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The Instructress (Ch. 04)

"Control the head, control the body. Head scissors and face sitting."

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Donna smiled like a lovestruck teenager as Sam arrived for the next lesson. She hadn’t stopped thinking about their night together and beneath her kimono, she wore the same blue underwear that she had used to tease him at the hotel.

“Yesterday was fun,” Sam smiled, discretely kissing her cheek.

“I didn’t scare you off?”

“No… but I  still can’t escape your scent.”

“Good,” she whispered excitedly, “Now line up!”

The other two students were there again. They were giggling, and evidently hadn’t forgotten how the instructress had made a fool of Sam at the last lesson by tying his elbows together so that he couldn’t stand up. 

“Today some techniques for controlling an opponent’s head,” Donna announced.

She beckoned Sam forward, twisted his wrist to bring him to his knees. She then swung one leg over his shoulders and sat down on the back of his neck as if riding a horse.

“Control the head and you control the body,” Donna declared as she gracefully rolled down onto the mat with Sam’s head in tow. She rolled on to her back and then casually back on to her front with Sam’s body forced to follow her every twisting movement.

Sam was now stuck playing the part of the headless man kneeling in deference behind her and as usual, Donna’s hold was incredibly secure. He knew that the other two students were standing above him, he could see their bare feet on the mat, and he was feeling hopeful of his chances with his toned gym physique in his carefully chosen tight black tee shirt.

“Can I try to escape?” he panted

“Sure, honey.”

Sam could hear the women laugh as he propped himself up on his arms and pulled and twisted in the hope of escaping Donna’s thighs. Donna just smiled, and even retied her ponytail, as her hips swayed to counteract his efforts.

Donna was now playing to the crowd as she lay down on her front, pretending to sunbathe, and smiling through closed eyes, “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t wearing my kimono,” she joked.

“Oh wow,” the students mouthed in unison.

“And if he bores you…” Donna purred as she squeezed her thighs together, ensnaring Sam in potentially fatal folds of white cotton.

“No, please,” Sam croaked as he tapped desperately on the black belt tied loosely around Donna’s hips, “… can’t breathe.”

She let the desperate man squirm for a few more seconds before rolling him over, releasing her grip and striding gracefully onto her bare feet. Sam looked up from all fours to share a smile.

“Wow,” the slimmer of the other two students sighed.

“Anyone can do that with the right technique,” Donna replied, with a tug to retighten her belt, “Want to try while he’s still on the floor?”

Sam was still down on his knees, rolling back his shoulder blades as he recuperated from Donna’s squeeze. Donna looked down with a mischievous smile, waiting to see if he dared challenge her authority. When he didn’t react, Donna took her student’s hand and steadied the woman as she threw a leg around Sam’s neck, her pink gym shorts perched on Sam’s broad shoulders like a saddle.

“Get in tight there,” Donna instructed, “It’s your inner thigh muscles that will constrict the blood.”

The woman crossed her ankles and squeezed, her slim adductor muscles cutting in high up on Sam’s neck. The effect was almost immediate with Sam tapping on the woman’s bare pale thigh.

“Wow!” the woman exclaimed, “Can I try again?”

Her eager thighs squeezed him again, her narrow hip bones and small inner thigh muscles gripping hard around his throat.

“Now take him to the mat,” Donna instructed.

The woman leaned forward and gasped in surprise as Sam’s arms gave way and they both rolled down on to the mat with her pink shorts still tightly embracing his neck.

This time Donna was quick to react, crouching down and tapping the woman’s legs, “Okay, you’ve knocked him out.”
“Oh my god!”

The woman opened her legs a fraction but not enough for Sam’s head to pull free. She lay on the mat, her mouth open as the sleeping man continued to use her slim inner thigh as a pillow.

“So, there you have it,” Donna winked, “You can now escape… or tie him up before he wakes.”

“Oh, can I do that?”

“Not today,” Donna replied quickly, aware of the damage that she had already done to Sam’s male ego.

To make it worse, the pink shorts had surreptitiously tightened again around Sam’s neck, holding their prey in place as Sam regained consciousness. The student seemed to be getting a kick out of Sam’s attractive, but confused brown eyes staring up at her.
“One wrong move from you, Sam,” the woman giggled on her power high.

Sam looked up at the young woman in dismay. How the hell had her slender thighs and tiny pink shorts with the showy strapping up the side knocked him out so easily.

“Slim adductor muscles can just catch the blood flow,” Donna smiled sympathetically.

Sam climbed to his knees and when the student didn’t let go, he climbed to his feet, leaving the giggling woman hanging upside down from his neck.

“Put her down, Sam?” Donna sighed.

Sam wrapped one arm around her shoulders and one around her legs and caught the woman as she happily dropped down into his embrace.


Sam had worked late, and it was after midnight when he arrived at Donna’s small flat. The storm had soaked his clothes by the time Donna’s sleepy eyes opened the door and led him inside. Almost without a word, she slipped off her robe and slipped back into her warm bed.

“Let me warm you,” Donna mumbled, her blue eyes barely open beneath tangled blonde hair.

Sam stripped off his suit and eagerly climbed under the covers. He tried to kiss her, but Donna pulled her legs up towards her body and guided Sam’s head down beneath the duvet and between her strong inner thighs, “Nuzzle in,” she whispered, guiding his mouth against her underwear by feel alone. Another small adjustment and his nose made her quiver.

She loved the feel of Sam’s breath between her legs, so warm and rhythmic and his touch so comforting. His cold lips were almost kneading against the silky white fabric that pulled tightly around her hips; pretty flowers that were usually kept hidden from the world.

“You’re so cold,” she breathed, closing her thighs around his head. She smiled as the sound of Sam’s breathing changed. Slow deep breaths as he sucked air against her body; her underwear moulding around his features with every breath.

She held Sam’s head tightly between her legs and slowly thrust her hips against his face, “Control the head,” she mouthed to herself, remembering her lesson. With the head trapped, the fight was won. Restricting an opponent’s breath made it impossible for them to fight back. The victim would have to lie still, conserve what little air Donna allowed, and hope like hell for her mercy.

She crossed her ankles and bent knees to seal Sam’s fate. No one had ever escaped her from inside this position. How could anyone compete with her legs with no air and only ever seconds away from her mischievous thighs from putting them to sleep?

But this wasn’t a fight, it wasn’t even about the oral sex, this was Donna holding on to her man. He may well leave at some point, but for now, he couldn’t leave her bed.

For Sam, completely enveloped by Donna’s strong warm legs, the world seemed a long way away. Her thighs felt wonderful around his cold head, but the pressure, scent, and captivity they inflicted were driving him to the edge of orgasm. He wanted Donna to grab his cock, but even he couldn’t make sense of the words that his crushed lips mumbled into Donna’s underwear.

“Meditate, Sammy,” Donna called easing the pressure of her thighs against his ears for the briefest moment, “Focus on my movement as I’m going to take away all sound.”

Her thighs gripped more tightly, locking Sam in a dark and silent world. Her core muscles pulsing sending vibrations through her bottom and legs. Sam tried to caress her legs, but Donna’s strong legs quickly disciplined him. Little by little, her thrusting movements slowed as did Sam’s breathing. His seemingly headless body lying peacefully against her.

“Does that feel nice?” Donna mouthed, delighted by Sam’s slow breathing and occasional aroused moan.

Donna had previously taught meditation and she knew it could produce an almost hypnotic state that should not be abused. Okay, maybe just this once. She straightened her legs and flipped instantly into a figure of four hold. She pulled her underwear down and stretched it over Sam’s head so that he was effectively inside her inside out panties with the tight fabric just another barrier to escape. With everything still locked away under the privacy of the duvet, Donna thrust herself against Sam’s face and his ever-loving tongue.

It was an amazing orgasm after which Sam seemed to fall back into his meditation with his lips still on her vagina. Donna peeked under the covers to see Sam still caught up inside her panties and she was just too relaxed to free him.

She reached for the lubricant and then for Sam’s ever hard cock. His narrow waist was beautifully toned and his muscles twitching as she massaged his penis.

The bull-like bucking climaxed and then slowed, and Sam lay peacefully moaning into her body. Donna stretched down to unhook her taut used underwear from his head and pull it back on to her hips. She then opened her legs.

“Stay down there,” Donna whispered, unwilling to let Sam move too far from her clit.

She rolled onto her back and pulled her feet closer so that Sam’s head and body were in the ‘V’ shaped gap beneath her legs. His face pushed up against her bottom, and her legs snaked up over his head and chest with one arm caught in between.

“Relax,” she breathed, extending out her legs so that the full weight of her thighs pinned him to the sheets.

“Can you kiss me?” Donna snuggled closer, lovingly nuzzling up against him. She had always been wary of sexual intercourse and of men who tried to force it on her and keeping her partner’s lips between her legs felt both intimate and safe.

Sam was sexually and physically exhausted from his insatiable new woman. His arms wrapped lovingly around her body and his eyes started to close.

“Think of this as a low-security prison,” Donna breathed.

Sam’s eyes flicked open in surprise, gazing up through the small gap between Donna’s thigh and the sheet.

“Prison with privileges…”

Sam moaned with arousal as Donna’s fingers ensnared his cock.

“But try to escape and I’ll put you straight into Supermax,” Donna moaned as she stroked, “Reverse head scissors. Clamped shut for the night.”

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Sam climaxed again.

“Now go to sleep…”


Donna again looked sheepish the next morning. She had vague recollections of Sam’s arrival the night before which seemed to tally with the sleepy man still wrapped up in her thighs. Her panties had somehow managed to enmesh both her hips and Sam’s head and her arousal was infused throughout.

“How did you get in there?” she asked as Sam tried to disentangle his head from Donna’s underwear.

“You certainly warmed me up,” Sam blinked sleepily.

Donna beamed as if that fact justified Sam’s obscenely intimate overnight incarceration, “No, really, how did you get in there?”

Donna’s flowery white underwear was caught around Sam’s neck, with the elasticated material with the pink and purple daisies forcing him up between her round cheeks.

“Did you do this?” he smiled, pulling against her lingerie.

“Not intentionally,” Donna giggled, “I think we’ll have to cut you out!”

“And it the one time your thighs are open, and I could escape.”

“Yes, well you’d better get out soon before I change my mind...”

Donna eased her underwear down off her hips, allowing Sam to emerge from her crack and venture down her thighs. From there she could stretch her panties back over his head to release the gorgeous dazed guy from his incarceration.

Donna sprung to her feet, pirouetted, and stretched her arms to the sky, “I must remember that hold.”

“Is it an official hold?” Sam asked, downing the nearby glass of water in one gulp.

Donna was now adjusting her stretchy white panties that were looser than the night before, “It’s doesn’t feel the same without you in here,” she smiled bashfully, “You don’t want to go back in…?”

“Maybe after coffee?”


Saturday morning was still stormy as Donna and Sam ran back from the café. No sooner had Donna closed the front door, she unbuttoned and slipped out of her jeans and boots. She was now dressed only in a black long-sleeved top and black underwear as she led Sam into the small lounge.

A little overexcited, she undressed Sam and then pushed him backwards on to her couch, “Sorry, but I’ve always wanted to do this to you,” she hiccupped as she dropped down, sitting sideways on Sam’s face.

She ran her fingers along the join between her tanned thighs and the white sofa. She was just a regular girl sitting on the couch, Sam’s head was so deep in the couch cushions that he didn’t seem to exist, and she almost felt foolish talking in the empty room. She shuffled back slightly so that Sam’s nose gave a lovely tingling sensation between her cheeks and a sliver of air could filter down into his mouth.

Donna’s whole body was tingling, “Wow, the ultimate control,” she breathed with a slow and long exhale.

She straightened her black top and plucked a stray blonde hair from the bulge of her breasts, “Fuck, I feel so powerful,” she mouthed, “Fuck, you’re mine…” She bounced gently on the head that was trapped somewhere deep beneath her in the soft cream couch cushion.

“How does it feel?” she trembled.

Sam moaned incoherently. Donna may have taken control of his body, but not even he had control over his raging erection.

Donna opened her thighs and leaned forward to see the edge of Sam’s face showing slightly beneath her huge thighs. She closed her legs again, placed her hands neatly in her lap, and sat up straight. This was the respectable girl her parents always wanted, but hell she was sitting on a man’s face! They said she would scare men away, but Sam’s cock was huge, and he was moaning sweet nothings lovingly into her bottom. Mind you, there was little else he could do.

Donna sighed in satisfaction as she leaned back on her wonderful seat, “No head means no say in what movie we watch,” she teased.

“Movie?” Sam muffled, “How long you sitting here?”

“By bottom is in need of a long lazy day today… and it doesn’t want to move anywhere…”

“Can’t… get… out?” Sam was barely intelligible.

“My butt and gravity?” Donna breathed, “You’re fucked, darling.”

Sam blindly reached up to tickle Donna, but she had the advantage of height and sight and quickly dug her fingers into his taut ribs. His body bucked and his slim muscles tensed.

“Hey,” she giggled, “If I close my thighs, you really are finished!”

Sam’s attempts to get out from beneath her continued until she reached for and squeezed his cock. Instantly he stopped fighting and pushed his hips up into her hands. His body was gorgeously slow and gentle and his moans on climax were muffled, but still cute.

“Wow…” Sam was now laughing into her bottom as he tried to stand up.

“No, I’m seriously not getting up,” Donna panted, “I hope you don’t have a problem with that?”

“How long?”

“Most of the morning, I guess.”

A shiver of both excitement and fear ran through Sam’s body. Freeing his head from the soft couch while eighty kilograms of strong athletic female curves sat on his head was impossible and even trying to escape was met with a playful, but firm pinch of his nipples. Donna ignored his cries as she played with his balls before turning her fingers on his rock-hard penis

“Donna, I need some air,” Sam gasped as his sore cock climaxed again.

Donna responded by opening her thighs by an inch until his blinking left eye just showed at the apex of her crotch.

“Truce?” his lips fought to form the single word under the compress of butt.


Another wave of excitement mixed with claustrophobia mixed with arousal overwhelmed Sam and he cried out in confused excitement.

“Control the head,” Donna whispered to herself, a smile on her grinning lips.

“By sitting on it?”

“It works for me…”

“My cock,” Sam moaned, wishing like hell that his erection would subside.


As Donna watched the movie, her body relaxed, and her glutes softened and sunk down to mould even more snuggly around Sam’s face. It was lovely to feel his warm breath and occasional movement and his nose had happily come to rest in a very pleasant place between her cheeks. She had perspired a little and the moisture had helped Sam slide even deeper.

She reached her hands behind her and traced her fingers along her panty hem. She followed the contours of her round cheeks and followed the black fabric down between her buttocks until her fingers touched the side of his head.

She then started to play with herself, gently stroking her clit, until Sam had taken over. His touch was so much nicer, and she had rewarded him by spreading her legs wider and covering herself with lube.

Sam had enjoyed it too, the thrill of bringing Donna to orgasm while focusing on every small change in her body. The gentle movement, each moan and each tremble as her arousal built. It was comforting knowing that this was his life for the morning, the intransigent girl was not going to let him go free. He could take his time and learn and improve with feedback from her body.

His face compress trembled as she climaxed, the scent of her arousal was strong as her thighs quivered and closed completely. Sam was now trapped in total darkness with his life dependent on Donna giving him air.


“Mmm?” she purred, parting her thighs and looking down at Sam’s one visible eye.

“What’s it like out there in the real world,” Sam asked.

“I’ve only taken away your head,” Donna replied, playing with Sam’s cock through sleepy eyes and long lashes.

“And my mind…”

“Mmm, and your kisses are giving me goosebumps…”

“This is wrongful imprisonment.”

“Yes… but there’s nothing you can do about it...”

Donna’s damp pants, round cheeks, and unyielding smothering weight was playing with Sam’s mind. Again, she flicked his nipples and brought him back under her control as her fingers continued to enjoy the slim curves of his gym tones body. Finally, she tensed her legs, rolled forward, and stood up, her tacky buttocks peeling away from Sam’s face.

“No!” Sam exclaimed, blinking with dazed eyes and reaching up to pull Donna back by the hand.

“Something missing in your life?” she smiled cheekily.


Donna grinned as she dropped straight back down, her damp underwear back on his face. She leisurely adjusted herself until Sam was as deep into her body as possible, “Is that better?”

“I can’t believe I gave up my chance of freedom.”

“Neither can I… and you really shouldn’t encourage me…”

“What if I asked you nicely?” Sam moaned, hugging Donna’s legs down onto him and thrusting up with his bouncing cock.

“There’s no fucking way I’m moving,” Donna giggled, “You just signed your life away!”


Donna and Sam spent the next hour intimately enjoying each other’s bodies. Sam’s lips had found her butt hole and the anal sensation was incredible. Sam was now completely hidden somewhere beneath her trembling hips and quite how he was still breathing down there was a mystery.

Donna’s last orgasm had been even better as her trust in this gorgeous man grew. By controlling his head, she had full control over his body and his cock, and she was increasingly desperate to consummate their relationship.

“I know I’ve institutionalized you and you can’t live without me on your face,” Donna started.

“I know,” Sam mumbled.

“That’s okay, I plan for you to spend most of your life down there... but, umm, can we make love?" she asked nervously.

Donna was still nervous about intercourse. She clenched her fists and sat upright with her closed thighs ensuring that Sam remained in total sensory deprivation as she built up her courage.

She jumped up suddenly, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she pulled her crumpled lingerie from between her legs. Sam seemed surprisingly composed as he scooped back her long blonde hair and let it flow down her back.

“It’s okay,” he whispered.

He peeled off her black top and bra and let her acclimatize to his touch against her breasts. He then eased Donna back against the wall and gently pushed himself inside. He stopped as she cried out and then continued gently as she pulled him closer. He now knew the rhythms of her body and went as tenderly as he had with his tongue. Donna moaned in delight as she climaxed and then hugged Sam as he came.

“Was that nice?” Sam breathed.

Donna giggled nervously, secretly delighted to have enjoyed penetration, “Wow, we did it,” she mouthed, too shy to make eye contact.

“That was amazing.”

He knew what the embarrassed girl wanted, and he unwrapped his arms from her waist and pulled her hand as he lay back down on the sofa.

“You’re crazy,” she exclaimed.

“And you’re naked,” Sam replied as her naked round bottom sunk down onto his face.

“We’re sweaty,” she trembled, sliding around on his face until Sam’s features seemed to interlock between her cheeks.

“Let me know when you want to make love again…” Sam mumbled.

“Oh, I will,” Donna grinned, pulling a blanket around her naked body.


Written by AndreaJordan
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