I was 16 when we first met, I was nervous and sitting on a bench outside the local hospital where I told you I would be waiting. I was not sure what you looked like as we had not discussed that in our chats over the computer, it was irrelevant.
* * *
I watch as people walk in and out, wondering if one of them is you but cannot be certain. After about 20 or so people walk by I finally relax and my mind starts to wander. I think about what's going to happen and if I'm making the right decision.
Out of the corner of my eye a stranger catches my attention, like a connection, but they walk inside and I think nothing of it. Five minutes pass and that same stranger comes up in front of me and says my name. My head pops to attention and my stomach flies to my throat, I know it's you at last.
I stand up and we embrace in a hug and you walk me to your car, your hand on the small of my back guiding me the whole way. I'm shaking in anticipation and nerves, you seeing that grab my chin and kiss me long and deep. Sitting next to you I start to blush, and look down at my lap. My legs are pushed tightly closed and my hands are pushed snug between them. You grab my wrist and tell me to open my legs and tell me that I should always have my legs open and waiting for you. I oblige and open my legs, but you tell me to open them farther. I give you a look like are you serious? You return a stern look with one eyebrow raised and tell me without saying a word to open my legs farther now! I don't want to test my luck and challenge you, so I open them as far as I can. You put your fingers between my legs to find me very moist, you chuckle to yourself and we pull out of the parking lot..
We have a long drive ahead, so we make small talk for a while to ease the nerves and tension. During the drive I forget about my legs and they slowly close, you are keeping note and at the right moment slap my inner thigh and tell me in a firm but gentle voice to keep my legs open. I jump and gasp in surprise and quickly open my legs. You give me that same stern look with your raised eyebrow, but I do not know why. "Forgetting something, girl?"
"Um..." is all I can get out before another slap across my thigh, I gasp and jump again. I'm confused and forget everything.
"You are supposed to thank me for correcting you, and are to apologize for not following orders."
I snap back to reality, started apologizing and thank you for correcting me. You smile at me and nod saying "good girl" and continue driving.
When we finally arrive at your place you tell me to go in and take all my clothes off. You say I am to be kneeling by the door waiting for you and that I have two minutes. I hurry upstairs trying as fast as I can to follow instructions but things are not working out as I had planned. I'm wearing laced up dress boots that are fighting me and wasting time. You walk in to witness me in a panic cursing my boots and fumbling to hurry, but it's too late! I see you walk in and know it has not been two minutes already, but dare not speak that thought out loud. It would not be a good excuse and would only make things worse.
I sit down on the floor and quickly continue to unlace my boots as you walk to your chair to sit down. When I finish you motion for me to come and kneel at your feet, and I do so quickly as to not make you wait any longer.
Since I am new and still needed training you let my transgression slide, but just this once. You pet my hair back from my face and stroke my cheek and smile saying, "What a pretty little one you are." You then unzip your pants, pull out your cock and tell me to suck it. You are very hard already and are rather large.
I slowly start to lick you up and down, taking your balls in my hands and mouth. You push my head down slightly and hold me there. Gagging, I instinctively struggle and push myself up off you. You swat my bottom and tell me to NEVER push you away or try to stop what you are doing, and tell me to take you in my mouth again. You start to pump in and out and push me down to see how much of you I can take.
I'm still gagging but start to relax as you keep pumping in and out and farther down my throat. You grab me by the hair and pull my face up to yours, locking me in a deep kiss. You then push my face back to your cock and continue pumping in and out and when you speed up I know you are about ready to cum. You push my head back onto you and your cum blows down my throat uncontrollably. You look down at me with a smile on your face, and tell me to lie on my back on the floor. I do so, nervous and anxious, wondering what's going to happen now. I want and need more!
You come and straddle me and sit on top of my legs. You look at me with a grin on your face and say, "We are going to have some fun."
By this time I am sopping wet and dripping on everything. You reach over to the end table next to us and grab a small plastic container from it. Wondering what's in it I get even more excited and anxious. You pull out a metal nipple clamp and my eyes go wide. You tell me it's fine and that it won't hurt as bad as I think it will. You then start rubbing my nipples between your fingers, pulling and twisting them.
I arch and push them up to you, not knowing that is what you want me to do anyway. In a flash you grab my right nipple and slip the clamp on and start to tighten it. I start to pull away and try to push you away again. You slap my thigh hard and tell me yet again to NEVER push you away and that this time it results in punishment!
My face flushes and tears well up as you continue to tighten it almost all the way. You grab my left nipple and do the same with that one. You look down at me and smile at your handiwork and give the clamps a few tugs. That sends a sensation all the way down to my pussy and makes me wetter than I was, if that's even possible. You warn me that it might hurt a bit when you take the clamps off, but to stay still. You take them off one right after the other. The sensation is nothing I have felt before, but I'm not hating it. As soon as you get both clamps off you soothe my nipples by licking and sucking them.
"I haven't forgotten your punishment, little one," you say with a snap. You tell me to lie face down on the bed. I hesitate and you say with a stern voice, "NOW," and I quickly move and lie on the bed as you instructed. You grab a metal spoon that is lying on the end table and say to yourself that this will work fine for what you need to do. You then ask me if I know why I am being punished and I say yes.

You chuckle and say, "Close, but try again."
I blush, and this time say, "Because I pushed you away and disobeyed you."
"That's better. I am going to give you 10 swats with this spoon."
Ok, 10 swats with a spoon shouldn't be that bad I think. But when the first swat comes down it's like fire hits my ass! "OUCH!" I put my hands across my bottom to cover the next blow from hitting. You swat my thigh with your hand and demand I move my hands. I comply and pull my hands away. You wait a few moments before striking again. The second blow comes harder this time but I stay still. The third blow lands and I pull back and roll away "THAT HURT!" I yell.
You tell me to lie back down and I shake my head "No". You tell me again to lie back down and it will be over soon and to take my punishment like a good girl. I shake my head again "No" and say, "It hurt too much!"
"My what a naughty little one you are."
Being calm and understanding you explain to me that if I am bad, I need to be punished to learn my lesson. You ask if I understand and I say yes I do. You raise your eyebrow and clear your throat. "Forgetting something?"
"Oh uh, yes Sir. I understand."
You ask me if it would make things easier if I were restrained. I think about it and agree that not being able to squirm away will be easier to take my punishment from you. You tell me to lie back down and you get a few pieces of rope and attach them to my wrists and ankles. You tell me that you are going to continue with my punishment but I earned another 10 swats for disobeying and that you were starting over again. I nod and say, "Yes, Sir, I understand."
You start back at one, and it comes down like fire again. I pull at my restraints and thrash about trying to cover myself but cannot. You come down expertly in just the right places and at the perfect pace. I'm sweating, crying and snot is running out my nose. I have my head buried in the comforter and am actually beginning to bite and pull at the fabric with my teeth. It's just a metal spoon, how the hell could it hurt this much!"
You are on the last two swats and I am thrashing uncontrollably now and breathing hard. The last blow comes down and I hear you say it is over and I did very well. Tears running down my face and my hair a mess, I thank you for taking the time to punish me and for being so understanding and caring. You release me and hold me in your arms, rocking me and shushing me like a little baby and telling me everything is alright and it is over now.
You release me from your arms and tell me to go and start a bath, that I have been sweating a lot and need to get clean. You would join me in a bit. I go and fill the tub and climb in and sink to my chin in warm water. Shortly after, you climb in behind me with me between your legs and my back to your chest. You wash my hair and body, making sure that I am completely clean, playing with my sore nipples and aching pussy in between cleaning me. You tease me, just getting close to my slit and then pull away. You massage my thighs just close enough to make me squirm and then stop.
"Get up and get dried off and wait for me by my chair, I will be in shortly."
I whimpered in protest at you stopping playing but comply. I make my way to your chair and kneel in front of it and wait.
I look around the room a bit since I didn't have a chance to before. I didn't notice any toys or anything, nothing that indicated that you were Dominant. I thought to myself, where is all the play equipment? Where are the whips and paddles? You return shortly and sit down in front of me in your chair and ask me my thoughts and feelings on what has happened so far.
Not sure how to answer, I say I don't know. You ask me yet again what my thoughts and feelings are and assure me it's ok to be open with you and that I won't be punished for my answer.
Relieved somewhat I tell you I am excited but still not sure of things, but would like to see and experience more. You nod in approval of my answer and get an idea of something fun we could do. You tell me to stay put and go into the bedroom.
I can hear you rummaging through something and wonder what it could be. You return with a rope about 2 or 3 feet long. I'm not sure what you have in mind but I'm open for anything. How much harm can a rope do anyway? I think. You sit back down and tell me to kneel up to you and get in between your legs. You grab my breasts and begin to caress and play with them, this only makes me wet again. You bring the rope up and start to tie it tight around one and then the other, then around my back and around my breasts again. I'm excited and intrigued at the same time, watching them slowly turn red. They are hard as rocks and look like big water balloons ready to burst! You tell me to lie on my back and spread my legs so you can get a better look at me and I can tell you are getting excited again.
You get up and grab my arm and take me to your bed and put me on it. You climb up next to me and tell me to get on top of you but to not put you in me yet, just to sit there. You take a few swats at my now purple breasts, enjoying the way they sway and bob. You then untie them as to not cause damage to them. "Wow is that a rush when the blood runs back to them?"
You have me sit up and you stick your cock into me and tell me to come down slowly onto you and to just sit there again. At this point I am getting really excited and need to be fucked, I don't care how or where!! You start to buck slowly, then faster. You tell me to put my hands behind my back and then start to slap my breasts over and over again as you fuck me harder and deeper, almost like an animal.
I start to zone out into what I believe is my first sub space experience and being to feel no pain from you savagely handling my breasts. I begin to throw myself around in rhythm with your body not caring what I look like or the sounds I make. I only hear your voice and the sounds coming from you, everything else is a blur. I cannot count how many times I orgasm, but can feel when you blow inside of me ( it feels like a rocket going off ). You have me by the hair, pulling me down to your chest and holding me tight as you come down from your high. Both of us panting and sweating, we lay there and rest exhausted and happy.
We don't fall fast asleep like most stories end though. We actually clean up again and just hang out and watch a little bit of TV in each other's arms. We get to know one another better (physically and mentally ). You take me home the next day and we have more weekends like that, but they get more intense as time goes on.
This was only the beginning for me. A wonderful beginning!