Having my hands bound above my head, I lay naked on my side of the bed with my pussy swollen and hungry with my hands bound. Despite the fact that you were still clothed, as you pulled me towards you and touched my smooth, wet pussy, you began kissing my thighs and slowly circling my clit with your tongue as you slowly moved inward as you held my legs open, wondering whether or not you would use a spreader bar or tie my legs apart.
I was instructed by you to lay on my belly and to turn over as soon as you had untied my hands.
As soon as my hands were bound back above my head, you placed a triangular pillow under me, so you would have easy access to my now dripping-wet pussy that you could manipulate as you pleased. After you took away my ability to see, you went to the dresser and grabbed a red silk blindfold and a pair of noise-canceling wireless headphones, as well as Pandora radio, and put them on after depriving me of the ability to see.
There was only a moment that you left me like that, for a moment only, to admire what is truly yours and yours alone. As soon as you have placed the massager on my clit, you begin to rub it.
When you have firmly secured the device, turn it on. You then grab an electronic dildo with a vibrating butterfly and gently run your hands on my back and around my front to play with my breasts as you tease me with your gentle touches and an occasional slap on my tight ass will leave me with a red hand-print on my ass. You watched me moan oh so softly and then placed a cool liquid on my clit.