She slowly climbed off the bed giggling, as Ben carefully followed her keen to retain his cock. Amy stripped off her underwear and walked backwards into the bathroom and into the running shower.

“You’re very obedient when we’re connected like this.”

“Yes, one flick of your hips and I’m...”

“A woman?” Amy giggled.

“In pain,” Ben corrected, preferring his answer to hers.

Amy’s interest in the debate waned as she started rubbing herself against Ben’s shiny steel cock cage. Ben decided to help by grabbing her butt and lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. Amy’s cries were now causing him bedlam down below.

“Amy please, I really want to fuck you!”

She pulled her tongue out of his mouth and bit his lip. Ben pushed her up against the tiles so that she could thrust into him with even more intensity.

With the sodden brunette showing little sign of exhaustion, Ben turned off the water and let Amy lead him back to the kitchen diner and back to her handbag. She dug out a small key ring with two keys and unlocked the chain around her waist.

“This will be fun,” she smiled as she held up the open padlock and the end of the chain that was still attached to his cock.

“Amy, I’m not a dog.”


The naked brunette had already looped the chain around the chrome bar that supported the bench and was now locking it with the padlock. “I suggest you make me coffee,” she said as she kissed Ben, “Oh and ‘stay’,” she giggled as she followed the trail of water back to the bathroom.

Ben watched her bare butt bounce away and then tried in vain to separate his cock from the kitchen bench which was in turn bolted into the floor. Fuck, that little butt had certainly left him as helpless as any dog and so unable to go anywhere, he turned his attention to making her a good cup of coffee.

Amy towelled dry and returned to the kitchen wearing Ben’s black dressing gown. With her hair still wet, she sat on the stool with her knees pulled up into her chest. They had spent the night together and were now talking like friend. To Ben it was starting to look and feel like she was his girlfriend. Amy was also aware of the boyfriend girlfriend vibe and was holding her coffee cup to her lips like a barrier to hide her bashfulness. This sexy guy with the killer body sitting on the stool next to her was making her feel like a giggly teen. He was watching her intently, with the look of a man who was completely under her spell.

“I feel kinda vulnerable chained up like this,” Ben smiled.

Amy hugged her legs tighter and smiled back, but didn’t reply as Ben continued to talk.

“Are you going to leave me like this? When can I see you again? Will you unlock me next time? When can I make love to you? You are such an amazing woman.”

Amy was struggling to manage her emotions. “Stay,” was all she replied as she walked back to the bedroom.

When Amy returned, she was once again wearing her red dress, her hair was up in a rough pony tail and she wore sunglasses to hide her lack of makeup.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening,” she smiled for behind her shades, “in return, I’m not going to lock you back inside the chastity belt.”

“You’ve still got me locked up in this thing,” Ben replied, pulling at the tiny locked Prince Albert cage.

Amy couldn’t quite suppress a smile and so instead ordered Ben to kneel, which he could only just manage while chained to the bench. She then stepped forward and wrapped her dress over his head.

“Any parting words to your mistress before I leave?” she breathed.

Within seconds Ben’s lips were inside her. Fuck this was just too good. Even after she’d orgasmed yet again, Ben’s lips waited like a faithful dog gently pressed up against her panties. She pulled up a stool and perched on the edge as Ben continued to wait inside her dress. She pulled out her phone and played with it for another ten minutes and still Ben’s lips remained pushed up against her crotch, waiting for her next instruction.

“Good boy,” Amy smiled, “I’ll call you.”

Amy stood up and stepped over his head. With his big brown eyes looking up at her, she pulled the padlock keys from where they were pinned inside her left bra and placed them down on the table before leaving the apartment. Ben was still in a dream world filled with her warm scent. It seemed inevitable that this relationship was moving into something more personal and intimate and it was only a matter of time before she was more than just his keyholder. But right then he was still her prisoner with no possible way to get his cock out from under her lock and key and that was still an amazing place to be.


Amy returned to her flat and ran straight to her dirty laundry basket. She pulled out her orange gym shorts and unzipped the back pocket. The key! Why the hell hadn’t she taken it with her to Ben’s place? It had been an amazing evening, but it could have been so much better if she could have felt him inside her. At least he was hers for another day, still locked up and still besotted with her as his keyholder. He had so wanted to make love to her and next time, assuming she remembered to bring the key, he would.

She often fantasised about how she would unlock him. Would she first handcuff him to the bed so that she remained totally in control, or would she release him completely? That would be exciting too. He had such a fit and strong body he could do anything to her, pin her to the bed with his muscled arms and pushed his cock deep inside... She brought herself back to reality. She was a lonely single woman with a key and a guy who she really hoped would remain interested.


Ben lay in bed playing with his one inch long cock, locked inside ‘her’ one inch long metal chastity cage. Somewhere inside was a metal hook that ran through his Prince Albert piercing. He could think of nothing but the amazing woman who had locked him inside. She was sexy cruel, exciting, teasing... fuck she was perfect. He had really wanted to make love to her last night, but her denying him that pleasure made her even more desirable. He’d given her oral sex, he’d had his head buried between her sexy legs and that memory was all he needed.

However, two days later and Amy was still filling his daydreams and he still had no way to disperse the sexual energy that that created. This little steel device was once again taking over his life and he had to do something. So later that night, he decided to take the initiative, to take a chance that could either result in an amazing weekend, or piss her off totally and leave him permanently locked up in her device.

‘Paris, this weekend, will you come?’

Okay the text had been delivered and now he could only wait for her response.


Amy appeared minutes before the train to Paris was due to leave. She was wearing a large rimmed sun hat, sunglasses and her long dark hair was hanging loose by her shoulders. She wore a fitted white blouse made from thin, slightly translucent material with a large silver necklace. She wore short shorts in a silky black floral print which were loose enough to look dressy yet did little to hide Amy’s figure. Her long legs finally ended with high black heels and a small carry on case.

“You look fantastic!” Ben smiled as he kissed her cheek.

“Just keep saying that,” Amy smiled back, pleased with her bitchy ‘response’.

She was nervous. She’d dreamt of spending a weekend in Paris with Ben and he looked so good in his tight white shirt and tan chinos. This weekend could be so much fun, but familiarity could all too easily destroy her mystique. Without their special ‘chastity’ relationship she doubted he would have ever noticed her. She had to keep him on edge, be a cruel sexy bitch, but without going too far.

They boarded the train and Amy slipped into the window seat and Ben took the aisle seat next to her. Amy’s shorts had already ridden up reveal most of her thigh and then she pushed them up further. The many hours in the gym had firmed up her legs and she was proud of their slight muscular definition. She placed her hands on her knees and then ran them slowly up to her crotch to make sure Ben had noticed.

“I’m going to tether you to my leg,” she explained in response to his look.

As instructed, Ben had taken the chain that she had left at his apartment and padlocked one end to his cock cage. Amy had already taken the padlock keys from him and now dug her hand into his trouser pocket to retrieve the excess chain.

“I love it when I woman puts her hand in my pocket,” Ben smiled.

Amy pushed her hand in further and grabbed his cock cage through the lining of the pocket. “I’ve felt bigger,” she replied.

“Believe me it’s trying!”

“My money’s on the high strength steel.”

Ben’s look changed to one of resignation and that made Amy smile as she pulled the chain out of his pocket and passed it underneath her nearest thigh. She then wrapped the chain around her leg for a second time and then lowered her thigh to pin the chain between her leg and the seat. The silver chain glistened from the overhead reading lights and contrasted against her soft tanned skin.

“You can’t go anywhere with your cock tied to my leg,” she purred as she kissed Ben on the cheek.

“Just don’t stand up suddenly.”

That made Amy giggle. She crossed her legs towards him and kissed him again, this time on the lips.

“Don’t worry. I want what’s inside that cage as much as you do...”

“You’ve brought the key to unlock me then?” Ben checked.

“Maybe, but there’s no guarantee I’m going to release you,” Amy said seriously, the feeling of power making her tingle.

“At the whim of a sexy woman then,” Ben thought out loud.

“Yes, that’s exactly what you are...”

Part of Amy wished that they were just a regular couple spending a weekend sightseeing and making love, but having said that, the more she teased and tormented him with her words the sexier she felt. If she kept this up, she would climax before they arrived. Her feelings were only fuelled by the look in Ben’s beautiful brown eyes. He was breathing heavily, his heart was pounding and his mouth was dry. His whole focus was on her, he would do anything for her right now and this feeling of power was removing all her inhibitions.

“These beautiful lips,” she breathed, running her fingertips around his mouth, “I want these beautiful lips planted permanently on my vagina. Remove them before I tell you and... I won’t unlock you.”

“That won’t be a problem, I can start right now,” Ben breathed back.

“Really? In the train?”

Ben tried to pull the chain free so that he could kneel in front of her, but it only tightened up around her thigh. “Why don’t you untether my cock from your thigh and tie my head there instead.”

“What makes you think that you have access to my panties?”

“My lips on your vagina?” he reminder her.

Amy’s stern look broke into a smile as Ben once again pulled against the chain. This time Amy took the second small padlock and used it to lock her end of the chain to her thigh.

“No way to escape now.”

Ben looked jealously at the shiny chain that ran around her thigh, tantalisingly close to the front of her underwear. The chastity cage was once again playing with his mind and he found himself able to focus on anything other than kissing her between her legs. Not because he wanted her to unlock him, but because he wanted to please her and hear her come to orgasm. Amy crossed her legs and the chain was lost from sight. Ben put his arm around her and she nestled into his shoulder as they watched the train pull away.


They walked out of the station talking and smiling like all the other couples that had just arrived in the city. There was no visible sign of the Prince Albert cage locked on Ben’s cock, or the key that Ben assumed, or at least hoped, was somewhere in Amy’s possession.

They left their suitcases at the hotel and started to walk to the Latin Quarter to find somewhere for lunch. To start with they walked side by side, but then Ben took her hand. Amy squeezed his hand in return. A few minutes later, when the opportunity arose, Ben put his arm around her shoulders and again Amy quickly returned the gesture. Her body felt warm and sexy and a few steps later as they turned on to quiet side street, Ben stopped her and wrapped both arms around her waist. 

He knew he was crossing the boundary between a keyholding relationship and a lover relationship, but he didn't care as he instinctively kissed her on the lips. Again Amy didn’t fight it. She removed her sunglasses, and without breaking contact, slowly opened her lips. Ben’s tongue was going deeper and his hands had dropped to her butt. 

He pulled Amy towards him and again Amy reciprocated with a gentle thrust of her hips. At this point he would usually be hard and the girl would feel his cock pressing gently between her legs. His touch would start to arouse her, start to waken her body. This time however, he had no erection, only an increasingly aching cock. 

With the ache reaching danger level, Ben let go off her butt and reached for his own sore groin. When that didn't help, he crouched down with his legs apart. That helped, but he was now face to face with Amy bare legs. He instinctively ran his hands up the front, her smooth skin feeling warm and soft. His hands continued up inside the front of her shorts, following her panty line. They then traced a path around her hips, down her butt and back down to her ankles.

He looked up at her eyes that were once again hidden behind sunglasses. He had a pained look, his heart was pumping and his breathing fast. He placed his lips in the inside of thigh and kissed her once more. 

"I can't do it," he winced, "This fucking thing stops me from even kissing a girl!"

"Everything's possible," Amy replied, "...with my permission."

“When will that be?”

With her eyes hidden behind her shades, he focused on her full lips which twitched into a slight smile, but did not reply. He stood up and kissed her lips some more in the hope that they might reply. The lips remained silent, but broke into a beautiful smile.

He took Amy by the hand, "Can I buy you lunch?"


“Then can I make love to you?”

Her lips widened, but said nothing.

Amy was buzzing. Ben’s attempt to seduce her in the street had been so cute and he’d done everything right. He’d taken her to Paris and he looked so gorgeous. His adoring glances made her feel so sexy and his kisses were like nothing she’d experience before. Yet all of his efforts had been in vain because of the chastity cage.

The key was actually hidden inside the bottom hem of her shorts. She could feel it bouncing against the back of her thigh as she walked and now that they were sitting in the cafe, she could feel it pinned beneath her leg. Amy smiled to herself. The key was right there, yet despite Ben’s interest in her body and his intimate touch he had yet to find it.


After a long lunch that neither wanted to rush, they returned to their hotel room. Ben closed the door behind them and grabbed Amy around the waist. Using his kisses to distract her, he pushed her back on to the large bed.

“Careful,” Amy giggled, “Apparently my body is dangerous for you.”

“Not if you let me out to play.”

“If...if...if. So many ‘ifs’.”

Ben was starting to learn the many steps he had to follow if he ever wanted to get access to his penis. He’d taken her to Paris, taken her to lunch and now her legs were spread and waiting for him to move to the next stage. He slid down the bed and placed his head between her thighs.

Amy was so ready for him that even his first few kisses through her silk shorts were making her cry out loud. Just as that feeling was coming off its peak, she felt him navigate inside her purposely short shorts and arrive at her clit. Ben was getting even better with practice and all those many hours between her legs were really paying off.

She climaxed and then as usual clamped her legs together around his neck to indicate that she needed a rest, but that Ben wasn’t free to leave. Ben knew the signal well and, as before, he had to gently tap her legs like a wrestler conceding a fight in the hope that she would loosen her grip a little and allow him to breathe. Ben then waited patiently, still pinned between her uber strong thighs, as he listened to her after cries. Trying to leave at this point was both impossible and unwise.

The second orgasm arrived, but this time Amy’s legs didn’t clamp closed on him. He was just catching his breath when the horny brunette sat up and refocused on her prey. She unbuttoned his tan chinos and they both looked at his cock that had now been aching for hours. Just thinking about Amy would give him an erection and looking at her would make him rock hard. Spending the weekend with her in Paris, while in chastity, was taking its toll.

“I think my cock’s given up any hope of getting out of here.”

“There’s always hope... no matter how slight,” Amy purred.

“Are you sure this thing actually comes off?”

“Aha... with the key.”

“The ‘key’, funny you mention that,” Ben replied.

“But I want to see you try and get if off without that.”

“I’ve been trying all week!” Ben cried out as his fingers pulled at the locked device, “It won’t come off.”

Amy giggled as Ben’s strong hands pulled at the cage. Maybe she was enjoying this more than he was and so a minute later, she jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom to secretly remove the key from the back hem of her shorts.

Within seconds she was back and clicking her fingers to order Ben to lie down. With his cute head resting on the linen sheet, it was all too easy for her to simply sit on his face. The black silky shorts were making her feel sexy and so they must have been causing mayhem for Ben. Ben was moaning beneath her, which was no surprise as she had really made the poor guy suffer. Now was his reward. They’d both got off on the chastity and now they would both get off on the sex.

Amy kept him blindfolded by her shorts as she reached forward and pushed the long thin key into the lock. She turned it and removed the various parts of the steel device and carefully unhooked his piercing.

“Oh fuck, that feels weird!” he moaned as the blood rushed into his cock.

He tried to sit up, but Amy held him down, using her silky shorts as both a blindfold and a restraint. She gently massaged his cock to make sure all was in order after two weeks under her lock and key. His cock seemed to be fine and was already fully extended. Ben was desperate to make love, but Amy’s silky shorts still pinned his face to the bed.

“Let’s do it!” he cried.

“You’ll come before I get anywhere near you sweetie.”

“No, I’m ready.”

“You just stay!”

He grabbed her hips and tried to lift her up, but she sat upright to channel her entire weight on to his face. Her butt was still winning when, only a few seconds later, he orgasmed. The feeling was like nothing else and he cried out in ecstasy, only for his loud cries to be muffled by Amy body that was sitting bolt upright on top of him.

“You see... I need to bring back on line slowly,” Amy said as she tickled his stomach with her nails, “my little cage has really fucked with both your cock and your mind and I need to rehabilitate you before you’re ready for a woman.”

Ben stopped struggling and lay beneath her in post coital exhaustion. He was still shaking from the huge rush of endorphins and was grateful to be held in place beneath her. The room was spinning and without her safe warm weight, he feared he would fall off the bed.

Gradually the high subsided and he was ready to go again.

“Now let’s do it!” he said, his lips fighting to move against her butt.

“Are you sure you’re ready to please me?”

“Fuck yeah!”

Amy sat still for another minute as he squirmed beneath her. His nose was making her bottom tingle and the sight of his large cock sticking proudly into the air was doing the same for the rest of her body. She climbed off him and slowly started to strip. Now completely naked she stepped excitedly on to the bed and cried out in delight as Ben pulled her down and lay on top of her.

“I love that no one else can have you,” she breathed.

“You have exclusive use,” Ben replied, his lips now more concerned with her erect nipples.

He moved further up her body and his cock pushed up between her legs. It was now Amy’s turn to shake as he slowly eased himself inside. Again he came before her, but remained inside to take her as far as he could.

“That cage has really taken my stamina,” he panted slightly disappointedly.

“That’s okay, you’ve all weekend to get it right.”

“It won’t take me long.”

“Good,” she replied with a teasing smile, “If you can’t please me with your cock, there’s really no point in unlocking you.”

Amy was now kissing his cock as blood rushed back in for number three. Take three was good and take four was even better and after take five even Amy’s insatiable sexual appetite was met. Her whole body was glowing as she kissed him on the lips and wriggled out from his embrace.

Ben was so relaxed that he felt as if he was melting into the bed. His eyes were closed, but he could still hear the unmistakable sound of steel clinking against steel as Amy collected up the various part of his cage.

“That time already?” he sat up and looked at the naked woman through half closed eyes.

“I’m done with you for now, so.... click!”

Ben lay back down to enjoy the thrill of being locked up and also the thrill of having Amy’s naked butt sit on his stomach as she put him back under lock and key. She had only let him out for just over an hour, but what an hour it was. He felt himself being squeezed back into the steel tube and the steel hook pushed through his piercing.

Ben wanted to see Amy turn the key and so tried to sit up. In response Amy’s bottom moved from his stomach to his chest from where the laws of physics ensured he remained on his back.

“Can’t I watch?”

“It none of your business sweetie.”

“It’s my cock!”

Ben realised his mistake as soon as he’d said it, but Amy had already decided on his punishment and had already planted her naked butt down on his face. She sat upright on top of him, her back arching up from her hips, her long hair hanging down over her shoulders.

“Whose cock is it?” she asked.

Ben’s lips were far too deeply buried between her butt cheeks to answer and so Amy remained seated. When she finally released him, Ben looked up with dazed, oxygen deprived eyes.

“I’m sorry, my mistake,” he panted with a smile.

“Apology accepted,” she giggled as she bounced off the bed and into the shower.

Ben lay on the bed listening to Amy sing, she actually wasn’t bad. He looked down at his cock that was now back behind bars. He glanced around the room to see if he could find the key. He still had no idea where she was keeping it, the key just seemed to appear and then disappear at her whim. He climbed to his feet and went to join her in the shower.

“That was wonderful,” he smiled as he lent forward to take all her water, “shall we do it again?”

“Too late,” she smiled, “the bitch has locked you up!”

Ben knew that this was an argument that he couldn’t win and so didn’t pursue it as they redressed and walked back out into the Paris afternoon. He still had no idea where Amy was hiding the key, even though her silky black patterned shorts that caressed Amy’s hips were only inches away.

Written by AndreaJordan
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