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Hannah gets an Agent Ch. 02

"Hannah begins her induction at the agency"

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For a few painfully awkward seconds, Hannah kept her face between her legs, spreading her buttocks while grinning stupidly.

 Then, Louisa snapped at her. “Stand up, you stupid whore. The recording is done.”

Hannah extricated her head and turned back to face Louisa. As the adrenaline wore off, she was struck by a wave of embarrassment. She had just performed naked for an audience of everyone on her phone, meaning that her friends, her coaches, and even her grandparents had seen her pretending to be a wet horny slut. Would any of them ever look at Hannah again without thinking of that video?

Louisa pulled another phone, several models newer than Hannah’s, from her pocket. “Put your name and date in each field,” Louisa said.

Hannah took the phone and glanced at a wall of text. There were three headings, “Confirmation of Prior Verbal Consent,” “Model Release,” and “Assignment of Copyright.”

Hannah typed in her name three times and handed the phone back. 

Louisa glanced to check Hannah had signed, then smiled. “Good girl. Of course, once you’re fully on board we’ll have an ongoing agreement that takes care of all that and more, but since we’re distributing this video now—or at least as soon as I hand your phone back to I.T.—we need all that on file. T&A is a reputable firm and we always make sure nothing about our clients is filmed or distributed without full and informed consent.”

Hannah said nothing. She had consented; that much was inarguable. What other choice was there?

“Alright,” Louisa continued, “now let’s get you to your next stop. You’ve got a whistlestop tour today! We will try to get you out by midnight, but that does mean we’ve got to keep moving.”

Grabbing Hannah by the arm, Louisa dragged the teenager into the corridor. Hannah simply let herself be pulled. There was no point resisting. This had to happen. Just think of college and then law school, Hannah reminded herself. That’s why you’re doing this.

Hannah had heard, from friends who had gone to downmarket agents, horror stories of stories of girls being paraded before leering staff, groped and slapped by everyone from the intern to senior partners.

That apparently was not the T&A way. As Louisa hustled Hannah past various offices and cubicles and around various impromptu and excited conversations taking place in the hallway, the sight of a naked, athletic, trembling, sixty-four inch, eighteen-year-old teenager was greeted by complete indifference. For a moment, Hannah actually started to feel a little insulted. Then she remembered the alternative and felt grateful to be ignored. 

After a few turns through the enormous maze of an office, a voice behind Hannah called out, “Hey, Louisa, how nice of you to drop by our neck of the woods.”

Louisa stopped and turned, her face transforming into one of radiant flirtation. “Oh darling,” she said, huskily, “I hope you know I find every excuse I can to wander past your office, just so I can catch a glimpse of you commanding at your desk, like a great ship captain.”

The interloper, a tall, slightly overweight, middle-aged man with dark hair and olive skin, laughed. His teeth, like everyone’s at T&A, were Hollywood-perfect. 

“If that’s true,” he said, walking up to Louisa and hugging her, “I ought to spank you for not taking the most efficient routes through the office.”

Louisa giggled. “Name the time and I’ll bend over your desk.”

The man glanced at Hannah and Louisa added, “Oh yes, this is Hannah Norris, who, if the rest of the day goes well, is one of our new clients, on Marty’s roster. Hannah, this is Mr. Paul Demetriou, partner and head of strategic development.”

Hannah had no idea what strategic development meant, but it sounded very important. “I’m so delighted to meet you, sir,” she said, putting on her best sexy voice. “And let me say that I can’t wait to earn a spanking from you.” 

Hannah added a giggle. It seemed to work, as Demetriou smiled and Louisa looked, for a moment, annoyed.

“Well, you’re in good hands with Marty,” Demetriou said. “He’s a fantastic agent and a great earner. Where are you going to college?”

“Berkeley, sir,” Hannah said. “I’m majoring in poli-sci, and then hoping to go to law school.”

“A future lawyer, eh?” Demetriou said. “Maybe we’ll have you on the other side of the table, in legal one day.  There’s plenty of aged-out creators who work here.”

Hannah just smiled and giggled. In reality, she intended her career to be spent working to put the entire industry—and firms like T&A which profited from it—out of business. To get there, however, she had to play the dumb slut.

Demetriou turned to Louisa. “What’s her B.C., honey?”

“None, or so she claims,” Louisa said. “Though I’m skeptical.”

Demetriou laughed and slapped Louisa’s ass. “You are just so filthy you can’t imagine the thought that anyone might make it to eighteen in relative innocence.”

He then turned to Hannah and looked expectantly. When Hannah did nothing, Demetriou cleared his throat and said to Louisa, “Have you told Miss Norris about T&A’s sexual harassment policy yet? It’s such an important part of the client onboarding.”

“Oh, silly me,” Louisa said, still in that annoying breathy voice. Turning to Hannah and changing back to her professional timbre, she said, “Here at T&A we have a very strict sexual harassment policy to protect our clients and ensure a professional workplace. You can rest assured that while in our care, no one at this agency will initiate sexual conduct of any kind, including all forms of intimate touching, with you.”

Louisa paused her spiel and fixed Hannah with an intense stare. “However,” she said, “we also at T&A respect our client’s autonomy and capacity. As a result, we do not have any rules against consensual sexual or intimate contact between clients and agents where the client initiates it.”

Those final words had been said slowly, enunciating every syllable, like a schoolteacher explaining a difficult concept to a pupil. 

After a slight pause in which her stare only intensified, Louisa said, still very slowly and clearly, “Do you understand this, Hannah?”

Hannah understood all too well. After nodding to Louisa, she turned to Demetriou and, giggling, said, “Would you like to get a handle on your agency’s newest product, sir? I would love to know if you think I’ve got the tits and ass to make it.”

Giggling again, Hannah squeezed her small breasts together and stepped towards Demetriou.

A lecherous grin on his face, the head of strategic development reached out and grabbed Hannah’s breasts. His hands wandered about. He was squeezing them, slapping them, kneading them, twisting them. Then he was pinching her nipples. It hurt, but Hannah just smiled and added a few strategic moans. Then, after pecking Demetriou on the cheek, she turned and stuck her ass out, twerking slightly. “What about this end, sir? Does it measure up to T&A’s standards?”

Again, the hands tried every permutation of groping and slapping. Then, three fingers had gone up Hannah’s vagina and she let out her first real moan as Demetriou fingered her. Then, he pulled out his fingers, slapped her labia, and turned the teen around. In a moment of initiative, Hannah knelt and sucked her own lubrication off the agent’s fingers. There was a cold sensation as her tongue touched the man’s wedding ring.

Demetriou pulled Hannah up by her throat and lightly slapped her face. “You catch on quickly, kid. Just do what Marty says and before you know it you’ll be boring me to sleep in meetings droning on about whatever stupid laws the Legislature has seen fit to burden us with.”

He kissed Louisa, groping her breasts as he did so, before turning back to his office.

Before Hannah could catch her breath, Louisa was dragging her on, the assistant’s acrylic nails digging into Hannah’s upper arm. 

“Not bad, slut,” Louisa whispered once the two were out of sight of Demetriou. “Just be happy your body count is zero or we would be running even further behind, not to mention having to redo your makeup.”

To her relief, no one else paid any attention to Hannah as she was dragged further through the office and down a flight of stairs. After going down another corridor, Louisa stopped in front of a door with a nameplate reading “Harold Chen, M.D.”

Louisa knocked. An Asian man in a white coat, only a few inches taller than Hannah, opened the door. “Finally,” he said, “What took you so long? Get her on the table for me.”

“I’m so sorry sir,” Louisa said sycophantically while pushing Hannah inside. “These whores can be a pain to wrangle.”

Inside the windowless office was some sort of scanner. An MRI?, Hannah thought. Or maybe a CAT scan? What was the difference between those two anyway? And why would either matter.

Prodded by a slap on her ass from Louisa, Hannah climbed on to the bed in front of the scanner and lay down, shivering against the cold metal.

“Let’s get started,” the man in the white coat said, walking over with a tablet in hand. “I’m Dr. Chen and I’m one of the in-house consultant physicians here at T&A, which means I do just about every gruesome thing involved in keeping bodies in the shape that sells them to markets, but today, I’m not actually going to be giving you any medical treatment. Instead, I’m going to be performing an Ejima scan on you. Sign and date this consent for treatment.”

Without bothering to read, Hannah typed in her name and the date on the tablet.

“Now,” Dr. Chen said, “Do you know what an Ejima scan is?”

“Uh, no, sir,” Hannah said. 

Dr. Chen grinned. “Well, it’s a giant waste of money that the market absolutely demands, and we do love the market here at T&A. It is a misuse of some imaging technology and machine learning analysis originally designed to check for early signs of cervical cancer. About twenty years ago, one Dr. Ejima, from I think Kyoto, had the genius to adapt that base technology into a system for detecting a woman’s body count.”

“Does it work?” Hannah asked, before she could think better of it. 

Chen laughed. “Nope! Oh, I mean it can tell with reasonable confidence the difference between a woman who’s had sex with a few thousand men and a virgin, but so can anyone with eyes! Bodycount isn’t a scientific measure. People assume that it has some relation to vaginal tightness or whatever, but that’s just not true. The Ejima scan is clever, and uses several hundred factors, along with a lot of extrapolation, as very rough proxies for the almost unnoticeable actual effects of penile penetration on the vagina, mouth, and anus, but it’s about as trustworthy as a witch doctor.  And, even if it were accurate, which it isn’t, it couldn’t possibly tell if the woman has slept one hundred times with the same man, giving her a bodycount of one, or with one hundred different men, which is a B.C. of one hundred. It’s completely useless.”

“Then why do you do it?” Hannah asked, confused. She had actually vaguely thought the thing about tightness was true. At least that had been the rumor at her high school…

“The markets, of course,” Chen said, laughing again. “For some reason, market research shows that men love very carefully worded language about results of an Ejima scan that obscures the fact that even taking the results at their word—which you shouldn’t—the scan will give a confidence interval of somewhere between zero and fifty as a potential bodycount, assuming each penetration by a new partner. It just sounds scientific and reassures men’s egos. So, the firm pays the ridiculous costs involved in owning this scanner, and makes me, an actual doctor, act as a glorified junior radiographer.” 

As Chen checked his tablet again, Hannah asked, “So how do you know if applicants lie about their body count?”

“Why, got something to hide?” Chen retorted. As Hannah blushed, he continued, “I’m kidding; it’s a good question. The answer is that T&A uses methods more reliable than medicine. For a start, they do background checks, send private investigators to ask around your school, scour the internet, and that sort of stuff. Second, we scare you. Remember those big red letters on your application about it being under penalty of perjury? We report a few girls to the police every year who lied about their body count, and they end up in prison… and you know what happens there.”

Hannah gulped. She hadn’t lied on her application—she really was a virgin—but that didn’t make the prison system any less terrifying. She had seen the chain gangs… and rumor had it those naked, whipped, tanned girls were relatively lucky prisoners. At least they got to go outside. 

Dr. Chen pulled on some gloves and opened a drawer. “Mouth open,” he said. Hannah complied and he swabbed her cheek. Then, without asking, he parted her labia and put another swap into her vagina. To Hannah’s shock, he then pulled, with surprising strength, on one leg to raise Hannah’s rear from the table and stuck another swab into her asshole. 

“Supposedly the Ejima scan correlates the results of these samples with the imaging and extrapolates various conclusions about the relationship between tissue and the microbiome in each orifice,” the doctor said, after putting the swabs in three separate envelopes. “Like I said, it’s a lot of effort for something pointless. Now don’t fucking move, because I hate the noise this machine makes and I don’t want to hear this grinding twice because the image is off.”

Prompted by Chen’s tablet, the bed went into the machine, which started screaming furiously, like a symphony of antique printers and faxes. Despite the cacophony, Hannah found it strangely comforting. She was all alone in this cozy niche, with no one looking at her, no one groping her, no one sticking swabs into her holes. It was a respite. 

Too soon for Hannah’s liking, the noise stopped and the bed slid out. “Now fuck off,” Chen said. “The lab will process this stuff over the next week and in the meantime I’d like to use my office to actually practice some fucking medicine instead of slutty pseudoscience.”

Hannah started to get up from the table, and then shot off it as Louisa pulled her by the hair. “Thank you so much, sir,” Louisa said, in her sycophantic voice. “It’s always so nice to watch a brilliant doctor commanding the–”

“Oh shut up, bitch,” Chen said. “Maybe your dumb cunt brain doesn’t realize this but I’m not a partner and don’t have a shred of power or influence here, so there’s no point pretending to want to fuck me because I can’t promote you. So just get the hell out of my office and take the slut with you.”

Louisa blushed, started to say something, and then thought better of it. Instead, she took her embarrassment out on Hannah, pulling the teen out the door with sadistic force. 

The dragging continued in the hallway until Hannah grabbed Louisa’s arm. “If you,” she said between pained gasps, “end up pulling off clumps of talent’s hair, do you think you’ll keep your job?”

Louisa glared at her. For a moment, Hannah worried the older woman, who had several inches and considerable weight over the eighteen-year-old, would hit her. Then, saying nothing, Louisa grabbed Hannah’s arm instead and dragged her. It wasn’t pleasant to once again have those tacky nails burrowing into her bicep, but it was at least an improvement over the hair-pulling. 

After a shorter journey through various corridors, in which, mercifully, no one showed any interest in inspecting the naked teen being dragged past his office, Louisa stopped outside a pair of nice double doors. A plaque said “Conference & Testing Suite 3”, which told Hannah nothing about what next awaited her.

After a knock, a tall blonde, in her mid-twenties with an improbable figure in an off-the-shoulder green dress with a long slit on the legs and a platinum day collar, answered. “You’re late. We have been waiting nearly fifteen minutes,” she said, in a neutral Californian accent with only the slightest garnish of Scandinavian.   

“Blame the whore,” Louisa said. “She’s your problem now. I’ve got to run her phone to IT and then sprint back to reception for the next girl we’re intaking today.”

With only a sharp slap on Hannah’s bottom as a valediction, Louisa stormed off. The blonde eyed Hannah curiously for a few seconds and then said, holding open one of the doors, “Come in.”

Inside was an odd hybrid of a room. Half of it was a traditional conference table, polished mahogany, with T&A branded chairs and coasters. The other half was a slightly elevated platform with lighting and photography backdrops as well as several cameras. At one end of the conference table, a man was pointing animatedly at a computer monitor facing him. He was shorter than Eva, barely taller than Hannah, and slightly pudgy, in later middle age with slightly greying hair.  He seemed less put-together than either Brooks or Demetriou. His outfit was just as nice—French cuffs, well-tailored, ties with just the right level of understatement to avoid either blandness or distraction, but the tie was loosened to the point it looked like a necklace, the jacket was on the table, looking like it had been thrown there, and the sleeves were rolled up, raising the question of where exactly the cufflinks were. 

“Sir,” Eva said, rolling the word carefully, “may I introduce to you our firm’s new client, Hannah Norris? Miss Norris, this gentleman is Mr. Victor Chastanet, one of our senior team leaders for marketing, branding, and digital strategy. If I may be permitted to embarrass him, he is perhaps the leading expert in the Thylmann-Tasillo type classification system for female talent.”

“She flatters me,” Chastanet said, without getting up.  He spoke with a slight Brooklyn accent. “What I do is an art, not a science. And that means it’s more guesswork than expertise.”

He looked away from his monitor and caught sight of Hannah. “No, no, no,” he said. His voice jumped in pitch as he became excited. “That damned glorified receptionist with an alpha bitch complex has been dragging the clients around again. This won’t do.”

Now he did stand up and walked over to Hannah, grabbing her face. His hands were very gentle, if cold. He tilted her head and adjusted her hair by hand, all without ever quite making eye contact with Hannah. “Yes, this won’t do. Oh, we don’t need formal hair, makeup, and wardrobe tests yet—that’s after me—but there has to be some sense of being presentable. I keep telling the senior partners that we’ve got to do something about this psychology that pits every woman here against each other, but unfortunately, they seem to prefer watching really half-baked lezdom and bitchfight content being created and microtargeted at people who work in this office. The cardinal sin in this industry—putting one’s dick ahead of one’s wallet.”

He seemed to lose his train of thought. After a moment, he said, “Eva, dear, go and comb this poor girl’s hair and give her a light touch-up of makeup—we don’t need screen test perfect but I can’t start analyzing her if she’s not even half presentable. Especially after the fad for disheveled chic content faded out so predictably eight or nine years ago.”

He returned to his monitor, and Eva put an authoritative hand on Hannah’s shoulder. “This way, please,” she said, gesturing to the door. 

“Please” was a very nice change of pace from Louisa and so Hannah happily walked in the direction Eva indicated. It was strange how rapidly she had become used to simply walking around this building naked, but a sense of familiar resignation to the undignified act was better than constant crippling humiliation. 

Eva then directed Hannah into a room on the same hallway, which seemed to be a hybrid of a private bathroom and dressing room, with a very fancy-looking shower and station for makeup, complete with the stage tradition of a line of lightbulbs, mocked up as the old incandescent type, surrounding the mirror. 

Hannah sat in the chair and took a look at herself. Her hair was a mess, and her makeup had run in places, although it was not that bad. Her arm had a few marks from fingernails, and she could see traces of red where she had been groped. Still, her lipstick and eyeliner had held and her assiduous use of sunscreen during cross-country practice and meets had prevented her fear of tan lines by her shoulders. 

Eva came over, carrying a few hair products and combs. “Do you use any of these normally? I don’t want to put in anything that will clash with your texture or hair care routine.”

It took only one glance for Hannah to see that these products were extremely expensive and not the Target-branded hair products she normally employed. The embarrassment must have shown on her face, because Eva smiled. “Don’t worry,” the blonde said. “I was a poor girl once too. I will improvise.”

As Eva got to work adjusting Hannah’s hair, the teen dared to ask a question of the P.A. “Sorry if this sounds weird,” she said hesitantly, “but why are you so nice to me? I’m not complaining but the other women I’ve met here are, well, without wanting to speak ill of people at the firm…”

Eva laughed melodiously. “You don’t need to worry—talent can always complain about the staff. And the women are absolutely terrible to the new female talent, though they dote over the femboys as if they were newborn puppies, gushing about cuteness. The reason is simple: S.M.V. The women who work here may not be creators, but they are all too aware of the economic value of their S.M.V. to their career, and at least subconsciously aware that S.M.V. is a relative measure. It doesn’t matter how hot you are, it only matters how hot you are compared to the next girl.”

Eva fussed with her hair a little bit more before turning to the makeup kit, speaking as she rustled for the appropriate skin tone. “The reason I know this practical economics is the same reason I’m nice to you: I work for Mr. Chastanet. He, you may have noticed, is a bit fussy. A fussy genius, sure, but still fussy. Somewhere on the spectrum. His eye is the best in the world for this stuff, and I swear he’s memorized the entire Thylmann-Tasillo type book, which is over two thousand possible types, but he really can’t stand almost everything and everyone. Before I came, the firm came close to firing him every few months, keeping him only because no one else had his talent. Then, they found me. And since then, I have made the firm and Mr. Chastanet both happy. The firm doesn’t have to deal with him screaming at partners, and Mr. Chastanet has someone who will fix whatever is wrong—and there’s always something wrong with him.”

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By now she was double-checking her work with a hand mirror. “So, I cannot be fired to be replaced with a hotter and younger person. I’m the only one they found after years of searching who can do this job. They know this and pay me a lot more than most women here as a result. I also can’t be promoted, because my utility is only being Mr. Chastanet’s P.A., and under no circumstances will the senior partners ever give him a seat at the top table, because they can’t stand him.”

Admiring her handiwork, Eva smiled and blew a kiss. “Voilà!” 

Hannah got up. “So how do you manage him? It sounds impossible.”

Eva laughed. Her laugh sounded more sincere than those of others at T&A. “Trade secrets, my love. Can’t be giving those things away!” 

The two walked back into the conference suite, where Chastanet was typing, his fingers stabbing the keyboard with surprising emotion and quite a bit of noise. He did not seem to notice the statuesque blonde Scandinavian in a dress that left little to the imagination, nor the athletic and very pretty teen whose outfit, or lack thereof, left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

After a minute, Eva cleared her throat, somehow doing so melodiously. “Sir, we are back.”

Chastanet looked up. “We? Oh yes, I remember now. Norris. Sorry, got caught up rejecting some ridiculous keywords the idiot first-year associate thinks are revolutionary. These kids come out of business school and think they have found the secret trick to upending the whole market. Madness.”

He trailed off once more. When he resumed his train of thought, he stood up, walked around the table, and sat awkwardly on its other end, facing the mini-studio. “Grab the tablet, set her up, and tell me when the voice transcriber is recording.” 

Eva picked a tablet off the table and began adjusting the light in the studio. After a moment, she gestured for Hannah to go in front of the backdrop, and then returned to adjusting various light levels. 

Hannah took a gamble that someone thoroughly immersed in an arcane subject, as Chastanet evidently was, would enjoy hearing people interested in that subject and enjoy even more explaining it.

“Mr. Chastanet,” she said, trying to sound sweet but not sexual. Eva had said she was unafraid of professional competition, but Hannah wasn’t sure that meant Eva liked others flirting with “her” man at T&A. “What exactly is the Thylmann-Taliso type system?”

“Thylmann-Tassilo!” Chastanet corrected sharply. “It is the industry standard for rapid identification of the most relevant marketing and content creation pathways based on body and to some extent personality, or perhaps more accurately, presentation. Before Thylmann-Tassilo, every girl had to be thought of individually, and a bespoke strategy developed. That simply doesn’t scale, nor is it efficient for individual creators to try to figure out the optimal niche. Now, with Thylmann-Tassilo, instead of seeing each girl as an individual, we can reduce them to a single named identified type and then work within that type to find individual optimized keywords. Just as importantly, we can, in marketing to potential customers, microtarget variations within the preferred type or types rather than throwing every variation of girl and A/B testing the poor wanker to death.”

Eva was still adjusting the lights. Perhaps she’s giving me time to talk to him, Hannah thought. “But, sir, I’m really sorry for my ignorance about this, but what exactly are the named types? Like short, thin, white, teen or something?”

“No, no, no,” Chastanet said, shaking his head vigorously. He seemed excited, but not angry. “Those are keywords—we work from type to generate keywords and from keywords that draw people to get to type. Of course, people don’t like a single type, but they do like a single type for a single genre. It’s the classic Madonna/whore complex— the customer wants a gentle romantic scene done by a type different to the type he wants to see endure a rough gangbang.”

He trailed off again, and then, to Hannah’s surprise, actually remembered her question. “Ah yes, you wanted to know about type! So, the Thylmann-Tassilo system is misnamed. It was actually developed, some years ago, by some clever guys at Wharton—the business schools don’t exclusively turn out idiots. They took a massive database scraped from the biggest pornography websites of the then-top “porn stars”—you see, in the Golden Age of Porn, this term, perhaps paradoxically, included amateurs, professionals, and what we’d call creators. They then applied machine learning and training to narrow down the several hundred thousand women to types, based both on appearance similarities, but much more importantly, on the emerging mathematical anatomical science of determining the measurements that maximize a woman’s fuckability in various domains. In the end, there are about 300 principal types, a hundred or so rare or obsolete types that have simply disappeared with changing trends, and up to four subtypes for some of the principal ones. Each type is named after one of those “porn stars”—what a glamorous term they had then—picked to be the “type species,” if you’ll permit a biology analogy. Meaningless names unless you’re one of those experimental cinéastes who maintains the stuff from the first half of this century—up to about the 2030s—was avant-garde art only appearing to be puerile amateurism. But names make things easier.”

He trailed off again. Before Hannah could ask more questions, Eva said, “All ready, sir.”

“Good, good,” Chastanet said distractedly. “Get her to… get her to… well, you know the…”

“Of course, sir,” Eva said smoothly. Gliding over to Hannah, she whispered in the teen’s ear, “He gets a bit embarrassed around naked women if you can believe it. Hence making me handle you. So don’t offer him consent to touch you or it will be a whole thing.”

At a normal volume, the tall blonde said, “Okay, Hannah, what we need you to do is go into the lighting area, do some sexy poses—nothing too extreme, and answer whatever questions we ask. This isn’t a screen test, it isn’t an audition. We just want a sense of your body and your voice and manner with this stuff.”

Hannah went into the studio area and decided to try something relatively modest (for a naked girl) by standing sideways so as to be in profile view for Eva and Chastanet, then turning her upper body so her hair and arms covered most of her breasts. She smiled and adjusted her hair. 

Eva started asking questions, but very quietly. She pointed and mouthed “microphone” to Hannah, who picked up the game. The questions were mostly banal, often random, and only occasionally sexual. Hannah smiled and giggled and played with her hair and adjusted her poses, trying to focus on Eva rather than the intense stare with which Chastanet was fixing her. It was not a lecherous stare, but rather, one of concentration, like Hannah was a puzzle to be solved.

Then, mid-question, Chastanet interrupted. “Enough!” he said, rising to his feet. Turning to Eva, he added, “is the voice transcriber still on?”

“Of course, sir,” the blonde said. 

“Good,” Chastanet said, shuffling his feet and avoiding eye contact with either woman. “Alright, this is V. Chastanet evaluation of client H. Norris, client number to be inserted by secretary later, on date and time to be inserted by the secretary later. Section one, type.  Mannerisms indicate shyness, but not excessive, capable of clearly speaking, intelligent eyes and demeanor. More able to answer non-sexual questions than sexual ones, but still always slightly covered up. Subject clearly in broad supertype of bright innocent teen, see also overlapping and contradictory supertypes of intelligent, normal, ordinary. Subject is white and falls into that supertype consequently. Further classification can be done by appearances—dark, relatively smooth hair, colorimeter classification inserted later by secretary, green eyes with optical brightness on the Bannoch scale of 2.7. Facial ratio data approximated by me from observing subject suggests high symmetry rankings, slightly suboptimal ear placements and nose at the high end of acceptable size. Breasts appear to be small end C-cups, firmness at a 4 and pertness at a 5—both using the Laguna assessment. I think it’s an unreliable measure, but for the record, Thayer’s index of breast playability would suggest, back of the envelope, that the size, heft, relative motion from the body, etc., all indicate breasts could be enjoyable to play with.”

Chastanet paused and shuffled again. Hannah was holding still, trying not to think too hard about being reduced to a series of metrics about how fuckable she appeared. 

After a cough, he continued. “When standing in profile, buttock protuberance, when considered against the mean thigh circumference, is mild but distinct. Relatively low buttock shaking due to athleticism. Supertype sporty applies. Subject’s stomach, when tested under the Warsaw checklist for optimal stomach, scores very highly—high degree of flatness without levels of abdominal muscling that dissuade men. Thigh gap present—category 2 in the Lima taxonomy. Various precise ratios—particularly hip-shoulder, calf-thigh, and relative breast and buttock protuberance, will be inserted here when calculated based on images taken when subject was in the booth.”

There was a long pause this time as Chastanet stared at the ceiling, his mouth silently moving. Then he spoke. “Preliminary classification: General type Maya Woulfe, but subtype A, particularly eyes, mannerisms, speech, and half a dozen points of looks that majorly distinguish subtype A from M.W. simpliciter.  Care must be taken in transcription to clarify that the subtype applies. Arguments could be made for Dillon Harper subtype C, or a few other potential types. Further notes to be appended”

“Oh, sir,” Eva said, “I don’t know how you do it. You can just see and categorize her—and to the most obscure types too. Who was Maya Woulfe? I haven’t heard of her.”

Chastanet shrugged. “I study the type, not the history. They’re not people, really; they’re just sex dolls to me, generic sluts who happened to be photographed and filmed at the right age to be frozen in time for the type database. The real person aged. The type is a teen forever.  We use the names of the models only because it’s easier than remembering types by number. The picture more easily comes to mind that way.”

Hannah had no interest in studying the Golden Age pornographic works of her grandparent’s generation. The only people who liked to do that were film nerds who would come in breathlessly quoting Michel Fabius’s essays on the cumshot in early twenty-first-century American pornographic cinema. Hannah had no interest in socializing with such people. 

Now, though, she was a sex doll, stuck in a drawer full of sex dolls, in a giant filing cabinet of sex dolls, sorted by how they resembled one sex doll a computer had picked out decades ago. Did she look like the prototype of 145? Chastanet had seemed to say that the use of subtypes meant that she didn’t closely resemble the type species. Hannah didn’t know which was worse—being classified based on resembling a picture of a teen from a half-century or more ago, or being classified by a made-up computer sub-classification that only vaguely looked like that teen. They both made her feel so naked and exposed. It was one thing to walk around naked, but to be reduced to nothing more than the characteristics of her naked body… that made her long for clothes.

Chastanet had been looking at the ceiling again, lost in thought. Then, he looked back at Hannah, then looked away, slightly abashed. “Eve, make her—”

“Yes, right away, sir,” Eve said calmly. She went to Hannah and whispered, “Now he’s going to try to generate some preliminary keywords for you—a rough draft that the full department will polish later. For that, it helps if you do some solo content. Nothing fancy—just switch positions around, put your legs in flexible positions if you can, different angles, and moan as you play with yourself. You haven’t done any acting training, have you?”

That last question caught Hannah off guard. “No,” she said. “I never had time for school plays.”

“Too bad. I think after wardrobe and the photo session you will have your first acting lesson later today, but that won’t help you now. Better actually masturbate, then. A good actress doesn’t bother—it’s much easier to redo the scene, or even to just focus on the performance if she’s only pretending to masturbate. But without some grasp of stagecraft you’ll never pull that off, no pun intended. So you need to flick your own bean. Enjoy it! I wish my work duties included clitoral auto-stimulation.” With a wink, Eva walked back out of the glare of the lights. 

Chastanet seemed to be lost in thought again. After an agonizing minute of Hannah standing, slightly sweating under the heat of the lights, unsure if she should start masturbating, the strange man began to speak. “Section two—keyword generation.”

Hannah saw Eva nodding to her and mouthing “now.”

Doing her best to suppress the slight trembling, Hannah sat on the flat, gold floor of the mini studio. You think T&A could afford a cushion, she thought. Then again, maybe this was all part of the test. Maybe a T&A model was supposed to be able to go from zero to soaking wet anywhere. Hannah wasn’t sure she could. She normally masturbated at home, under the covers, with her vibrator and an erotic audiobook. It was her little luxury after a day full of studies, extracurriculars, sports, and, given the hours her mother worked, often cooking for the two of them. A private castle in time where she was queen, with the troubles of life banished beyond the moat.

A second slipped by. She needed to start. She spread her legs as wide as she could and began to touch her clitoris. It felt numb. She tried her best moan but by the look of annoyance on Chastanet’s face and that of sympathy on Eva’s, deduced it wasn’t working. 

She needed to find a way to get off, now. Fantasizing seemed a dead end. She could not bring her mind to anywhere but here, under these hot painful lights on the freezing floor, naked and alone. 

You’re a clever girl, she thought. Make this situation sexy. 

She tried imagining this was a display of sexual confidence, that she was holding the room spellbound by her body, that Chastanet and Eva were dumbstruck by her beauty and sensuality. It was too ludicrous to contemplate. The exact opposite was plainly true.

As she continued to, without much sensation, play with her clitoris and do her best sexy moan, it came to her.

Here she was, naked, humiliated, exposed, masturbating for a man who didn’t have the slightest interest in her sexually, who only wanted to reduce her into terms that would lead more people to click on her and use her virtual image as a sex object.

It was awful.

It was also hot.

Yes, I’m exposed, nothing but a sex doll, Hannah thought, diving into the fantasy before her mind generated objections to it. Degraded, getting myself off just to sell things. Just a generic teen body for men to masturbate to.

She was feeling it now. The sensations ran across her body, emanating in all directions from the clitoris. A real moan escaped her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Eva smile encouragingly. She’s smiling because you’re embracing being a slut, Hannah thought before plunging two fingers into her vagina. 

“Use me for your pleasure,” Hannah moaned, before letting out a slight gasp. Saying the fantasy out loud had only increased arousal.

Chastanet suddenly began speaking in the peculiar language of search engine optimization. “College cutie becomes cumdumpster. Nerdy teen reduced to mindless fuckdoll. Squirting teen begs for Daddy’s cum. Fit slut just wants to be fucked.”

The keywords fed into the fantasy and Hannah moaned before switching positions, turning so her ass was elevated her face against the cold ground, reaching up to finger herself.

“Teen slut drips on the floor. Cute teen begs to be fucked doggy style. Three-hole slut gives her pussy and asshole to her boyfriend.  White girl loves black cock, white girl loves Asian cock, white girl loves Latino cock, white girl loves white cock. Face down ass up teen was made for fucking. Daddy walks in and sees his daughter’s dripping pussy. Freeuse sister’s holes are always there for her brother.”

It became too much and Hannah let out something between a moan and a scream. Slow down, she thought. The goal wasn’t to climax. It was to let Chastanet get ideas for enough keywords that men would buy her image, carrying for years in their pockets the version of her frozen at eighteen, a teen slut forever. 

That was hot.

She turned back again, sticking her left leg out and, almost losing her balance, raising her right leg so her foot was nearly touching her head. Then, with her left hand, she went back to masturbating.

“Flexicunt is ready for whatever position Daddy wants,” Chastanet said, continuing his stream of potential titles for the algorithm. “Desperate gymnast masturbates for money. Teen sex doll opens her holes wide.”

Hannah leaned back, pulling her left leg up too, and then wrapping her arms so her feet were behind her head. Then, she slapped one hand down on her labia while the other slapped one of her breasts. The pain only made her wetter.

“Three-hole slut on display. Pain slut needs to be punished. Punish me, Daddy. Flexible teen fucked senseless. In the library, coed dreams of being tied up and used,” Hannah heard Chastanet intone. He had been saying titles this whole time, but Hannah’s awareness of anything outside her own body, outside the lights and cameras and the humiliation, was limited. 

Hannah screamed, “Please use this cunt. Use my ass. Use my throat. Hurt me. I need it so badly.” Saying the fantasy aloud made it so much hotter. The fantasy that was also her reality.

“Virgin dreams of a good dicking,” she heard Chastanet say. “Self-degrading slut will do anything for cum. Worthless whore begs for the patriarchy. College girl takes frat gangbang. Milf catches slut daughter like this and teaches her a lesson. Professor makes student beg for an A. Aspiring lawyer made freeuse whore. Tiny teen can’t take it all. Coed takes Molly and goes full nympho.”

Chastanet’s voice faded away as Hannah’s body rocked with the force of an orgasm, jostling her from the awkward pretzel position into a heap on the floor. Still slightly shaking, she reached back for her clitoris while saying, “I need a real cock to do this to me.” It became too much, the sensation overwhelming her. But she was too far into the performance now to back out. She reached into her vagina, and then stuck that hand in her mouth, sucking on it. Then, she shoved her fingers far enough back to make her audibly gag.

Chastanet was saying something about deep throat sluts but Hannah couldn’t hear it. Removing the hand from her mouth, she started choking herself, the masochistic fantasy and her self-hatred at the embarrassment combining to drive her grip tighter. She started to slap herself, to pull at her hair, to grab at her nipples. She wanted to scream. She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder and had to stop herself from biting it. As the grip on her shoulder slowly intensified, her intellect found its way back, having been displaced by formless hate and passion, so raw as to be indistinguishable.

She became aware that it was Eva who was holding her shoulder. She also noticed the photography lights had gone out. “It’s over, Hannah,” the blonde said. “You were fantastic.”

Chastanet seemed to have left the room. “Was I?” Hannah asked. “From what I could hear, the keywords and titles could apply to any teen creator.”

Eva laughed. “You’re a smart one, Hannah. The words Victor was saying are generic. That’s why men click on them. And no, we don’t need to meet you to generate them. But Victor’s real genius will come when he reviews this tape and sees which of them you reacted to. That’s where he becomes indispensable. He has a sort of special sense for finding the perfect synergy, where the generic keyword works as a prompt, feeding into the performance. Those are the niches where you’ll excel. Even with acting training, some things can’t be faked. The clit doesn’t lie.”

At the moment, Hannah, trying to recover some shred of dignity, and embarrassment having lost all its appeal, was hoping that her clit was at least occasionally prone to mendacity. But she didn’t say that. She just wanted a blanket and a book. Maybe some hot cocoa. 

“What… what now?” Hannah asked, getting unsteadily to her feet. She had almost said, “Can I go home now?” But that was one fantasy that wouldn’t get her ahead in T&A.

Eva hugged Hannah, seemingly unconcerned by the sweat and other fluids now seeping onto her expensive dress. 

“Hannah, darling,” Eva said, sounding as if she’d heard the unasked question. “You’ve done so very well. You’re almost there. Just a few more things today. Soon, this will be easy. You’ll learn to perform without having to feel anything.”

The prospect of pretending to masturbate, absent pleasure, for the benefit of internet customers, would normally have struck Hannah as bleak. Now, though, not feeling anything sounded like a wonderful promise.

All three women on the Supreme Court did this, Hannah reminded herself. Yes, an eighteen-year-old simulacrum of her would live a dismal eternity as a begging slut. But that was not Hannah’s sentence. If she could just do this for seven years, making it through undergrad and law school, she would be able to go on with her life, leaving behind a digital ghost in the purgatory of the pornsites. 

As Eva walked her into the corridor, towards whatever fresh hell awaited her, Hannah tried to hold on to one thought. 

I’m not a degraded slut. I just pretend to be one on the internet.

If only she could believe that as easily as she’d believed her fantasy of humiliation. 

Written by BaileyEsquire
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