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The Club - Chapter 2

"Lisa and Peter meet some other members"

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“Tell me, what makes a good sub?” asked the stranger.

“Wow!” responded Lisa, “That’s one hell of an open question… Sir. It goes hand in hand with what makes a good Dominant.”

The stranger leant forward, he wasn’t the only one whose interest had been piqued by Lisa’s response. As I cocked my head, I noticed Mike had turned more to the mirror.

“That’s interesting, would you like to expand, please?” he asked her.

Lisa smiled as she spoke, "Certainly, Sir. It’s going to be different for everyone, but for me, it all starts with trust, both ways. The sort of trust that will lead to a partnership that in some ways could be stronger than the strongest marriage. Like two parts of a jigsaw slotting together.

“For the sub, it is trusting someone with their deepest, darkest desires, trusting them to take them and weave them into an experience, into their lives. Also, trusting them not to abuse that, perhaps to push them, but knowing when is far enough. Knowing that their Dom will protect them and stop when asked, but with that knowledge, allow themselves to be led. To trust their Dom to know what is best for them and though they may not see the bigger picture, to know they are being taken to a better place.

“For the Dominant, it is trusting his or her sub to be honest when they tell them what they want and what they don’t, what they absolutely will not try. In return, the Dominant must be honest about what he or she will and will not do. They must reciprocate the trust given by showing it is not misplaced. I think part of being a good Dominant is one who makes their sub or subs the centre of their world, everything in the lifestyle is done for the sub. This isn’t just for the sub’s satisfaction, but to nurture them and lead them to grow and become not just the best sub possible, but the best person too.

“Part of being Dominant must be someone who gets satisfaction seeing someone else fulfilled, in whatever way. It depends where your lifestyle is, it will probably be sexual and emotional satisfaction and could well include career, education, self-development, even spiritual satisfaction.” Lisa held up two fingers, to stop any interruption, “Imagine what a sub that was satisfied in every way would be willing to do to please her Master.”

I saw her finish with a smile and a quick lift of her eyebrows. The stranger looked deep in thought as he nodded his head.

“So, as a Master I must satisfy my sub’s every whim before getting my satisfaction?”

“No, not her whim, her needs, they are very different. If your satisfaction, I guess sexual, is that high on the list for you, then part of finding the other part of your jigsaw would be finding a sub that is most satisfied giving her Dom orgasms.”

“Interesting, so I guess it’s not what makes a good sub, or Dom, it’s what makes a good partnership?”

“Absolutely. There’s a shared responsibility to own mistakes. I’m not talking about accidentality on purpose biting a little hard or getting P’s instructions wrong.” Lisa had such a grin on her face when she said this, it was clear from where I was standing. “But,” she continued, “also being honest when the other does something you don’t like or goes too far. Then again, that’s where safewords come in.”

The stranger started to laugh, “You believe in safewords?”

Lisa’s mouth fell open. I turned and looked at Mike, who reassured me.

“What do you mean by that… Sir.”

“Well a good Dom, knows his sub’s limits so there is no need for safe words. If any sub wanted one with me, the moment they used it that would be the end of our relationship.”

“Oh, my god! I thought we had got crossed wires to start. If you ask me, anyone threatening the end of a relationship because they used a safeword is nothing but a bully and a thug. It leaves the sub fearing to use it and not in any safe place whatsoever. If nothing else a sub must feel safe with their Dom!” Lisa was getting quite agitated.

“I think that’s enough,” I said to Mike making for the door.

Lisa looked at me as I entered, I opened my arms to her as I walked across the room. She jumped out of her seat and came over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist as I pulled her into my protective embrace.

The stranger got up and walked over to us with his sub following close behind. He offered me his hand, which I took.

“Thank you,” he said. “You have a wonderful, wise woman there. Thank you, Lisa, sorry if I upset you, it wasn’t the intent. Mike and your husband will explain.”

“Thank you,” I said.

Lisa tried to bury her head in my chest until I patted her bum and she said, “Thank you, Sir.”

“Good girl,” I whispered and felt her shiver.

When we sat down again, Mike started with “Sorry Lisa, he is a very good Master and his wife loves him dearly. But he is very good at teasing out reactions because he is so adamant about Dominants not being bullies, not being arrogant; he uses all the things he hates. Often we use him to interview so-called dominant applicants, for exactly this reason. Some baulk, a bit like you did, others, that tend to be the more unsuccessful applicants, come across as agreeing with him.

“This set-up today was to allow you, Lisa, to speak freely and possibly explain things in a way that you might not feel comfortable being quite so direct with Peter.

“It hopefully, has given Peter some more ideas about what you think about things and most importantly, now that you know, you will be more relaxed and find it easier to be truly honest and open about your needs.”

Mike opened his eyes wide to emphasise his point and I looked at Lisa, who was nodding.

“Sorry, P,” she said looking up at me. “It’s just all so new to you, I didn’t want to swamp you with too much.”

I put my arm around her and hugged her to me, “It’s okay, Flower, your intention was good. However,” I twisted in my seat and Lisa mirrored me, I then held her chin with my thumb and forefinger, “you must trust me, just as I must trust you. Whenever we are unsure, we will talk, it’s as simple as that.”

Lisa bent her head and sucked my thumb into her mouth, ran her tongue around it and the pulled back kissing the end.

“I promise, P.”

“And I promise you, Kitty-Cat.” I leant over and kissed her head.

When I turned back to Mike he was smiling.

“That’s a bit of the next area, negotiation. It’s something you both need to sit down and discuss, red lines, amber lines, what both are prepared to do, to try, and absolutely will not. Some people will have full legal contracts, some just a list that they both sign or not. Some don’t write it down, but I would not recommend this.

“One thing to remember is that your relationship, just like before this, will develop and evolve. Don’t be afraid to review this list regularly. I know Peter is nervous about physical punishments, in time he may be more comfortable and he might be willing to try something more than his hand.”

I felt Lisa shudder and I think Mike must have seen a look on my face as he changed the subject.

“Or not, but never forget it is your relationship, not anyone else’s. You may hear suggestions and apparent advice, but what works for them may not for you and vice versa. There is no one size fits all. Okay, I think it’s time to go and have a drink in the bar, mingle a little and have a look around the club.”

He took us back to the reception area, where the same receptionist smiled and wrinkled her nose once again. Then I noticed. Where before she could have worked at any professional reception, not now. The blouse and jacket had gone, replaced with a black leather basque. She saw my second take and laughed, stood up and stepped from behind her desk. I had not seen her bottom half before, but now she was wearing a leather skirt that came to about halfway down her thighs. She also had on a pair of black leather boots, with a good few inches of thin heel. These were laced up to her knee.

“It’s past ten, I change from office to club attire,” she said with a smile and sat down again.

Mike took us through another door off the reception area into a small corridor which had several changing rooms in, all with showers and lockers. Mike explained that some people’s outfits just would not be accepted travelling to and from the club, even walking from the car park. Also, some of the activities can get a little warm and sometimes messy, meaning of course oil wrestling and the like, hence the showers.

Then we walked into the bar area. I was expecting it to be dark with loud music blasting out and half-naked people everywhere. Apart from the clothing and how people were interacting, things like kneeling or having hands bound and being fed, this could have been any club bar. Some areas were better lit, the bar staff could have been behind any bar, there were tables and chairs and booths on one side. On the other side, there was a dance floor and the speakers were set up cleverly to direct the music mostly to the dance floor, in the rest of the bar it was still audible but at a reasonable background level.

Lisa, who had been holding my hand, tugged my arm, pointing out rings on the pillars and hooks under the tables. I had seen hooks like it before, but they were for hanging coats and bags on. The penny dropped when I saw a man knelt by a chair with a lead running from his collar to one of the hooks.

We got our drinks and Mike led us to a table at the side so that we could watch a lot of what was going on. He pointed out the door to the private rooms and explained the equipment available. It was primarily bondage equipment as the club had a policy about fluids and of course, sex on the premises was illegal. They did try to put the focus on bondage and light impact play but were not too worried so long as nothing went too far. Nothing should be spilt and after using a private room people were expected to clean it themselves. Cleaners did go in after, but this was to ensure the job had been done properly rather than to do all the cleaning.

“I know,” said Mike, “and the board are aware that pissing in the wind isn’t a good idea.” Chuckling as he finished.

I’m sure it wasn’t a fluke, rather educated timing by Mike, as shortly after we sat down it seemed that the bar started to get busier. There were people of all different shapes, sizes and colour. The outfits ranged from those that would fit into any club to one person who was covered head to foot in leather and was being led about by his Domme. Later I saw her giving him a drink through a straw.

As with any club, there were couples of all varieties, men and women, women and women and men and men. Both women and men were Dominants and submissives. There were also polyamorous groups, in all combinations; such as a single Dominant with multiple submissives or multiple Dominants plus one or many submissives each. It got a bit mind-boggling watching all the combinations and trying to work out who was with who and in what role.

Then I heard, “Oh, really? Is that true?”

“Yes, Mistress. I’m sorry, I did try.”

“I think you need to come with me, Pet.”

I looked over and there was a raven-haired woman, whose age I couldn’t make out, anywhere between twenty-five and fifty. She was wearing a short dark blue satin gown, with matching gloves and high heeled shoes. Kneeling at her feet was a woman who appeared a little younger wearing a very similar dress, but with no gloves and flat shoes. She was also wearing a matching collar. The Domme was stroking her sub under the chin and their eyes were locked.

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“Yes, Mistress,” she replied.

The sub rose to her feet with incredible grace. It was almost as if she was being lifted by her chin. Her hands remained clasped behind her back as she knelt up, then brought one foot forward and lifted herself the rest of the way, with ease.

Her Domme smiled and hooked a finger through a loop on the collar and turned and started walking towards us; which suggested she was heading to a private room. Mike stood and intercepted her.

“Hi, Leah,” he said, to get her attention as he walked over to her.

She stopped and replied, “Hello, Michael, how may I help?”

I didn’t hear the conversation but saw Leah looking over a few times. Next thing she nodded and Mike turned to us, waving us to join them. We followed through a door into a corridor and then into one of the rooms off of that. It was then that Mike introduced us.

“Sarah has been a naughty girl,” Leah explained and although Sarah had her head bowed, I could see the corner of her mouth turned up.

Looking at me Leah continued, “Mike told me you are pretty new to all this and nervous about physical punishments. He asked to take advantage of Sarah’s indiscretion and let me give a little demonstration.”

I know I glanced at Sarah and Leah must have noticed, “You don’t mind do you, Slut?”

Lisa, who had been holding my arm, held on tighter as I tensed, giving a little shake of her head as I looked down.

“No, Mistress, it’s fine.”

“Quite the little pain slut and an exhibitionist too, aren’t you?”

Sarah still had her head bowed, but still, that grin was there. “Yes Mistress,” she replied.

Leah lifted Sarah’s chin and the grin was gone.

“You know what to do.”

Without a word, Sarah slipped the straps off her shoulders and let the dress drop to the floor. With the grace, I had seen before, she dipped, scooped up the dress and hung it on a hook. With a quick smile at Lisa and me, Sarah stood in front of a cushioned table that came to about halfway up her belly. She started to fiddle with something under the top and the edge closest to her lowered. When she was happy with the height, she looked at Leah and smiled, before laying over the table.

Leah walked over and showed us the tool she was going to use, it was a handle that, in the wrong light, could be mistaken for dildo. There were about a dozen soft leather thongs that Leah got me to feel.

“Is this your whip?” I asked.

“Flogger,” Leah responded, “a whip is a very different tool.” She took a deep breath. “And yes, never use someone else’s flogger, the same could be said for any toys or tools, though cleaning floggers has to be far more methodical. Thong by thong instead of one solid surface to wipe over, like a table or vibrator. Remember it is your responsibility to look after each other’s safety.

“Anyway, first thing, double-check your strike. Even after years with Sarah, I still check.”

Leah twisted her arm to expose the inside of her bicep. She then stroked the thongs of the flogger through her hand a few times before striking her arm.

“Inner arm or thigh,” she said, “around your ribs, somewhere sensitive. Your hands aren’t so good as they are hardened through use. By doing that you know what it feels like, know what your sub will feel.”

Sarah was lying with the side of her face on the table, she was smiling at us. She was also gripping the sides of the table.

Leah turned to me and asked, “May I?” And indicated Lisa.

With a pause, I replied, “With reservations.”

Leah smiled and whispered to Lisa who smiled and stepped forward. Leah lay the flogger over Sarah’s shoulder and I saw a shudder run through her. She slowly pulled the flogger from side to side over her shoulders, moving slowly lower. She dragged it down one arm and then the other, by now Sarah was grinning and I could see she was taking deeper and deeper breaths.

As the flogger started moving over Sarah’s back again, Lisa stepped in and walked her fingers up Sarah’s back to her bra and undid the catch.

“Oh shit!” Sarah muttered.

Leah froze and pushed the handle into Sarah’s back a little and then leant over her. Lisa had to jump out of the way so she wasn’t caught up by them.

“Pardon, Slut?” There was a menace to Leah’s voice now.

“I’m sorry, Mistress, it’s just the extra fingers… I wasn’t expect…”

“Shh,” Leah ran the back of her hand down Sarah’s cheek, “we’ll add, five for that. Okay?”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

As Leah stood up again, she looked at me and winked. Keeping the pressure on the flogger handle, she walked around the table a little. It was fascinating to watch, I could see Sarah was comfortable and the tension between her and Leah was completely sexual. She started to move the flogger lower and lower, I was waiting for her to start and was getting tenser myself. Then she looked at Lisa and nodded for her to come over again.

Leah started to flick the ends of the whip back and forth across the base of Sarah’s back as Lisa hooked her fingers into the sides of Sarah’s knickers. Sarah’s breath started to come in small pants as Lisa pulled them over her bum and then wiggled them past the table edge. Lisa pulled them to Sarah’s knees and let them drop and stood up. As she turned, Leah leant in and kissed her cheek.

“Thank you, sweetie.”

“Thank you for letting me assist, Ma’am.”

Leah smiled as she said, “Oh, you’re just precious.”

Lisa moved back to me with her head dipped and tucked her arm through mine. I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her hand.

“Targeting,” Leah said, “make sure you aim for where you want the tips to strike. Also, soft and squishy is best. You can find all the info you need online, but I focus on bum and thighs, boobs and belly at the front.”

Leah paused and put her hand in the middle of Sarah’s back.

“You remember you safewords, Pet?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress. Scarlett and Amber.”

“Good girl.” I saw Sarah twitch a little.

Leah resumed stroking the thongs back and forth over Sarah’s bum as she had before. Then with a barely perceptible flick of her wrist, the thongs went from a gentle caress to sharp stinging bite. I could tell by Sarah’s intake of breath, how her body arched a little and the red marks that were starting to appear on her bum.

“One, thank you, Mistress.”

Leah, ran her fingers between Sarah’s legs, obviously stroking her pussy, it was a single movement from bottom to top. She held up her hand and rubbed her thumb and finger together.

“I think someone likes this.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Quite the little slut, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You like being exposed to people, you like a good flogging… put them together and oh my, how wet you get!”

Leah didn’t pause and as she spoke her last word the flogger came down on Sarah’s other cheek.

“Two, thank you, Mistress.”

Leah started to rub the handle of the flogger between Sarah’s legs this time.

“Would you like to see how wet someone can get after a couple of strikes?” Leah asked me.

“Thank you, but no.”


Lisa looked at me and then Leah, before answering, “Thank you Ma’am, but maybe Sir and I could find out later when we’re home.” It was then that I noticed that Mike was no longer in the room.

Leah smiled and the flogger came down again, this time on the first cheek. Sarah thanked her after each, counting to twenty as Leah alternated cheeks. There was no malice in her voice, but Leah kept up a nearly constant dialogue, teasing and threatening Sarah, praising her and commenting on how she and her body was reacting.

It was fascinating watching, after a couple more strikes, I saw the pattern of alternating and noticed that the strikes varied in power. Sarah was writhing on the table, her grip tightening, not in anticipation of a strike, but in response to them. Her breath would come in gasps, then pants as after each strike she sought to gain control again. Then it happened…

“Twenty, thank you, Mistress. Please Mistress, please may I cum?” Sarah sounded desperate.

Leah paused, gently tapping the flogger on her back as if in thought. “No, Slut, you may not.”

Sarah looked at us, biting her lip and with what I mistook for a pleading look. Lisa must have felt I was about to say something and put a hand on my chest, shaking her head.

“Twenty-one, thank you… Mistress.” Sarah was struggling to get her sentences out now.

“Twenty-two… thank you… Mistress.”

Two more strikes took her to twenty-four and Leah lent over, “Remember, Slut, five more for swearing.” It wasn’t posed as a question, I’m not sure where Sarah’s head was at this point, but I doubt she could have answered.

“Twenty… five… thank…”

Leah spun the flogger in her hand and placed her other hand at the bottom of Sarah’s back. She started to slide her hand up the middle of Sarah’s back and at the same time pushed forward with the flogger between Sarah’s legs.

“Cum now, cum for me, my delightful Slut. Show our guests how you love to cum for your Mistress,” Leah said, cutting Sarah’s last count off.

Sarah’s back arched, her chin pushing forward. The knuckles of her hand closest to us had gone white as she gripped the table harder than before. I saw one of her legs lifting and when she felt Leah’s leg, her foot curled around it. Leah didn’t thrust the handle at all, there may have been some small movements, but nothing overly aggressive.

It looked like Sarah’s muscles were rippling as wave after wave of the orgasm washed over her. By now, Leah was lying over Sarah, one hand in place on the flogger, the other wrapped around Sarah’s neck, supporting her head. I could see and hear that Leah was whispering in Sarah’s ear, but could not make out what. I found out later that she was praising and encouraging Sarah.

As Sarah relaxed, Leah kissed her and pushed herself up.

Turning to us, she said, “Now, if not the most important part of any scene, it is up there near the top. Aftercare.” As she rummaged around in her bag, she continued, “It may be as simple as cuddling up together and holding each other as you come down. You may want to have a full de-brief of the scene, you know, roles put aside and an honest chat about likes and dislikes. Or,” she held up a small pot, “tending to your sub’s physical needs after satisfying them. Vitamin E cream, you can get it from any decent chemist or health shop. It is soothing and helps promote healing.”

Leah scooped some cream out and spread it gently over Sarah’s bum, first one cheek then the other. As she applied more cream, her ministrations got firmer and she was massaging Sarah’s bum. Sarah was resting her face on the table looking at us again. She had a smile on her lips and a dreamy look on her face. When she was done, Leah, pulled Sarah’s knickers up and did up her bra and with a final swat causing Sarah to gasp, they stood up.

Sarah all but jumped into Leah’s arms, hugging close and kissing her. “Thank you, Mistress,” she said as they broke off.

“You’re welcome Pet,” Leah replied, stroking Sarah’s face.

Deciding discretion was probably best we thanked Leah and Sarah, left the room and returned to the main club. Mike was sitting at the table we had been at. He raised his hand and two drinks were brought over for Lisa and me as we joined him.

“Leah will probably join us in a little bit, in case you have any questions. I’m sure Sarah’s thanking her with one of her legendary blow-jobs first though,” he said.

Thanks to cbears52 and ladyblue69 for proofreading and reign tugging.

Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.


Written by kiteares
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