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Hate Fuck

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Competition Entry: New Experiences
"That's the guy from our, Toronto, office. He’s kinda hot," Shelly whispered to her friend Amber.

I had been tasked with reviewing all the IT projects presently in development, and to identify any redundancy. Our IT headquarters was located in, Vancouver.

Amber and Shelly were strategically seated at the highest trafficked area of the bar. Dab smack in the middle of it. When a cute guy would be waiting to order a drink, the opportunity to start a conversation would not be wasted.

Amber turned her head to look at me. "He's fucking creepy looking with that goatee. His first recommendation was to kill three of my projects. Because of that, my team is being allotted a smaller budget next year. And, he isn't anywhere near being hot. He’s so old, I bet his dick doesn't work," she almost hissed her reply to Shelly.

Shelly chuckled and replied, "That's just business, it's his job, Amber. I spoke with him in the lunchroom for a bit. He's a really nice guy. Smart and funny, too. Plus, he looks great for whatever age he is. Why so much hate for the guy?"

Amber huffed and took a sip of her drink. "I don't know why. He rubs me the wrong way, that's all. Now, look at three o'clock. That's hot. Look at his arms, I bet he spends a lot of time at the gym, and can fuck all night," Amber purred as she stared at a young man that was approaching the bar.

"Yummy," Shelly giggled. "Go get him, Amber."

"All in due time, Shelly. I'm feeling a bit wicked tonight. Think I'm going to fuck with that asshole's mind. I don't want him to have any doubt at all, that he fucked with the wrong chick's budget," Amber calmly replied to her friend as she stood up and made her way to me.

"Gil?" Amber asked as she tapped my shoulder.

I turned around in my seat and replied, "Yes. I'm sorry; I don't think we have been formally introduced. You'll forgive me if I don't know your name."

Amber smiled, and extended her hand. "Nothing to forgive, silly. I'm Amber, there, now we have been officially introduced."

I shook her hand and said, "Pleasure to meet you, Amber."

Amber winked at me, leaned in close and whispered, "The pleasure is only beginning, Gil. If you can stay up past your bedtime, I just might make it worth your while." She slipped her hand out of mine and made her way back to her friend.

Shelly nudged Amber and asked, "Well? What did you say to him?"

Amber grinned and replied, "I told him he might get a reward, if he can stay up past his bedtime."

"Fuck, Amber. Not a wise thing to say. Uncharacteristically unprofessional of you," Shelly whispered in a serious tone.

"No biggie, Shelly. He's only here for a few more weeks. I really can't stand the sight of him. I do hope he comes by and offers to buy me a drink. I would love to stick it to him some more," Amber replied with malice in her voice.

Shelly shook her head.

Amber nudged her friend and said, "Awww. Poor Gil is tired. He's leaving."

Before Shelly could reply, Amber was out of her chair and on her way to me.

"Leaving so early, Gil? I'm disappointed we didn't get a chance to chat," Amber smiled up at me as she wrapped both her arms around one of mine and walked with me.

She purposefully pressed and rubbed her breasts against my arm.

"I'd stay longer, but I have to get started on a few reports," I replied as I continued on my way to the front doors.

Amber suddenly pulled me towards a small corridor that led to the restrooms. "All work and no play, Gil. We can't have that, can we? We need you sharp and satisfied, if you are going to perform your so very important job to the best of your ability," she cooed.

She led me to the exit at the back of the building, and pushed open the door. It opened to the fire escape stairwell and an exterior door to the parking lot.

Amber leaned with her back against it, and coyly said, "There, I have shown you a shortcut to the parking lot. What do I get for being such a good girl?"

I grinned and replied, "What do you want for being such a good girl?"

Amber grabbed my tie and pulled me to her as she replied, "I want just one kiss. But, your goatee looks so menacing. I am worried that it might hurt my soft, luscious lips." She stared at me with her big blue eyes, got up on her toes, arched her neck and placed her mouth on my lips. I slid my hands to her firm ass and pulled her to me.

"Yes! Just like that!" she moaned and gasped as her hand slipped in between our bodies and squeezed my growing cock.

Amber broke our kiss and pushed me away from her. She slowly lifted the tight skirt she was wearing over her hips. She grinned, when I grinned in approval at the sight of her hairless slit. "That's right, I'm not wearing panties. You like my pussy, Gil?"

Amber reached down between her legs and slid her middle finger across her moist slit. She stared at my eyes following the path of her middle finger as she slowly brought it to her lips. She closed her eyes and inhaled the scent, then held my stare as she sucked and licked her finger.

"I smell, and taste, so very delicious, Gil. Tell me I have a pretty pussy," she purred.

I took a step towards her as I unzipped my pants. Amber placed her hand on my chest and pushed me back.

With a wicked grin on her face and contempt in her voice, she hissed, "No. I've changed my mind. I don't fuck pussies."

She wiggled her hips as she pulled and tugged her skirt back down. She winked at me as she made her way out from fire escape's stairwell.

"Well played, Amber," I calmly called after her as the door closed behind her.

Amber huffed at my remark.

When she took her seat at the bar, Shelly quickly asked her, "What did you do, Amber?"

Amber took a short sip of her drink, patted her lips dry and replied, "I gave him a kiss," she paused to apply a fresh coat of lipstick on her lips, smirked, and continued, "And, blue balls."

Shelly gasped in disbelief, "You did not!"

"I most certainly did," Amber chuckled. "He deserves it. I look at him and I get angry, I can't stand the sight of him. He'll leave soon, but not soon enough for me."

"That was mean and uncalled for, Amber," Shelly reprimanded her friend.

"Pffft. If you're so worried about him, go jack him off," Amber laughed. "Now, forget, Gil. Who do you want to take home tonight? I call dibs on Mr. Biceps."

A few drinks and some flirting later, Amber was unlocking her apartment door, with Mr. Biceps in tow. As soon as they were inside, Amber pushed him against the door and grabbed his cock.

"You are not spending the night. I am so fucking horny right now. You better fuck me good. I want my pussy to be sore all weekend," Amber grinned as she got down on her knees.

She pulled out his semi erect cock from his pants, and sucked him into her mouth. He pulled her up to her feet and kissed her hard. Amber lost her focus for an instant. The silky smooth lips she was kissing left her wanting for the roughness of whiskers. The thought quickly disappeared from her mind when she felt his big, strong hands on her ass, crushing her body into his.

"Fuuuck!" She gasped, "We're not going to make it to my bed, fuck me hard, right here, right now!"

Mr. Biceps turned her around and bent her over, as Amber lifted her tight skirt for the second time that evening.

Her mind went blank as his hard cock plunged inside her, and he began to fuck her fast, hard, and deep. She moaned, spread her legs wider apart and lifted her ass a bit higher in the air, in hopes that he could enter her deeper. A few more quick thrusts and she felt his body stiffen.

"No! Not yet. Fuck me a little longer, I'm so fucking close!" she begged.

Her words set him off. He pulled her and held her pinned on his cock, as he emptied his aching balls into her.

Amber pumped her hips harder as his cock began to become flaccid.

"No! Fuck! I was so close," she lamented in a high pitched squeal. "Eat my cunt! Get me off!"

Mr. Biceps chuckled and panted back, "No way. I just blew my load in you."

Amber stood up straight, turned to face him, and said with a scowl, "I have a dildo that can fuck me better than you. Get out."


Monday morning, Shelly entered Amber's office and quickly shut the door behind her. "So? How was Mr. Biceps?"

Amber rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair. "A dud. I had to finish myself off with old faithful," she chuckled. "Where are all the real men, Shelly? The ones that aren't afraid to get rough and dirty, and, aren't in a rush to get their rocks off?"

Shelly giggled and replied, "I don't know. But you can bet your ass, if I had found one, I wouldn't be at work this morning."

They laughed out loud, just as I was walking by Amber's office. Amber sat up in her chair and smiled with contempt at me. Shelly turned to see who Amber was looking at.

"I fucking hate him," Amber said out loud as I walked by.

"Hmm, just curious, Amber. Is he a good kisser?" Shelly asked as she watched me walk by.

"What? I despise him. He pretended that I didn't get to him when I got him all riled up, hard as a rock, and left him high and dry. I don't care how good of a kisser he is. He's got a nice cock though, and his body is rock solid, for an old man."

Shelly replied, "I don't think he's old. I bet he knows how to fuck a woman senseless. It’s in his eyes. You know, when you can just tell that a man is an animal in bed, and is unapologetic about it? He takes what he wants form you, and leaves you sore for days after. The perfect fuck machine, that’s what I think he is. He could ride me hard and put me away wet; you wouldn’t hear a peep out of me." Shelly giggled nervously when she finished talking.

Amber felt the familiar twinge of arousal flare in her belly and travel to her clit as she remembered the feel of my hands grabbing her ass and pulling her to me.

"Fucking gross, Shelly," Amber calmly replied.

Amber left the office late that evening. She had to walk past my office on the way to elevators. She found it strange that she wondered if I was still at work, and decided that she wouldn't look in my office to satisfy her curiosity. Her heartbeat quickened as she got closer to my office. She slowed the pace of her steps, and couldn't stop herself from looking in. Or, stop the moisture building between her legs when she saw me sitting at my desk.

I looked up from my monitor and met her gaze. My face was expressionless. My body was perfectly still and calm. Amber flashed a crooked smile and huffed.

"Good night, Gil. I hope you aren't still sore at me for teasing you the other night." The sarcasm in her voice was thick.

I turned my eyes back to the monitor and did not reply to her insincere valediction. Amber's anger grew the longer I ignored her.

"You're a prick, Gil! You can't bring yourself to say good night?" she hissed at me.

Without looking up at her, I calmly and sternly replied, "It is a shame that you are so indignant all the time. That flame in your eyes arouses me, Amber. Unfortunately, I do not like you enough to pursue the possibility of satisfying my curiosity of how good you are in bed."

I could feel her contemptuous stare on my skin as I curled my lips into a grin.

"You're not even close to being in my league, you pompous prick. Feel free to dream on though, and to jerk off to me. That is as close as you'll ever get."

"I've gotten closer than that already, Amber. I wouldn't dream of wasting a good wank on you," I coldly replied.

Amber snarled back, "I bet you can't even get hard."

I glared at her and replied, "That's twice you have gotten the facts skewed. You know first-hand that I am more than capable of rising to the occasion."

Amber stared at the intense focus in my eyes for a moment before she replied, "You disgust me, Gil. I can't wait for you leave."

I chuckled and leaned back in my chair as I replied, "You are obviously confused about your feelings for me, Amber."

She stepped into my office and snarled, "Enlighten me, please."

"Only if you answer one question honestly, Amber."

She crossed her arms and replied sarcastically, "A small price to pay to be graced by your wisdom. Continue, prick."

"Why were you so aroused that evening?" I calmly asked her.

Amber rolled her eyes and shot back, "You think quite highly of yourself, Gil. Not that's it's any of your concern; I was aroused because of a certain young stud that I had my eye on that evening. Now, enlighten me."

“That is the only reason your cunt was dripping? Your juices were running down your thighs.

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I could smell the scent of your arousal,” I calmly replied.

Amber’s pussy contracted, and her clit suddenly became itchy and hot. Her cheeks flushed at my words. The sensation that was coursing through her body, although new to her, aroused her immensely. She liked this new feeling, especially the intensity with which it affected her.

“Yes. That is the only reason my cunt was dripping.” She was surprised how her arousal flared to the next level, from the filth she had just spoken.

“No. That is not the reason, Amber,” I grinned at her, letting her know that I was aware our conversation was arousing her. “I have no doubt that you despise me. But, you are also sexually attracted to me. Hence, your extreme reactions, and actions towards me. You are struggling with the conflicting sensations you are trying to understand. Be warned, Amber. You are out of your element with me. The flame in your eyes and your intense emotions cannot prepare you for what I will do to you.”

Amber’s arousal and anger flared at the same time. It was thrilling for her to feel such strong, intense, and lascivious emotions mix and dance inside her.

“Really? I call bullshit, jerk!” she hissed.

“Yes, really. You are feeling the same need, curiosity, dislike, and need to fuck, that I am. Only, I am not in denial. I am aware of my aching need to hate fuck the shit out of you,” I half growled my reply to her.

The growl in my voice vibrated down her spine and settled between her legs. She shivered and regained what composure she had left. It wouldn’t take very much more to make her cum. As much as she wanted to let go and let an orgasm wash over her. She wasn’t going to allow me that satisfaction.

“You’re half right, Gil. It wouldn’t take a genius to guess which half it is,” she hissed.

“Like I said, I’m not in denial, and I assure you, it would be a pleasure to use you like a disposable fuck toy,” I grinned and winked at her, knowing that it would piss her off even more.

Amber’s cunt almost exploded at the thought of being used and fucked till she was a whimpering, dirty mess. Images of me fucking her like a wild stallion danced in her mind. She uncrossed her arms and walked to the side of my desk. She lifted her dress, pulled her panties off and dropped them on my lap. She widened her stance, lifted her left leg and placed her stilettoed foot on my desk.

“I’m calling your bluff. What are you going to do about it?” she spat the words at me.

I reached for her cunt with a steady and deliberate hand, and parted her wet, swollen lips. Dipped a finger inside her folds and brought it to my nose. Amber shivered at my touch. She hated herself for having to fight the urge to grab my wrist and shove my fingers inside her.

“Your scent is unclean, Amber. I find that very unattractive. A proper lady would correct any unpleasantness, and prepare herself accordingly, prior to offering her cunt to a gentleman. If you wish to continue this, you will have to prepare yourself, as a proper lady whore would.”

Amber felt rage mixed with shame and embarrassment. Yet, her arousal was undeniable, and threatening to bring her to climax.

“You’re an asshole! Fuck you and your bullshit. This conversation is over,” Amber shouted at me, pulled her dress down and walked out of my office.

I grinned and called out to her, “Are your freshly soaked panties a gift, Amber? I am touched by your generosity. Although, most men might think it a bit too whorish of you.”

She turned around and boldly walked to me, grabbed her panties from my index finger that I was twirling them on, and slapped me across the face. I gently rocked in my chair and grinned, as I watched her leave.

“You must have been thinking of your young stud just now. I thought you were going cum and leave a puddle on the floor,” I called out to her.

She lifted her hand in the air and flipped me off as she left my office.

“Grrr! The nerve of that asshole!” she growled under her breath as she stepped into the elevator.

Amber brought her panties to her nose and sniffed them. “What the fuck am I doing? Fuck that asshole!” she snarled to herself and shoved her panties into her purse.

When she arrived at her apartment, she headed straight for her fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine. She would not require a glass for what she had in mind. She stripped out of her clothes, popped the wine bottle’s cork, and headed to her bathroom to run a hot bath. When her tub was full, she plopped herself in the steaming hot water and took a swig from the wine bottle.

Without giving it a thought, she squeezed her breasts very hard and tugged at her nipples. Another swig from the bottle and she slid her hand to her throbbing cunt. She pinched it, rubbed it, dug her nails into it, all in a futile attempt to smoother, and extinguish the fire that was driving her mad.

She pinched her clit and her entire body went numb for an instant. Her breath caught, she squeezed her thighs together tight. Her body began to hum and shake uncontrollably; preparing itself for the violent flash flood that would leave her spent and hurting.

Amber thrashed violently in the bath water when her orgasm tore through her. She cursed and moaned in pain and ecstasy. Her limbs stiffened and her eyes rolled to the back of her head, as she welcomed the release of the lust that had built up well beyond what she had ever experienced before.

“Good one,” she snickered proudly to herself at having cum so hard.

She reached for the bottle of wine and took a long swig to sate her thirst.

“Hate fuck, huh?” she wickedly grinned to herself, “Can’t say that I’ve ever had that pleasure. You want it, you got it, Gil.”


The next morning, Amber entered my office as soon as she arrived at work. She strolled to my desk and dropped a folded sticky note on it.

She glared at me, placed her hands on my desk, leaned towards me and snarled, “My address is written on that paper. If you got the balls, show me how much you hate me. Tonight, eight o’clock, prick.”

I grinned to myself as I watched her turn and leave my office.


I knocked on Amber’s apartment door, precisely at eight o’clock. Amber answered the door wearing only a towel neatly wrapped and tucked around her hair. She was fresh from the bath and perfumed with an intoxicating, subtle, exotic scent.

She appeared more fragile and tinier in her nakedness. Her body was toned and tight. Her firm, perky breasts swelled and subtlety changed shape as her chest heaved. She unwrapped the towel from her hair and threw it at me.

She turned around and walked away from me as she hissed, “My bedroom is this way.”

My cock twitched and grew painfully hard as I stared at her gorgeous, tight ass wiggle away from me. I followed her. Amber turned around, lifted her arms over her head, and placed her hands on the head of the door frame. She grinned as she stared at the bulge in my pants.

I closed the distance between us with an abandoned urgency, grabbed her ass with both my hands and pulled her to me. When I lowered my mouth to hers, she turned her head, denying me her mouth. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and snapped her head back to face mine. I grinned and growled, as I slowly lowered my mouth to hers. I kissed her hard. She bit down on my tongue once she had coaxed it into her mouth.

She broke the painful kiss and pushed me away. She slapped my face and slid her hand over my chest. The sly grin on her lips and the fire in her eyes multiplied my need to hurt her, tenfold. She grabbed my tie and pulled me to close her naked body. Her lips parted as she lunged at my mouth with a base, primal urgency. She breathed her fire into my mouth. I tore off my clothes as I fueled my lust with her soft, eager mouth.

Amber quivered as I grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her mouth hard to mine. I needed to taste the fire that she was breathing into my mouth, at its hottest point. The part of the flame that burns white. I needed to taste the sweetness of her complete combustion. I wouldn’t be denied. I closed my hands into fists around her damp, scented hair. She dug her nails into my chest and slowly closed her hand into a fist. I could feel strips of my skin being peeled and dragged under her nails. She sadistically grinned at the feel of my skin curling under her nails.

Amber wrapped her arms around my neck, and her legs around my waist. I walked with her wrapped around me to her bed, and threw myself on to the mattress. Amber gasped and moaned when I crashed down on top her. I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to be inside her. Amber slid her crossed ankles upwards, above my waist. Lifting, and spreading her cunt wider for my cock. I found her hole with the tip of my throbbing cock and stabbed it as deep and as hard as I could, and savagely began pumping it in and out of her.

Amber thrashed her head wildly from side to side, at the sudden pain of her pussy being filled and stretched so violently.

"Harder! Fuck me harder!" she hissed and growled through her tightly clenched teeth.

I pounded my rock hard cock into her with an ungodly force. Could I fuck her harder? You bet your ass I could. Would I oblige her masochistic request? I am a gentleman, and a bit of a sadist. Of course I would. I released the grip I had on her tangled hair, slid both my hands under her body and gripped her ass cheeks; I pulled her cunt to my cock as I thrust harder into her. The line between sex and violence became more and more blurred with each punishing thrust. It was within that blur, that Amber was able to feed the hunger that had recently been awoken in her.

"Yeees! Break me! Destroy my cunt!" she gurgled in-between the short gaps of having the air punched out of her lungs.

"Filthy, fucking whore,” I growled into her ear with labored breath. I did not let up on the violent, unforgiving assault. “My cock is Excalibur. I’ll release your cunt from its deep stab only when it’s completely destroyed. I am going to fuck your cunt till you are rendered completely worthless and useless, and then, I’m going to fuck you harder. If any other man knew of what I am going to do to you, they wouldn’t be capable of feeling anything but utter disgust for you. No matter how beautiful you are, whore.”

My filthy words and punishing thrusts, took her to the edge with a breakneck speed. She felt each filthy word being branded on her flesh, on her insides, and on her soul. She groaned in pain as her clit became the match head that had been struck on the hot cement of a sidewalk. Her clit exploded in slow motion, with a tortuous, slow burn.

"Uuuhhhnnn!" she swooned and exploded beneath me with such a violent force that I had to keep her pinned to the mattress, to keep her from surely bucking me off of her.

She savored the conflicting sensations of her pussy contracting, and trying to expel my hot meat from deep inside her, and at the same instant, the sensation of having her pussy forcefully pried open, and pounded savagely. The extreme contrast of sensations between her legs mirrored what she felt for me.

My cock twitched and my balls tightened. I felt the pressure of my cum that had travelled to the base of my cock. The buildup of that sweet, aching sensation was a dam ready to be crashed through, unleashing intense and untold pleasures throughout my entire body. I crashed into her hips one last time. We both heard, and felt the grinding of bone on bone. I pushed my cock as deep as her hungry cunt could take, and exploded inside her. Amber dug her crimson nails into my back as my cock twitched and pumped her full of cum.

I collapsed on top of her when my balls were drained. She quivered and ground her hips into me. Our ragged breath danced off each other’s faces, as she blindly searched for my mouth. She kissed me with trembling lips as she recovered from the uninhibited, feral, and violent dance we had performed.

“Fuuuck,” she softly moaned into my mouth, with each quiver of her cunt from the aftershocks of her orgasm.

I pulled out of her and rolled onto my back.

Amber placed her head on my chest and draped her arm across my belly. She gently kissed the deep gashes that she had taken so much sadistic pleasure from scratching them into my chest.

She took a deep, satisfied breath. “That was incredible, probably the best fuck, and orgasm, of my life. But, I still fucking hate you, Gil,” she half snarled at me.

“Good, we have all night to hate each other,” I growled back at her and slapped her ass.

Written by Gil_Renard
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