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Meeting the Master

"pure fantasy, but hopefully enjoyable... first experience of Master/Slave relationship"

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It is going to be a fun night, I have been promising myself for ages that I was going to do this and finally the night has come... the night of 'the party'  arranged by my potential Master, and I was unsure if I should be excited or just plain scared.
I go to shower, and while  the hot water runs over my skin I run the razor over my legs, and pussy to ensure that I am totally hair free, then shampoo my hair with the coconut shampoo that I love and condition it with the matching product.  I know it will leave my hair both smelling good and looking silky.
Walking naked across the bathroom to my bedroom I catch sight of myself in the mirror, hmm, not bad for my age, but certainly never going to see 30 again... but would I want to?
Without hanging around to think that one through I reach into the wardrobe and get out the dress that I have hanging in there waiting just for this night.  It is long, black, fitted close around my waist and hips, but cut low over my breasts,  the back dipping down revealing my skin all the way to the curve of my ass.  To the side there is a split right up to the hip... it was a dress that covered everything, while covering very little.
First reaching for the jar of body lotion I liberally apply it across my whole body, leaving it feel soft to the touch and with a slight sheen and I quickly dry my hair, leaving it soft and loose around my shoulders.
I take my stockings out from the drawer, slide them up my legs, admiring the soft sheen of the silk, and the thick lace band at the tops.  I wriggle into the crotchless panties, black, barely covering and most definitely revealing - if  and when I chose to do so. I am so in control... I think....
I drop the dress over my head, the halter neck resting under my blonde hair which swung down on one side of my head.
Simple sliver jewellery, necklace, bracelet and earrings are soon fitted into place and my black stilettos with the silver heels are on my feet.
I walk back into the bathroom and quickly apply a quick dab of cream to my face, then unusually for me, foundation, blusher, shadow to my eyes, and a flick of mascara and another of lipstick and I am almost ready. The  finishing touch is the splash of my favourite perfume Chanel Allure, applied to the pulse points on my throat, wrists, elbows and behind my knees and I am ready.
The nerves are starting to kick in now, and I move through to the kitchen to reach up for a glass and filling it half full of ice adding a generous measure of Vodka and a splash of lime juice.  I take a quick drink but hear the taxi sound its horn outside and I know the time is up, it is now or never.
With just a small hesitation I pick up my bag, run my hand through my hair to muss it just slightly, and I am out of the door.
When I get downstairs there is my black cab waiting for me, so I quickly jump in the back and it immediately sets off, I do not have to give any instructions, he knows where we were going. I catch his eyes looking at me in the rear view mirror and know I am looking good. I smile happily to myself, I clearly still have some mileage left in me yet.
We arrive at my destination and as I had been told to, I enter the building via the basement steps, and into the large open room,  with closed curtains all around all the walls, strange, I would have expected them only to be to the front and rear of the building... oh well, I was not there to examine the decor.  I walk across to the table and find the cream envelope that I had been told to expect, and a small bell,  the envelope would contain my instructions for the evening. Unusually brief, I had been expecting more.  Whilst we had been setting the whole thing up I seemed to get much longer missives, I guess checking that I really was up for some adventure.
If I was happy to continue I had only to ring the bell and then to undress, then to go through the curtains at what I had thought was the far end of the room, enter and draw the curtains behind me. I smile and without a further thought lift the bell and rang it a few times. Almost immediately there was music playing into the room. I smile again and slowly count to ten to calm the nerves that are now kicking in once again. Then, slowly begin to remove my clothes, unhooking the halter which I know will reveal my breasts , then wriggling my hips to ease it over my ass and watch as with a quiet swishing it pools around my feet. I step out of the tangle of material, what a waste of time that was, I had spent ages choosing it, I had at least hoped to wear it for a while at least tonight,  this was not at all what I had been expecting. My invitation initially had indicated a party, and that usually meant lots of people, good conversation, wine and even the odd nibble or two. Oh well, I would have to see what the night led to.
Next I hook a thumb into each side of my panties and slide them down to my ankles, and step out of them, kicking off my shoes as I do so. Last but not least come my stockings, I wonder what was happening here, was I being filmed? Just in case, I make the most of caressing my legs as I slowly remove them and bent low to the floor deliberately giving a view of the length of my legs and my high firm ass. 
Ah well, I did not want to linger any longer, and was eager to see what lay behind the drapes, so I pad softly across the room, opened them just enough to allow me room to slip through and close them firmly behind me. I was now standing alone, naked in a darkened room. The scent of exotic flowers filled  my head and enveloped my body like a soft caress.

The soft glow of light from two candles draws me further into the room. I  find myself stand before an enormous bed with a black wrought iron headboard. Ivory satin sashes are tied to each corner of the wrought iron frame. Two small matching tables on either side hold an ivory pillar candle. The black comforter is turned down revealing rose-colored satin sheets beneath. Burgundy colored rose petals have been scattered across the sheets and around the floor. I stand at the side of the bed.

Beyond the soft candle light the room is pitch black and the silence is almost deafening.

A sexy male voice reaches out to me from out of the darkness "Don't move, stay right where you are . . . close your eyes." The slightly deep raspy timber of his voice sends a shiver down my spine. The sound of it makes me suddenly very aware of my naked body. I can feel his eyes explore every inch of my body like invisible hands from out of the darkness. My nipples grow tight and taunt in response.

I close my eyes slowly and wait. The seconds feel like an eternity. The only sound is my heart pounding. I can feel him behind me now; his body' s heat a hairs breath away. He slips a satin blindfold over my eyes and ties it to my head. I am in complete darkness now. He reaches up and runs his fingertips down the left side of my neck. I immediately lean my head to the right as my sharp in-take of air pierces the silence.

"I will have you." He whispers, so close I can feel her lips brush my ear. My body feels like it is on alert. My head falls back on a moan when I feel him take my nipple into his mouth. Nothing else touches my body, just the warm sensation of his tongue encircling my nipple as  he sucks on it slightly. Sending shock waves through my body, ending with a deep ache between my thighs. "Keep your hands at your sides." His words wash over me "My desire is to know your body inside and out."

Hands now explore every inch of my body. Starting at my cheeks the run down either side of my face and neck. Palm down on my chest and pause only a few moments to fondle my breasts. Giving a slight pinch to each nipple; lifting each breast as though feeling their weight. Teeth nip at each nipple sending a surprise shock through each, only to then be soothed with a sensual kiss.

The hands continue on and reach back to grab my ass. Rubbing and kneading, pinching and pulling, fingers slide in-between and travel down to spread my cheeks and finger the outer edge of the entrance to my ass. Now I feel my juices really start to gather between my legs. I whimper ever so slightly, my body is on fire.

One hand comes forward and cups my clean shaved pussy. "Wet already my slut?" He murmurs. As he starts to kiss my neck two of his fingers slip between the wet folds of my cunt.

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I gasp aloud and start to reach for him.

"NO!" he growls and steps completely away from me. My body feels suddenly cold and abandoned behind the darkness of my blindfold. A small cry emerges from my throat.

"Lie on your back in the center of the bed." he abruptly commands. I feel for the bed in front of me. I climb on top and does as he says. "Now the games begin." Again he emits this unusual, but sexy kind of laugh 

He first ties my right wrist with the satin sash. I wait eagerly as he steps around the bed to then tie my left. I tug my arms, both are tight and secure. "Lift your ass." As I do so he slips a pillow beneath me.

As he pulls my legs open, I feel my juices begin to drip from my cunt. My body is so alive and feels as though electricity is flowing through every nerve. As he ties each ankle I am more and more helpless. It's pitch black I cannot see even an ounce of light. I try to move but I am locked down spread eagle. I feel vulnerable and exposed.

With my legs tied down, and my pussy is wet and wide open. I feel a sudden chill of fear, and upon seeing it he laughs. "Yes, my slut. It's all right to feel fear. You are right where I want you, you will lay there and take what I give." he is climbing on top of me.  "You won't have a choice, and you won't tell me NO."

I feel his naked chest  rub against mine as he leans forward over me, his tongue laps at my ear as he whispers "Scream all you want, there is no one to hear you. When I am done with you, you will be begging me to continue, never to stop and you will always, always. . . . want more . . ."

I hear a deep guttural moan come from my own throat. And my body is agonizing, if I don't cum soon I feel as though I will implode. "Please Master" I beg "I am aching with need, please make me cum. Please . .. ."

"SHUT UP!" he roars! "I did not tell you to speak!" as he slaps my face. I lay there at first stunned, my left cheek stinging.

"You only speak when commanded." he informs me. I tug at my bindings, I struggle, and I pull to no avail. "Ha, ha," he laughs, "Yes, keep going I like when you fight it."

For badness I lay completely still. He climbs off of me and kneels next to me on the bed. He grabs at my breast, hard and rough, pinching the nipples tight. I can't stop myself; I moan aloud, it feels so good. And in the next second he has thrust two fingers deep into my wet pussy and I hear myself scream out in sheer pleasure.

I feel the roughness of his chest hair as it  brush my stomach as she leans forward and takes my other nipple into her mouth. The only sound breaking the silence is the stroking of his fingers inside my now soaking wet cunt. I cry out on my first orgasm which rolls through my body like a wave, strong and fluid.

"Hmmm, see it's not so bad to be at the mercy of another is it?" He laughs. My body quivers now, awaiting his next onslaught. He climbs up and I guess he is now standing over me on the bed and I lay there amazed at how being so helpless is making me feel. I am so aroused I think I will go mad. I feel the throbbing of my swollen clit, pussy wide open and dripping.

He turns around on the bed and kneels over me. I can smell his vaguely musky male scent just inches above my face and my mouth begins to water. I am mortified to feel this way, I am angry that he has taken all my control. Yet I can't help but want more. I hear myself whimpering, in a quiet way begging him to continue. Then I hear it before I feel it.

A slight buzzing noise, I take a deep breath and let it out slowly as I try to be patient. At first he puts just the head of the vibrator into me. I hear my voice screaming out in my mind, but my mouth is silent! I want him to slam it hard, fast and deep, but my new Master is not accommodating.

In and out a little farther in each time, this vibrator feels huge. I feel the walls of my cunt stretching give it access. As his pace picks up I begin to groan, faster and faster until he is pounding this huge cock into me!

Just as I begin to scream out in orgasm he pushes his cock down onto my face. I open my mouth to begin the feast immediately, licking and sucking at the cock now thrusting into my mouth.
And still he pounds the vibrating cock in and out - in and out. I feel like the bed is spiraling in circles. That or the room is spinning I can't tell. I just know I must have his cock inside me NOW! 

I feel him lean over for something next to the bed as I continue the onslaught of his luscious cock. "You like it hot babe?" he asks. I just grunt as I open my mouth wider to try and take him all in, t is impossible though. I feel him getting harder I know it is coming. I suck his cock and flick my tongue around the head more urgently and am rewarded with his moan of pleasure as he pumped hot semen over my tongue, it is dripping freely off the sides of my face and down my chin.

He sits up and I tug at my arm restraints I want more of his sweet, sweet cock. "In good time my slut." he tells me. I lie back as he climbs between my legs. he pulls the fake cock out and I am sent into orbit as he uses his mouth to begin his own exploration of my pussy.

His tongue runs up and down my clit, I am so HOT my body is shaking uncontrollably. He takes my clit into his mouth and begins to suck on it. I am crying out now. I whine and whimper as I struggle to pump my hips. The pillow placed under my ass has lifted me up and open to him for easy access.

Right as I begin to feel my orgasm take hold, something very hot almost searing hits my clit. I scream both in pain and in pleasure. My master has poured warm candle wax onto my pussy right as I reached climax.

I continue to orgasm with my screams as he pours it onto my nipples and breasts. I pull hard at my restraints but there is nowhere to go. The orgasm continues wave after ever lasting wave. My head thrashes back and forth as I hear him laughing, laughing.

I am breathing hard and sweat cools my body as he climbs down. My blindfold is still secure; I am living all of this through darkness and extra sensitive awareness. I am liquid; I lay like a dead weight. My limbs so heavy they are being held up by the restraints. "Hmmmm," he hums "I think you are starting to see the possibilities, and I am seeing great potential in you my slut."

I don't even have the energy to get angry at his degradation of me. I feel him reach for my left wrist I think maybe this is the end, but all he does is tug on the sash checking it for strength. Finding it still holding he climbs back up between my legs. "Now it's time to be rewarded" I feel him lay between my legs and it is then I realize he is already hard and is going to grant me my wish, however, I now wonder if I am going to be able to cope with any more.

He checks my pussy with his fingers "Good and wet, perfect. Are you ready?" he asks and within a heartbeat he has plunged his cock deep into my wet cunt. His mouth takes one of my breasts in, as he slams into me with hard force.

I feel my juice surge as he is fucking me. Hear the wet slapping as I cry out.

Over me he yells "Come on, SCREAM!"  Pumping so hard it is almost cruel. His hands are all over me, scratching and pulling. Pinching and groping, the orgasm rumbles from deep, deep within my core. I am screaming louder and louder, with each octave he pumps with more brutality.

He thrusts as hard as he can one last time and my orgasm finally explodes. I hear a blood-curdling scream emerge from my chest.

My body slumps to the bed in sheer exhaustion. "Very good." he whispers. With one last lick of my clit he climbs down. I hear him blow out one of the candles. I feel him untie my legs one at a time. Next my arms are freed.

"Get up onto your knees, and sit back," he orders. I do so, with surprise that I even have any power left within me. I feel him behind me once again. Chest pressed to my back. "Next time," he whispers in my ear "don't hold back!"

As he pulls away he releases my blindfold. I open my eyes to find only the candle in front of me still lit and that my Master has stolen away in the pitch black darkness behind me. I sigh as I lay back down, my last conscious though before falling to sleep . . . was to wish he returned soon . . . I wanted more . . . I wanted another party for two.
Written by Shiva
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