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The Accidental Mistress

"Kate forgets that she has a man locked in chastity"

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Kate turned and smiled at the tall, well-dressed man standing by her alfresco café table. Dark features and wearing a white shirt, tan chinos, and brown leather shoes, he was older than her but exactly her type.

“Mistress Kate?” the man asked again.

She froze, a shiver of panic in her dark eyes as they flashed around to see if anyone else had heard.

“You are even nicer than your photos,” he smiled.

Kate could feel her face heating up and she knew she would be blushing. The man had slipped discreetly onto the seat opposite her and was leaning in to whisper.

“I’m sorry to track you down, but I’m stuck. I did pay the money, but you didn’t let me go.”

Kate stared at him, her hands on her hot cheeks to steady her dizzy head. During a moment of financial desperation, she had advertised herself for remote chastity keyholding. It sounded easy; she would download the app and men would pay her to take control of their electronic, remote-locking chastity cage. But that had been months ago and only one man had paid her for the service. Oh, fuck.

The man was now ordering two cognacs from the smiling waitress, giving Kate a few seconds to compose herself, tidy her hair and straighten the hem on her short dress

“Were you Kai?” she asked nervously.

“Yes, and I still am,” he smiled holding out a hand, “Nice to meet you, Kate.”

“You’re not still…?” Kate’s brown eyes blinked as she slowly realised the possible implications of her failed keyholding escapade. 

“Yes, I am.”

“Why didn’t you take it off?” she asked in an accusative tone.

“The lock,” the man tapped his crotch, “will only obey ‘Mistress Kate’.”


The cognacs arrived at an opportune moment and they both finished their glasses as Kai ordered two more. He then opened the app on his phone and showed her the ominous warnings about the cage being ‘deadlocked’ by ‘Mistress Kate’. There was even a picture of Kate’s legs in the same short red dress that she was wearing right then.

“You found me by my dress?” she laughed nervously.

“It helped.”

Kate could be scatty, but it was starting to come back. She had accidentally sat on her phone and broken the screen. She had bought a new one, but had never reloaded the keyholding app.

“I’m sorry, I’ve got a new phone,” Kate sighed, “I can’t help you.” She made a small gesture with her hand as if shooing him away.

“Kate, I’ve got a Prince Albert piercing,” Kai whispered, “I really am stuck in this.”

Kate was momentarily lost in his aftershave, “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“Yes, but it’s been three months and without your help, well, I’m fucked.”

“Or not,” Kate smiled, distracted by his beautiful eyes that seemed to hang on her every word. Her legs were tingling, and she rubbed them together to disperse her arousal.

“Please, I’ll pay you anything,” he begged.

This was surreal. A man with gorgeously attentive eyes was offering her money. She drank her second cognac and leaned forward with her hand on her chin and blinked inquisitively.

“Didn’t you have a failsafe backup?” she whispered, “You should have done. You didn’t even know me.”

“I know,” he sighed, “I trusted the photos.”

“Of my cleavage and my legs?” Kate exclaimed, “My thighs can’t help you now.”

Kai closed his eyes, let out a trembling breath and flinched as the pressure built in his cage. Chastity with an unknown keyholder could be wildly erotic. With nothing but a few obscured photos to obsess over, the keyholder took on almost mystical qualities, the perfect woman with ultimate control. Her body became the ultimate prize and even the slightest glimpse of her legs in a photo was something to dream about.

“I’m wearing the same lingerie as in the photo,” Kate teased.

“White silk… in photo number five,” he mouthed.

“What the…” Kate was speechless. The cognacs weren’t coming fast enough.

“I’m sorry, I’ve had little else to give me pleasure.”

Kate reached for her bag and retrieved her new phone with a freshly cracked screen. She loaded the app and logged back in. “Three months, one week, five days,” she smiled as she placed it on the table, “Wow!”

“Please Kate, I need to be let out, I’m so pent up.”

“How long is it?” Kate asked.

“Three months…”

“No,” there was now a playfulness in Kate’s eyes, “How long is ‘it’?”

Kai muttered under his breath; his keyholder’s smile was causing mayhem in his pants. “Only about an inch.”

“Oh, fuck!” she blurted.

Kate was starting to like his gravelly voice, made even better with his breathy desperation. He was an idiot to get himself in this predicament and part of her saw no reason to help him out.

“Why don’t you cut it off?” she asked before clarifying that she meant the cage.

“I’ve been to see someone. It’s not easy.”

“One inch?” Kate smiled, turning to the side and slowly crossing her legs.

She picked up her phone and gave it a teasing smile to unlock the screen and flicked to the app. She turned the screen towards Kai to show the words ‘enter unlock code’, “That’s the problem,” she sighed.

“Oh fuck, don’t you remember it?” Kai cried.

“It was three months ago.”

“I know!”

“Okay, there are a few numbers I could try… but you really should be more careful.”

Kai let out a relieved breath and smiled. Desperation to get out of the cage made him oblivious to the fact that he was being reprimanded by the young woman. He studied her again. She must be twenty-five at most, a good ten years younger than him. She was a disorganised tease, but unfortunately, she was also the only way out of his self-imposed bondage.

“You’re beautiful,” he blurted, “… sorry, that's not helping me get released, is it?”

Kate shook her head, ripples flowing through her silky shoulder-length brown hair.

“So why should I unlock you?” she asked innocently.

“What?” he smiled, barely understanding the question.

“You got yourself into it,” Kate teased with her flirty smile.

“On the understanding you’d let me out after two days.”

“While you fantasied over the girl in the pictures?”

Kai propped his head on his hands and sighed.

“I’m sorry I forgot about you,” Kate whispered, squeezing his hand reassuringly, and then guiding it beneath the table and placing it on her thigh. She watched with interest as even the simple act of stroking her leg was making him breathless.

Kai flinched as his cock tried to swell.

“That waitress is looking at you again,” Kate observed.

“Not much I can do without a cock,” he sighed.

“No, there isn’t.”

Kai didn’t take his eyes off Kate, instead moving closer and brushing his spare hand against hers. She watched him for a few minutes; three months in the cage had probably drawn him in more than he had ever intended. Unfortunately for him, she was only just beginning to enjoy her newfound power.

“Would you like me to be your keyholder for another day?” she asked.

“Kate, Kate, Kate,” he mouthed, his cock aching from just being near this woman.

“You can shake your little metal stub at photo number five,” she giggled.

“Don’t do this to me?” Kai laughed, leaning back on his chair, and stretching out his muscled arms, “Okay, yes!”

Kate grinned as a man arrived at the café, “Sorry, Kai, my date’s arrived… see you tomorrow.”


It was now a day later.

“Mr ‘one-inch’ Kai,” Kate grinned, flicking back her brown hair in the hope he would notice her new outfit. New white blouse and black leather trousers, bought with the money that Kai had paid her through the app. The first payment had been for the agreed amount, with the sums increasing as Kai had been more and more desperate.

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“Very nice,” Kai replied, eyeing the thick leather belt clinched tight around her slim waist.

“Thank you for the money,” Kate smiled demurely, slipping down onto her chair, “And sorry again that I forgot about you.”

“At least now I have some hope of getting out of this,” Kai whispered, placing a hand on his throbbing crotch, “Sorry, just seeing you has woken up my cock.”

“That’s good to hear…”

Their eyes locked with Kate having a wry grin on her lips. It was no secret that Kate had been fucking her guy all night while Kai had sat alone in his cage. Kate felt hot, not helped by her leather trousers, and her infatuation for her new friend.

Emotions were building in Kai’s mind too. This is what he had wanted, although now he just wanted to be free and to make out with his cute and teasing keyholder. But he could tell from the determined look in Kate’s eyes that any request would lose him both his keyholder and his cock.

“How was your night?” he asked, his cock twitching in anticipation.

“We fucked,” Kate replied.

“Was it good?” Kai asked, his throbbing cock thrusting hopelessly into the end of its steel tube.

“Better than it would have been with you,” Kate giggled.

“Bitch,” he mouthed with a teasing smile.

Kate sat forward in mock surprise, her brown eyes wide and her nipples tingling in her tight top. She smiled, her parted red lips not sure how to respond. She grabbed her phone and flipped to the app and to the button that would time-lock his cage for a year.

“One touch is all it would take,” Kate mouthed with an incongruently sweet smile and growing arousal.

“I’m sorry,” Kai hissed, suddenly aware that he was trembling.

“Good boy…”

Kate leaned back with a smug satisfied smile on her young face.

“Oh yeah, look!” she blurted, “Last night a guy in the US gave me control of his chastity cage too. He’s only been locked for twelve hours and he’s already pleading for his release.”

Kate crossed her legs, took a photo of her leather trousers, and sent it to her new chastity slave. She then giggled as her nails danced over her phone. “Ha! Now he’s time locked for a week!” she grinned.

Kai exhaled and composed himself. This girl had playfully giggled an unknown man to a week of inescapable chastity. She was dangerous, and worst of all, he doubted she would give the poor guy another thought.

“Oh, and now he wants to buy my used panties,” Kate smiled as the messages popped up.

Kai shook his head; maybe Kate was right. There were now at least two people in the world who wouldn’t argue to the contrary.

“What about me?” he whispered, already more obsessed with this woman than he had been with any of his recent girlfriends.

“Oh, you? You don’t want to be released,” she replied condescendingly.

“Just for a day?”

“Sorry, Kai, not while the thought of having you locked up makes me wet.”

‘Fuck Kate’ he kept his thoughts to himself this time. He was now locked up just because it made some bratty girl horny, but he was also more turned on than he could remember.

“I want to see it,” Kate announced with a swish of increasingly arrogant hair.

Kai could feel himself being sucked into what was quickly becoming her fantasy. He wasn’t going to risk showing her in public and so he took her hand and led her to the nearest upmarket hotel. Kate had taken over and signed them in as ‘Mr and Mrs’ before he had led her up to their top-floor suite.

Kate ran straight into the bathroom and locked herself inside, reappearing a few minutes later wearing only her black silk bra and panties. “Wow,” Kai mouthed, staring at the slim and excited woman.

“You can undress too,” she whispered nervously.

Kate was shaking from both the cool room and the imposing form of Kai’s sculpted body. She stared at the small black steel cage hanging where his penis should have been with its ominously slow flashing red light.

“Well, there it is,” Kai smiled kindly, not wanting to scare the girl who could change the course of his love life.

Kate edged forward, knelt down and ran her fingertips over the scratched metal sides of the device. Kai had spent many hours with various tools trying to release the locking bolt, which had only resulted in him cutting his fingers while drinking too much whiskey. Kate cradled the steel tube in her hand and looked up with amazed eyes.

“It’s so small,” she murmured, “How does it fit?”

Kai was too distracted to reply, lost instead in her wonderful touch and the sight of her modest breasts in her expensive lace bra.

Seeing the cage and Kai’s expression was having an effect on Kate. Now she understood. This wasn’t just some novelty trinket around his balls that he could pull to one side while he had sex. This was real and being trapped inside must be terrifying. The only thing she couldn’t understand was why this man hadn’t forced her to release him.

“I’m sorry, but I’m too scared to unlock you,” Kate trembled.

“Then don’t,” Kai whispered.

He pulled her to her feet so that he could kneel down and kiss her thigh. Kate seemed less intimidating now and he risked running his hands up her smooth legs. He gently pushed his hands inside her lingerie, squeezed her butt and tenderly sank his face into her crotch. She was damp and he soaked in deep breaths of her aroused scent.

“I can’t explain it, but right now I’d do anything for you,” he breathed.

“Keep going, please,” she murmured.

Kai carried her to the bed and slipped off her bra and panties. “You have a buyer for these,” he smiled as he kissed her nipples. Kate seemed too overwhelmed to remember and her fidgety hands were intent only on pushing Kai down between her legs.

Her head was spinning, and she gripped the expensive sheets as Kai’s tongue lapped her vagina lips. This was a world away from the sex she had had the night before, and her nails were unconsciously digging into Kai’s scalp as she orgasmed in his face.

Even then Kai continued to pepper her sensitive inner thighs with kisses, and she had to squeeze him hard between her thighs and roll him over to stop him delivering sensory overload.

“Do you like rimming?” he mumbled.

Kate wasn’t sure she had heard him right and released her thighs so he could ask again, this time with his lips released from the intimate confines of her body. Yes, he had said that. Had he taped her dreams? ‘Yes’ was definitely the answer to his question, a question that she had always been too shy to pose.

She rocked her hips impatiently as Kai kissed the back of her thighs, slapping her own butt as an unsubtle hurry-up. She then spread her own cheeks to help him get deeper, his tongue circling beautifully as tremors floated through her goosebump-covered body.

“Stop,” she cried as the feeling became too intense, “… but stay there.” Kai let go of her butt cheeks, which sprang back together around his face.

Kate felt herself drifting off into a sultry daydream yet Kai stayed tight, as if glued in. She farted and still his face stayed in place. “It’s okay, you can come out of my cheeks now,” she murmured as she watched him in amazement, “That cage is really fucking with your mind.”


It was two hours and a bottle of champagne later as they lay together in the king-size bed. Kai’s head was level with Kate’s hips. He had not wanted to venture further up her body or kiss Kate on the lips as that could spoil the exhilaration of their encounter.

“I know it's cruel,“ Kate whispered, “but I don’t want to let you out…”

“Then don’t…”

Kate slowly collected up her lingerie and tiptoed into the bathroom. When she returned, they were both dressed, with Kate’s leather trousers even more tightly belted than before. Her clothes seemed to act like a shield, bringing back her bratty arrogance.

“Fuck, your caged cock is really small,” she laughed.

“Can we meet in the café tomorrow?” Kai asked.

Kate just giggled, shrugged her shoulders, and left.

Written by AndreaJordan
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