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Little Arab Buttercup (part four)

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These are the tales of my little Arab buttercup. My Aisha, now Annie. Having brought her out of Africa, so to speak, we had settled into American life. Working in Silicon Valley was good work for me. And with my well paid job my buttercup could spend her days writing and learning to be a good American. She loved it here. She also loved me. More than anything in the world. I had rescued her from a life she had hated and never wanted to think of again. Now we had moved on in our relationship. I was now the Master, and she was my submissive little pet. She could not be a better slave and slut. We continued to have fun and grow into our roles.

Coming home one day I could see that something was on her mind. After she arose from her knees at my command, she went about getting dinner ready. She was quieter than normal. She was pleasant to me, of course. As she served dinner I could see she was wanting to say something, but was holding back. She didn't fear me, because she knew I loved her with an overwhelming passion, but she was now submissive enough not to wish to bother me if it wasn't necessary. I could see she was letting me relax from my day at work and enjoy my meal. She was such a great cook. Tonight she had made a favorite of mine. It was stuffed grape leaves. I loved them.

After the meal she cleaned up and I went into the den to read. I heard her putting the dishes in the washer, and cleaning up around the dining room and kitchen. Then she came into the den. She went down on her knees, bowed her head, and waited to be recognized.

"What is it my pet? Speak up dear Annie."

"Master, if it would please you, I was wondering. I mean, I was thinking. Would my Master enjoy watching another man use me? Remember, Master, when we escaped on the boat to France? How the crew men used me? I think my Master enjoyed that. If it pleases you, Master, I enjoyed it too. I know I am a slut. I am sorry if you are displeased with me. I will be quiet and let you read."

It was strange. My buttercup was often quite perceptive. How had she read my mind? I had been thinking of the pleasure I'd found in watching her used by the captain and his two crew members. Also the street whore I brought to the hotel room. That had been great fun for both of us. We were not Master and sub then, but she was still wonderfully pleasing to me. I was thinking more about it, now that she had brought up the subject. Perhaps it would be something agreeable to me to watch her being used. Even using her at the same time. Yes, I could see that happening.

"You're allowed to tell me what you're thinking, my pet. Never be afraid to speak what you feel and think. I would never punish that. Let Master mull it over. In the meantime, come sit in my lap. Let Daddy hold his girl."

With giggles she launched herself into my lap and snuggled her head into my shoulder. Her hand automatically went to my crotch and began rubbing my boner. I was hard, of course. She did that to me, almost always. I blew in her ear and then I licked it and gave it a nip. She giggled and offered me her lips to kiss. I wanted them right now.

I started softly kissing her, building the intensity as my passion rose. Her lips were so soft and gentle, but they did enjoy a little roughness. I bit them and then ran my tongue into her mouth, tasting and smelling the lipstick she wore for me. She pressed her tongue against mine and our lips were rubbing and twisting as we made out like two teenagers. I did love my buttercup. She slid down my zipper and dug out my cock. I was allowing her a little freedom here. She should have asked.

My cock was responding to her caressing strokes. She loved my prick with a passion.

"Master, may I kiss him? I think he misses me now. Yes?"

"It would please me, pet. Hop off and clean my prick after a hard day's work. He's nice and tasty, I'm sure."

She was so eager as she skittered down between my spread legs. Her mouth was lavishing praise on her Master's cock with licks up and down the still shaft. Her thumb was rubbing the head and making me want to come, but not yet. I allowed her to have her fun and do as she wished. It was all very good to me. Her spittle was making my trousers damp, but it was of no consequence. She would be cleaning them later.

With strong suction her mouth engulfed my prick. She fondled my nuts carefully. She knew they were tender. She did love sucking on them, though. But now she was attending to my cock head with her white teeth. Nibbling away at my cock and then suddenly taking the whole thing into her mouth. I couldn't help but hump my ass and ram it farther down her throat. She had learned to swallow it, with a little gagging, but with love and lust.

I was fucking her face now. I held her head tight and gave her my best. She took it all, while whimpering with passion. Her eyes were tearing up and dripping on my lap, along with her drool. I decided to give her what she wanted. What she needed was lots of my seed filling her mouth. It was time. I grunted and humped and my spunk surged out and she eagerly began swallowing and holding my cock in her hand. She wanted it all. She was getting it as I kept spurting for about a dozen squirts of come. She had not swallowed it all. As I eased off, and withdrew, she opened her mouth with pride. She showed me what she still had in her mouth, ran it around with her tongue, and then swallowed it with glee.

We went to bed that night tired and fulfilled again. I drifted off thinking of what she had spoken of earlier. It would actually be a good lesson for my little sub to learn how to please me and a friend at the same time. If I desired that, of course. What I desired counted most. But I did always want her happy. No one wants a pet who is not happy with her condition. She should take punishment when necessary, but should always love her Master, and want to please him forever. I had in mind a friend who might do the trick.

My place of business was in Silicon Valley. It was not the center of the tech world anymore, but it still had plenty of corporations with offices there, working on new applications and software. And the staff in my workplace were a mixed bag. We had all kinds of men and women. A lot were ex-military, because some of our work involved applications and hardware for the armed forces. One buddy of mine there had been a staff sergeant, as had I. He'd served in the infantry. He'd used in the field some of the things our company had produced. We got along well. He happened to be a black man by the name of Jeremy.

"Morning Jeremy. Ready to do it again?"

"Why not, Steve? How you doing, Sarge?"

"Very well, thanks. I need to talk to you at lunch Sarge, so let's eat together. Good?"

"You got it. I was brown bagging it today, but I can leave that for another day and we can go out."

We continued on to our own cubicles to get to work. At about 11:30 we broke for lunch, and Jeremy and I walked out and across the street to the diner some of us enjoyed. We ate there often. I said hello to Gladys, our waitress, and she smiled at us as she took our order. While waiting for the food to come I got down to brass tacks.

"Listen, Jeremy. I'm going to get a little personal here. If you get uncomfortable just let me know, and I'll drop it."

"I think I can handle it Sarge. If you're going to tell me you're gay, I knew that dude. It's cool."

I laughed and continued.

"Right. Anyway, I was going to say, I have an interesting life with my wife, Annie. You haven't met her yet, but she's Arabic. She's also my sub. You know what I mean? We have a dominant/submissive relationship. This is getting into sex now, so let me know if I should stop."

"It could be embarrassing, if I hadn't seen it all already, Steve. You and I have seen the world, and all it has to offer. No embarrassment here, Sarge. Continue."

"Okay. So here's the deal. Annie and I would like to share our relationship with another man. Honestly, my pet is a little slut and she can't get enough cock, if you get me. And I enjoy seeing her with other people. It won't hurt our marriage in the least. This is our thing now. So, anyway. Are you interested? You would be the new man for her. It might be just the one time, or it might be more. We'll see how it goes."

"Hell, man. You know my wife left me while I was deployed. I get by, but to tell the truth, I get damned horny. This sounds fine to me, as long as you don't expect me and you to be doing anything. I'm not into it. I didn't think you were, either."

"I'm not Jeremy. You and I would both be using my little buttercup. That's what I call her. And, believe me, she can handle two of us. She's taken on more than that." And I laughed again.

So, we were served and we ate our lunch, dropping the subject at hand and moving on to work related items. We finished in less than an hour and got back to the grind. I told Jeremy I would let him know when it would be going down. Our little sex party, that is. I could see he was quite interested, but he knew how to be patient.

Plans were made. I let Annie know as soon as I arrived home that day.

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It really brightened up her face to hear she was getting some new cock. She didn't even realize I might get jealous. But, of course I wouldn't. I loved her. I had always loved her and nothing would ever change that. She was my little buttercup, for now, and forever. In any case, I let Jeremy know that he should drop by Saturday evening for dinner and a show. He had laughed at that. It would be fun, I knew.

Jeremy arrived promptly, of course. Once in the service and you knew to be on time. Your life might depend on it. So I introduced him to Annie. She was on her knees awaiting my command to speak to him.

"Jeremy, this is Annie. But you may call her slut, or whore, or anything you please. She exists to please me, and if I wish it, you too. Annie, say hello to Jeremy. You may say what you wish."

"Thank you Master. Hello Mister Jeremy. I am happy to meet you. I hope you will be pleased with the meal I have prepared. I hope you will be pleased with me later. I know Master will punish me if I do not give you pleasure. Thank you for coming."

And her smile was actually a grin. She was really glad to have Jeremy there. I ordered her to rise and begin serving us dinner. I allowed her to join us. I wanted the two of them to actually get to know each other. Sex was a good thing, but enjoying the other person as a human being was necessary too. Anyway, the dinner went fine, with Jeremy enjoying her mixture of American and Mediterranean dishes. I always loved her cooking. It was never displeasing to me.

As she was doing the cleanup I took Jeremy into my den. We sat and talked about this and that. Idle chatter, really, awaiting what was to come. I had noticed that Jeremy's cock was already hard. I couldn't help but notice it running down one of his pant legs. It was bigger than mine. I had expected that. But, actually, not that much larger. I knew Annie would enjoy it. I would enjoy seeing it used on her.

She came into the den, went to her knees, and awaited my recognition. I continued talking with Jeremy, letting him see how well trained she was. I was proud of my little pet. Finally I allowed her to rise and sit on the sofa beside Jeremy. I was in my own chair. They had conversed while dinner was going on, and they talked some more now. I could see Jeremy liked buttercup. I could see she liked him. This was going well.

"So tell me Jeremy, what would you like to do to my buttercup? I'll let you decide and I'll help it happen. She'll be happy to do whatever you want, but you may not harm her. At least, not too much. You can't help it if your cock happens to be a little painful, depending on what you do with it. Now I can punish her if she needs it, but I don't expect that to happen. She's on her best behavior tonight."

"Damn, Sarge. You kill me. I can do anything? Annie, you're choice, girl. I would love to eat some of that pussy. Then I'd like to fuck some pussy. I'm a plain kind of man. I like the usual shit, you know? How's that sound little lady?"

"Oh, she'll do as she's told, Sarge. Pet, get up and go into our bedroom. Remove all you clothes. Get on the bed and wait for us. Understood, my little slut? Do it now. Quickly. But don't touch yourself. I don't want you making yourself come yet. Okay little whore? Do it."

When she had scampered out I turned to Jeremy. "Let's take off our clothes here. If that's okay with you. I want to go into that room with our cocks hard and let her know what she has to please. This is going to be fun, Sarge."

We both disrobed. Undressing in front of another man was nothing new for us. We had done it dozens, if not hundreds of times, but usually the men involved were not erect as we were now. We both glanced at each others pricks and Jeremy had a nice, large, thick cock. Annie would enjoy it. I was okay, with my six inches, but she would be pleased to feel him feed her his seven or so. I wasn't jealous. She belonged to me. He was only going to get to use her when I allowed it.

Anyway, we strolled into the bedroom, and my pet was on the bed. Her legs were spread wide and her arms were at her side. I had told her not to touch herself, and she had followed orders. Good little buttercup, I thought.

"Holy shit! I think I must be dreaming. She's fine, Steve. Can I get some of that pussy? I could really eat me some pussy right now. All shaved off and ready. I can see her cunt lips are swollen. She'll be so fine, man."

"Go to it, Sarge. You eat all you want and she'll like it. I'm just going to watch for now. Have fun. And pet, you may come this time. That's your treat for being such a good little slut. Okay, baby? You can come for Jeremy, so he can eat all he wants of that cunt of yours. You do anything he asks you to do. Understood?"

She nodded and smiled as Jeremy crawled up between her legs. His dick was bobbing back and forth, and I saw her staring at it with a greedy look on her face. She wanted that cock. She would get it, I was sure. I was slowly stroking my dick as I moved to a chair where I could watch the action. Jeremy was hungry for pussy, I knew, but he took his time. He was licking her legs from her toes to her knees and then to the inner thighs. He did that several times and she was moaning, looking at me with a pleading look on her face.

"You can speak pet. If you're pleased, say so."

"Thank you Master. Oh thank you...oh thank you Jeremy...oh god please eat me Jeremy. Eat me, please. I need to come."

Her body was squirming and her pussy was getting wetter. I could see it becoming moist with her juices. At last Jeremy pinched her clit and then spread her pussy lips wide and rammed his tongue into her vagina. Her moans were loud as I jerked my prick and enjoyed the view. But I wasn't going to come yet. I had an idea of what I wanted. So I was just waiting for Jeremy to enjoy my buttercup. After eating her pussy for about fifteen minutes she started to squirt on his face. It surprised him, but he liked it, and laughed with glee.

Jeremy rose up and went into the bathroom just off the master bedroom. I heard him washing up and then he reappeared, his cock still hard. He was ready for the fucking he had wanted. He glanced at me, and I nodded. I told my little slut to get ready for some hard fucking. She was almost worn out from the pussy lapping, but she smiled anyway. Jeremy climbed on the bed, flipped her legs onto his shoulders, and thrust his seven inches into my little buttercup. She wailed with the force of it, but tried to grab his ass cheeks to force him in deeper. He began to fuck her and I watched.

Her little body was shuddering from the force of his thrusts. He wanted that cunt and he was taking it. I admired the way he lifted her whole body off of the bed with his power. I know she would remember this screwing for a long time. She would praise her Master for allowing her to enjoy it. He fucked her faster and kept feeding her all of his prick, deep within that pussy that belonged to me. More and more he fucked her and at last his face told me that he was about to come. He shuddered as he stopped and then gave one last hard ram. His come was filling her and I could see it seeping out around his thick cock. My Annie was squealing with the passion he had engendered.

Slowly he withdrew his softening dick, and I could hear her sighs at the loss. But she was not through for the night. Oh no. Master had not been serviced. It was my turn.

"Jeremy. If you want her to suck your cock and clear out the come just stand up. Pet, get up now. I know you're tired little one, but you're not finished. Daddy needs to fuck something tonight, baby. You know that the Master must be pleased. Right, little slut? Crawl down the bed and suck Jeremy's dick. I'm going to fuck your ass, little one. You're the big winner tonight my pet. Do it now. Master is fucking horny! Understand? Hurry."

She scurried down the bed, afraid that I might really be angry. I wasn't, but it didn't hurt to keep her alert. When she grabbed Jeremy's soft prick she sucked out the come, and licked whatever she could from his shaft. She was eating her own pussy juices, but she loved her own flavor. I knew that. I moved up behind her, picking up some lubricant as I did, and I squirted some out to spread on my cock and onto her ass hole. Then my dick went into her hole, and she groaned as she licked the cock she was holding.

Pumping into her ass with my six inches was easy now. She was so ready for anything Master had to give. I fucked her and Jeremy started growing again. He grinned at me as I humped her ass. He began to fuck her face as I fucked her behind. She was moaning and whimpering as she took it in two holes. I had been stroking while I watched Jeremy use her, and I was almost ready. With a groan I began filling her bung hole with my sperm. I think Jeremy may have come too. I wasn't sure because I was busy, with my eyes shut and grunting.

I was finished. I had used my little buttercup and my buddy had used her too. It was good. She was a good little pet. None better.

Maybe we would do it again. If it pleased the Master, of course.

Written by Green_Man
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