Chloe woke slowly, taking a moment to gather her surroundings. She lay on a bed, resting her head between Miss Freya's legs. The last thing she remembered was drifting off, resting on Miss Freya's chest. Miss Freya must have requested that Chloe be moved to her own room.
Chloe tried moving her arms and felt the cuffs around her wrists were secured to the top corners of Miss Freya's large, four-poster bed. Miss Freya's legs rested on top of Chloe's arms, and Chloe discovered that her legs were secured to the corners at the foot of the bed. Both the cuffs on her ankles and wrists had been tied to the corners with rope pulled tautly, giving her no slack to allow any movement. Unless Chloe held her head up, she had no choice but to rest on Miss Freya's pussy.
To Chloe's surprise, she felt rested, though she was experiencing a minor hangover from the drinks she had the night before. The memory of how delicate she had felt after being denied over and over last night made her shiver though remembering how Miss Freya soothed her after gave her comfort. Even now, there was a dull, throbbing ache between Sophie's legs. A desperation to receive stimulation in some way.
Miss Freya started to stir from her slumber, and Chloe gently traced her tongue through Miss Freya's slit. She wasn't entirely sure why she had done it, but Chloe suspected it had something to do with her desperation to be touched. She made slow, deliberate movements, tracing her tongue up the opening and lightly flicking Miss Freya's clit.
Miss Freya moaned as she gradually woke as Chloe delved her tongue deeper inside before returning her attention to Miss Freya's clit. Inspired to do more by Miss Freya's reaction, Chloe looked up from where her head rested on Miss Freya and saw her smile. She felt Miss Freya's hand rest on her head, holding her in place as Chloe worked her tongue. Every twitch of pleasure, every gasp, Chloe felt up close, and it encouraged her. The moans became more frequent as she got close, and Miss Freya's legs began to shake as she sucked and licked her clit. Miss Freya gripped hold a fistful of Chloe's hair and cursed as her back arched. It was the first time Chloe had made another woman orgasm, and she felt pride in a job well done.
"Good loser bitch."
Miss Freya patted Chloe on the head in a somewhat condescending manner; however, Chloe still took it as the compliment it was intended to be.
"You did well on your first day Chloe. It may not seem it with the way you're being treated, but all of us in the club, myself included, highly respect you for going through with this and sticking to the rules as you have so far."
Chloe nodded. It had nearly been twenty-four hours since she'd spoken last. That was probably a first for her. On Miss Freya's request, Chloe opened the windows and drew the curtains to allow the light in. It looked like it would be another beautiful day, and Chloe was surprised to realise it was barely six in the morning. After the events of the night before, she thought she'd be asleep until at least midday.
"Follow me, Chloe. It's time to get ready for breakfast before the others wake."
Miss Freya led Chloe down the stairs and through the kitchen, which was already bustling with activity. A selection of Miss Freya's house slaves was preparing breakfast wearing only a see-through apron and a tall pair of high heels. Each of them had nipple clamps attached and duct tape over their mouths with a comical set of luscious lips crudely drawn on with a red or pink marker pen.
"I have a head slave who prepares the rest of my slaves when I am not there."
Miss Freya explained as if reading Chloe's mind. She left the kitchen through another set of doors to the breakfast area. There were small round tables situated around the room with the breakfast bar at the entry. This room seemed much less formal than the dining area, and the floor-to-ceiling windows that opened up to allow access to the garden let light flood inside the room.
Miss Freya told Chloe to climb onto the table, and she guided her legs so that she was kneeling with her knees spread apart. Using a length of rope, Miss Freya bound Chloe's ankles to her thighs. There was a plastic bag on the table that Miss Freya reached inside that must have been prepared for her by her head slave. She retrieved a handful of clothespegs and placed a few on Chloe's pussy lips.
Chloe winced in pain; she wasn't used to being on the receiving end of pain and never considered herself a masochist. Still, she didn't want to look like a pathetic crybaby, which is exactly the words she would use when taunting one of her submissives during a pain session. Miss Freya then used duct tape to stick the clothespegs to the inside of her thigh, stretching her vulva and exposing herself completely.
The sound of movement upstairs meant that the guests were waking up, and Miss Freya hurried as she pegged on little cards with the guests' names and their placements for the tables. Finishing off, Miss Freya replaced the ring gag in Chloe's mouth and retrieved a tube of extra-strength numbing cream from the bag. Using surgical gloves, she applied the cream onto Chloe's clit and the surrounding area.
"The cream needs a minute to activate. Once that minute has passed, you will start playing with yourself. You will not stop playing with yourself until I say so, and you are not allowed to bring yourself to climax. I have eyes watching you at all times. Understood?"
Chloe nodded her head. Once the minute had elapsed, Chloe sucked on her fingers to make them wet before rubbing her clit with her fingers. The numbing cream was incredibly effective; Chloe could barely feel the sensation from the stroking. All she felt was just the faintest tingle.
"Oh look, we have a slut display."
Chloe recognised that voice. She looked up and saw Miss Lizzy and a couple of other guests laughing at her as they approached. Defiantly, Chloe stared down Miss Lizzy, ensuring she didn't once go against what Miss Freya told her to do.
"Doesn't she look thirsty?"
Miss Freya took the opportunity to spit in Chloe's mouth again, and the two women with her followed her lead. Chloe couldn't help but notice that Miss Freya seemed to have it out for her. No one else had been quite as bad towards her. Chloe thought it would get easier to deal with being spat on after it happened many times the day before; it still felt just as humiliating and disgusting.
Three pairs of hands groped her body as they found the cards with their names on them. The two women with Miss Lizzy found their cards first, and they unpegged them. Miss Lizzy found her card seconds after, but she took it a step further and tugged on the clothespeg until it slipped off Chloe's skin painfully. As Chloe cried out, Miss Lizzy replaced the clothespins without the cards back on Chloe's body: two on the inside of her thighs, and one on her lower lip. Miss Lizzy leaned in so that she was barely an inch away from Chloe's face and, she pulled on the nipple clamps at the same time.
"Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with you this week, loser bitch."
Miss Lizzy spat in open mouth and then walked away to her table. During the whole encounter, Chloe had somehow continued massaging her clit as she was instructed to do. The sensation, still barely more than a tingle, thanks to the numbing cream, somehow ached for more.
The guests approached her and left with their cards, though thankfully most of them weren't as unforgiving as Miss Lizzy. Some took the opportunity to grope her and play with the clamps. One or two even started finger fucking her mouth and wiping Chloe's drool over her face. Through all this, Chloe continued touching herself, though at this point, it was more out of desperation to try and bring herself to climax. The ache was more than frustrating, and Chloe was trying everything to feel more.
The guests who saw what she was doing laughed, and Miss Lizzy took the opportunity to throw some baked beans with her spoon in Chloe's direction. Some of them hit Chloe, she could feel them cling to her hair at the side of the face. The other guests took Miss Lizzy's lead and started throwing food at Chloe as she sobbed and continued touching herself.
After what seemed like an eternity, the numbing cream started to wear off. As the feeling returned, Chloe returned to calmly massaging her clit, careful not to push herself over the edge. They had treated her meanly enough already, she couldn't imagine what they would do should she break one of the rules.
After the guests had eaten, Miss Freya released Chloe helping her off the table, and steadied her as she found her balance. She gave Chloe a dog bowl and instructed her to go around the room and ask the guests for scraps. Again, Chloe convinced herself that this would all be worthwhile when it was done. This week so far had been the most challenging week that Chloe had ever experienced, and she still had four and a half days after today to get through. She was determined to not let the other dominatrixes break her, even though that was what they were so skilled in doing. It was their livelihood to read people, to find out what turns them on, humiliates them, and bend them to their own will. This group consisted of some of the top dominatrixes in this country, they were very good at what they did.
Finding the courage deep down, Chloe approached the table nearest to her. Asking politely for food proved difficult with the ring gag, and she sounded demented. Of course, the dominatrix on the table took the opportunity to taunt her and ask her to repeat herself. Once Chloe had asked again, she did tip in some scrambled egg and a tiny bit of bacon into the bowl.
Chloe collected scraps of food from the guests before approaching the table she dreaded the most. Waiting for her arrival with a grin from ear to ear was Miss Lizzy.
"Of course, I can spare some food."
Her tone was mocking and Chloe watched as Miss Lizzy picked up a leftover bit of sausage with her fork, place it in her mouth and chew it a little before spitting it out in the bowl Chloe was holding. Miss Lizzy repeated the same act with leftover bacon and toast before finally spitting in the bowl. The person to her left, I couldn't remember her name, poured in the remainder of her yogurt with fruit and a little orange juice, mixing the food in the bowl until it was an unappetizing mess.
Chloe was directed then to an open space in the middle of the room. She placed the bowl on the floor and was instructed to go on all fours to eat it. The food was cold and didn't mix well. Trying not to gag, Chloe closed her eyes and swallowed the food without focusing too much on the taste.
"That doesn't look like you've finished it all you ungrateful loser. There's still bits on the edge."
Miss Lizzy laughed as Chloe licked the inside of the bowl clean, still forbidden from using her hands. She could feel the food drying around her lips, and some of it had got stuck in the tips of her hair. More food had hit her than she had thought when she was bound on the table touching herself. She was covered.
The other slaves were then allowed access to the room to collect the dirty dishes. Miss Freya approached Chloe and attached a bin liner to the clamps on her nipples. She was instructed to crawl on the floor and collect all the pieces of food that had missed her when it was thrown, or any that had been dropped by the guests.
The guests then had social time to update their social media and reply to any communications they'd received from current and prospective clients. Chloe was ignored as she crawled around picking up the food on the floor. She felt disgusting, and to top that off, the numbing cream had completely worn off and her clit was throbbing desperately to be touched. It didn't help that when she crawled under the tables to collect fallen food, the guests would reach down and touch her, teasing her sensitive clit.
The more food Chloe collected in the bin liner, the heavier it became as she crawled around the room. Her nipples ached from the tugging from the weight of the bag and she was relieved when she was finished.
"Good job, loser."
Miss Freya approached Chloe and removed the clamps and the ring gag. Miss Freya's house slaves slide opened the windows to the garden. This area was hidden around the side of the mansion and there was plenty more land around the property. Chloe was told to stand outside whilst Miss Freya turned on the hose attached to the wall and hosed Chloe's body clean. The pressure from the cold water stung her body and Chloe tried protecting her face from the blast. The water was turned off and Miss Freya used a body brush to scrub her body. The rough bristles on the brush caused Chloe to wince in pain as she was roughly cleaned. The hose was turned on once more to rinse her skin, which was now red raw, and then she was left outside to dry and given her phone so she could update her socials and reply to any communications.
Chloe stared at her phone without doing anything for a moment. This was the first opportunity she had been given to relax since she'd arrived here. It was approaching midday and it was warm outside already. Chloe was thankful for that as her skin dried quickly. It could be worse she thought, it could be cold and raining.
Five minutes of controlled breathing exercises helped Chloe relax and recover. She went through her emails finding a few booking requests for the following week to which she replied and updated her calender with the details. There was another email containing an edited picture that was taken and worked on by a photographer friend. It was taken at her studio apartment where she saw her clients. One day she hoped to have a seperate place where she could see her regular clients and offer more to them. Real estate in the city was expensive, so, for now, it was just a dream.
After half an hour spent relaxing in the sun, Chloe felt refreshed and ready for whatever the dominatrixes wanted to throw at her next. She had been invited back inside by Miss Freya. and all the dominatrixes were preparing to shopping and then on to lunch. Chloe was to be given reprieve and was instructed to perform a few chores. Miss Freya led her to the large playroom in the mansion.
Inside the playroom, Chloe was surprised to find a couple of Miss Freya's slaves in bondage and on display. Her job to clean the BDSM furniture, the slaves, and the toys. Although Miss Freya wouldn't be at the property, she warned that one of her head slaves will be watching to ensure Chloe didn't break the rules she had been given.
Five minutes after being left alone, Chloe was bored of cleaning. This was the kind of job she considered beneath her, except this week, apparently, it wasn't. She left the cleaning for a closer look at the couple of slaves in the room.
The male slave stood encased in a rubber suit that prevented him from moving. The only parts of the rubber suit that had openings were the groin, the behind, and the chest. Even his head was covered with a rubber hood, a ball gag filling his mouth, and a thicker part covering his eyes to ensure he couldn't see. A metal device clamped onto each of his nipples and a threaded rod that could be screwed clockwise or anti-clockwise to stretch his nipples further or release them. His arms were locked in an armbinder, and his butt was plugged with an inflatable butt plug that appeared to vibrate. Sticking out from the suit was the man's impressively large penis. This must have been Miss Freya's bull. He must have been given viagra shortly before being placed in bondage as his erection showed no signs of going away.
Facing the man, close enough that they were nearly touching, was the female slave. There were four posts on the floor of equal height in a row, and the female slave had been positioned as if she was doing the splits resting on these posts. She was plugged with an identical inflatable plug, and her nipples were clamped. This slave was only muzzled, so she could still see, unlike the male slave.
Chloe started with the male slave, wiping down and shining the rubber suit with a cloth. She made sure that she knocked the clamps on his stretched nipples, and delighted in his pain. After being on the receiving end of torment for the past twenty-four hours, Chloe couldn't resist the chance to play with these slaves. In her mind, she wasn't breaking any rules. She wasn't touching herself, and she wasn't speaking. Miss Freya hadn't said anything about touching others.
The slave's cock twitched as Chloe stroked it at an agonisingly slow pace. The female slave watched with hungry eyes, imagining that cock inside her. Chloe wondered just how long they had been kept frustrated like this.
Turning away from the male slave for a moment. Chloe started cleaning the underbust corset that the female slave was wearing. Within seconds, Chloe had turned her attention to the slave's nippes. She was as responsive as the male slave; Chloe could smell her arousal instantly.
Worried she would get in trouble, Chloe continued to clean the room before she returned to the slaves. As long as she did what she had been told, she was sure that they wouldn't punish her further. Miss Freya hadn't forbidden her from touching the slaves, and the temptation was too much to resist. After cleaning for a minute or two, Chloe returned to the slaves, tormenting them and keeping them on edge before getting back to the cleaning. She took extra care to ensure that neither of the slaves were pushed far enough to orgasm. They must have earned their punishment, and Chloe didn't want to do anything but tease them as to not upset Miss Freya too much.
The poor female slave dealt with the teasing worse than the male slave. Her body was shaking, and she was dripping wet. Chloe thought this must have been the first time she had been touched like this in quite a few days, and her body was desperate for more.
The sound of many voices laughing and talking alerted Chloe that Miss Freya and her guests had returned. She hurriedly wiped the slaves clean before heading towards the toy cabinet to continue cleaning the collection of butt plugs.
"Good work loser. I'll let your actions slide this time and not tell the group, but it will cost you later. Don't push your luck again."
Chloe wasn't even aware that Miss Freya had returned to the room. She looked at her sheepishly, knowing she had been caught having fun with the two slaves earlier. For Chloe, it had been worth it. Just the brief chance of letting her sadism out sated her a little.
"Now come with me, we've got to get ready for this evening."
Chloe followed Miss Freya to a large dressing room where all the other dominatrixes were waiting for her. Miss Freya announced that everyone in the club was going to dinner at a fancy restaurant. After that, they were hitting the bars and clubs. One of the clubs hosted a fetish event downstairs later on so they would be finishing their night there.
One of the dominatrixes was holding a bowl of folded pieces of paper. Each piece of paper had written on it a style or look. From vintage, to futuristic. Preppy to geeky. Everyone here had suggested their ideas and had placed their approved suggestions into the bowl. Miss Freya announced that three pieces of paper were to be picked, and my outfits for the evening will be a mix of the selected three styles. Using the extensive selection within this dressing room, the dominatrixes would design three outfits within the theme suitable for the dinner, the club, and then the fetish event.
"Miss Lizzy. You can pick first."
Miss Lizzy giggled in excited anticipation as she reached inside the bowl theatrically, and picked out a piece of paper. Slowly, she unfolded the piece of paper and announced that the first style was a bimbo style. Chloe watched on as the other two styles were picked by two others. The first of the two remaining styles was a kitty style, and the last was a gothic style.
Sitting patiently in the middle of the room, Chloe wondered how the dominatrixes would achieve a mix of the three styles. A part of her dreaded that she would end up at this classy restaurant looking like a clown. She could hear the excited noise from the dominatrixes as they browsed Miss Freya's extensive collection of dresses, outfits, and roleplay pieces. One of them, a dominatrix named Kelly who was only a couple of years older than Chloe, was appointed for make-up duty. She had history of studying health and beauty, and even working in the industry until she found the BDSM lifestyle much more lucrative.
"You look beautiful by the way Chloe. When I have finished, I'll ensure you're even more beautiful."
Chloe couldn't help but smile at Kelly's words. It had been rare to hear kind words these last couple of days. The impressive dressing table looked like an antique, and Chloe's eyes opened in amazement at the collection of make-up Miss Freya possessed. Kelly started talking about her past working with make-up and Chloe closed her eyes as Kelly wiped her face clean.
Kelly's voice was soothing to Chloe and it distracted her from the noise of the others as they made their choice for her outfit.
"Keep your eyes closed until I'm finished sweety. I want the finished result to be a surprise."
Chloe found the attention to be somewhat therapeutic. She relaxed, controlled her breathing as Kelly went to town working on her hair and face.
The process took hours, and Chloe had to resist the urge to open her eyes and take a peek. The time passed quickly though. Kelly could talk for days, and since Chloe wasn't allowed to speak, Kelly did enough talking for the two of them and then some.
"Okay, you can look now."
Kelly's smiling face was the first thing Chloe saw in the mirror before she realised the foreign reflection next to her was in fact her own. Hair extension had been fitted and the whole lot was dyed a jet black with dusky pink highlights. Her hair had been straightened and waved. Chloe had to admit it looked incredible, she'd never had her hair this dark before.
Looking at her face, Chloe noticed that Kelly used a very light foundation making her look incredibly pale. The same colour theme used on her hair had been replicated on her face. Her eyebrows had been dyed the same dusky pink as the highlights in her hair. Mascara had been used to make her eyelashes appear longer, and the eye shadow was a mix of black and dusky pink. Her lips had been painted the same dusk pink but had a distinctive black outline. Lastly, two small symbols had been drawn on her face on both cheeks just under her eyes in black. Kelly told her they were an 'ankh' and a 'celtic knot'.
Chloe's appearance was a shock to her. She'd never been this adventurous with her make-up; maybe it was time she should use it more. Whether she was used to it or not, the look demanded attention. Chloe thought it was pretty badass.
A few minutes later, the first outfit had been chosen. They had found an evening dress that they helped Chloe step into. The hem of the dress reached down to her knees; Chloe was thankful for this as she hadn't been allowed to wear panties. The black dress was held up by a strap that tied behind her neck, which was hidden by a slimline, leather choker with a heart buckle to connect it at the front. It would have made for an elegant evening dress except for the fishnet sleeves and middle part that showed off her midriff.

A few limousines were waiting outside the mansion to transport all the guests to the restaurant. Chloe followed Miss Freya into the first limo with Miss Lizzy and a few others. One of Miss Freya's slaves would follow and wait with my other outfits. Inside the limousine, a bottle of expensive champagne was opened. Everyone in the limousine, including Chloe was poured a glass. Before Chloe could drink it, Miss Lizzy reached for the champagne flute. She swirled the champagne around in her mouth, even gargled it before spitting it back into the flute and handing it back to Chloe to drink. Chloe grimaced as she drank the champagne; making a mental note to get payback on Miss Lizzy should she ever lose the bet in a future year.
"There's one more addition to your outfit."
Miss Freya announced whilst opening a box from inside a bag. The box contained what looked like a harness for a strap-on dildo. There was a small dildo on the front part of the harness pointing inside, and a butt plug on the other side also pointing inside. Before the limousine set off, Chloe knelt and held her skirt up as the plug and the dildo was lubricated and placed inside her. The harness was then tightened and belted up so that the two insertables remained inside her without the need to wear panties.
"Both the insertable devices are paired to an app which all of us can access on our phones. I'll show you now a quick preview of what can be done."
As Miss Freya touched her phone, the vibrator touching her clit came to life. It started slow, but as Miss Freya adjusted the settings on the app, she altered the strength and the speed of the vibrations. The pattern of vibrations could also be adjusted from pulsing, a gradual build-up and stop, and much more.
"Oh, there's one more feature."
Miss Freya grinned in a sadistic manner as she touched the phone screen again and Chloe suddenly cried out in pain as she felt a sharp electric shock between her legs.
As the limousine pulled up outside the restaurant, Chloe was breathless from the torment she had received on the journey. To her dismay, the plug shared all the same features as the vibrator up front. When the two were used in conjunction with each other; the sensations overwhelmed Chloe. This was even worse when the shock function was used on them both.
The host at the restaurant greeted Miss Freya and led her to a private function room at the back of the restaurant.
Chloe walked with the group of dominatrixes past the other diners, and someone decided to play with the settings on the app. The vibrations on the plug and the vibrator were going at full strength; she could feel her legs beginning to wobble. She felt like everyone inside was staring at her already due to the outfit she was wearing, now she was trying everything to keep it together and ignore the intense, growing pleasure inside her.
Chloe and the others took a seat on the long table. Their food had already been pre-ordered ahead of their arrival and Chloe looked on salivating as the meals were brought to the table. The quality of the food looked amazing, and they smelled just as good as Chloe eyed the plates around her. Wagu Steak, lobster, rack of lamb. She waited with anticipation for her own meal to arrive.
As Chloe's meal was placed in front of her on the table, her heart sank. Salad. A basic summer salad with a small bread roll. Out of all the sadistic things they had done so far, this had to be one of the worse of them, Chloe thought to herself. It was soon made worse as Miss Lizzy reached over and took the butter for Chloe's bread and used it on her own roast potatoes.
Pouting, Chloe picked at the salad with a fork, envious of the people around her and the tasty meals they had in front of them. This week was certainly making her grateful for some of the things she had taken for granted, that was for sure. Things were made worse for Chloe when she watched bowls of tasty-looking desserts arrive at the table for everyone but herself.
Chloe tried not to feel sorry for herself, but she wasn't used to being treated this way. Things usually always went her way, and people would normally bend over backwards to please her. She'd always been the life of the party, but rules stated that for this week, she wasn't allowed to speak. All she could do was listen as the other guests socialised and enjoyed mocking her predicament.
"Before we leave, you have two and a half minutes to get under the table and kiss every boot or shoe. You will receive a shock for everyone that you miss."
Chloe froze for a second, wondering if Miss Freya was joking, but of course, she wasn't. Thankfully the tablecloth covered the view underneath the table. Chloe started with the person to her left, kissing each of the shiny shoes or boots as quickly as she could. Just after starting, she heard a few waitresses come to the table, and she panicked, debating whether to wait in case she was caught and received the shocks or hurry and kiss as many more as she could. In the end, she went with the latter and quietly hurried around, kissing the shoes of as many as she could.
"Times up."
Chloe heard Miss Freya's voice from where she was on all fours underneath the table. There was no time to prepare; she counted at least three pairs of shoes that she hadn't kissed before she felt the first shock from both devices inside of her. The shocks before must have been on a lower setting because this shock almost made Chloe lose her balance.
Taking a deep breath, Chloe tried to recover from that first electric shock. She heard voices above the table talking about paying the bill, and she realised a waitress had returned. Someone didn't care about the audience and pressed the shock button again. Chloe clenched her fists and gritted her teeth to stop herself from shouting out. Almost immediately, someone pressed the button again, and Chloe started shaking and mumbling to herself to stop an outburst. Three more shocks came in quick succession, and Chloe collapsed to the floor, sobbing.
Kelly reached down and helped Chloe back up to her feet and to her chair. Thankfully, the waitress had gone, and Chloe nodded her appreciation towards Kelly. She was still shaking after that onslaught, but in a way, she was glad that the six shocks happened quickly rather than her having to build herself up for each one. Chloe followed Kelly and a couple of others to the bathroom and took the opportunity to tidy herself up. She went to use one of the cubicles just as Miss Lizzy walked in. If she wanted any privacy while she peed, she wasn't going to get any. Miss Lizzy held the door open, and she, Kelly, and two others laughed as they watched Chloe blush as she peed in front of an audience.
Chloe managed to regain her composure as they left the restaurant. Thankfully, those with access to the app to control the plug and the vibrator inside her seemed to have forgotten about her briefly. Either that, or they were giving her some time off.
Miss Freya guided Chloe to a van that was waiting by the limousines whilst everyone else waited inside the car. One of Miss Freya's slaves was waiting inside, and he opened the back door of the van and helped Miss Freya and Chloe into the back of the van. Once he had closed the door, a light came on. Miss Freya told Chloe to get out of her clothes as she prepared her next outfit for the evening. It appeared as the evening progressed, more of her flesh was going to be on display. The dress was replaced with a short-sleeved, black crop top that barely covered the bottom of her breasts and had a heart-shaped hole to show off her cleavage outlined in pink. The sleeves had a fluffy black finish to them, and she was given a pair of fishnet gloves and a black studded bracelet on each arm to wear. To continue the theme, she was given a black mini-skirt and fishnet tights to wear. The last pieces of her new outfit were a black choker with a heart buckle and a pair of high-heeled boots.
Back in the limousine, Miss Lizzy wolf-whistled at Chloe and started playing with the app again. Chloe made a note to be careful when bending over in this mini-skirt. The harness holding her plug and vibrator was going to be visible if she wasn't too careful.
Destiny was the venue the limousines dropped Miss Freya and her guests off. It was brand new, and it opened in the early evening as a lively bar, sometimes with a live music act. Come the later hours, three of the walls slid away to the side to transform the venue into a large club with a modern LED dance floor, a DJ booth, private seated areas, and two more bars.
"We've got the entire VIP section. Follow me, girls."
Miss Freya announced to the cheers of the others, and we climbed the spiral staircase to the balcony overlooking the dance floor. The VIP section had its own private bar, a member of staff to bring drinks to the table, and luxury, comfortable sofas.
Chloe knelt beside where Miss Freya sat on the sofa. The spirit was joyous as round after round of drinks were ordered. The young lady who delivered the drinks eyed Chloe as she knelt with a smirk; clearly, she had seen worse in this place. Considering there was a fetish event that ran alongside this in the later hours downstairs, she definitely had seen worse.
As the dominatrixes socialised, Chloe relaxed and enjoyed the drinks as she listened in to their conversations. The vibrator and the plug had been left on one of the lower settings. Chloe found this frustrating, but it was bearable. Miss Lizzy led her downstairs with a few others, where they danced to the music. For once, Miss Lizzy seemed to not want to pick on her. She just seemed to want to dance, and she was a little handsy, not that Chloe was complaining. The low vibrations were making her crave to be touched.
Just after eleven, the fetish venue downstairs opened. Normally you would have to be a member to gain access, but Miss Freya had been invited as a special guest. Anyone who came with her was welcome to enter.
The stairs led down to a reception area where Miss Freya logged everyone in on the guestbook. A few of the slaves were already waiting for our group with a change of outfits, and the same guy with the van was waiting for Chloe with her third outfit of the evening.
Miss Lizzy led Chloe to the changing room area after she had got changed herself. She was wearing a stunning latex dress with a low-cut top and a high hem. The boots she wore added a few inches to her height, and she looked even more intimidating to Chloe than she usually did.
"Undress and remove the plug and vibrator harness."
Chloe complied as quickly as she could as Miss Lizzy watched her with a hungry gaze. She was soaking wet between her legs, and her ass felt a little empty after the plug was removed. Thankfully for Chloe, that wouldn't be for too long. The first piece of the last outfit was fishnet tights. Carefully, she rolled them on, ensuring she didn't damage the delicate tights as she put them on. Miss Lizzy pulled them down at the back slightly and lubed up another butt plug. This one was bigger than the previous one she'd been wearing, and it also came with a fluffy, black tail with pink highlights attached to it.
Chloe leaned against the wall and bent over slightly as Miss Lizzy placed the plug inside her. She felt her tight hole resist the wider plug at first. It stretched to its limit painfully before the widest part of the plug went past her sphincter, and the plug slid in with a satisfying plop. Chloe could feel the difference from the larger size with every movement she made. She waited as Miss Lizzy threaded the fluffy tail through a hole she had ripped in the back of the fishnet tights.
Over the fishnet tights, Chloe placed leather panties with zipped access and a matching bra. The final pieces to the outfit were a new choker with a ring at the front to which a leash was attached and a latex hood with holes for her nostrils, eyes and mouth. There was one more hole in the back of the head for her hair to be formed into a ponytail and thread through.
"Oh, I almost forgot."
Miss Lizzy reached into the bag that Miss Freya's slave was holding and retrieved a headband with fluffy kitty ears with the same design as the tail. There were also a pair of fluffy cuffs which were placed on her wrists and secured behind her back.
Miss Lizzy led Chloe out of the dressing room to the main area by the leash attached to her collar. It was hard to keep her balance in the high-heeled boots with her arms behind her back, but she somehow managed it, even with Miss Lizzy roughly tugging on the leash.
"Awww, she makes such an adorable kitten!"
Kelly exclaimed when Miss Lizzy led Chloe to a seated area in the basement of the club. It was much more dimly lit down here. Chloe had never visited a fetish club before, though she had been invited as a guest dominatrix. It was something she was waiting to do when she had a little more experience behind her.
This venue had an area with plenty of BDSM furniture for their patrons to use, a bar and seated area nearby, a hot tub, a stage for shows near the bar so those seated could watch, and private rooms and chill-out areas.
"She makes quite the sexy kitty. Maybe we should show her off."
Miss Freya smiled, and she fitted a fluffy blindfold over Chloe's eyes, completely obscuring her vision. Chloe felt her body shiver as she felt a pair of hands remove her bra and panties, leaving her in just the heels, fishnet tights and top, and the cuffs.
Miss Freya tugged on Chloe's leash to get her to follow her as she walked. Chloe found it disorientating to walk with the blindfold, but Kelly and Miss Lizzy helped settle her from her side when she stumbled. Chloe followed where the leash guided her, relying on those around her to keep her upright.
After a few seconds of walking, she could hear Miss Freya and Miss Lizzy talking with what sounded like a young couple. Without skipping a beat, Miss Freya invited the couple to touch Chloe. Her body froze, anticipating the touch from someone she couldn't even see. Two different hands touched her breasts through the fishnets, one small and soft, the other larger and rougher. The contrast for Chloe couldn't have been more different, the gentle touch of a masseuse against the calloused hands of a manual worker.
"Don't be so shy. You can touch her more than that; she likes it."
Chloe wasn't so sure about that. Her mind was still trying to process being on display in a club that had been full of at least a couple of hundred people before the blindfold was put on her. The hands touched her again, this time more enthusiastic in the manner they explored her body. The soft hand reached under her fishnets and traced a finger over her clit.
"My god, she's so wet. She tastes delicious."
The woman who spoke had a somewhat musical quality to her tone, and Chloe blushed under the hood. She wasn't wrong; Chloe knew that she was soaking wet. That probably had something to do with being teased the night before and having to masturbate with numbing cream for close to an hour earlier this morning. Chloe had a healthy sexual appetite and would normally try to orgasm at least once a day, either by her own hand or the tongue of a client. She was certainly not used to being brought to the brink of climax and not following through with it.
"Here, let me help."
Chloe recognised Miss Lizzy's voice as she felt her fishnet top ripped in two places to allow her breasts through. Another two holes were torn in the front and back of her fishnet tights to allow for easier access to her holes. The couple didn't need any more encouragement. Chloe felt wettened lips enclose her nipples, followed by a tongue flicking against them. The soft fingers explored further inside her now that they could access her hole easier. They slid in and out, stroking against her clit and sliding inside and out of her with ease.
"Let Chloe taste herself."
The woman followed Miss Freya's suggestion immediately. Chloe's mouth opened when the woman's fingers pressed against her lips. The woman was right, of course; she did taste fantastic. It wasn't the first time she'd heard someone say that.
"Right, time to move on."
Chloe felt the leash tug on her collar, and she reluctantly walked away from the young couple. She could hear people crowd around her. Hand after hand explored her body, some soft, some rough, but her body was theirs to explore. Anytime she felt herself getting close to climax, Miss Freya and Miss Lizzy would guide her away to another group of people.
Chloe had lost count of how many people had touched her. Her mind was fractured right now, shuffling from the humiliation to how desperate she was for release. Miss Freya eventually led her away from people, and she was pushed against something cold and metallic. Chloe had seen a stripper's pole in front of the stage near the dance floor, so she assumed that must be where she was right now. Pushed up close to the stripper's pole so it sat on her chest between her breasts, Chloe's hands were briefly uncuffed and moved to her front around the stripper's pole where they were cuffed again. She cried out as she felt a pair of nipple clamps placed on her nipples and around the stripper's pole. If she leaned back at all, the clamps would stretch her nipples. The hole on the back of her fishnet tights was ripped to a bigger size so that her ass was on show.
"Hello, loser bitch."
Miss Lizzy removed Chloe's blindfold. It took a moment of blinking for Chloe to see clearly in the dimly lit area. She had been correct in thinking she'd been cuffed to the pole near the stage. Chloe wasn't aware that around fifty people had gathered to watch what was about to occur.
Miss Lizzy smiled wickedly; she traced a finger over Chloe's clit. The reaction was electric. It was so sensitive already, a brief touch was enough to leave her longing for more. Unfortunately for her, Miss Lizzy just seemed to want to play with her. Brushing her fingers delicately and briefly across Chloe's more sensitive parts, leaving her whimpering.
"Poor, pathetic, little kitty."
Miss Lizzy played up to the crowd, and they laughed at Chloe's expense. The craving for contact was so bad that Chloe considered rubbing herself against the metal pole she was cuffed to. She was just about resisting doing that with an audience, though the idea grew more tempting every time Miss Lizzy teased her.
"Do you want me to touch you again?"
Chloe nodded frantically. Not caring how she looked in front of the people watching her. Miss Lizzy invited a young couple to approach where Chloe was tried. Chloe wondered for a moment if these were the two who were touching her earlier.
"I will keep touching you. But you will need to ask people to do something to hurt or humiliate you? And yes, you are allowed to speak for this."
Chloe nodded to say that she understood.
"Please spank my ass."
Chloe was startled by her voice; it was the first time she had heard her voice in almost forty-eight hours. The man of the young couple reacted instantly, and as he walked behind Chloe, Miss Lizzy started stroking her clit again lightly. As he moved away, so did Miss Lizzy's hand, and Chloe turned to the man's partner and asked her to slap her chest. Guided by her lust, Chloe asked everyone who queued up to watch her show to do something to humiliate or hurt her, just so Miss Lizzy would keep touching her. Through tearful eyes, Chloe asked to be spat on, slapped, to have her nipples pinched, and more. Miss Lizzy still wouldn't do enough to bring her to climax quickly enough, and when she started to get close again, Miss Lizzy announced that everyone had their turn.
Chloe let out an involuntary moan, and she humped the air between her and the pole. The desperation to be touched was unlike anything she had felt before. It was all-consuming.
"Since I'm in a generous mood, I will give you another chance to play."
Miss Lizzy announced more for the crowd's benefit than Chloe's benefit as she uncuffed Chloe from the pole. Sticking her leg out, Miss Lizzy invited Chloe to hump her leg. It wasn't much of a dilemma in Chloe's current frame of mind. She no longer cared about the audience, and she was wearing the mask covering her entire face so it wasn't like anyone would see her.
"For two minutes."
Chloe approached Miss Lizzy's outstretched leg and gripped hold of Miss Lizzy's shoulders. Slowly, she slid up and down Miss Lizzy's smooth leg, realising almost immediately that taking it slow wouldn't be enough. Gripping harder, Chloe slid back and forth in a hastier fashion. She could hear the audience laughing, but she didn't care. All that mattered was the release she would get if she could push herself over the edge.
"Thirty seconds remaining."
Miss Lizzy's voice snapped Chloe out of a trance she had fallen into whilst riding Miss Lizzy's leg. She wondered how the hell a minute and a half passed so quickly. As the audience started counting down from ten, Chloe humped Miss Lizzy's leg frantically. She was so close.
"Time's up."
Miss Lizzy pushed Chloe away from her and put her hand on her shoulder, pushing her down to her knees.
"Looks like you failed; time to clean up my leg, loser bitch."
Chloe looked up at Miss Lizzy, trying to muster as much pleading into her eyes as. Her clit was throbbing, and the intense pressure that had built, almost to climax, was starting to dissipate. She knew that Miss Lizzy wasn't going to budge. She sighed and clenched her fists to try and distract herself from the desperation she felt all over. Chloe sunk deeper into herself as the crowd started chanting the nickname 'Loser Bitch' over and over as she licked clean her juices off of Miss Lizzy's legs.
Finished with the show, Chloe was escorted off of the stage by Miss Lizzy and led to where the rest of the group was seated. Before she got to the seating area, Chloe spotted her reflection in the mirror behind the bar. Her fishnet top and bottoms had been torn to reveal her reddened breasts and ass cheeks from the spanking. Them areas still felt warm, and Chloe dreaded sitting on her ass.
Chloe spent the rest of the evening kneeling beside the dominatrixes as they watched the other shows on the stage. The dominatrixes continued using her, whether using her as a footrest, demanding a foot and leg massage, or even oral. Chloe was rewarded with alcohol for each thing she did for the dominatrixes. When night turned to morning, she rested her head on Miss Lizzy's legs whilst receiving head strokes.
Chloe barely kept herself from drifting off as she travelled home inside one of the limousines. Miss Lizzy requested Chloe stayed in with her for the next couple of nights. Although Chloe expected the worse, Miss Lizzy was feeling merciful. She cuffed Chloe to the bed spread-eagled and face down as Miss Freya did the night before, and then Miss Lizzy positioned herself so that she laid under Chloe so that Chloe's face rested on her sex. Chloe lay there, inhaling Miss Lizzy's scent as they drifted off to sleep.