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Beth and Reid - Chapter Two

"Beth and Reid delve deeper into their darker side..."

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Beth could not recall the last time she had this much sex. Since divulging her desires to her husband only a few short weeks ago, they had had more sex than they had in years, even more then when they had first started dating when Beth had been just nineteen. Each time he laid his hands upon her now she wondered what new discoveries about herself - and about Reid - she may discover. She wanted more.

The weeks had passed in a sweaty tangled blur as the excitement of her new desires made their lovemaking passionate and insistent. There had been roughness, and demands made of her, and the way in which he sometimes spoke to her now made her legs weak with desire. The things he said in the heat of their passion, would have made her throw a drink in anyone else’s face as they were so demeaning and vulgar, and yet when Reid spoke them to her all it did was make her thighs wet with need. Though she was enjoying the sex immensely, so far it had all been quite hard and fast. She knew that there was a teasing component to a sub/dom relationship, a drawing out of touching and playing and they had yet to explore that dynamic. She wanted more.

She wanted time and space and privacy, but her home, which also housed her two young children, made Beth and Reid’s sexual exploration limited. Her orgasms made her want to scream with abandon but she held them back, for fear of waking her sleeping children. The frustration she felt was tinged with guilt, and also with strange feelings of shame. Surely a mother with small children should not be so full of wantonness? How could she raise her daughter to be a strong, independent woman of her own when all Beth wanted was to be used like a toy?

It was in these more introspective moments that Beth wondered about her psyche. She felt like she had discovered this hidden part of herself that she had never known existed, like a trapdoor that had been under a rug that no-one knew about until a thorough house clean had revealed its presence. She found herself mulling over this while out for coffee with a long-time friend.

‘Am I boring you?’ Ally asked with raised eyebrows. Beth shook herself from her reverie.

‘What? Oh, sorry. What were you saying?’ she asked in apology.

‘Nothing as important as whatever it is that seems to be bothering you. Spill.’ Ally sipped at her coffee, knowing that Beth had something she wanted to get off her chest. After being best friends for nearly twenty years there was very little that the two didn’t know about one another, yet still Beth hesitated. They had spoken about each other’s sex lives before, as any good girl friends tend to do, and there had never been any judgement previously, but Beth wondered how she would broach the subject delicately. 

‘Have you read 50 Shades?’ she blurted out.

‘Unfortunately.’ Ally replied with a grimace, putting down her cup.

‘Oh,’ Beth shrank back into herself, thinking Ally’s displeasure was because of the somewhat taboo nature of the text, ‘never mind then.’ she finished. Ally was studying as a med student and had strong opinions on women’s rights, both at home and in the workplace. Beth worried that telling her about her new BDSM tendencies would have her storming out of the coffee shop in disgust.

‘Don’t get me wrong, I may have flicked the bean once or twice over it but it was trash through and through,’ Ally shrugged, ‘I’ll probs still go and see the movie though.’ she finished, surprising Beth and picking up her coffee again. Beth sat up a little straighter in her chair.

‘So you don’t think all the sex stuff was weird and violent?’ Beth queried.

‘Pfft! It was tame! If you want to read some kinky shit read The Story of O, that chick makes Anastasia Steel look like a pussy, and not the good type,’ she offered. She grinned at the surprised expression on Beth’s face and at her own witty comment. Though a sly look quickly came into her eyes. ‘Getting back to the main point, why do you ask?’

‘I, uh…I just wondered what you thought of it?’ she was surprised that Ally not only had read the book but obviously knew something of the subject matter. Beth mentally filed away the title The Story of O for a later date. ‘There are a lot of people out there that say that it’s abusive to women. I figured you would be one of them?’ Beth continued. Ally’s face became quite serious and she put down her cup of coffee.

‘I get the feeling that your hedging around something here but I need you to say it first,’ she stated, her expression serious but also expectant.

Beth glanced around the coffee shop. It was mid-morning after the breakfast rush and there were only a handful of other customers, all out of ear shot. ‘I think I may be a… a masochist? Or a Sub? I’m not one hundred percent on the lingo,’ she revealed almost in a whisper, waiting to see the look of horror and disgust on her best friend’s face. Instead Ally’s shoulders began to bounce with unexpected mirth. She was laughing at her!

Beth felt her face flame with heat and bent to pick up her handbag, mumbling some kind of excuse to leave, but Ally placed a hand on her stopping her.

‘Oh calm down. Sit, sit.’ Ally took a deep breath and composed herself, even going so far as to do that thing that actors sometimes do when they get the giggles by quickly swiping her palm across her face, stopping the laughter. ‘I’m sorry for laughing. I just never expected this from you.’

‘Look it’s fine, don’t worry, I just…’ Beth stammered.

‘Oh stop it!’ Ally gave her an arch look, ‘who better to talk to you about this than a fellow sub?’ she added with a playful smile. Beth was shocked and for a moment worried that Ally was having her on. But her friend just sat sipping at her coffee, smiling expectantly as Beth soaked in the information.

‘So you’re a…?’

‘A submissive, a masochist, a dirty dirty whore, take your pick,’ she replied matter-of-factly. Beth glanced around nervously hoping that the elderly couple sitting a few seats away had their hearing aids turned down low.

‘Since when?’ Beth asked, her surprise now turning to curiosity. They had often girl-talked about sex but this had never come up.

‘Since forever I guess. Though there was one man in particular that really made me realise what I liked. That’s called a Dom by the way, a dominant. I never mentioned it because I was unsure what you would think. Silly me! Think of all the entertaining conversations we could have had!’ She drained the dregs of her coffee and looked at her friend frankly. ‘So to sum up. Unless I’m mistaken you and Reid have begun traversing the muddy yet titillating waters of BDSM and you’re having all these weird, sexy, guilty, dirty thoughts that feel incredible but at the same time make you wonder in you’re not quite right in the head?’

Beth had to close her mouth which was hanging open partially. ‘Ah, yeah, actually. That pretty much sums it up… I guess.’ 

Ally smiled at her friend, not in humour this time but in knowing love. ‘Good for you, babe. Knowing yourself sexually is one of the most important things someone can do for themselves to have a fulfilling and healthy life. Though there is some advice I will give you,’ she quickly became business-like. ‘The first thing I will tell you is that a little knowledge goes a long way. I suggest reading up on the culture and not through trashy novels. I know some good websites that you can read up on, I’ll send you the links, you’ll be surprised how many of us are out there. Secondly,’ she held up her hand and continued ticking things off her mental list, ‘you need to know that the BDSM community has a mantra of ‘safe, sane and consensual’ which for a smart girl like you is pretty self-explanatory. As long as you and Reid are being safe and you both are fully aware of boundaries and limits and the what-not then you should be fine.’ She dropped her hand and reached across the table to take Beth’s in hers. ‘And lastly know that I am here to talk to you about any questions or worries you might have,’ a mischievous glint twinkled in her eye, ‘or just to give me all the juicy details.’

Beth pulled her hand out of Ally’s, bringing it up to her flushed face but feeling a warmth swell in her chest knowing that she wasn’t weird or abnormal and that someone so close to her not only accepted her but also experienced much of it herself. Ally got out her phone and started typing but swore in alarm.

‘Shit! Is that the time? Bugger, I’m gonna be late for my A & P lecture,’ she stood up from her chair, ducking to kiss Beth’s hot cheek. ‘Can you get the coffees this time? My shout next time.’ She grabbed her bag from the spare chair and began to make her way to the door. She paused halfway through the café and turned back, ‘I’ll message you the links to those websites, ok?’ she yelled over half a dozen patrons. Beth nodded and waved, trying to make herself invisible to the other customers.

The sudden departure of her friend left Beth full of questions but with a somewhat calmed conscience. She was fine. She was normal. Beth decided it was time to study more on the theory and not just the practical elements of her situation.


After receiving a text of web addresses from Ally only a short time later, along with a string of emoji’s of winking, clapping, fireworks and numerous other pictograms Beth was unable to decipher, she had spent a good two hours reading up on the BDSM culture and felt much better about herself. If anything she felt slightly empowered, knowing that she had embraced her sexuality but was still a strong, intelligent and willful woman that had enough confidence in herself to explore her own sexual boundaries. Beth had come to the decision that people’s sexual desires were just as individual as their preference for coffee or the way they like their steak cooked. Some people liked it medium-rare, while others liked it tied up and gagged. It was just another human quirk.

With her new-found confidence and knowledge she had headed out to her studio to work, feeling a little guilty that she had wasted most of the working day drinking coffee and searching the internet. While she rented a studio space for her art and décor business in the industrial district closer to town she also had a personal studio at home that she could work in. Her large suburban home sat on a half-acre of land and down along the back fence an old word-working shed had been converted into her studio space. She had finished university years ago with a Bachelor of Visual Arts and so had always sketched, painted and sculpted, but it was only since her up-cycled décor and furniture pieces had become popular that she was now able to make money from her art. In the intervening years she had taught art classes at the community centre and while she still dabbled in the fine arts she now focused on her furniture, knowing she had many waiting clients to purchase her pieces online.

With her son at school for the day and her daughter at day-care, Beth plugged in her ear buds and cranked some of her favourite tunes, picking up some sand paper to begin sanding an old dresser she had picked up at a garage sale that week, finding a calming Zen in the touch and feel of creating a piece of art.

She had been working solidly for about an hour when a hand on her shoulder made her jump and scream in fright. ‘Ahhh!’ she brandished the dust brush she had been holding defensively but only turned to see Reid standing behind her, hands held up placating. She pulled the ear buds from her ears. ‘Jesus Christ, Reid, you scared the shit out of me!’ she put down the brush and bent to press pause on her phone.

‘I did call your name, quite a number of times actually,’ he defended. ‘It’s not my fault if you are blaring…’ he glanced at her phone and repressed a smirk, ‘Cindy Lauper into your ears.’

‘Yeah, yeah laugh it up. I’ve seen your playlist too Mr Little River Band,’ Beth joked. She looked at her watch, it was only just passed one, ‘what are you doing home so early?’ Reid was still dressed in his suit from the office. She couldn’t help but admire how the charcoal fabric clung snugly around his broad shoulders. She always thought he looked sexy as hell in a suit.

‘I closed the deal on the new Rachet & Lews building! Woohoo!’ He raised both hands above his head in silent cheer. A commercial real estate broker, Reid had sold many inner city office blocks and was an in-demand agent, many wealthy companies such as law firms and government seeking him out to broker new deals on inner city spaces.

‘Good for you baby!’ Beth smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, planting a firm kiss on his lips, knowing how proud he would be of himself since he had been working the deal for months. ‘I guess you deserve a half day for that.’ Beth smiled again, breaking off their kiss. She glanced down and saw that she had rubbed sawdust on his dark suit. ‘Shit, sorry,’ she began to pat at the marks but only succeeded in rubbing more on him. ‘Maybe I should just go and take a shower,’ she conceded. She turned to leave the studio, expecting Reid to follow her but a firm hand on her arm stopped her. She turned back to him.

‘Not just yet,’ he stated. His earlier exuberance had been quelled and she recognised the look in his eye. There was now something about the way he looked at her, the way the timbre of his voice dropped slightly, that let Beth know he was no longer Reid her husband, but Reid her Dom. She felt her heart begin to beat faster. Reid let her arm go and stepped a few paces away, glancing down at his dust smeared jacket and taking it off slowly. Beth stood still, not quite knowing what to do as this was the first time Reid had stepped into the Dom role outside of the bedroom. She couldn’t help but look at his arms through the thin cotton of his business shirt as he hung the jacket over the back of a nearby chair. Without looking at her he unbuttoned the sleeves of his shirt and began to roll them up his muscular forearms. ‘Take off your clothes.’

‘What? But…’ He raised his head to look at her and the look in his eyes silenced her protests. It was clear Reid was becoming more confident in his role. With slightly trembling hands Beth began to undress. She had been wearing an old button up shirt and a pair of denim shorts, the usual sort of thing she wore for messy studio work. As she began to undo the buttons Reid pulled the chair with his jacket on it over to face Beth. He sat on the chair before her, about six feet away and watched in silence as she undressed for him. She had no bra on underneath her shirt and her breasts were unveiled for him, nipples already pert and waiting. She undid the fly of her shorts and let them fall to the floor, stepping out of them and kicking them to the side. She paused then, her hands at the thin elastic waistband of her underwear. Reid said nothing but watched her like a hawk, his expression dark and unreadable. She pulled at the thin material and let them drop to the floor, her body now bared to the silent man before her. She felt vulnerable and naked. The room felt too large, too bright, too exposed. Without realising it her hands and arms had crept to cover her sex and her breasts.

‘Place your hands by your side,’ Reid’s voice snapped, sounding too loud in the empty studio. Beth’s hands quickly fell to her sides, more out of shock than out of following his order. Reid continued his silent scrutiny and Beth suppressed a shudder. She had never been shy about her appearance. She had always had good self-esteem, yet she knew that years and childbirth had changed her. Her large breasts were not quite as firm as they once were and her body was not as taut as it had once been. It didn’t bother her very often but right now under Reid’s blatant stare she felt imperfect and flawed. ‘You are so beautiful,’ he almost whispered, as if reading her very thoughts. As if to confirm his comment he stood and walked slowly over to Beth and she could see his cock straining against the fabric of his trousers.

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He reached her and took her face in his hands, cradling her head and kissing her lightly on the lips, the roughness of his beard contrasting with the softness of his lips, soothing Beth’s jangled nerves and stoking the fire she knew lay just below the surface. He stepped backed, seeing in Beth’s expression and in the relaxation of her muscles that she was ready to continue.

He reached up and began to undo the tie at his neck. It was a lovely blue silk one that she had bought for him a while back and he now took it off, undoing several top buttons of his shirt as well. Without asking for permission he brought the tie, still warm from his skin and smelling of his cologne, up to Beth’s eyes and blindfolded her, swiftly tying the ends behind her head. Beth’s breathing increased as the room was plunged into darkness, blocking out everything. She had the strange sensation of feeling relieved, which she also found odd as she was still naked, and Reid could still see her, but she felt more confident. She stood up straighter, pushing her breasts out to lightly brush the front of Reid’s chest. She heard a light ‘tsk’ and felt Reid move away.

She heard him move around the room, the clipped steps of his black dress shoes loud in the quiet space. She heard some rustling and moving of objects and realised he was looking through her toolbox. It held numerous tools and materials that she used to remake furniture and art and she wondered what he was getting. She heard his steps return and felt the warmth of his closeness. Without warning she felt a hand to her left breast and jumped slightly. Reid gave her a moment to adjust to his touch and caressed her breast, feeling the warmth and weight of it in his hand. Beth moaned slightly and her head lolled back, enjoying his hand on her body. She sensed his other hand lift and felt something rough rasp against her sensitive nipple, causing her to intake her breath sharply, realising now that he held a piece of sand paper and was drawing it slowly across her nipple. He moved to the other breast and did the same, the harsh paper scratching at Beth’s soft, pink flesh, raising blood to the surface and swelling the nipple in Reid’s hands. She felt Reid duck his head and the less rough touch of his tongue ran across her nipple, causing her to shudder. He took the nipple into his mouth and sucked hard, causing more moans to escape Beth’s lips. He lifted his head and kissed her neck.

‘Do you like when I suck on your tits?’ he asked quietly, his lips softly brushing her ear. Beth nodded in affirmation and Reid smiled against her flesh, then suddenly bit her, his teeth sinking into the soft flesh at the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Beth gasped but felt electricity run through her body, her wet cunt throbbing at Reid’s touch.

He drew back his head and she heard him pick something up from the freshly sanded dresser behind her. ‘You need to let me know if you want me to stop, do you understand?’ he asked seriously, his voice earnest.

Beth did not know what he was referring to but nodded anyway, her heart thumping with anticipation. He still cradled her breast in his hand and next Beth felt the cold touch of steel against her hot nipple. She felt two jaws of cold metal grasp either side of her nipple and with a thrill realised Reid held a pair of pliers in his hands, using them to gently pinch the skin of her breast. Her heart beat faster as Reid gradually increased the pressure of the pliers, the metal teeth biting into her skin and sending currents of sensation through her body.

‘Do you want me to keep going?’ Reid asked, his deep voice so close to her. Beth nodded and replied eagerly.

‘Yes,’ she answered. She was met with silence from Reid and stillness from his hands, almost as if he was waiting for something. The moment passed however as he began squeezing the pliers harder. Beth moaned, a low guttural sound issuing from her throat as the pain in her nipple began to crescendo. It hurt. More than Beth had anticipated but she did not want Reid to stop. She felt her thighs clench involuntarily and she could feel the wetness there, her slick lips waiting to be caressed. Reid squeezed harder on the pliers and Beth’s moans went up a notch, the pain increasing to more than Beth ever thought she would enjoy. But she did.

With the blindfold blocking out all light and images Beth was relying on her other senses and they were being pushed into overdrive. The aching delight in her breast drew most of her attention but she was also keenly aware of other things too. The scent of Reid filled her nostrils and she breathed him in deeper, the dripping juiciness of her pussy was a distracting ache that yearned to be filled and the smooth wood of the dresser pushed into her naked buttocks, as she now found herself needing extra support to stay on her feet.

Reid released the hand he was using to support her breast but still kept firm pressure on the pliers with the other one. His free hand now gripped her other breast, kneading the heavy pliable flesh and tweaking the nipple as well, adding more delight to Beth’s senses. His hand moved from her breast and traveled up to her throat and enclosed it lightly in is sure grip. He leaned in to kiss her and Beth instinctively leaned in to return the kiss but Reid’s hand stopped her, holding her firmly in place while he slid his tongue into her mouth.

He let the kiss deepen and began to increase the pressure around Beth’s throat, at first gently but then more and more until Beth found it difficult to draw breath. He continued kissing her for a few heartbeats more and then released her throat, Beth drawing in a shuddering breath. He lent back from her, hand lightly resting on the hollow of her neck and examined Beth. She drew in a few deep breaths but otherwise made no comment or movement and Reid again lent in to kiss her, the pressure returning to her throat, though this time he constricted her airway for a heartbeat longer.

During her morning of study, Beth had read up on asphyxiation as a BDSM tool and had thought that it sounded a little dangerous and that she wouldn’t like it if Reid tried it on her, though she was now reassessing these thoughts. While he held her still she found it difficult to breathe for a second or two, but Reid released her before she felt any kind of distress or panic, somehow knowing instinctively when she wanted to be let go. Beth was surprised at herself at how much she was enjoying his strong hand around her fragile neck, and she knew that it was because of the love and trust they shared as husband and wife. She knew he would never hurt her and letting him control her breath felt like the ultimate form of trust between them. His control over her body was something she was enjoying more and more and again felt that odd peacefulness she had previously, knowing that Reid could do what he wanted with her and she would submit willingly.

He squeezed her throat one more time, again holding for a split second longer, before releasing her and standing back suddenly, removing his hands and the pliers from her nipple. Beth cried out at the sudden absence of his body and at the blood that now rushed painfully back to her swollen nipple. She rode the wave of the pain, a keening moan issuing from between her lips and rested a little heavier on the dresser behind her. She could not hear Reid but she sensed his presence not far away. The pain in her nipple subsided and her breathing returned to normal. The sound of Reid’s voice made her jump slightly and she again became aware of her nakedness before him, yet she resisted the urge to cover herself.

‘Did you like the way I touched you just now?’ he asked softly. Beth did not trust herself to speak but nodded her head in ascent, ‘let’s see just how much you enjoyed my hands on you,' without warning Beth felt one of Reid’s hands roughly spread her thighs and come into contact with the moist slickness nestled there, ‘my God you are so fucking wet,’ he breathed in aroused amazement. Beth felt herself flush in embarrassment but Reid’s hands continued to probe deeper, two fingers sliding readily into her dripping cunt. Beth moans began anew and she willed him deeper, his fingers now rocking back and forth inside her, pushing against the inner walls of her needy pussy. Beth felt herself coming after only a few short moments and knew that she should say something before she did.

‘I’m coming Reid, oh fuck, I’m coming!’ she cried. In an flash Reid’s fingers left her cunt and Beth gasped at the absence of his touch, teetering on the edge of climax but not tipping over. She felt his hand pinch her chin forcefully, her own musky scent clinging to his fingers.

‘You need to learn to ask before coming, slut,’ he uttered flatly, forcing two of his fingers into Beth’s mouth and letting her suck greedily at the juices that glazed his hand, ‘but it is good that you told me before you came,’ he pulled his fingers from her mouth and she heard the sound of Reid unbuckling the belt on his trousers, ‘so for that I’m only going to spank you five times.’ At his words Beth’s mouth went slack with anticipation. They had not ventured into anything of that nature yet and Beth felt excitement and trepidation at the thought. Reid did not give her time to dwell however as her turned her roughly by the elbow, facing her away from him and she felt his rigid cock press into the cleft of her ass cheeks. He had taken out his cock and now teased her with it, pressing it against her flesh, probing it into the gap between her thighs. Almost unwillingly Beth arched her back to press him further against her and she immediately received a stinging blow to her right ass cheek.

‘Ahh!’ she cried out in pain but before she had time to do anything else she felt Reid raise his hands over her head and come down in front of her face.

‘Open your mouth.’ he commanded. She did as he asked and she felt the hard leather of his belt pressed between her teeth, gagging her, the rich scent of tanned leather filling her senses. He pulled the ends taut, looping the end of the belt through the hook. Once he was done gagging her he pushed her down, her breasts and belly now pressing against the top of the dresser, and he took both of her hands and placed them palm down on the desk near her head, ‘you will not move, do you understand?’ Beth nodded and he stepped back to admire his handiwork. Beth didn’t think it was possible but she felt even more exposed now, with her pussy and ass on full display for him. Yet at the same time she had never been more aroused in her life. She knew that if Reid touched her clit even lightly now she would explode in orgasm and while she yearned for that release, she was not ready for him to stop controlling her and using her.

His voice drifted to her from a few steps behind her and his words set her legs to quivering, grateful she was now supported by the dresser. ‘I am going to spank you now Beth, for trying to come without permission. If at any time you want me to stop, tap your palms against the dresser and I will stop. But if you want me to continue, you need to count each smack. Nod to show me that you understand.’ Beth nodded in response and she felt him step closer and lean down to her ear, ‘and just so you know, the one I just gave you doesn’t count as one of the five.’ She heard inflections of Reid the husband in that last comment but he was still all Dom and she waited with anticipation for the first blow.

It came swiftly but not with the force she had expected, striking the opposite cheek to the one earlier. It stung but only for a moment and Beth dutifully counted. ‘One.’ she mumbled, though it came out more like ‘ghwhun’ through her gagged lips. The second slap followed on the opposite cheek, the resounding clap of Reid’s palm to her ass echoing loudly. ‘Two,’ she counted. 

Thwack, the next one landed squarely on her alternating ass cheek and Beth had to tense her muscles to stop the force of the blow pushing her forward. Each slap was getting increasingly harder and Beth’s cheeks were burning with pain. She held her breath, knowing that the next slap was coming, the delicious anticipation tinged with fear as she knew it was going to hurt more. ‘Four!’ she cried, her breath exploding from her chest with the impetus of the slap. She again held her breath, knowing that the fifth one was going to hurt the most, her ass cheeks surely crimson with hand prints. She tensed, knowing Reid was drawing out her torture on purpose, his eyes on her quivering backside and thighs. The slap came hard and Beth practically screamed the number. ‘Five!’ she shrieked through taut leather, saliva beginning to drip around the corners.

She was allowed no respite however as driven mad with lust Reid closer the distance between them and rammed his cock into her soaked pussy, Beth crying out in pleasure and pain as his hips thrust against her scarlet ass. He thrust hard over and over, no more commands issuing from his mouth and instead panting heavily, grunts accompanying every thrust. He plunged deeper and deeper into Beth’s sodden cunt, the walls of her pussy grabbing eagerly at his throbbing cock, willing him further inside her, filling her up until there was nothing left of either of them except the carnal need to fuck.

Beth was so close to coming that she almost didn’t notice when Reid grabbed the end of the belt that gagged her and pulled on the length, yanking Beth backwards and giving Reid further leverage to plough his way inside her.

‘Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,’ Beth repeated the mantra over and over and yet she hardly noticed the words falling from her mouth and she was barely coherent when she heard Reid demand his permission.

‘If you want to come, slut, you need to beg me,’ he panted, ‘you need to beg me to cum inside your filthy cunt.’ his words were punctuated with powerful thrusts and Beth hurried to comply.

‘Please, Sir, can I come, Sir?!’ she begged, ‘oh fuck! Please let me come, Sir!’

‘Come for me, bitch!’ He demanded. As soon as the words left his lips Beth’s orgasm exploded within her, an animalistic groan ripping from her throat and her teeth biting relentlessly into the leather in her mouth. Her body bucked and rocked with the strength of her climax and only seconds later she felt Reid thrust deep, coming hard inside her and pulling firmly on the belt strap, his own groan of release one of ecstasy and fulfillment.

It was a few moments later, Beth’s pussy still spasming erratically around Reid’s cock, that she came back to herself. She became aware of the uncomfortable pinching in the corners of her mouth and of the still throbbing ache in her backside. She reached up weak arms and pulled the blindfold from her eyes, the bright sun shining through a nearby window making her squint. She had almost forgotten it was still early afternoon. Reid pulled out from her and sat heavily in the chair before the dresser, spent and breathing raggedly.

Beth reached behind her head and undid the belt, wriggling her lips to get some feeling back into them. She turned around and took in the sight of Reid. Shirt mostly unbuttoned, pants loose around his hips, cock still pulsing lightly in time with his decreasing heartbeat. But he looked good, tired but good. Beth took a moment to look at her own body. She could see her nipple was an angry shade of red from the pliers, light bruises already appearing, and running her hands lightly over her buttocks she could feel the heat radiating from them. She returned her gaze to Reid and found him watching her in silent scrutiny. She blushed, she couldn’t help it. It was hard to be nonchalant knowing what they had just done in the light of day. She wordlessly handed him back his tie and belt, noting his raised eyebrow at the teeth marks embedded in the fine leather. He took them from her but grabbed her outstretched hand, pulling her into his lap gently, aware of her tender ass. He nestled his face into the hollow of her neck and shoulder and hugged her tight. Beth instinctively hugged him back and they sat there for a long time, just holding each other, reaffirming their love.

Beth knew that they had crossed another boundary today, and yet again delved to new depths in their relationship.

‘You called me, Sir.’ Reid murmured quietly.

‘Yeah...I guess I did.’ Beth replied, remembering how the title had simply slipped from her lips but that it had felt so right.

She knew that it would not be the last time either.

Written by braided2degraded
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