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First Time Submissive

"My discovery of the BDSM world at the hand of an older women"

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Virginie was a twenty-nine-year-old nurse in a palliative care unit. I met her when my grandmother was hospitalized with terminal breast cancer.

At first, I didn't pay much attention to this tall brunette with long hair, always tied up in a braid. But she noticed me. At just eighteen, I was a regular visitor to my grandmother's room, and I was deeply affected when, after a few weeks, she passed away.

Virginie sensed my distress and grief. That's when she left me her phone number, telling me I could call her if I felt the need to talk.

I waited almost three weeks before picking up the phone. It wasn't necessarily a lack of courage, even though I was very shy at the idea of talking to this woman, more an embarrassment of confiding in a stranger. But now I really needed it.

We arranged to meet at a café the next day.

At first, I thought she wouldn't come, or that she'd only stay a few minutes. But no, she did come and we talked for several hours! Inevitably, the discussion began with the death of my grandmother and how I was dealing with it. From this serious subject, we moved on to lighter topics. My classes, my high school life, my plans for the future.

That's when I started to pay more attention to my interlocutor's physique. Tight jeans and high leather boots showed off her long, tapered legs. She wore a black turtleneck that molded her torso, accentuating her high, round chest and her slim waist.

Unlike usual, her hair was loose and fell to the middle of her back. This softened her angular face. Above her prominent cheekbones, her deep-blue eyes watched me benevolently. Her thin lips were adorned from time to time with a charming smile, revealing a ravishing row of teeth.

Confident and under her spell, I indulged in a few more personal confidences. She listened attentively, sometimes asking me questions to deepen certain points.

At one point, the discussion turned to my reading. Instead of quoting the great classics I'd read, I started with two surprising books for someone my age: "Story of O" and "Venus in Furr." At this point, as I explained what I liked about these stories, Virginie seemed increasingly interested.

She asked me lots of questions about BDSM, submission and domination, and what it was that turned me on and attracted me to this rather peculiar world. As I finished answering, she asked me in all seriousness if I was interested in knowing what it felt like to be dominated, in real life.

Flabbergasted at first, I finally answered: yes.

The following Saturday, I knocked on the door of Virginie's apartment, in an old building in the city's historic center. 


She greets me in jogging pants and a T-shirt and invites me in. Shyly, I cross the threshold and enter the apartment. I find myself in a huge room that doubles as kitchen, living room and dining room. Large dark wooden beams decorate the ceiling, contrasting with the white walls. To the right, a row of five windows looks out onto the street. On this early afternoon, the blinds are down, filtering the harsh light from outside.

The kitchen area is set up as close as possible to the entrance and windows. Just beyond, a long solid wood table, framed by benches, defines the dining area. The living room is further back, in the slightly darker corner. An imposing leather sofa occupies almost an entire wall, opposite it are two toadstool armchairs and, in the middle, a massive coffee table on a thick carpet.

“Come and sit down," Virginie gently invites me as I make my way into the living room.

She settles comfortably on the sofa and I sit nervously in one of the armchairs opposite her.

“How are you?" she asks me warmly.


She nods, smiling.

“I understand. Don't worry, I'll be fine. You'll love it.”

“It's my first time and...”

“I know all that," she cuts me off gently. “I'll be careful. And you'll always have the chance to stop. You know that, right?”

I nod nervously.

“Good, now you need to get ready. The bathroom's over there," she says, pointing to a door at the back of the living room. “You'll find some accessories there. I want you to put them on and then come back here.”

“All right.”

“When you come back. You will wait for me on your knees in the middle of the room. Do you understand?”


“Completely naked,” she says.

This last piece of information makes me swallow nervously. But I nod in agreement.

“Perfect then. I'll get ready too. See you soon.”

With that, she gets up and heads for another door, her bedroom door. As she disappears, I rush into the bathroom.

On a small cabinet next to the sink and shower, I see the accessories she's left for me: leather handcuffs for wrists and ankles with metal rings and snap hooks.

My mind's already stopped thinking as I hurriedly undress and close the leather ties around my wrists and ankles. I check that everything is in order and tight, then return to the living room.

Virginie isn't here yet. As she ordered, I kneel down in the middle of the room and wait for her.

A few minutes later, she emerges from her room. And it's not the same woman who appears before me. Goodbye jogging pants and T-shirt. She's now wearing a black bustier that hugs her waist and pushes up her round breasts. Her long legs are molded by thin black stockings held up by a garter belt. At the top of her thighs, black satin panties conceal her intimacy. The thin tips of her high heels rattle as she moves towards me.

Her hair is now tied in a long braid that hangs down her spine, accentuating the oval of her face. A line of black mascara highlights and lengthens her almond-shaped eyes, and dark lipstick adorns her lips, giving her a stern, austere air.

When she stops in front of me, I can hardly breathe. Instinctively, I lower my head.

“Good reflex," she comments. “You didn't look up. That's good.”

She pauses and I feel her hand on my face.

“Today, exceptionally, you can do it. You have the right to look at me and admire me.”

Her hand passes under my chin and gently lifts my face. My eyes are level with her lower abdomen. I can admire her firm thighs, her flat stomach and the roundness of her breasts, amplified by the bustier.

“Today you're going to experience your first domination session," she announces. “And you're going to love it, believe me.”

She smiles at me gently, then continues.

“To begin with, I'm going to inspect you a little. Stand with your legs apart, hands clasped behind your head, elbows apart.”

Given the order, I obey without thinking. She nods her approval.

As I hold the requested position, she circles me. Her hands slide over my skin, her nails lightly scratching. Her slender fingers run delicately up my thighs, but stop well short of my sex. However, this contact plus the excitement of the moment have my penis already standing proud.

“My God, what a beautiful erection," she murmurs in my ear. “It's lovely.”

As she moves behind me, her fingers continue down to my buttocks. They follow the contours of my bouncing muscles and her middle finger digs into my crevice, tickling my anus with the tip of her fingernail. The electrical contact makes me jump.

“Don't move," she orders me in a firm voice.

Immediately, I pull myself together and stand up straight.

“Perfect," she congratulates me, continuing to stroke and caress my buttocks.

Then her hands move up my back, stop on my shoulders and make me lean forward. I don't resist and bow obediently.

"Spread your legs to keep your balance," she advises. "And grab your ankles with your hands."

I follow her instructions to the letter and soon find myself bent over, my buttocks totally exposed and defenseless.

"You've got a great ass," she declares.

Her hands spread my fleshy globes, revealing even more of my wrinkled anus.

“A virgin's ass," Virginie whispers. “What a delight!”

Her long varnished nails play for a few moments in my crevice, giving me a series of electric shocks. But this time, I manage to resist the urge to move. I stay in place, perfectly still.

“You're a quick learner, that's good. It's time I take care of you. Stand up straight, hands behind your back.”

I obey, and a sharp click tells me that my wrists are now bound together. Passing me by again, Virginie takes a seat on the sofa. Once settled, she gestures me towards her. Leaning me forward, she lays me across her lap, my erect sex caught between her thighs.

With my hands tied behind my back, I'm forced to spread my legs to keep my balance, exposing my buttocks a little more.

“It's about time for your first spanking," she announces. “It's going to be a real pleasure to redden that bottom!”

Her hand rises and falls with a sharp snap. The pain is stinging, but tolerable.

“No screams," Virginie marvels. “Admirable little submissive! So I can go with all my heart!”

Putting her money where her mouth is, her hand swoops down on my muscular spheres. As the blows slam into my bottom, the pain intensifies and I feel my buttocks burst into flames.

Instinctively, I fidget, but Virginie holds me firmly in place and picks up the pace a little more, alternating slaps from one buttock to the other.

This goes on for several minutes and, when she finally stops, the first tears start to roll down my cheeks.

“Not bad," she comments. “You did well. You've almost managed to hold yourself in place. That's a good start.”

Grabbing me by the handcuffs, she straightens me up and makes me kneel down in front of her.

“All this has really turned me on," she continues. “It's time you learn how to satisfy a woman's pleasure.”

Standing in front of me, Virginie slowly pulls her panties down her slender legs. In an instant, I'm staring at her perfectly shaved Venus mount. My heart starts to race and I forget the pain baking my buttocks as I catch sight of the thin, dark lips of her vagina, and smell the sweet aroma of her growing arousal.

Getting rid of her panties, she sits back comfortably on the sofa, spreading her legs wide. My gaze is hypnotized by her crotch, and I can barely feel her hands on either side of my face.

Gently but firmly, she pulls me towards her. My head is level with her offered sex. I can see her dark lips, full of desire. Her clitoris, taut and swollen like a penis, starts to emerge from beneath its sheath.

Almost by reflex, I open my mouth and press my lips against the naked flesh of her vulva. I've never done it before. I'm just acting on instinct. My stinging tongue buries itself inside her, moving back and forth along her dripping slit. Her scent intoxicates me as I greedily lick her sex, making the excitement inside her grow.

Head thrown back, eyes half-closed, Virginie undulates her pelvis as my tongue frantically moves up and down inside her, caressing her bow-tight clitoris with every stroke.

I feel waves of pleasure vibrate through her as the rhythm of her hips gradually accelerates. They roll from right to left to amplify her pleasure, and her nails dig into my shoulders, drawing me even tighter against her.

As the wave of pleasure begins to swell her belly, I work hard to maintain contact with her intimacy, directing my tongue towards her increasingly aroused knob of flesh. Suddenly, Virginie lets out a high-pitched cry and her body suddenly tenses as a flood of acrid, creamy juice fills my mouth.

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Virginie remains panting for several seconds. Her hands, clutching my face, continue to press him against her lower abdomen. She savors her pleasure to the end, enjoying my hot breath on her sex.

Then she finally stands up, releasing my head from her embrace. Still kneeling before her, I can't take my eyes off her gaping, glistening sex. I almost jump as I feel her lips stick to mine, her tongue penetrating my mouth and playing with mine, tasting her own juices in the process.

Fiery and sensual, this first kiss seems to last an eternity. And when Virginie finally pulls away, I'm the one left panting and gasping.

“You're very talented for a novice," she compliments. “Your tongue is very soft.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

“Since I'm so pleased with your services, I'm going to do you a favor. You're about to discover a new and unheard-of pleasure.”

Rising to her feet, she invites me to follow her to the large dining-room table. There, she loosens the handcuffs on my back for a moment, before immediately reattaching them in front of me. Her hand pushes me forward and forces me to lie with my torso on the table, my bound arms stretched out in front of me. Using a chain, she fastens my handcuffs to a ring inlaid in the tabletop, then securely ties my ankles to the table legs.

Bent across the table, my torso stretched out, pressed against the rough wood, my legs spread wide, totally immobilized. I suddenly feel very vulnerable. Virginie walks past me, her sex now still bare, glistening with my saliva. In her hands, she holds a long, supple rattan cane.

“Let me introduce you to the cane," she says simply. “It was a highly prized instrument of punishment in the United Kingdom for both bad girls and boys.”

As she speaks, she shows me the object from every angle. I can appreciate its finesse, length, flexibility, and robustness. A shiver of anguish runs down my spine at the thought of the pain this cane can deliver.

“You'll see, it's a unique sensation," continues my dominatrix. “Usually, punishments were administered in a series of six. This is your first time. You'll only receive two series.”

And with that, she moves behind me. I hear her get into position and feel the touch of the cane on my buttocks. Virginie adjusts her distance.

She withdraws. Muscles tense, I wait for what's to come. I hear a rustle of air, followed by a hiss.

The next second, a violent burn pierces me. I barely have time to realize that her arm is already cocked again, and the rattan cane strikes against my flesh.

The cane is so thin and hits so fast that the pain doesn't spread for a second or two after impact. I feel a tingling sensation under my skin, as if someone were pricking my buttocks with white-hot needles.

I flinch under the blows as Virginie takes pleasure in zesting my hindquarters with the utmost application. She carefully alternates between the left and right buttocks, always striking horizontally, working her way down to mid-thigh and then back up again.

After the sixth stroke, she pauses for a moment. A searing pain grips my buttocks and spreads throughout my body. I imagine the dark marks left by the cane on my skin, already feeling the blisters sprouting beneath my epidermis.

I've barely caught my breath when the familiar whistle is heard again. My body arches as much as it can under the impact. This time, Virginie strikes vertically, drawing magnificent striations on my buttocks and thighs.

She pauses briefly before the last two strokes, giving me time to appreciate the pain spreading through me. Then her arm rises again and comes down brutally twice.

With cruel precision, the cane crashes twice between my buttocks, straight onto my exposed anus. It's a real electric shock that pierces me and makes me scream in pain.

Virginie places the cane on the table and I feel her hands delicately massage my tormented buttocks, then her lips place quick kisses on my scarred flesh. The pain subsides with a few gentle strokes and I regain my composure.

Her long fingers move from my buttocks to between my thighs. With the tips of her fingernails, she caresses my erect member before thrusting them brutally into my sperm-laden bursa, causing me to squeal in surprise.

“What ardor!” she jokes. “What a stud. Looks like you're ready for what's next.”

Behind my back, I feel her untie my legs, then she disconnects the chain that holds my handcuffs but leaves my hands tied in front of me. Helping me to my feet, she leads me to the bedroom.

A huge four-poster bed takes up most of the room. A thick curtain blocks the only window. The only furniture is a chest of drawers and a rectangular footstool in the corner. I notice that it's equipped with straps and fastening rings. The bedposts are also adorned with rings and ropes of all kinds. But what really catches my eye is the collection of whips and crops hanging on a peg, prominently displayed next to the bed.

“Don't worry," she reassures me, sensing my confusion over these instruments of punishment. “If all goes well, I won't have to correct you again today.”

A little more at ease, I follow her into the bedroom. She makes me lie on my back, my buttocks flush with the edge. Temporarily untying me, she sets my arms in a cross and ties my wrists to the headboard with strong chains. Then, bringing my knees to my chest, she ties my ankles to my wrists.

In a few seconds, I find myself without any defense, totally torn and offered to her. After checking that I was not likely to move, Virginie comes to stand between my thighs, a smile delighted to the lips.

“Usually,” she explains, “when I take my submissives, I prefer that they turn their backs on me but for you, as this is your first time, I want to see your face. I want to see your eyes when I enter you and possess you.”

Her words are as scathing as the cane she used earlier.

“Your little ass is so hot,” she comments, caressing my butt. “It’s time to prepare it for your defloration.”

She goes looking for something in the dresser and comes back with a lubricant gel. Aiming with precision, she drops a few drops along my open crevasse. The icy contact contrasts with the heat burning my butt.

I feel the liquid creeping into my anus, then Virginie’s fingers enter my little hole. Slowly, one of them comes to force the entrance of my virgin asshole. Making it come and go slowly, she gradually opens the narrow passage. After a few moments, when she considers that the way is sufficiently widened, she adds a second finger while continuing her piston movement.

I scream when a third finger enters me. Her nails scratch my rectal walls, making me moan in pain. But my complaints have no chance of stopping my attractive torturer. On the contrary, it excites her even more.

It lasts a little longer, then the fingers withdraw, leaving my anus partially open. Satisfied, Virginie goes back to the dresser, turning her back on me. I can’t quite see what she’s doing, just putting on some sort of panty and fitting straps around her waist.

When she finally turns around and comes between my legs, her sight takes my breath away. Her face with fine features is both gentle and severe. Her slightly ajar lips express her excitement and her eyes detail me with envy.

Her bustier is gone and her round breasts, with hardened tips, stand proudly in front of her. Her black stockings mold her long tapered legs, refined by her stiletto heels. And, at the top of the thighs, pressed to her pubis, stands now a huge ebony sex.

“I know you’ve always dreamed of being taken by a woman. I will grant your wish. But first, we must also lubricate this tool.”

Going up on the bed and settling above me, she presents the fake penis to my lips.

“Suck!” she commands me, forcing the entrance of my lips with a stroke of her hips.

Docile, I apply myself to lubricate the latex cock while she directs my head with an iron hand, pushing the penis to the bottom of my throat, at the risk of choking me.

My jaws hurt so much as they are distended by the plastic monster. Virginia makes it come and go to the hilt in my mouth. When she penetrates me, I can feel her Mount of Venus rubbing against my face, as well as the delicious scent of her sex spilling into my nostrils.

When she feels that the dildo is sufficiently lubricated, she withdraws from my mouth and takes her place between my thighs.

Her eyes lock to mine while the latex member lingers a few moments at the entrance of my anus. Then, putting her hands on my hips, Virginie draws me to her.

I get a chill when I feel the penis pressing against my still virgin hole. It’s only then that I realize she’s going to sodomize me and everything that involves. After that, I’ll be her thing, her object. Her submissive. Nothing will ever be the same.

The expression of my face must have changed at the moment of this realization, bringing a satisfied smile to Virginie’s face. She waited for this revelation before taking action, savoring her omnipotence.

Then, slowly, implacably, the huge member enters me. The brown corolla of my anus widens to let it pass. The muscles of my sphincter give little resistance. When it is in me to the guard, Virginie begins to give big and powerful strokes.

She takes me like a horny tigress, ravages me wildly, making me howl like a wounded beast. There is no gentleness in her act. She doesn’t do it to give me pleasure, but to impose her brand on me.

Like a sword, the monstrous fake ebony sex splits me in two. The pain is such that I close my eyes.

That’s when something warm and humid envelopes my erect sex. When I open my eyes, Virginie is leaning over me. Her mouth encompassing my penis, her hips punctuating the piston blows of the cock which penetrates me.

The softness of her lips and tongue contrasts with the pain that ploughs my rearback.

Feeling the heat rising in her, Virginie redoubles her ardor and sodomizes me with even more violence. She further accelerates her piston movement. With each penetration, pimples come crashing on her clitoris, sending waves of pleasure in her lower abdomen.

I see her above me. Her breathing is jerky. Her mouth has released my sex, she is panting. Suddenly, she brutally pulls out of my anus.

In a few seconds, she gets rid of her strap-on dildo and, eyes full of desire, comes to impale herself on my erect penis. Dropping a little hoarse scream while my shaft penetrates her, she starts to ride me fiercely.

Our wild cavalcade continues for some time and suddenly I feel the wave of pleasure rise in me and overwhelm me. Unable to hold any longer, I let my pleasure burst. An electric shock pierces me from side to side.

Above me, Virginie suddenly rears up and releases a moan of pleasure as the orgasm runs down her spine, electrifying her whole being.

Struck by lightning, she leans against me, her sweaty face resting next to mine.

We thus remain several minutes, both taking our breath and our minds.

Once we’ve recovered from our emotions, Virginie frees me.

“It was grandiose. You will make an excellent submissive.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”


And that’s how my sex life began, as a submissive.

Written by GCKern
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