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Mistress in Training II: The Reunion

"The Reunion is a success."

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Samantha had been looking at the garment bag hanging on the closet door of her motel room all day. She was nervous, yet excited at what Paige, her college mistress, had picked out for her to wear to their Sorority Reunion. The night before had been amazing. Her body was still weak from the powerful orgasm she had while being used by Paige, and their friend, Allison’s 19 year old daughter, Alexis. Sam ordered room service for lunch and rested the activities that night.

This night’s reunion was to be a special occasion. Not only was it a reunion, where old friends reunite, but this was the first time in ages to where the Head Mistress nomination ceremony and the reunion were held on the same night. Normally, the nomination ceremony was held after the previous head mistress graduated, and as it fell, the previous head mistress was scheduled to graduate in less than a month, so the Reunion Committee and the Nomination Committee, decided to join the two events. Also, to make the night even more special, Alexis was to make history by being the first freshman to vie for the title of Head Mistress.

Sam awoke from her nap and felt refreshed. After her shower, she walked naked to the garment bag, and slowly unzipped it. The bag fell to the floor. Hanging on the hanger was a white silk blouse and a black, white and red plaid skirt. Sam fumbled through the bag and pulled out a shoe box. In the box were some white socks and a pair of white leather athletic shoes. Sam continued to search the bag hoping to find some type of undergarments , but there were none to be found. Sam stood up and took the hanger off the closet door and laid the clothes on the bed. She picked up the skirt and stepped into it, and pulled it up her toned legs and shapely hips. The skirt was short. It came down just far enough to cover her ass. She bent down and looked back at herself in the mirror. She smiled and shook her head as she seen that her plump vulva was clearly visible at that angle. She turned and sat on the bed and put on the socks. The socks came up to just below her knee. Then she stood and unbuttoned the blouse and slowly put it on. She loved how the silk felt against her bare skin. She slowly buttoned up all but one of the buttons on the blouse. She looked into the mirror again and could see the impression of her hard nipples against the silk material. Sam smiled as an idea came to her. She walked into the bathroom and brushed her auburn hair. Then she pulled her hair into pigtails . She stood looking at herself in the mirror. In the mirror she saw an image of a slutty school girl, and she loved it.

Sam walked into the Sorority House a few minutes before everything was to start. She walked straight to the bar and ordered her favorite drink, and leaned against the bar as she took a sip. The House was filling up pretty quick. A lot of the faces she did not recognize but some she did. Everyone was dressed in some sort of costume, so no one really noticed Sam’s sexy outfit. After her third drink, Sam was feeling pretty good as she mingled with old friends.

At precisely 9:00 pm, a hush came over the crowd when Paige and five young ladies stepped up onto the stage. Paige stepped to the microphone as the ladies lined up side by side behind her. “Sluts, mistresses and other distinguished guests,” Paige began. “Tonight is a special night. Not only are we mingling and catching up with friends, but tonight we are going to nominate a new Head Mistress.”

All the people in the crowd applauded. “First, before we start the nomination process, it is time to say goodbye to the current Head Mistress, Macy Cantrel.” Paige said as she turned extending her arm and hand to the young lady in the middle of the line.

Sam smiled as she clapped her hands. Macy was a very cute young lady, she thought. Macy was about 5 feet tall with thick thighs and legs from her softball playing. She was dressed in a hot pink Lipstick Seamless dress. Her full breasts seem to be on the verge of busting out. Macy stepped forward upon being announced and waved, then stepped back in line.

As the applause died, Paige stepped up to the microphone. “Tonight we have four lovely young ladies who are vying for your vote to be the next Head Mistress. I will introduce them one by one.

First we have Maria Cortez!” A mocha skinned beauty wearing a black spider back mini dress, stepped forward. Her long black hair flowed down her back, and across her chest. From where Sam was standing, Maria looked to be as small up top as she was, but when Marie turned, there was a gasp throughout the room. The tight dress did nothing to hide her plump back side. It looked to Sam as if she could sit a dinner plate upon the top of Maria’s plump ass.

As Maria stepped back into place, Paige announced the next nominee, “Tonya Ryan!” Another vivacious blonde stepped forward. She was wearing a pink deep sea scuba diver dress that showed her curvy body. She walked with confidence as she turned around for her back side to be viewed, and then stepped back into place. “Sonya Martin,” Paige announced. A beautiful and slender African-American young lady stepped out of line wearing a white one sleeve Bodycon dress with keyhole and wrap around cutouts. The white material was a sexy combination with her dark skin. Her breast were full as her nipples protruded from the dress, and as she turned her ass was second only to Maria’s.

As the applause for Sonya died, Paige stepped up to the microphone again. She smiled as she began “This year, we have a special nominee. All except one of our nominees are seniors this year, and these three ladies have served us well. However, our final nominee is an up and coming freshman. She is Alexis Turner!” Alexia raised her hand as she pranced out into the center of the stage. She was dressed in a Vivace Deep V mini dress with rhinestone buckle. Sam’s mouth dropped. She knew that Alexis was beautiful, she had seen her dressed elegantly, in shorts and tank top and nude, but she never realized how much she resembled her mother, Allison, until that moment. The crowd apparently liked what they saw, because the ovation she received made the other three girls green with envy.

As Alexis stepped back into place, receiving deathly looks from the other nominees, Paige again stepped to the microphone. “At exactly 10 pm, we will reconvene in the basement, now enjoy the party!” Paige and the nominees exited the stage.

Sam knew the drill. For the next 45 minutes, the four nominees would be interviewed by the sorority hierarchy. Paige, along with six other former Head Mistresses would ask the nominees questions, and judge them on their attire, poise and beauty. Then the nominees would be set out to find willing subjects for the final judgment. Each nominee would pick one person from the crowd to be their submissive. Then a select few will be allowed into the basement to observe each of the nominee’s dominance, while the others watched in on closed caption television’s place strategically throughout the house. Each nominee will have 15 minutes to perform. Then after that, there would be a secret vote at midnight. The nominee that received the most votes would receive the title as Head Mistress.

Sam waited anxiously as she sipped on her sixth drink of the night. She hoped that Alexis would pick her for the demonstration. Surely Alexis would feel more confident with her being they had already had a steamy night together. Sam was brought back from her thoughts with a tap on the shoulder. It was Paige. Sam smiled at her, as Paige kissed her on the cheek. Paige moved her hand up the buttons on Sam’s blouse and unbuttoned three more buttons and ran her hand inside and gave Sam’s breast a squeeze.

“Sam, darling, Alexis wanted me to thank you again for last night, but unfortunately, she will not need your services tonight for the demonstration.” Sam’s head dropped with disappointment. She had hoped all day for a chance to taste Alexis again. Paige used her finger to raise Sam’s head back up. “I want you to be my guest at the demonstration, so you can cheer her on.”

Sam nodded obediently at her old Mistress. Paige took her by the hand and led her down the hallway and down to the basement. Paige, Sam, and the Panel of Mistresses, with a guest each, sat on a raised section of the basement floor. At exactly 10pm, Maria and her sub stepped off the bottom step onto the basement floor.

Maria had tossed her black spider back mini dress aside and was now dressed in what was called a Madusa. The leather outfit was an open bust teddy with nickel-plated studs, open crotch, G-string back and elastic straps across her shoulders. On her feet was a pair of knee high, high heeled leather boots. Her sub was a chubby brunette female. She was wearing a black thong and a leather strap across her fat breast. Maria stepped in front of the raised floor and bowed before the Panel. Sam licked her lips as she looked at her mocha colored skin. Her breasts were firm and pert with her nipples pointed upward. As Sam’s eyes lowered, Maria’s flat stomach, and silver stud in her belly button came in sight. The only flaw that Sam could see on this Latin beauty was the thick patch of matted hair above her pussy. Sam knew that would be a mark against her in the Panel’s eyes.

Maria directed her sub to the inflatable lounger sat in the center of the floor. She reached and unbuckled the leather strap across the sub’s breast. Her breast fell from the restraints. Maria placed the straps around the wrists of her willing sub and pulled her the lounger and placed her on her stomach, attaching the strap to a hook on the wall. Maria ran her hand down the subs back and with her had, slapped her fleshy ass, and watched it wiggle, before rubbing between her thick thighs. The subs head rose from the lounger as Maria’s fingers penetrated her sex. She moved her fingers rapidly as the sound of wetness filled the basement. Sam felt Paige’s fingers begin to play with her hair as they watched.

Maria withdrew her fingers and positioned the sex machine where the cock was aimed for the subs dripping pussy. With the remote in her hand, she walked back to the sub’s head. She removed the strap from the hook and sat on a stool in front of the sub’s head. Maria propped her legs on the lounger with the sub’s head between them. As the sub raised her head and moved her tongue over Maria’s hairy pussy, Maria hit the on button and the cock attached to the machine began to piston in and out of the subs pussy. The sub expertly lapped at Maria’s pussy. Maria, in the meantime began to pull at her own nipples. The dark brown morsels seemed to double in size from her self inflicted abuse. The more the cock moved in and out the faster the sub licked and sucked on her Mistresses fur covered mound. Within minutes, Maria began to scream out in Spanish. Her hips bucked against the face of the sub. Her black hair was tossed back and forth as she shook her head in pleasure. As Maria’s back arched, she pressed her pussy against the sub’s face, and her body shook violently as her orgasm ripped through her body. After a few seconds, her body went limp, the only movement was her chest rising and falling as she gasped for air. She slowly put her feet on the floor, and raised her hands. The observers cheered. Maria took a bow, and turned the sex machine off, leaving her sub on the brink of orgasm. Maria unbuckled the leather straps around the subs wrists and released her. The sub rushed away to finish herself off.

As Maria stumbled back up the stairs, three men moved swiftly and removed the sex machine out of the way and replaced it with the swing that Alexis and Sam had used the night before. Sam sat at Paige’s feet; Paige was continuously running her fingers through Sam’s hair, and occasionally running her hand into her blouse to squeeze her breast. The observers began to cheer as Tonya and her sub made their way across the basement.

Tonya’s curvy body was squeezed in sexy business attire. Her full 34D breast was barely covered by her sleek halter top; around her waist was a short skirt that was not long enough to cover her round ass and her G-string panties were in perfect view. Her outfit was highlighted by a red necktie necklace. Following behind her was her sub. Her sub was a female whose body was almost as full and vivacious as her Mistresses. The subs blonde hair was tied back into a pony tail, and on her body was nothing but a cloth draped around her waist.

Tonya led her sub to the center of the basement, in front of the Panel, and she bowed. Sam could clearly see her pink nipples straining against the material of her top. Sam felt Paige’s hand on her face pulling her head to her. When Sam turned, Paige had opened her legs and Sam could see her pussy glistening. Obediently, Sam began to slowly lick and suck on her Mistress’s pussy, as Tonya strapped her sub’s wrist and ankles into the cuffs and the D-Rings on the swing.

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Then Tonya tugged at the cloth around the subs waist, and her pink pussy was exposed. Tonya walked over to the toy chest and retrieved a bag and walked back to her sub. She pulled out a set of pink Nipplets. Tonya licked three of her fingers and rubbed her saliva slicked fingers over the subs nipple. It hardened almost instantly. The she applied the first Nipplet. She repeated the same process to her other nipple. The sub moaned as the pressure of the Nipplets pressed tightly around her nipples. Then Tonya readjusted her sub so that her lower body was raised. Tonya again went into the bag. This time she pulled out a clear glass butt plug with attached flogger. Tonya pressed her tongue between the buttocks of her sub. Although unseen, the observers knew that Tonya’s tongue was buried in the sub’s ass by the moaning she was doing.

Tonya raised her head and put the plug against the sub’s brown star, and pressed it in. Tonya stood and moved to the side so that the Panel of Mistresses could see the stringing flogger as it hung out of her anus. Once again Tonya went to the bag. She pulled out a purple clitoral pump. She licked around the suction port and stuck it onto her sub’s clitoris and began to pump. As the air was sucked out, it applied suction onto her clit. Tonya continued to pump with one hand, while in her other hand she used a black feather tickler all over the sub’s body. The sub reeked havoc on the swing. She bounced and twisted in pleasurable over drive. The whole time, her clit being sucked, her nipples pinched, and her butt plug stuffed tight in her ass, while Tonya used the tickler on her lower abdomen and thighs and barking orders at her not to cum. Unfortunately, the pleasure was too much for the sub, as the swing began to shake. Tonya continued to warn the sub not to be overcome by the pleasure, but it was too late. The sub’s scream echoed though out the basement as she hit her sexual pentacle. Her body convulsed violently in the swing. In disappointment, Tonya stomped her foot against the floor and turned and left her helpless sub in the swing. Many disappointed groans were heard from the observers, as Tonya stomped up the stairs.

The three men again returned, and freed the failed sub. She lowered her head in shame, and slowly went back upstairs. During the failed demonstration, Sam had continued to slowly lick and suck on Paige’s dripping pussy. She knew that her Mistress wanted her pleasure to last, so she paced herself to give just enough pleasure to keep Paige happy. The men sat up the area for the next nominee, Sonya. Meanwhile, Paige tapped on Sam’s head for her to stop, as she lifted her head, Paige handed her a purple bottle rocket. The vibrator was already turned on low. Sam slowly inserted the toy into Paige, and laid her head on her inner thigh. Sam was anxious to see Sonya. There was something about a sexy black woman that turned her on, and Sonya was the sexiest she had ever seen.

Sonya sashayed down the stairs wearing a solid white corset. The corset was tight around her stomach and made her breast bulge out of the top. On her bottom was a solid white thong. The white against her ebony skin, made Sam moan. Behind her was her sub. The sub was wearing a white robe and hood. The sleeves hung over the hands and it dragged against the steps. Sonya guided her sub to the center of the basement. She walked behind and jerked the robe off. Her sub was a young white man. Sam gasped as she saw his cock hanging low between his legs. The sub never raised his head. Sonya rubbed her hand across his chiseled abs, and down his toned thighs. She lifted his flaccid cock for the Panel to see. By his cock, she pulled him to the swing that was still in place. The sub obediently sat in the swing and assumed the position for Sonya to attach the bounds. Once the cuffs were attached to the D-rings, Sonya adjusted the swing so that the sub was facing the floor. She rubbed her fingers over his anus. The contrast of her ebony fingers on his white skin made Sam’s pussy grow wetter.

Sonya’s spread her fingers and let her hand slide down his buttocks and cupped his heavy scrotum, her hand and fingers continued until she was stroking the sub’s now rigid cock. Sonya moved to the toy chest and retrieved a black strapless strap on and a tube of lube and walked behind her sub. She slowly hooked her fingers into the waistband of her thong, and bent over as she pushed it to the floor. She then took her thong in her hand and balled it up and stuffed it into her sub’s mouth. She opened her legs and bent again. Looking back at the Panel, she inserted the short end of the strap on into her pink pussy. As she straightened the head of the long end was inches from her subs anus. She squeezed an ample amount of lube into her hand and smeared it on and in her sub’s anus. Then she stroked the cock with the remnants. She placed her small ebony hands on her sub’s white ass and spread his cheeks as she pressed the cock into his tight anus. The muffled groans from the sub filled the basement as the head of the cock slipped past his puckering ring. Sonya pressed further until the full length of the cock was in her sub. She gripped his white flesh in her hand as she began to rock back and forth. With every thrust she made, the cock inside her pressed against her g-spot. She bucked as she pushed and pulled the cock inside the sub’s ass. Her thrust grew stronger as both of their moans grew louder. Sonya never let go of the subs cheeks.

Sam and the rest of the Panel could clearly see the cock appear and disappear in and out of the tight ass. Sam could see Sonya’s juices leaking out of her and making her skin shine as the juice coated her inner thigh. Sonya’s thrust began to get shorter and harder. The cock inside her pussy was pushing her over the edge. With one hard thrust, her head flew back and a high pitch scream escaped her mouth. Her body trembled as she gripped the ass of her sub. She slowly withdrew the cock from her sub, and then removed the one from her pussy. She walked to the head of her sub and stuck the end that was in her pussy against his lips. He obediently opened his mouth and sucked it clean. Then Sonya, walked back behind him. She knelt to one knee. She wrapped her fingers around his now erect cock. She slowly moved her hand down from the base to her tip. As her fingers reached his band, his hips jerked and gobs of white cum splattered on the concrete floor. Sonya stood and raised her hands, and received a standing ovation from the observers. She turned and released her sub and replaced the robe around his naked body and they exited.

Next was Alexis, but there would be a delay. The three men would have to remove the swing then clean and disinfect the area where the last sub had released his cum. While waiting, Sam continued to work the vibrator into Paige’s pussy while her fingers probed at her tight ass. Sam lowered her head and began to suck softly onto Paige’s clit. Then all of a sudden, the basement went dark.

As quickly as the lights went out, they came back on. In the middle of the basement stood Alexis, in all her radiant beauty wearing a sleek cat suit that shined as if wet and hugged her curvy body in all the right places. The plunging neckline created nothing for the imagination as her perky breast stood proudly. With her was a male sub. His bare body was turned so no one could see his face, although, something about him was very familiar to Sam. His arms had been raised up above his head, and his feet were spread apart. His hairy balls hung free between his outstretched legs. In her hand, Alexis had a read silicon whip. She walked around her sub, slinging the whip at her side. The only sound in the basement was the clicking of the high heels on her feet. When she walked back behind the sub, she swung the whip and it went across his ass, leaving several red stripes. She continued to walk around him. In front of him now, she squared her stance, and lowered the whip. With an upward swing, the whip went between his legs landing on his heavy balls and up into the lower part of his ass. A groan from the sub was heard. When Alexis, walked to his side, she kicked at the foot restraint, loosening it. Then repeated on the other side, as she walked back to the front of her sub and she turned him so that he was facing the Panel. His head was covered with a hood, but Sam definitely recognized him, and she smiled as she looked up at Paige. Paige gave her a playful wink, and returned her attention to the demonstration.

The sub stood helpless. Around his average sized cock was a black and gold cock ring. Alexis ran her fingernails over the top of his cock, and walked towards the Panel. She looked directly at Sam, and brought her finger up and motioned for her to come to her. Sam looked up at Paige, who gave her approval. Sam rose to her feet and stepped onto the basement floor. Alexis took her by the hand and led her to the male sub. Alexis pulled Sam to her, and they kissed passionately. Alexis raised the hem of the skirt and turned Sam around so that everyone could see her bare pussy. Then Alexis led her to the sub and turned her to face the Panel. With one hand on Sam’s stomach and the other on her shoulder, Alexis adjusted Sam so that she was bent over at the waist. She lifted the skirt, and pushed Sam back onto the sub’s cock. The sub and Sam moaned as his cock penetrated her wet pussy.

Alexis walked behind the sub again and on her tip toes whispered in his ear. “If you cum before she does, you will regret it,” she told him. Then she kissed his cheek, leaving a red lip print on the side of his face. Alexis stood beside her sub, and again swung the whip making it fall across his bare ass. When the whip hit, the sub pushed his cock deep inside of Sam’s aching pussy. Alexis repeated over and over again. With each slap of the whip the sub fucked Sam. Alexis was using the whip controlling the sub like a puppet. The faster she whipped the faster his hips moved and the harder he fucked Sam.

One of the three men brought a cushioned saw horse and placed in front of Sam. Sam braced herself on the saw horse as the sub drove his cock in and out of her. She was soon moving with him, pushing her slick pussy against his hard cock. The subs ass was red and whelping up when Alexis heard Sam begin to moan louder. She knew that her new friend was on the brink, so she continued to swing the whip. The male sub was now moaning. The pain coming from the whip was no match to the tight wetness around his cock was giving him. He was pulling against his arm restraints violently as he tried to hold back. Sam was tossing her head back and forth.

Her auburn hair slinging in every direction, “I am Cumming,” she screamed as she gripped the saw horse and electricity shot through her body, sending a wave of her orgasmic cream over the subs cock. With one final shot, Alexis sent the whip across the sub’s ass and ordered him to finish. Sam’s orgasm had not subsided and she felt blasts of the sub’s cum shooting deep into her pussy. Both Sam and the sub moaned in pure ecstasy as they shared their orgasm. Suddenly Sam legs gave way and she fell limp on the floor. The sub’s last shot of cum landing on her lower back.

Sam lay on the basement floor, her eyes closed, completely out of breath. She could hear the cheers coming from the observers showing their approval of the demonstration. Alexis bowed to the observers and then turned with an extended arm to give Sam her approval. Then Alexis walked over to the sub as his arms were being lowered. Once freed, she removed his hood, as Sam stood in front of him. Just as she had already figured out, when the hood was removed, the sub was Tom, her husband.

Many questions filled Sam’s mind, but the pleasure from the fuck was too much to ponder on at that moment. She knelt in front of him and sucked his flaccid cock between her lips. Then stood and kissed him on the cheek. Tom stood there in disbelief, and then Alexis took hold of his cock and led him away.

After the demonstrations were complete and the votes were tallied. Sonya beat out Alexis for Head Mistress, by a nominal margin. As Tom and Sam prepared to leave, she kissed Alexis and gave her condolences. Then she went to Paige. With a tear in her eyes, she kissed her Mistress.

“Thank you, for everything,” Sam told her with a shaky voice.

“Sam, darling, you deserved every pleasurable moment. Now take your sub home, and if you ever need me, you know how to find me,” Paige replied.

Sam smiled, and took Tom by the hand and they left the Sorority House and headed back to the hotel where Sam had one more night, before she was to return home. Unlike before, she was actually looking forward to going home.

Note: To get the full effect of this chapter, you need to read Mistress in Training.

Written by alliet14
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