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Pretty Shiny 2:Home

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Despite the lack of vision, the floors below had felt familiar and, in a strange sense, even comfortable. The journey to the uppermost floor, however, proved unsettling, despite her willingness to undertake it. Accompanied by a quartet she knew nothing about, with obvious designs upon her body, for the first time she wondered at the wisdom of her choice.  Green tag girl gets in over her head she mused with the ghost of a frown.  She had her safe word, of course, should events push her, not just to her limits, but past, but using it would somehow tarnish the evening for her and, she guessed, her ‘captors’ as well.

With each step she felt an almost palpable physical change, akin to a charge in the atmosphere.  The mood of the lower floors had been full of the heat.  You could almost feel the sexual tensions as well as the pure joy of shedding conventions and reveling in private passions and hungers kept secret from the outside world.  There, too, there had been anonymity and safety.  Olivia had been but one woman in a sea of beautiful depravity.  That had changed.  She had become the focus and she felt it keenly.

She let herself be guided up the stairs blindly, her remaining sense sharper for it. Behind her, familiar music faded, replaced by what she could only describe as darkly sinister industrial music, pitched at an ambient volume level.  It was unsettling in its quiet intensity.

“First visit?” Daniel asked, although the question seemed rhetorical.

“Yes,” she replied, blushing, not oblivious to the knowledge that she was alone in that.

“Don’t worry.  We’ll take good care of you,” the voice she had assigned to Jess assured her; slightly higher than Eva’s smoldering sensual pitch, and sharper.

For that, she had no answer. 

They paused at the top.  It was cooler up here.  She could feel the kiss of the air conditioning expel the rising heat from the party below against her skin tight second skin.  A shiver, born more of nerves flittered through her.  Taking a deep breath, she quelled it, eyes closed behind the leather blindfold as she attempted the impossible; to relax.  

A new voice, polite but authoritative, posing questions.  The image of a dark cloud seeped into her mind, and a fire rimmed gate, Lucifer rather than St. Peter standing before it. Vaguely she realized he was discussing the rules of conduct and demeanor, some obvious, some eye opening, such as a firm restriction on bloodletting and fecal matter, something she’d never even contemplated in her fantasies.  There was a warmth in his voice, giving her the impression that Daniel and his companions were familiar to him. 

They passed both interrogation and inspection without issue and, the sound of sin teased her ears, presumably expelled from the now open portal.

“The Lion’s den,” she murmured.  And accompanied by Daniel.  Shrugging off momentary misgivings, she let the thought comfort her as she was goaded into the unknown, her heels sinking slightly into the carpet, muting her steps.

A hand pressed against her belly, slowing her and brining the realization that her bladder was full.

“I need to go-,” she managed shyly, tugging her lip between her teeth almost immediately, “pee.”

“Hold it or piss yourself,” Robert replied, a smirk in his voice, obviously not sympathetic to her plight, causing Eva to laugh. Embarrassment turned her cheeks red.

“Not into that? Me either,” Eva announced.  “And I need to visit the little girl’s room too. Coming Jess?”

They took her arms, one to either side, and escorted her away from the men to what was presumably a restroom, and unceremoniously unzipped her crotch and removed the vibrator, much to her humiliation before helping her sit so that she could relieve herself, the stream of piss feeling almost orgasmic as she emptied her bladder into the bowl, thankful for a brief moment of privacy as she gathered herself until the women ‘collected’ her once again, not even bothering to zip her up, leaving her pouting pussy on display.  Soon, she was tethered by her leash to Daniel once more, juices trickling slowly over latex sheathed inner thigh.

“Your cunt looks delicious, pet.  Can’t wait to shove my cock up in it.  Soon, I promise.”  Daniel’s voice, rich with promises, and no, she wouldn’t deny that she wanted him to do just that right now, even here, where anyone could watch.  Especially here, perhaps.

Having never been on this level before, she was entirely lost as she was further in, forced to trust Daniel and the others to keep her from bumping into anything or anyone. Sightless, but not dead, she was poignantly aware of a variety of sound; soft moans, sharp gasps of pain or pleasure, or perhaps, both, orgasmic cries, the swish of a switch, the smack of wood upon flesh, and others that tickled at her imagination.

Suddenly, her world was turned upside down, literally.  She felt a hand in the small of her back pushing forward, her stomach meeting something firm, and then, she was bent in half over a padded device, feet barely brushing the floor, torso upside down so that her fingertips brushed the tiles as well.

Her legs were spread slightly and her ankles secured.  Her wrists, as well, trapping her, leaving her ass and her cunt vulnerable as her latex pants were slowly peeled down her thighs, until all but her calves were exposed.

“Such a pretty ass, Daniel.”  Jess’s voice. “I want to mark it…”

Olivia cried out in surprise as she felt the woman’s sharp incisors sink into her fleshy cheek, biting down until she cried out again, this time in pain... 


Olivia rose from the tub, enjoying the feel of the cool air against her nakedness as now tepid water sluiced from her freshly scrubbed skin as remembrances of her adventure at the DV8 played through her mind, each sordid memory teasing both mind and flesh, eliciting the ghost of a hungry smile. She’d wanted to push herself – to be pushed – to the edge of her limits and she had. Every dirty, sordid act that she’d fantasized about in the safety of her bedroom had come to fruition. She’d been defiled, humiliated, used, and abused, all while being helpless to put a stop to it and she had reveled in every moment.  There’d been four of them, two couples, and they’d tapped into her imagination so easily. When she’d woken up the next day every inch of her was sore. Teeth marks marred her flesh, as did bruises and angry red stripes. Her jaw had ached and her asshole and cunt felt raw. Every muscle protested as she sat up, her hair tangled and sticky. She’d been too worn out to shower off the cum and piss still coating her skin.

God, it had been such glorious debauchery. And, for all their cruelty, they had been good to her; good for her. Afterwards she’d been driven home and walked to her apartment and only left alone after making sure she’d be alright on her own.

“Contact me. If you feel compelled. If you feel the need,” he’d told her, leaving a simple silver embossed black card on her night stand. A name and a number. Nothing else. She’d tucked it away very carefully the next day, not wishing to lose the tantalizing promise that it represented. And then, she simply went on with her life, enjoying the building tension of temptation.  Letting its presence slowly seduce her until she could think of very little else.  It became a nightly bedtime ritual to run her fingers over the embossed surface, sometimes pressing it to her lips, as she frantically worked her fingers inside her wet, hungry cunt, coming so hard that she’d be left limp and breathless, often passing out soon after.


Weeks went by. A month. Then two, the thoughts of what had happened and what might happen slowly consuming her until the very idea of even one more night passing without an outlet for her need was unimaginable. The message she left was simple and direct.

I need to be used like a slut.  Please. I am desperate.

And then, she simply waited, hoping that she had not waited too long, her sleep restless that night as she, once more, replayed that night at the club over and over…

When was the last time you’ve cum, pet? Twenty four hours later.

She had almost cried with relief, snatching up her phone and replying immediately, her hands shaking enough that she had to pause and calm herself in order to avoid typos.

Not since that night. Sir.

Good girl.

A thrill shot through her at his words, robbing her of breath and setting free something deliciously dirty within her.

Truth, pet. Is your pussy wet?

Olivia paused for a moment, her attention slowly focusing between her thighs as her pussy dictated her needs far better than she could have herself, unaware of how her legs had been spreading since he’d contacted her.

Yes. Soaking.  Sir.

 I want proof.   

She froze, thumbs poised over the keypad, her breath catching, eyes wide, her room seeming supernaturally silent as her heart pounded against her ribs.  A fleeting thought wormed it’s way ito her brain.  What if she’d been out.  Somewhere in public.  Would she have refused him?   Not if she could help it.  The thought electrified her as much as it terrified her.

Carefully, she pushed back the chair and stood and unzipped her jean, revealing a pair of bright pink panties.  Several heartbeats later she was stepping out of her jeans.  Proof. Nothing specific. Which would be more embarrassing. More humiliating, she wondered?  Sending him a picture of her smooth wet pussy – her cunt – or…

Before she could think about it too much, she snapped a photo and hit send.  Only really examining it afterwards.  Her arousal was made obvious by the darker patch of pink.  There was no denying it.

That’s my good girl.  I’m very pleased. Came the quick response.  As is Jessica.  So eager. 

Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Miss. She responded just as quickly, a sudden thrill causing her to shiver with lust at the thought of Daniel’s wife. He had been very much in charge that night, not only of her, but of the proceedings, and had been careful not to push her too quickly.  Jessica, she’d sensed, would be less careful, letting her passion for cruelty get the better of her, a thought that both frightened and intrigued Olivia.  She’d often imagined what might have happened if Daniel and the others had left her alone with her.  Once again, the possibility filled her thoughts, causing the wet patch to slowly spread. 

Can you behave for another week, Livvy?

She let loose a soft groan, each breath coming hard, toes curling and uncurling against the carpet. ‘No, Sir, I can’t even wait another day’ she wanted to tell him, her lips pursed in frustration.

Why? She finally answered, hoping he would understand all the emotion and longing hidden that single word.

Trust me. The anticipation will make it so much better, pet. 

She whimpered, blushing at the sound, glad that he – they - couldn’t see or hear her, although she suspected the couple had a good idea of her present mental and emotional state. Before she could formulate a reply, another message appeared.

Show us your cunt, pet.

She felt the moments slipping slowly away, aware that Daniel wouldn’t wait forever for a response.  It wasn’t a conscious decision, more like an, eventual, automatic response to his expectations, that had her hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and peeling them off slowly, unable to ignore how they stuck to her wet creamy pussy before freeing themselves as she rolled them down her thighs and let them drop to her ankles.

She had a choice, she reminded herself. And surrendering her choice was a choice. An easy choice, if she was honest with herself.  She took the picture and sent it, doing her best to not think about what she was doing.  

Go ahead and play with it, pet.  Remember; no cumming.  You’ll receive instructions tomorrow.  I’ll want you to be home when they arrive – 7pm - and to follow them exactly.  Enjoy the rest of your evening, Livvy.

She stood there, vaguely aware of her hand drifting towards her pussy, feeling the sensuous tickle of her juices slowly running down the insides of her thighs. Breathless, whispered Daniel’s command over and over until it became a mantra.

“No cumming.  No cumming. No cumming.”   Shuddering and moaning, she played with herself until she couldn’t take it anymore.  Exhausted, she stumbled into her bedroom, her pussy begging for relief, her nipples throbbing painfully, tossing and turning until, finally, she slipped into restless slumber, her dreams dark and dirty.


Torment filled her day. Torment and anticipation. Her panties were drenched by noon, forcing her to covertly remove them in the restroom and spend the rest of the day without.  It was humiliating, especially since it only seemed to heighten her craving. 

She showered, taking her time to enjoy the soothing hot water, a simple robe covering her as she ate a modest meal, her mind wandering, her thoughts filled with debauchery and travelling down taboo trails until she felt compelled to place a towel beneath her in order to protect the bar stool’s cushion from soaking up her arousal as the clock crawled slowly towards seven, her phone close at hand.  Daniel hadn’t made it clear.  Would he text her? Call her?  Would there be a package delivered by FedEx?  The uncertainty had her off balance and nervous.  She wondered if that was done on purpose?

Eventually, the clock stuck the appointed hour followed by her doorbell sounding a heartbeat or two later, startling her.  Grabbing her phone, just in case, she slid off the stool and hurriedly answered the door, making sure her robe was drawn tight so as not to give the unsuspecting delivery man a free show as she unlocked the door and pulled it slightly open.

“Can I-“ was as far as she got before she was struck speechless, her mouth hanging open at the sight of Daniel’s wife, the handles of a large red and white striped bag gripped loosely in one hand.

“Surprise,” Jessica announced, showing her teeth, her smile slightly predatory.  “Close your mouth and invite me in,” she continued, looking impatient, her words more of a command than a request.

“Yes, Miss,” Olivia murmured, pulling the door open and stepping out of the way as the taller woman pushed past her, pausing, her curious gaze flickering around the living room before settling on its occupant expectantly.

Closing the door, she did her best to collect herself, leaning against it for support, her heart heaving in her chest as she admired her guest shyly through her lashes, her face slightly down turned as she pressed her lower lip between her teeth.

The woman was just as breathtaking as she remembered, her auburn hair graced with wavy curls now, bouncing slightly as she turned her head from, her dark eyes thoughtful as she finally turned them upon Livvy as she set the bag she’d arrived with to one side.

“Undo the tie for me, pet. I want to see what’s underneath.”  Her tone carried more than a hint of expectation. 

Hesitantly, she clumsily fumbled with the sash, never once taking her eyes from Jessica. The woman was dressed casually; tight fitting jeans, a cashmere sweater, and ankle boots with about a three inch heel.  Even though, she looked amazing.  Sexy and domineering, soft pink lips curving upwards as Livvy’s robe parted, revealing her naked, hairless, body. 

“Pretty.” Jessica drew out the word sensuously, her gaze travelling slowly, drinking in the blonde girl’s body from the tips of her robin’s egg blue toes to the still damp hair that covered one side of her face.  She felt her cheeks warm with embarrassment as Jess lingered on her swollen nipples, a clear betrayal of how turned on she was by being lewdly on display to the slightly older woman.

“Kneel,” she said, pointing towards the floor. “Knees apart, hands grasping ankles.”

Olivia obeyed, hesitating only slightly, the position forcing her to lean slightly back, displaying both her tits and her pussy, mindful of the hunger in Jess’s expression as the top of her tongue slid between her lips slowly, as she slowly lowered the zipper of her jeans, revealing emerald lace panties, before moving closer, and then, closer still, until she was straddling Livvy, her exposed panties so close that she could breathe the scent of her aroused pussy without any real effort.

“Such a pretty little mouth, pet.  Tell me.  What are pretty girl’s mouths good for?”

“Licking pussy, Miss?” the blonde girl answered with an unsure whisper, unable to keep her voice from trembling as Jessica placed her hands upon her head, her fingers kneading Livvy’s scalp tenderly.

“You learn quickly.”

Livvy blushed at the praise, feeling a sense of pride well up in her chest. 

“I’ll allow you three licks. No more.  Understand?”

No words were needed as she extended her tongue, feeling Jess guide her face until her nose was pressed against the lace of her panties.  Slowly, she ran the wet pink muscle over the material hiding Jess’s pussy, leaving a slightly damp streak behind. Once.  Twice.  Three times, a thrill of desire burning through her with each pass. After the third, she reluctantly pulled her tongue back into her mouth and pressed her lips tightly together, her gaze lifting to the other woman’s face, longing for permission to continue.

Jess’s laughter was delightful, if cruel.  “Such a little slut. You want more, don’t you?”

“Yes, Miss,” Olivia admitted shyly. 

“Another time.  I Promise,” she said, stepping back carefully while pulling her zipper closed, her voice teasing.  “If you’re a good girl I might even allow you to make me cum.”

“Thank you, Miss.” She was truly lost in her role now, that of pet, slut, and slave; letting loose and pushing her inhibitions aside.  She could feel her pussy juices flowing, trickling along the insides of her thigh and her nipples stiff and aching with passion at the thought Jessica watching her cum.

She watched, unable to tear her gaze from Jessica wicked smile, as she pulled a flat box wrapped as a present in lavender paper and decorated with a dark purple ribbon and laid it on the floor before Livvy.  An ivory card with her name carefully printed on the surface was tucked beneath the ribbon. Jess pulled a chair from the dining table and made herself comfortable, crossing her legs, her hands clasped loosely and resting on her thigh, her attention focused on the blonde girl, her fingers tapping impatiently against her knuckles.  Livvy couldn’t help but admire her from where she knelt.

“I don’t like to be kept waiting, pet.”

Her breath catching, she returned her attention to the gift, carefully untying the pretty ribbon and putting it to on side before unwrapping the box. Swallowing, she finally removed the lid, gasping inaudibly at the contents.  Latex.  Not black, like hers, but bright red.  Nestled on top of the outfit was a matching red leather collar.  She examined it without actually picking it up. The ‘pet name’ that they’d been using for her – Livvy – was etched on its surface.  The only other adornment was a silver buckle with a D shaped metal bar attached to it.  Livvy shivered, its function obvious to her. 

“Thank you, Miss,” she murmured softly, unable to resist running her finger over the letters on the collar and then, over the sleek slick shiny material beneath it, hesitating for several moments before finally going back to the collar and laying it on her thigh, stroking it carefully, tracing the edges with a trembling fingertip, and then the metal ring and the tag with her name on it, Jessica’s gaze flickering downward to alert her that her swollen cunt lips were spread lewdly on display

 “Did you want me to try it on?  Miss?”

Jessica’s steely gaze rose, boring into hers, the corners of her lips hinting at the beginnings of a smile, one that made Olivia shiver with fearful anticipation.  She felt her nipples stiffening on her breasts once more and her pussy clenching, as heat spread through her core and the damning trickle of arousal tickled the inside of her thighs.

“It’s your choice, pet.  It’s our own private green light.  Whenever you have it on in my presence, or in Daniel’s, you’re giving us permission to do whatever we please with you.  To you.   Whenever you’re wearing it, you are our plaything.  Take your time. I want you to consider carefully.”

Olivia remained silent, heart pounding in her chest loud enough that she suspected Jessica could hear it.  She thought about the other night, at the club, and her initial thoughts when She’d opened the door to find the gorgeous red head at her door. She’d sensed that, although Daniel might push her limits, he would be careful not to push them beyond what she was ready for.  For lack of a better word, there was a sense of safety when he’d taken control of her at the club.  With Jessica, however, she felt no such thing.  She’d be much crueler than her husband and push Olivia to the edge of her limits and, perhaps, beyond. 

The thought terrified her, and yet, her body reacted to it hungrily.  She felt her skin flush and tingle as a shiver of desire teased her with unseen fingers. She stared at Daniel’s wife, hyper aware that she was on the verge of panting at the thought of being used, not for her own pleasure, but for Jessica’s, suspecting that she couldn’t begin to imagine the depravity of her imagination.

She watched her smile slowly grow as she picked up the collar, Livvy closed her eyes tightly, telling herself that the smart thing to do would be to kneel in silence until she could think straight.  That would be the sensible thing. The trouble was, she wasn’t always a very sensible girl. She carefully unbuckled the collar and began lifting it towards her exposed throat.

Jess laughed, desire inflecting the sound, and shook her head almost regretfully.  “Now we both know that you are willing, Livvy.” She rose gracefully, towering above the kneeling, naked girl.  “If I had the time, I’d indulge myself. You’ll just have to wait for a while longer.  Think you can continue behaving for me?”

“I’ll try, Miss,” she managed, her voice just above a whisper, blushing furiously at her compliance in front of the other woman. 

“Promise me.” The words were stern, her gaze cold.

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“I promise, Miss,” she replied with a shiver.  “How much longer?”

“Longer than you want, I am sure,” Jessica chuckled, running her hand between Livvy’s spread thighs until her fingers were coated in moisture which she wiped off on the naked girl’s mouth, smiling as she watched her hungrily licking her own juices from her lips before rising gracefully from her seat.  Squatting before the exposed girl, she used her fingers to lift her chin until their gazes met.

“Be a good girl and you will be rewarded.  The gifts are not to leave the box without my permission. I look forward to playing with you again.”  With a soft kiss, one that Livvy returned with a passionate hunger that made Jessica smile, she was gone, leaving her to stew in incredibly perverse thoughts.


She’d been told that the gift, neither the collar nor the suit, were to leave the box.  Jessica had never said she couldn’t look or touch, so she tormented herself each night before bed time by running her hands over her embossed name and then, the smooth material of the latex, imagining the little details that couldn’t be seen. Things like zippers or snaps or attachments like rings or cuff.  It had been deviously placed in the box so that none of that, if it existed, was visible without removing the garment.

“And I want to be a good girl,” Olivia chided herself nightly, knowing that it was a lie.  She wanted to be a bad girl. A dirty, nasty girl.  Only the promise of being rewarded stilled her hands from, not only the suit, but her pussy, sending her to bed each night wet and hungry and full of unquenched desire.  It was a torment she both hated and reveled in. 

Worse, Jessica had taken great delight in texting her at the most inopportune times. Usually when she was out in public.  Little notes detailing the things she would like to do to her pet, always degrading and perverse, leaving her aroused with no outlet.  Not that she had one at home.  She still wasn’t ‘allowed’ to make herself cum.  She started to wonder if she’d ever be allowed to orgasm again? Who would know? she asked herself, more than once.  I would know. That was enough to strip naked and immerse herself in a shower, the ice cold water leaving her breathless and shivering.  By the time she heard from Daniel, it was all she could think of, her concentration for anything else, no matter how mundane, ruined. 


Daniel called Friday evening while she was folding laundry on the bed, taking a certain amount of comfort in the mundane task.

Hello, Livvy.  How was your week?”

“Good, Sir. Nothing special.”  She paused a moment before adding quietly, “Thinking of you and Miss Jessica a lot…”

His gentle laugh was full of warmth and, under that warmth, something else. Heat.  She bit her lip as a shiver passed through her.

“Would you like to try our gift on tonight?”

“Yes,” she breathed into the phone without any hesitation. 

“Why don’t you indulge yourself, then? Jess and I have plans, otherwise we’d love to join you.  Another time, perhaps.”

Olivia felt her elation take a sudden nose dive.  The thought of another night like the one at the club had been playing in her head all week and Daniel had just dashed it to pieces.

“By myself?” She didn’t even try to hide the disappointment in her voice.

“Yes. By yourself, pet. And Jess asked me to remind you that she hasn’t given you permission to have an orgasm yet.  Is that clear?”

“Yeah…” Livvy sighed.

“Next weekend, I promise pet.  Do you think you can wait that long?”

“I guess,” she pouted, bristling at the thought. It seemed unfair to her. She’d done everything they’d asked.  Another week of anticipation and frustration didn’t exactly thrill her.

“It will be worth it, pet.”

“Okay.  Sir,” she sighed just before he ended the call abruptly.

Olivia glanced at the clock. It was just after 7 o’clock.  Plenty of time for her to shed her skin and become the girl from the DV8 once more.  Not that it would take that long to dress, but there was more to the transformation than simply putting on the suit.  She wanted to look pretty; it was important to be perfect, or as close to perfect as she could manage, even if she wasn’t sure if anyone else would see her.  Hair, makeup, polish, a shower, shave…

She quickly finished up what she’d been doing and smoothed out the bed spread, doing her best to calm her swirling thoughts, her emotions roiling within like waves of small butterflies trapped within and searching for a way out as she closed the bedroom blinds and pulled the curtains closed.

She took her time shaving her legs, armpits and, finally, her pubic hair, enjoying the sensual feel of hot water, lather, and the razor.  The combination of that and her anticipation had her wet in no time, something she was beginning to grow used to lately, her aroused state becoming a constant ever since the night at the club.

After treating herself to a long, hot shower she decided to match her nails with the suit, using a glossy red on both toe and finger nails, carefully applying it, getting lost in the simple act, a plan slowly formulating in her head. It had been a while since she’d indulged a particular fetish.

She’d stored the box beneath her bed with an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ attitude, not that it had been all that successful.  It had been constantly on her mind, though she’d managed to quell her curiosity each and every time it had seeped into her thoughts.  Finally, it was time. Almost reverently, she pulled the box from beneath her bed and removed the lid, setting it on the bedspread. So pretty.  So shiny.  That would be her, shortly.  She’d given herself two hours to dress.  It would take a fraction of the time, but that wasn’t the point.  She wanted time to savor the feeling of being encased in latex; to fully come alive.  Her sense seemed heightened. Latex gave off a unique scent, and she caught a hint of it, mixed with the scent of her arousal and the leftover coconut of her shampoo.  Other fragrances as well, though she ignored those.  The day to day mundanity of her room.  A breath of cool air caressed her nakedness and she shivered with delight, pretending to ignore the suit as she dimmed the lights in her room before standing before her mirror, turning slowly, her gaze drawn by the image she presented.  Her breasts were small and perky with youth, her nipples protruding, already stiff with desire. Her ass was pleasantly shaped beneath a narrow waist. Her belly was soft, yet toned, as were her legs.  Her mound was smooth and bare, her pussy a pink vertical slit.  She toyed with her hair, pulling it back in a ponytail, then releasing it, letting it fall in loose waves to her shoulders, teasing it until her face was partially hidden behind golden tresses. 

She was pretty, something she was shyly proud of, and, when she wanted to be, sexy.  Or at least she felt that way standing before her reflection, the twinkle of colored lights shining in the background.  She watched, her breath quickening as the girl in the mirror reached for her tit and slowly tugged and twisted her nipple until she gasped out loud before sliding down over her belly, carefully parting her outer lips, and slipping a finger into her welcoming cunt.  No cumming, she’d been told, but nothing had been said about touching.  She was already wet.  She played with herself, rubbing her clit as she watched herself until she could see her juices glistening on her lips, her finger and even on her inner thighs, moaning at the pleasure she felt spreading through her core, forcing herself to stop before she reached the point of no return.

“Get dressed, Livvy,” she told herself, turning away from the reflective surface and towards her bed and the box.  She removed the collar first, and then the latex suit, handling it carefully, laying it carefully out so she could get her first look.  It didn’t escape her that there was a small box within the larger one, but for now, she ignored it.

Even in the semi-darkness, the surface gleamed, and she felt her attention drifting away into dark and smutty fantasies as she regarded it, allowing herself to be more critical. A single piece. It didn’t have feet, nor hands, the long sleeves ending at the wrist.  There was a single zipper running from the high neck to the small of the back, just above the ass.  And, there were cutouts; a pair of circular ones that would put her breasts on display, and one that was somewhere between a rectangle and an oval that would expose her cunt.  Breathlessly, she sat upon the bed and pressed her face into the material, breathing in the smell of rubber, her heart quickening with desire, sending blood to her hardening nipples and swelling clit.  Panting softly, she took her time, thankful that she was in the privacy of her own home as she extended her tongue and began to lick the latex suit, shame and embarrassment turning her cheeks a rosy hue.   

She savored the moment, occasionally planting little kisses on the material, slipping completely into her role of wanton slut, her pussy soaking wet by the time she forced herself to stop and open the smaller companion box.  Inside was a small bottle of oil, its intended use obvious.

Not wanting to make a mess on the carpet, she took it into the bathroom with her and very slowly, very carefully, applied it all over her body until her flesh shone.  It felt lovely, being sleek and shiny, the oil warming her nakedness and making her slick enough to don the latex suit with ease. 

She took her time with that, as well, enjoying the feeling of encasing herself in a second skin, smoothing out the wrinkles carefully, checking her reflection to make sure she looked perfect.  And she did. Her small, perky tits, tipped by rosy erect nipples were well displayed as was her smoothly shaved and swollen cunt. Other than that, she was covered in skin tight latex from ankle to wrist to throat.  She could feel her pussy clenching at the sight and spent a much longer time in the mirror than she had intended, enjoying the picture it presented. After all, she had the evening to herself without interruption.

On a whim, she took some selfies, posing erotically, wanting a document to enjoy at a future date.  She could hardly believe it the image staring back at her.  Tussled Blond hair loosely framing her face, spilling over her shoulders, her eyes full of lustful hunger.  Makeup was the last touch, and she took her time carefully thickening her lashes, applying eye-liner, and turning her lips ruby red. And then, and only then, did she feel ready to don the collar, buckling it carefully around her slender throat, turning it so that the buckle was at her nape and her name, embossed in the leather, was beneath her chin, admiring her reflection once more.  Wearing it completed the transformation from girl to slut to pet and she practically purred with satisfaction at the vision she presented. She knew it would please her ‘owners’ and she took another selfie, this time, sending it to both Daniel and Jessica, after which she allowed herself to run a single teasing finger between the puffy pussy lips, shivering and letting out a whimpering moan at the sensation of pleasure that pulsed through her. 

 “Fuck me,” she murmured, eye lashes fluttering as she slipped her fingertip inside of her pussy and slowly fucked herself for several strokes until she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop herself if she continued, then, and only then, lifting it to her mouth, and sucking it clean before taking a shot of her exposed cunt, the taste of her own juices pushing all rational thoughts into the corners of her mind.  She sent the selfie to them as well before glancing at the clock. Nearly 8.  Plenty of time for what she had planned.  Despite Jessica's command, she couldn't wait another week. The need was just too overpowering. She needed to cum.


She took her time, letting the anticipation build and her arousal with it.  First, a mental list of what she would want based on an image of how the rest of the night would proceed, light several candles on her dresser and night stand, now that it was dark outside and all ambient light was kept away by her blinds and thick curtains. 

It felt wonderfully decadent to lay out her collection of bondage toys on the blood red sheet she lay over her bedspread. Four black leather restraints paired with matching padlocks and a ball gag.  An egg vibrator and its remote device.  She set out a pair of clover clamps, chewing on one corner of her lower lip thoughtfully as she recalled the ginger root she’d purchased two days previously, wondering how intense she wanted this session to be.  Five lengths of silver chain. Although delicate looking she knew, from experience, it was strong enough to hold her no matter how hard she struggled.  It has already been perfectly measured to exact lengths for what she had in mind. One combination lock.

She took another moment to admire herself in the mirror by candle light, pinching and rubbing her swollen nipples, unable to hold back her moans of pleasure.  Then, a journey to the kitchen.  Quickly she closed the blinds in the front rooms before turning on the ceiling lights, heart fluttering like a trapped bird, her decision made. Wearing disposable gloves, she used a sharp knife to peel the skin from the ginger root before cutting it in half and carving it into the shape of a thick finger before grinding up the remainder, turning it into a thick paste.  She felt her pussy practically drooling down the insides of her thighs by the time she added a small bowl of the paste, a wooden popsicle stick, and a small plate with the root to the items on her bed. 

“I’m going to regret this,” she admonished herself, shrugging the thought off.  In her state of heightened arousal, common sense had long since fled.  She wanted to burn with sex intensity when she was finally able to make herself come…

She took her time, enjoying the feel of the cuffs as she buckled them tightly around each ankle and each wrist, using the padlocks to lock them in place, once again, taking a moment to enjoy her reflection.  She looked exactly like she felt; a bondage slut in shiny new latex.  Without realizing it she began to play with her clit, massaging it tenderly, each breath quicker than the previous until she was on the verge of falling over the edge, stopping herself when she felt herself approaching the point of no return, her eyes starting to roll upwards behind her lids. Slightly dazed, she went over to the light on her night stands, turning it on before setting the timer so that it would turn off in 30 minutes, leaving her immersed in the dark, unable to see, effectively blinding her for two full hours when it would turn back on once more.

First things first.  She quickly extinguished the candles and shut the bedroom door, leaving the small light the only source of illumination within the room.  The chains had clips on one end and the links were large enough to slip the slender padlock hasps through.  She attached one to each corner of the footboard and head board rails, laying the chains out diagonally on the surface of the bed and then, a shorter length, about a foot long, was attached to the cuff around her right wrist. 

She glanced at the timer, making sure she had plenty of time before the room was doused in darkness, pushing all doubts from her mind, fully committing herself to the madness, the blossoming tidal wave of sexual frenzy over-riding everything else.

Egg first. Her pussy was so wet that it slipped in easily.  Her only worry was having it slip out once she could do nothing about it.  Fortunately, she was small enough, and tight, that it wouldn’t be much of an issue.  The remote, set at random, was placed carefully where her right hand would be, once her bondage was completed. All it would take was a push of a button to set it in motion.  Random meant that it would turn on for one to five minutes at a time for varying intensities before shutting off again.  From experience she knew that it was just enough to torture her and rarely enough to actually climax.

Next, she lay down on the bed and attached the chains to her ankle cuffs, clipping them in place so that her legs were spread wide. Next came the ball gag, which she buckled carefully behind her neck, the red rubber ball trapped securely in her mouth, forcing it open and silencing her from all but the weakest of sounds.  

Now, the tricky part. She lay there, practically panting, already feeling vulnerable with her legs spread wide, glancing once more at the clock, waiting until she had 5 minutes left, fighting the urge that always overcame here at this point to chicken out, keeping herself busy by, once again, slipping a pair of thin plastic gloves on.

It was time.  She didn’t allow herself to think. The ginger had been carved so that the there was a thinner ring at the base.  That way, once she pushed in into her ass, it would stay put until she had use of her hands again.  She’d chosen the thickest one she could find.  It wouldn’t take long before it started burning, so she had to hurry, the goal being to trap herself so that she had no choice but to ride out the sensation.  Quickly, she grabbed the paste and applied a generous coat to each nipple and then, impulsively, a large dab on her already throbbing clit before quickly peeling off the gloves and tossing them over the side of the bed.  She’d practiced the next.  The first few times she’d tried this, she’d spent a lot of time fumbling with her bonds.  Left wrist first, clipping the end of the chain to the silver D ring attached. Remote next.  Simple push of the button before pushing it off the side of the bed to the floor. Finally, before she could change her mind, she connected the chain attached to her right cuff to the one attached to the headboard, connecting the links with the combination lock.  It was positioned just so, so that with a little effort she could turn the number dials to set herself free.  As long as she could see them.  She scrambled the numbers, one by one up until the moment when the timer went off and the room went black, leaving her spread eagled on the bed, no way to escape until it turned on once more and she could see the numbers on the lock to release herself, leaving her at the mercy of her vibrator and the ginger…


The vibe kicked in almost immediately at its lowest setting, just enough to remind her of its presence, not enough to distract her from the growing warmth deep inside her ass and over the sensitive nubs of her nipples and clit as the ginger started to work its insidious magic.  She knew, from past experience that it would quickly become less pleasant, especially without the distraction of her egg buzzing away at full power.  Having no idea how long this cycle would last or what the next would bring, she concentrated on another kind of stimulation. 

She created a scenario in which she’d left the front door unlocked and someone, perhaps more than one someone, had were even know exploring the house while she lay chained to the bed, vulnerable and helpless to stop them from… whatever it was they had in mind. Was it someone she knew? Daniel, perhaps, and maybe Jessica. Or Robert, perhaps?  Or a stranger, one who was only interested in taking his own pleasure and having his way with her…

The heat of the ginger began to take root, causing a light burning sensation on her clit and one of her nipples, quickly followed by more of the same inside her ass. She clenched as the vibrator switched suddenly to its highest setting, whimpering into her gag as the burning intensified, pain spiking inside of her.  She jerked at her bonds, tugging hard at the chains that held her spread open, twisting and turning her head from side to side, drool trickling from the corners of her mouth, her hips rising, as pleasure balanced the pain. 

In the dark, it was easy to imagine the bedroom door opening quietly and someone joining her in the room, their identity impossible to guess, standing in the doorway, eye adjusting as they listened to her soft whimpers, her hungry moan, and the shimmery rattle of chains as a surge of panic made started her thrashing against the mattress once more, the scent of her arousal mixed with the pungent root invading her nostrils.

The vibe went suddenly still and she let out a heartfelt muffled curse, both nipples burning now, which was actually pleasurable, as was the burning within. It was the generous portion on her clit that stole away her breath. It felt like it was slowly sliding into her cunt as she writhed in place. Two hours of this? What had she been thinking? The egg kicked in again, this time to a setting midway between the extremes. Just enough to feel good, not nearly enough to get up on, even if it continued indefinitely.

In her mind, her unseen voyeurs were closing in on her, watching her from either side, lust burning within, their smiles cruel. 

She growled, using all her strength to tug at the chains, reaching out for the combination lock, fruitlessly turning the dials, unable to fee the numbers in the dark. 

The last vestiges of pleasure abandoned her suddenly as the egg slowed again, and she cried out wordlessly, the frustration worse than the burning sensation that was quickly growing out of control. She did her best to continue with her fantasy of being watched, but was finding it harder and harder to concentrate on anything other than the physical sensation. How long had passed? There was no visible clock allowing her to gauge her progress…

The vibrator sprang to life at full power once again and she began to hump the empty space above her, forcing her ass to clench harder, resulting in sudden burst of fire within which heightened, rather than diminished, the ecstasy building deep within her core.  She began to beg, her words coming out jumbled, hoping, praying for it not to stop, feeling it push her to the edge, towards a pinnacle of indescribable pleasure, needing it to push her over, trying to hold on to her sanity as her body took over, bucking hard, thrashing against the bed as her orgasm hit her, tearing through her with the intensity of a tsunami.  She screamed into her gag as the vibe kept going, making it impossible to breathe, relief barely felt as it slowed down only slightly.  Her nipples felt like they were about to pop like plugged up volcanoes and her clit throbbed with agony in time to her rapid heartbeat and then…

She tipped over into another orgasm, the vestiges from the previous one still shaking through her, a spike of pure ecstasy tearing her apart…

She quickly lost all track of time, the lack of sight heightening her other senses.  She continued to writhe, thrashing and bucking as either pain, pleasure, or a combination of both grew too much for her to bear. Drool covered her chin and cheeks, pooling on the sheets, soaking through them.  Eventually she felt almost numb, too exhausted to react, her orgasms becoming painful, the burn of the ginger almost soothing as she sobbed gently for relief, hardly taking notice when the light suddenly switched on, illuminating her overheated latex encased body, her exposed flesh shining with sweat and drool and cum as she fumbled weakly at the combination lock, finally freeing herself from her self-imposed punishing reward.




Written by sprite
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