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My Pet Lucy, Chapter 1 - Secrets

"A (mostly non-sexual) first chapter, where Sam discovers some interesting secrets about Lucy..."

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It was early summer and Sam was helping Lucy get ready to move house. They had only been dating for a couple of months, but things were going pretty well. Neither of them had been looking for anything serious but they got on well, shared some genuine affection and had a lot of fun together.

Lucy's mum would be arriving soon to begin ferrying her stuff to the new place. They had packed up most of the other rooms, which just left Lucy's room to sort out.

"So, what needs to be done?" Sam asked, stepping into the room and rubbing his hands together.

"Erm, pretty much everything," Lucy admitted. She was standing by the bed looking at the pile of clothes she had just upended onto it. The last few days had been really busy and she hadn't had the chance to get a head-start on the packing. Sam looked around the room, trying to work out what he could do to help. Then, his eyes lit up and he made his way over to the chest of drawers.

"I suppose I can pack up your underwear," he said, with fake weariness. "I don't want to, obviously, but I will... for you!" Lucy rolled her eyes but didn't protest. She couldn't help but smile at the adorable, cheeky look on his face. She continued to sort through the clothes, throwing them into either the suitcase on the bed or the pile on the floor.

Sam opened the first drawer and began grabbing handfuls of clothes and throwing them into a nearby bag, taking his time to inspect some of the more interesting items. Lucy was a big, curvy girl but her underwear somehow managed to look both robust and sexy at the same time. It came in a range of colours, from blacks to whites and pastel hues, with various adornments of lace and ribbons. He held up one black and purple lacy bra, noting the various see-through sections. It was one that he hadn't seen before.

"You should definitely wear this for me at some point," he said, smiling cheekily. Then, out of curiosity, he checked the label. "Double-H's!?" he exclaimed. "Oh, I get it. As in 'Holy Hell, those are some big titties'". Lucy blushed. She had always been sensitive about her size, but Sam seemed to genuinely love her curves. Especially, of course, her boobs! However, Sam hadn't fully appreciated how large they were until now.

"Yeah," she sighed.

"No wonder these have to be industrial strength!" Sam continued. He had often engaged in battle with some of the triple-hooked clasps! Lucy remembered chuckling at his moment of triumph when he finally managed to remove one of them singlehandedly for the first time.

"Yeah," Lucy said. "Otherwise I'd be like the Hulk, bursting right out of them." Sam's brain couldn't help but play out that mental image. "You have no idea how hard it is to find ones that are comfy, supportive and flattering," she added. Sam said nothing, still holding up the bra in amazement. He was taking genuine delight in the whole scenario, but Lucy couldn't stop her heart from sinking. "That's the price you pay for being fat," she sighed.

"Hey!" Sam said, dropping the bra and walking over to her. "Don't be silly!" He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "It's the price you pay for having such amazing curves!" he corrected, squeezing her tightly and burying his face in her auburn hair. Lucy couldn't help but smile as she felt the warmth of his embrace. After a few seconds, he slid his hands up to grab her boobs and squeezed them enthusiastically. "Seriously, these things are fucking amazing!" he said, with feeling. Lucy laughed and turned to face him, staring up into that gorgeous face and that infectious smile.

"Thanks," she mumbled. "You always know what to say." She stood on tiptoes so she could kiss him. Even when she wore heels, Sam was still a good foot taller than she was. Sam slid his arms around her and she wrapped hers around his neck, pulling him down into the kiss as it became more passionate. The sound of a car pulling up outside could be heard in the background, but neither of them seemed to notice it. She pulled away and looked up into those dark brown eyes and saw the longing as he stared back into her bright, pale green ones. Lucy had always had a high sex drive, but that hungry fire in his eyes drove her wild! All she wanted right now was for him to throw her onto the bed and have his way with her. But then they heard the thump of a car door outside, which broke the spell.

"Okay, okay," Sam said with a deep breath, kissing her on the forehead, "there'll be time for that later. We've got a new bed to break in, after all!" He winked at her, causing her to blush and turn away. She grabbed the rest of the pile of clothes and forced them into the suitcase, closing it just before they heard the knock at the front door. She left the suitcase in the hallway and they went to greet Lucy's mum and begin loading the car.

A few hours later, they were on their third car-load and most of the moving was done. Fortunately, apart from the clothes, Lucy didn't actually own all that much stuff. With the clothes loaded, there was just one thing left to do. She waited for Sam to leave the room and listened as made his way downstairs before pulling the last of the boxes out from their hiding place under the bed.

As she made her way downstairs, carrying the pile of nondescript boxes and a poster tube tucked under one arm, she looked down and saw Sam. He had obviously heard her coming and was standing by the foot of the stairs, waiting to let her pass. She was too busy staring at him, and hoping that he wouldn't ask her about the boxes, that she lost her balance. She narrowly avoided missing a step entirely and managed to stay upright, but some of the boxes went tumbling down the stairs. She heard one of the boxes bounce open and spill its contents across the landing. She panicked; from where she was standing, frozen to the spot, she could see her mum picking up the last box from the kitchen and preparing to follow her. She really didn't want her mum to see what was in the box, but there was no way she could get to it in time.

"Sam!" She hissed. "Quickly, grab those boxes!" Sam was clearly surprised at the urgency in her voice. He dashed up to the landing and froze as he surveyed the scene. The poster tube had lost its lid and from inside it had slipped the handle of what was, unmistakably, a riding crop. It was made of black leather with a ribbon on its handle and a violet heart embroidered on it. The other box that had bounced open had contained a black leather collar and matching cuffs, along with some miniature padlocks and a length of thin-but-non-the-less-sturdy silver chain.

Sam looked up at Lucy, a smirk on his face and his eyebrow raised. He was about to make a remark, but he noticed how red Lucy had gone and saw the panic in her eyes. He quickly stuffed the offending items back into their boxes and hurried down to the car with them.

Nothing else was said as, with the box from the kitchen and the 'special' boxes loaded into the car, the packing was done. After one last sweep of the flat, the three of them climbed into the car and they set off to Lucy's new home.

The new flat was a smaller, one-person affair and Lucy and her mum were unpacking in her bedroom. Lucy had been very careful to stash the incriminating boxes under the bed while her mum wasn't looking. The two of them were currently arguing over the best place to put things and how her dresses should be hung up. Sam thought it best to leave them to it.

"Hey," he said, leaning into the room. "Gimme your PC and I'll get it set up." Lucy pulled her laptop out of its bag and handed it to him. He left the bedroom as Lucy and her mum started bickering about something else and sat on the sofa in the combined kitchen/living area. It didn't take long for him to connect it to the WiFi. By the time the others came through to join him, he had found the website for a local pizza place.

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Once they had eaten, they waived Lucy's mum off and then returned to the sofa. Lucy was being very quiet and had gone bright red again.

"So..." Sam said suggestively. "That was an interesting day!" Lucy didn't say anything. Sam's heart sank now as he noticed that she was close to tears. She had clearly been fighting all evening to hold back her embarrassment. "Hey, don't worry about it." He said soothingly and placing his arm around her shoulders. "We all have our secrets."

"I didn't want you to find out," she murmured. "Not like this." She rubbed her face with her hands. "I thought you'd be shocked. I didn't want to scare you off."

"I'm not shocked." Sam paused for a moment as he considered the accuracy of that statement. "Okay, I'm a little bit shocked," he admitted, "but not in a bad way. And you haven't scared me off; I just didn't know you were into that sort of thing."

It took a few minutes of gentle encouragement, and the pouring of another few glasses of rosé, but Sam finally got her to open up.

"I'd been single for, like, two years," she explained. She had bought a vibe and watched a lot of porn in that time. "I started to become kinda obsessed with bondage and stuff." Another sip of wine. "Since then, I've been having these fantasies..." She rested her head on his shoulder. Apparently, she found it easier to talk when he wasn't making eye contact with her. "I dream about strong men taking control and using me for their pleasure. About being tied up and fucked while other people watch..."

"Wow," Sam said. She was really starting to come out of her shell now. 

"I met this guy Marco though a fetish site," she explained. "He said he'd show me the ropes... as it were." The unintentional pun helped to lighten the mood a little.

"What did you guys get up to?" Sam asked. Normally he wouldn't pry into someone's dating history, but the wine and his current blood-flow situation, combined with raw curiosity, got the better of him.

"It might be better if I show you," Lucy said. She opened her laptop and loaded up a folder. Inside was a document called 'Contract'.

"You actually signed a contract?" Sam asked. He had heard about BDSM contracts; the kind designed to specify each person's limits, kinks and roles within the relationship.

"Yeah," Lucy said, opening the file.

The contract contained personal information and a series of yes/no questions, all of which were about sex. Sam was a little shocked, particularly at some of the things that Lucy was apparently prepared to do, the stuff that she wanted to try and the surprisingly short list of things that her 'Master' was not allowed to do to her.

Alongside the document were a dozen-or-so photos, which had clearly been taken by this Marco guy. One showed her bound and blindfolded with a ball-gag in her mouth. Another showed her topless, kneeling on the floor with the word 'slut' and 'Marco's bitch' written on her breasts. Another showed her lying face-down with her ass in the air, covered in red marks that were clearly the result of a serious spanking session. In this one, the guy holding the camera had just cum all over her too. Sam took some pleasure in noting that Marco was overweight and his cock seemed pretty small.

Sam wasn't sure what to say. He had done in a bit of bondage play with his previous girlfriends, but it had been incredibly 'vanilla' compared to this! He knew that some people were into this sort of thing, but he didn't think that Lucy was the type!

"Don't take this the wrong way," Sam said, "but it looks kinda humiliating. Did you actually enjoy it?"

"Yeah, well, kinda." Lucy hesitated. "Part of me enjoyed being his little bitch," she said, making a noise somewhere between a giggle and a hiccup.

"I've done a little bit of bondagey stuff before," Sam admitted, "but nothing quite like this."

"Really?" Lucy said, looking up at Sam with excitement in her tear-filled eyes. "I didn't think you were into that sort of thing either."

"As I said, we all have our secrets," Sam said, smiling. They exchanged stories. Sam explained how he and his ex-girlfriend had tied each other up and used blindfolds and toys to tease each other. Lucy talked a bit more about Marco and how she had bought some toys but never got the chance to use them.

"We only met up a couple of times," she explained, "and I only really spent one night with him." She paused. "He was a bit of a dick, to be honest."

"Isn't that kind of the point?" Sam said.

"Well, yes," Lucy said, slowly, trying to work out how to explain what she meant. "I mean, I said I wanted to try all that stuff... I asked him to do it..." She hesitated. "But he just wasn't a very nice guy." She thought about this some more before adding, "There's a difference between being dominant and being an asshole."

"I think I see what you mean," he said.

"There was no aftercare with him." She explained what aftercare was. "There was just no chemistry... he wasn't even particularly handsome." She sighed. "I just didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I guess it would have been better with a nice guy, you know? Someone who actually cares about me."

"Someone like me, you mean?" Sam said, winking. Lucy blushed.

"Yeah, maybe," she mumbled.

"Well, then," Sam said, "we should try some of this stuff out together." She seemed a bit hesitant. "Look, I know Marcus was a dick, but I promise I'll look after you and I won't push you too hard." Lucy nodded. "And you won't be my 'bitch'," he continued. "You'll be... my... pet!" He decided that that sounded nicer, while still being the right kind of word.

"I'm not interested in humiliating you," he continued. "Or actually hurting you." He considered this for a moment, and then added, "too much!" They both smiled. "But I think we can still live out some of those fantasies of yours." She rested her head on his shoulder again. The tears had faded and Lucy was feeling a lot better now that she had opened up about all this.

"Sounds good," she said, quietly. She was starting to feel excited about what might happen now Sam knew the truth.

"Okay," said Sam, "we'll take it slow. I'll come up with some fun activities and maybe we'll try out some of those toys of yours too. But I promise I will take care of you and make sure that you are rewarded for your obedience." She bit her lip at this.

"Okay," she mumbled. Her face was bright red and she was struggling to stop herself from giggling excitedly.

"What was that, my pet?" Sam said, gently placing his finger under her chin and lifting her head so that she was looking directly into his big, dark eyes. She looked puzzled for a second, then realised what he was waiting for.

"Yes, sir," she said, biting her lip.

"That's better," Sam said. He leaned in and kissed her. She was trembling a little now. "Now, let's go and break in that new bed of yours, shall we?" He said, with a wide grin. He took her hand and lead her away towards the bedroom. "We'll keep it simple tonight. We can start putting those toys to good use next week!"

That night was the best sex that Sam and Lucy had had so far. A bit rougher, maybe, and with a few additional spanks thrown in for good measure, but definitely more passionate.

Sam left for work early the next day. Lucy was still in her dressing gown as she said goodbye at the front door.

"Last night was amazing," Sam said. "Are you sure you want to go ahead with this?" He asked. Lucy nodded. "Good," Sam said, "then I might have a few surprises for you next time we meet..." He winked and turned to walk away.

Lucy watched him for a while, then she closed the door, leaned against it and took a deep breath. She smiled to herself then bit her lip as she wondered what kind of surprises Sam had in mind.


Written by SamHarper
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