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A Week In A Dungeon ~ Day 5 G

"Ashley lets go of herself in order to hopefully get her release."

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~~~~~Day 5 G ~~~~~~

"Would you like… One, for me to remove the plug locked in your ass? Or, Two, for me to give you an orgasm?"

Orgasm! Oh sweet fuck! Yes!

"Or…" Miss Rose continues, "Would you like to give me an orgasm?

Ashley hangs, suspended by her wrists, balancing painfully on her tired arches. The blindfold over her eyes is causing her to hallucinate wildly as she tries to comprehend the choices offered by Miss Rose.

Ashley emits a pained groan from deep within her body. Her wailing pussy, shouts at her for an orgasm. But Ashley's lips can't form words.

"After all, watching you this past hour… has me very turned on my dear. I can feel the warm honey inside me dripping out from my lips. It would make me very happy to cum into your adorable mouth," Miss Rose confesses.

Ashley feels her sanity slipping away.

This isn't fair… this is impossible. How am I supposed to make this decision!?

The plug in Ashley's ass causes her to ache desperately; her body begs for its removal. It has been in there for so long, she can barely stand it any more. The pressure it applies to her sensitive ring and anus is beyond intense, yet it yields feelings of need and arousal unlike anything she could have ever imagined.

Ashley's cunt throbs painfully. Its wet lips and soaking walls overheat as they tremble with a need to be fucked, purged and satisfied. Her clit swells and threatens to burst from the arduous arousal it is enduring. Ashley can smell her own scent wafting up from between her legs. She needs release so badly it hurts.

"Miss Rose… I…" Ashley begins, but she stops herself.

What am I here for? 

Ashley disappears from reality for a moment, away from all the nagging pains, begging urges and wild pleas of her ailing body.

Who am I? Why am I still here? Look what I've put myself through this week… What does that mean about what I want? What I need in life?

Miss Rose senses that Ashley is lost in contemplation and lets her remain there. She knows the power of the blindfold, the nature of the darkness. It can seem like a prison, but in the right hands, with the right mindset, it can become boundless freedom.

I am not here for the money itself… I don't know… because I can feel part of me missing this when it's over… What is it then that keeps me here? What am I searching for? What do I want?

The last thought pierces through Ashley's consciousness and into her spine. It vibrates and tingles down into her sweltering pussy. With that, everything screams back into her reality. The aching desperation deep inside her ass, is the strongest of them all.

But something is different. Ashley experiences her painful urges almost, with a sense of gratification. The fact that she's suffering through them, is cause for enjoyment and pride.

Ashley's lips come to life.

"Miss Rose, I want… I want to have you cum in my mouth. I want to please you. I want to drink your orgasm deep and know that… that it is a reward in itself. For, getting to please you, is my pleasure, my reward. Let me lick you Miss… please…"

Ashley begins licking her lips frantically as the insatiable desire for her Mistress' cunt overwhelms her. She no longer feels weakened by her body's painful demands, but almost powered by them.

Miss Rose gleams with adoration at the words of her pet.

"You make me so happy, dear. You are a treasure," Miss Rose commends, unhooking Ashley's wrists from the suspension chain.

Ashley finally, relaxes her arms. The cooling kiss of relief washes over them. No longer anchored, Ashley feels adrift in the darkness.

Miss Rose grasps Ashley's wrists (still bound together in front of her) and latches them to her collar.

Ashley feels pathetic being restrained this way. Her hands awkwardly fumble between positions trying to get comfortable. Failing to do so, they hang limp below her chin.

"I think you look so adorable like this, my little pet. But, before I enjoy you, I want to show you off a little," Miss Rose states, attaching a leash to Ashley's wrists and collar.

Miss Rose only needs to tug gently on the chain lead in order to get Ashley to follow.

Ashley feels an aching soreness in her feet and toes as she steps carefully in the direction she's being pulled. She feels incredibly fortunate to be wearing the pink socks Miss Rose gave her earlier. Despite being quite thin, they do make a difference for her skin on this cold stone floor.

As before, Ashley feels herself being gawked at and inspected by the mystery women in the room. A variety of soft, elegant hands briefly touching and grabbing her. Under the blindfold, Ashley can only imagine what they look like. The sound of expensive jewelry dangling from ears, wrists and necks plays on Ashley's mind.

Who are these women? What… could they want with me?

Suddenly Ashley is reminded how uncomfortable walking with the plug inside her is. The tight, rigid, unforgiving metal bends and squeezes her fragile insides to its will. It melts her horny, velvet loins into agonizing discomfort, edged with ecstasy. It is such a conflicting sensation and causes Ashley to lose her concentration repeatedly.

Miss Rose stops her with a firm grip on Ashley's nipple. The gentle pain causes Ashley to bite her lip.

"On your knees now dear. And get your head right down on the floor. You are below these women. And they deserve to be shown respect. Is that understood?" Miss Rose confirms. She sounds genuinely affectionate and empathetic as always, but wants to make herself perfectly clear on this issue.

"Yes, Ma… Miss Rose…" Ashley manages to mumble, her brain in a million places at once.

Uncomfortably, Ashley bends onto her knees. The stone is unforgiving against her soft skin. Ashley then leans forward and shifts as much weight as she can off her knees onto her hands and face. The thick blindfold presses into the stone floor, acting as a bit of a cushion.

Ashley realizes that she's in a very exposing position. She can feel the cold, metal device in her ass pointing almost straight out behind her.

Miss Rose pushes her heeled foot in between Ashley's knees and forces them to spread apart.

Ashley struggles to maintain balance on her cuffed hands and face as she spreads her legs open.

"Wider, hun," Miss Rose encourages.

Ashley gets her knees placed as far apart as she can, and then feels Miss Rose's stocking foot pressing down on her lower back.

"Arch your back. Get that ass up higher. Be a good girl now," Miss Rose instructs, matter-of-factly.

Ashley widens her stance, balances and then lowers her chest as much as she can. Her nipples press roughly against the stone. She trembles with anxiety and nervousness as she feels a room full of women inspecting her splayed open vagina. She can feel the thin, pink ring of her asshole quivering in the cold air, fighting against the smooth metal that is stretching it open.

How long has it been since I've gotten to cum? It feels like weeks… months… I can't stand this… I can't take this… I want to cum!

As Ashley suffers from the intense emotional trauma of her sexual repression, she feels her pussy begin to spasm. In its aching desperation, it swells and contracts, causing a juicy stream of wetness to drip slowly from its entrance.

The women in the room erupt with gentle groans of pleasure as they watch Ashley's cunt drip in front of them.

"You may touch her if you'd like. Two fingers only please, you know the rules," Miss Rose invites.

Ashley feels an intense humiliation and excitement inside her cramping belly. This all feels so incredibly wrong.

Fingers begin to slather themselves with Ashley's pent-up cream. Some slide around the outside of her cute, pink lips while others slip inside.

"Oh my goodness… she tastes like a virgin in heat," one young-sounding woman confesses, seeming incredibly pleased.

"I can see her cunt trembling. She is absolutely adorable," another one adds.

Ashley's G-spot begins to be prodded. It causes her pussy to gush onto the floor.

"Delicious… just… delicious. Her pussy is making my panties soaked," a woman with some sort of British accent admits.

This is so humiliating. Oh my god… Why can't they just let me cum?

Ashley's hips begin to gyrate against the fingers inside her. As they move, the plug in her ass presses deeply against her A-spot. Ashley drools onto the floor as she focuses completely on trying to steal herself an orgasm.

Oh my fucking… fuck!

Ashley slurps up her drool as she tries to maintain some composure. The fingers inside her seem to really enjoy pleasuring her hole.

"Ohh, you better stop now," Miss Rose suggests to one of the women. "Looks like she's getting a bit too much out of that."

A cruel giggle comes from a woman right behind Ashley. The fingers withdraw from inside her. They make a loud slurping noise as they exit.

"No…" Ashley whines out loud, unable to contain it.

I would give anything to have Tessa lick me stupid right now. I would give her everything I have… everything I am…

"Stand up, dear," Miss Rose instructs, giving Ashley a gentle slap on the ass.

Ashley slowly gets the strength and composure to comply.

Miss Rose frees Ashley's hands from her collar. They are left bound together in front of her, dangling against her small patch of pubic hair.

Ashley is delirious with desire. Amorous is not even close to describing how aroused, how desperate Ashley is feeling. She begins to think about fingering herself, now that her hands are available.

"You are under no circumstances to touch yourself. Those hands are for me," Miss Rose explains, as if reading Ashley's mind. "This way, dear," Miss Rose commands.

She leads Ashley onto the soft rug again and guided into a kneeling position. She waits in front of Miss Rose's chair, salivating with anticipation.

Miss Rose gets comfortable in her leather throne and opens her legs up widely. Ashley can smell the delicious bouquet of her gorgeous Mistress emanate into her nose. The aroma causes Ashley's mouth to water even more as she waits for guidance. Her pink ring glistens with moisture as it tightens around the metal inside her ass.

Ashley hears the sound of Miss Rose taking her heels off. Then, slowly pulling each of her stockings from her long, slender legs. Ashley can't remember what it feels like to see. She wishes she could view Miss Rose with her eyes, and communicate the deep frustration and need inside her. But the blindfold keeps her in the form of an object. A dripping sex-object.

Miss Rose places her bare foot gently against Ashley's nose.

Ashley can't help but take in the smell of her beautiful Mistress' soles. The foundation of the powerful woman gives off a fragrance that elicits even more arousal from Ashley. Her cunt responds by throbbing hungrily inside her.

"You may take my toes into your mouth. Be gentle, I only want to feel your lips and your little tongue," Miss Rose explains.

Ashley allows the woman's foot to enter her mouth. Immediately, the taste of sweat and expensive leather washes over her senses.

I would give anything to touch myself… fucking anything!

She starts slowly sucking each toe on the woman's elegant foot. Each nail feeling perfectly manicured against the fragile inside of her mouth. She's desperate to feel any amount of sensation that could help quell her maddening arousal. So, Ashley works harder and begins to gently tongue the tips of the toes sitting on her lips. They taste delicious. Their flavour is almost undefinable. They just erupt with a potent sexual energy and beauty on the taste buds.

Ashley works harder, hoping she will satisfy Miss Rose and hopefully gain a reward. The feeling of her tongue sliding between Miss Rose's toes almost begins to feel sexually gratifying. Ashley feels the foot in her mouth, its soft, wet texture, reeking of powerful elegance and naughtiness.

Could I cum from this?

Ashley's mind goes wild as she feels her pussy begin to pulse with delight.

Maybe, I could cum from this and hide the fact I'm having an orgasm! I wouldn't be touching myself! I can't get in trouble!

Ashley begins to wildly suck Miss Rose's little toes. She opens up her throat as she's been trained to do and takes the foot deep inside her.

Miss Rose moans exotically as she begins rubbing her moist bead.

Ashley begins to deep throat the long, slender foot. Gagging on it while licking as much of its base as she can, her body grows hornier.

Ashley tries to use every ounce of her mind, focusing on the degrading act. The subtle taste of the skin and its delicate softness becomes more and more pleasing to her senses. She can feel her cunt opening and tightening as she imagines being pleasured. As she imagines her mouth as her pussy, she gags on it harder, forcing it into her throat.

Miss Rose pulls the foot from her mouth. Its placed against Ashley's sizzling pussy lips. Ashley almost screams from the beautiful sensation.

"You better not cum… I will be incredibly unhappy with you if you do," Miss Rose calmly explains, moving her big toe over Ashley's clit.

Ashley tries to close off her mind now.

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On the edge of madness and an intense orgasm, she tries to breathe.

Miss Rose runs her soaking toes over Ashley's engorged clit. Ashley's dripping lips open and leak around the digits.

Ashley moans loudly, uncontrolled as she tries to grind her cunt against the foot.

Miss Rose continues to rub her leg back and forth, smiling as she plays with herself.

The women in the crowd can be heard becoming noisier as well.

The foot leaves Ashley's loins and moves to her lips.

"Taste it, dear," Miss Rose orders.

Ashley dives her mouth over the foot and suckles her juices off the toes. The taste of foot and pussy is deliciously alluring. She feels her cunt spasming with delight as she slides her tongue over the woman's incredibly soft skin.

Miss Rose groans, hungrily, as if Ashley just pressed a button deep inside her. She grabs the back of Ashley's head.

Finally… I get her… I get her. 

Ashley's face is slowly brought forward until she's an inch away from Miss Rose's perfection. Her cunt trembles and throbs between her legs. Ashley cranes her neck, hungry for its essence. But the hands restrain her, millimetres away.

"Just... smell me," Miss Rose instructs.

Ashley slowly takes a deep breathe in through her nose. The pheromones shoot into her skull and set fire to her arousal. She feels hungry for the woman's pussy; starving for it.

"Miss Rose… please… please let me taste you," Ashley pleads, high from the pheromones.

"Don't be greedy, don't be impatient. I know you know better than that," Miss Rose scolds, gripping the back of Ashley's head tighter, making sue the can't reach her cunt.

Ashley helplessly sits on her knees, dripping from her steamy hole into a puddle between her legs as she breathes in Miss Rose's intense arousal.

Miss Rose greatly enjoys this bit of prolonged teasing. Having Ashley inhaling her wet slit, is causing her pulse to quicken and her asshole to become excited.

Ashley's mouth waters uncontrollably. She swallows her saliva before it drools down her chin. She is completely at the mercy of Miss Rose.

"You may taste me. Make me spill into your mouth and drink from me," Miss Rose lusciously orders.

Finally, Ashley's allowed to inch her head forward just enough. Her lips gently meet Miss Rose's perfect, dewey slit. Drips of its warm sweetness seep into Ashley's mouth.

Oh my god… She is heaven.

Ashley can't control herself. She feels overcome by the desire to take in her Mistress.

She opens her mouth widely over the hot cunt and slurps heavily. Ashley sucks the warm nectar out of her Mistress' sex with pure affection and desire.

Miss Rose reels with arousal and moans in pleasure as Ashley starts to tease her clit softly.

Ashley can hear the moans of the onlooking women as they get themselves off to the display. It fuels her perverse need to eat from Miss Rose's delicious hole. She suckles and worships it with her open mouth and wild tongue.

Miss Rose uncontrollably lifts her legs and wraps them around Ashley's head, holding the girl securely in her groin.

Ashley feels the beautiful woman's heels digging subtly into her back, but pays them no heed. She can only think about satisfying the pussy in her mouth. Every moan of delight or whimper of pleasure she gives Miss Rose fills her with enormous happiness.

Ashley keeps her tongue pressed firmly into the hard clit of her Mistress as she drools messily onto the fingers of her left hand. Her wrists, though still bound together, are in front of her. It has been so long since Ashley's had the freedom to use them, she'd almost forgotten she had them.

Her wet fingers slide effortlessly into the hot cunt. Miss Rose's warm lips swallow them hungrily as they come to life inside.

Hot juices are all over Ashley's adorable face as she continues to lick. She can taste her Mistress' flavour changing, becoming more potent as she gets increasingly close to orgasm. It spurs Ashley on further to use every ounce of skill and energy at her disposal to suck and lick and fuck her dominant. To please the beautiful pussy overflowing into her mouth.

The moans from the women in the crowd become louder. Ashley's sense of hearing is dampened from Miss Rose's thighs tightly gripping her head. But she begins to hear uncontrolled screams of delight from the guests as they start to make themselves cum. Ashley can care less anymore that she is being watched, she can only think of her one goal, to make Miss Rose's pussy erupt. She wants to feel the waves of pleasure rush through her Mistress's body and taste their result.

Flickers of intense need and desire flash in Ashley's mind as she momentarily becomes aware of her aching holes. Their desperate arousal almost takes her breath away.

She pulls her fingers from the dripping hole and sucks the honey from them. Drinking Miss Rose's fluids makes her pussy buzz and fills her with bliss and pride.

"More! More! Use that beautiful fucking tongue my dear!" Miss Rose yelps, more inebriated with pleasure than Ashley's ever seen her.

Ashley delves her fingers back inside and they wiggle their way to Miss Rose's puffy G-spot. Ashley's tongue teases the rock-hard bead in her mouth as she carries Miss Rose closer to the edge.

Ashley's ass plug squeezes against her soaking, hot insides and strains her body, putting it through agony. She ignores it as best she can while she continues to rhythmically lap at the exposed clit of her Mistress. Her fingers press up, hard into the most erogenous of the zones, quickly, fiercely as her tongue stays calm and consistent.

Methodically, Ashley brings the dominant, gorgeous woman to the brink of orgasm. Ashley begins to whimper and snarl like an animal as she continues to feast on the cunt she's been presented. Despite Ashley's vagina and ass storming into her awareness, she remains vigilant.

I want you to cum! Cum in my mouth Mistress!

Ashley feels Miss Rose's hand grab at her hair frantically. The woman's fingers pull it, hard, as her hips begin to gyrate. She grinds her pussy into Ashley's face. Her fingers continue to wiggle and fuck the constricting walls of Miss Rose's sopping hole.

"I'm going to cum now. I'm going to gush into your adorable little mouth!" Miss Rose shouts.

Ashley struggles to keep her fingers firm and her tongue flapping as Miss Rose falls silent.

Her satin legs grip Ashley's head tighter, holding her in place. Her hands tug at the girl's brown hair as she falls over the edge. She shoves her hips violently forward as uncontrollable pulses of pleasure cause her muscles to seize.

Miss Rose screams loudly. Her primal ecstasy fills the room. It triggers some of the female guests to erupt into loud orgasms themselves. Their screams of delight signify their bursting pussies.

Ashley can barely hear anything over her own frantic breathing as she continues to lick and fuck her Mistress' pussy.

Miss Rose whimpers with pleasure as she begins to shake.

Ashley keeps her mouth firmly around Miss Rose's trembling lips. She feels a stream of honey flavoured cream pour over her tongue. The viscous nectar tastes like pure, naughty desire. It fills Ashley's mouth, causing her own cunt to gush with need. Her Mistress' cum slowly rolls down her throat as she continues to lick and suck, hoping for more sweetness.

"Fuck me! Oh, good girl... oh my..." Miss Rose commends, completely worn out.

The rush of victory washes over Ashley's body filling her with pride and an intense arousal.

Miss Rose relaxes her grip on Ashley's hair, and puts her legs back on the floor. She purrs with satisfaction as she stands up and adjusts her lavish dress. Her elegant heels carry her a few steps away.

Ashley can hear her speaking to someone quietly on the other side of the room. She tries to listen, but can't make anything out.

While she is pre-occupied with Miss Rose's whereabouts, Ashley's hands fall in between her legs. Unconsciously, her fingers move themselves over her soaking pussy. Before she realizes what she's doing, Ashley is thrusting 2 of her fingers inside her dripping hole. Her other hand rubs her clit excitedly as she quickly approaches her desperate orgasm.

Oh fuck this feels perfect… Oh fuck…

Ashley, drunk on her own arousal, begins to moan wildly as she madly fingers her aching cunt.

"You naughty girl! What are you doing!?" Miss Rose shouts in surprise.

Ashley can feel her tight, warm pussy pulsing around her fingers, begging her not to stop. She can feel her orgasm building from inside her heaving asshole.

"Remove your hands, right now," Miss Rose scolds.

Ashley slowly, painfully follows her Mistress' commands. Her heart rips in half as her fingers slide out, covered in honey. Ashley feels like she's going to cry.

"I'm sorry dear. You just can't be doing that," Miss Rose says as she takes Ashley's wrists in her hands.

Ashley tries not to panic as Miss Rose binds Ashley's cuffs together, behind her back. Again she's left in the darkness under her blindfold.

Miss Rose crosses the room. Ashley sits, perched on her knees, trying to ignore the anguish she's experiencing.

Ashley hears the familiar sound of her metal cage being wheeled towards her. Her soul sinks even further, as she awaits her confinement.

"There we go dear. Come now, inside," Miss Rose says, lovingly. She guides Ashley by the loop in her collar, into the small cage. "Is that comfortable enough sweetie?"

Ashley wants to cry she feels so dejected.

This isn't fair… How can she do this, when… when I gave her so much? I gave her everything.

The discomfort of the cage immediately makes all of her other pangs more vivid and unforgiving. The velvet lining of her anus aches painfully, desperate to have the plug removed from it. It yearns for relief, as does Ashley's throbbing pussy. It is already making a small pool between her knees on the cage floor.

Ashley tries to make herself more comfortable, or bend herself in a way that would allow her hands access to her cunt. Nothing works as she resigns herself into an awkward sitting position. She waits in the darkness, silently, the taste and smell of her Mistress' intoxicating nectar all over her face.

Miss Rose begins to wheel the cage out of the room.

"I'll see you all again soon," Miss Rose announces, politely as she shuts the door behind them.

Ashley loses all sense of herself as she's transported from room to room. Unsure what fate awaits her, she shivers nervously in a puddle of her own excitement. She couldn't possibly feel more alone, more desperate, more needy.

Miss Rose finally stops the cage.

"Dear, you were a very good girl today. I'm very proud of you."

Miss Rose's praise doesn't feel as good as usual. Ashley is lost in despair and the words do little for her.

"Let me show you to your bedroom," Miss Rose adds. She opens the door and assists Ashley out of it.

"Miss Rose… I'm not… I'm not sleeping in the cage tonight?" Ashley asks, scared to get her hopes up, even a little. Her pussy throbs for her attention.

Please, just please, at least let me have my hands back, so I can make myself cum… please…

"You, my dear, get to sleep in your own bed tonight," Miss Rose explains, pride and affection in her voice.

The thought of the warm bed comforts Ashley only slightly as the rigid plug continues to strain her tiny asshole. The pressure against her swelling A-spot has only been growing since it started. The feeling is crushing her with the urge to fuck both her pussy and ass until she cums.

"Thank you Miss Rose…" Ashley says, not trying very hard to veil her disappointment.

Miss Rose opens the door to the bedroom and brings Ashley inside it. Miss Rose begins to remove Ashley's cuff restraints. She whispers in Ashley's ear as she unlocks her wrists.

"Oh, and I got you a little present, for being so good. But don't you peak. Not until I've left. I'm locking the door from the outside. You won't be disturbed until morning."

Ashley's mind tries to grapple with the information, but it makes no sense to her.

What is she talking about?

Ashley feels something small placed in her hand, then hears the sound of the door shutting behind her. The lock clicks shut. She realizes her hands are free and they immediately work to remove her blindfold.

The leather covering falls to the floor.

Ashley stands in an ornate, warm, lavish room; a soft, elaborate king-sized bed in the middle of it. On the bed, lies Tessa. Her wrists are bound to her ankles, spread open on her back. Her eyes are covered by a satin mask. Her lips are pressed around a red ball-gag. And her rosy, little ass has a plug locked inside it.

Ashley stands there for a moment, in complete disbelief of the sight in front of her. Her pussy throbs wetly between her legs. Knowing pure ecstasy is only moments away, Ashley can't help but weep. Tears of happiness escape her eyes.



Continued In the finished Novel. Available now.


You can find it on SmashWords called: "A week in a dungeon" By: Aerith L.

Details and link to the novel can also be found on my profile.

Written by Aerith_Lives
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